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  • Words: 19,467
  • Pages: 76
Series Monograph

CASESTUDIES Collaboration CivilSociety-Business-Government Protection: for Environmental AsianExPerience TheSoutheast 1stEdition 2003

Table of C,ontents .

the bond. . .. .. Experiencing Cometogether..









AgainstUsedBottles... . PeduliAqua:Partnership ByEkaBudianta f{ature EducationCenter:A CaseStudy.. Thuraisamv ByGunaseelan

. 1

4 ....9 .

. 20



By EnricoO. Garde



By ManolitaGonzales

RecyclableWasteBusinessFor SustainableDevelopment.. 56 Ph,D By DararattAnantanasuwong,

Experiencing the bond protection? for environmental worktogether andgovernment business civilsociety, Whyshould in thesamerain we thesameair,getsoaked breathe wealllivein thesameplanet, issimple: Theanswer question The challenge the to beg afford protection. can't We rrJ*ort tog"ti"|, for environmental rhetoric beyond a response demands andhow?" couldweworktogether perhaps question is"underwhatconditions Theessential thereareanswers ThesearenoteasvquestionsHowever, showthat civilsociety' andthe Philippines Thailand, Malaysia, fivecasesfromlndonesia, Thefollowing but motivations different for cooperatlng motives butinterrelated Uriin"r.undgou"rnr"nthavedifferent cuts acrgss activity environmental as an thatshowhowrecycling aretestimonies ihe stories interrelated, amongthesethreestakeholders generate collaboration easily is an activitythatcan mottvationsand Citferent andcomplying thecostof hauling rangefromreducing thoughthemotlves wouldliketo recycle, Everyone lmage company a positive lawsto projecting withenvironmental to unfoldor colld protectlo;couldbe a core.rno'al.value envlronmental AmongcivllsocietymemDers, are diversebut rnotlvations lndeed, the incomefor the community simolvbe a strategyto generate interconnected. synergy?" "Howdoweavoidconflictandencourage oftenaskthemselves: together working Thus,groups The business-asmess environm-ental in an quicker we sink the tlie disagreement, tfreaeeper aemeriOer; natural sufferin a deteriorating stnceevenbusinesses mustnowchange, *ri attitua"of companies given work for environmental of dollars billions canno longeraffordto spend Governments environment. peace andworld priorities likehealth,education otherpressing thataswe understand it appears eachother,because Thefirstbigstepwe mustdo isto try to understand greatlyincreased' thus collaboration potentialfor and the more, ;ore, we;spect eachothers'motives .is sectors to work three the encouraging good toward a start the lissonsiromthe casesherecitedare together. anduniteto workfora better helppushallofusto cometogether coLrld It isourhopethatthiscontribution environment.

for a Foundation Inc. Society Sustainable

Peace Sasakawa Foundation

Come tqethert Theycametogetherto makea difference. gathered 2002 in February people fromsixAsiancountries andgovernment business Civilsociety, of the environment' for thesake moreclosely viewson howto collaborate to exchange of five countrycasestudieshaveidentifled and presentation the discussions In that meeting, for suchfuturecollaborations pointsthat maywellprovide theframework essential several notedin the meeting: aresomeof the majorobservations Following thatworking crisesfacingtheworldaremakingpeoplerealize andecological First.Theeconomic in thesecriticaltimes. especially is goodfor everyone, together showthat the moredirectlylinkeda andAquain lndonesia of Shellin lvlalaysia Theexperiences protection, forenvironmental istheconcern thestronger isto natureandtheenvironment, business attitudecannotthrjvein an environment globalcrisjs,a business-as-usual Amidstthethreatening exploitation, of resource thatthey andAquahavediscovered Ayalain thePhilippines in Thailand, Wongpanit f4eanwhile, cooperating, with localcommunities wastecollection, foreffective couldworkwithlocalcommunities economically businesses thusmakingrecycling volumeof wastecouldbe collected, a significant couldgrowfroma enterprises environmental viable.Theyhaveshownthat community-based garbage crisis. jnterest ShellandAqua astheirsoleconsideration nolongerholdshareholder companies Second. problems groupsto address theecological pressure bycivilsoclety to intense werebothsubjected plastic provide go had to It Aquahadto intoPETrecycling. operations. generated bytheirbusiness the Sustainable Shelladopted who werenot evenshareholders to communities crushers policy to fuel localand globalworkin Framework as company f4anagement Development protection. environmental a newsetof stakeholders, nowhaveto consider Thesevariedeffortshaveshownthatbusinesses governments Theymustnowflndinnovative civilsociety andlocal community, namely theimmediate civilsociety shareholders. andnotonlywiththeirtraditional withthesegroups, waysof cooperating pockets. practice policy, andcompany corporate business viewshaveinfluenced inability ofgovernments isthefrequent thethreesectors among basisforcooperation Third.Another globalcrisesaswellastheuneven andpressing forsocialservices to greaterdemands to respond of Political distribution Power. functions that shouldhavebeen management solid-waste TheAyalaGroupis performing quickly a "dirty"image because hashadto act Thecompany government's mainresponsibility. spaces rL-rsawayshoppers, of commercial ard tenanrs rearlors, sparlng easesongovernments/ thepressure likeWongpanit Asmorecompanies 90 intorecycling, final disposal for newareas themfromhavingto spendmoreon wastehaulingor in developing often resources towardimproving their governments then shift could Hopefully, suchas landfills.

theirwallets' through nowspeak isontherjseandconsumers consumerism Responsible Fourth. grown andoncosn'letics arewillingto payextraforfoodthathasbeenorganically lvlore consumers pay park insidereserves entrance prepared to They are now thathavenotbeentestedonanimals enjoyprotecti0n. species where endangereo of companies andthewillingness systems andstandards, certification Thegrowthof international civil aresignsthatbusiness, clearance andenvironrnental for accreditation io iu-bpctthemselves is now a banner 9002.Certiflcation ISO to eachother' io.i"ty andgou"tn.enthavebeenlistening sharel priceof company rising practice with a together good corporate of value into an econornLc conservation, of a socialvalue,viz.environmental Thetransformation longer a business' is no after all l4oney andbusiness communities between fosterscooperation rod, measuring sole formof social havebeengrowing,Thisemerging andinfluence Fifth.Civilsociety!importance powerful suchasthe trade bodies including of institutions hastestedthe capacity organization stakeholders' other to worktogetherwith lptc, Iclnn andeu"ntheWofidTradeorganization projects andrelatewiththe thatsupport havetakenpainsto finance andorganizations Companies is fastbecoming desk" or an,'NGO Department Relations settirigup a community iivit society. practice. standard

TheVnowseethatWorkingWithcjvilsocietycreatesaVaIuefarbeyondgoodpUbIicre|atio and thatcivilsocietycanwieldon the policies .orbuni"t no* uppt"cia6the powerfulinfluence andgovernments. of business decisions individuals bypowerful isnolongerdominated resources natural of scarce allocation Theauthoritative generated benefits and of resources thedistribution nowinfluences Civilsociety anJoiganizations. fromtheenvironment derived formanycompanies rnoremeanlngful workhavebecome andphilanthropy relations Public and products and profits,motivations Ihe worldis gettingsmaller'Sharingresources, Finally, arenowgettingto betheorderof theday mindsets andfranchise communities amongtemples, wasdonein partnership business recycling Wongpanit's to andis moving dealwith ts watersheds rehabilitate infhatlinda-ndLaos.Aquaishelping nold6is effortsin wastemanagement Ayala's andsidewalks. ownPFTbottlesthat are litteringbeaches itsbioengineering through Juboken, partners ln thePhilippines. and tenants ;pplyto itsholdings, Europe' anderodedareasin Japanand riverbanks eifortsis helpingrehabilitate

ShelIl'4a|aysia,sDeVe|opment14anagementFramework]sconsistentWithshe||,sgIob forfuturegenerations of naturalresource a vastexpanse havejoinedhandsto conserve and14NS to inheritl buslness protection isbothlocalandglobalThus,whencivilsociety, forenvironmental Thedemand protection, advocate for environmental andwork callsforallof usto cometogether oroovernment refuse? pick earndecentprofits,whocoLlld waste, or protect up watershed, a tor-aootlcy, casestudieshaveshown,no onecouldl Asthefollowing

Case Summaries INDONESIA botolAqua kemasan DaurUlangLimbah PEDuLIAQUAadalahProgram olehAlm TiftoUtomoSHpadaawal1993' dandicanangkan inidjprakarsai Program plastikPETata! Poly yangterbuatdari botolbekasairminumdalamkemasan darimasalah ldenyaberawal kuat'iernih'tidak karena minuman PETini sangatbagusuntukmengemas t"r"ptin"fat".Plastik ataufoodgrade' "in"i*" o"rour,duntiit puttungkusmakanan, (PEdanPVc)yang plastik lainnya sebagaimana plastik PETyangkuatdanjernihitusulitdidaur-ulang Tetapi

fiil:ft[:i i!.f1?"i:l':i,lFl ."iiik-ff ll::i,,il :#::ili;;l:l: lnyil*ti::Lgg* bahanpolyester' rayonsebagai menjaai

J""1"" a d i b o t o l P E T b e k a s d a p a t d i i a d j k a n b a h a n t e k s t i l ,kerjasama k o r d e n ,dengan k a r p e para t , d skonsumen' b,melaluiprosest il"ort pi*"i a"ur ulangllmbahAqua'Untukitu diperlukan daram konsumsi neserl plastik baikuntuk


serpihan p"niaiur,, ounpensg'na


eksPor' maupun

luran vu"Sdirintisdan hinggapenya pencacahan, daripengumpulan, Sisumkeriasama -l::ll^]nl]:l mencanangkannya iir.".ounoGnrirto utomo.iapat nqua,tirto utomb,itutahyangmemprakarsai,-dan witoelar'ketua Ir' Erna dan itu)' saat hidup ir,lnesaralinskunsan ;"; ;;;;;ii"rit'it"nt ;i;# 1993) padawaktuitu (1 Februari ronsurnen, iayisanrembaga uang dikenakan -AQUA p"ra-konsumen konsumenPadaawalnya keterlibatan ini memerlukan Proqram kecil(600ml) Blla

ml),danRps'- untukbotol iiii"l" rllt"i ii,u.tii np10,-untuklotoiL"# trsoo ituduakali uangjaminan iirto Uto;omengembalikan

to.ongnyu,"n-."G.Oaf,kanbotet-notol oanRp20'-vangbesar' 10,Rp aQUA la^u iii"il':"J''0".ii".""s va;gkecrl' para samadengan A9Ul,!911s^lekerF sehinssa maksimaL kurang konsumen sambutan awalnya, Pada

lintuilnr,is*:-r:ru:nru:'nB:'Ail?:'fiH"J.x"f:" setiaphari' botolyangberkeliling empattruk pengangkut Oo"i, t m6nyediakan ke pabrik-pabriktekstil Dengan dicacah,dijadikanflakedandisalurkan kosongitu dikumpulkan, Botol-botol prosram limatahun


selama dariiaranan. oijril,danmenshrang ;"i-usiir,uri,utran, -u"ii""q.r"g !J;:iffiil;i"+i penjualan hasil terkumpulkan' oersih alna npl,s mitvar (rgg:-rssa) ledih'Jari o"[ri a"r" serpihan Plastik.

Diantaraprogramnya atauDJvlL TrustFundbagiDanaMitraLingkungan' sebagal Uangitudisumbangkan kepada pencacah dibaqikan tesin p"tu*u'unt-"Sniutah eut'ngt"dit{t )S menyebar-lua.*un termasuk itu' bersama Selain l99B hrngga dln semarang' Yosva' aindung, seputar:akarta, ;;;G.;;l ;;#il;i; terumbu Seribu'Pelestarian danPulau citiwung r"kuilit
pogramPEDULI (bestpractice)yangberhasilmenjadimodelkemitraan AQUAkinidikenalsebagaicontoh denganLSM,serta berlaniutsebagaiinspiratorwira-usahadi lingkunganpemulung, aniaraPengusaha DirekturPTAquaGolden ini tidaklepasdari peranPresiden Kepedulian pelapak, da; pencintalingkungan. WillySidharta. I\.lississippi, dalammengelola danteladannya pada1994,namunidenya,prakarsa meninggaldunia PakTirtolJtomotelah di tercatatsebagaisatu Pada1999,ProgramPeduliAqua limbahbotolbekas,kinidiakuidiberbagainegara. Aqua Peduli AsiaPasifikstudikasustentangkeberhasilan terbaikdi kawasan antara10programkemitraan (JCIE)di Tokyo,lepang.*** (EkaBudianta, juoadilakuka;olehlapan centerfor lnternationalExchange SahabatAqua) bi;ekturEksekutilYavasan

MALAYSIA tiga pihak'ForestResearchInstitute of Malaysia(FRIM)- MalaysianNature Pergefahaman Society(MNS)dan SHELLuntuk masyarakatmardani' Malaysia. EnSeelanSamydari ERAConsumers, Kertaskerjaini telah di kemukakankepadaFoundationfor SustainableSocietyIncorporated (FssI), dalamsatu bengkelMasyarakatMardini(Civilsociety)di Philippinespadatahun 2001 dan 2002.Berikutadalahringkasandari kertaskerja ters€but' f4NS,sebuah danjugaPresiden FRII'4 HasildariilharnDato'DrSallehMohdNorselakuKetuaPengarah pada 1992di tahun CentreatauNEC)telahditubuhkan alamsekitar(NatureEducauon DusatDendidikan alamsekitar. terhadap kesedaran perkarangan FRIMuntukmempromosi inisiatifsector satu-satunya yangbersejarah kerana,ia merupakan satuperjanjian NECmelambangkan masyarakat yang faedah kepada (NGO) rnembawa danbadanbukankerajaan agensikerajaan korporat, pendldikan dl konsep pendidikan berteraskan penubuhan pentingkeranapen!buhan satupusat NEc.juga barupadamasaitu satuperkembangan luarbilikdarjahmerupakan berbagai aktivititermasuk, menjalankan padabulanJanuari 1993,NECtelahberjaya pelancaran semenjak pelalar, programguru-guru dan untuk pelajar, a lam sekitar kursusorientasi untuk perkemahan-perkemahan dari 10,000 lagi Lebih dan lain-lain bengkel-bengkel program seminaruntukparawartawan, korporat, 2001' tahun1993 program di NEcdiantara pel;wattempatan danluarnegeritelahmenyertai oleh satu"casestudy"telahdidokumentasl mardani, masyarakai objektifuntukmewujudkan selaridengan yang (sebuah memperjLrangkan NGO l'4alaysia penyelidik pegawai dari ERA Consumers Samy, EnSeelan kemudian Kertas kerjatersebut tersebut. darikerjasama danpembelajaran kejayaan mengenai hakpenggLlna) pada tahun 2001. di N4anila. Phjlippines danseminar satuslribengkel FssIdalam kepada telandiremutan mendalam lebih yangberminat untukmengetahuidengan diJepun Foundation Peace FSSI danSasakawa danseterusnya masyarakat mardani keberkesanan dalaminstitusi yangmempengaruhi lagi,faktor-faKor Indonesia, dan Thailand, dari Malaysia, selain Asia Tenggara. di rantau tersebut maklumit minyeoarkan juga kepada kajian tersebut. Philippines telahmenyumbang yangtelahterjalin diantara padatahun2001,kerjasama telahdijalankan seminaryang bengkeldan Berikutan untuk mendalami sambilbelaiarkeThailand kepada lawatan telahdipanjangkan tersebut negara-regarJ mereka peserta-peserta dankertaskerja lanjut rnengenai Maklumat yang Thailand. oleh ikemukakan kei laporan ini lampiran dalam dlrujuk boleh

Salahsatufaedah yangutamadarikerjasama tersebut adalahroeningkatkan profilsecara tangsung untuk pihakiaituFRIN4-rvrNS ketiga-tiga dansHELL pandangan dararn masya;akat. seiaindariiru,r.ujian FSSIjuga terahmencungkir kembari faktor-faktor yangmemotivasi kesinambungan daramkerjasama tersebut daram mencapai aspirasi masyarakat rnardani. persefahaman Perjanjian untukpusatpendidikan NEChariini telahdipanjangkan ke fasakedua(2002_ 2007)danrawatan sertakerjasama diantaran yangterahmeribatkan negara-negara diridalaminisiatif ini sedang diteruskan,

PHILIPPINNS JubokenEnterDrises: A CaseStudyon Environmental Technologyfrom CoconutWaste Angpag-aaral aytumalakay sakaranasan ngJuboken Enterprises, isangpribadong entrepreneur saaikorat ng Foundation for a sustainabre societyIncorporated (FssI)isangno-n-governrient organrzauon ditosa Pilipinas. Bilangpanimula tinalakay ditoangpatuloyna pagkakalbo ng kagubatan na siyangnagtgrng sanhing soil erosion. Afg problemang itoay magiging isangmalaking krisisnJpipinsala samgapananjm at kabuhayan n9maraming tao. Angisangsolusyon saproblema ayangteknolohiya ng,,bio_eng ineering,,, Angteknolohiyang ito,nasiyang pinasimulan piiipinas ngJuboken Enterprises,sa aygumagamit ngmgamaturfal".namurasap,nagbulatan ngniyog(coconut husk). Pinakamalawak angnasasakupan ng tanirnan ng niyogsa buofgpilipinas, SakasaruKuyan, copraang pangufal^,ing produkto.a nakukuha sa niyog, Angbunoto pinagbalatan ay naitatapon tamang (60%)o nagagamlt napanggatong (40olo). Ngayon, angmgabunotaynagagamit nabilangmateryales nanagbibijay solusyon sa problema ng soi erosionat patuloyna bumabang kakayahan ng-mgaranrman na magtng produktibo. Tiyaga, pag-aaral nasusing at determinasyo_n natumulong saproblema ng kahjrapan sirKanayLtnan afg siyangnagingpangunahing puhlnanni Dr Arboleda upangitayoangJu6oken tto rin ang siyangnagingbatayan ng FSSIna makipagtulungan salubokenEnterp,'rises. Angilanghaiimbawa ng produkto muiasadatingbasurang bunotngniyogaygeo_textttes para at tascines sasorterosion. Ginagamit dif afg mgaitosapagpapatatag ng mgagilidng ilogat katsada. t4ayroon din t|narawag nacocopeat namuJa sabunot.Angcocopeat aygjnagamit bilangmateryalsa paggawa ngpataba o ferlilizer salupa. Bukodsa teknolohiya ngbio-engineering, maraming mahahalaw sakaranasan n9Juboken Enteprises. Una, naipakita naangmganaitatapon na bagaytuladJ.rg blnot, kungpagtutuunan ng masusing pag,aaral at alapatan ngkaukulan teknolohiyang praktikal pakinabingin aymaaring at makap;gbibigay ng trabaho tato pangalawa, na.samgakanayunan. binibigyan d;inna isangteknolohiya ng pioO-utsiyon upangmagjng mabilis angpagtanggap aydapatnababatay sakaranasan ng mgagaganit;9 teknolohtya.

at kung l.entrepreneur" "socia ngisang katangian anoangmgapangunahing dinsapag-aaralkung -ti"tii.if'.bs" Ipinakita pribadong partnership ng o samahan na ito.u pagbuong itangmatatag katangia-n "ti, at mgakomunidad sakanayunan ngmgaNGO sector,

PHILIPPINDS' AyalaFoundation Solidwaste ManagementProgram Group ngAyala naitinatag organization (AFl)ayisangnon-government Incorporated Foundation AnqAvala Pilioilas sa kumpanya ng21malalaKing aybinubuo (AGc)AngAyala ofcompanies Group oi6o'irpanies pagtataguyod ng sa din at nagunguna negosyo, at ng komersiyo sa larangan e"q AdC brdd sa kila6 para angAGctumulong ngcsRmaykatungkulan (csR)Ayonsapanuntunan responslbility sociat cor-porite pati pang-ekonomiya at lipunan problemang pagtugon sa mga pamamagitan ng sa kahirapan mapawiang sakallkasan, dulotng prcblema nasuliraning sa lumutas ng AFIkungpaanosilatumutulong ng AGCsa parnamagitan na ito, iplnakita Saoaa-aaral urbanisasyon' at ng komersiyalisasyon problema ng basura bunga ng pagdaml lumala-lanq bilangbahaginqisangmalaking Project Management ngAFIangisangSolidWaste Nuong1993,slnimulan ng isang itulak angpagkakaroon at taga-lungsod sa mgamaralitang tumulong oroqrimana naqlalayong ng magkaroon sa mga tagalungsod, ing layuninngAGcnatumulong Nlgbuklod mitinisnatapatiqiran. prinsipyo ng na slnasaad ng husto ang at itaguyod o tenants parasakanilang kliyente miiinisnat
THAILAND qsfio"lav6'ltriardanr:r{orurlu-ruu'.,riju: nrrflfinurornrJrvrlro'hru {tirurlrdnrror:do:. nr:rinf aldumuvdl{Fj nruv{otu1n15[FliBEno dnrriufruf oltq:u:.iBv r:rtrdni .1 n!nrm 5vrvtFllllu sru.rrua:iudrilunrrfi6nursrfi o"nuv6"lgr6a.[u rvrudllrs6o qirrio r i:Ilr r ' rf,t ri firiluqrfiaqnrinuvi,: usnlurjrvnr rlfirirrfiunr rrfiurrjati'l nr::usrr d'ouunquvr fi arirnd'lr:T 5"lsr6aIoufilflta rsya'n'lunrra4snrid,ruroda uacfioturrrJsu rBrllrkfiirrad'n nrrliyrro rfiodril'lrarilrrirrfiunrr louarduntuiuft aornuriru,rruRrniguavqlrutulia.,:f, u rvdrufiu,lud'nuru: aa.,:nr:'tfi nruinrrfl nol:loirunrsuun"Ju;iidur:oru16"ltr6a ruavnr5dil\rrnia"li,run'utfi orsrdunrr"rruullu'lgd,,r{fwrrnsd,, qs:fioelucS"lm6 ruri{au'lorJ svnaunr a nrsi'etgi,:turnrsct uvi'tol6a'luqrruyiaTr.oriuu ai'lh$uvilm6a1u{o naro{ortr.tvot:stgu,ruirilt"kiriruao i lru.ruvtutltrlu vir'lrifi,rrnoiiot'[uqrJgudva,]o 5,]11alnrJatiiB tir ul rvudo.'rltJ:vlJ,t rr"lta{[]lFiulaun:fiun1Iantunr:rlr.t:rr.tIravil.,:nalq u:grua u mr'1 fi.rnr:dr.,:Iru qrLtud arl rrn ur,l uvi'ltr6al r ar u'lriri'tu6rin.tu51o1na *avnrlldrsr s"loi"lriri'l ro fianr:rfirEriukiarirlaquurinrru fidrrLr:ndir.,rn':u*rin6'lrirfi odu"[uturu riJunrrfi orurqcuntldi,:qrLturi'r u riurijun:rfi6nurfiLrdo.,:lfirfiufinnllrirrLiarwirrq:fiauav svrrdtord6,lunr :vir1 rfionrs{q:uru:.rr.tti':8u


PeduliAqua: Partnership Against Used Bottles BvEkaBudiantax fromSept11-14,2001to Findwaysto in Jakarta N4ore than60 expertsfromail overtheglobegathered posedby plasticwaste.TheUnitedNations Development organlzation problems International overcome (UNIDO) playedhostto the International lYeeting on andExhibitlon of lndonesia andthe government Resources. Theywerejoinedby Degradable Plastic fromRenewable Recycling andEnvironmentally (NGos)andtheacademe. business, nongovernment organizations representatives fromgovernments, on the development of the andTechnology lvlinistry of Research sharedtheirexperience TheIndonesian polymer Mississippi, wasverykeen industryrepresented byPTAquaGolden industrywhiletheIndonesian institutions fromAustralia, Europe Companies fromChina,Koreaandsomeresearch on plasticreclcling, piastic, especially degradable in introducing options byusingenvironmentally andtheUSu/ereenthusiasUc Laos, Vietnam, Bangladesh Delegatesfrom fromrenewable resouTcessuch ascornandtapioca. thatdeveloped increase in the amolntof plasticwastetheir Herzegovina toldthe audience of thealarming andBosnia countries areconsuming. respective WATERINDUSTRY PLASTIC CONSUMPTION ANDTHEBOTTLED plasticconsumption of seven withan average is a countryof morethan220millionpeople, Indonesia plastic year than 1.54 billion kilograms of per 2000. country more capita in the The consumed kilograms polyethyiene (PET), percent type of of terephthalate a consumed, 15 came in the form Ofthe total annually. p asticcommonly for bottledwater,softdrinks, fryingoil andcosmetics. lsed ascontainers in theearly1990sThebLlk thatmorethan40,000tonsof usedbottleslitteredIndonesia Itwascalculated Aqua Golden Mississippi. mineral-water bottles marked werc lawyerforthestateoil company bottled-water industry beganin 1973whena 43-year-old TheIndonesian jobs The idea hadcometo llrto Utomowhena established tre PT Aqua Go den N4ississippi. shifted and Perlamina hoteshewasstaying. The tapwaterat thefive-star anupsetstomach asa resultof drinking foreigfguestsuffered guestdidnotrealize thatbp waterinJakarta hadto bebo edfordrinking. waterto everytopto provide cleandrinking 14rLjtomo to come!p witha means challenged Theincident - drinking waterin a glass his"invention" 19,1973,Utomopatented OnOctober ratedhotelin Jakarta. - whichbecame popularly known as'Aqua." bottle got Golden 14ississippi, thecompany successor in thePTAqLla 14r. Utornob According to f4r.WillySidharta, name withthefounder's "fatherof water." Thewordalsocoincides whichmeans itsnamefrom[4ississippi, "noble." "water"andLrtomo, whichmeans Tirto,whichmeansin Javanese astargeted, butto theopen waterwasintroduced notonlytohotels, bottled Withlna yeatthe950-mglassa'rdsires. canpin varyilgs1apes Tarke_ asWel'.Tneglasscontaine-s andtLlrned lnto for bottledwaterstartedin 1981.Thebottlescouldbe recycled Theuseof PVCDlastic jars, notconsidered products plastic pipes, clothes hangers, so theywere trash and sLrch as boxes secondary smoke downside in the useof PVCwasthatit ernittedpoisonous then.Therecognized a wasteproblem quite was also hea!ry' water The bottle that tainted the botUed and had a smell durinqrnanufacture,

