City Profile Inglewood California 1924 By Frank D. Parent

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TILeEedltlJ Blu.eRoolr of CeLifatrria


I ngler,rood r l,-/ FR4NK D. P-a.REN ) T I S U A L, ,I Z Ei l r o u \ \ ' :1 .o | l ao l I j r r i f n f , . s f a i r F s ld : r u g r , l " r'nl r. nr j r l t r , " L p . r r J . o r . h " a r " r rL ,p . s ,d . . e . T h F r . s ,.r,d V' A ^ d o . r h - ' . a r t o f r , . r r ri r r l . ' r ' ' : r " r d l r , . J l o \ t o f t l ' . o o l . g Pacific breezc LrpoDhef cheeks, {tri1e hel vet5' beilrs Ieplesents the esilant befole, but corlideDt ot ller char'n1s stability oI Califor.nia. no\1',she stands at the threshold ol a {'onderful futule. This ladiart debutartc, Irglen'ood, is the br'airl child of one oi the soullllarld's nost pictulcsquc pioneers the nuch honored and IesDectcd Deniel F! eeman. Her dal's of inJancy \i'erc filled ii'ith dif_ ficultics \.hicll formed lhe fouDdntion of hel plesenl splendid citi zenry. Her hill and highlnrcl :rcles ploduced flonl the she€p and glain thc clothjlg and food for tholrs:rnds. Nccessuily hel glolvth, while not so rrpid, assules healthfulless. SD:ued boon g]'o\\,th, she has escapedthe stllerirg illcjderlt to gro\\'irrg lairs. Flolrl a handful of DeoDleshe hl1s gro\\ n to a Dopuhtjon ol ovcl 1500 ir1 1910. BI 1920 shc h:rs doubled her populatior, ard todai she leDlesetltsover'15,000inh:lbjin!rts.bcing an inc'-easeof 400 Der' cert over 1920. Nnrcty-five per cenl of lLer resideDts o{'I1 theil own I

IIer edlrcation has rlwals lreen the fir'sl considcration. A t\\o ulrit gramDrar' school vnllred at $200,000,a Crilnegie Libr':ny at)d:rD $800,000Ihlion gish School suDtty rll thc adlirnt:1ses. A fljgl School farm of rine a.rres:1nda c^mt)us oJ icr) acres :1l1or-sull'jcieDt roonr for' adcqualfj buildirlgsAn altitude ol .rpproxinratel-v two hu .tlcd icct :rboyc sen lcvcl, br'inghg the refleshirlg ocear l]r'eezesand an r\euge lenlDelatule of 60 drglees, coupled 1i.ilh r rnunicipally o\vncd {ater st'stcm t,rpping an underglound li\,er oI pule sDIing watcr', bljng hcl vigolous herlrh. A p:r|k st'sten1.anplc and unique, js beiug develol)ed for hcr Restri(tio1rsrgainst rll bui. lhc Caucrlsian1nce,lvith De\'cr'.1jail. :ur.l a cilizel]s|ip ol supcrfinc qurlitt. r.l highcst;\mcric:rn iclc:rls hale nloulded heI chrractcr'. Shc js bLrikledufor '1 soil lich a d lertilc. All liinds o{ Jruit. \e!'teirbles :rnd gliirs gron' abrmd ru:- :1ndtrofitrblt'. 1.'loNersxnd tlees. lLrxLrfi^r)tjf !'r'o\f ih r d bc:1nty, cn(:h,r-l lhe c!c. Uer'\'ealliL is sho\yrlbi.her b:uli deposilsilr e\cess ol thlec a]rcl one-h.rlf rriliion Llollus rlulinjl thc ni]rc nloDths of 19i:1, as cotrp,Llc.l i'iUr one:Lrd ore l.rll nrilliors lol all 192:; blrildirg Delrnitstotalins ovc," t\l.o aDclone-{ou|th rrilliorl clol]l[s Ji)f the pr escnt l car', beirg a gairl of;00 per ccrlt sircc l1):0jfos||1l rc(cil)ls sho\\'iugr gnlr of ll;0 per cerll irl t|ree I'eals; A asscssedvahraiior lhjs Jerr of o\'er si:r nlilliorl dolt:us, :1 .100per c:efl gain since l9:0j :rnd ar1 illclust|i.rl gro$th iD.rrcnsirg b.!-ihous rds. lfnnu{rctllfers llnd a clinrate sLril.LLle for all-lcnl \ror'li irdools arld out-of-r1oors, coDrfortablc lilirs coDditioDs for' thcir enployces and an :rcccssibilittr unsurlassed. Thc largest chril factorl. \1'cst of


