Chapter Three

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  • Words: 2,027
  • Pages: 3
Chapter Three >>Scene I Kat's house It wasn't exactly a house, nor was it a mansion neither, but it was reas onably expensive. As he pulled up into the long driveway, he pushed the button for the automatic garage door. He drove his car in along side a long black '68 Camaro SS. "Yes, that belongs to me as well. It was my twenty-first birthday prese nt. Nice, huh," he commented. As he walked over and pushed the button to close the garage door. He stepped towards Destiny and helped her get out of the car and carried the bag of paperwork into the office next to the garage. >>Kat's job; Jaxon's side of the story, Destiny's understanding "Ready to head on inside," he said sweetly, he leaned over and kissed Destiny on the lips as they dropped the items upon the black leather couch in the corner o f the office. He took her hand and guided her along through the house and into his side of the rather expansive building. He had long separated himself from h er world. He didn't particularly like her line of work, but Kat still insisted on letting him in on things that happened there. Destiny still wasn't for sure what line of work she was into, but according to Jaxon it's something that even he doesn't like to associate with. So it has to be something extremely illegal for him to not go along with or join into. But he's doing a very good job about keeping it secretive from her and the rest of the world, which she was sure tha t Brad knew at least a little something about it to help keep Jaxon away from an d out of trouble with Kat. >>Description of Jaxon's part of the house As they exited the part of the luxurious castle that belonged to Kat, she automa tically noticed when they stepped into his part of the house. She recognized al l the treasures that he collected lying around. Hand held guns, larger rifles, large filing cabinets lining the longer wall, even profile pictures of people th at she was sure were some of his victims that he was sent after, either that or family members that he liked playing very sick jokes on. "So what do you think of my whole in the wall?" he said jokingly as they approached a smaller area with a loveseat and recliner on one side of the room and an enormous entertainment center on the other side. The room was marvelousl y decorated. A crystal chandelier hung above their heads as they sat down to re lax on the loveseat, it reflected the light about the room that they had just tu rned on. He placed his arms around her as he sat her in his lap. He had her re ach for the remote as she placed herself upon him. After she handed it to him, he pressed upon the small machine, as he did so, soft mellow music played helpin g to set the mood of the room. Candles were then dimly brightening up the rooms as it went around the room mechanically lighting each individual group. "I should have known what you were up to. I know you very well," Destin y said letting out a slight giggle as he kissed upon her ear. "Oh, you know me. I'm such a bad little boy," he whispered in her ear a nd continued nuzzling her ear and neck with his warm, moist lips. "And this is only the beginning." Romantic Session He raised her up and left the room, but returned with a blanket and laid it down on the floor. He sat himself down, then patted an empty spot next to him for h er to join him. She slid down from the couch, got on all fours and crawled over to his side. He took her by her shoulder and pushed her down gently to lay her