(PET)plastic Theuseof polyethylene terephthalate asbottledwatercontainer wasintroduced in 1987.PET plastic is moreexpensive thanPVCbutis moredurable andtransparent. PETplastic, howevetisveryhard to dissolve andisthusa soilpollutant. Thetreatment for PETwastewaslittleknownduringthattime.The process rccycling wascomplicated procedure. andrequired a morecomplex technological Although Indonesia hadseenplasticrecycling ventures sincethe late1970s,PETrecycling cameintothe pictureonlyafterAqla ledthecampaign in 1993,lessthana yearafterit became a publiccompany. Theintroduction of PETplastic bottlesdramatically thebottledwaterindustry boosted in Indonesia. Wtthin twodecades afterits introdudion, over50 brands waterhaveemerged of bottleddrinking ln Indonesia. PTAquaGolden lvlississippi, betterknownasAGlv1, continued to leadthe marketwitha production of over products million llters ofdrinking water one a day,AGpl weresoldnotonlyinthecountry butwereexported neighbors to IndonesiaS suchasSingapore, BruneiDarussalam, Malaysia, Taiwan andeventhe[4aldives. years Three later,Aquadrinking waterwasbeingsoldinAustralia, NewZealand, HongKong,thePhilippines andVietnam. Withthecompany's success, ltsplastic bottles scattered everywhere werebecoming visiblya wasteproblem. EmptyPETbottleslitteredthe stfeetsof Jakarta andotherbigcitiesin Indonesia, aswellaspicnicareas nearmountainS andbeaches, ErnaWitoelar, anenvironmentalist andconsumer notedhowthedrinking rightsadvocate, waterpackaging problem. wasgrowinglntoa majorenvironmental Plastic wastemadesoillesshealthy. Sometypesof plastic, it wascalc!lated, remained un-degraded for aslongas100yearsaftertheirdisposal. problems [4nTirtoUtomorealized thatPETplastic wastecreated because of itsvolumeanddurabiiity and because no onewantedto coLlect the bottlesfor recycling or reuse,In 1992,dlringan opendebateat a publicseminar ontheenvlronment thatwashed to finda solution to urbangarbage, hetooknotecarefu1y fromErnaWitoelar ofthecrlticlsms andotherenvironrnentalists suchasAgusPurnomo. Hepromised to flnd a solution to theDroblem withinoneveai wasalsotoldthatusingdeepwellsto source Utomo hiswaterwasnotenvironmentaly sustainable. Hethus explored othersources, andfoundthathecouldusetheoverfiow frornnatural springs. Utomothenbought andswithsprjngs of potable water,buying theadjoining landsaswell,to protedthewatercatchment area. By1986, AGIVI hadstopped usingwaterffomdeepwells.It saved theoverflow fromvarious springs, stored theminwatertanksandtransported themto itsprocessing factories situated nearbigcitiesslchaslakarta, Surabaya andl4edan. Thiseda localNGOto recognize I\4r. TlrtoUtomoasanenvlronmentally wisebusinessman, andawarded himthe Sahwa i Awardin 1991.TirtoUtomo,whowasbornin Central Javaon l.4arch B, 1930,kepthis promise. Lessthana yearafterhe rnadethe pledge, he invitedErnaWitoelar andthe stateminjster for EmilSalim, environment, to hisCiracas factoryinthesouthern outskirts ofJakarta, to witness thelaunching of hisnewproject, thePeduliAqua-D[41program, t'4inister Salirnandhiswife,alongwith ErnaWitoelar, andthe chairperson of the Boardof Directors of Frjends of the Environment Fund,morecommonly knownas DI4L,witnessed the crushing of usedPET intoflakes. TirtoUtomoinvited program, bottles everyone whowasinterested to seehisfactorytherecycling in themountains, andthewatersprings evenproviding a company busfor transport. Onthesarneday,I\4rUtornostartedto offera doublerefundon the deposit for hiscompany's bottle,as incentive forconsLrmers to returntheirusedAquabottles. A used500-mlAquabottlewouldgeta refundof Rp5labolt US$o.0021 generated andthe 1500-ml bottle,Rp10laboutUS$0.0041. TheamoLrnt wasto be givento Dl4L. Theresponse to thisofferwasnotnotable, howeve.Notmanypeople cameto returnthekusedbottles for

werescattercd in Bayreported thatmanyemptyAquabottles returning fromJakarta In 1995,researchers ecosystems. Shortlybeforethisreportwasmade mangrove the sea,posinga threatto the surrounding program, awayafter then64yearsold,hadjustpassed Aqua-DIYL TirtoUtomo, of Peduii duringthelaunch withherstaffand wouldhavedone,Together a heartatt"ck.Buthiswife,Lisautomo,didwhatherhusband to islands andrecruited scavengers LisaUtomosailedto JakartaBay,visitedseveral someDl4Lofficials, collect theusedboftles. may usedin protecting thesoilfromplasticpollutionConsumers werealsothe mainweapons Scavengers did.Scavengers andthelr bottles, butscavengers intheofferedrefundforreturned nothaveshowninterest claimed in 1993 a success. AGMmanagement madethe collection of emptyPETcontainers coordinators of its boftleswerereturned andrecycled, thatalmost30percent to contribute theprofitsfromthe wasnotthereto seeit buthedldmanageto fulfillhispromise TirtoUtomo refunds to DI\41, the remalning amount of the bottle crushed PEIbottlesand several environmental andsocialprojects sinceit startedopections, It is veryclearthatAGtlvolunteered protection. It worked with andwatershed Include treeplanting, clean-river movements Someoftheprojects (NGOS), governments, organizations Amongitsotherpartners univeFlties, themedlaandnongovernment Movement andgroupsworking for Healthy Indonesia, thel4icroFinance intheseprojects areTheCoalition protedion, it usesmountain spring Aquais particularly concerned aboutmountains because on mountain waterasa resource. of at least14factories begana strategic alliance company of AquaGroupconsisting In 1998,the holding 40-percent shareIn the company, company, whichacquired wlthDanone Group,d Frenchmultinationai manufacturer whenitacquired upto 74 became theworld!largest Threeyearslater,Danone bottled-water percent of Aqua.In 2000,it soidmorethan1,8billjonlltersof bottledwater.By the endof 2001,AGI4 plahgto vqluntarlly the withdraw itsinvolvement fromthestockmarket,It wouldhavebecome announced not rejected the proposal, A stockmarkethadshareholders to quitthe.Inddnestan firstpubllccomp?ny lt for laterdiscussion. shareholdert assembly rejededtheidea,shelvinq special MEIIT{L PROTECTIOI{ THEI{@ AII DTT{VIRON protection of environmental werePTAqua that cametogetherin the interest Thetwo maln'institutions (DNlL)/ alsoknownasFriends of theEnvironment Fund, lvlississippi anditspartnerDanaMitraLingkungan government, whowere theIndonesian th€ pressandtheacademe, support'frdm Theiradivltiesenjoyed in the oftheseprojects. otherNms andbusinesses, especially thoseinvolved in various aspects involved projectascrusher operators, wereconsidered stakeholders. in collaboration withgovemment conscious businessmen DMLwasfoundedin 1983by environmentally Its mainprogramis aimedat of the academe, the pressandcivilsocietyactivisLs, officials, memb€rs and industrygroups.Bankers, awareness and activitiesamongbusiness enhancinq environmental join programs its industry. large-scale enterp.rises invited to for cleaner and small and 3re manufacturers gr_oup By installed an executive director and employed a with a of volunteers, 1994, it had DIYLstarted programs 200 members it conducts various Today, it is'suppoted by more than and numbeloftrofessiondls. partnership. (henceDl4L),which is DanaMitraLingkungan Its namein the vernacular for environmental lthe partnership," to fundof environmental translates environ menta I projects. Forthefirst income bytapping corporations thatsupport Theideawasto generate It also suchassaving theJavanrhinoandBalinese starllng. de!,ltwithgreenissues, 10years,theprojects succeeded inraising suchenvironmental theFirstEarthRunandOperation Raleigh, Theseevents supported level. concerns-to theinternational Duringthe EarthRun,a flamingtorchwasmadeto circlea globeas symbolof the peopletgrowing Raleigh wasa program to attract evenof dignitaries. Operation Theactivitydrewtheattention awareness.

Botheventsenticedthe business community to contribute fundsandevenLrsed the activities as their marketing too. Dl4Lreceived supportfroma numberof prestigious government businessmen, officiars, andacademics. D[4LtFirstchairperson waspror soemitroDjojohadikuslmo, an eaonomist knownin Indonesia for his expertise in economic analysis as wellas hisintegrity andhumility. Hewasjoinedby the bestbusiness ..billion_managei,, practiUoners inJakarta, suchasfamous banker OmarAbdalla, TanriAbeng, andthemost successful prominent advertisemeft expet in the 1980s, Kensudarto. newlpaper tycoon, Jacoboerama, prol Emilsalim,ikewise andworld'renowned environmental leader, became involved, DplLwasestablished byclearly thebest22peoplein Indonesian civi society, Theirnames prestige brought andrespect to DtyL,whosedinners andluncheons werebigevents, attended by high{anking ministers or top businessmen. TheBoardof rrusteesconsisted of upto 1Bmernbers, half ofwhomwerefounders of thefund.h thespanof 10years,DlvlL managed to contribute morethana billion ruprahs to supportvarious projects proposed by NGOS. Theprojects rangedfromdeveopmentof pubic santationto a waste-paper recycingventure. Thelaunch of D[41's PETrecycring projecton Feb,1 1993,signaedtheshiftof itsfocusro brown]ssues, Thep_artnership withAGr4wasinaugurated n the company!citeufeupprant,oneof Aqua!factories in westJavaIt-gotextensive presscoverage andwasconsidered oneof thebestexamples of corporate-NGo partnerships protection. for environmenta sincethen,therehavebeenmoreexamples partnerships ofcorporate-Nco fortheefvironment inIndonesia. PTcoca-cola Amatillndonesia p!rsuedtheideaotdistribuung crlshersbygivingsoftrevolving loans. Afew yearslater/a batteryfactoryworkedwith DI4Lfor a recycling campalgn wholeproceeds iould finance research onthe usesof thefactory's usedproducts. psarebeingbuiltin orderto getpublicsupportto protectnature.I'.rEastJava,a glassfactory Partnersh started teaching community members howto,makeuseof broken glass.Severai andunused t,l6bsdesigned and mplemented a jolntpartnership witha famous glassfactoryl.4aspion. In 1999,theholding cornpanyof Aquacorporation installed a newpostcalledthedirector of sociaaffairs, partnership to expand its program whichstartedwithits involvement withDl4L.Thecompany decided to develop norecollaboration withNGosto conduct projects, nature conservation incruding mangrove plan'ng andprotection of mo!ntainranges. TheDl4Lpartnership onusedpETbotfles isstirnotabrythe bestexampe ofcorporate-NGo partnership. on lopofitssuccess inpreventing soirpolrution bycontroringp asticwaste, gavea netcontribution theprogram amounting to morethanRp3.55 bilion[abouiusg1.42miflion]. Theprojectbenefltidotherconservation programs At leastRp500 milionlabouttjsg200,000l wasdonated to thewallacea Foundation inApril1997 for a marine project. conservation ENVIRONMENTAL SITUATION IN PROJECT SITE Likeothertropical countries, Indonesia facestheprobrem of wastecofiring frorna modern rifesry/e, suchas the useof plasticcontainers. Tonsof garbage arebeingdumped outsidebigcitiesor simplythrowninto nearbyriversln the past,biological, agricultural andnaturalwastedid not-pose muchproblem because theyweremostlybiodegradable. Butgarbage thatcortainsrnetals, plastics, andsyntheuc materials needa different treatment. Indofesian garbage pickers havelearned howto recycle glassandiron,andsincetheeariy19BOs, theyhaveatsobeen ableto convert plastic wasteintoplastic robes, waterjarsandclothes hangers. HoweveipETplastic andthe techfology for its recycling is morecornplicareo.

waterbusiness boomed,more wasintroduced as watercontainerin 1987andIndonesia's AfterPETDlastic appearednationwlde than 150 new manufacturers and by the early1990s,usedPETbottlesitteredthe country. led by ErnaWitoelar,who wasalsoa founderof Dl4L,demanded Consumer Organization The Indonesian for its waste.As mentionedearlier,AquafounderTirto Utomo,whenhe stil that Aquatakeresponsibility organization to designa programfora returnsystemfor Aqua'susedbottles, lived,hadinviteda civilsociety of funds, recycling, andgeneration programthat beganon February on JLrne30, 1998,It beganwlth 1, 1993,offcialy cLosed Thepartnership programs takenfromthe andendedwitha donatlonfor environmental teachingconsumers andscavengers, collectedfunds.Thecompanywasalsoableto distributeat least22 plasticcrushersto NGOs. waslaterreplicatedby Coca-Cola for its own PETrecyclngprogram. Thepartnership and efforts,usedbottesdisappeared fromlakarta'sstreets,evenas complaints Asa rcsultof the concerted programs clean-!p to be needed. werestil volcedand continued inquiries andthe presidentof the argestdrinkingwater Indonesia OnOctober23, 1998,the presidentof Coca-Cola wereamonga crowdof about60 peoplegatheredin companyin the colrntryPTAquaGoldenlvlississippi, come NGOactivlstsandreporters, the middleof a ricefieldin WestJava.Amongthe cfowdwerescavengers, periphery of a PETcrushermachineto a smallvillagenearBekasi,in the eastern to attendthe presentation of Java.A smallbuildinghad beenbu lt overa dry pieceof landamldstthe swampyfields. spokefuentlyin the loca languageandtalkedabouthow he Thecoca-colaboss,a youngEuro-American/ He sa]dhis companywas inspiredand learnedto recyce PETbottlesfrom ProgramPeduliAqua-D[41. suchas by Aqua.In orderto ridstreets,hotelsandplcnc resortsofthis refuse,certainactivities encouraged cleaning andreselling shouldbe done,he said. transpofting, usedbottlecolection, The Coca-Cola officiaisaid the companywas offerlngto give anyonea PETplasticcrusherworth Rp17 of as a non-interest loanwith a six-monthgraceperiod.Themonthlyamortization millionlaboutuS$6,8001 years even hesaid, ifthe operators crushed forfour woud beeasytohandle, Rp350,000 laboutUS$1401 up to 500 kg per day,he said. only200kg of bottlesa day.The rnachinewascapableof processing bottlescouldbe madeintoflakesor plasticflbet whichln t!rn co!ld be sold discarded Witha PETcrusher, to textilefactories,or exportedto TaiwanandJapan.Cleanerflakesget betterprices. saidhe was official'scommendations, DirectoiMr.WillySidharta,who heardthe Coca-Cola AquaPresident "happythatAquawasno longeralonein cleaningupthe PETplasticmess,"PETplasticbottlesarealsoused activlties beingfoundfor PETplastic,so shouldthe recycllng for softdrinksandcookingoil. WlthmoreLrses recycle! have materia s to he said. Scavengers wo!ld more be strengthened, wereveryfew,apartfromthe onerun by In 1993,onlyAquabottleswereacceptedfor recycing.Crushers 1998, scavengers and collectorscouldsendPET the companyin a site 50 kms southof lakata. By early jn processed plants. nearbycrushing Someevenhad their own crushersby then.Aquahad botuesto be program.Aquacrushers were ninemorecrushersbythistime,andfor free,unlikethe Coca-Cola distributed as grantsto NGOsselectedor organized by Dlvll. distributed I

Recycling businesses are operatedas big enterprise. TodayPETrecyclinghasbecomea viablecommercial of the used Althoughthe useof PETbottlescontinuesto grow,collection factoriesor as homeindustries. manyof the crushingunitsearlier is becomingincreasingly difficult.[4eanwhile, bottlesfrom durnpsites distributed arc no longerfunctioning.

THEMOTIVATION TO COLLABORATE program responsibility to cleanup Aqua-D[41 wasspurred bynothingmorethanthe"company's ThePeduli Noneof werestillnota priorityconcern in therestof Indonesia. Environmental campaigns itsownwaste." parties duringgeneral eledions in Soehafto3"New Order" struggled withenvironmental issues thepolitical institution" hadclosed. seedlings to itscustomers andcalleditselfa "greenfinancial A bankthatdistributed suchastoxicpollution, forestfireand eventsmostlydealtwithdisasters I\4edia coverage of environmental puLp in NorthSumatra, andtheFreeport likethecaseof Indorayon andpaperindustry indigenous disputes mining in IrianJaya. copper Anytalkabouttheenvironment couldbemisused as degradation wasalarming. Therateof environmental program polluters, refund and recycling oflts Aqua. AGl4's flve-year campaign toward a of including criticism hadbecome ony afterPETrecycling a regular thisprogram PETbottleswasthusqlite daring,It ceased plastic pricing problems, no longer be implemented dueto Besides, refundscould businessfor manufacturers, slowdown. whichwereamongtheeffectsof theAsianeconomic hadto be signedbetween Dl4Lasthe NGO normemoTandum of partnership Neither letterof agreement Despite this,millions of PETbottles, several in irnplementing thejolntprogram. andAGf4asthecorporation proclaiming the cooperative effortbetween weremarked withstickers trucksandthousands of packaqes popular withthewide of thetwoinstitltions became Therecycling symbol andthenames thetwoparties. fromRp48,693 milion[about watersoared distribution of Aquawater.ThetotalnetsalesofAquadrinking leader milionlin1997. Aclvlwasalways themarket in 1992 to Rp220,834 milllon US$19,5 millionl IUS$88.3 werein themarket,of whichrnanyfailedto morethFn70otherbrands in bottleddrinking water,although sLrv;ve thefnancialstorFrs, waste,it coud notdoit alonedue to cleanitspackaging Athough Aquagroup$iasledto conduda program garbage pickers andNGOs, asde of its problem. Aquaneeded thehelpof itsconsumers, to themagnitude for themoneydonated taxation lawwasneeded to obtaintaxexemptions fromthegovernment. A special zed of thatsortapplied/ a highlyfecogn Sinceno ruleor legalincentive for contrlbLrtions to theprogram. gave as Dlvll it a sense of egitimacy, NGOslch officials fromtheministries oftradeandlndustry forEnvironment, aswellashigh{anking TheStateN,linister (UNIDO) andofflcials fromthelnanceministry Deveoprnent Organization theUnitedNations hternational years,the Forthreeconsecutive ceremonies for the contributions. wereinvitedto attendthe handover wasoneofthe-better-covered envlronmenta collected fromPETrecycling handover ceremonies of donatlons events, to implement its programin enhancing On the otherhand,the NGOneededsupportfrom indLrstry thepublictygenerated byltsPET communities. D14L alsoenjoyed activities amongbusiness environmental programs, where project.OtherNGOS therewereotherprojects notedthatapartfromrecycling recycling problem forplantseedlings, fishermen's groups thePETpollution byusingPETbottles collaborated to address program Another usedAquacupsfortheproduction kindsof handicrafts, buoys, UVdisinfectants andvarious plastic. prolong ls use of the household utensi s. The motivation to the of ln 1994of fundingagency from1983untiltheestablishrnent theonlyenvironrnental in Indonesia DI\41was governments. The Foundation, a foundation sLrpported by the Japanese andAmerican the Biodiversity withan initialtrust fortheprotectlon of biodiverslty. Equipped foundation wasformeddurlng? convention power.At the sarfetime,more dwarfedD[4Lin financia] flrndof US$20million,the few foundation prograrn. Asa operation of thePeduli Aqua-Dt\41 agencies werecreated duringthefive-year environmental to the AGI'4. Oneof AGM'S largest for flnanciaL assistance werealsodirectlysubmitted result,proposals (Rp100 fundwasrnadeto a marine millionor aboutiJS$40,000) thatwastakenfromthePeduli donations projectrunbytheWallacea Foundation, thenledbyIbnuSutowo, a closefriendofthelateTirto bjodiversity thestateoil company wherehehadworked. Utomoi6 Pertamina,

DlulLbecamelessandlessattractive or aboutus$200,000, oflessthanRp500miLlion bL]dget with anaverage officlal wasquotedto havenotedthat Aqua A high-ranklng conglomerate. ofthe AGI,4 for the imagebuiLding in Indonesia poorest operating among donors the NGOhad become the country'sonce-richest of envronmentalgrantsjn 1996,other whichbegandisbursement FoundaUon, the Biodiversity Besides agenciesfloodedIndonesla.Amongthem werethe AustralianAid,swisscontact, foreignenvironmental Keid;nrenfromlapan,USAIDand morethan30 otherdonors,includingsomefrom Canadaand Denmark envircnmental bodiessuchas wwF, wetlandsInternatlonaland NatLlre tn the mid-1990s,international countryprogramsin lndonesia theirrespective arfongothers,alsointroduced Conservation, STRATEGY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION andinvolveditsn]anagement gaveitscommitmentto adoptthepropertechnologyfor recycllng Thecompany partlcipation from differentdepartments, ln differents6ges of the program.The co aboratloninvited thework to coodinate at Pedui Aquawasinstalled A program director fnancialandproduction. marke|n9/ was frequently directorof DIVL the execLltive with DML Likewise, withn th; cornpanyand communicate the two directorsworkedtogetherto Forexample, anddiscussarrangements. invitedto monitortheprocess to ut lize to deslgnand implementprograms distribltecrushermachnes,to holdpubic outreachprograms, contrlbutions. andreporttheseto a largeraudlence.DMLmadepllblic to overseeimplementation TheNGOwasexpected quarterlyPancaroba. in itsenvironmenta andcovefage through pressreleases anddonations thispartnership imp0rtanttask, The rnost potentlal crusher operators. and screened vls ted traveled, director Its executive manufacturers, crushing machine capable wasfinding however, machine,Two to copyand inpfoveon the designof the crLlshing Localmachinebullderswerecontracted at east20more local shops assembled models, them as fromTaiwan. uslng tmported wereinitlally sampJes working within stopped these machines almost al sites,UnfortLrnatel, to satelLtte to bedistributed crusi.rers lndonesian run by the first ls a crusher The for report. wereexamined thjscase threeyears.Twoexamples Netlvork,arl NGOhostedby l'4itraKebunRaya(l\4KRl)Theother s a machinerln Education Envlronmental by an entrepreneut14r.TaufkSoeriadjaja a ow-capacify' Gardenlt wasconsidered wasstationedat BogorBotanical Thecrushero0eratedby 14KRI machlne,crushing200 kg of usedPETbottlesdaiy Stlll,it wassufficent to handlethe usedAqla bottles that litteredthe bbtancal garden.AqLlaand D[41providedthe crusherandthe dieseengineand provided an jnitialcapitalto payworkefsandto buy usedbottlesfrornscavengers The initialwofklngcapitalnormalyrangedfrom Rp5 were madewjth other NGOS. Sjmllararrangements activities ceasednlesstnanayeat crushing the average, uS$1,000. On roughly mlllionto RplOmiLion, not getenoughnLlmber The 14KRl could so easy. not botues a day was 200 kg of used collecting Apparently, parks, markets andevenscavengers state with other It had to work alone. oi botgesiromthebotanicalgarden NGO by an not be borne could in transpotaUon cost The additional fromfarawaybeaches. pointsto its In the earlystage,Aqltausedat leastfour trucksto transportlsed bottlesfrom lts colLection deposts consumers resorted to charg]ng program, AqL]a Withthe failureofthe buy-back mach]nes' crushing -botUes, (or refund the The charged deposlt was returned. doublewhenthe bottle to be refLlnded on the wefe being not enough bolUes Still, bottle was Rp5for a 600-mlbottleand Rp10for a 1,500-ml offered?) returned, by mobilizing maximized bottlecollection Thecompany shiftedtotargetingscavengers. strategy Thecollect|on professional like recycLers specialkucksto transportwastebottlesto crushingsites,a strategyadoptedby the materialto be crushedwas collectedfrom a slte more as well.On one occaston, I\ir.Tauik Suriadjaja away, 700 kms than


