Charmed Episode Guide

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Charmed Season 9 Written by Arlandra Jett (Musical’n’MagicFreak, previously AdriennneMichelleHudgens) Living With The Halliwells

Sisterly bond triumphs magical bond.

Everyone except Paige has forgiven Billie, causing a rift in the family and The Charmed One’s magical and sisterly bond.

June 3, 2006

Saving Billie

Forgiveness will save her life...

Caught up in their problems, the sisters forget about their young protegee and her absence, and Billie attempts to reconcile with Paige on her own terms.

June 4, 2006


Have a spell backfire on you? In your daily routine. Having to screw your brother-in law? Not part of the deal.

Billie casts an intimacy spell which back fires and hits Phoebe and Leo. Piper gets suspicious and finds out that the only way to fix them is for them to sleep together.

June 10, 2006

Piper, Super Witch

Fix her family or save her child's life?

When Piper realizes her sister is avoiding her, she announces she pregnant, hoping it will bring them closer, but it pushes Phoebe further away. Piper soon discovers that the Angel of Death is after her baby, she is torn between her love for her unborn child and her love for her sister.

June 15, 2006

Prue in the Middle

She's baack!

Phoebe begins to look for baby names and she and Piper have an argument on who should get the name Prudence, so the Elders send Prue back from the afterlife to handle it. But her departure affects more than just the sisters

June 19, 2006

Secrets and Suspicion

What's done in the dark always comes to the light.

Billie begins to acts extremely secretive causing Paige to become suspicious. She follows Billie and, using Phoebe’s empathic powers, she discovers something much worse than what she thought.

June 28, 2006

The Secret Life of the American Witch

Remember, mother knows best.

Phoebe and Paige are forced to hide Billie’s pregnancy from Piper when she voices her feelings about lesbians. Also, Phoebe and Leo fear that her baby may not be Coop's.

June 29, 2006

A Paige From Her Book

Her secret could cost her a sister.

Billie and Paige snoop around Phoebe’s apartment and get Coop in trouble. Piper questions Leo about his strange behavior.

July 6, 2006

Demons of the Past

Demon of the past, Return to me, Secrets of the heart, Be set free.c

When Phoebe’s unborn baby makes her cast a spell to reveal her heart’s desires, Cole and return-fully human. Cole thinks he has moved on but old feelings come up when he see’s Phoebe. Threatened, Coop uses all his powers to woo his wife but with Cole’s manly charms, there’s no contest.

July 13, 2006


True love conquers all. But what if you don’t know who the one is?

As she worries for her health, Phoebe realizes she has to make the decision-Cole, or Coop. Meanwhile, baby Patricia gives Phoebe a power boost.

July 17, 2006

Two And A Half Men

Kids will be kids. And apparently, so will adults…

Wyatt overhears a conversation between his mother and Paige. Using his powers, he turns Henry into a child. Meanwhile,Phoebe uses her newfound powers to solve a problem between herself and the two men in her life.

July 22, 2006

Baby Came Back

Oh, the things that went bump in the night…

Phoebe tears herself away her family for reasons unknown to her family and Leo just happens to know why. And when a stranger shows up on the Manor’s steps, they all find out why.

July 28, 2006

Family Affairs

Love is a powerful thing but in a family of super powerful witches, it means nothing.

Coop strikes up the nerve to ask Phoebe to marry him but is immediately struck down when he senses that she doesn’t feel the same. Prue visits Billie secretly to check up on her, only to find that someone already has.

August 14, 2006

Déjà Vu

To move on with the future, you must remember the past.

Phoebe is having doubts about marrying Coop, just like she did with Cole years ago. But instead of summoning her past and future selves, she realizes something- future Phoebe didn’t have a ring on her finger.

August 16, 2006

Red Light on the Wedding Night

Engaged and confused, pregnant and stressed.

Phoebe stresses over her wedding, causing her to have a panic attack, landing her in the hospital, days before her big day. Billie has her first doctor’s appointment and brings Cole along.

August 23, 2006

La Femme Paige

Kill or be killed…

Sullen about her family’s pregnancies, Paige makes a few underworld appearances. But on a potion gone wrong, Paige is transformed into a leather-wearing, evil fighting;super witch and she’s no match for her pregnant sisters.

September 7, 2006

Family Dog

Man’s best friend, Paige’s worst enemy…

The girls’ old familiar, Katrina returns bearing gifts and a new pet for the children, though Paige is reluctant when she recognizes him.

September 17, 2006

Make A Wish

Sisters forever.

The Elder’s give the girls a day full of good magic, with a twist. They can have one wish each, that last forever. Paige, Phoebe, Piper, and Billie can’t decide what to choose, but they all know one thing-Prue has to come back.

September 21, 2006

Back To The Past

If you think lying to someone else is hard, try lying to yourself.

The sisters must return to when September 25, they first received their powers 2006 to save Phoebe from death. But they have no idea what their saving her from.

A Higher Power

We call upon the power of three, To show us what we cannot see.

