City Profile West Hollywood California 1924 By G.l. Schmutz Realtor

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Download & View City Profile West Hollywood California 1924 By G.l. Schmutz Realtor as PDF for free.

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Tlrc Re(LltABlue Book of Californi.L

which would indicatethe confidence of oil pr.omotersin this field. The leases,in nearly every instance,have beenmadeto the large oil comparnes, The future oJ B€llflower is exceedinglybright, many new residencesand storesbeing in courseof constructionand proposed,and it is predicted that in another five years the population will again double. We still hav€ rcom for many more homeseekers. lrlr)Lll.Itltvliili Thos. w, Powell, Ple8ident. J, D. Clark, Vice Presidetrt. !'troEa6 D. Flynn, Secretary-Trcasurer



r. l. xlarriott

(of Hynes).

West Hollywood B?/G. L. SCHMUTZ, Realtor f T wouldbe indepddifficulrlo find a seciionin any metrcpolislhal aq fast as Wesr Holl)wood;Wccr.HollJwoodbeing ^I has developpd thrt paft oI Los Angelpsboundpdon the east by La Brea avenue. and on the north by the Santa Monicamountains. In this district, there are areasthat were under cultivation less than two years ago; today they are almost completelydevelopedwith homesof bona fide residents. Farm lands, untillable swamps, l'ugged hill slopes, have all beensubdivjded,and improvedwith pavedstreets,coDcretesidewalks, gas,electricity and water conrections;they have beendevelopedwith a variety of charming homes,incomparableanl'lvhereon the face of Ihe globe. Bounding west Hollyrvoodon the north is the Santa Monica range of mountains, terminating at the Pacific Ocean,some eight miles to the west. It is along the southern slopeof thesemountains that Holltwood and West Holl)'woodlie, nestledagaipst the hillsid€, and spreadingsoutherly into the alluvial flats below. Ir West Hollywood.the topographyva es, as well as the prices of property; there is variety wide enoughto pleaseeither taste or pocketbook. One can live along the slope of the gentle hillside, or reside on level grouDd; one can purchasepmperty at very modest prices,or get all of the exclusiveness that moneycan purchase. fn the extreme western end of West Holl]^vood lies the beautiful village of Sheunan, vith the poinsettia fields ancl avocadogloves spread graciousl)'along the hillside, and interspersedwith maglificent homes, blendnrg into a color schemethat only the Supreme Architect could create. West Hollj'wood has the least variation in temperature of any s€ctionof Los Angelescounty; it is frostlessand fogless. Dudng the hottest days of summer West Holll'wood is fanned by the cool, refreshing breezesfrom the ocean,

Ihe ReoJtUBl,ueBook 6l Ca,l,ilomt


I,os Angeles has grown, bas been subdivided,and is beins developedalong many lines farther to the north, easi or soulh, th;n to the west, and the lact that here is only a small area on the'western srdeot Los ADgetes,as comparedwilh other directions,has nalurallv brought.aboutqlricker development:and a greater density of popul; uon to Urewesl,.than in any other ]ine. This gTeatand fast intinsi_ ryng or poputanonto the westrthrough West Hollywood,has had its consequenterecl upon the values of rpal estate. ln fact, there are instancesof has actually sold for thirt! times as mucn as ]t ao/d 10r tnree years Drior. WesL HoilJ,.woodis traveried by -lour of the most imoortant arter"res_leading .out oI l,os Angeles,_Santa Monica Blvd.,_sunset 5lvcl., .llellose Ave. and Beverly Blvd. SanLaMonica and Sunset oourevardsconnect l,os Angeles with ihe pacific Ocean,via WesL frolywood, at the hall way Doint. . Il is not humanly posiible to adequatelyclescribethe beautieso[ LneartisLtc,or the possibilitiesof the West Hollyqrood. une ml|st comeand see;seeingjs believing, Tbat js why WesfHollv_ wooatts such a cosmopoljtancornmunity. The artisis' colonv came rnto -ex-rsteDce bpcauseof the tI ings adistic; because,in Wesi Hollv_ vrooct.Natlre is exemplifiedin all her beauly, Then, there are r,hoie who. Eeektngpeac€and conte ment, have selectedWest Holiywood as lhe place to enjoy a]l thal Nature has to offer. ll is the acmeof perrectton:the Atpha and Omegaof the Creator.smosl perfeci handi_ Come to West Holl,.wood, and you will never leave. IIIEST NOI']YWOOD BNOKEITS Banett, A, A.,8?31 Santa Montca_ Kirkeby, lleodore, ? 919 Merrcse. Burdell, x'red'W., Si*th and lairrax Kosches, E,, 8300 Sauta Modca, lan6 & Irynch, 8626 Sarta Monlca. Ca_rDenter,E. J.. Croscert Iieights and M c D o n a l d , S . a , & S o n , 8 1 9 N , Fatfu M c K e r D R e a L t yC o . , 7 4 9 9 S a l r a M o n i c a Carter DeEaven Co., SaDts MonicaaDd Miles Realty Co., 7554 Sdfa Motri.a. Nronis, Macr-., €11 N, !.ailfax, Eddy, Jerohe S., 865,0 santa Monjce. Oven, R. L. & Co., 8223 SaDta MoDtca. Iratrlrx-Mehose Really Co., 643 N, Pointcr, D, A., 83'07 Sanra Moltca. .w. Ross, P., 8665 Sada Monica. Finn-Sawyer Co,, ?73? Santa Moltca. Royer, Jessie H,, ?562 Sunset B1yd. EaU, LyDtr J,, 8953 SaDta Moni.a_ sclLmutz, G, rr,, 8629 sdta Monicr, Kem!, Yourgquist & Ozete, a2I2 Thonpson & Toney, ? 810 Santa Monica

Bell, Where a Rinqinq Welcome Awaits You B? JEss FILLET Chaiiman Pnbrlciiy Com@ittee, Realty B@rd

ELL is tv-enty minutes from the heart of Los Angeles, the fastest growing city in t}Ie United States. In Bell a;e to be found all the convenieD(es of the city, and at the same time all the aovanEges01 the counFy.

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