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to to themwasverylow.Evenlf theyran the machine24 hoursa da, the outputwoLlldsti be insufflcient andthe cosl the salares of the machne operators, payForthe purchase of enrpq/bottes fromscavengers, of transportng fakes to the nearesttext le factories. whilea kiogramof t shor.rld notbe the case.A k logramof emptybotteswasworthRp400, Theoreticaly, r eanliness Buttheprce on the c depending Rp1,200 US$0.481 Rp600lo ranged between PETf akes labout These fluctuat ons nPET toas owasthepriceoftheusedbottlesthemseves someUmesdropped oFflakes ratesof thefo-egn plastic seedandby vo aUieexchanqe prices by theamountof imporled wereinfluenced e5, cufrenc on but h tthe PETrecyclng p antopened,whichboosteddornestc PETprodLlct In 1996,a newpetrochemica exchange ratein 1998 qLladrlp Amefican dolldr ng of the hand, the On the other verybadiy. business prosPer. to he oedthe bLrsness t s s t h a n R p l 0 0 lni ol n [ a b o u t B u tt f e s u l t e d i n t h e s h o o U n g u p o f t h e p r j c e o i cTrhLeipsrhoegrrsa sTpne n e to m ion laboutUS$60,000] morc than Rpl50 in buf t took crlshes 1997 12 to dlstfibute US$40.0001 crss 1998 p!rchase the monetary of nesdLrring sixTnach wh ch opefatedmore crislshlt AGI\4 badlytoo.The afqestboLted watefcompany, thc economlc luleanwhile, qn partner Thrlsfr-cfchbased pc ln lore to nvlte a 56depotswith i thearch aqo,had than15factofcsand p pay iorforcign debls hc AGM perccntoithc shareslo cornpany's bought40 Dirnone, waLcr manufacturer, proglam ceased. oiflcaly 30, I998,the PeduIAquaD'VlOnJLrnc vaueofLlse'i the commerciil ploqrnmsLlcceedcd n promotinq the recyclinq In thosefiveyears,hovlever, pETbot es.t'tar]ybec.rfite awirethat usedPETbolllcsact!alycoatrnorethantha'fconlent.consumer5 edbotteswere anddifi€rent waysto utilzctheirusedbottes Recyc to findnranycfeative wereencouraged 's qlality PETllakeswefc Someol the highest f rstusedto makedo haf, p aslicrobes,andp asticbands. t\4fTarlfk Suradiajas0d in l!ly 2001,ior example, scason fqtonehighPETdemand DL-tr to China. exported al east50tofs ol hiqhqlalityPETfakesto Chna. lowerqLralty Flakesfor owefpricesThesewefe tLlfnedlntocarpets,polyester; marketaccepted Thedomestic ot f akeprces'In fLlct!ation wastheLrncontfolled bLlslness sadparLofthe and zippers.'The c!rtan drapes, waltingfor pnces prodL.rcts months while for sevefa had to stofe thelf crusher operators smal somecases, for subsidy had to request businesses not revolve and some caplta dld Asa result, lo irnprove. becalse reiected dclverles e qualty oFthefakes.sometextiletactories wasthe unstab Another Droblem prevenl lfre purlty nsta ed to was then screeninq and A specal ceanliness thesehadbeow-standard ght p ng center v! th e huge astic recyc qualty that a therewasneurs PETflakes. ALso, of low exDortatlon A deegaUon oFs x cf!shng company izatonwasestabshedbya foreign caprta machnesanda LJS$50,000 foregn and with the protect leared conrpetltion on They ng lor cameto Aq!a,request machine operatoTs notforsmal-scae enterpfises, and giantrecycers. Plastcrecycinqwotlldthenbeony benefcialor huge p ayers,especia ly locaNGos. LEARNED LESSONS to dea with vafous organizatons with nonproiit and nongovernment needto collaboraie Cofporatlons Activ t es can rangefromnatLlral ons thelr operat impact of with the envlronrnental issltes thathaveto do AGI']'S lsed bottles n the \ras demonstfated This protecton of waste tlp to waste manaqement resouTce pr0qram, be instead of enemiesThereshoLlLd corpofat onsas partners for ther partm ght wantto conslder NGO5 parties confl ctlng environmenl despite andthe forthe benefitof many to learnandto contrlbltte opport!nitles collab0rat 0ns. that n'raytendto dlscourage interests

fi-lnd to themobilized wasteanddonated to cleanuphiscompany's whenthelatelvlr.Tirtoutomopromjsed written The only to be mad€ had alloverthecountrynoletterof agreement activities helpenvironmental in 1992As heldin Jakarta proceedings on urbandevelopment D;oofof thefactwasa reportof serninar asa donation the AGf4 regarded boardof directors of the DI\41 that members ;uch,it rsunderstandable period Afundraising ong owforquirea activtieswerevery Fundraising surprise anLrnimaginable windiallor ButtheRp3.55 of DI\41. anniversary on the Lenth I993, October 2Z Hotel on B;robudur held at was dinner probably partnership the biggest is millionldonatedby Aquaas a resultof the billionlaboL]tUS$1.42 funding environmental was the only revealthatDl4L bi a localNGO.Reports funOreceived envirorimentat by localresources supported countrythatwasfinancially in a developing agency

Educatingthepub|icisnotaneasytaskforcorporations,governmentbodies,ortheNGo on the recycingprogramis withincivilsocletylvloreand more information bvvariousplayers iointeffo-rt andthe NGOarenolongerin collaboration ;eededtodavwhenthecorporation forprotection, we'ltJp'o Aquareouesting A grouoot scave_ge-s brgou
PERSONS AND RESOURCE PROFILEOF EXPERTS who caffiedout the recycling wasthe presidentdirectorof PTAquaGoldenl4ississippi WILLYSIDHARTA its soclalenqineering rmplementing to machinery itt researchstageto findingthe right ;;;";;;

Fund of theEnvironment of the Friends ot tnieoard;f Trustees i|,"ir".. i. *"Ja".i"a is mJmoer whichoperated Garden' Botanical ontheIndonesian of Friends director orUO**oo*rO, *u. executive Network Education Envircnmental byAquato theIndonesian ...hines donated """ "iiir"ii"ini"g lakartaand in Western whoranthe business prospective recycler wasa successful SOERIADJAJA TAUFIK andCirebon' Bandung otherbigcitiesincluding several in organizations of DML,a leaderof environmental,activist wasa volunteer PARIPURNO EKOTEGUH the Peduli-Aqua-Dl4L programs funded by Heconducted machine, a crushing ttist,tooreceived ioqvakarta. hisprojectsite when flood damaged ceased activity recycling His oiftl',"rrr'rip, REFERENCES (Japan Center in AsiaPacific Partnership EdsCorporate-NGO Ashizawa, andKimGould Tadashi Yamamoto, Exchange) for International in AsiaPRRMl Development andSustainable on Environment Practices of Exemplary In Search Pathwaysr (cAFo) organizations a"d of AsranFou4datrons conference tniernaironal projects in Indonesia environmentaljoint journals covering andperlodicals Various bytheAquaGroupl conducted in activities involved organizations International Wetlands of AquaFoundation Frlends !nternational Birdlife Indonesia ForHealthy Coalition fducauonNetwork Envlronmental Indonesian


Nature EducationCenter: A Case Study Thuraisamyx BYGunaseelan

INTRODUCTION business-Nco-government the lessonslearnedfroma successful and articulates Thiscasestudvanalvzes wasformednot protection collaborauon This !nique tripartite in I,4alaysla. in environrrental collaboration people interactwith to experience and provide for an avenue only to conseruenaturebut addltion,to focuses on its ecology The case rainforest and 14alaysian andappreciate the natLrrc, so thevcanunderstand prctection rcgads environmenta community as Center, beneFitsthe the NatureEducation howoneinitiative, andeducation. and ForestResearch The studywas carriedout by conductingextenslveinterviewswith ShellMalaysla, ([4NS) NatureEducation and Nature Society with l'4aaysia and interactions Instituteof Malaysia(FRII\4), n relatedareas to the NEC Experts during visits datawereco lected Center(NEC).Primaryandsecondary casestudyis focus of this pictures vislts. The rnain of the slteweretakendufing and werealsointervlewed bLlsiness. (NEc) civil socie$/, state and collaboration of whichisthe res!ltofthe center the NatureEducation SITE THE PROJECT Instituteofl4alaysia center(NEc)is locatedinsdethegroundsofthe ForestResearch TheNatureEducation the (FRI[4)at Kepong,16kmsnorthwestof K!alaLumputThegroundscovera totalareaof 1,152hectares, forestry' years planting on troplcal experirnentation trials and 70 of resut of over aroundthe areaandplantedvegetabe gardensThey In the eary 1920s,farmersc earedthe naturalforest Lalang(Inperctacyllndrica) thesefieldswhensoilfertjlitydeclined. }rcssthe invadedthe laterabandoned grass. a so scarredthe land patches Tin mining activities graze of on the scattered fields.Cattlecameto the and.Theyfirst planted'nursetrees'to protect and rehabilitating ln 1926,forestersbeganreclaiming plantsspeciesto improvesoilfertiiity Thenthey plantedtimbertree the soi and introducedleguminous Theoldest themselves. on the lmprovedsoilunderthe shadeof the plantsthat had established seedlings treesare now morethan70 yearsold. fieldsturned tookplaceoverume.Sterlleminingpoolsbecamenaturalpoolswhileonce-grassy Successlon (arboreturns) in FRIM Altogethefthereare into forests.Thereare clrrrentlysevenlivingplantcollections The p antsln the grounds,eachfuly documented. and introdLlced over1,000speciesof both indjgenous garden. of a botanica for the development forms strong base now a of the arboretums backdrop foresttrails, suchas plcnicareasneara waterfall,numerous manynaturalattractions, hasdeveloped FRII'1 popLl for families, students, ponds. ar destination become a games FRIMas and scenic openspacesfor jogging, photograph, watching, nature public. trekking, bird general forest walks, It offers tourjstsandthe activities and othernature-related orienteerinq

x Theaurhors airilatedwiththe Education The€so!rcepersonfor in Seangor,l4alaysia. ior Consumers andResearch Assoclation

It hasalsobecomea placefor overseas visltofsto experience the tropicalrainforest. Onecanwalkamong the treesin the CanopyWalkway. The NECprogramis designedto showcase the localenvtronmenr anorc offerdirectexperience of nature. PROFILEOF PARTNERS INVOLVEDIN THE NEC t


TheRoyalDutch/Shellgroup ofcompanies iscommitted towardscreatingwealth,generating rcsoLrrces, and transferring skillswhilecontributing to nation-buildlng andto the well-beingof the peoplein everycountry whereitoperates. ShellVlalaysia workswithotherinstitutions towardseducation andslstainable deveopment in lValaysian society,especially in environmental conservation activities, In its Sustainable Development Reportof 2000,one of the key messagesfrom the chairmanof Shell l'lalaysia was"...webelieve that sustainable development isthe rightapproach because valuesandprinciples are importantand it makesgoodbusinesssense." TheShellgroupof companies, (hereinreferrcdto as Shell)/hasbeenoperaUng Shelll4alaysia in parUcular for the past110years.Apartfromrunninga profitable organization, SheI alsoaimsto contrbuteeffectivelt to lvlaaysia's socialand environmentaldeve opment.It accepts andcommitsto thechallenges ofsustainable development as definedin the UnitedNationsConference of Environment and Development: "Development that meetsthe needof the presentwithoutcompromising the abilityof futuregene€tionsto meetthek (UNCED,1992). needs" Shellcurrentlyhasa neh^/ork spanningover56,000stationssupplying fLtelandothef productsandservices globally. It hascreateda ma*et towardsan "environmentally frlendly"network,Solarenergyis alreadyin the marketand Shellmakesthe photovoltaic panelsthat are installedin countriessuchas Bolivia,South Africa, SriLanka, the Philippines andhdia. Thein'rplementation of a SlstainableDevelopment (SDtyF)andthe Health,Safety tlanagementFramework andEnvironment lYanagement System(HSEMS)isthe maincomponentofShe l'scommitmentto sustalnab e oeveropmenl, According to Lt. Col. (Rtd.) Ir Wahiruddin Abd Wahid,Shelll4alaysia's GeneralManagerfor Corporate Affairs,the SDIYF is a practicaltool lsed to embedsLrstainable principles development in all of thetrg obal operations. On the otherhand,HSE-lv1s ldentifieshazardsthat affectpeople,assetsandthe envrronment. Thesearethensystematically assessed andcontroled,andeffectlverecoverymeasures aresuggested. The Health,Safetyand Environment ^4anagement SystemhasalsoearnedShellthe ISO14001certificatioffor environfirenta management and the Occupational HealthandSafetylYanagement Systern(OHSAS 18001) International Standards. Theseachievements arcsignificanl for ShellMalaysia asa demonstration andrecognition ofits commltment pointsoutthattheenvlronmeftal to itssr.rstainable development andmanagemenl framework. Mr Wahiruddin certiflcation alsoprovidesan effective environmental management systemto supportenvjronmentalprotection prevent pollutionin balancewith socioeconomic and needs. In ine with the HSEpolicy,Shellhas developeda systematicapproachto controllingemissions(from burning,flaringand venting)to the aif anddischarges to water(oil in waterand spllls). Someof the majorsocialresponsibiliUes Shel hasundertaken are the ShellTrafficcames,an educational toolin creatingroadsafetyawareness, the I\4 otorcyclists' SafetyCarnpalgn, andthe Environmenta Education AWareness, Shell'scontribution to the NECis in the form of an annua grant of Rt450,000 to the [aboutUSg13,000] I\4alaysian NatureSociety(l\,lNS) to managethe NEC.Thisis a uniqueefforttakenby a business entityto collaborate with the government(throughFRIM)and a nongovernrnent (the MS) for the organization

ININATIVES SHELL'S ENVIRONT4ENTAL andotheractivitiessuchastreeplanting,and educationprograms Shellhasbeensuppotingenvironmental projectsit hassupported rivers roads. the environmental are: campaigns for beaches, and Among cleaning .

NatureEducation Centerat FRII\4


BuildingPrograms run byWetlands Camps-Environmental Education andAwareness WetlandEducation (kan 1971),an AsiaPacific(l4alaysiaProgram), Internatlonal a Ramsarsite.The RamsarConvention protedion, preserve aquaticbirdlife. Theconvention iocusedonwetlands seeksto lnternatlonal agreement and the valueof these of the ecosystem, alsofocuseson bird speciesprotectionandthe preservation peopleand localcommunities. indigenous for peoplewho dependon them,particularly ecosystems


wlth the BukitEintang Centerat KualaGandah,Pahang,in collaboration The ElephantConservation of Pahangi RotaryClubandthe Wildife Department


The New NaturcInterpretationand EnvironmentaEducationCentrein DanumValley,Sabah,ln colaborationwith DanumValleyFieldCenter;


TheAseanInter-Varsity Environmental Debate2000

Development Writing Award,withNewsStraits TimesGroup; i\4alaysia in 2020,A sustainable Essay issues tackledin 32 episodes of TVsegments over "EnviroDialogue'i a widerangeof envjronrnenta year ln the 2000. NTVT r


of N4NS isto promote of lvlalaysia's natureheritage bygetting Themission andphilosophy theconservation (l.1NS, people on sustainable development 2000), involved in natureandoutdooractivities, It alsofocuses nongovernment andnonprofit Established in 1940,the l4NSis l4alaysia's oldestand largestscientific Toachieve itsaims,[4NSworksclosely withthe involved in natureandconservation studies. organlzation sectorlvlNS currently has13branches stategovernments/ themedia, academe andthecorporate federaland l,4alaysia, withheadquarters in KualaLumpur. throughout who in l4alaysia overseas TheSociety hasabout5,000rnembers aswellasa smallnumberof rnembers MNS organjzation run by e ected members the society's vislon and aspirations. is a mernbership-based share publiccampaigns (council) andmembership recruitment drives. basis.TheSociety conducts ona voluntary year public 10,000 by 2005 in order to influence opinion and environmental It targetsa membership of a0v0cacy, photography caveexploration, andtrekking. activities suchasastronomy, birdwatching, It offersitsmembers alsooffersa widecollection of publications about seminars andworkshops. TheSociety It alsoconducts to raisefundsto It produces merchandlse suchas books,T-shi,ts,CDsandsouvenirs naturalhistory. theSecretariat. support conservation secretariat or headquarters, a teamof dedicated Staffmonitors activities and At thesoclety's programs. projects, Thesecretariat ls organized membership, outeducation outreach expands andcarries Department, Department, Publications, lvlembershlp anda intoa Science andConservation an Education publications various naturalhistorical ln Department. A reference libraryhouses Finance andAdministration areproduced by members, documenting the world.Regular branchnewsletters Ivlalaysia andthroughout various information on thesociew's activities. andprovide projects othernotable suchastheKuala Nature Education Center in FRII4, theMNShasinitiated Besidesthe Endau_Rompin Park Nature Park in the coastal mangroves Selangor, State andthe Nature Selangor of

jn thesouthern areafor conservation Center,Endau-Rompin, Johor,anda protected Education andResearch patnership with Boh fieldstudycenter/a [4alaysia. Otherpro]ectsincludethe 14NS-Boh stateof Peninsula Ljniversiv |\4a Prograrnwith the of aya jn Education and the RimbaIlmu Environmenta TeaPJanlations, attached). KualaLumpur(brochLrres .

Forest ResearchInstitute Of Malaysia(FRIM)

management andoptimalutillzaUon Instituteof l\4alaysia aimsto prornotesustainable TheForestResearch applicatlon developmentand knowledge andtechnologythrotlghresearch by generating of forestresoLlrces, It is guidedby the followingobjectives: .

management and technoogyfor the conservation, To generateknowledgeand deveopappropriate of forestresources; utilization


seNlcesto meetclients'needs; To provideresearch-based


To commercialize R & D rcsuts;


infornahon; Toacq,rire anooissem.ate


rolesof forestryiand on the efvlronmentandconservation Tocreateawareness


and attainleadership in tropicalforestryresearch To pursueexcellence

as the of Dr.F.W Foxworthy formallystartedin 1918with the appojntment Forestryresearchin l4alaysia Theresearchbranchofficewastransferred Officerunderthe thenForestDepartment. firstForestResearch Institute(FRI),Kepong to the presentsiteat Kepongin 1929,Thebranchwasnamedthe ForestResearch of PrimaryIndustries, Boardunderthe I'4inistry and Development ForestResearch In 1985,the 14alaysian allowedthe instituteto changeits statusto that of a statutorybodynow throughan Act in the Parliament, (FRIp1). hstitLrteof lvlalaysia knownas the ForestResearch clienteleandto lnteract the movewasmadeto enablethe instituteto servea nationwide to FRII\4, According Researchand I'4alaysian Forestry e to the better in an lnternationalcontext. FRI[\4ls now responsib purview of Primary Industries, (MFRDB) of the l4lnistry whichcomesunderthe DeveopmentBoard researchwith localand foreignorganizationslt has for collaborative arrangements FRIIl hasformalized of thoughvariouslvlOus(Memorandum numerousproiectswith othercountriesand agencies undertaken with universlties and agencies. Understanding) of forestryandthe forestlndlstriessector research towardsthe development andadvances FRIlvl conducts anddeveopment regarding the management inforrnation It istaskedto obtainanddisseminate in l4alaysla. research actlvlties of theseproductslt likewisecoordinates of forestry,forestproductsand the utilization on isto createcooperat AmongitsfLrnctions of forestresources in l4alaysla. relatedto forestryandutiJization objectives. to achieve the abovementloned with organizations linkages and the l\'leritAward, Langkawi awards.In 199f. it wasaccorded FRII\4 haswonseveralnationaland internationa recipient of Petronas' I nventor'sAward, once more Innovation Award. In 1994, it was Award,andPetronas Award/ 4th Asian Achievernent year Award and Internatlonal Sclentific Achievement the and the following garnered years (1996 the and 1997) it consecutive Business Forum. For two the latterawardedby the Asian given The Golden Hand Award 1992 FRIN1 was the Award. Also in Property Organization WorldIntellectual (IUFRO)ln 2000. Congress Organizations Unlonof ForestResearch hostedthe International organization arenaturalforestmanagement/ activiUes development andextension in its research, Somecurrentconcerns forest plantforestmanagement, environmental science,forestproductsutilization,chernicalprodLlcts, plants,and corporateaffairs. medicinal economics,

FACILI ES prlmarily educationand recreatlon/ FRIf4ls ableto offerthe publica wide rangeof faciitiesfor research, because of its locationand lushforestsurroundings. llteratufethat depository, holdinga nationalstockof forestry-related Its library hasbecomea centralized datesbackto the 1800s.The llbraryis computerized. FRIlvlmaintans a plant nursery to improveits plantstocksfor bettergrowthand for the survivaof its and agencies. The nLrserysuppliesornamental andshadetreesto governmentinstitutions seedlings. for research, WithinFRIM'sgro!ndsis locatedthe Forest SciencePark, whichprovidesoppodunlties joggersand naturestudygroups. It is a popularspot for picnickers, educationand outdoorrecreaUon. canopywalkway,and Amonglts attractionsare natLrretrails,waterfas, tradtionalhouses,a museLrm, arboretum. a

Nature Educationcenter

The NatureEducationCenter(NEC)ls the brainchildof Dato'Dr Saleh lvlohdNor,the formerDirector and the currentpresideftof the [4aaysianNatureSociety.NECwas launchedin 1993to Generaof FRII,4 He thoughtof bringing ln the chidren,andteachthernaboLtnatLrre. reachout to the public,especially public, p educaUon center for the to he developNECas an environmental otherorganizations NECcoordinator at FRItvl. Department, is the enthusiastic [4r.GaryLlm,headof the lvlNSEducation institutioncontrbutingenvlronmenta According to I\4r.Lim,the centerefv sionsitselfas an environmental coursesat par with the to the formaleducatlonsectorNECstrivesto be ab e to offer accredited stLrdles NEC developed core modules in environmental courses offered by any loca university. has diplorfaor degree wlth FRI[4. whichlt hooesto imDrovefLrrtherin viewof lts associaUon education in orderto getthemto I\4rL m emphaslzes that NECa msto changethe attltudesandva uesof participants theseaims,saysI\4tLim,addingthat:"As carefor and livein harmonywith nature.It wil not coTnpromlse nature.Whatis left hasto be protected,maintained concerned cltizens,we mustlcareabolrt]conserving population TheNECusesthe s!froundingforestas classroom with needs and the ecosystem," andbalanced in impartingawareness, knowledge, understanding andskillsthroughlts variousactivlties. Positiveresponseto\,!ardthe NEChas grownsteadiyamongstudents,teachersand the generalpubic. than8,000participants have N4anV natLrre campactjviueshavebeenconducted in the pastnineyears.N4ore at the centet visited,participated or had,in oneway or another,benefitedfrom activitiesconducted in its activities.Bookingsnormallypeak Schools and organlzaUons contactthe NECdirectlyto participate past two yearsto diversiry andspreadthe althougheffortshavebeenmadeoverthe duringschoolholldays, the year activities throLrghout a naturecampat the center, Studentsandteachersarethe center'smaintargetsedors,Afterexperiencing manystudentshavereturnedto theirschoolsto form natureclubs.It is hopedthat throughthe creationof with othergioupswil continue. morecl!bs suchas these,follov!-upactivitiesand neh,vorking of the NationalElectric Mr.Limaddsr"Visitors[alsocorne]from the corporateSectorsuchas employees Exchange who Banking, Arab l4alaysian Bank, Kuala Lumpur Stock and other cornpanies Board,l4alayan programs," peace participating and in the training comehereto enjoythe tranquility by from FRI[4and 14NS. with resourcepersonsandscientists In Someof the center'sactivitiesare conducted manyways,the NECis ableto expandthe workof FRIMand MNSthroughthe hands-onactivitiesln the asnatufestudies,fleldtripsandexperimeirts, Whenstudentsreturnhome,theywoLrld hopefully centersuch

childrenareableto spendtirneduringschooholidays Thecenterhasbecomepop!larwithfamiliesbecause jn a moreproductive mannerMs.JessicaUmbukan,stafFat the centel,saysthat she receivescals from parentsreqLresting advancedbookingfor the holidaycamps.Parentshavealsourgedthe NECto organize for theirchildren. moreactivities that hamperthe development oF Thelimitationin humanresourceis currentlyoneof the majorobstacles are all aflliated the NEC.Thethreestaffmembers,14rGaryLim,lYr,EvelynLimand f4s.JessicaUmbukan, Department. Theth.eesharethe day-to-dayworkat the NEC,andalsoattendto with the !lNS'Education Wlth nore NECactivitiesln the the environment. schoolsand publicrequestsfor programsconcerning pipeline,the needgrowsfor recruitingmorestaff. MOTIVATIONTO COLLABORATE agency(FRI14), a privatesectorcompany factorthatbroughttogethera government Themainmotivational (MNS) (Shelll4alaysia) in tripartite collaboration isa commongoaland anda nongovernment organizauon a vision of Dato'Dt Salleh lYd.Nor to promote It has beenthe ldeaand interestin naturcconservation. apprecialion and conservation of nature. understanding, for Shell It is a rnilestone of the NEC,one of the pioneersif the countryis significant, Theestablishment in the creauon of this first-of-its-klnd education lvlalaysia, FRIP]and l4NSfor havingbeen instrumenta centerin I4alaysia, wlth othergroupsbecausethis was ln linewith lts Shelllvlaaysiaseizedthe opportunityfor co Jaborating aimsto balanceits socia,economlc and developmeft. Shelll4a]aysia commitment for sustalnabie environmentaconcernsby helplngdeveop the youth througheducation,and throughcommunitycare varous programswhichurgevoluntaryinvolvement ffom Shell'sstaffand their famliesin the company's programs and understanding. for environmenta awareness education. Shel haslearned fell underShell'sprogfamfor promotingenvironmental TheNECcollaboration and is not llkelyto be enterprise doesnot guaranteeprosperlty to appreciate that lts growthas a buslness preservation or a soundSoclety. if madewithoutregardfor environmental sustainable, SheI is wiLling to 14r.wahiruddlnalsomentionsthat Shellhasmadeitselfa rolemodelfor othercompanies. to any companyinterestedin gettinginvolvedin similarco laboratons. sharclts experience information in magazines, the haspromotedNECin manyways.Thecenierhasp!bLlshed Thecolaboration publications. peop reaches e corporate It also media, newspapers, FRII4's newsletter and Shell! electronic NECwil schools,andthe publicas a whole.Thishasbenefitedall threeorganizatjons. throughcompanies, the I\4alaysian andwillthenhavea wlderareato coverandexplore.Introducing be promotedinternationally to countriesaroundthe worldsuchasAfrica,Japan,Koreaandotherswi I bethe nextagendafor rainforest lmolementation. workto a widera!dience.Asa scientific scientlfic NECis ableto cornpement,translateandextendFRII4's knowledgethat can he p governmentdevelopappropriatetechnologyfor insutution,FRIMpossesses forestresources. FRII\4 scientists, w th their management and properutllization of I\4alaysia's conservaUori, and knowledge, are a valuableresolrceto the NECwhich,on the other hand,has extensive experience grownas a naturestudycentercateringto peoplefromal walksof life. becausein doingit has more groundto work with and more Forits part, l4NSjoinedthe collaboration hasbeengivenspeciarecogniiion by NSparticipation iUesto spreadawarenessmoreeffectively. I\4 oppoftun in the collaboration, whichhas and[4aiaysian societyin genera. I\4NS is proudof ts ir']volvement Shell,FRII'4 greatLy ideasandknowledge to the contributed to its growthandhasprovided a widervenueto disserninate communty. haveforgeda strategical iance,where Dr Sallehpointsout that the partnersinvolvedin the co laboration joint venlure, it is irnportant to havea synergy He stresses the idea ln a ny that onecompementsthe others.

