Body Of Christ Restoration Plan

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  • Pages: 7
Body Of Christ/ Church Restoration Plan


INTRODUCTION An International Christian Alliance is not necessary an organization, but it is a basic foundation upon which the vision about the formation or restoration of the Body of Christ is built. It is generated, directed and observed by the power of the Holy Spirit that it finally becomes clear before everyone’s ears and eyes. It is as simple as ; “ ICA is an egg that contains BODY of CHRIST which means that once the BODY of CHRIST is hatched out and seen and promulgated throughout the universe, then that will be the end of ICA Main objectives. 1. To unite the church structures according to the ministries(spiritual gifts) to work together as one Body or Church which the LORD JESUS CHRIST look forward to. Ephesians 4:11-12 (And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers. Why spiritual gifts? To equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ,...) why unite? (John17:11,18, 21-23, ) (As you sent me to the world , so I have sent them into the world.... that they may all be one , just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me . The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one as even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may be perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them as you loved me.) 2. To break the bonds that make the Christians to look like they are yoked together with the world or darkness. 3. To put the Word of God into actions and spread it to the ends of the world using the same Body or Church that has been mentioned above and the resources available like television stations or start a television station that is specifically designed to broadcast good news. 4. To reveal the truth about the wrath of God which has been aroused by drastic deviation from his word and will. 5. To utilize Church unity/oneness to meet people’s needs such as: poverty alleviation, crime stop, skills shortage, fighting against teenage pregnancy and teenage/adult sexual immoralities such as prostitution which are perpetuated by pornography, poverty, and

democratic constitutional rights and freedoms etc 6. One of the things is to use sound system or anything of that sort to play recorded sermons and DVDS as parts of open airs in every part of the country including the deep rural areas where there is no electricity and more. 7. Action plan aimed at crime reduction.



Steps Towards Body Of Christ Restoration Plan. Step One ●

Since spiritual gifts are given by God for building the BODY of CHRIST and unity ( Ephesians 4:12-13), then the first step is the unity of christians nation-wide based on their spiritual gifts the dominant of which are the church leaders who possess or who are entrusted with these spiritual gifts. This unity of spiritual gifts should be in such an extent that they convey or look like gorvenment structure and each spiritual gift to be like a department:

Now, how does a governmental looks? ● ●

Government consist of or is made up of departments which are led by different ministers from the cabinet thereof. The Cabinet of the Kingdom or Government of God can be the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Spirit are spiritual gifts – and the servants of God who are entrusted with these spiritual gifts/ministries (apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors) are like the officials/ministers of the departments. The main objectives of these spiritual gifts is to minister to the whole earth – which means – the:

1. Apostles

2. Prophets 3. Pastors

4. Evangelists

5. Teachers

6. Healing gift

Department of Apostles: 1 Corinthians 9:1-27 One body, one world wide goal for the Apostles according to their God given gift operating under and for one BODY of CHRIST. Department of Prophets: Amos3:7. This department will make it possible to convey specific prophetic message s from God to the ends of the world.v Department of Pastors. This department will always be in readiness to delegate pastors to any part of the world where the evangelists from the departments of evangelist have evangelised and people repented and there is no pastor to pastor those converts. When an alliance of evangelists evangelize, they should be evangelizing for one and the same Body for example; not to use the converts for their own personal gain or purpose which means that they will be evangelizing in whichever part of the world and the care of the converts should not be their problem, but of the Body which should in turn provide a shelter where they can be raised up if there no local church. And the pastors and the teachers for the converts will also be provided by the Body if there is non in local area etc. Department of Education. This is where the Word of God will be analysed and taught to the nation using media such as a television station that may have been established by the BODY OF CHRIST Department of health where people’s lives nation-wide will be healed physically (including infirmities) and spiritually ( including psychological problems).] As a department of health from which the whole nation will get spiritual and physical healing . The healing department should be composed of servants with healing gift from

nation-wide whose main aim and goal is to go world- wide ministering to the sick just for one and the same government which is the Body of Christ.

Where does this unity come from? (It comes from God's unity)

John17:11 “...that they may be one, even as we are one


John17:21 That they all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they may also be in us,...

God, the Father

God, the Son

God, Holy Spirit in Christians & Christians in Holy Spirit John 17:22 I in them and you in me, that they may be perfectly one.

