Dn Angel Episode Guide

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 5
DN ANGEL EPISODE GUIDE Stage 1: Dark Reborn It's Daisuke's 14th birthday and he's not having a good day. Daisuke confesses his feelings to crush, Risa, but finds out she only likes him as a friend. What's worse is that Satoshi oversees him used skills he's not supposed to have to unlock an electronic lock at school. When he thinks things can't get any worse, Daisuke transforms into the phantom thief Dark. Daisuke learns he can't transform back into himself until he steals the Saint Tears statue, and that becoming Dark is his destiny. Stage 2: Rekindled Feelings A mysterious bird has been flying around at night causing trouble and it turns out that it comes from a relief on an old tower. Now it's up to Dark to seal the powers of the bird statue away. Meanwhile, Risa tells Daisuke that she's in love with Dark and asks him to come with her to meet Dark. Also, Dark is up to his own tricks, changing back into Daisuke half-way through the theft, and then turning into Dark again so he can hit on Risa and ask her on a date. Moreover, to complicate matters, Riku starts to realize her feelings for Daisuke. Stage 3: Whisper of the Unicorn Girls in town are being kidnapped by a mysterious unicorn from inside a painting, and when it kidnaps the Harada twins, Daisuke decides to go after them without Dark's assistence. He traces the missing girls back to a painting a father made for his daughter before she died. Daisuke ends up needing Dark's help and Dark enters the magical world of the painting. Risa is able to calm the spirit of the girl in the painting, while Dark battles the unicorn to save the kidnapped girls. Stage 4: Between the Light and Darkness Satoshi comes up with a plan to capture Dark. He traps himself and Daisuke in the school's cold storage in the hopes of forcing Daisuke to transform into Dark. However, Satoshi's other half chooses this time to awaken and Satoshi transforms into Krad. Daisuke transforms into Dark just in time and Dark and Krad fight. Satoshi manages to gain control of his body and ends the battle. At the end of the episode, Satoshi announces he'll be leaving for awhile. Stage 5: Double Cooking With follows Daisuke to school on the same day as home-eco class. Because he has to spent his time having to keep With out of trouble, Daisuke ends up getting a detention with Risa. Risa, who has trouble cooking, gets Riku to switch with her and they both wear wigs and pretend to be each other. Daisuke thinks he's cured from his curse when his heart doesn't beat like mad over "Risa". At the end of the day, not a single person notices that the twins have switched. Meanwhile, Daisuke's given a mission to steal the other half of a dragon statue, but doesn't end up needing to in the end. Stage 6: St. White Memories Emiko's birthday is coming up and Daisuke isn't sure what to get her. He learns the story of how his mother and father meet, and how it was his mother's dream to be the mother of Dark. When he's still trying to come up with something, Dark makes a suggestion and they send out a warning notice to capture the heart of the "world's number one lady". Emiko, convinced the notice is a fake because she didn't send the

notice herself, goes out to the roof to catch the fake Dark, but when the real Dark appears, Emiko gets her real birthday present -- thanks from Dark for her wanting to be his mother, and a drawing from Daisuke. Stage 7: Adonis in the Garden of Vows When Daisuke's grandfather was Dark, there was a statue in the Garden of Vows of a beautiful Adonis. The statue had a monster in it that survived by stealing the life force of girls when he kissed them. Back then, Dark tried to seal it, but the statue fell into the sea before he could finish. Now the statue has been revived and is dating a girl named Ayaka from Daisuke's school. After watching them, Dark realizes that the Adonis is actually in love with Ayaka and won't take her life force. Instead, the Adonis chooses to disappear from this world so that Ayaka can live on. Stage 8: Menou's Warning Letter After a trip to the museum, Daisuke's grandfather sends out a warning notice that Dark will steal the Agate Links necklace. Saehara goes to take a photo of it, but ends up photographing a mysterious girl and falling head over heals for her. Dark goes to seal the necklace, but meets the girl who begs Dark for one more day. Dark agrees and that night, Daisuke's grandfather tells Daisuke about a girl he meet when he was Dark forty years ago. Daisuke's grandfather gave the Agate Link to her the day before she died and she has been sealed to it, waiting for Daisuke's grandfather for eternity. When Dark goes to steal the necklace the next day, it is Saehara that stops him, and the girl is touched by Saehara's kindness. Dark steals the necklace, but turns back into Daisuke so she can see her phantom thief from forty years ago one last time. Stage 9: A Little Romance While out with Daisuke and Riku, With spots a floppy white rabbit at the local pet store and falls in love. He sneaks out to meet the rabbit again, but when With gets there, he finds out that she's been sold. Daisuke and Riku go looking for With in a rainstorm and Riku is impressed by what Daisuke is willing to do for his pet. Stage 10: Portrait of A Musician Daisuke and Risa join Daisuke's grandfather to pay their respects to the violin player Ehrlich Von Vandembagu. Daisuke's grandfather is presented with his violin, which holds a mysterious power and sends Daisuke's soul back in time, leaving Dark in Daisuke's body. Daisuke sees the day Ehrlich Von Vandembagu got his violin and when his grandfather tried to steal it some forty years ago. Back in the present, Daisuke grandfather and Dark perform magic that allow Dark to travel back for Daisuke. Daisuke saves his grandfather's life before traveling back to his own time with Dark. Stage 11: The Temple of Neptune Dark is set to steal the Horn of Neptune from a temple under the sea, but the police are ready for him, protecting the area with high-tech equipment and men. Dark makes his way to the temple, only to discover traps left for him by none other than Satoshi. Still, Dark is able to steal the artifact and escape before the entire place collapses. Oh, and Risa decides to "drop" by. Stage 12: With Rutile A warning notice has been sent out for the Rutile of Grief, which is said to draw out the powers of who owns it. Daisuke's father, Kosuke, returns after twelve years and gives Daisuke a replica of the Rutile of Grief. Meanwhile, Satoshi's father gives him