IMPACTOFSTMTEGY Put)lic response wasmoderate at the startandit wasdifficultto get peopleinvolved in\theprogrammed activities, Astimepassed, moreandmorepeople recognized thecenter's value.persistence andhardwork joinedthe NECprograms. by the center!staffstartedto payoff as moreschools NECalsoorganizes activities for children duringschoolholidays andweekends. Limandhisteamof education officers andvolunteerc spenda greatdealof timepromoting thecenter is highbutNEChopesto getmoreorganized Staffturnover andstablein thefuture,Thefaststaffturnover tendsto createmoreworkfor thestaifbecause theyalsohaveto trainnewcomers, apartfromhaving to perform theirotherregular adivitiesat thecenter Thecenter's staffmembers are assisted by the expertsandscienUsts fromFRIMin conducting center activities. At thesarnetirneNEClearnsfromthesescientists. FRIlvl, on the otherhand,whichis opento the public,hasgiventhe publicthe opportunify to seeand people experience lhesurrounding forests. FRIlvl!popularity asa destination forfamilies hasbeengrowing. pic|ics com ng for grounds, arc andfamiydaysat the Withthisstrategy, thepublichasbeenbrought straight to thedoorsof theNEC,whichis located withinits grounds, FRllv1? MNSandShelllvlalaysla havebecome betterknownto thepublicandareableto playa more serious andeffective rolein the natureconservation andenvironmental awarcness. lvlNshasbeenestablishing natureclubsin schools in l4alaysia since1991,It hasprovided theseschools witha venuefor environmental education. Toda,NECis a successfuljoint ventureamongthethreeorganizations. In theyearsto come,thecenter maybecome self-sustaining intheoperational aspect, It isa positive rolemodelthatotherorganizations can emulate through similar collaborations. BENEFITS ANDLESSONS LEARNED parliesagreethat the NECcollaboration Al concerned hascontributed positively in buildinga better environment andcreating a society withenvironmenta ly responslble individuals. Sustainable development isthekeyrnotivationa I factorbehind Shell,s effoftto formthecollaboration. Through theNEC,Shellis ableto contribute to b!ildingmoreawareness andappreciation of theenvrronmenr ano instilthe importance preservation. of environmental Thepatnershipprovides Shella balance between profit-making andpromoting environmental preservation for thecommunjty in whichShelloperates, - thataithough Shellis alsoableto createandnurturean imageof sustainability it profitsfromnature,it canalsocontribLrte to itspreservaUon. Thisisreflected inthe"WeCare,WeShare,,concept of itsSlstainab e Development ReDort in 2000. Asfor f4NS, thecollaboration hasgivenit anavenue for itsowneffortsin creating a moreenvironmentaly conscious society. Withthe NEC,I\4NS cannowdevelop itsenvironmental program education andpromote it moreaggressively to the public.{YNS hasbecome betterknownthanbefore. Also,it hasbenefited from grants, Shell3annualfund allowing itto planandimplement itsactivities moreefficlenUyand moreeffectjvely. Forits part,NEChasfoundin f4NSa platform for developing its education programs andoutreach more orofessionallv Shellcontrlbuted notonlyflnancially, butbyencouragtng itsstafT to supporttheactivities orga|ized bythe f4NSthrough theNEC.Shellstaff,in theircapacity asmernbers of thetripartite getto monitor committee, p.ogress. NEC's Indiredly, thiseffoftgivestvtNS additional recognition in the eyesof FRI[4andsociety in oeneral.

of for the preservation by all the partiesinvolved investrnent a long-term Thisprojectjs alsoconsidered thesethroughNEC andpromote nrtri". firuS.unno* planfutureactivities scientific a research-based andnafurest1ldieslt waspdmarily FRllvlwasoncebetterknownfor its researches as a recreatjonal known is also FRII\4 Today' public's interest nottie and itiJn rlJi.J"n""a a o*"lopinggovernmenrs natureThemanyFRIM signiicantrolein conserving publicis nowmoreawareof FRI[4'S centerThel\4alaysian to $is I\4NS would attest or liningtrremalorroadsto theNEC ignboards bythe havebeenrecoqnized andnatureconservahon, development Asfor Shell,its effortsfor sustainable the [4a]aysian to contribLltion shell's considered Theyare whereltope;ates. ftrecommunities oovernmeniand secorro for othercin the corporare seta precedent has also generation. Shell the Future to anO iuOtic follow. relationships forshellstaff,enhancing activities andteambuilding a venuefor manysocial NEchasbecome society in effortsto builda caring withintheShellfamilyandhelping CONCLUSION o1s'qover^ne_t we facetodayl'4oreco'porar c-isisarea cha"enge lt anotheenvironrlental Developme of I'4alaysia's ln the for the future cometorwardandcollaboiate -course and NGosshoLlld aqencies Although forests of its loss a dramatic experienced iZ""r""tu"iin ,n" oitiRve years,r havepersonally preserve nature' forthevalianteffortsmadeto inlv .6,rf0n""", o"i".tored,I arnthankful of ourenvlronment' ofawareness to sowtheseeds andmotivation havea clearvision Thethreeorganizations it and sustain the activity carry out andthewillto Thereis the2esire and andthusgainthetrustof thecommunlty a needto bemoretransparent AsforShell,thereis perhaps for environmental answer jre is being company The activities. inosewno notiniavoroftheifbusiness theBrentspar dueto oilspills,explosions' disasters aswellasenvironrnental l"aig;ln its quicky to attended were disasters ofthese "ii""pr*"tions, some Fortunatel, if'"Nig"',o"ltain;ldentin Nigeria. "u"niiuni gotoutof hand beforematters sufficient d.gvel.oelell qYi,]nprovidlng FRI[4todayplaysa moreactiverolenot onlvIn research 9Fparties crltical roleln a 14NSplays involveda hepinghandto all aboutnatureandinextending information for its is known public.As.[4Ns NEcto the io promote andsirategies N;a;t'h manpower ;ililih; acaoemlc augments that the virtualclassroom the NEcprovides activities, in nature-related invotvemient learnrng. ofthecompan, to thepollcies andstrictobedience sustainability envi.onment towards attitudes Withoositive bothin as development in sustainable in gettinginvolved fromsubsldiaries t)"tt"ii"ioo*". ur" practice' ""pected aswellasgoodbuslness pat of a ienseof responsibility,

ANNEXES Annex A: The Nature EducationCenter (Brochure) Thecenterconducts variouscoursesaboutthe environment andothernature-related activities. Theseal ow participants to stLrdy and experience the richanddiversenaturalfeatures reserveforest ofthe surrounding managedby FRII4. Thecenteris managedby MNSandreceives an annualgrantof R1450,000 from Shelll4alaysia TradingSdn. Bhd.Variousnature-related activitiesareconducted, aimedat showinga positiveattitude,appreciation and participatory careofour naturalheritagethroughhands-on learningmethods.Theenvkonment surounding the NECprovides diversenaturalresources to expore andenjoy. Thecoursesandcampactivitiesat the centerareopento the public.Participants will be exposed to nature andtheenvkonment throughoutthe program. TheNEC!programs include a varietyof envircnrnent education modules designed for individuals andgroupsfor specified duraUon, Thel4alaysian tropicalclimateboastsof someof the world'sgreatestrainforests. ACTIVITIES a, Forestecologyfor daytimenaturewalk b. Slldeshows(on varioustopics) c, Astronomy and stargazing d. Introduction to fungiand mushrooms e, Llfein the streamandfreshwaterecoogy i Papefrecycling g, Nightwa k h. GLrided forestcanoDvwalks

i. Birdwatchlng j, Terrarium k, Composting L Naturehunt m. Naturecraft n. Flowerpressing o, Cavesecology(tripto darkcaves)

SOMERULESANDREGUUTIONS noise a. No unnecessary (guitar,etc.) b, No radloand musicalinstruments (do not startfires) c. No cookingandcarnpfires d, No mosouitocoi and aerosolsorav e. Do not harmor destroyany life-formsand plantsor damagethe environment you to rethink,reduce,reuseand recycle. I ThecenterencoLrrages FACILITIES for 18 maes/18females a. Dormitories b. Audiovisual aids(s ide projector, ovefteadprojector, television andvideocassette recorder) c. Fieldcourseequipment(modules,blnocuars.microscope, etc.) d. Books,joLrrnals, articleson natureand naturalhistory posters e. InFormative (books,T-shirts,etc.) I Salesof souvenirs g. 24-hour recepUon d!ringcamps PACMGE per camp:36 persons Maximumparticipants N4niTur'rpalicipa-tspercanp: 15 perso's Adults Rates Students 1 day Rlvl35 2daysl1night RIY65 2days/1night RIV95

R[460 RN4 95 RM130

Ratesinclude: . Accommodation . Cateredmeals(++tea and lightsupper) . Insurance coverage . Guidedactivities . Lect!refaciliUes Inquiriescan be madeby mallor telephonebut mustbe folowedup with an officialletter Bookings: or in wHtingin orderto securethe booking.The [4NSreservesthe right to cancelor assignalternative lf the datesappliedfor are unsuitable. Activitiesaresubjectto changein caseof poorweather bookings dateof the Payment: A 50o/opaymenthasto be madehvo (2) weeksin advancebeforescheduled NATURE SOCIETY. are collectedby the I4ALAYSIAN campor course.Payments Cancellation: Noticefor cancelationmustbemadeone(1) weekbeforeconfirmedbookingdate,TwentyLastminutecancellation and five percent(25olo)of the fee will be retainedby NECfor latecancellations. madelaterthan oneweekwill renderthe bookingliablefor flrll campor coursefee, cancellations Annex Bi Profile Of Experts And ResourcePersons FRIM/MNS lvlNS;Ex,D.Gen., FRI14 Dato'Dr.Saleh MohdNor,Presidenl, MNS l'..1r. GaryLim,Headof Department l'.ls.lessicaAliahUnbukar, Prog.dlmeOfcer EvelynLim,Programme Officer N4rs. SHEI-L Affairs AbdWahid,Gen,lvlgr,Corporate Lt. Col.(Rtd.)Ir Wahlruddin ProjectsOrganizer En.RedzaRarnli,SeniorCommunify' MALAYSIA ERACONSUMER Nadeson, Pfesident Mr lvlarimuthu Secretary Ms.IndraniThuraisingam, so!rcesl Internet

www,shell.corn www,

1998,2000(Manual) ShellReport, journals andrnagazines froml'4NS, FRIl4,NEC, Shell Brcchures, articles, Pictures duringsitevisits I\4s.Jesslca llmbukan FRIN4), [4r GaryLim(IV]NS/NEC), Interviews withDato'DrSalleh[4ohdNor(l\4NS, (Shel) (Rtd.) (Shell), (l4NS/NEC), and14r.Redza Ramil Lt.Col. Ir. Wahiruddin AbdWahid


Environmental Technologr From Coconut Waste BYEnricoO Garde*


300'000 and is estimatedto havea landareaof is composedof morethan 7'100islands The Philippines squarekilometers abovethisgradient a slopeof 1800r nrore.Thisis because_sropes rno'e than 55 oercent Theuprandareais definedas randswrLh otos'oooto""'" urlorete s' pe(e't const'tute are D.onelo erosio'o1." t""'" u," t''t'uoilT]'"b"''i ui'uoitat 19 tns tou i€a' ' 'iiiii'"o -ot ot (3Oo5Oo)and 19 percenfconslsr of ft'e co-nLv s totd' ranoo'"u' t'u n*"pert nake uo s[eepslopes / enr dreaswitn roderatelysLeFpslooPs l I (see Fxhibit ) (5Oo -o) o've-ysteepstooes EXHIBIT1, PHIIIPPINETOPOGRAPHY


]:::3"i:li 3J,il,.i[5i,lhf3[#?J"J?T;3J1ff:"?i:[S,??*l!ft'lliTi'i to 18.62percentof totallandarea' " y*$:j:iili?HJ?::i,lilli:;,i,,:,l,"i3iJ''lli#,:ffi*:,*"i5['"ff rheresourceperson .;;;;;;;;;;;,"p"".""ndEquityFo!ndationlnc,anNGornthePrrjrippines io. thecasettldy '!as DLluttn0 Arboeoa hc 1999 FarestMart'a:lhe Bookmark' for s a'lalchalrge'IncDedneatthe Philippne l EnvironmentaLscence

THECOCONUT INDUSTRY CROPS VIZ, OTHERCOMMERCIAL COCONUT Thecoconutindustryis the mostimportantsegmentamongthe comnercialcropsin the collntrytoday and lt is number1 in termsof areaplanted,followedby sugarcane It is rankedfirst in threecategories: produdion (in y n metrictons),followedon aga by abaca.Thecoconutsectorranksfirst in termsof total 1,followedby sugarcane, coconutcomesin at nLlmber sLrgarcane andabaca.In termsofvalueof production, (See Exhlbit2). rubberandtobacco EXHIBIT2. RANKINGOFCOMMERCIALCROPS (ANNUALAVERAGES, 197A-1992)


PCARAUSttDlCtrED saaCEOFsaStCDArA:CA,4A t wo,Snr AttALrStS, IN?A,CRE19fi1)

FRUIT UTILIZATION OFCOCONUT CURRENT fromthe themeatisseparated harvested areusedto produce copfa.In thisprocess, l4ostofthecoconuts for cookngoil, dessicated huskandthe shell,andthendried,Copra,in turn,is the primaryingredient or copradrier(Exhiblt 3). Thehuskis Lrsually usedasfuelfor households andotherproducts. coconLrt, EXHIBIT3. CURRENTUTILIZATIONOFTHECOCONUT


3 Coconut4



rui $

coconut i;;sicated

Coco husk

Fuel(Household) Fuel(copradrier) Waste

Copra Operation

PRODUCTS OFCOCONUT D]RECTION OFTRADE producer in if |ot thelargest, of coconuts thePhilippines isoneofthelargest, to othercountries, Compared products prlmarily geared for export. from the nuts However, derived are theworld. exports wasonly20 percentin 1995,and28 percentin 1997.Conversely, As a whole.localutilization (Exhibit percent percent 4). in 1997 80 in 1995and78 represented ,

studvcenterfor researchand edlcation ln socia developnrent(PASCIES).EnvircnnentalysoundAnd Sacially

ASmaybeexpected, exportsare primarirvin the formof coconutoir,copramearand dessrcareo coconut,in that order.on the other hand,localconsumpton comesmainly in the form of manufactured or refinedoil andcoconutoil for oleo-chernicals.


860 'E go 20 10 0 1995



sauRcEoFaAsc DA|A:cacouut lrDusrRyka sEREsaF$s6 (.1| EDtN pascREg !eeE

SHARE IN PH]L]PP]NE EXPORTS Totalvalue ofthephilippine exports incocon

1eB7 tous$643 ;iri;; i;i;r;;;;;

u:;#3T lff*,:i&%i";';lfl,i||'

'''e It srew rrom usgs61 mirrion in

In relativeterrns,howeveithe shareof th€ -'coconutsectorin total Philippine exportshas beendeclining trom9.8 percentin 1987to 3.6 percentin EXHIBIT5. SHAREIT PHILIPPINEEXPORTS 1987, 1992, 1996 (rN MTLLIONUSI FOA)




souRcE oFaAscDtrA:cacoqLrnDus,Ry,n sntEso, w6 (.,, * ,, ,L{R,s Bra)

MNOR COCONUT PRODUCING AREAS ThePhirippines harvested over 11 bitionpiecesof coconutsin 19g4and in 1995.Totarpro.uction reached 11.2billion pieces il 1994and j 1.7bitionpieces i- 1995. Basedon hectarage andthe numberof frujt_b-earing trees,Mindanao isthe leadingcocolur-prooLlctng area, followedby Luzonand the Visayas(Exhibjts






2,641 1,381

24 12



2,4O4 1,385 7.gLL

l1O0 l


1r,2O7 rM6

20 )2 68


1ee3) G|ED N PAscPEs,




COCONUT AREAANDPOVERTY It is interesting to notethatthereappears to bea positive correationbetween coconut areasandthe evel of povetyina givenprovince. In othery,/ords, thecocon!tsectorcontributes to theconditions of povetyin es. thecommunit provinces ExhibitS shows thebiggest coconut-producing andtheircorresponding rankingn termsof poverb/ (f4BN) incidence, magnitude of poverty, andtheminimum basicneeds Index. EXHIBITA. MA]ORCOCONUT-PRODUCING REGIONS AND POVERTY INDICATORS

t n c i d e n ( el M a q n i t u d e l


ffi TheCoconutCoir/CoconutPeatSub-sector sections haveshownthatat present, Theprevious muchof thehusksleftfromcopraproduction constitute percent unwanted wastefor the farms.Abolrt40 of the husksare usedas fuel,andthe remaining 60

coconutpeat Fortunatey, newproductsareemergingfromcoconuthusk,suchas geotextilenets/fascines, of theseprodudsincludethe car,furnitureand construction and fiberpadsfor upholsteryThe end-users golf courses,and realestateprojects(See forestnurseries, horticulture, materlalsjndustries, agriculture, Exhlbt9). HUSKPROCESS FLOWCHART EXHIBIT9. COCONUT

rubbre€d pads,rbor bozidt


.ffi,%^ V

D!si (70%)



ForcsrNucorr@ H.d o0[!rc, Aenculurc'60|'cour$s

market'already usesproductsfrom coconuthusk,Theinternational It is worthnotingthat the'mainstream (See Exhiblt 10). marketis relativelydeveloped SN O E X H I B I T 1 0 . I ' I A I N I N T E R N A T I O N AP LR O D U C TA MARKETS FORBROWNFISER3


3ApprcpiateT€chnologyInternarlona. cacont con PncessingIn rhe Philbpines.An Analysisa rhe sub-sectat.Edireda.d Fatnat-

Datafrom the Internetshowsthat marketsizesfor variousproductsrangefrorn US$400rnilliona year (marketfor coirlrubberizedl)and US$90milliona year(marketfor coconutpeat.) supplycomesfrom Sri Lanka.Thus,thereis muchmore At the moment,60 percentoFthe lnternational particularly wouldhavean advantage in in countrieswherethe Phjlippines roomfor marketpenetration, cost. termsof distanceand transportation hasalreadystartedexportingproductsfrom coconuthusk.As a non-traditional In realiry,the Philippines to begrowing Forcoconutfiber andthatofcoconutdustappears export,dernandin the internationalmarket from 1994 to 1996 and fiber dust exports Exhibit11showsthe consistentincreasein coirfiberexports this potenualintoactual Translating It is clearthat thereisa lot of promiseforthe coiranddustsub-sector5. role of the development entrepreneur, demandis the OFCOCONUT HUSK-BASED PRODUCT91994-1996(VOLUMEIN MT, VALUEIN FOI US$) EXHTBIT11, EXPORTS

Coir FiberExports

FiberDust Exports

1,200,000 E















I 1994



usTRrKa sERrEs oF 1e (ctfEDlN PAscRE , 1ee3)

ADVENTURE, AN.IMPORTANT JUBOKEN: The EntreDreneur Theyarethe uniquebreedof is theentrepreneur. figurein the start!pof organizations Theinstrumental qLlalities leadershlp that possess opportunities and have the uncanfy ability to identiry who individuals to realize thepotentials of the undertaking. inspire individlals knownDt Arboleda was Arboleda, or"Bo';asheis popularly inthisprojectis Dr Justino Theeirtrepfene!r hisonlyson through Heis married, andhasa grandchild, AlbatonApril14,1950. borninGulnobatan, graduated Engineering He withBSAgricultura fromTokyoUnivefsity Di Arboleda Forformaeducatlon. fromTokyoUniversity as well.He finishedhis Engineering his masters degree!n Agricultural obtained degree in BicolUniversity. doctoral DeanoftheBicol starting in 1981androsefromtheranksto become taughtat BicolUfiversity Dr.Arboleda (BUCA) 1s87 to 1994. Agriculture from College of University's The BirthOf The Enterprise projects provided supported bylocaland Dr Arboleda to implement opportunities Hisstintat theuniversity projecton povertyalleviation wherea wasa research agencies. Onesuchundertaking international poorlivingconditions plantwaspilotedasa meansof alleviating in anarea. decorticating communities through their to cocorut-producing wasto passonthetechnology Partoftheprojectstrategy were by Dr' governrnent fiaancing institutions that approached agefcies and Unfoftunateiy, cooperatives. wasfeasible. notbelieve thatthe

donotputtheirmoneywheretheirmouthis,i e, to theeffectthatacademics comments Heevenreceived would them,yettheythemselves people andaskothersto finance deveJop technologies in theUniversity notinvesttheirownmoneyin theseundertakings. intheuniversity developed thattechnologies resolved to prove Dr Arboleda bythecoldresponse, challenged thLls,bankable. ventures, couldbemadeintoviablebusiness Enterpnses fiberfactorynamingit theJUBOKEN andbeganhispilotcoconut Hefied a leaveof absence and boken, meansimportant, storyin itsell Ju in Japanese Thechoiceof the nameis an interesting family rnembers of Di Arboleda's the names of syllables from is a combination Also,JUBOKEN adventure, hls family name), (actually second syllable of the nickname from Dr. Arboleda's Bo, Juis for hiswife.lulie, andKenls hisson'sname. Mil€stonesOf The Enterprise beforeDr hadto be overcome several challenges enterprises, successful Aswithmanyof the relatjvely hiswinning strategy wasableto discover Arboleda ie side/the marketwasoligopsonistic, ThestartuD vearin 1994wasa dilflcultperiodOnthedemand waslimitedto balefiber Theproductbeingpurchased therewereveryfewbuyers, andto penetrate newproductlineswithhighervalue-added wasableto develop overtime,Dr,Arboleda growth. turnaround andsubsequent leading to theenterprise's newmarkets, for the G'fzin an projects got Dr.Arboleda hiredas consultant success with irrigation In 1995,BUCAS he wasableto where also to Germany him Thailand. This work brought project in Chiang l4ai, irrigation equjpment. to buy fascine-making geotextile fascines and nets and fiber and irnporter ofcoconut an contact and exporting themto Germany eventually fascines, startingmanlfactudng Thatsameyear,JUBOKEN Japan. doingtheirthesistestthe students In 1996,it tappedBUCA in experirnents. to engage continued JUBOKEN products. fibertwines,andto createnewandimproved of coconut strength a local withFiFEstate, a contract in 1997whenit closed in thelocalrnarket madea breakthrough JUBOKEN to expandits local (although the experience was"notgood")In 1998,it continued realestatedeveloper market. ofthe societyInc.ledto thecreation for a sustainable in 1999,a jointventurewiththeFoundation Finally (COCOTECH). Inc. Corporation, CocoTechnologles Venture A Multi-stakeholder Tor,vards poverty. obsession Butit wasalsoDi Arboleda's to alleviate of a commitment wasoornbecause JUBOKEN years himthroughthedifficult to provehiscriticswronqthatsustained needed newcapital obviously thecompany opened, beganto growandnewopportunities Asthebusiness to meetthis itscapacity onlineto increase hadto bebrought level.Newequipment itsinventory to increase needed largeamounts of capital. ItJBOKEN demand. value goingintoa paftnership but he felt that its corporate withbig business, considered Di Arboleda with an institution such as more comfortable his. He found himself with mightnotbecompatible systems promoting had (FSSI), enterprisesthat developmental was which foraSustainable Society,Inc. theFoundation objectives. andbusiness knownasCocoTechnologies company ajointventure cametogether andformed JUBOKEN andFSSI In 1999,





thatwlllgearitsefupto wentonto helpcreatea structure Di Arboleda Thus,frombeingsoleproprietors, playa signiflcant rolein the industry areasfollowslcocotech amongthe stakeholders asenvisioned in rolesandfunctions Thedifferentiation both localandinternational of development the products technologies, and of iiteichargeof devetopment products, offinished as a consolidator fu nctions producers. JU BOKEN to *o.ontLcting orders au*"t , u-na for financing roleisto provide theitemsorderedFSSI'S it produces anOiJorig*ith aornt-ity e;terprises, capitalandequiprrent bothworking to lnclde theneedto metamorphosed motivauons andpride,Dr Arboledab of rnission Thus,froma sense sustalnable be financially and andcompetltive, moreefflcient become markets, expand for Dr Arboleda adventure hasbeenan important Enterprises JUBOKEN Indeed, PROCESSES & PRODUCTTON OFPRODUCTS DESCRIPTION soundEssentially, mustbeecologically projects. Oneisthattheproject insupporting criteria FSSI hasseveral project the environment not harm does thatthe thismeans mustbeable thatthe-project Thjsmeans isthattheprojectmustbecommunity-oriented criterion Another of livelihood or forms in the may come this people Concretely, in the community. to serveor benefitthe generation. emPloYment producis andhowtheyareproduced thedlfferent describe sections Thesucceeding GeotextileNets in is described Howit is produced netsare usedto controlerosionin slopesandriverbanks Geotextie A to D. Exhibits ExhibitA. Summaryof the ProductionProcessfor Netsand FascinesPlantLevel Production Process Decorticating Net Prodn Geo-Textile Prodn Fascine