God, the Father. Mathew6:9 John4:24

God, the Son. Psalm110:1 Acts2:25,3335

God, Holy Spirit Ac ts2:5,38 John14:26;20:2 2 Romans8:9- 12 1Corinth3:16 1Peter4:6

The true nature of God is LOVE.1John4:8

When restoration of Body of Christ has been completed, like when God had made a body of man in the foundation of the earth, he deposited his spirit through his nostrils, then,


Step Two ●

Is time when God will start to manifest his unending almighty power and dominion , His glory and everlasting Kingdom through the Body of Christ that will have been restored or built. This manifestion in terms of power , kingdom and glory at this point in time will not affect “my local church” or my local community but the whole world will be affected remarkably at the same time. This will be the time when the spiritual gifts will be ministering and reaching the whole universe from under one umbrella (BODY OF CHRIST/ CHURCH) ; this will happen in such an extent that non who need healing in any area his life will remain like before. This is the time when none under the universe will not know that God is God of all creation and deserve praise by everything under the universe, and whoever missed a chance of repentance at this time might be at risk of whatever may happen under the blue sky when the saints have been taken away.

Frequently asked questions. ●

What will happen with "my church" , "our church", "their church" when the BODY of CHRIST / CHURCH has been built?

What is going to happen about "my church" is not a thing to worry about because there is nothing to destroy nor anything to dismantle, but only addition and multiplication. The only thing that is going to happen is that the building is used as extension of the Body of Christ/Church upon seeing eye to eye as per God's will of having BODY of CHRIST restored.

What about the "name" of my church which is different from the name of his/her church, will it be retained or it is going to change?

As far as the above question is concerned, the most important thing is that even under normal circumastances, a "NAME" bears a uniqueness; unique purpose, goal, mission, and grounds for doing things and the like, which means that each name is like a kingdom itself, so every name is always proud and protected. Each name would like to be respected and treated differently from the rest. Therefore there will always be a thick crust that protect each name. It is as good as " A name is a source of division" . It does not matter, under each sub-set or name there may be common activities and goals, but a name different from each other means division. There is a complaint or advice or an appeal in 1 Corrinthians1:10-17 , 3:1-10 about the name that is different from each others' ; here it goes:-

"I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the 6. same judgment . For it has been reported to me by Chloe's people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers. What I mean is that each one of you says, "I follow Paul," or I follow Apollos," or " I follow Cephas," or " I follow Christ". Is Christ devided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you bapized in the name of Paul? Body of Christ extends to the ends of the world which means that in each town there is a part of Body of Christ. Therefore an extension in any part of the world will be addressed according to the name of that city/town for example: Body of Christ or Church in Loadecea will be addressed as "Body of Christ or Church in Loadecea" Revelations 1:4. Therefore we come to a point where we say; "If Anyone, in any part of the world who is non believer or non Christian talks about the CHURCH will be referring to the one and only BODY of Christ or CHURCH because in any part of the world there will be an extension of CHURCH. There is nothng that involves one church in any town that would not affect the whole BODY/ CHURCH. ●

How will Church /BODY of Christ differ from the churches we are used to or the churches in which we belong?

A church in any part of the world would be a link through which to access the whole BODY of Christ. That is to say , there are no services that a person will get in one church and not get them in another church in another town or city . The Body of Christ or CHURCH in any city ir town will have at least all departments( all spirtual gifts/ministries) represented to serve the community holistically.

Conclusion. ●

There will be one huge structure of Body of Christ or Church in each and every city or town and this structure will be working at level of local government offering services to both the community and the local churches. It will be like a huge mission where the following will be obtainable: ● Orphanage ● Healing Centre (physically and spiritually) ● Skills centre ● Wide land for commercial farming ( within premises and /or nearby) etc. Any financial aid schemes from Church, financial aid donated by private companies and governmental organisations, charity oragnisation will be set apart as a budget for such mission /church structure for the purpose of ministering to the community and the local churches which extends to the deep rural areas. The cost for healing and evangelical ministry will be provided for by this structure

as they will be moving from place to place building tents in the midst of towns and even in the deep rural areas where there is no electricity building tents preaching the word and healing the sick and referring the orphans and disowned, street kids, prostitutes to the "mission" for further assistance. 7. The community and church members who are able will be allowed to donate food parcels, clothing and basic needs like soaps and more to this structure. More information will be divulged when we join hands together and see eye to eye as far as this vision is concerned. Visit us: E-mail: [email protected] Cell: +27 83 297 9497 [email protected] Cell: +27 82 5966 612 [email protected] Cell: +2778 323 6215

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