Phoebe and Piper become bedridden and have to work from home but when Phoebe gets a special letter she begins to question everything. Meanwhile, Leo, Coop, Henry, and Cole take a vacation, leaving Prue and Paige to deal with the three pregnant witches.

Family Feud

Witches vs. guys? Kinda unfair, don’t you think?

Cole gets a little to friendly with October 28, 2006 Billie and Prue doesn’t like it. But when Coop, Leo, and Henry all begin to interfere with her ‘investigation’ she drags her sisters into it.

Special Delivery

The season finale…

Grams returns to make a family dinner for Thanksgiving since Piper is confined to bed but their plans are changed when a horde of demons attack in revenge of Paige’s past vanquishes. And when Piper and Phoebe both go into labor, things might not end well.

September 29, 2006

November 23, 2006

Season 10 Written by Arlandra Jett (Musical’n’MagicFreak, previously AdriennneMichelleHudgens) Episode Title Something Wicca This Way Returns



Date (In Story)

Time to fight again.

As they worry for the safety of

December 1,

their daughters, Piper and


Phoebe struggle with having to fight demons again. Cole comes to Prue and Billie with a proposal. Possessing The Halliwells

Billie decides she wants Prue to

December 4,

meet her deceased parents but


Prue isn’t so sure. Piper, coping with her daughter’s diagnosis, gets possessed by Shashis, a revengeful demonatrix. The Essence of A Child

Paige and Henry move next

December 7,

door to the manor and Billie


and Prue decide to move out when Prue gets a job offer she can’t refuse. Paula casts a spell to summon a genie. Phoebe Enchanted

Phoebe begins to worry for her

December 11,

future when she remembers the


past and realizes how similar it is to her present. Paige begins to look for a job when she realizes that she and Henry are having financial issues. Misuses of Magic

Piper worries when Melinda

December 14,

doesn’t show any powers and


Paige resorts to stealing to pay for things. Meanwhile, Billie and Prue pressures Phoebe into telling Piper that Patricia might be Leo’s.

The Reality of Desire

Leo buys a motorcycle when

December 16,

finds a gray hair and Melinda


finally shows a power –molecular immobilization. Phoebe tells Piper about her and Leo. What Danger Brings

Piper decides Leo and Phoebe’s

December 17,

punishment and Prue offers


Paige a job when she catches Paige stealing food. Promises

Billie isn’t so happy when Prue

December 20,

decides it her who’s going to be


the one to carry Cole’s baby and tries to sabotage all their attempts at ‘alone time’. A Witch Divided

Piper starts having trust issues

December 23,

when Leo gets a new job with a


potential demon and Prue and Billie decide a name for their son. Ghost of Many Pasts

Piper invites Paige, Henry,


Phoebe, Coop, Patricia, and

24-25, 2006

Paula, to the manor for Christmas Eve, but when Clyde shows up, asking for their help, Christmas may have to wait. The Prophecy

The Elders reveal that they are

January 5, 2007

assigning a new whitelighter to the entire family when Paige gets hurt fighting and Prue gets some good news. No Manor's Land

The city starts taking out houses in the Halliwell's neighborhood, starting with Prescott street. Paige and Billie argue about Billie's safekeeping.

January 9, 2007

Daddy Day Scare

Leo and the guys babysit the

January 14,

kids, including Billie,who can't


seem to handle being alone while the sisters battle a team of possesed lawyers. The House Always Wins

The sisters cast a newfound

January 18,

protection spell against their


house which backfires against them -the house that is. Weird Magic

Paula and Wyatt begin their

January 25,

W.I.T.C.H training and some


crazy things begin to happen in the city. Witches Strike Back

Victor lands himself in the

February 3,

hospital when he has heart


failure that the Elders refuse to fix. A Tale of Two Pipers

Wyatt's fourth birthday is

February 15,

tomorrow and Piper stresses

2007 - Feb. 16,

over making it perfect, spitting


herself into two. The only bad thing about it is, one of them has one power and the other has another, and a demon attacks just when she realizes it. Grief Stricken

Billie has to deal with the fact

March 17, 2007

that Christy may still be alive when a magic school student makes a discovery. Phoebe identifies a new threat on the radar. Two Witches and A Former Demons

Billie begins having labour pains during a city wide blackout while her magical family is out fighting and Cole and Chris are the only ones near.

March 19, 2007

While You Were Out

Dylan won't sleep through the

March 23, 2007

night and it affects Prue in more ways than one, putting her on early bedrest. This makes it easy for a demon to kidnap her. Wiccan Rage: Part 1

The season finale...

Demons begin running amuck

April 5,2007

in San Francisco and it's up the The Charmed Ones - minus Prue-, Billie, Paula and Wyatt to stop them. But when Billie goes her own way and a their two plans backfire, Billie is turned evil and an old friend returns. Wiccan Rage: Part 2

The season finale...

Demons begin running amuck in San Francisco and it's up the The Charmed Ones - minus Prue-, Billie, Paula and Wyatt to stop them. But when Billie goes her own way and a their two plans backfire, Billie is turned evil and an old friend returns.

April 6, 2007

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