City Profile Redlands California 1924 By Ralph C. Huntington

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Download & View City Profile Redlands California 1924 By Ralph C. Huntington as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 3

Tlte Re(tll! Blue Book ol Catifornia,

Redlands-A City Above the Averlse 83, RALPE C. HuNTrNcroN

ESTLING at the foot of the San Bemardino Mountains and shelteredon three sides by great protecting ranges, lies that beautiful little thrivins city :which was the o ginal

Eastem millionaires in Califomia. . FoI Jears fhis dis(rict has held, against all comers, the tide of the "Largelt OrangeShippingPoint in the Wol.ld. Here is the home oI the greal Navel Omnge, Premjereof all fruils, consislins oI hundreds.of well cared for. well fpd and hcalthy acres bearing (heir beautiful trees of golden fruit. Redlandsis primarily a city of home-. From lhe lowlv cotlase of the laboler lo the slaiely mansion of rhe wealrhy. thesi dwel-lings enjoy a beauty of selling And a healthfulnpssoI climate uneoua fo anl vhere. The alLitudevaries around t352 fppr. clear and fogless, warrn in surnmFrand c sp in winrer. providing all lhe glory of-Calilornra sunshlne.yetprevenling the increeDingof blood sluggjshnpss o1 trneseml-troprcs. Educctionally this comnrunity has cotnbinedbeauty of settins wilh excellenceof learlling. Her.pis locnled lhe Univeriity of Red'lands, whjle leading to il are all bralches of elementaryinitruction, from the kindergarlen to the Junior Coilese. Thc greal, industr'al growih of Sourhirn California is leflected jn Rediandsby a growing list of manufacrories including iextiles, lood products.contpcttonerl.lractors. sash and doors,et.. Closein_ ternal hannony is evideDcedin this mattel of industrial alevelopment by the unincation of efforl by the Redlcnds Chamber of Commerce and the RedlandsRealty Board. These two excellenrolganizations maintain a joint industrial committee which investigates a;d sifts all pfospecls. reporin- thpfeor and Iccommpnding uo rhe people at Area for the exnansion of rhe industrial .enier is admirably . localedbet1^epnthe Sants Fe and Sourhalr pa.ifi. r.a:lfoadright"s_ofway and close to the Pacific Elect c main line to I-os Angele;. The oxlensionoi the disurict\rill be along nor.malrail lirres,reking in comparalivaly in-expensive g|ound and nor encroachingufon nor injuring present residential sections. Power, water ard labor are available in Realianalsfor- much less than the great majority of cities can ofier. Industrially-Redlands mLrstbe consider.eil. Geoglaphically,-Redlands dr.aills a wonaleful terr-itory. To the north is that wonderful section of citrus groves known as'the Hiqhland_and-East Highlsnd disrricts. This ltnd is on high mesasov?rlooking the Santa Ana Rivpr valley and pfactica y froiltess. On this account many of the best and highest p|iced groves are to be found hereSoulheast is jhe lamous yucaipa Valley rnal Oak Glen, where grow^rnc Drg red apples, t_Jre peaA. ppachesjchefries and orher decidu_ ous Irutts.

Ike Realtg BtrueBook al CaifonLto,


Past the Yucaipa Valley opensthe gentlepassto Beaumont,and tience-to the Coachellaand Imperial Valle,'s. This highway, runling through Redlands, is a link of the Ocean to Ocean Highvay, tha transcontinental road with the lovrest qrades available. From a varationingstandpointrhelollowng numbelamongrhe atttactions easily accessibleby motor car or stage: Ar-rowheadHot Springs, Arrowhead Lake, Arrowhead Hospilai, Frpdalba ParL Bis BeaI Lake Resons.Pine KnoL.ForesLHome.Oak Clpn, Palni Springs: San Jacinto Mountain Resor.ts,includinb ldyllv.ild, Retief and Eden Hot Springs; Smiley Heights, ScenicDrive, Rim of the World; Milt Creek,City Creek and SanTimoteo Canyonsand many otheN of less rmportance. The large municipal plunge, BrooksidePark, Smiley park and many other points within the city provide amplepicnic grounds and pray cenrers. In general,Redlandsis blessedv,'tithmuch that cannot be found elsewhere-beauty of homes and surroundings,industrial gros,th, motor and raii accessibiljty. heallhlul and enjoyableclimate,fair \aluesand noi boomprices.stapleagriculLuralproducts,chuiches, amusementsand education;truly Redlandsis well describedas .,A City Abovethe Average."

San Jcrse Bxl J. E. FISIIER

AN JOSE is in the Valley of Heart's Delight, fifty miles south of San Francisco. It is a seaport tol'.n, its city limits extending -to the San Francisco Bay. It is the county seat of the most productive county, acre for acre, in this state. It has a poprilation of 40.000or 65,000if adjacentresideniialdislricrsare in(luded.and it is governedb) a City Manager. Sixty trains a da) enter aid leave over two railroad lines. Beautiful trees line t}le streets, and viewed from a tall building the city appearsto have beenbuilt in a magnificent forest. We p de ourselveson our school buildings, playgrcunds, and equipment. We have a State Teachels' College, numerous schools of oeveralbusinpsscollegps, music.rnd lhough nor in thp cil_ylimits, we claim(he Collega oI the Pacific,the Universittof SaniaCiara,and the g?eatStanford University. Our crnnedand driedfruits carry our namelo lhe entireworld. Our twenty-lourcanneries packseveniyrnillion.ans annuallyard we make the cans, Of the two hundred and fifty million pounds of dried fruits and nuts raised in our va.lley,we pack a large proportion,and we sell about three-fourths of the dried prunes and apricots of the entire state. We lave sixty churchorganizaiions,a Countly CIub,a yacht Club with a fleet of fifty yachts ancl motor boats, seven theaters atd numerousparks. Alum Rock Park. wilh its 625 acresin t}le foothills, is famousIor iLs unsurpassedmineral springs,iLs natatorium.and play-

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