Chapter One

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 3,179
  • Pages: 5
Chapter One He stepped out onto the foggy streets from the tavern, pulling a crushed pack ou t of his coat pocket and lit up his last cigarette, throwing the empty pack in t he trash barrel next to the exit of the building. The bright full moon cascaded its light upon the lowering fog and opaque clouds in the dark velvety sky and il luminating the pavement that he began walking down from the pub. He looked down the bustling streets and crowded sidewalks that were still wet from the heavy ra in earlier that evening. Sprinkles continued to fall from the sky, dotting his l ong, black trench coat as he walked on. Wrapping it around him to cover his tigh t leather pants and black shirt that clung to every muscle on his chest, he look ed at the people walking into the building that he just left. He pinched the fil ter end of the cigarette and puffed the smoke out, exhaling the toxic fumes and finally breathed a long drawn out relaxed sigh. Looking at the street lit storef ronts, he turned the corner from the bar and continues on his way. Exhausted by the natives and their visitors walking in, trailing with them the c lamor from the ongoing parties, he decided to head back to his hideaway. As a gr oup of people walked by him, they gave him odd and fearful looks. He stared thro ugh them with his intense, piercing, dark eyes sensing all the emotions that he had at one time. The intensity that came from them, but the consciousness of oth ers' feeling, daring them each time to keep it inside and not to lash it out at others. He smirked at their inhibited lifestyles and continued on. He flicked th e cigarette into the running water along the crevice of the street and watched i t slip into the water drain and out of sight Feeling strange in this new structure and frame of mind, he was becoming quite a ccustomed to it and knew that it was something that he could grow into easily. A lthough it wasn't what he was quite expecting, he still revered the change, be i t for the better or worse. Although set in his thinking, he still treasured his instilled values and beliefs that he held dearly to his heart, or what was left of it. He knew what the emotions that they were feeling felt like, but now, he c ouldn't really regret choosing to live this way. There was no emotion that he wo uld have to deal with, he had tried to train himself to this life previously, af ter many failed attempts, but not until now could he actually fit the mold that he was looking for. He continued on down the street and looked over at the mini-mart with the people coming and going in their cars and on foot, carrying out paper bags of booze, p acks of cigarette, and other random things that could come from this establishme nt. Starting to head toward this small building, he could hear the faint sounds of the conversations with his keen hearing, he barely had time to cross the stre et until his mouth started hurting from the alien growth piercing into his lower gums. He turned his head in agony out of view of the people around and darted t o a nearby dumpster where he hid and muffled his screams of pain. Although he ad mired this dark life, something that he could only see from afar before, it was the only part that he couldn't grow to like too well. The urges, he had to ignor e them, even though it could mean his whole existence to not satisfy it. After t he fangs went back into their casing, he continued on down the shadow filled all ey between the towering buildings. The shadows scurried around him as he jumped from the fire escape of the closest building after double checking for any intruders, to the top of the buildings a nd leaping with his new strength. Something he was very partial too during his f ormer life, he was quite strong then, the acute strength was something else that he was very glad to obtain from his master. The moon showed the paleness of his firm, masculine face and the deep blackness of his eyes as he continued to leap across the roofs. His long coat drifting behind him as the air whipped around h im as he bounded across the rooftops. He drifted down briskly from a two-story b uilding with out any passersby noticing within minutes of leaving the bar. He tu

