Chapter Two

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Chapter Two Scene I >>In Car, discussion of phone call earlier. The rain had finally stopped as they walked down the damp sidewalks stepping out onto the foggy streets. Destiny had pulled the mini thirty-five millimeter cam era out of the back of the van before they got in Jaxon's '65 jet black mustang sports car and headed to their destination. He still hadn't told her what the p hone call was about and she was becoming quite flustered. Looking over at him f or the final time she decided to confront him about the call. "So are you finally going to tell me what we are going to be doing?" she asked h esitantly. He glimpsed over at her grinning evilly as he looked back at the road, "Wondered when you were going to ask me that question." He looked again over at her quic kly several times to see the pout upon her face from his smart aleck remark. "Oh, I'm suppose to be a mind reader now, huh?" she replied. "Well, I'm asking now, what was the call about and what are we going to be doing?" >>Description of Job "Well, we are going to a bar. Something that I know you will enjoy," he paused before finishing. "And we're going to be doing something a bit out of the ordin ary. As well as being undercover." She looked at him oddly. "What would that be, Jaxon?" "Well, I'm your agent," he said without hesitating. "I didn't think that this j ob would annoy you too much since I know what jobs you have done previously." "Jaxon," she said, barely raising the tone of her voice. "What specifically are you my agent for? And what will I exactly be doing?" Jaxon chuckled a bit at her hostile tone of voice. He looked up ahead at the e nd of the street that they were driving down. His grin became bigger as they ap proached the building. He looked at the front of the building as the neon light ing brightened up the interior of the car. He looked at her and pointed in fro nt of them. >>Details about Destiny's past She gawked at him and had to take a double look at the building that they would be sharing their business with. She recognized the place, after working there o ne time as an amateur, she knew it would be hard for them to recognize her new s tyle, especially since her name change and she had worked out a bit more since t hen. She thought she had put this part of her life aside since she has had such a dramatic change in such a short time, but she enjoyed every minute of it when she did work as a dancer. At this stage in her life, things had started lookin g up and even more so when she and Jaxon had met at one of her shows. >>Entering strip bar scene Being thankful about dressing up for any occasion she looked down at her outfit and straightened it out as he parked the car, stopped it and got out of the car let her out and escorted her to the building. As they walked up and into the bu ilding, they both noticed all the looks that others were giving, that of jealous y and lust, from guys and girls alike. Feeling their egos rising like fire, they entered the building and looked around at the other dancers up on their stages and the main dancer on the bigger stage as she performed her show. Jaxon had looked around briefly for the mistress th at had called. She had given a slight description of herself, but not enough of one that he would recognize her right off. Jaxon had guided Destiny over to the bar and ordered them both drinks. As they received their drinks, a tequila sunrise and a scotch on the rocks, a mildly sho rt, petite, and very pretty redhead walked over to the counter and introduced he rself after catching Jaxon's attention.

>>Introduction of Red, start of discussion of job description "Hi, I'm Red Daemon, you must be the PI that I called earlier this evening," she said extending her hand out. "I'm glad that you could make it on such short no tice." Red had already looked Destiny over quite a few times and come to the conclusion to keep her eye on her for the rest of the night. Jaxon took her hand and shoo k it gently. He only kisses a female's hand in moments of romance, not business . The look of embarrassment filled Red's face as she took her hand back and sat at the barstool next to Jaxon. "So what business do you need from us, besides my partner," he said as she scann ed the room for any ideas he might find to use later. "Actually yes, I do," she said and took a cigarette from the bartender. "I need you to keep an eye on my girls. There's been an assailant that's been followin g them around, he hasn't started harassing them yet, but I would prefer to catch him before he does attempt anything." She exhaled the smoke; it drifted across and into Destiny's face as she listened intently to Red's story. "And what do you need me for?" Destiny asked. Red had looked at Destiny once again, and unwittingly gave her an answer, "Well, we need you to work undercover, keep an eye on the girls when they head out of here, possibly even find out who it could be stalking them. I want to end this charade as soon as possible." She looked at Destiny and giggled lightly, "Do you know how to dance? I would a ssume not." Red had looked over at the new main dancer and her performance, the n at Destiny. "Actually, I have had some experience. I use to be one myself, but gave it up w hen Jaxon found me. I've wanted to get back into it, but only part time. I like showing what I have off," Destiny said proudly. She had recognized Red from th e previous time that she was here. She was also surprised that she had stayed t here as long as she had, after seeing her first amateur show the night that she worked here, it wasn't something to be proud of. But then again, Destiny had be en complimented several times on her amateur style. So she wouldn't really know what it would be like to be a beginner. And only by people that really knew wh at they were talking about, that being only the best in the porn industry. Only person who hasn't approached her was Mr. Bunny himself. "Yes, she's quite a dancer. And has improved since we first met...tremendously, " Jaxon looked over at Destiny, pulled her close to him and kissed her. He knew he had nothing to prove to Red, it was all in the way Destiny acted that was pr oof enough. She knew how to handle herself, and had style to match, she was no easy floozy like the ones that were bouncing around here. Destiny knew her job and did it very well without any hesitation or regret. "Well, we will have to see, now won't we," Red said as she got up and headed awa y from here. "Come Tuesday night, its amateur night, you might need the practic e before you get the big guns like tonight. Is that a problem?" Destiny looked at Jaxon and smiled, "Not a problem at all." "Fine, see you Tuesday," Red said and walked down the stairs from the bar and to the back of the stage into the changing room. >>Ready to leave bar They looked at each other as Jaxon paid for the drinks and walked out with Desti ny to the car. They were still getting odd looks from the other people entering and loitering about the parking lot of the strip bar. Jaxon reached around Des tiny's waist with his arm and pulled her closer to him as he escorted her to the car. He opened the door and let her in the car, walking over to his side of t he door he gave the joint one good look over. He got in the car, and backed out of the parking lot and down the road.