Activity NutCoilectlon Decorticating Twining Weaving Fascine"l'4aking

EQUIPMENT 4-tonnertruck Machine Decorticating Twininglvlachine Loom Fascine-Maker

ExhibitB. DecorticatingProcess '1gplalt' lo thep-ocess andderivered huskis gathe'ed Step1: Coconul rq machine' i"e oecoficat insioe huslsarepraced S'ep2: Thecoconur (30%) jnto (70%)andintolongcocofiber cocopeat ii"i s, rn" f,r.t, u|,"teparate;bythemachine ExhibitC.TwineMakingProcess thetwine motioncreates wheel.Thespinnlng to a spinning Step1: Fiberis attached in length meters feach 11 addfibersuntilthecords contlnuously itep 2: Twiners to forma hvine. Step3i Thesearethenspuntogether ExhibitD, ErosionControlNet MakingProcess for weaving on a loomin preparaUon twinesareplaced Step1r Cocofiber meshsize to thedesired in accordance twinesarewovenhorizontally Step2: Cocofiber of 1 x 50 meters netsarethenrolledintolengths Step3r Cocofiber

aregivenlivelihood of nets,manyhouseholds is that,in the production thisprojectspecibl Whatmakes process. thetwiningandtheweaving through activities OrganicF€rtilizer

AboutTopercentoftheoutputofthedecorticatingprocessiscoconutdust.coconutdustorcoco cocogreen iLcanbe madeintoorganicfertilizer. l4ixedwithothermaterials, medium, exJttentirowing -s"u*"iO in a fertilizer mixed peat, seaweed, red clay and is composed of coco PelletFertilizer ioiop"ut E) in Exhibit (Process illustrated in themarket readyfor distribution blendandpelletized, ExhibitE. The FertilizerProductionProcess activity Process l4ulching Production Fertilizer Mixing Pelletizing

Equipment Hammermill l\4ixer f4achine Pelletizing

Products stitchedFiber-based andfiber fiberTheseincludeplantliners,fiberboards, fromstitched Otherprodudsarebeingdeveloped F, process is shownin Exhibit Theproduction matswithgrass. cocofiberMat MakingProcess ExhibitF. machine areplacedinsioetLestitching Loose cocofihers 1: Step together thenstit(hedandcompacted is flaEened, steD2r Cocofiber mat is cocofiber The output Step3l to the product. Steo4i Thematsarecutaccording

RESULTS PROJECT SloDeProtection areas partlcularly usefulin elevated in slopes, erosion for preventing netsareusefulprimarily Geotextile firms with various serving this ma*et, hastapped Enter,rises witner;sion.JiJBOKEN Jieioy tnreateneC linesof business, different from the costsandbenefits projectandestimate lvlidlands Taga)'tay we takea lookat Bellecorporation's tbetecnnology, froml4etro a couple ofhours'drive leisure resortinTagaltay, residentialand isa high-end Bellecorporation l4idlands' Tagaytay the and phases: Highlands the Tagaytay hastwo li currently Manila. inApril2000withnolessthantheP'esident opened wasto beformally GolfCourse f4idlands TheTagaytay because wasdelayed construdion Unfortunately, asCuestof Honorfortheinauguration. ottheFnilpiines four hectares of the problem covered about golf The course of the oi iontinrJ,ltero.ionalongtheslopes with no approached date The opening it rained outeverytime golfcourse. Grass andplaitswerewashed to theProblem. solution at PhP50 Hydroseeding [Us$160].persquaremetercost wereexplored. [Us$1]to PhP80 options Several te.ramat, dueto therains.Thenon-biodegradable outconstantly werewashed wasnotviableastheseeds nets, which

wasavailable locally per50square at PhP40 meter, werethusconsidered. tJseofthenetsoffered LUS$o.80l otheradvantages. It is biodegradabie andsourced locally, thushelpfulto thelocaleconorny. It became apparent thatcoconut netsoffered themostadvantage forthecorporation. Thebestadvantage, thoughunquantifiable, is that the installation of the netsenabled the company to meetits scheduled openrn9, afd savecustomer goodwill, andinvestor andin theprocess, thecompany,s reputat on. RiverbankProtectionAnd Rehabilitation Fascines helpprevent theerosion of riverbanks and,is anaesthetic alternative besides. projects N4any exarnples of fascine areto befoundin JapanandEurope. In thephilippines, a prototype is beingimplemented alongtheSagumayon Riverin theBicoRegion, a riversopolluted lt wasclassified as class-D iver beforetheprojectstarted. A yearafterinstallation of the fascines, not onlywerethe banksof Sagumayon Rivermoreprotected, poilution wasreduced andthe rivermovedupto a higherlevelof classification. TheCanaman RiverEcosystem l\4anagement projectis a projectof the LocalGovernment tjnit of the lYunicipality with fundingfromthe WoridBank.A benefit-and-cost analysis of the projectreveals that damage to cropsdueto flooding, worthaboutPhp13.7 millionIUS$274,000], wasavoided, for a totalcost * PhP2.5 of onlyPhP4.7 million million, aboutUS$50,000, for bio-engineering lor US$98,000] wofksand PhP2.4 million,aboutUS948,000, plantation. for a bamboo Otherbeneflts for the ecosystem include the retention 0f a9ricultural and,increase in fishstockandfishcatch,andtherestoration of fiveroualitv. ImprovedPlantGrowth growers Cutflo$/er havebecome majorusersof coconut peat.It hasbeenshownthatplantgrowsmuch betteron it thanon othermedia,evenon peatmoss. Fieldtestson vegetables, rice,andcornhavealsoshownencouraging results, Results of thefieldtestsof thecocopeat-seaweed fertilizer revealthatrtcetreatedwithcocopeatfertiizerresultedn an increased number of tillers,andgreateryields. Vegetables treatedwjththesamehadbiggerleaves, grewfaster, and gavehigheryields.Exhbits4.5and4.6showtheeffects of theseDrodlcts, LESSONS LEARNED ONTHEUSEOFWASTE MATTER Thisis a concrete experience in transforming wastemattefintoproducts thathavehighvaluenotonlyin monetary terms,butin environmental termsaswell. Tothisday,copraproduction is the maineconomic activityin coconut areas,wheremostof the coconut husksstillendupaswastematerial. Ir_onically, revenues fromsub-components ofthecoconut husk,i.e.,coconut peatand/orcoconut fiber,rnore oftenexceeds the income derived fromthe primaryproduct, whichis copra.Thisis trueespecially asthe valueof coprahasnotrisenin theworldmarket. ONENVIRONMENTAL REHABIL]TATION PRODUCTS As awareness levelsof the massive environmental problemhavedramatically improved overUme,the corresponding market forenvironment-friendly products grown.Withthistrend,manufacturers haslikewise arescrambling products to develop thatwillsatisry thisdemand. Theproducts ofthisprojectarenotonlyenvironment-friendly in thattheyutilizewaste,whiletheproducts themselves serveto rehabilitate (Seenextsection). andprotecttheenvironment

As such,.increased salesand.acceptance of the products canonlymeanmoreareasrehabiritated and Proteded. ON 1,4 ULTI-ECOSYSTEMAPPLI(ATION Another featurethatis quiteuniqueto thiscaseis theversatirity of the products produced. Forinstance, peatwhenusedasgrowingmedium coconut hasgreatpotential for bothcroplands and the uplands. The primary usercsofar areproducers of high-value cropssuchascutflowers. on the otherhand,coconutfiber,whenwovenintonets,areanti-erosion devices for the slopesin the uplands. whenit is compacted intofascines, it is usefurfor erosioncontrorin riveroanKs as mangrove reforestation whenfiberisstitched, it isusedin mattresses in urbanandrurarhousehords, aswe asinthe upholstery of luxurycars. EXTENSIVE LIVELIHOOD GEN EMT]ON Apartfromitsvalueto theenvironment, JUBoKEN hasmadea directimpact onthehousehotd tevelinterms and rsconsequent pTovision S.Tra,'o" of income, This, however, is;p;;ific production to the :l !l1l!::9ot oeotextte nels.

oep€fding on the demand, the nurnbef of peoplethatcanbe reached is qurteremarkabre, In thiscase studyalone/livelihood hasbeengenerated for over600people.what is evenmoreremarkabre is that incomesderived aremuchhigherthan whatcocon ut_based househoids usually derivefromcopraprocuctrof, SIMPLE| APPROPRIATE ANDREPLICAELE TECHNOLOGY whatismostinnovative in thisventureisthattheproduction process is relatively simple/ rt isvi rage-based, andis highlyrepiicable. r Bicolcouldveryeasilyadaptto theprocess because of itssimitaltyto theprocesses ]:li:r::.!,*g:*j: useoInpr00uctng aoacatwinesandotherhandicrafts. Theequipment needed is alsoveryaffordable, POTENT]AL INDUSTR Y.LEVEL IMPACT Enterprises extends beyond thetocatcommunities whereit operates and Il."_?j:l!.1.]ip"S "tJUBOKEN Deyo_0 tre stteswrere theproducL5 areinstalleo. l4anypeople havebegunto labelthecoconut sectorasa sunsetindustryandthisis notwithoutbasis.For one,copraproduction andtheirpriceshavebeenunstable dueto natur;lcalamities suchastyphoons and patterns changing weather suchastheElNiffo.Likewise, thetotalareaplanted with;;conutshasdecrifed dueto therampant cuttingof the coconut treesfor rumberstudieshaveshownthatcoconut-dependent households areamongthepoorest in thecounrry rooav. Withfhedevelopment of.newcoconut prodLtcts thatarenore rcsponsive to thegrowingprobtems of soil erosion andlowcropproductivity, thereseems to benewhopeforihecoconut se;or Thesectorcanserve to renewandrehabilitate the variousecosystems in the coconut areas,andlikewise provrdes newand highersources of income. Givencoconut's manynewpotentials, it maynotbelongbeforethis.treeof iife,is rediscovered.


Ayala Foundation'sSolid Waste ManagementProgram By lvlanolita Gonzalesx in sight.Thismaywellbeoneof l4etrolvlanla'sworst garbage but nota dumpsite everywhere, Garbage, oi people generate than candispose more waste they as nightmares the Philippines' a handto solvetheproblemln thecltyof N4akati, maylieon peoplelending Thesolution (AFI) LlniqLle experiment has launched a Foundation Incorporated the Ayala capital, business andfinancial waste intheir to manage business establlshments to encourage responsibility corporate social thatinvokes ownbackyard. cantefs andcommercial trainsfirms,offices Project, AyalaFoundation ThrolghitsSolidWasteI'lanagement wastes are project as well Recyclable "donated"to hasa social component The theirgarbage, to segiegate whoselltheseto j!nk shops. teamsof segregators, ofthelrtrashbyabout30 participating in cuttingdowfthevolume establishments succeeded Byend-2000, jobless segregators, forformerly a majorsource of income percent, Theprojecthasalsobecome is thefo!ndation parkhavebeenfinalized, andin l4akati, inCebu's buslness theprogram Plans to replicate underconstruction currently theprojectin buildings to implement eyeing director"We AFIexecutive saysAuroraTolentino, in newbuildjngs," "lt maybeeasierto runthe program to ihe Wecanselltheprogram inexisting buildings. oftheprojectmlchfasterthan canwdrkoutthedetails ' RcBc's newest consclous setof oflices say,'we're anenvironmentally wholeof I4akati if allestablishments greatl"' andthey'veaskedusto cornein Wesaid,'Yes, is nearlycomplete building THEGARBAGE CRISIS Authority andthe Development bythe l4etroManila Asearlyasfo!r yearsago,a studyjointlyconducted proportions hitcrisis (l\41\4DA-IICA) thatgarbage disposalwil warned Agency Internationa I Cooperation Japan majordumpsites thatlvletro Manila's wasbased ontheassumption bylate2000orearly2001.Thisprojection landfill, wouldsoonhaveto beclosed dumpsite andthesanMateosanitary thePayatas in thelate1990s. of garbage aftermountains closedin mid-2000 wasproventrue.Payatas the assumption At end-2000, amongwhomwerechidren. killingmorethan600wastepickers, of scavengers, cavedin ona comrnunity trash. to stillbe buriedunderionsof smoking arebelieved Scores andresidents localgovernment wasclosedon December 31,2000Sanl'4ateo's dumpsite TheSanf4ateo in trash smuggles ranksto makesurethatnobody haveclosed increasingly havebecome around l4etrof4anila hasbecome scarce asprovinces dumpsites Landavailablefor pollution, local localgovernment fromconstituents andwaryofthethreatof massive underpressure urbanized. although thiswouldhave themetropolis'wastes, request to absorb haveturneddownIvlt'4DAt executives for them. revenues meantsubstantial units(LGUs) entitiesThelocalgovernment of twogovernment isthejointresponsibility disposal Garbage and for finaldisposal The MIVIDA is responsible andtranspoftof garbage. collection handledischarge, management,

garbageto an abandoned The [4[4DAhas beennegotiatingfor the go-signalto ship f4etrof4ani]a's coal mine,the five-hectare Islandin Antique,about36 hoursby boatfrom N4etro Semirara Nlanila. Theprovjncial governfirent provinces, of AntiqLre/ a ongwith nongovernment in the surrounding associations opposed the move.Eventhe government's tourisrnofficialsfearedthat turningthe islandinto a dumpsitewouldposea threatto the ecosystem and livelihoodof thousands of the island'sresidents. Semkarais a protectedbird Also,Semirara is but 40 kilometers andturtlesanctuary. awayfrom Boracayisland,an internationatourist whoseresortswouldbe threatenedif toxicwastesstartedwashingup on theirshores. destination garbagein lVetrolvlanilaconUnues lvleanwhile, to piieup. NO MINDSETFORPROPERWASTEDISPOSAL generatedan averageof 5,345tonsof garbage The14l\4DA-JICA studyshowedthat in 1992 l\4etrolvlanila generationrateof a littleoverhaf a kiloof so id wastesper day.As of 2000,the per da, or a per-capita vo umeoftrashhasrisento 6,000tonsperday.Thestudyprojectedthat percapitageneration wil increase garbagew ll doLrble by 2 percenteachyear.Thismeansthat 2010,l4etrol4aniia's to 10,312tonsper day, lvlostl4etrol4ania resdentssti I seelitt e valuein trash.It hasbeenan old practiceamonghouseholds to set asideold newspapers afd glassbottes for saleto ambuantj!nk vendors,The resttheythrowaway. Byandlafge,recycinghasbeenundetakenbythe informasectorandthe poorestsectio|of the populatio n, for whomgarbagehasmeanta soufceof livelihood, Muchto the government's ernbarrassment/ scavenger! villageshavesproutedaroundall majordumpsltes, from Smokeyf4ountaln(closedin the early1990's)to Payatas and san lvlateo,Scavengers and ambulantjunk vendorssellthe recyclabe refuseto.lunkshops/ papermillsand beverage planls. whichpasstheseon to plasiicmanufacturers, studynotedthat 47 pefcentof lVetro14anla'sgarbagecoud be recycled. TheI\4lvlDA-JICA However, actual for only6 percentoftotalwastesgenerated. wastereduction thro!ghrecycling accounted Thestldy furthef notedthat the percentage of paperand plasticswasvery highcomparedlo otherdeveloping co!ntries. paper,plastic,grassand TheM[4DA-.]ICA studyshowedthat dry recycablesconslsted of ninecomponentsr glass, (see metal, textile, leather and rubber, stone, and others Table1). Kitchenwaste wood, ceramicand percent accounted for 45 of the total,Withappropratetechnology, the lattercouldbeconverted lntousefLrl productsslch as organicfertilizer. It has not beeneasyto convinceresidentsto followa systemfor oFMETRo raBtE1.NrNE coMpoNENTs wastedisposal.In lvletrol'4anila,garbageis not only an ecologcal riiril-A,donv neivtirir; wAsiE problem.Wastemanagement comesup againstcut!ral bariers as wel . Cleaninesshasnot beenoneof Metro[4anila's virtues,nof has beenobedience to lts laws. law,moststreets,marketsandpublicplaces Despitean anti-littering are itteredwith foodwrappers,cigarettebuttsand variouskindsof plasticpaftly becausegarbagecansare seldomprovidedin pubic places.In placesprovidedwith garbagereceptaces,becausethe habltof usingtrashcansis not ingrained,most peoplestill tend to throw lltteranywhere. Glass

The IYPIDA-JICA studyrevealedthat streetsweepingsaverage10 per kilometerper dayin 14etrol'lanila.About18kilograms kilograms arecastintorivers,creeksandwaterways ofsolidwasteperkilometer eacnoay. Because of poordiscipline amongthe populace, anda iackof wil on the part of localgovernmeftunits to enforcelaws on sanitation,

earlycampaigns on properw?stedlsposalwere conflnedto a very basicmessage:throw trashonly in garDage cans. passed In 1999,the I,4l\4DA Reglrlation No.99-004, whichrequired all househoids andestablishments to -ihe garbage pain provided segreqatetheir under ot nonco\\ec\ontor iai\ureio comp\y. MMDArequ\a\on tof segregatlon of wastesinto five color-coded bags. Themovewasstrongly opposed by residents whothoughtthe gudelines too tedious andlabor'lntensve. TheI\41\4DA backeddownand Reguation99-004wasre egatedto imboand suspended lndefinitely, except in sometownswherelocalollcialshadthe poliUcal wil to woothe public's cooperation as wel as punish violators. PROGRAM HISTORY In 1993,Ayaa Foundationaunchedits SolidWastel4anagement Projectas a componentof its l4akati Development Prcgram.The projectsoughtto "coordinate the effortsof the government, businesssector (SWI\4)," and NGOSn managing the ecoogicalproblemsin I\4akati, focusingon solidwastemanagement (USAID)and was The projectwas fundedby the UnitedStatesAgencylor InternationaDevelopment p initiallycarriedout ln 18 poorvilagesin I,4akati had ongoingprojectsin partnersh wherethe foLrndatlon prograrfsand with people's organizations. Theiolrndation's otherprojectslncudedintegrated development servicessuchas heath, livelihood, and projectsaimedtowardthe strengthening and organizat on of the c0mmunrty. Theenviron mentaI component washandedby Suzette Pido,thefoundatlon's skilstrainingprogrammanage[ project It seemednaturalthat the be assigned lssues. to her.Shehada keeninterestn enviTonmenta Theprojectencouraged the communities to sortout theirgarbageafd to keepanythrow-aways that coLrld be recycled. Throlghseminars,peope weremadeawareof the gravityof the garbageprobem andwere partic!larlywastereductionthroughsegregation. shownhowto do solidwasternanagement, Peoplewefe a so madeawarethat they coud earnaddltionaincomeFromrecyciables. A mid-termreviewofthe projectshowedthat its objectives werenot bei|g met.Peoplen the communities hadbeensellingglassbottes andold newspapers before the projectcamein. Besides, therewas lttle long garbage poor salvage from n cornmunities were mostly kitchen wastes, to as these Perhaps, the project wouldbe betterimolemented elsewhere. pfojectwasredesigned Thesolidwastemanagement ln 1995withthe adoptionof h/'/onewstrategies. First was the c osedloop system(CLS),whichinvovedthe transformation of productsfor the lse of waste orlglnators. Thlsallowedbeneficlary barangays to recyclewasteandcreatehighervalueproducts.Second, wasthe donor-benefic aryapproach, wh ch wasenvlsloned as an eco-enterprise, whlchlinkedresource-rich groupswith poor barangayrnembers,Workingon the premlsethat one'swastemay be a resourceto afothet segregated wastefor recyclingfindsits way from resourcerichdonors(bLrslness estab;shments, youthin residential condomlniums and richvilages)to resourceseekers(unempoyedand out-of-school poorervillagesin lYakati). Thedonor-beneficiary systembecarnethe project'smainstay. THE PROJECT SITE premierecity,andlts business Nlakatiis lvletrol4anila's It playshostto the headquarters andfinancialcapital. prirnebanks,five-star corporations, Stockexchange, offoreignfirmsandthe Philippines'top the Philippine plushcondominiums hotels,embassies, andposhvlllages. At the heartofthe cityis itssprawling cornmerclal complexthat housesmalls,rowsand rowsof consumershops,movietheaters,fastfoodouUetsand fine diningresta!rants.

biggestproducers of trash,Its population of less Whilel4akatlreeksof class,it is alsooneof l\4etro f4anila's swellsby daytjme astensofthousands comehereto work,do business, dineand thanhalfa milionpeople shoo. tonsof used business andcommercial d strictwhereofficesgenerated The projectareashiftedto IVakati's paper,andfastfoodshopsdiscardedheapsof recycableplastic. generatedthe surveyof 1997showsthat of al the citiesin l4etrolYanlla,I\4akati Thewastecomposjtion produced41.7 kilogramsper highestvollne of wasteat 0.44 kilogramsper capitaper day.Restaurants per da, and lnstilutions,101kiogramseachper day.The dry alsocontribltedh gherthan establishment households, restaurants, othershops,institutions, averageratesin the followingcategoriesihigh-income (seeTabLe 2). andstreetsweepings souRcEs RATEEY NINECATEGoRIES Of GENERATIoN TAaLE2: WASTEGENERATIoN

PaTariaque Averaqe lVakati Unit QLrezonC tv 483 465 553 500 G/person/dav 451 432 473 G/oerson/dav 449 l\4ddle ncome 344 340 Lowtncome G/person/dav 41.732 6 939 21,318 G/shop/dav 1s,824 RestauTant 2.150 1.618 1.818 G/shoo/dav 1.688 Othershops 101 57 72 c/Derson/dav lnstitution 7 261 4,065 3 945 13,774 lvlarket G/shop/day 19,010 1 07 4 2 10.560 Streelsweepinq G/km/dav 9.035 18.062 3,595 G/km/dav 41,5s5 R ver



sotintE:||Ac, cctjlDuoEaar nat, 1997

PROCESS THESOLIDWASTEMANAGEMENT awareness in the needto protectthe Projectseeksto increase AyaLa Foundatlont SolldwasteI\4anagement andrecycing.It individuals to do so throughwastereductionby segregation andto encourage envjronment socialresponsibility by managing its ownwasteand to expresscorporate alsoprovides a venuefor business jobs to poorcomm!nities(seeExhbit 1i Vision,Objectives providing and Goas). Programespouses the ideathat wasted!mpedln landfilscanbesignifcantly TheSolidWaste14anagernent people recyclable ltems salvage andthrowout onlytrashthat no oneelsecanconvertintouseful reducedlf producls. process. in the wastemanagement Theprojectsrelieson four keyactors,eachof whomare indlspensable On one end are the donorcompanlesand tenantswho wouldsegregaterecycablessuchas paperand plasticanddonatethesefor recyclng.Or1lhe otherefd arethe projectbeneficiaries whodo or segregators servesas the ink ltemsand seiltheseto lunk shops.AyalaFoundation furthersorUngof the recyclable continuingeducaUon andtraining It coordinates the proiectandensLrres betweendonorsandbeneFciaries. (seeExhibit2r Rolesand Responsibilities). on so id wastemanagement the responsibility isthe keymoverin gettingthlngsstartedin a buidingor estabLishment, WhilethefoundaUon morespecifica ly itsadministrator alongwith ofgettingthe projectgoingfallsonthe buildlngadministration, reports. management to whichthe adminlstrator the boardof directofs/building is encouraged to at the officeand bulldinglevels,the buildingadministration To facilitatesegregation garbage, wet dry and a space where the providetrashbags,at leasttwo separatedepositories for and is alsoexpectedto can sort out dry recyclables for junk shops.The blrildingadministration segregators jance p andsystemsarein ace.oncethey uniteon the project,Ayala oncethe arrangement ovefseecomp

put into effecta rnemorandum of agreement(IYOA)The l'4OAlays Foundation, donorsand beneflciaries project, to buildlng. which may vary from buildlng of the the details down for bulldingsandtenantswho odentationseminars on SolidWastelYanagement conducts Ayaa Foundation -The principles clarifies in solid wastemanagement, project. basic orientation covers implementthe decideto properwaste prccedures for segregation play, laysdown systems and would and roles that tenants/donors the on offcersandjarlitors-For comefrom officesand includeadministrat and disoosal.Seminaroarticipants enjoined to attend domestic helpers are unit owners and condominiums, residentia organizaUons. withthehelpofpartnerpeople's trainsandrecruits segregators Atthesametime,thefoundation job to share an interest They are encouraged residents mostly ess or underempLoyed are Thesegregators project preaches in their own homes and goals, pract project's what the and to ce environmental in the project. to the these indivlduals organizations recommend Community communities. per buildng to specificbuildingsand workln teams The nllrnberof segregators are assigned Segregators an afrangement ofassignment Under in thelrarea e materials available of recyclab deoends onthevolume sellwhatevertheycollectto the jL.lnkshopof theirchoice with the PO's,segregators madein consultation andanotheffive pefcentis sharedwith organization Tenpercentof totalpfoceedsgoesto the segregators' costs,snacksand other jantorial pool.A portionof salesis usedto covertransportation the bL.ridlng's of the segregators'tearn ThisistheirtakeThebalanceis thendividedeq!allyarnongmembers expenses. homeDav, meet of the donors,the foundationand the segregatofs once the projectis underway,representatives project the on a regulafyto addressproblemsthat may arse. Ayalafoundationmonltorsand evalLlates 3: Mechanics of Implementation). basis(seeExhibit monthlv COORDINATOR PROJECT synonymous es ThenameAyalahasbecome isthesociaarmofthe AyalaGroupofCompan AyalaFoLrndation of the oldest centet The Ayalas, one with the rise of l4akat from a swamolandto a word-classurban its infrastrlcture business clansln the Philippifes,madef4akatitheir baseand helpedbLrild of the conceptof of 21 companies and is oneof the mostactlveproponents TheAyalaGroupis composed for the group,in inewith (CSR).AyalaFoLrndaUon Inc.initiatesCSRprograms corporate socialresponsibility problems,includlng socioeconomic of povety by addressjng its missiofto "contributeto the eradication " to development approach lssues,throughan integrated environmental severaln the Ayala the project's earLyyears,whenexterfalfundinghepeddefrayprojectexpenses, DLrring projecl When funding support ended,onlyone the to carry out staff were hired ar]d assigned Foundation partnersin the program. relies on a network of She remained to coordinate the Adel Licos, amongthe staff, takes charge of implemenunq Corporation The Ayala Property I\4anagement ofthe scheme. implernentation donor buildingsand administrators of and bullding Ayala offices and buildingsi office the schemein the janitorial services assistin companies; respective buildlngs and implementatlon in their oversee companies processing of for colection and have been tapped Recycing companies and monltoring. implementation waste on solld hand for training and orientation Volunteer is on the Ayala Corps wastes,Likewise, recyclable or segregators and the lVakatiNGONetlvorktakescareof tappingcommunitybeneflciaries management purposes, ls on hand SanLorenzoCouncil the Barangay and inspection Forenforcernent (1996.2000) 3.YEARIMPLEMENTATION centersmanagedby schemehasfocusedon buildingsand cornmercial Since1996,the donor-beneficiary pat AP[4C (AP[4C). Ayala Group of Companies, As of the Corporation Property lvlanagernent the Ayala throw its fu I support and was expected to groupt philosophy social responsibillty of corporate sharesthe 6 condominiums, of whlch11 are residential manages21 establishments. behindthe program.TheAPIYC