the real one hoping it will release Krad, who will capture Dark. Dark knows Satoshi has the real one and goes after it, but the powers of his Rutile activate. Daisuke's replica allows Kosuke to protect Dark and Daisuke from the magic. Krad is released and Krad and Dark fight. Dark is able to steal the real Rutile and Satoshi is able to gain control of his body once again. Stage 13: Eternal Guide Dark sends out a warning letter for the Eternal Guide, but since it is not viewed as valuable, the police don't plan to go after it. Saehara tells Risa about it and they go to the statue and meet Satoshi, who turns into Krad. Krad seals their souls, as well as Dark's soul, into a stone. Daisuke gets help from the Eternal Guide, who can turn into a girl (or bird) named Towa, and goes into the future to find the stone and destroy it. Stage 14: New Rival A new student named Mio Hio arrives at Daisuke's school and falls madly in love with Daisuke to the point where she follows him around everywhere. During phys ed while they're swimming, she tries to put a magical necklace around Daisuke's neck that causes him to be paralyzed underwater. Satoshi saves him, but Mio continues to follow him everywhere. Trying to escape her, Daisuke runs in on Risa changing and escapes before she sees him transform into Dark. Dark finds Risa and asks her on a date. She accepts and while out together, they kiss. This breaks Daisuke's heart and fills it with confusion. Stage 15: Barbeque Panic Risa and Riku are on their way to their summer home when their car breaks down right outside of Daisuke's door. Daisuke's father, not knowing who they are, invites them in. Mio, who is stalking Daisuke, invites herself in and Daisuke is having a hard time handling all three girls. When Towa and Emiko finally come back from shopping, they hold a barbeque. Stage 16: I Found Her Dark is set to steal a portrait from an old house. Wanting to go out on a date with Dark, Risa dresses as a phantom thief herself and goes after him. She ends up messing up his mission and he takes her home. There Dark reveals to her that he was in love with her grandmother Rika and that's why he was attracted to Risa. Before he can break her heart further, Dark calls their relationship off. Meanwhile, Riku finds an old teddybear from her childhood. She pieces together the memories of how she lost it and who it was that got it back for her. Stage 17: A Summer Without Dark Daisuke's class is on a summer fieldtrip to a resort. Mio is up to no good and is trying to put a necklace onto Daisuke. Riku keeps seeing Risa crying and wonders what's happening with her. At the same time, Riku starts to come to terms with her own feelings for Daisuke. Risa, Riku and Daisuke climb a mountain together, and while Risa takes a rest, Riku and Daisuke explore a cave. On the way back, however, Riku falls off a cliff. Stage 18: A Couple Under the Shooting Stars Daisuke manages to break Riku's fall, but she still sprains her ankle. Daisuke carries her on his back up the steep cliff to get her back for medical treatment. While they're alone together, both of them realize their feelings for each other. Back at the resort, Daisuke wants to ask Riku to see the stars with him, but ends up taking a medical kit