cked in his shirt and adjusted himself neatly before turning the corner to the e ntrance of a dimly lit set of office buildings, containing a few residential apa rtments, but mostly unmarked offices of different trades, he finally walked up t o the door that he was looking for. He dialed the code number to the door and br ushed past the frosted pane windows and door after turning the knob. He looked a t the tall, slim lady leaning against the window frame looking out, one arm arou nd her trim stomach, another making invisible smiles with her thin fingers, upon the window. She heard his light footsteps approaching and stopped the childish drawings on the window, but continued staring out at the darkness from the pictu re window. "Any news?" Destiny asked without having to even look in his direction. "No, you?" Jaxon said and walked over to the desk and chair near her. He reached into the desk and pulled out the drawer and pulled out yet another empty cigare tte pack. He pushed the drawer closed in frustration. "Nope," she said sarcastically and snickered at his remark and looked over at hi m. "Or I wouldn't have asked you? Finally looking over at Jaxon, she smiled a wicked, evil grin. She walked over t o the leather couch, lain down, and leaned her head back on the arm of the couch . Sighing a deep breath, she looked over at him once again, "Surprised you could get out tonight. Kat didn't have you locked in?" She giggled under her breath. Looking at Destiny smugly, "Kat has no control over me, you know that. I just ca n't let her know about you or this that we have going on. You..." "Yeah, yeah," she interrupted. "Guess that's better than no excuse at all. Unfor tunately, I understand too well." "The bitch!" exclaimed the dark-haired female. Her medium length hair falling ov er the edge of the arm of the couch, her bright blue eyes penetrating him as he stared at him fervently. He looked over at her thin, yet slightly trim and muscular frame. He looked out the window that she had previously stood at and shook his head to restrain his t houghts of arousal. A sensual daydream was interrupted as she spoke. "So what are we going to do tonight? No business and the phone hasn't rang all e vening, just go and hang out on the corner like a bunch of whores," Destiny said as she sat up and clasped her hands together and looked in his direction past J axon, but not directly at him. "Hmm, I do believe that I have a better idea than that," he said and patted his leg for her to join him on his lap. Walking over to Jaxon, Destiny got down on her knees in her black mini-skirt and barely buttoned blouse exposing a nicely filled pushup bra. She started unbutto ning his pants after undoing his belt and placed her hand upon his warm flesh th at was hardening quickly from the warm air blowing over it from her breath. She wrapped her hand around it and ran her hand up and down the shaft slowly as she placed the head into her mouth. She felt him gasp as she ran her pierced tongue over the tip of his cock tracing a figure eight over it, teasing it feverishly. He moaned and placed his hand upon her head and ran his fingers through her soft , dark, wavy hair. She looked up at him and smiled as she continued her task. Sh e felt the jet propelled juices flow from his balls, as she gently squeezed them , up through the spine of his cock, and enter into her mouth. The warm juice sat isfied one hunger, but another was still lacking. She eased up as she felt her f

angs crawl out from under there covering. She smiled at him as they grew the res t of the way out. She turned her head trying to recover to normal, but to any av ail, it didn't work. "Damn, what do I do now?" Destiny said anxiously looking at him for advice. "Shit if I know," he said smartly. fy the need. You know that both of want to turn. I know about as much rom her and down at the small pile his desk calendar.

"Do like I do, scream like hell or just satis us are new at this, depends on which way you as you do!" he continued, as he looked away f of paperwork to be done lying to the side of

"Jackass!" she said as she walked out the door and headed to the bathroom to run cool water over her tear-drowned eyes and face to fix the dilemma. Jaxon watched her leave the room and looked at her hair and body sway to the cer tain walk she got after she met him, it was more than arousing, it was damn near too tough to ignore. It made him want to reach around her thin waist and pull h er so close to him that she could feel every rippling muscle on his chest and th e pulsating hard-on he had every time her smell tickled his nostrils as she walk ed into any room. He fell in love with her the first time they laid eyes on each other. Destiny wa s so irresistible that he just had to re-introduce himself. He had met her throu gh a favorite comrade of theirs. Afterwards, Jaxon and Destiny relied on each ot her and it was hard for either of them to be apart from the other for any extend ed amount of time. He had in more than one way, brought life into her dead soul. Trained her to liv e the life that she had so longingly needed to grasp and cling to. Now it was hi m that she clung to at night, either in the same bed or just in her deepest sexu al dream. He had stood beside her for such a long time that he couldn't begin dr eaming what it would be like to live his immortal life without her. Her entire e xistence made his life whole once again. Their souls had met not once, but many times, in the process of transformation and even in the romantic nights they spe nd together. It was only with her help he could escape the hell he had to cope w ith every day back in the rural area that they lived in. Both living in the same city, it wasn't hard for them to get together frequently , but it was where they were to be seen that was the problem. He loved showing h er off and giving her the attention she so much needed, but because of his home life and the chains that he was bound to, he had to be careful where they were t o portray their undying love for one another. It was her idea to start up this p rivate investigator profession that lured her even closer into his cold heart. A nd it made it easier to be seen around without being questioned later on. He had another job working at a ritzy hotel in another nearby town; he didn't have any job title, but was basically a jack-of-all-trades for them. He had become part owner and manager just recently, which boosted up his pay. He was distracted from thinking about this goddess of beauty when the phone rang . He looked at the phone furiously, knowing it might be her. Slowly picking up t he phone, he placed it up to his ear to hear the soft tone on the other line. "You busy?" said the female voice. "Not in particularly Kat, what can I help you with?" he said, beginning to tap h is pen on the desk. "Umm, I think you should know that, Jaxon," she replied.

