Part Five, Chapter Five

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  • Words: 2,730
  • Pages: 8
Part Five Life Goes On Chapter One

It was already late evening when she stormed out of the apartment complex and left. After the long 2 hour drive, sleep was starting to kick in and it was getting harder for her to focus on driving. Thankfully she was just about 30 minutes away from the club. Drake had told her to meet up with him there as he had business to attend later. She could crash in the dressing rooms until he got off f or the night. She figured she would let him drive home as he does not have his own car. She can remember the old days of when they were roommates. She reflected back momentarily on the fun that they had and the trouble that they were always getting into. She was sure now that some time had passed that they both had grew up some. She was also confident that they could still cause trouble. She breathed a heavy sigh and leaned towards the car radio and flipped through the different channels. She had been caught up in her personal life the last few years that she didn't really listen to music any more. She didn't know what was hot and what wasn't. It was time for her to catch up on the times. She rolled the windows down partially and cranked up the radio to what seemed to be the most recent music. She shook her head at some of it and the absurdity of it and then some she'd bob her head and hum to the music as it played. There were a couple of songs that she found really well to be able to dance to. She had stored them in the audio memory file of her phone so that Drake could track them down for her and edit them for dancing. She forgot just how much work it was to come up with dancing material and all the costume prepping. She wasn't even for sure if she could do have the stuff that she could. She was starting to feel out of shape, and old. Although she was only in her late 20's the concept of age was becoming a factor and that gravity would start taking effect on her body. Time to work out some, she thought. Hopefully she'd have time to do some of that, unless he threw her out there tonight. She would beg for him not too, however, sometimes she couldn't talk her way out of it. Her only hope would be that he would be very forgiving on her. Ha! She laughed to herself at the thought of Drake ever having been forgiving. He's a drag queen, the only thing he's forgiving on is that she was born with a body and attitude and didn’t have to buy it. The nerves in her stomach started to knot up the closer that she got towards the Atlantic City strip and down into the 'dirty' part of town as they use to call it. She could see the big neon lights


hovering above the building tops as she’d rove along. The pink top hat and tail of the cat became more apparent. She still chuckled at the name of the club. However, this was her home and had been after she left her parent's house from upper New York. She felt like she had enough of being under their wings. At times like this, she almost wished that she could go back there. Once again, the way she left, that door had closed hard and nailed. But it was not a total regret. She later learned that the father of her son had been put in jail for kidnapping and assault charges. Something that good ole' Daddy dearest couldn't get him out of. Destiny made sure of that one with her own testimony at the tri al. It was her last way to put an impact that that family would never forget. Some of her old high school friends tell her how her father still disowns her after the scene she caused at the courthouse. Serves him right, she says out loud. At this point, it’s only her mother that she worries about now. She knows the oldest of her sisters comes around and watches after her. She still wanted to g o and run to mom and cry on her shoulders. However, she still kept in touch with her family through her mom's only sister. That was Destiny's second mother. If it hadn't of been for her Auntie Lynna, she would have been out on the street s more than once. So she knew her mother was fine. Destiny still wanted her mom, though. Unfortunately, that was not an option any more either. She now turned onto the one way street that the club was on. You could see people of all kinds coming and going from this place. It has picked up quite a bit of business since Drake became Entertainment Coordinator. The bright lights li t up her car and you could mistake it for daytime with them. She noticed that


the old convenience stores that use to sit next to the club had been taken out and in its place a bigger parking lot for the club. From what Destiny could gather most of the parking on the streets and in the parking lot were mainly from the club. There were a few other personal and smaller shops that still lingered around the club, however, they were closed. This was probably a good thing that they did close early. Other customers didn't have much walkway to get to the business, let alone parking space. Destiny slowed the pace of the car to almost a stop, but still crept along. She noticed ahead of her and a few other cars that there were several men in black dress pants and black vests on. One guy in particular wore a bright blue vest. There was one thing for certain about them, they were well endowed men. The muscles in their arms and chest pressed hard upon their vests. The gentleman in the blue vest especially was busting at the seams. He looked at each of the cars that were in line ahead of her and just as he shot a glimpse at her, he made way towards her car. He had a bright smile on his face and motioned for one of the other men to follow him. Destiny didn't know what was going on. She was awestruck for a moment at the sight of him, but still nervous about what he was doing approaching the car. He stood by the driver's window for a moment and then motioned for her to roll it down. She cautiously rolled down the window just enough for a conversation to be held without screaming. She felt around between her seat and the emergency brake handle to self-confirm that her pepper spray was easily accessible. She nodded more or less at herself, but looked at the guy as she rolled it down enough. "Yes?" she asked politely. His voice, though soft and very deep, was sensuous enough to bestow any one into his boudoir. A shiver went down her back at the thought of what many things he could do, with his voice. She shook her head to focus and went back to intently listening to what he was wanting. "Miss...Destiny, I presume. My name is Simone. And Monsieur Drake has requested that we escort you and any belongings you have to his private office. May we park your car around back?" he said in a very affirmative yet heavy accented ton e. He continued, "Would that be...alright Mademoiselle?" He waved his arm out and towards the guy behind him that would escort either her or her car away from this heavy traffic. She hesitated slightly, grabbing her phone and her overnight bag that she kept in her car for emergencies. She had slipped the pepper spray in the side pocket of her bag, just in case. As she opened the door and stepped out of the car, she realized just how much taller she was than the guy. Destiny stood at just barely brushing 5'9 but most would say 5'8. This guy barely