>>In Car Halfway back to the office Jaxon looked over at Destiny and placed his hand upon hers. "Something the matter?" he asked. He reached down and placed her soft hand up t o his lips. "Nothing that can't be fixed with a few things," she said and looked over at him and smiled brightly. >>Intro of Brad, discussion about new job "I'm sure you will be able too," he said. He reached for the car phone and dial ed the number to Brad's pager. After a few minutes the phone rang and Jaxon answered, "Hey Brad, you know anyth ing about Red Daemon at Blue Jean Dreams on Park? Yeah, got a call from her ton ight. Wants me to case the club out and find a stalker that's been around there . Ok, you can tell me more when I get there tomorrow. Oh, by the way, has Kat called or came by? She did? What'd you say? All right, good, thanks. Catch y ou later." "What?" Destiny said as he hung up the phone. "Kat called and said she was called in, it was an emergency, so planning on stay ing the rest of the morning," he said nervously. "Want to come over and stay th e night? She seen the smile upon his face, she said, "Sure." End of Scene I ? ? Scene II


>> In car, serious discussion starts As they drove by the office on their way to Kat's house, they picked up any undo ne paperwork that was left and placed it in the trunk of Jaxon's car. As they d rove on towards the house, Destiny's nerves caught up to her. Her palms had bec ome sweaty and clammy. Her breathing had speeded up from what it normally had b een. She fidgeted constantly as she sat in the passenger seat beside Jaxon. Ev en her seat belt was having a hard time keeping up with her constant movements. She wasn't for sure why she was feeling this intense of an emotion. She knew w hat Jaxon had planned for them at the house, but there was something more to thi s than just another rendezvous between an intimate couple. Jaxon reached over and grabbed her hand. He could feel the tension as he c lasped his hand with hers. He looked over at her abruptly and seen the nervousn ess in her eyes. Something that he had never even knew she had a sense of. He had never seen her act this way. It began to worry him that something was wrong . He took his hand from hers and placed it upon the wheel as he pulled over to the side of a long stretch of dark desolate road. He turned in his seat to face the side of her. "Are you going to be alright with this? I mean we don't have to go through with this, although we have done it before," he said hesitantly. He took her c hin into his cupped hands to face him one on one. "I don't know, Jaxon. I was feeling all right when we left the club. But now, I really don't know what to think. I have a feeling that we," she said but was interrupted by his soft, gentle lips upon hers. >>Jaxon's feelings about Kat "Is it the fact of where we are going? Because you know I love you with all my heart. I would and will do anything for you. You just need to tell me, and if