to Risa. Riku walks in on them when Daisuke trips over Risa. Shocked, Riku runs off and Daisuke chases after Riku. They end up on the beach and under the stars, Daisuke admits his feelings for Riku. She admits hers too, and they hug, before staring up at a meteor shower overhead. Stage 19: Beautiful Heroine For an art project, Daisuke ends up drawing a snowscape that he keeps having visions of. Mio's time is running out, and she desperately tries to get back the pendants she gave to Riku before Riku can give one to Daisuke. Satoshi begins to catch on to his father's plan with Mio. Meanwhile, Risa looks for her grandmother's diary while trying to find out about her and Dark. She ends up finding a letter her grandmother wrote to Dark and realizes how much they loved each other. At school, their class is putting on the play "Ice and Snow". Daisuke wins the lead of Freedret unanimously and freaks out when he learns that even Riku voted for him. He freaks out even more when he realizes that Freedret is a girl and that Satoshi will be playing the male lead opposite him in the play. Stage 20: Because I Wanted to See You The class keeps working on the upcoming school play and Daisuke learns the story of "Ice and Snow" from his father. The chief commander keeps ordering Mio to guide Riku and Daisuke to complete the ceremony with the pendants, but Mio has second thoughts and wants to stop the plan. If she doesn't go through with it, Mio will turn back into a doll. Late at night, Mio goes to Riku's to get the pendants back, and sees Riku and Daisuke. Riku gives Daisuke the pendant and light glows around them. Mio cries as she watches. Stage 21: An Icy Voice Calling While practicing for the school play, Daisuke comes down with a cold. Satoshi knows better and goes to visit Daisuke at his home. While there, Kosuke tells Satoshi that his fate and Daisuke's fate aren't written in stone. In the middle of the night, Daisuke's mind is taken over, and as if hypnotized, he walks to the fountain in town. There, he opens a door to a secret chamber. Dark tries to take control and stop Daisuke's body, but is powerless to do anything. Dark and Daisuke are separated and Daisuke is absorbed by Freedret and the Second Hand of Time. Satoshi arrives to find Dark. Dark makes the connection between the Second Hand of Time and Daisuke's painting and goes to Riku's to steal it. During the heist, Riku wakes up and tries to stop Dark. Risa shows up and also tries to prevent Dark from taking Daisuke's painting. During a game of tug of war with the painting, the painting begins to glow. Dark holds the twins close as they travel into the world inside the painting. Stage 22: Ice and Snow Inside the world of the painting, Dark, Risa and Riku are taken captive. Dark escapes and goes after Daisuke, who is hypnotized into painting. Dark gets through to Daisuke, and they both go back to Risa and Riku. Daisuke draws a picture of Riku's room on the ground so they can use it as a medium to return to the real world. Daisuke decides to stay behind to figure out what Freedert needs him to do. He tells Riku to wait for him. Meanwhile, Kosuke finds that the story "Ice and Snow" has been edited since the Cultural Reformation. Stage 23: Second Hand of Time Risa and Riku wake up the next morning and realize they both had the same dream. Dark takes the painting back to Daisuke's house, but it is almost completely black.

Daisuke finds himself in a colorful world with Freedert who explains that she is and isn't the Second Hand of Time. She tells Daisuke her story, just as Kosuke finds that "Ice and Snow" was originally "Ice and Dark". The original version was much darker, with jealousy and more Romeo and Juliet-inspired deaths. Upon hearing it, the Niwa family and Dark set off to find the sword Elliot killed himself with -- the Wedge of Time. Towa uses her magic to find where out where the Wedge of Time is. Risa and Riku see Dark flying there on their way to Daisuke's house and follow him. There the see Satoshi confront Dark and watch in shock as Satoshi transforms into Krad. Inside the painting, Freedert asks Daisuke to paint a painting for her. Stage 24: Snow Falls in the Heart Krad and Dark fight, and Krad uses the Wedge of Time to wound Dark. Risa runs to his aid, but is captured by Krad. Riku manages to free Risa, only to be placed under Krad's powers herself. Dark manages to save Riku and escape. Risa is left alone with Krad, but manages to get through to Satoshi and Krad disappears. Satoshi finds Dark and re-paints Daisuke's painting. He also paints the windmill/water fountain that started it all to give them a way to escape from the world inside the painting. Dark goes into the painting, just as Freedert's life begins to end. Daisuke doesn't want to leave Freedert, but Dark forcefully pulls him away. As they exit the painting, Satoshi sends the Wedge of Time (Elliot) into the painting, who is able to end Freedert's time, and end the life of the Second Hand of Time. Daisuke cries over Freedert, and white snow falls over the city thanks to her last bit of magic. Stage 25: The Black Wings Krad helps Satoshi's step father gain control of the Hikari's most power piece of artwork -- the Black Wings. This powerful piece of artwork is activated. It calls to Dark and Krad. Krad overtakes Satoshi's body and waits for Dark. Daisuke learns how Dark and Krad came to be and their connection to the Black Wings. He also learns that the final battle is approaching. Towa, With, and other pieces of artwork have their powers frozen/captured, and so it's up to Daisuke to battle this out on his own. Meanwhile, strange phenomena are happening all over town, and thanks to Daisuke's grandfather, an evacuation order is sent out. People begin to leave the city as Daisuke heads to the final battle. Final Stage: Eternal Dark Riku rushes out of her car to meet Daisuke and they share a moment by the fountain. Earthquakes start and Daisuke rushes to save Riku. Without With, he can't fly, so he wishes for his own wings and grows them for the first time. He catches Riku and holds her tight as he transforms into Dark. They meet up with Risa and Dark goes off to face Krad. As Dark and Krad battle, Daisuke meets Satoshi in the world inside Krad. Satoshi is trying to complete a ceremony to kill himself and therefore destroy Krad. Daisuke manages to convince him to live and stops him from dying. Elsewhere, Mio speaks to Risa and Riku through Riku's pendant and Mio uses the powers of the twins to face Satoshi's father. Krad is up to tricks and manages to trap Dark. Dark fights back and in the end, both himself and Dark combine into a ball of light. The connection with the Black Wings is severed and just as Dark is able to disappear, he and Daisuke promise they'll never forget each other. Daisuke and Satoshi, battered and bruised, emerge from the battleground. Riku and Risa show up and Riku runs to meet Daisuke. Daisuke and Riku finally kiss, and Daisuke realizes that she truly is his sacred maiden.

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