on her back. He hovered himself above her and ran his fingers along her face a nd into her hair, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Tasting the sweetn ess that came from her passionate kiss. Destiny looked up at Jaxon and smiled brightly. She ran her hand down h is sides and slips her hand down his pants and pulled out the ends of his black button-up silk shirt. She pried each silver embossed button out from their hole . She slid one arm out of the sleeve, then the other arm. She lingered her sli m fingers over his masculine chest feeling every muscle and fine hair. He kisse d along her neck and down to the peak of her cleavage line. He rubbed gently up on her bosom and reached down to untie the string holding her top together in fr ont. He slid one of the shoulder straps down off of her shoulder. Caressing up on her soft shoulders with his tender kisses. He slips off the other shoulder s trap and then laid her top aside off of the blanket. He ran his fingers through her silky curls of ebony hair. He looked deep into h er crystal blue eyes as he pushed her body closer to his own. He placed his han ds further down on her back and then even further down to each butt cheek. She fell into his arms as she laid her head upon his rock-hard chest, hearing his he artbeat rapidly, feeling the softness of his lower chest, just where the hair st arted. She looked at him showing off his well-defined chest and ab's. She felt his hands raise up the back of her micro-mini cupping each of them bett er with his strong hands. She felt him gasp suddenly as he noticed that she was n't wearing any panties. She looked up at him innocently and smiled. He leaned over her and softly placed his moist lips to hers, kissing her feverishly. Her body had become contagiously irresistible. He ran his finger to the front of her skin-tight blouse and pulled aside part of it exposing her b are breast. He caressed the erect nipple and leaned down to kiss it softly. He started sucking the soft flesh and ran his hand up her rib cage to the other an d cupped it gently, squeezing the other nipple to harden it. After sucking on t hat one he exposed the other and continued the same procedure to the other. He brushed his hand up the side of her thigh leading to her shaved pussy and starte d fingering her. He felt her starting to elapse into ecstasy; he looked up at h er and smiled at the expression upon her face. Her eyes closed, her tongue moistening her lips continuously and her hea d tilted back in pleasure. She took her hand and unbuttoned his pants, sliding her hands to feel his beginning hard-on. She unzipped them and moved the boxer s down, allowing it to stand freely. She positioned herself over his erect pen is and placed it into her mouth. He moved apart the lips and started finger-fucking her; first with one f inger, then adding another a few minutes later. He lapped up her juiced like a cat would milk in a bowl. He then began tonguing her insides all the while stil l fingering her ruby gem. He soaked a finger in her wetness and placed one into her ass. Sliding his finger in and out, she started moaning as she bobbed her hea d up and down quicker as he continued. He started to buck his hips to her movem ents up and down on his shaft. He tapped her on her back, motioning that he was about to explode. She turned around and sat a top of him. She got on the balls of her fee t and leaning forward moved up and down on him, feeling his mass fit just right inside of her. He grabbed the legs of the coffee table that was near them, gras ping them tightly enough to turn his knuckles white. She placed each hand on ei ther side of him to balance herself. He took a deep breath and put his hands on her hips to move her motions quicker. She started squeezing tightly around him . Starting to fill her up, he could hear their heavy breathing and heaving chests. He saw the beads of sweat forming and the blush upon their chests. He reached out from under the blanket and pulled out a vibrator. He rolled her ov er and lain her down on her back. He slid the machine up her wet pussy and turn ed it on high. He slid it in and out in all different directions as his penis s tarted to harden again. He placed the vibrator up her ass and put his dick insi de her. Sliding one in and out at opposite times. He slid in deeper feeling h

er start to shudder and moan from her escaping orgasm. He sat up and let her fi nish him off. She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and rubbed his b alls with the other. Enveloping the head with her mouth, taking it in deeper wi th every intake. He collapsed on top of her and they lay there naked as they fe ll asleep. ?



Scene II Romantic Session, Part Deuce He awoke and looked down at the black-haired beauty lying upon his bare chest. Her hand cupped over the area of his heart, he wrapped his hand around h er wrist. Running his hands over her naked back, he slowly removed himself out from under her. Lying on her stomach he rolled her body over and spread her leg s apart. He kissed up the sides of her thighs. He continued up and started lic king, slowly at first, but quicker as he felt her getting moist. She started to wake up, not use to this sensation so early in the day or even while she slept. She spread her legs further apart to give him room to fi nish. She looked down at him approving of his actions and wanting him to contin ue. She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him further into her. Taking one hand and running it over her breasts and the other remained on his head. He looked up at her intermittently to see her aroused emotions upon her face. Getting himself off as well, he worked his way around to place his cock i nto her face for her to blow on. She took it gratefully and plunged it deep int o her throat. He moaned loudly and bit down on her lightly. His unexpected reaction made her deep throat him even more. She moaned wanting him to repeat it, it was something she hadn't ever experienced and had enjoyed t horoughly. She moaned louder vibrating the sound into his flesh. He instinctively stuck one finger in her and licked rapidly upon her cli t. He could feel her about to orgasm, but before she had the chance to, he got up off of her and rolled her over. After placing himself up her ass, he could f eel her sphincter break easily. Knowing he was her first only increased his aro usal. He continued pounding himself into her, on the brink of coming himself, h e looked up and seen her grasping hold of the pillows and moaning and grunting l oudly at the pleasure. He had leaned down to kiss up on her back as he spurted out into her and she let out a moan. She looked up at him once more, and smiled before falling back asleep. He gently rolled over to the empty place beside her on the blanket in front of the fireplace and fell asleep himself as he watched her beautiful f ace glow from the crackling firelight resting peacefully upon her arm. >>End of Scene II ?


>>Scene III


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