City Profile Long Beach California 1924

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Tke Real,t! Btue Bool{ of Cq,Iifornia

able; wherethe socialand coiiperativevalueof the communityis high and in a land that is lacedand interlacedby pavedhighways. In the suburbancommunitiesof the Sacramentosectionone may own a ranch home that rn'ill producea net income equal to a good salary, enjoy all of the delights of living on a fruit rarch and still enjoy every city advantage and convenience. l}ansportation lines of every description ndiate from Sacramento's marketing center-transcontinental railways, electric lines, highways lvith their modem trucking facilities and river transportation urequaled for volume of businessby any inland waterway in America. For thoseinterestedin large holdings,either for subdivisionpurposesor farming, no sectionof the stateoffers suchopportunitiesboth in price and value. Lend is reasonablypriced and has a verT high productivevalue. If you make a t p of inspectionyou will perceiveinvestmentopportunities-both agdculturally and industdally-immediately before you, It is sufficientmerelyto suggestthat the Secramentosectionrdll provea verJ' interestingplacefor your car€flrl investigation. Cor-respondenceis invited by the Agdcultural Depar-tmentof the Sacramento Chamber of Commerceand other Chambers of Commerce throughout the Sacramentovalley who make every endeavorto safeguard the investmentof the homeseeterand render eveN aid to make ce*ain his start proves a successand not an experiment,

Long Beach A Metropolisin the Making ROWTH of Long Beachis like a story from Arabian Nights. Ihe story of the developmentof Southem California's woncledul pleasureresort is oneof the most amazingchroniclesin th€ history of this country of wonderful development.From a mere village with a populationof only 2,200in 1900,it hss lesDedin tw€nty-four years to a metropolisof 135,000souls. Du ng the sameperiod, its building permits have jumped from 9100,000a year to more than 24,000,000, while its baDk clearingshave increasedfrom 96,000,000 in 1910to $432,000,000 in 1923.'The assessed valuationhas increased from $12,000,000 in 1906 to $116,000,000in 1923; postal receipts from $115,000in 1916to $4?3,1?7in 1923. The rapid smlrth as an industrial center is shown by its 245 industries capitalizedat 918,000,000with 5,000employeesand a monthly payroll of 9750,000.In the oil industry the amourt investedis about $40,000,000 l^'ith 500 derricks and 215 producing wells. The production for 1923 was 68.810.361 barrels. All previousbuilding recordsfor Long Beachwere broken with the report for the first three months of 1924. The building record not only for March bu! for the first three months of any previous year was brokenaccordingto th€ figuresgiven out April 1st, The totat for

1he ReoJtaBl e Book af Calilorrlia


the year to_dale(April) amountsto $?.M1,420 which is $1,288.241

]:?'i,:lil,$1,""f il?HH.g:"Xl# [:j:li'li:J3;J[?""f#:'i:.",9,',:

as against the month ot March, 1923,$1,9?4,6I8:?;;t;: $2,287.240 ner month up uolhat time. The granting of the p"".ii" ioi *e i"* lrng^tsea.hSecurityTrusL& Sav;ngsBankbuitdingfor 91,200,000 is one.or che rec€nt targe permits granted. The building witlt full equrpmentand lixtr/res will meanan investnent of more than $ 000. According to figurescompiiedby the Southwesf B;i&;-;;i Uontraclor, Los Angelcs. lor the monbh oI March long Beach is prlfed-!9co]rgamongthe cities oI rhe southland,Los Anailes leadine $.ith 917.279,758. One-family d$ellings tor ttr" monutrji maict tet In ot permils.138beingissued,toralinggBI3,4b0.Two_famlry ower|lngscamenexl,$ith seventFpn totaljng 924,000. ADartments wilh fifteen permits torating $100.000,privari e"ire"" *iit nrnepermrlstotal,ng$30.000, "i;"1;-iI and five faftoriesrojaiins$40.000. rne.presentralro estabtished during the frrsl three monlhsshouldbe m^arntalned-for thc year of 1924.the total wouldbe morpthan g2S,_ 000.0i0. The toral tor'1923dwasslighjly tessthaDg24,000,000. tn i1s locationand rlimcte Long Beachhas lremejtdous natural

'J;fr:"#,il,J:*ff $1X"li,xJ.i",l.l:"f ,,'f ,'liH";:ij"":f s:*lh sandy bath'ng bpach, shpttered by t.he famous Catalina tsland; a;;;tv

mllcs oJtshore,aDd with a elimate tempefed by a warm Japanesecur_ Fert wnlcJr s\deepsby its shores, Irng Beach was blessedw.ith more tnan rts share of nalural advantages to stan. Hovever, Nalure piled on by sloring one of re greatest oil deposils in the worrct.rnthe bark'yard of this foflunaie city: aiso by grvins it a spren_dLd naturat harbol jn which the shipping ot the world oDe dav wrrl drop anchor. Around this harbor some of lhe Erealest industri;l institutions of are rapidly uiilizing spa"ce,i/ith the r;ui; mar _r,ong.lJeacrrts last becoming a gTeat manufaclurjnc and com_ mercral center as wpll as ihe leading pleasure rcsot-l- of Jhe pacific Long. rhe C-ou-nb.y'splayg|ound. affords every variety ol. }ecrealtonand sporf and all kinds of amuspmenisat the city's parki and pleygrounds.which can ba cn.ioyedpver\ day i the vear. as the


sixly.rivedesress in rhpsummar andfifty_five

Irng Beach also boasts the largest amus€mentzoneon the pacific coast. The farnoxs "Pike', or ,,Wailkof a Thou"r"d Li;h1;,;;;iii; anuspmcntzoneis L-nownall over lhe world and is madeuD 0l countlessconcessions and cmusemenlfealures. Irng Beach is also a beautjful residpnjial city, boastinqsomeof tle fineslhomesin the southland. Fith neally a'trundrea-mitesof paleclstreel-sand alleys. Jl is the bomeof one of thc finesthostehies rn lhe well as many olher high-classhotels and aDartment houses. It is only twtnty miles from Los Angelesover the Union Pacific,Southe.mPaci6c,and PacificElectric Ra-ihoads, ,"tt * tv nve pavedboutevards. "a

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