Eachtypeof estabrishment hasa dirferentwasteprofire,officebuirdings generatemosuypaperandother dry wastesand residentiar condominiums, rnostykitchenandassorted;aites.cornmercral centers,which rentspaceto a varietyof businessestablishrnents, generatethe biggestvolumeof garbagerangingfrom boxes,cratesand other packingmaterial,to leftoverfood,usedpliitic utensilsand-cups, ano atuminum softdrinkcans. Fastfood outretsare amongthe readingSources of garbage,At Landmark's Foodcentet a oLrsDoywhose job is-tosegregate kash into four separatebins,descdbeshis haulfof a typicallo_hoLrr day: 20 bagsof styrofoam mealboxes;5 to 6 bagsof plasticcups,spoonsandforks;4 bags'aluminum softdrlnkcans;ind, 30 bagsof assortedgarbagesuchas papernapkins,wrappers,corfee-creamer pouches(coffeemate); straw,andothers.EachbagmeasLrres 1 ft. by 1.5ft by 2.5feet.Thrsisquitea haul,considering thatthe bu; ooysworkareacoversonly9 of the morethan30 stallsin the foodcourt. Theoretically it wourdbe in the nterestof con.panies and buirdi'.gtenantsto invorvethemserves in waste feduction.Spaceconstraints and sanitationrequirements maked;ily garbagedisposila must. cost is anothefconsiderationwhle residentiar areasin lyakatiard ersewhere in N4etro r4aniraget their 9!rbagecolectedfor free as part of goveTnment service,businessestablishments ano condominiums in 9aKarnaveto paylor s!ch services. Wastedisposal feesarebuiltintothe maintenance/administration cost andeachbuildingpaysa monthiyfeeofp10,0O0[US$5O] to privatewastemanagement firms,Garbage feei from commerciacentersare estimatedat p5 mrllon iusgrOO,oool.In t4al,aii,g;rbage s colected by severalor VdteWastFnanagerrentf,rms,the bigqesloi wFic- ,s G-eenIne. Nineofthe ll APMC-managed propertiesin lqakatijoinedthe dofor_be|eficjary schemen 1996.These ncluded thefollowing: . OfficeBuildings: PSETower1, 6750Building, AyalaLifeBuilding,FGU_Ayala LifeCenter . Residentia condominiums: 3 Salcedoplace.2 Salcedoplace/1 Salcedoplace . Cente[whichIncludesbig ma]lssuchas Shoelvlart, Rustan!Supermarket, Landmark and 9gmmercral btonefta ' severarcompanies havearsodonatedusedpaperfor the project.Theseincudecanon[4arketing phis., WesternlvliningPhi., [4ani]aCordageCompany, and NECComputerStorageCo. Torecycle thestyrofoam boxesandplastics frornfastfood ouflets,AyalaFoundation hasted Lrpwithpoystyrene Packaging Council,whichpicksup plastjcsand styrofoam for free. PROGRAMUPSAND DOWNS AderLicos,AyaraFoundation coordinator for 50ridwastemanagement, saysthat projectperrormance and cooperation ofparticipating estabrishments varyfrombuirding to buirding. Thedegreeoicooperation depends on severalfactors. First,the buildinqshavedifferentfacilities andprocedures for garbagedisposal. In somebuildings, garbage

Lo,aowseparate areas forwetind arygalOage. rn othe;buitding s,ihere-is

9:p:::*:ri1. :!9.f,9:""ugh y oneoepos on roryr0rwet and dry wasteandbuildinga newonewouldrequirefinancialallocalion by the building owners.

se-cond, whireoccupants observewastesegregation procedures afterattendingseminars, theytendto srack off aftersornetime AyaraFo!ndationconductsrepeatseminars,but Licosad& that buirding administratio n p aysa crucialrole.n ensurrngthal the implementation i5 sustained and eventuallyinstitutiona|jzed ln the our0lnqsnouserLltes andrequations, Buildings havedropped outofthepfojecteitherforthereason thatthebuilding adminishator racKs commtment to the project,or because an administrator, who hadshownenthusiasm f& the project,wasrepraceo. Licosnotesthat whatit boirsdownto is motivation on the partofthe irnprementors. "Ifthere,sa will,ways

projectwasstil ongoingln four buildingsand the Ayaa Commercia Byyear2000,the wastesegregation groupsalsobacked Threeofthe six segregator Center.Fourotherbuildingshadceasedits irnplementation. to cover their expenses Sortingwas waste was longer sufficient volume of recyc able no because the out properly waste was not segregated because waste bejng taklng too ong also fromP141,756 85 eswhichweresegregated, donatedandsoldincreased Nonethe ess,the va ueof recyclab year from sale doubed each in 2000 lncome P820,000 US$16,4001 in 1998to labout laboutUS$2,8351 durlngthlsperiod. Various buildings thedecrease n thenumber of parUcipating from1998to 2000,despite paper materials so d of all recyc able accounted for nearly 90o/o and cartons tvpesof used Licosnotesthat exceptfor wastepaper,the vo umeof donatedrecycableshas beendecreasingBuid ng andwerechoosing thatthemoneyto begainedfromrecyclables staffhaverealized tenantsandmaintenance in accordance actLla ly acUng buiLding occupants are that Ononehand,thisindicates to seI thesethemselves. recycllng. The downsde is project's primary segregation and throllgh objectlveof wastereduction wlth the practice the segregators incomefor hasresultedin decreaslng that the lt is thiswhichledto of someadministrators Licos'smainconcernis the lackof nitiativeandcooperaUon is complianceanothefconcern. toolFormonitoring An effective the project!falluren someb!ildings. CHAMPION PROGRAM the projecthashadits implementors whoseinvovementwashalf-hearled, WhiletherehavebeenrelLrctant as we L shareof champions .


slncethe projectbearlydays NowAPI'4C'S advocate hasbeena wastemanagement API4C's l4argieDuqLre Duquehasbulltthe project's coordifator, buildings andits solidwastemanagement sLrpervisor for residentiai position to afotherwithinthe frm as shemovedfrom one into herworkand responsibilitles objectives projectonly solldwastemanagernent D!qLreadmittedthat initlaly, she hadjojnedthe AyalaFoLlndation's in solid washer frlend.Duquehad her first hands-onexperlence becalsethe formerprogramcoordlnator condomniLlms oneofthe residential administrator of 2 Salcedo, whenshewasappointed wastemanagement The blrildinghad wastedlsposalproblemsand the boardof directorsaskedher to do managedby AP|4C. about this. something withthe project.Th s included tenantsto coopefate of measures to convince Duqueempoyeda cornbjnation who failed to comply, andsancuons. ofthose measures, strlctmonltoring andfollow-up lnformatlon/education seminars sheconducted two separate fromAyaa Foundation, andor entatlonmaterials Aidedby guidelines Thesessionin Englishwasfor the beneftof the unit ownersTheothe.,whichwas fof b!i dlngoccupants. help "No for the househod (a mix of Fllipino wasmademandatory and EngLlsh), ln Tagllsh conducted forthe maids,no ID; andno ID meantnoentryintothe buildng,"Duquesald semlnar Duringthe first monthsof the projects,Duqueslppliedtenantswith garbagebags,eachof whichwas sawheroneday approach markedwithstickersto identirythe !nit whichthe bagcamefrorn Herhands-on comply !!ith segregation personaly consistently failed to zeroed in un its that the trash bags. She on inspectjng properly andeasly cou d be personally of how segregaUon the household help n these units instructed and o0ne, was at 100 percentin the first year' After that the With the stickers,Duquereportsthat "compliance repeatsemlnarsfor old tenants Newoneswereorientedas waned50 Duqueconducted tenants'interest meycameIn. takesa lot of workat waste "Wastesegregatjon hasto besustained. Duquesaysthat education/lnforrnation

for all Ayala-managed residentiacondomini!ms wastemanagerfent andAPI\4Ct coordinator, shesucceeded properties. in makingwastesegregation rnandatory ln all Ayala-managed part of its corporatepractice,it still relieson WhlleAPI\4C seemsto havemadesolidwasternanagement AyalaFoundation to providetlmelyinformatlon and educatonalmaterials, as well as to providethemwth segregators. .


(ACA),has LlkeDuque,NatyFrancisco, consultingadministration managerof the AyalaCenterAssoclation becomea sold wastemanagement advocate, Francisco notesthat beforeSW[4wascarriedout in 1997,the slghtand stenchof garbageat the center's herselfwasdoubtfulwhetherthe tenants,who collecton pointsspoiledAyalaCommercial Center.Francisco pfocedufes. weremembersof the Ayaa CenterAssociation, couldbe convinced to followsegregation Theassociation conducted odentation seminars for its nemberswiththe helpof AyalaFoundaUon. Francisco, (Adel)Licoswenton a door-todoorcampaign withAyalaFoundatlon's to convincemembershowimpotant lhe p.ojeclrs."ft rlasenba'rassing aLI Tes,b-t we uadro do il,"sheaddq. To g ve morebite to the project,the center'srnanagers alsomadeuse of circuars in 1999to remindits to follow an [4[\4DA regulation on waste strictly.Theassociation members segregation alsosolicited the hep city ties in ensuring lvlMDAand Barangay Lorenzo of author compliance. The San woud enforcetheregulation and set penalties for noncomplance.Barangay Violators SanLorenzosendsa personto do a spot-check. arefined. gafbage Tenants bakedatfirst but eventually complied, especialywhentheirunsegregated saysFrancisco, wasreturned."Nowtheyseewastesegregation is effectlve," sheadds.The markeddifference is apparent in AvalaCentertodav, Francisco saysthe problemnow is not segregation but comingLrpwith enoughrecyclab e plasticfor the Polystyrene Packaging Company(PPC).PPChaspointedout that pickingup plasticfrom IVlakati wouldnot plastic,the personneof some be v ableif it couldnot get enoughvolume.Insteadof dofatingrecyclable memberfirmsnowsellthesedirectlyto junk shops. .

CanonMarketing Philippines& Kentucky Fri€d Chicken (KFC)

Wastegeneration canbe quiteeasy,onethe rationalebecomes clearand it becomespartof the corporate slructure, CanonI4arketing Philippines donatesaround20 doube-extralarge(XXL)bagsof usedbondandshredded fromits two officesin l4akatito AFIoncea month. DaDer "Theprocedure is simple,"saysAnabelReye,Canonpurchasing officerandoneofthe foundation!contact persons. "I bLrythe trashbags(P500a rnonth,or aboutUS$10)andwe placeboxesfor usedpaperin each department, usuallybesidethe copyingmachine." !1emosto employees are alsocirculated to remindthem to followproperprocedureln wastepaperdisposal. Thejanitorcollectsthe boxesoncea weekand puts in storage,readyfor pickup by the AyalaFoundation whenenoughhasbeengathered. themtemporariiy "Nothingin monetaryterms.Theofficepays AskedwhatbenefitsCanongetsfromthe project,Reyelreplies, for our garbagecollection and feesare fixedregardless of volurneof garbage.But we got involvedin the poect prlmarilyto helppeope." Thepractice wasinstitutedin 1995bythe formerownerofDataGraphics, whichwaslaterboughtby Canon. Employees carriedoverthe practice to the ne!i office,Canonbegandonatingusedpaperto Ayaa Foundation in 1997. beneflciaries

is partof a franchises LikeCanon,wastesegregation of KentuckyFriedChlcken(KFC).The KFC'Gorietta branchat the Ayaa CommerciaCenterwasthe top awardeefor wastesegregaton in 2000. presdent branchmanagers, the awardhasbroughta senseof prideto the branch.KFC'S According to KFC'S in DecemberAyaa Folrndation's Licossays cameto receivethe awardduringthe EarthDaycelebrations that the top awardhasbecomea covetedprlze.A eadinglastfoodchain,whlchcamein third,is a mingfor thetopprizeln thecomingyear PROGRAMIMPACT center, The projecthelpedreducethe voiumeof trashin particpatng buidings.At the AyalaCornmerclal garbagebroughtby tenantsto three compactlngsitesdecreased by about 25 percent(about15 cublc metersperday).FiguresfromGreenline showthat at present,it takes24 hoursto fill up threemegapacks consigned to thecenter(Eachmegapack measures 20 cu.m.)In the past,it tookonly18 hoursto fll up saysthat wastesegregation has thesepacks.NatyFrancisco, the center'sconsultantfor administration, resultedln a cleanercommerciacenteI recyclable itemsfrom At Tower1, oneofthe donorbuildings, segregatofs estlmate that theyhaverecovered notesthat whereasn the past, 60 percentof lhe trashbagsbro!ghtdown.Glenda,a Tower-1segregator, doesn't "the deposilory wouldoverflowwithtrashbagsif Greenlnefai ed to colect...(n)ow,the depository overfowevenif Greenline trucksfall to comefor two or threedays," segregators wltha stablesourceof income.Accordifgto Glenda,thelrgroupearns Theprojecthasprovided to P3,500IUS$701 monthy for aboutP13,000 to P15,000 to a month,Thistranslates [US$260 US$300] eachteam member,whichis jLrsta little lessthan a month'swagefor a minimumwageearnerin Metro l,laria. whencompared in Towef1 repodthatthelrmonthiyincornein the lasttwoyearshasdecreased Segregators to P20,000 to US$400] monthly. lo earnnqsin 1997and1998,whentheyearnedaboutP18,000 [US$360 Thiswasdue to the fact that officesand janitorshaverealizedthe incomepotentialin sellingrecyclable lnsteadof donatingtheseto segregators. Itemsto junk dealersthemselves in lncomefor segregators likeher,bL-rt shewelcomes the factthat tenantsnow Glendaamentsthisdecrease realzethe valueol wastesegregation and recycling. that tenantshavesavedon garbagefeesaftertheyreducedthelrgarbage Thereseemsto be no indlcation arrangernents, Greenline charges a fxed ratebasedon thenumber oftrlpsmadeper outplt.underpresent day ratherthanon the volurneof garbageco lected. EVALUATION Reportlistedthe Whie the projecthasachievedits objectives to a substantial degree,an AyalaFoundation prqect: Folowing dlfficulties encountefed in the courseof implemenung the solidwastemanagement . Acceptability of the conceptby the buidingadministration, tenants,employees and uUlitypersonnel projecl wh'.' r-a^saLesnto b"hdviord'c'ange andaoopt'onorr"e . Budgetaryconsiderations ia (i.e. receptacles, to providefor the neededparapherna signages, color etc.) codedbags,garbagedepositories, . "Competition" amongsegregators and buildingandcompanyjanitorsfor extraincornefrom recyclable Tnatenars . Sustaining the interestand commitment of buildingadministration in projectimplementaUon . Sustalning segregators/collectors the interestand commitment of communib/-beneficiary . Encouraging 100percentparticipation of all buildingsmanagedby APIYC . Developifgan easierwayto do information and educationcampaigns . Developing a esscomplicated segregation scheme.

RoryToentinosaysthat lt is sUllpossible TheFoundatlons to comeup with a lesscomplicated segregation lt hasto besomething that peoplewantandnot something scheme. "YoLr haveto make!t easierbecause so that doesn'ttake muchaddltionatime, technical that an ordinarypersonwouldfind hardto do; sornething conscious." cost,or space.Whatwe wantls for peopleto be environrnentally Earlierevaluauons condlrcted by externalconsultants listedthe followlngsuccessfactors: who werealreadyfamiliarVvith The projecthaseffectively matcheddonorsand beneficiaries. Segregators enterprise. the junkshopsystemwereableto benefitfromthe ecological projects/as wellas stronglinkagewith other AyalaFoLrndation hashadampleexperience in environrnenta Ayaa companies. The partnershipthat the foundationhas buit with the AyalaPropertyf4afagement is a eadingfactorfor sLrccess. WithoutAPvlC,lt wouldhavebeenlesslikelythat the folrndation Corporation woud havefoundcooperatlve donors. Buidings haveissued Participating donorbuildings usedbothsanction andrewardto ensurecornpliance. guidelines personnel circulars and on solidwastemanagement to andtenantsas partof the rnemorandLrm penalties houserirles.SancUons suchas monetary for noncompliance to the wastesegregation scheme havebeenlmposedand at the sametime,thosewho corfpiedwereglvenawardsand lncentives. A CORPORATE SOI-IDWASTEMANAGEMENTI CONCERN The impadof Nletrol4anila'sgarbagecrisiswasfe I on day-oneof the y€ar2001.The bad newswasthat stil hadno alternative sitefor l4etrolvlanla's theSanlvlateolandfiI closedon NewYear'sEveandthe I4[4DA gar0age. Thegoodnewswasthat on the thirdweekoi the newyeat Republc Act 9003wasenactedlnto lawby the wastemanagement madesegregation andrecycing PhiipplneCongress andSenate. Thelawon ecological mandatory. DirectorToentinosoughtthe helpof ElgeneGonzaes,execltive At thistime,AyalaFoundation!Executlve forrnerchalrperson for a Sustainable Society, Inc, (FSSI).l4s.Tolentino, of FSSI'S directorofthe Foundatlon that Ayaa Landand other membersof the AyalaGroupof Companies boardoFdirectors,told Gonzales wassought. waste.FSSIsassistance neededhelpln settng up a systemfor managing projectsfor poor peopleand FSSIis a nongovernment orgafization(NGO)whichsuppoftsdevelopment for the environment. Sold waste communlty-based enterprsesin ruralandurbanareas,lncludingprograms is one of its areasof concernandexpettise. maragement (IDEAS), icaI andEd!catlon aI Alternatives decided to tapthe lnstituteforthe Develop mentof Ecolog Gonzales group has engaged in composting whlchFSSIsupports.IDEASis basedin Cavlteand been and another of 1997,it conceptualized andimpemented otherecoogicajprojectssincethe late 1980s.At the beginnlng of Si]ang,Cavlte. a Soid Waste[4anagemeftProjectfor the localgovernment how to put in placea solidwastemanagement Representatives from ALI,AFl, FSSIand IDEASdiscussed prograrn for lhe Ayaa corporations. Aftera serlesof meetings, the groupagreedto launchon a pilotproject 200 tenant-shops, at the AyalaCommerciai Center.Thesprawing commercal complexhasapproximately at the commercial center 175of whicharefastfoodout ets,whichwerethe biggestgarbageproducers trashdaily."Trashfromthe commerciacenter Thecommercial centergeneratedabout36 tonsof assorted ls premiumtrashandthereare actualandpotentialbuyersfor these,"saidRicTorres,FSSIprogramofficer in andaroundl\4etro to the project.Foodwasteandcompostables aresoldas pigs opto piggeries seconded [4anila.Recyclers buy usedpaper,cardboard and assortedplasticand aluminumitems. Personnel of tenantsat the AyalaCommercial Centersellrecycablematerias to "suki"(reguar customer)

courts of fastfood northeowners ACAmanagement neitherthe centeiHowevet ofhashatthecornmercial are wary informal economy in this lnvolved Thus,personnel approve the sellingof recyclables. formally data. abolttsharing THEPILOTPROJECT plan: onthefollowing agreed ALl,FSSIandIDEAS of Agreement, In a memorand!m in thecentetand materials . Tomonitor thevolumeof recycableandcornpostable anddetermine at theAyaa Com_ of establishments . Toconduct forthepersonnel training onsolidwastemanagement mercial Centet solid lnputsfor a moreconcrete First,thewasteprofilewouldprovide hada dualpurpose. Theseactivities how to segregate will show tenants sessions plan the training for the center Second, wastemanagement centerat thecommerclal thevolume of garbage helpreduce theirwasteandthus,promptly and whiletheAyalagroup(ALI,ACA to betheleadimplementors andFSSIwereasslgned StafffromIDEAS provide the venue and to and participation bytenant-establishments/ wastaskedto ensureactive APIYC) suppod. otherlogistical WASTEPROFII.E dropped to 36tonsdaily butthevolume B0tonsofwasteeveryday, centerusedto generate Thecommercial andthespeclalized scheme thedonor-beneficiary to instltute andACAcolaborated afterAyalaFoundation Greenline firststaded,thetwo privatecollectors, withPPCP. Whenmonltoring agreement wastecollection a day. 36tonsof garbage andJAR,werecollecting waste,paperand gathered thatfoodwaste,compostable showed previously byAyalaFoundation Figures profile, staff FSSI andIDEAS garbage validate this waste To center/s for most of the accounted cirdboard Trash bags days. for six consecltive center from the commercial waste coming monitored the members reporttrackedeachtenarltThedailymonitoring at thedumpsite. openedandinspected wererandomlv garbage theythrewaway procedures types of and the wlth segregation compliance establishmentb that andFSSIcameupwitha wasteprofile(seeTable3) Thewasteprofllerevealed Aftera week,IDEAS paper (20olo), recyclables (84olo), and other garbage mostlyoffoodwasteandcompostables consisted ACA3 (7o/o). CENTER,2000) WASTEPRoFILE,AYALACOMMERCIAL TABLE3: WASTEPROFILE,

Type ofWaste

(bnsperday) (%) Approximate Volume Prcportion

Residuals cartons Paper Recyclabies Gtyro,plastict Food waste & comDostabtes Tobl



20 7 84 100

7.2 2.5 23.0 36,0

TMINING FORAYALATENANTS hopedto serveasa prelude inApril2001Thetrainingprograrn wereconducted workshops training Seven proper anddisposal segregation staftingwith systemr of a wastemanagement to theformalinstallation AyalaFoundatlon andAPMC. FSSI, Trainers camefromIDEAS

ALI,API\4Cand AcAprovided theworkshop venueandissuedjnvitationsto the 175foodco!rt concessio naires operatingwithinthe commercial complex.Paltlcipants rangedfrom supervisors to directwastehandlers suchasjanitors,dishwashers andcleanersat the foodcourt.Eachone-and-a-half-hour sesslontackledthe basicpJinciples of solidwastemanagement, the salientprovislons of RA9002,andthe designated disposal areasfor compostables. Trainersintroducedfour categories to guidesegregation: residuals, foodwaste, compostables and specialized wastesuchas slyrofoamand poiystyrene. Accourd ng to FSSI'S Torres:"Theworkshops focusedmoreon the'how to's,.We put assorledtrashon a table,plckedan itemand discussed how tt shoud be classifled.,, Torresnoledthat because of previoustrainingsconducted by AyalaFoundaton, lhe trainersdid not havelo startfromscratch."Out of 15 participants in a session,5 or 6 saidtheyhadattendedAFItraifingson so id wastemana9ement. Thesepafticipants tod usaboutthepracticalproblen'rs theyencountered in implementinq propersegregation anddisposal. Theirfeedback enrlched lnteract on. There were basic and validauestion; like,'whatdo youdo with usedcookingoil?,At present,thisis just throwndownthe drajn.,, Torresaddedlhat unlke previo!sfearsthat tenantestablishrnents mightcornplainabouthavingto send their peope to the workshop,trainng participants, ln fact,weicomedthe chanceto reirrnaooLlroToDer segregallon. "Thepresence ofAPI4C,ALIandAFIrepresentat vesduringoursessions hepeda ot. fle sad. 'APPIC explained the reasonfor the project,whileAde ofAFIdiscussed the donor-beneficiarv orooram. The participanls couldn'tjust sayno because API\4C andAFIservedas convenors.,, RESULTS In a reportto AyalaLand,IDEASand FSSInoteda dramaticincreasein Tecovery of wastematerias from Apr| 23to 28.An additional4 to 5 tonsof wastematefiaperdaywererecovered (seeTable4) whilethere wasa decrease in the volumeof resduas hauledby two wastecolectors(seeTable5). Torresis optimistic that by increasing recoveryto 6 to 7 tonsper day,garbagecanfuftherbe reduced. TABLE 4 : V O I U M EO F G A R B A GaEE F O RA EN DA F T E R T UTER A I N I N G wORKSHOps

Material Styfo,p astcs, straw,etc. Pigsop Compostabes Otherrecyclab es



(approx. Eags/day 25 k/bas)


(approx. Drums/day 16 200litertdrum) Drums/day (appror. 160iters/drurl)