this is not something that you want to do, that is fine. I understand completel y, but I would love to feel your body next to mine right now, and wake up to you r beautiful face in the morning," he said seriously. "I know, but what about Kat. What are you going to do if she comes back fr om her trip early?" Destiny said. "I don't think that we will have to worry about that any time soon. I took a call this evening and they had to tell her personally that she was going to b e taking a business trip. And when she called at the club, she was at a hotel m iles away in Hartford, and she wouldn't want to travel all the way back to New Y ork just to have me by her side, and I'm not even planning on leaving town just to see her. I will just say that it was too late when I left work and that I co uldn't make the long trip to Connecticut," he said and looked at her affirmative ly. "Jaxon, its not fair" she said and paused when she seen that he was about t o interrupt again. She placed her finger upon his lip for him to listen to her. She continued, raising her voice gradually, "It's not fair for either Kat or m e. I mean, Jaxon, you will need to eventually choose one of us. I'm not going to be taken for granted again. My feelings are not going to be part of someone' s attempt to screw with my life again. I just won't put up with it." >>Jaxon's feelings about Destiny "Listen here, Destiny," he said harshly. "I wouldn't be worrying about you all the time. Putting myself through hell when you're not by my side. Staying up a t late hours of the morning to the brink of death, just so that I could see the same sunrise that you do every morning when you would wake up, to just have you sit over there in your pool of self-pity worrying about me. I mean, hell, you k now that I didn't have any say in the marriage of Kat and me. I was young and s he was older, I thought I knew what I was getting into. Jaxon paused as he looked over at her, tears starting to well up and flow from h er beautiful blue eyes. He couldn't stand to see her cry, it hurt him as much t hat he couldn't place her life in his hands at this point in time and say that s he would remain his until eternity. He knew he had only one more chance to brin g her into his side of this dark world. She would brighten up this monstrous pa rt of his life that he has finally begun to except and even actually enjoy. At least in this part of the world, would he be able to escape from Kat totally and take Destiny with him for his as long as he wanted with out any harm coming to Destiny. >>History of Jaxon and Kat He continued, speaking softly, "Destiny, I was only 15 when Kat took me away fro m my family, my whole life. The only thing that I knew existed, how could I has known what true love was at that age. She knew what she wanted, and got it, ev en with out my family's or my say so. I'm struggling so hard to get away from h er, you don't know how hard it is for me to have to say anything to her, that I would much rather say to you. That's why I went into the PI business, so that I can find out what I need to so that I can take you away from here. You underst and don't you? But for now, it has to be this way." "Jaxon, I-I don't know what to say," she said. She had never cried this much in front of any one in such a long time. She almost forgot what it felt like to b e so close, emotionally, to any one since her incident, that it felt like a stra nger to her. But for a once, she had someone on her side, so it didn't hurt as bad as it usually did. She had Jaxon to look after her, keep her from any harm, to trust. "I know, I'm sorry. Honestly, I am," he said, he got out and opened the door an d walked over to Destiny's side of the car. When he got the door opened, he pul led her from the passenger seat and up into his caring arms. His shirt started getting damp from the tears falling from her face as she cuddled herself into hi s masculine chest.

>>More details about Jaxon and Destiny's past, first meeting Chuckling, Destiny looked up at Jaxon, curious at his sudden laughter. "What's so funny?" she asked between sobs. "Oh, just remembering the first night I seen you. Up on the stage, dancing your heart away, almost like that it was going to be your last performance, then whe n you got off the stage and walked towards the bar. Gosh, the look in your eyes sparkled like the stars above us now. When you turned and looked at me sitting at the table alone, just staring you up and down like I had just gotten back fr om a war where I hadn't seen a beautiful girl for days on end. I then walked ov er to you and asked for a couch dance. I think that was the first time that the bartender had seen you that astonished," he said, still chuckling then stopped for a moment. "It might as well seem like a war that I'm fighting, trying to ge t out of her system of webs, just to get deeper into your life." "Yeah, but I wasn't the only one surprised that night either. I mean, I think t hat was the fastest you had gotten a hard on, and the look on your face just mad e me more turned on. But what I can remember the most, was when you came up to me afterwards and asked if you could take me home after you seen that I had to c all for a cab. Then when you pulled up in that car of yours, it just made my he art skip a beat," she said as he took his thumb and gently wiped her trail of te ars away. He looked in her eyes and leaned down to give her a kiss. He felt her lay her h ands up on his butt and pull him closer to her slim figure. He abided and added to the moment by digging his now hard-on into her stomach, she pushed her self up more to him getting wetter as each second passed as they stood there in the d arkness. He started backing away as his teeth began coming out of their sheath. "Sorry a bout that," he said embarrassed. He turned his head until he could get back to normal. "Don't hide it from me, Jaxon. I didn't, and I don't want you to. Remember wha t you said, no secrets," said Destiny as she stepped back into the car and took her place in the passenger seat next to Jaxon. He watched her get in, shaking his head, smirking, and closed the door for her. He got in on his side and placed his hands upon the wheel, staring out at the long stretch of nothing. "Jaxon, I'm not able to hide things from you like I can with others. You have a llowed me to open my heart, even more than my own family," she said and turned t o look out the window. "Des," he said, out of the stillness of the night. "I don't ever want to hurt y ou. If I do, it's unintentional. And I'll always be here to kiss away any tear s or sadness that you have. You are my life, or at least the biggest part of it . Neither Kat or me being a vampire, anything secrets and all, can keep me or m y love away from you." "I know," she said, softly. She looked at him charmingly. "So are we just goin g to sit here in the car the rest of the night on this vacant road?" "No, I've got a bottle of wine with strawberries and chocolate with our name wri tten all over it," he said. Starting the car up and leaving, he grasped her han d with his and kissed it gently. ?



