Church Position

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  • December 2019
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The beginning of the beginnings. Introduction to : Who you are; Where you come from; and Where you are going to.

Church Positioning.

W ho thought w ha t? Can a thought be so mething ? Ho w huge should be a thought to conta in the whole ear th and it s content ? W ho can ha ve a thought l ik e tha t? Can the ear th be out of thought? .. .


Where does everyone and everything come from? John1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. Everything was in mind of the Word, everything was contained in the Word which was already there before anything was. God has got two Kingdoms, the one in heaven and the other on earth. All the inhabitants of his Kingdom on earth are the people who were in his Kingdom in heaven. When they are here on earth, it is not the first time for them to live, but the only first experience they have is to live in flesh. They may be sent for various reasons here on earth. Some are sent for a specific solution to a specific problem. You whom I have took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off” Isaiah 41:9 “Before I formed you in womb I knew you; and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah1:5 The people do not live forever, they have to go back where they came from. Their citizenship is heaven. Philippians 3:20-21

The Spirit has got mouth and a voice that speaks a Word with a supernatural command! Genesis 1:3


The Body of Christ. There is a completeness of a being or person in Holy Spirit. A complete person has the head, body, legs and the works or services he offers. In the Holy Spirit are Spiritual gifts. Ephesians 4:11

Ephesians 4:15 Christ is the Head of the Body of Christ. Ephesia ns 4:16


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Spiritual Gifts And he gave: ◦ the apostles, ◦ the prophets, ◦ the evangelists, ◦ the pastors and ◦ the teachers. Ephesians 4:11 There is still a lot activities ( works and services) that are contained in the Holy Spirit. And God supply these according to his will for a specific purpose. Below are some of them:

Works and Services. • • • • • • • • • • •

Manifestation of spirits Message of wisdom Message of knowledge Faith Healing Miraculous power Prophecy Distinguishing between spirits Interpretation of tongues Those able to help others Administration

1Corinthians12:7 1Corinthians12:8 1Corinthians12:8 1Corinthians12:9 1Corinthians12:9 1Corinthians12:10 1Corinthians12:10 1Corinthians12:10 1Corinthians12:10 1Corinthians12:28 1Corinthians12:28


1John4:8 1Corinthians13:1-3,8,13

God is Love.

If someone (individual, congregation) lacks love, lacks God himself Body of Christ represents God (Christ) If it lacks him it is incomplete. One church built upon one or two of spiritual gifts for examples: Apostles and Evangelist, can not consider itself the whole Body of Christ/Church


and the prosperity that goes together with that church cannot be considered to be the fulfillment of the Word which says; “And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail…”Deuteronomy28:13 Many parts, but one body. 1Corinthiams12:12-27

God’s Trinity/Kingdom (Structural Representation). Jesus is Lord and Christ. Acts 2:36

God, the Father.

God is in Jesus and Jesus is in God. John17:11,21

Mathew6:9 John4:24

God, the Son Psalm110:1 Acts2:25,33,35

Mathew 28:19 Father - Son Holy Spirit When you repent, you receive Holy Spirit.

God, Holy Spirit Acts2:5,38 John14:26; 20:22 Romans8:9-12 1Corinth3:16

Holy Spirit lives in Christians.

1Peter4:6 Rev1:10 Christians live in Holy Spirit.


Where do the Christian fit in the Structural representation of God’s Kingdom/Trinity?

God, the Father

God, the Son

God, Holy Spirit in Christians & Christians in Holy Spirit

The true nature of God is LOVE.1John4:8

Upon repentance, forgiveness of sins and being born again, people receive Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in Christians and the Christians dwell in him, therefore the Christians fit in the God the Holy Spirit part of the structural representation of God’s Trinity or Kingdom. They become the part of conferences, workshops or anything of that sort that is conducted in heaven so that they can pass it on to the nation below. The Spiritual gifts that they receive after receiving Holy Spirit grant them the chairs in the God’s government. The spiritual gifts are contained in one and the same Holy Spirit. 6


Why God gives spiritual gifts? To: Equip the saints for the works of the ministry for building up the Body of Christ.

Why Body of Christ? The Body of Christ is of salvation and service to all the nations. John 3:14-16 (One church built upon one or two spiritual gifts such as: pastor, teacher is not the whole Body of Christ and it should not be used for personal gain. The prosperity of one part of the Body of Christ cannot tell that it is the head, but it forms irregularity to the whole Body especially in the people’s point of view. The yearly resolutions and goals for each and every part of Body of Christ should be first to aim at coming together and move in one unity.) Jesus has to be lifted up so that he draws up the people to himself. John12:32

Why and how can he be lifted up? You can lift one arm which can be one of the parts of the Body of Christ for example, ministering through your healing gift or evangelical gift in such a way that you are known in the whole world, but that cannot shake or touch Jesus to make so much impact to the whole nation holistically (in terms of all spiritual gifts) until all the body parts weld together and function in one unity having one goals and destiny. • •

Your Kingdom come, you will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Mathew 6:9 Governance is upon Jesus, Isaiah9:6-7, which means that the only duty that has to be done is to lift him up and once he has been lifted up, he will then govern the whole earth in terms of light( John8:12,28), healing and more


Now, how does government looks? Government consist of or is made up of departments which are led by different ministers from the cabinet thereof.  The Cabinet of the Kingdom or Government of God can be the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Spirit are spiritual gifts – and the servants of God who are entrusted with these spiritual gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors) are like the officials/ministers of the departments. The main objectives of these spiritual gifts is to minster to the whole earth – which means – the 

Department of health – the healing department should be composed of servants with healing gift from nation-wide whose main aim and goal is to go world- wide ministering to the sick just for one and the same government/Body.

Department of evangelists – when an alliance of evangelists evangelize, they should be evangelizing for one and the same Body for example; not to use the converts for their own personal gain or purpose which means that they will be evangelizing in whichever part of the world and the care of the converts should not be their problem, but of the Body which should in turn provide a shelter where they can be raised up if there is no local church. And the pastors and the teachers for the converts will also be provided by the Body if there in non in local area etc.

This should happen until the whole Body attain one unity and have one voice and one rhythmic movement, may be up to the point where it lives independent of the world in any way possible. Conclusion There is no Body that can win battle without its head connected to it. That is to say as the world is faced with crisis, it needs the Body of Christ which is whole (in terms of spiritual gifts) and holy ( in terms of life which it convey to the world.) Now this means that one dominant part of Body Christ can not do anything apart from the whole Body. The world needs one recognized Body to listen to; One part of the Body that can pray against evil and be heard partly and as part, but One whole Body that can pray authoritatively and shake the whole nation. It can speak one authoritative Word against the wickedness and make a remarkable difference to the whole nations.


The Body is raised not for fight, but as Light so that darkness disappears on its own and as metal snake so that those who look at it will be saved. After that Jesus will not doubt to come back for the Church. It can be lifted up so that all tongues confess and all knees bow without anybody’s instructions.

Chur ch pos it ion

God the Father

God the Son

God Holy Spirit in Christians and Christians in him.

God being one with Jesus And One with Christians in the form of Holy Spirit.

God manifest his power and Kingdom on earth through Holy Spirit in Christians. 2Corinthians5:18-20

The Word of God is the source from where the earth and its content came. John 1:1-4

Holy Bible

The Word said that earth must be subdued.(Genesis1:28) May be because it shall one day pass away with its content, but his Word will remain. Luke21:33

Any enquiries can be directed to: E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Cell: 083 297 9497 .For more information log onto: 9 OR


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