IncTease Collectof 280




2A 6

PPCP Iqi Cali*o

IDEAS 100%


uponALISreqlest,IDEASand FSSIhavesubmitteda proposalto formallyinstaI a systemfor managing wasteatthe commerciacenter.Theproposaiscurrentlyunderdiscussion andprovides for trainingofoiher tenant-establishments whichrnissedthe first workshops, improvingstorageof recyclables, a reductionin the numberof meqapacks, identifyingcolectorsof other recycables(e.g. usedcookingo , cans,smal papers)and in the medlurnterm,the deveopmeft of off-sitefaciitiesto processcompostab e t/aste. Note: Thlsneans that during the monitoringperiod,IAR hauledabout 2.0 to 2.5 tons lessand GreenLlne hauled5 to 6 tons less.





lGApr 18 Apr


No of Tnps Green 5 2 5



2 2 3 3

20 Apr

Saturday Sundav

22 308

3 5 22 i10

3 3 3 2 2 5 2

3 3 3 1 4

21-Apl 22-Apl



During [4ondav


25-Aor Thursday Frday Saiurday

26-Apr 27 Apl


29-Apr Tota


2A 280

On no ol lrLps Decrease


95 1130%


EXHIBIT1 vision,ObjectivesAndGoals AyalaFoundationSolidwaste ManagementProgram PROGMMVISION contributlng t0 the and collaboratlvely Filipinosfrom all sectorsof society,individually Ecologically-aware concerns. resolutions of environmental sustalnable GOAL Filipinos throughwhichecologically-aware multlsectoral mechanisms andinstitutionalize Tobuild,strengthen problems. environmental to collective solutions individual and and sustain d actualize cou OBJECTIVES . To buildpublicawareness throlgh trainingand networking of the environment . To assistin establishing solidwastethroughall its phases systemsof managing oppotunitlesfor poorcommunitres . To provideenvlronment-based livelihood and income-generating throughtheirconcernfor . To providea venuefor businesses to expresscorporatesoclalresponsibiity the environment. EXHIBIT2 RolesAnd Responsibilitiesof Participating Organizations AyalaFoundationshall: educationandtraining; throughcontinuous in l'4akati awareness environmental 1. proTnote schools, amongthe varioussectorsin f4akati,inc!ding government, 2, pfomoteSoid Wastef4anagement groups, professiona etc civic and villages, i blsinessand industry of the proiect; as beneficiaries or cooperauves 3. ldentify,prepareand strengthenpeopletorganizations monitorand evaluatethe projectiand, 4. continuously for the project 5. asslgna coordinator The donor building/con PanYshaII: andcollection throughwastesegregation Program solldwastel4anagement 1. promoteandimplementthe in thewholebuildlng; depository areasfor wet, bagsanddesignated 2. provideand installsupportsystemsuchas color-coded wastes; organicwastesanddry recyclable materialsto the identifledbeneficlary; recyclable 3. donateall the generatedand properlysegregated amongrts educationwith focuson solid waste lvlanagement 4. faciitatea continuousenvironmental janitorlaland utiLjtypersonnel; and employees, t"e p-o;ect a coordindtor'or 5. desigrate Thecon munity-beneficiary shaI : on an agreedschedule; materialsgeneratedby the donor-building/company 1. collectall recyclable materials; of recyclable and manpowerin the collection 2. provideits own meansof transportation wjth the project; undeftakenin connectlon 3. keepa recordof all transactions to 4. prepareand submitmonthlyreportson the incomegeneratedas well as problemsand difFiculues AFI;and

EXHIBIT3 Mechanicsof Implementation Ayala FoundationSolid Waste ManagementProgram donor-buiLdjngs/companles to prospedive scheme donor-beneficiary oftheconceptofSwl\4P 1. presentation beneficiaries and communitY

-2,orientationsessionsaboutsWl.4throughWastesegregationandcolIectiontodonor-buiIdings,thete and utilit personneand membersof the communitybeneficiary anJ its employees, lanitoriaL to discussagreementsand finalize and communitybeneficlary of donor-buildjng/company 3. I'4eeting ume of collection'entrance pass collectors, (ID gate of on systemsand procedures or arrangements security'etc )' regulations, rules and ande-xitof colectoisand theirvehicle,storageequipment, 4. l4OAsignlngof all the partlesjnvovedin the project garbageblns/feceptacles' of separate of lD/gatepass,provision -5. Instalatonofsupportsystems(issLlance dry,recycablewastes). wastes and areasfor wet, organic ioioiliooea oasi andd;siqnataddepository janltors/utiitypersonneln the of all fecyclablernaterjas by donor-building/company 6. Consolidation areasfor recyclables. depository designated materialsby the partnercommunitybeneficlary of all recyclable 7. CollecUon o't a monthlybasisby the partnercommunlty to AyalaFoLlndalion and submission B. - Reportpreparation materlalscollectedandits of kindsof recyclable the breakdown O"'l ThereportshouldincJude andstalusofseqregaUon encountered anddifficulties cost,totalamo!ntof sales,problems iorresponding previous month. to the andco lectionas compared 9. Updating,monltoringand evaluationof the projecton a monthlybasis


KecyclableWasteBusiness for SustainableDevelopment Ph.D.ByDararatt Anantanasuwong,

INTRODUCTTON of sustalnabiliry ofthe haveedto thequestion development intheprocess ofeconomic Econom c activities exploited and havebeenextensively andthequalityof lifeof the peopleNatllralresources environment - air pollution, andsolidwasteor or non-hazardous industrial waste- hazardous waste(i,e,,wastewater, capacity of the enviTonment. the absorptive to an extentbeyond waste)hasbeengenerated commLrniry of wastefrom process bytherapidgeneration is accompanled asa fes!ltof thedevelopment urbanization busine5ses. andcommercial households hasbeena treatment anddlsposal) (e.g.wastecollection, wastemanagement, community In Thailand, of solid of 13 B million tons a total amount governrnent In 1999, local authorities, and Forthe mainconcern (PCD, 2000a) markets generated communities, and per by households, (or day) was tons waste 37,880 700lo ofthetotalwerenottreatedproperly and,approxlmately ofthiswastewascollected About500/0-600/0 (t4osrE, 1999). problems, collectlon suchaslneffective ofcommunity wastemanagement manyaspects reflects ThesitLlation pr syndrome, ce and the not-in-my-backyard high land dLleto Iackof andareasforwastedlsposal systems, at thesource for wastereducuon andlackof a system At present, of solidwastemanagernent. in dealing withtheproblem a newapproach Thaiandhascreated (e,9, and businesses withthe privatesector in cooperation andloca!authorities, the Thaigovernment at thesourceThlsnewapproactl forwastereduction onthepolicyandmeasures haveconcentrated NGOs), before wastefor relseor recycling to separate peope in the households or communities willencourage dlsoosal. for recycllng wasonly1 6 miliontons,or separated In 1998,theamountof solidwastethatcommunities people andseparate more to reduce (PCD, to enco!rage 1999). In order of ihetotalsolidwaste about12olo to understand People need opportunities. wjth economic effortsneedto besupported solidwaste,voluntary for waste that is Separated Thus, recyclable adtiolrs. vaueof their theethicalandeconomic andaooreciate waste, of recyc able revenue. The business e to create valueor mustbeab hasto haveeconomic recycling effortsof thepeope in thewasteseparation rnechanlsm for valuecreation is animportant therefore. Company, firm,theWongpanit a casestudyof a privatebuslness of thispaperto present It is thepurpose has process the company of thisvaluecreation, waste.1nthe valuefromrecyclable a pioneeiin creating participating activities of in the wasteseparation profession, in ln its business shownstrongleadership province, e and ln the sllstalnab a northern in Phltsanulok, and communities ok l,4uniciDaliw Phitsanlr process of Thailand. develoDment

of the Eco.omics * Theauthoris the Assocate Deanfor Academlc Prcfessor at the Schooof Development Atrafs and s Assistant The reso!rcepersonfor the casestldy wasl"lr Somihai Thalland. Administration in BangkoK, Natonatjnstituteof Devetoprnent

WASTEMANAGEMENT ANDWASTESEPARATION FORRECYCLING ConceptsOf WasteManagement And RecycledMaterialsFlows Sustainable development irnplies growth,goodquaity of lifeand a kindof development witheconomic generation environmental conservation andprotection generation for thepresent aswellasfor thefLJture (WCED, 1987:43),Wastemanagement to conserve andprotecttheenvironment fromtheadverse impacts of economic development is,therefore, oneof themaincomponents of sustainable deveLopment. Wastemanagement for sLrstainable development, in general, canhavetwo approachest the end-of-theplpeapproach, andwasteminimization or wastereduction at the so!rce.Theend-of-the-pipe approach (e.9.wastewater, invovesthetreatment or andnllof wastes community solidwaste,indLlstrlal solidwaste, hazardous waste)genercted at different sources. Ontheotherhand,wasteminimization or wastereduction at the sourceis a prccauUonary approach. Wastegenerators try to usemateria s duringproduction or consLrmption in sucha waythat minimal amountof wastels generated, therebyreducing the volumeof wastefordisposai. In explaining therelationship provided between economic activities andtheenvironment, DavidPearce the primary materia 5 balance modelthatshowshownat!ralresources canbeusedas materalsandrecycled (waste)canbegenerated assecondary materlals/ andresiduals anddisposed ntotheenvironment, in the production processes (Turnet, andconsumption,1994:15"25),Wasteminimization meansthatthe primary rnaterials canbereduced or canbereused or recycled assecofdary materials intheproduction or processes consumption beforetheyaredisposed asreslduals or waste. Thematerials flowchart(Figure 1)indicates fiverecycling flowsintheprocess ofprodudion andconsumpUon of aneconomy. . Recycllng Fow 1 is knownas'homescrap'flowbecause the residuals or wastecanberecycled inslde plant,i.e.,therecycled theprocessing secondary materalnevereavesthe process ngpant. . Recycling Flow2 is'prompt scrap' f owthatrequires theintervention ofa secondary material commercia firmto facilitate thecollection of scrapandits redirection backintobasicprocessing. . . .

Recycling Fow3 is'commercial packaging scrap'flow, whichinvolves wasteandisthestaplebusiness of recycling commercial firms. Recyclng Flow4, 'post-cofsumer scrap'makesuseof the potentially recyclable cornponents of the premises household andsmalcommercia wastestream(municipal solidwaste). Recycling Flow5, 'reuse'isa practice that hasall butdisappeared in moderneconomics andis now restricted to retuinab e bottlesanda imitednltmber of examples.

Forthepastexperiences of rnanycountries, recycling flowsof types1, 2 and3 operate at a highactivty rate,whilethoseof types4 and5 remain at relatively low eves(Turner,,1994t20).Whydorecycling ratesfromdifFerent sources differin an econornv? Thercasoniesuponseveral factors, jndicate First,thelawof physics concerning materials, i.e.,thefirstandsecond lawsof thermodynarnics, lhatwasterninimization thatleadstozerowasteor 1000/0 recycling isnotfeasible. Thus,nomatterhowwei the management effortsareto controlresiduals processes or waste,production andcofsumption wil, at theend,generate waste.Thisis thenaturallimitto wastemanagement. Second, recyaling activities canbemoreeasiycarried plantleveland outat theprocessing atthepackaging wastebusiness or commercial level.However, recycling or community levelis moredifficult at thehousehold to achieve dueto fourphysical factorsof materials for recycling, namelyl 1. f4assithevolurne of recycjable materials


Envronmental/natural res0urces

Naturalresources actvtes extractron flow 1 Recyc ed residuals i-_"_--



Residuals orscnarge

V rgn (primary) s Tawmaterra


ReslduaJs and Basicprocessin9 activltiesi manufadurlng prlmary materials/inPuts prodr.rction Basic materials Residuals

Recycled resr0uals fows2

abflcaton Conversion/f production of activitles:

Land,aiT/water (Municlpalor environmental dumps)


products End'use Residuals Recycled reslduals flows3

Reslduals discharge



and aremixedtogether, andothersubstances materials to whichdifferent thedegree 3. Contamination: waste' as points frst discarded s are which the materia of at nurnber the 4. Location: plants scrap(recycled andpost-consumer flow1)inprocessing residuals homescrap(recycled If wecompare

lowcontamination by largemass,highhomogeneity, the formeris characterized residuals 4) in households, and high contamination low homogeneity/ by smallmass, and singlelocation.The latter is characterized will be much profitability flows 1, 2 and 3 (private of recycling cost)terms,the in financial muluplelocations. higherthanflow 4. Indeed,the househods will often incurnet financialcosts This can be saidto be the physicallimitto wastemanagement. Finally, the extentofthe recyclingeffortin a nationaleconomywill alsobe determinedby factors.suchas: pfocesses; (recycled) . the rclativepricesofsecondary andprimaryrawmaterias asinputsintoproduction given secondary grade for any of matedalrequired) . lhe end-usestructure (nunrberof usesandthe glass, papers and mixed color materials,e.g mixedwaste materials;fypicallyowergradesecondary andthe smaI numberof usesthat are available; . technicalprogress in bothsecondary and primarymaterialsindustries;and in society awareness . historical and cultunl facfor'swhichconditionthe degreeof environmental firm that flllsthe gapin the as a privatebusiness in this casestudycanbe considered Wongpanit Company 'post-consumer that createval!e fromrecyclable strategles scrap'fow4 and'reuse'flow5 with its buslness the rate of recycljngin the householdand communltyeveLsby doing encourages as a financialbufdenfof household, The activib/that usedto be considered reclclablewasteseparation. becaLlse of for Thtsiland is an inspiringcaseofsustainabe development now,is a proftableone.Wongpanit andtechnoogicalfactorsof recycingefFots the physical andothersocioeconomic itssucces;in overcoming businessn e wasteseparatlon a leadingrecyclab andcommitnitylevelsand ri developing at the household socialdevelopment, to Thailand's Thailand,whichhascontributedpositively Waste Separation For RecyclingIn Thailand in Thailanddatesbackto over100yearsagod!rlng lhe reign for recycling ofwasteseparauon Thebusiness thenwasin the formof scraptrading Vauablescraps PeriodThebusiness of KingRamaV of Rattanakosin were boughtfrom holseholdsby tricyce scraptraders(knownin Thai as Sa Leng)or smallscrapshop officials Scavengers or waste-coLlecting ownerswiich soldthemto largerjunkshopsor scrapwholesalers. meant for waste was not The business or munlcipalitles. of communities wasteat dLrmpsites separated livlng revenue for a means to earn but wasa mafagementto conserveand protectthe environment, for recycing hasbeenintrodlcedinto with wasteseparation the conceptof wastemanagement Recently, Plan8.E 19902006broadlystatesa clearpolicy Thai socjety.The NationalEnvironmental4anagement management towardsreduclngwasteat the source,besidespollutloncontrolor end-of-the-pipe (t\4osTE)has established a pollcyfor community and Environment The l4inistryof ScienceTechnology generation by househods; subsidizing waste which focuses on controlling ln Thailand, wastemanagement and transportation, from collecuon, cycle, fullsolid waste management of a in the operation localauthorities up by setting in waste management to cooperate local authorities of waste;encouraging sanitarydisposal waste regulations on commLlnlty practical laws and ishing a centralcommunitywaste landfi ; estab of NGOSand peopLein solving for relevantauthorities;and promotingmore participation management (PCD, 1999) problems. 1998,1999; I'4OSTE, wastemanagement wastegeneration to lessthan 1 ki ogramper personperday by 2001;to aimsto reducecommunity I4OSTE wasteto no lessthan 10 percentand 15 percentby 2001and increase the ltilizationrateofthe community wasteto no morethan 10 perceniand municipality anddisposed to reduceuncollected 2006,respectively; waste provincial action plansfor commLlnity and to have 5 percentbv 2001 and 2006, respectively; and to together in the form of centralwastelandfillthat variouslocalauthoriuescan utiLjze management provinces by 2006 havecentralwastelandflllsestabishedin no lessthan50 percentof all for recycingofcommunitywastelto campai9n management approach the foTlowing hassuggested I\4OSTE plaslic, paper, and metal;to provideand faciljtatethe such as bottles, wasteseparation for recyclable

withwaste separation activities recycrins


studentsto collectrecyclable wastefor trading;andto establish recyclecentersor wasteseparation centers in the areawherelargevolumeof wasteis generated daily. WASTE FORRECYCLING hasbrolght aboutnewproductsandnewpackaging, Economic development andconsequenty, morewaste fromtheseproductsandpackaging that is difficulttodlsposeandneedsto be put in landfils.It is estimated thatthecostfor sanitarydisposaof wastein Thailandw ll be 1,000baht[US$23]perton.lfwastecouldbe reduced throughreuseor recycling by 39 percentofthe totalwasteof 14milliontonsgenerated in 2000,the 5,400to 5,900millionbaht[US$125.6or 137.2millon[US$125.6 countrywouldbe ableto saveaboLrt milionl(PcD,2000b). million to us$137.2 wastein Thaiandcornesn the form of plastic,paper,glass,and rneta, The b/pesand recycle Recyclable flowsoFrecyclab e wasteare as follows: .

PlasticrP asticprodlctsand packaging for recyclehaveto bethermoplastic so theycanbe meltedand (HDPE),low density remoded into other shapes,i.e,, polyethyene(PE),high densitypolyethylene (LDPE), poypropylene (PS),polycarbonate polyethylene (PP)/polystyrene (PC),expandable polystyrene (EPS), (PET).Theseproductsandpackaging andpolyethylene terephthalate are in the formsof bottes, boxes,trays,or n the flexibleFormsof bagsor iilms,Theconsumption volumeof plasticproductsand packaging is about1.36mlllion in Thailand tonsperyear,


Pap€r: Paperpup and paperare impodantindlstrialproductsin Thaidaiy life.The consumption of paperin Thailand isabolt2 mlliontonsperyear(PCD,1998:2-31). Usedpapercanbe recycednto papefplrlpto producepaperagain.RecycLable wastepapersare bondpaper,newspapef, kraftpaper/ an0paper00xes.


GlassiGlassproductsincludebottles,glasses, electricbulbs,ens,etc.;flat glasssuchas glasssheets, mirrors,etc.; andg assflberproducts.Glasscan be classified by co or,e.9.,greenor lightgreen,and tonsof glassbottlesare usedeveryyear/comingin brown,rubyred,etc.In Thalland,abolt 827,088.54 the formof beerbottles,softdrjnkbottes,andwhiskybottes,arnongothers.Approxlmately 155,916.6 tons of the bottlesare re-usedand abolrt283,189.83 tons of bottlesare recycledby the recycing (PCD,1998r2-32). industry


Metal: I\4etals likesteel,a !m num,or bronzeare impodantinputsfor industries suchas conskuction, publicltillties, and consumerprodLrcts. manLrfacturing, transportation, Metas that can be reusedor recycled aremetalpackages s!ch as aluminumcontaners,aluminurn tubes,bott e caps;equipment or partsmadeof steelof aluminumor bronze;and steelsfrom construction rnachine and manufacturing (PCD,1998;2-33). industries

RECYCUB LE WASTEBUSINESS wastebusiness isconcerned Therecyclable withthe privatesectorthatoperates in wasternateria I exchange. production process(Figure1. It is a wastemanagement systemto reuseor recyclewasteln industrial (Fig!re1. Residual ResidLral Flows1,2,3). However/ inThailand, thewastemanagement system Flows 4 and poor trlcyclewastecollectors(or Sa Lengscrap 5), haslongbeenoperatingas an informalsectorwhere buyers) orsmaIjunkshops function withoutanyfinancial, technoogical, andmanagement supportfrom the government. Theywoud colled!valuabe or tradabe scrapsfrom manufacturlng indlrstries, households or protection. commerciaareasas a meansto earnincomefor a llvlng,not primariiyfor envjronmental Thus, in the recyclebuslness few typesof wastehavebeenrecycledandthereis no regulation in Thaiand.With polic, government, a moreconcrete solldwastemanagement comrnunities, businesses andnongovernmeft (NGOS) organizations havestartedto reconsider wasteseparation to reducewaste theirro es n recyclable f^ hc /li

tha l^.:l


Chankwang, in Thailand canbe dividedintothreemainsectors(Seksan wastebusiness Therecyclable 2001:26'28).Theseareasfollows: wastefromthesource, such whoseparate materials separation sectorisa gfoupofpeople a. Thevaluable places, Theseclorincludes: or dumpsites. asfromho!sehods,commercial wastefromthedumpsites or peoplewhoearira livingbysortingvaluable i. Scavengers forcolecting firmswhoareresponsible fromprivate localauthorities oremployees li. omcialsfrom extrc income from waste separation waste to the and who earn andtransporting dumpsites wasteThe whoactastfadersof valuable mateialstradingsectoris a groupof people b. Thevaluable sectorincudes: vehicles to buyscraps or separated scraptraders, theSaLeng,whodrivethfee-wheel i. Tricycle Thetota volumeof scraptheytradeis wastefromhouseholds andsellthemto junkshops, ln orderto do business. to register officially smallandtheyarenotrequired andsel them or separated wastefromhouseholds scraptraders, whobuyscraps ii. Pickup-truck of their covers a widerareaandthevolume or scrapwholesalers, Theirbusiness to junkshops withthe to register ther b!slness Theyafenotrequired tradeis largerthanthatoftheSaLeng, government, or private flrms. of locaauthoritles whichareoperated nearthedumpsites iil, Smallscrapshops, officials oremployees wastefrom scavengers orfrcmwaste-colleding Theowners buyseparated Theyusually donotreglsler ofvauetojunkshops or scrapwholesalers, andthensellmaterials officially, industries, household indlstries, wastefrommanufacturing whichbuyseparated iv. Junkshops, primary the separated modification of households, or the sectorsnotedaboveand,aftera areformally registered withthegovernment sellthewasteto scrap wholesalers. Junkhops waste, scrapbusinesses betlveen smallroleasmiddlemen in recyclable andtheyplayan important scrapcollectors. scaleandlarge-scale havecontracts withrecycling indusiries, large-sca e scraptraders whousually v. Scrap wholesalers, jnprovidlng glassindustry plastic therecyclable industry andcanindustry suchaspaperindustry bytheindustries, in thevolume, scraps rype,andqualityrequired groupis a groupof recycling scraps or waste firmslthatutilizethe recyclable industrial c. Therecycling produce to groupsastheirinputsto or secondary materials besoldto outputs fromthefirstandsecond products. finalor consumer industries thatproduce manufacturjng scraps with in Figure2 ln thefirstchannel, wastebusiness in Thailand is sumrnarized Therecyclable thensod to offlcials or employees, byscavengers or waste-colecting valuearetakenfromdumpsites to junkshops. In thesecond Thesrnalscrapshops sellthescraps nearthedumpsites. smallscrapshops p-truck scraps fromhouseholds andcommerclalor traders tricycle traders or plcku buyvaluabie channeJ, (e g cutting, of the scraps Afterprimarymodification tradingplaces andsellthemto thejunkshops. junkshops for reuseor recycling sellthe scrapto wholesalers simplechemlcal treatment), c eaning, to recycling modlfy thescraps andsellthem fromthejunkshops, Scrap wholesalers, afterbuyingscraps to materlals andsellthe recyced materials industries. Theyreprocess the scrapsintosecondary production process. inputs their industrjes to be used as in manufacturing


Commerclalor tradln9places

Pickuptruck scrap tra0ers Junkshop


scrap Tricycle lrade15 (SaLeng)

Wastecollecting oyees ofliclals/emP

sitesof Dumping localauthorlties


Recvclablematerialsfl ows

CO.,LTD' WONGPANIT A CASESTUDY: Lo.ition And BriefHistory revenue andhasanannual jn thebusiness wasteseparation of recyclable is engaged Cornpany Wongpaflit of the is locatedin-themLrniclpality Thecompany us$45 million)'? .iirion baht'(appr;ximately oi-zo15 3 Thailand in fromBangkok about377kilometers nortn"rnptoui*aof pfitsanulok, in the hislongexperience Wongcharoen' -born a product-of wasfoundedby l4r'Somthai Company wonqpanrt District' 27' 1954'in Tapanhin on December was businessl"t,.Somthal '"i".jlul"'**d."ta,"t.n , -* *"*,"dI4 3

t* "0"""

late usedis U5$1=45baht tar,eniromue companvtlguresin 2000 Theexchange Oistrcl Phisanulok Road/14uang BangKrathoom js 19/19Nloo3, ThaI hongSubDisirlct, Phitsanulok

School'Tapanhin a southernneighborof PhitsanulokHe graduatedfrom Niyomwitthaya PhichitProvince, Rachaphat Piboonsonqkram degreein managementffom hisbachelor's oiitii.t, pni.nitprouin."andrece]ved InsUtutein 2000. schooiin 1974,lvlrSomthaibecameinterestedin the wastethrownawav from secondary Aftergraduating of wastein valuefrom it studyingthe cornposition in ordi. pfu."., .""lng the chanceto createeconomic

He mishtstillberecvcled thatatleastsoo/-o thousht tltr'somthai ;"cioipnrtsanutot, l;fip;;i#;'i;; to eqLlipment effortor hea\ry technical highly thatdidnotrequire rnine" a "miracle inorinif."-nuifornO