Scene III >>Destiny's rememberance As he drove the car on towards Kat's house, Destiny looked out the passenger's s ide window feeling the breeze blow across her face from the air conditioner. Sh e looked up at the stars that seemed to follow them as they continued on their w ay, like eyes of a portrait painting following you across a room.

>> History of Jaxon and Destiny, 2nd date, at her house She felt deep in the back of her mind thoughts that hurt and thoughts that made her smile in an instant. It was very easy for her to bring up the memory of the first time that Jaxon and her had left everything behind to go off and be toget her. He had been such a gentleman, more than any one else that she had been wit h previously. It hurt more to think of the bad times just a few years ago. She still had something from the past that was harder to get rid of. But even with that factor, Jaxon still adores her. He came by her house and picked her up. She had hid all the pictures that were lying out randomly on tables and on her fireplace. She took everything into con sideration of what might make him run out the door. As he walked in he looked h er up and down and kissed her gently on the forehead, even though she is quite t all herself, unlike most of the females in her family, he was taller and had to barely lean over to kiss her on the forehead. He looked about her small apartme nt and made himself at home. He took off his trench coat and handed it to her e xtended hand to put up in the closet. He walked towards the kitchen and smelled the aromas that floated about the lower level of the building. He rolled up th e sleeves on his black silk shirt and dug into the roll of chef. After watching him make the best meal that she had tasted in a long while, she g athered up the dishes and laid them into the sink. Then kicked her shoes off at the bottom of the stairwell, Destiny walked over to the couch where he had save d a place by her and had set up the television and VCR to watch a movie that he had rented and brought inside from his car. She laid down with her head in his lap and his gentle strokes along the side of her face. >>Romantic Session She woke up later that evening in her bed, dress and other clothing on still fro m that evening under the covers. She got up and changed into one of her nightie s and walked barely covered into the living room to find him camped out on the c ouch sound asleep. She doesn't know why she felt so dominate that evening. It was just the feeling of the moment, but she walked over to him and started unbut toning his shirt and pulled the neatly tucked in out from his pants and started kissing upon his finely haired chest. He woke up from his light slumber. He lo oked down at her sexual movements and grew more anticipatory of her next action. He lay still as to not let her acknowledge of his awakening. He was enjoying watching her unbutton his pants after struggling anxiously with his belt. She h ad started rummaging about his now undone pants as to how she was going to get h is pants and boxers down or even off with out startling him from his sleep. The first thing she recollected after her surprise attack upon him with his pass ionate kisses upon her hand that she had placed near his shoulder, but within di stance to kiss. She looked up, but went about her business. She was determined to see if she was right on his measurements from the previous evenings, unexpec ted hard-on. When she finally brought out the plentiful mass from his hiding un der the clothing, she enveloped it with her mouth and buried it deep into her th roat. She ran her newly pierced tongue up and down the sides, hearing him moan fiercely. She determined it was time to further their newly developed relations hip, she wanted to know how far this gentleman would go or would allow her to go . All that was going through her mind was the excitement and findings of domina tion that she had mustered up for this evening. He was enjoying himself as well, having someone else besides his own hand to bri ng him up to this level of arousal, but he felt it was too much for her this eve ning. He reached down and mentally signaled her that he felt it was a bit much too early to attempt to begin something so romantic towards each other when they hadn't even known the other but a few days, not even a full week yet. She sat up dumbfounded that he had wanted to stop this low amount of foreplay th at she had planned. But was astonished that he was able to gather himself to ge t up and recollect himself in a gentlemanly manner. She pulled down her nightie to cover what parts of her she felt subconscious about at that moment of weakne

ss. He looked over at her and pointed at the only picture that way laying upright on the table of her and a young boy that looked about twelve to fourteen years you nger than herself. She hung her head and went back into the bedroom. As she wa s putting on more appropriate clothing once again, she seen his shadow lingering beside her. She looked up in the direction of the shadow and at him with his a rms crossed watching her get dressed. He walked over to her and shook his head. He took her into his arms and carried her over to the freshly made bed and pla ced her upon it. The only words that came out of his mouth were the only words that she could rem ember him saying that night, 'This is how a real man does it.' The passionate kisses upon her cheek flowing down to every private spot, he had her moaning and screaming more in those few minutes than she could have imagined in one night. His soft touches that brought her soul closer to his, it was like he knew her every weakness and any thing else that she liked done to h er in the heat of passion. After about a dozen loud moans and lesser screams, s he stopped counting, his persistence to continue with their love-making was more than she could say no to. He had more than fulfilled every wet dream she ever had and even created a few more than she would like to admit. And since then, e very little chance that they get together, each time it gets better. ?



She awakened from her daydream as he pulled up to Kat's house. End of Chapter Two 17

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