City Profile Lankershim California 1924 By Frank D. Parent

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Download & View City Profile Lankershim California 1924 By Frank D. Parent as PDF for free.

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The Redlta BkLe Book ol Califotni&

Chicago, lvith its increasing pa]'r'oll, is only otre of her present industries. A transcontinental nilway, an iDterurban line and a five cent Los ADgeles city car se$'ice, combired with t{'o of the heaviest traveled high\Mays in Southeln California, ard thirty miies of imploved and projected boulevards withiD her own boundaries, allow her touring joys unexcelled. Ma[y religious denoniDations, c]editably housed,two model'n theaters and active social and civic organizations, give her wholesome pleasule. All the above and other natural advaDtages ar'€ enjoyed at Inglewood. i \GI,DII'OOD, Jessie W., 944 N. Ercallttus. Baum & Sariers, Sarnrgs Bank Blds. ledlord, J. R., 125 So. Marlet St. B e n d e r , C l r a s .C , , 6 5 0 1 n e d o n d o B l v d B . o o k s & B a t r D r .1 0 9 \ . X l a r l i e l S t . De Lons. G.o. T., 623 \. Hns'thorne, D . n s D o r e , G i l b b e r t .S a ! i n s s B a r k B l d g , nrisliill Bros., 113 so. llar\ct st. Crijtin C. C.,205 Crilin Blrls.\, C, E.,3r3 So. Xlarliet St. lnclerood R€altJ Co. 130 N. \Iarket

BltolillRs Maaee & Son, 112 So, Ilarlret St. llilbufn & llandall. i514 i-enorX r c D o n r i d ,l r . l l . , 1 1 r i N . l I a r l r e l . SonurNcsi lae.liols, 223 \. llarket St, s[ilh, Lero! H., 115 N. arlret. S c h o u b o e& X I c c a l i i s t e r , 1 5 2 l ! . S p r u c e S D a n l t l i n s ,H e n r r R . , 2 1 S n . Q u e e n S t . Tlromtor Realty Co.,108 S. arket. \Varirg & Law, 1r,! S, tr[arkei.

Lankershim,the Friendly Community UST ovcr the hills fron Holly$ood lies the suburban community of Lankershim, only teD miles from the Los Angeles business dist]'ict. Lankelshim is $.here the San F€rnaDdo Valley bcgirs that 125,000 acre garden of Los Angeles where soil, water, climate and industry 1'aised the plodigious total of tweDt)-five Dlillior dollars'worth of market-basket products last I'ear. LAl reNhinl, long hno$n as the "Hone of the Peach" place, has now, through the transformatioD of its acres oI braDching orchards ilto broad thoroughfar€s and beautiful hone sites, becomethe "Peach of a Holr1c" place. Almost over right LaDkelshim has ar.isen ir this lnnd oI pleDty. From 2372 persons jD 1922, it has glo1{-n to a thdftl' connunity of 5360 ill 1923 126 Dercent iDcrease ir orle year'. Today its twentyeiglrt mode'-n loons fail to accommodate the school population, and three additional llew irltemediate schools and A DlasrificeDt new high -choolr|e soorrlo be built Lpon beaul:iu silF" r'ecn;tly providpd. This ph€no eral glowth oI Lankershim is due to natulal adIt restles hcath the hills in ore of the ost beautiful sDots in Southerr Califoruin. It has delightful tree-boldered streets, {'ell ordered homes, fine high*ays, rapid electric aDd stean lines, modern stores, strong banl(s, good churches, dependableIealtors. Back of it is the urge of a grcat, glo$'ing, nasterful city. Just be)-oDdis a vet'itabie empile. A charming noultain-gift va]ley, r'ich as Croesus iu natural $'ea1th and oppo unity.

TlLe Re(ltu Bhle RoaL al Califorltia


Chalmins in situ^tion. str':ltesic irr locatiorl and friendlv in enis Lankelshim. vironncnt-this From hele the fxmed San Felnando Vailet' spreads, fanlike over its vast slretchcs of lleld aDd orchard. FIom hele nainly diverge lh€ gleAt highways and a]teies of travel ovel this inland emoire-. Lankershim boule\':rrd, Sh€rman Way :rnd Ventura boulevard now delive...a nevcr-ending stlcarn of commelce, lihe the shuttle cock of the loom, bct\!ecn city and country. Conser'\'ativccstirnates si!e the Sar FcInarldo Vallov half a nliliion conterted, plosDelous popul.rtion withir a very fcw yeals. Larkershim's gl.or'lh lhe past year presages it. The faster the v:rllev fills, the more substantial becomesL^nkershim. Ttirtt- thousand population for Lankershim in 19110is not an exaggerated plophecl', for that is onl]'hatf the prescnt lopulation of tho valley. LankelshiDr is foul and a hatl niles fr'onr llollvwood's me|IoDolitan center, $'lrcre t*-erty-file nlilliorl dollar's North of hcight-limit Luildings are under constructioti. Our orvn last l'e:lr's building program reached $920,000. Lankexhim rvas lecently annexed to Los Angeles irl older that it might have rnore oldcrly dileclion given to its r'apid development: That it might p ticipate in the benefits oI the great aqueduct lYater supply; -that it might feet the security of life and propertv which adequate police and nre pr-otectioD:tffods; -that it might oller the adlantages of its natuml location, Dlus those conveDicncesin the industrial expansion of Southen California and thus attain the fullcst measure of permanency as an integral part o{ that phenomenon in cit)- building-Los AnEeles, Th-erealto|s are anim:rted bv the ethjcs and loltv ideals of their plofessiol. They :uc itrbued i'ith thc spitit of lovrl :1ndl.Nting ser'vice to Lxnkelshim. The most cordial invitation of its Realty Board and Chamber 01 Commerce is extended to the hones€eker. Theil frieDdlv ilterest is ofered to make your visit or inquiry one of pleasure and profit to youYou'11like to live in Lank€rshim-the Friendlv Communit-v. t,-\\IirrtsHllrl



i0{i Larkc'shim It, al.o. l. Jlartlelt, ]Irs. Blrd Chas. & lrrfr.ll. 600u l,anlrersl'i,:L o Neil, D. L., Itvans Si.eel Blrtl. l).nneld & Forsyih, 5219 l,arkershim Forsylh, E. L-, 5!l I Lantdshtn Ulrll Frcedmar, wm. J., Lank€rshim DlYd. ' f h r r s l r . r , 1 \ _ .l " F . u f t h s l x D d v i D r " 1 ,u l c h . r , J . s . , C . n l u l - \ r . . a D d l r i a r BITd. i111 r'rntebhln R o r i c k , e . c . , 1 0 , J 1 2v e l t u f a B l v d . Btvd. M c C e D n , ! I f s . \ . U . . 5 1 1 2 2L a n k e . s h i n r s ! o . 1 , 1 , ) n . l l a l D l r 5 1 l S l , i D k e r s n i t ! Lorisl,

ii.11 Lanktr


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