*";?tri,:;,"i;K1:Z;:;J:-ffi"i:,rt"";:i,fl"r,it itii'irdtertractro,cam,,a.:iat.* f;!T?31;37 wal With aluminurn sentto be recycledas materialsWeshouldseparate business"In nature,tnerearebothvaiuableandnon-valuable never-ending " valLlable be to materials in" *f r"f-ia"t"t"ri"f t nrst and then makethe non-vaLLlable capital'one plckuptruck' and a baqof candies' investment with 1,000-baht He beqanhis smallenterprise rrom wastes or recvclable

buvingscraps iil iil'* lii iiiirp ,tGi aioundthe ruralareasof Phitsanulok' Laternegave forthe-scraps exchange in gave candies he away hJri" lhe begrnning, wl'o vrlaqers wrl'r wo-k seen'ed-to "iflugarf* su(r'u, p'urt'.bo*'i oiptut"sThrsslrategv uLe'sls qave qifts YSonr'ai gifts TLer to-1'e "*uii"r*io'O o.t tne, ,aruo,o' '"ay.'oo *u5is;nsvqn6tge brought eagerly rle of scraps volume the " exchange withcash'At thattime' the consLlmmarco andinstead lessfreouentlv, baht

2'000 onlvabout orworth kllosrams a6o!t1,000 ffiJ # ;'1i;;i ;" i".uiliinu*'. *ourot;Llect 1) 2001; wongcharoen, perday.(Somthai uofume or-i".viiiof "'**t" 0n bysettingupa smalljunkshop expanded

l'4nsomthai frornlhebusiness, savedenough in 1997,having areaof 4x12metersand hewasable ii',"-6"i6tiraif6rl-"rtnoadin the citvol Phib;nulokTheshophadan upto 5,000kilograrns perday' wasteheboughtto 1,000kilograms ioin-.*." tt," uolu*uof recyclable withanareaof 200 movedto a biggerjunkshop maderapidprogressBy1982,Mr Somthai Thebusiness with then hewasdealinq By Distrlct ork noad2, WatcharTawan io,r'ui"t",*. uronqdorormr-rarokanart ''cyclabre wasteoerdav of uioriJ,ooo^,'oq-u--tro 10,oookirog'ams at BeungPraChanRoadinthe sameWatCharn In 1989,hemovedagainto anomerarearn Phitsanulok, andthecapacivto handle meters Thenewplacenaoanareaof morethan4,800Square Tawan OrkDistrict, about30to 40 a dav Heemploved or io,oootltograti 'p to 15,000riilosrarns ;;;;:H;;"-J;"ir;" at thisPlant waste-separators to handlea muchlargervoLlme hiscapacity forthefourthtime,in orderto increase In 1995,heexpanded 14uanq rha Ttionssub-District' Road' Krathum iloougl,t tanaat Phitsanulok-Bang ;; ;#;;1.;;i;. current plant ls the Thong Tha The squaremeters nicrri.t phrtqanLrlok. !,vrth an areaol 6 5 raior 10,400


hs andstandardlzed developed somthai l'4r' inthisplant, ffiffi;;".v,ru-ol" *u.i" outin"ts' of its kindin Thalland business

andturnedit intothemostwell-known |-".viiuo[ *itt"."purutio; bi]siness

T h e T h a T . o . g p a r t s t e c a n n a n d | e B 0 , 0 o 0 k i | o g a T s . l o l o l 0 0 , 0 o 0 K i 70% | o g rare a mdaiLv s o , ,workers ecycab|eWasteper

and emplovees areresular il;reslrrt,;h;i;;i;.plovs l4o peopli,olwr6m30o/o aLlempoyees areprovided environment' working l care, safe medica iol',*nu'6"n"fit, s.,foodandlodging, " andworKers

nehvorkthat.coversthe communities The Tha Thongplant is the mainoffice,with a wasteSeparation In provjncesThe businesshad 21 branc|res and otherneighborlng of PhitsanLllok uiornOin" rvu-niiipufity in vjenuane' andonebranchabroad ouisidePhitsanulok' 9 branches iijjr"ri.n"i i; Phltsanulok, 5oii, ",$,l(detajlsin APPendix 1). LaosPDR usesmodernmachinesand equpmentlo modry of Phitsanulok TheThaThongplantin the l'4unicipalib/

witha pressins machlne i"-d*lr-.l9: io recvcling *ltL'ror.rutherselllns ,"Jv.lioru .fthuti q:p"l'll::sins a compactpackfor pressed,to.fofin wa$e papeiof 1,000kiogramsis capacib/of 200 tons RecyclaDle cost The plant usesother machinesto loweringtransportation thereby infu"ni"ncu in transportation,

--__-_"-' 'n nach,nes d.d equ drru prentrs equpTnent s .rpor.arr!o Ii ncrease : , lij.?l"l""j3t_ ": :: llli ]ert rotransporr the valueof fecyctable th"t"asier to indusrrial ptant: ls_r'-otaer p-ov,..esor cour.res.rneioirro-y T:,-:-T! !:g than50 milliof invesreo more bahtiUSg1.2 millionlon eqiripment.

.,,5 usins modern !""*r ffi;*rrh5:lffffffiHrj;..,.;1;.,1,.:iiiff".j,{,il{i{i1x1i# TheThaThongplantis now ableto han

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,.Everybody I\inSomthaiexplainsr who is i

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ie'communitv deve'|opmen n ffi'"i.j"Jfffii ifflfl1,i, !!i"",1#lii",izR lTill!'tiiilli!il separation of recyclable waslein the hous

p^:;fi',j'"':,"',lffi1'':y,dffi ;,"'i'i,'.'#+i#Ti#'il""i *Liiiffi fr f+q:illtf i#[1]T"?,Tm:".,,rurru;$L:j# lff i4ji"finH[ii::::::,5f,,

coo'oinution :'"i[]:Hi'":"iffi'i ':[T:[l;""'.;.i":i:il:i]l#lil:* ,1*;:;;m'lnui"o"n''i'""nii"nt", What DoesThe Company Do? Wongpanit Company canbe considered as

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! GeferaDr Sir Thw.phan,presdent of E.Coanrttt

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- Theseareseparated by (e.g.shampoo waterbottles, bottles,drinking Plastic scraps iuicebottles) areput untilcleanandcutintosmallpiecesWhendry the plasticpieces typeandcolor,thenwashed sale Dags to beready'or in8o-lilog'ar by typeand books)- Theseareseparated magazines, Papefscraps(e.g.kraftboxes,newspapers, eachandreadyfor sale machine intoa packof 1,000kilograms bya pressing coor,to bepressed

- Theglassbottlesin goodcondltion are Glassbottlesandscraps(e.9.beerandsoftdrinkbottles) (e g, by color are separated The broken ones sold to manufacturing industrieS for reuse and separated put to pieces, to be transported in bags green, and srnashed into small 9lass-recycling white), brown, lndustries. - Theseareseparated intopacksto bytypeandpressed . f1etalscraps (e,g.aluminum/ steel,bronze) recycling industries. to betransported - batteries to besoldbackto thelrleadcontentandthecasing . Otherscraps to recover areseparated pipe coconut shelsbufnt company; pipe manufacturing soldtothePVC PVC scraps industry; thebattery fortheircarboncontent, (Figurc 3). scraps theserecyclable in thebusiness of bothbuyingandselling is involved Thecompanv


are Therccycablescraps success thatledto thecompany's business hasbeenthemainactivlty Thebuying fromthefollowin9: sourced distrlcts, whocollect areaandneighborlng lYuncipality or peoplelivingin Phitsanulok a, HousehoJds packages, bottles, beverage metascraps, households, suchasnewspaper, scrapsfromtheir recyclable or holidays; company on weekends sell to the to to the in Phitsanulok andsellthescraps fromthepubllcd!mpsites whocollectscraps b, Scavengers, company; waste whocollectrecyclable lvlunicipality, or employees ofthePhitsanuLok collecting officials c. Waste or landfillsites; fromthepublicdumpsites or Leng),whomovearoundcommunities (pickup-truck or tricycle traders/Sa traders traders d. l'.4obile rces; or nearbyprov in PhitsanLlok v:llages Phlchit, Tak, Sukhothai, suchasKhamphaengphet, in Phitsanulok andotherprovlnces, e. Junkshops etc,; (thecompany at present); has16branches, whichareitsfranchises ofWongpanit Company, i Branches buys fromwhichthecompany in Phitsanulok andotherprovinces, g. Stores, andfactories companies, andmetals; waste,suchaspaperboxes recyctable andseparating alliesin collecting whicharethe company's schools, andtemples, h. Communities, waste; - Thecompany paperwaste for example, fromabroad, scraps a soimportsrecyclable i. Importing fromtheU.S.A. andthemanutucturing to recycling companies recyclable waste sellsitsmodified Companythen TheWongpanit glass and steel,respectlvely recyclable andNamHengSteelbuy GlassCompany TheBangkok industries. factories, for whisky or fish sauce suchas industries, withmanufacturing alsohascontracts Thecompany likewise The company the supplyof usedbottleswhichthesefadoriesrefillwithwhiskyor fishsauces andChina to Japan,Singapore, PETplastic bottlescraps waste,for example, exoodsrecyclable

How DoesThe Company Do The Business? wastebusiness for 28 years,and hls companyhas l4r.SomthaiWongcharoen has beenin the recyclable meters, investment capitalfrom 1,000 ln termsof its operations areafrom48 to 10,400square expanded perdayto 80 to recyclable waste from 1 to 5 tons bahtto morethan50 millionbaht,andtradingvoiumeof per he it? [4any fadors behind his success. 100tons day.Howdid do are OFWONGPANIT COMPANY FIGURE3. BUSINESSOPERATION

l,4ufcipality otfcas

lYlan ufact! r ng


HIS WSIONON WASTE roadside, whenhe sawnot wastedumpsbut"rniraclemines"thatwould Sincethat dayon the Phitsanulok particularly in the neverbe emptied,Mi Somthaihas beenimbuedwith a senseof socialresponsibility, ofthe people,notoniythatofthe government. shouldalsobethe responsibility beliefthatwastemanagement he hasalsofeltlt hiscontinuing skillsandknow-howhe haslearnedin hjsbuslness, Applying theexperience, (Somthai and do wasteseparation. to helpthe governrnent makepeopeunderstand responsibility Wongcharoen, 2001i22). L Ii4A NAGEI\4 ENT PROFESS]ONA Wlth his visionabout waste, I\4r SomthaiWofgcharoenwas filled with the spirit of a Schumpeteriaj newmarkets,andneworganizalions or andbecamean innovatorwhocreatesnewprodLrcts, entrepreneur systems(Schumpeter, 1975r132). management or reusablematerialsfor recycling or and modifiedto be soldas recyclable Aswastehasbeenseparated A secondary materialmarketwhich industries, newproductsand marketsweregenerated. manufacturing wascreated. hasa pricingmechanisrn and whichoperateswith transparency wasteis postedon a big signboardin front of the company's A pricelist of differenttypesof recyclable in companybrochures handedout to the public(Appendix offce andat the maingate.It ls alsopublished wasteto sellto the 3). Customers are free to speculatefor a bringingthe recyclable compan,the custornerlearnsin advancefromthe pricelist how rnuchrevenuehe can earn.The waste weighedon computerized scales,and the welghtsand !nit pricealongwith the brolght in is inspected, printed givento the custome[ payment from the company is out and tota to sellto recyclingindustriesand manufacturing The companyitselfhasa stableflow of scrapmaterials

is wellorganized internalmanagement Thecompany's systemhasthusbeencreated. A neworganization fromcustomersl waste recyclable of buying stage fromthe systems Newmanagement bvtunctio;(Fiqure4). andpackaging rnodirying' separating, stage of payment, to thein-house ani Jiiiino,'inid".itn,ti"iqhinq, -oetiuery manufactudnq and industries recycling to waste itage of recyclable ii.v|rli,i" i"iri",'""4 ine 5' in Figure s"ystem is outlined Themanagement areformed. industries FIGURE4. WONGPANIT'SORGANIZATIONCHART

ComPanY Wongpanit lvlanager Wongcharoeh Mr Somthai

Prod!ctlon conholseclion

and Accounung secllon finance

Publlcrelations _ Franchise/brunches . r.anspo_VetoGs 'CoolEinatoB 2AO1: 59 CHA.1KWA^6' FRAM SEKSAN tl1DlFrED sauRcE: FtcuRE 5. MANAGEMEIITSYSTEMOF WOI'IGPANITCOMPANY

AUS]NESS STMTEGIES:NETWORKING ANDALLIANCE In operating hisbusiness, 14rSomthaiWongcharoen hasemployed variousstrategies, principle Hisbusiness is basedon the fundamental economicprincipleof minimization proflt. of costand maximization of,,cash,, Theconceptof economies of scale,that is, the laEe volLtme of reclclablewastefor trading,is the keyto lowercostsand higherprofits. To gaineconomies of scale,he has had to maintaina steadyand largesupplyof recyclable wasteto be separated by typeand9rade,anda largevolumeof separated andmodifiedrecyclable wasteto satisfythe demandof recyclingindustries or manufacturing industries. A largevolumeof recyclable wastemeanslow per-unittransactioncostsin business,e.g. transportaUon or administrative cost.Thus,networkingand allianceis oneof the keystrategies to obtaineconomies of scale. Networking is doneby franchisingits businessto individuals vvhoare interestedin collectingrecyclable waste.Thereare 4 typesof franchiset(1) tricycleor Sa Leng,(2) smalFscale junkshop,(3) medium-scale junkshop,and,(4) arge-sca e junkshops.Franchisees quaiifications, haveto meetcertain paya franchise fee,and aretrainedin a programof wasteseparation skills(Appendlx 4). Thefranchisesystemensuresa stableslrpplyof largevolumeof recyclable waste. Aliancewlth recyclingindustries, manufacturing indLJstries, ocalauthorities, NGO5,communities, schools, andlenplesa-elkewiseforged.Figure6 iluslrdles the re,alionsrips. Theconceptof'wastebank' n schoolsandcofi)munities allowsthe pop!lationin a schoolor community to separaterecyclable waste,bringit to the banktheythemselves established withinthe schoolor cornmunity in exchange for cashorcredit.Thecompanythenbuysrecyclable wastebroughtin or deposited in the bank, at the currentmarketpricequotedby the company. Thebankcanearnextrarcven{.le fromthe dlfference in buyingpricefromthe membersand se ling pdceto the company. The wastebankprojectis a joint effoft behleenWongpanit Company andthe Phitsanulok N.lunicipality, Tencomm!nitiesin phitsanulok I\4unicipality areacooperated in the wastebankprojectin 1999.By the end of 2001,40commLtnities wereinvolvedln this project, FIGURE5, BUSTNESS STRATEGIES OF WONGPANIT COMPANY

Schools, Wongpanii company

Supportingfactorsr ' -

Domestic NGOafdacademlc connecton Inlernationaconnedion Publicreatons:Informaton to inc.ease understanding oi wasteseparation pub cauon,ry by traningiecturing,

rite,PhaPaKhaya,hasalsobeenofhelpin thjsactjvity.PhaPaKhayais a Buddhistrjtewhere Thereligious peopleform groupsand donatemoneyand necessities to the monks.The conceptof PhaPaKhayais for peoplein the groupto bringrecyclable to the temple.Thecompany wastecollectedfromtheirhouseholds monks. This activity bringsin a Jargeamountof raised is donated to the buysthe wasteand the money wasteto betraded. conceptofan ad hocmarketThelocationandthe date There,too,is the"wastemarket"whichinvolvesthe wasteto trade.The in advance so that the peoplecanbringin theirrecyclable ofthe marketareannounced people participate in the market who companvbuysthe wastefrom the The successof netwo(kingand allianceof the WongpanitCompanydependson suppon fa.i))tiessuch as 7 with manydomesticNGOS Thecompanyhascloseconnection connections. NGosandacademic domestic France, fromGermany, withinstitutions I connections internationa Universtyin Phitsanulok; andthe Naresuan jncrease of the understanding public information to relatlons whichdisseminates Laos,PDR,andAustralias; pub producing and media exposufe. givlng ications, providing lectures, training, by wasteseparation Impact Of The Company wasteseparation busi'lesshas madesignificantimpactin the following recyclable wongpanitCompany's areas: e g tricycletraders,small scrapshops, . Poverty lncomeforpeople, Thecompany createsjobsand reduction: waste recyclable junkshops, students,and peoplewho are lnvolvedin separating .

materialslWastenow hasvalueandcan be traded. creationfor secondary l4afketandvalue-added


The in recycling businessi Costreduction provides andprlmary the collection company largevolume recyclablewastein modiflcationof industries. for recyclin9


protectlon: Savlngnat!ral EnvlronmentaJ by providing capital,e,g. forests,minerals, s e ( o ' o a r yr a r e ri a l s t o n a n u f a c r u r , l g lnduStries.


incommunities: social cohesion Strengthenlng wastemarkets/ suchaswastebanks, ActiviUes (Pha Pa Khaya), bringpeople rites andreligious beyond money for a target to worktogether inenvironmental Discipline andconsciousness protection canarisefrom and conservation adivities. these


LessonsLearned business wasteseparation recyclable Wongpanit's h a sl e dt o s u s t a i n a bdl e v e l o p m eantt t h e among grassroots levelby buildingcooperation in a society:privatesector, stakeholders government sector,NGOsector,and peopleor 7). sector(Figure community Center(EnCo), hdochinalntersecriofDeveoprnenthstitute (lDl), MagicEve,and Coordination & E.vronment tor exanple,Energy (PDA) Association Popu auonandDevelopment -lechn Otrice of Technicl Assist nce (Thalland) Limited (IOTA),Paftlcipatory Internatonal e,GTZGerman-Thai calCooperaton, ForexamD

it needsthe following: development' in sustainable Forthe privatesectorto participate in the likeminerals waste'i e ' wastecanb€val-uable to\'\'ards attitudes,entrepreneurship . Newthinking,

limits socioeconomic trre oirvsicarand inovercomino iT:&Jffiitxtr:lltfl'fu:n#:Tt""'S?T

' ?ll1?T,iilll?L""li,:H?.xil,:ti,"'"ff1,[:'i:Jilffi[:i: i:"",'fl"J':1":LJ:$*1 postve '



;n:i:ililll.""y$T3:llf"iTiil1,il""ffF?:.iffi:1.""'$t su'sllf ror waste !;;;;;;ffi!i",ecvcrine ;,!T[il:,"$"tlHH:i:iilH: com0ln wasteas a valuablematerialmin-e,


:;";Tni1fil-niT"1:in:'",''"r:'l:'.;'*lu'.s'':i:'1;" "'"***' ',n"lUy*e"::,t"1' #'olo#"'ii,X"t'1 :iif 'nfornation,,trarning pr iltii:;:iif# ["qiiFJfi;,pr;crng busrness, aboufnis fortheco'npany t"n.i"#ii ii,Ll[J""-",ind brociures gooowill him niit r'"ro"a establsn Inwaststlti";tt'"" p,lblclectures separatio4, waste

:::,'.',rr"f#"*:'iiilJ:llit*"J",f#":::l'ilH:g:[?i'#1Ti muchPraiseandappreciation

REFERENCES for Stardardsand App'oaches and -tnvionment(lvlOSTE)1999^Crirefla Technology of Science |\4r"rstry

,m:r,l,l;:llru;:*l;n*l:1'1il""T'f:J::[''l"Jull.!1,1 ,":liru:"t Bangkokl f4anagement waste ofcommunitv circle Thecomplete porLl|ioTJSSntror o"pur,tent(PcD)2o00a

waste"' andResidual Packasine rorManasins "r4easures r" ffiyrl?S?HiJ$:lttllnt(PcD)200ob Ratanasuwan Phitsanurok: edition second waste -,Jl;;"t])'ffi,iiffi'r$,]lil)-'"'*'n""' Recvcrabre

:*d :ffilr::','J'"il;:iHi":rydf{i1"1:i!i'"i.: "Fi.:rli:il New Nakornsawa

,"J,il1*in*tr,'"1iYit'i"t':l'1"*l:**'Bl"J"1,T:',;,,!"'""J'"'HiT (in Thai)' Sernakorn rntroductio ::Tle.mentary ;:*$tHi!m:l;":zl"i,'#Eki?l1'l#-llli-:T;ffil'::l'i'l oxford York: New Future ourcommon 1s87. (wcED). Deveropment -"ljit"tir}i",""1'iiiiT"YJ"TF,i,Ti; Press. lJniversiw


19/9,Nloo3, ThaThong sub distrct, lvluangDstr ct, E ma l: !oi!Ddiralorl!!!:or[ 735/4 5, Borofrtraiokarnat 2, NaiMuanqSub_dstrict, lvl!a.q Oistrct, Phiten!lok Nakom 1, Udorndamri, 151,r"1oo 65120 Th-iD stricr,phitsanulok

494 a55-2e4 055231-733 a55.2I7 452

055 389-0'14

iTrq-to, tloo:, annyr suo6s000 Phltlanulok

sub_ r"looZ Banqrakam 2oo-12, Dstrict, distrid,aangrakam Phiten!lok65140 subchuhpoL tit i,roo3, PLa distrid,f4ua.9Dstrct, Phit$nulok Ei;I-@t


0ss-371-083i 37r-276 01-680-1408 a53-262-215 01-680-1781 01-97r-6055

Road,Moo8, Bmg (rarhuni-Phichit


Wat r, WatBoast, 160/15-!6l.4oo ok BoastDistct, Phtsanu

055-291-5fi 01-604-7895

198/5 S nqhawatRoad,Bang(ranq


Kdndka as Dislrct, sukotha

0s5-533-857 532-396 ar-674\052 01-9536232 07-675 7607 035-213145

Road,Pasaoslb i-l1 Boromart Dstrlct,Uttaradlt .lish cr. NIuano 6i-/2, Phitenuok wanqrhonq Phlts.uok District, Road,i.,1!ang

liii-awat noaa,eansrbnq suo

d sirrct, MLanq Distflct, Ph@!q@L Nai Nllanq Siharachdaechocha, 5!b distrd, MuanqDrsBct, Phit*n!rok Wntl"n, Laot POC

055 241'313 055-231944 01 aa6-4348 007-2055445

3 02 806'5001 13/19,Nroo5, BanqBon3 Road, Bangka€ LakSongsub_district al 6223521 Didrcr, Banqkok101q0 Yaphoom, 044 339-042 162/2DanKhlnthod_Cha 01-8796039 DanKhunthodSlb diskct, Dan Khu.todD stricl Nakornrachasrma 30210

APPENDIX2I LISTOF RECYCLING FTRMSINTHAILAND 14aterials sanqthonachal Plasnc Co. Plastic Usahakham l4onokoiohaisam Co.

Banokhunth en District. Bl4A

SiamPlastic C\/clino Co. Tha ThaveePlasticCo, Tha NegorcCo.

YannawaDistrict,BlvlA Meto TradeCentei Bl4A,t. B[1A Bangpoo Indlstria Estate,

SarrnDeeCo. KadasThanatham Co. SiamCraftInduskECo.

T€nrna Co. CeoxCo,

lYuanoDistrict. Sarnothof akam lYuanqDishicr,Samuthordkarn 8an PonoDistrict. Rachabufl Paf,KredDishict.Noithabu 8an9p€€ Dlstrict,

Tha D€nPaoerCo,


Bangkok GassCo,


Glass Oroanlzauon slamt4eLa co. Lor LohaThail!€tal co.

S.AllovAllumnumco NamH€naSteelCo.

ThaiSamlth9u ding, Sukhumvlt. BlvlA Rachblrana Dskict,BMA PdDlrutabath District, Sa€bu Bana5u€Distrlct,BMA

Yannawa District.Bf4A l'4uanq Dlstdct, Sanutho€karn

sauRcE: rNtERvrEw wnr MAsoMrllA!woNctlaRoEfl 3YsElsa! ctla4krt/aN't2001:23) APPENDIX 3: PRICING LIST OF RECYCLABIEWASTE OF WONGP NIT COMP I{Y (AUGUST 5, 2001)


Baht 244



1. Qualifications of an Enterpreneur 1,1 Tobegood,ethical,andhonest 1.2 Tobefamous 1.3 Notto bebankrupted bytheCourt!Order 1.4 Never to beconvicted fortheft,buyingstolenthingsfromthieves 1,5 Noloansthatunableto payback in illegalworkbefore 1.6 Nevercommitted 2. Locationr To be locatedon the mainroadsthat canbe easilydistinguished by reguiaror temporary nottoofarfromschools, hotels,hospitals, andpublicparks.Ihe areafor business operdtion customers, is 2 to 10rai(1 rai= 1,600meters).

land,buildings' notincludinq fortrading), cashmoney baht(asturnover Threemillions capital: 3 . Investment permitfee,andothers, cars,machines, baht payment of 250,000 FeelA one-time 4 . Franchise andadvisory: transfer for know-how 5 . Conditions (50hours)' 5.1 A 5-daytralningprogram waste in alltypesof recyclable 5.2 Knowledge recyclable sellinq' ma*eting,in inbuying' proceou; ;;;lysis,marketing management methods, '5.3 - Prove company' of the standards 'nspecting acceptanie production standards, wa.teouvingiitaustrils, Inspedionl 6. Quality (3 times' for 60,000bahtperyear'to bepaidin advance in every4 months for inspectors 6,1 Expense eachtimefor 20,000baht). pricelistand by showing inspection, in standard rypesof tradingthatneedtransparency 6,2 Oetails thatcanbeilspected scales/machines weighting wastein ordet recyclable 6,3 cra;sifyiigseparated Machinesi 7, Necessary HPsize paperpressing machine,5 7.1 Small 40 HPsize paper pressing machine, Large 7.2 machine cutting Metal 7.3 7,4 Cuttermachlne 50HPsize machine, crushlng 7,5 Plastic HPsize 15 machine, cleaning 7.6 Plastic HP size 5 machine, 7,7 Drying 7.8 Oventoaster Theareaof 2 to 10rai 8. Areafor Operation:

= 95,000baht = 850,000 baht = 85,000baht = 12,000baht = 250,000 baht = 65,000baht = 35,000baht = 35,000baht

franchise: for obtaining Procedure in trial' program andpractice persons haveto passthe5-daytraining 1, lnterested thefranchise' andto approve of operation, stages methods, to inspect 2. Therewillbea committee

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