"Yeah, but I'm at work, I can't do that right now," he said becoming impatient w ith Kat's persistence. "Well, you are in your private office at the bar, aren't you?" she asked. "Maybe , you could at least fondle yourself. I am lying here on the bed in nothing but a robe. Your favorite one." Jaxon hesitated, knowing that this wasn't what he wanted, as well as knowing he had better proceed before Kat started complaining and threatening to come to the bar, where she would not find him at. He reached around and pulled off his coat without taking the phone away from his ear. "Talk dirty to me, baby," she said, her breathing becoming rapid as she manipula ted her fingers about her furry mass. "Kat, you know full well that when I'm at work I can't do this, I do have a perf ormance here in a few and I can't attempt to step outside of my office with the aroma of old sex. John might complain, especially since after my performance I h ave to tend to the doors and the dancers," Jaxon said forcefully. "But sugar, I'm in the mood and you aren't here. I want you to fix it," she plea ded. He heard Destiny's footsteps slowly approaching and knew she would hate to see h im on the phone with her. He tried to quickly get off the phone with Kat before Destiny walked into the door, but it never failed that she always walked in at t he oddest times, in particular when he was talking to Kat. When Destiny returned from the bathroom, she noticed that he had taken off his t rench coat and was talking on the phone. He turned around and showed her a sour smile and motioning his hand for her to sit. She automatically knew what that me ant. The bitch, the female that was keeping her and him from being together and their true happiness. There was nothing that either of them could do at this mom ent. That would soon be fixed, as they would delve deeper into the mystery of Ka t's life and past. He knew enough at this moment, that he could leave with some dignity, but needed more information to get away from her with more than just sh eer pride. They were planning on putting her through enough torture she wouldn't know if she were in hell or not. Something that the strongest immortal couldn't imagine, or would even think about on a bad day. Destiny couldn't specifically tell what he was talking to Kat about; he was talk ing in one of his low tones again, that only if you were on the other end of the line could you hear him. She really liked it when he talked to her on the phone like that, it meant more than one thing, that he was in the mood and that she w as his target for the evening. Destiny could remember the first time that they had met. It was a point in her l ife when everything and everyone didn't matter. And was by sheer coincidence tha t he stepped into her life before she finally attempted another suicide. He was her spirit and she was eternally grateful for his help. Jaxon showed her that th ere was life after love and that she could walk away with something other than a stab in the back and several lies. He had looked over one final time before hanging up with Kat, as he finally pers uaded her that he would be home early enough tonight that they could be together , unless John needed him for something after close up. Jaxon would make up somet hing, then call John and have him to cover for him if she happen to call on his cellular phone in his Jeep. Jaxon looked over at Destiny and shook his head as he stood up and walked over t

o her. She had sprawled out on her stomach on the couch and had laid her head on the cushion as she watched him finish up the conversation with Kat. "Well?" she said looking at him questioningly. "Do we have to get into this again?" he said placing his hand upon her back and rubbing it over her blouse, feeling the tension in her back "What have you been doing that you are so tense, sweetie?" he asked looking down at her. She looked up at him and smiled brightly saying, "Wouldn't it be better to say, what have I not done to relieve my tension." He leaned down over her and kissed her cheek, then her lips. He tasted the fresh ly applied cherry lip-gloss and inserted his tongue into her mouth. They wrestle d with each other's tongue until the phone rang. They froze for a moment, laughi ng, then he stood up and answered the phone and looked at her grinning. He looked down at the caller id on the phone and picked it up, "Hello, Dark Ange ls Section 3, Jaxon speaking," he said business-like. He looked over at Destiny and smiled intriguingly as he took notes and continued talking to the person on the phone. She sat up excitedly and tried listening to his conversation to see if they were going to have a setup job or if she needed to get her zoom infrared camera for night pictures. She really liked getting into the nitty-gritty of peoples' secre t lives. It especially helped when her life was beginning to get boring, which w ith Jaxon, she never found to be a problem. He placed the phone back in its stand and grabbed his coat and headed out or. She stood up looking oddly at the closing door that Jaxon just passed h. He came back to the door and opened it, peeping through at her. "Well, st going to sit there like a corpse whore or what?" he said sarcastically ntinued back at the door.

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Yelling at him through the glass walls and door as she grabbed her jacket and fo llowed behind him, "Do I need the camera?" 10

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