The Redlta BkLe Book ol Califotni&

Chicago, lvith its increasing pa]'r'oll, is only otre of her present industries. A transcontinental nilway, an iDterurban line and a five cent Los ADgeles city car se$'ice, combired with t{'o of the heaviest traveled high\Mays in Southeln California, ard thirty miies of imploved and projected boulevards withiD her own boundaries, allow her touring joys unexcelled. Ma[y religious denoniDations, c]editably housed,two model'n theaters and active social and civic organizations, give her wholesome pleasule. All the above and other natural advaDtages ar'€ enjoyed at Inglewood. i \GI,DII'OOD, Jessie W., 944 N. Ercallttus. Baum & Sariers, Sarnrgs Bank Blds. ledlord, J. R., 125 So. Marlet St. B e n d e r , C l r a s .C , , 6 5 0 1 n e d o n d o B l v d B . o o k s & B a t r D r .1 0 9 \ . X l a r l i e l S t . De Lons. G.o. T., 623 \. Hns'thorne, D . n s D o r e , G i l b b e r t .S a ! i n s s B a r k B l d g , nrisliill Bros., 113 so. llar\ct st. Crijtin C. C.,205 Crilin Blrls.\, C, E.,3r3 So. Xlarliet St. lnclerood R€altJ Co. 130 N. \Iarket

BltolillRs Maaee & Son, 112 So, Ilarlret St. llilbufn & llandall. i514 i-enorX r c D o n r i d ,l r . l l . , 1 1 r i N . l I a r l r e l . SonurNcsi lae.liols, 223 \. llarket St, s[ilh, Lero! H., 115 N. arlret. S c h o u b o e& X I c c a l i i s t e r , 1 5 2 l ! . S p r u c e S D a n l t l i n s ,H e n r r R . , 2 1 S n . Q u e e n S t . Tlromtor Realty Co.,108 S. arket. \Varirg & Law, 1r,! S, tr[arkei.

Lankershim,the Friendly Community UST ovcr the hills fron Holly$ood lies the suburban community of Lankershim, only teD miles from the Los Angeles business dist]'ict. Lankelshim is $.here the San F€rnaDdo Valley bcgirs that 125,000 acre garden of Los Angeles where soil, water, climate and industry 1'aised the plodigious total of tweDt)-five Dlillior dollars'worth of market-basket products last I'ear. LAl reNhinl, long hno$n as the "Hone of the Peach" place, has now, through the transformatioD of its acres oI braDching orchards ilto broad thoroughfar€s and beautiful hone sites, becomethe "Peach of a Holr1c" place. Almost over right LaDkelshim has ar.isen ir this lnnd oI pleDty. From 2372 persons jD 1922, it has glo1{-n to a thdftl' connunity of 5360 ill 1923 126 Dercent iDcrease ir orle year'. Today its twentyeiglrt mode'-n loons fail to accommodate the school population, and three additional llew irltemediate schools and A DlasrificeDt new high -choolr|e soorrlo be built Lpon beaul:iu silF" r'ecn;tly providpd. This ph€no eral glowth oI Lankershim is due to natulal adIt restles hcath the hills in ore of the ost beautiful sDots in Southerr Califoruin. It has delightful tree-boldered streets, {'ell ordered homes, fine high*ays, rapid electric aDd stean lines, modern stores, strong banl(s, good churches, dependableIealtors. Back of it is the urge of a grcat, glo$'ing, nasterful city. Just be)-oDdis a vet'itabie empile. A charming noultain-gift va]ley, r'ich as Croesus iu natural $'ea1th and oppo unity.

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