rose to be above her shoulders. "What is Drake thinking?" she thought to herself. Of course, then again, she was wearing about 2 inch heels, but that would have still made him shorter than her. She shrugged it off and handed him the car keys. The guy who was going to be driving the car took them and got into the car. He got backed up and into the other lane and sped off down the street. She looked at the guy in the blue vest, Simone, concerned. "If I don't get my car keys back from you directly. I will hunt you down," she said firmly and without hesitating. Simone looked at her and nodded. "Oui, madamoiselle. I will p personally hand them to you," he said. "Please, follow me." He motioned for her to follow and then lead her towards a side door that not many on the outside would have noticed. It had been painted to match the rest of the building and a side hand slot that looked like a brick was the handle to open the door. I t was times like this that it was needed. They walked in and he continued to usher her through the side hallway that had been painted in forest green and yellows. If she tried hard, she could remember that it was bright pinks and purple hues. It was girlie enough that it would have made any one gag. However, she followed the man down the hallway and to an office that was painted


in wonderfully pleasant colors of greens and browns. The rug was a sandy color. And off to the far right, was a desk and computer with a few filing cabinets and a man dressed in a fuchsia jacket and black dress pants, from what she could tell in from this distance. On the left side of the room were a few costumes on portable clothes racks, a nice black leather couch, cherry coffee table, and a small dormsize freezer stuck in the far corner. So this is his office he said that I would be enamored over. She laughed to herself and looked around at all the pictures of the dancers, which seemed rather new. The further she walked in s he felt like she was being watched. It sent an eerie shiver down her spine. she tried to figure out where this feeling was coming from. She looked behind her and when she did, plaster up on the wall along with all the other dancers picture, was her. Barely clad in any clothes, her hair styled partially down with a portion of it in buns on either side of her head and her infamous leather outfit. She blushed for a brief moment when she realized that it was herself that the spook. Simone went up to the desk and spoke with Drake as he sat and talked on the phone with his back turned towards Destiny. She could hear his higher pitched voice over the other mans, which was rather amusing since Drake was much taller than him, but built about the same. Destiny had gone back to daydreaming and went and walked over to the other pictures looking at them and wondering who each of these girls were. All of a sudden footsteps approached from behind and muscular arms wrapped around her in a big bear hug lifting her up off the ground. The squeeze alone let out a squeal from her. "Drake," she announced. "Why are you squeezing the pee out of me? Do you want a mess to clean up?" She laughed a bit at her own joke. "Sorry, love," he said and slowly put her down. "It's just been a minute since I saw your body here. I couldn't resist. You're still a b**** for having the body like you do. So what's up love? How are you and Mr. Fabulous doing?" Drake took her arm and walked her over to the couch and pulled her down to sit f acing him. It reminded her so much of sitting and chatting and hanging out with the girls every time that she were around him. She always made her feel so welcome and better about herself. "Which Mr. Fabulous are you referring to? I haven't really talked to you in the past few years. Refresh me?" she said and pulled one of the couch pillows towards her and she hugged onto it for comfort. "Oh, you know. Mister Tall, Dark, and Ooh my...” he joked and made a motion with his hands as if they were a fan to cool him off. "The boy toy that kidnaped you from us those few years ago. I forgot the boy’s name, only his drink of choice. And obviously, girl of choice" Drake sat back with a not-so innocent smirk on his


face. Destiny started looking down to the ground, hating to have to mention the news that she has been repeating over for about 3 months now. "That was Jaxon." she mumbled. She started to pick another topic, but he interrupted. "Oh, did I pick a touch subject? Oh my. What happened love? Tell Momma Drakey all about it." he said lovingly and took her hand in his and caressed it. She looked down in her lap, more or less so that she didn't have to look Drake I n the eyes. It was hard enough living with it on a day to day basis versus actually explaining it to everyone. Especially, when the image of Jaxon being drug down to the ground and ravaged by that heinous woman, it sent shivers down Destiny's spine. As the thought crossed her mind, again, her whole body convulsed in shivers. Drake looked at her awestruck. "Oh dear," he said, surprised and sympathetic at the same time. He reached over and grabbed Destiny in a huge emotion driven hug. One thing, not many people knew, what that Drake was a telepath and a good one at that. He could sense and f eel exactly what the other person felt. For her it was soothing that someone felt how she felt, even if it was drawn from her own emotions. She didn't feel the urge to cry like she had done so often previously, but her heart still hardened and enclosed itself in pain. Finally, she had someone that


could at least more logically sympathize with her instead of repetitively saying 'it'll be alright, trust me.' She was utterly sick of hearing it. She shuttered a heavy sigh, sat up straight, and looked at Drake. She kept her face as solid and straight as she could so she wouldn't cry as she told him a bi t more in detail what happened. "Honestly," she started. "Jaxon was killed. The lady that he had married long before he met me found out that he was planning on finalizing the divorce papers behind her back and then days later, marrying me. Thankfully, at this time, she doesn't know specifically who I am. Other than the fact that his bosses name at his private investigators name was Fe-Fe. Which was his code name for me?" She paused for a moment and took in a deep breath before continuing. Drake looked at her intently and with an on-the-edge-of-his-seat looks. "Unfortunately, I saw him get killed. He doesn’t know that I do or did. Nor does anyone else, but you now. I would like to keep it that way. I saw every blood spurting, skin pulling painful moment from only about 30 yards away. I honestly hope the Bitch gets what she deserves." the thoughts started welling up in her mind and anger rose to the tip of her tongue. So hot and fleshy that Destiny could almost taste it. She wished that she could hunt down the lady, but knew if she did, that it would be her demise as well. Destiny knew that Jaxon would roll over in his grave knowing she chased down that wicked woman.



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