Carrmel News - Nov-dec 04

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\tt CARMEL NEWS A Bi-monthly Publication of Philippine Carmel


Prcparations for thc FirstChaptcr:RcgionalConucntions Held YISAYAS October 26-28,2004,the Carmelites in the Visayasheld fI " a Regional Convention in EscalanteCity, Negros Occit f \-/ dental with the theme, "Whoever sows bountifully also reapsbounfifully" with a focus on deepeningcontemplation, nurturing communily and caring serviceto the people.After the Prior of Escalante,Fr. Christopher Exala,welcomed the 34 delegatesto the gathering, a pilgrimage followed to the significant places of Carmel Mission in Negros, known as the Cradle of the Carmelite Order in the Philippines. l. First stopover:Central Danao,Toboso,NegrosOccidental: Th.efirst place in Negros where a Carmelite set foot in 1957 with Fr. Fidelis Limcaco, then a young Fil-Am Carmelite from the American Province, settled for a while and served the chaplaincy of Danao Development Corporation, a sugar mill in Northern Negros. Fr. Limcaco left the Order and was incardinated into the Archdiocese of Manila. 2. Secondstopover:Parish of St.Anthony of Padua,Toboso, Negros Occidental. Bishop Ephipanio Surbanof Dumaguete Diocesein 1958installed the first Dutch Carmelite Missionaries, to carefor the Parish of Tobosoand the chaplainry of CenbralDanao. 3. Third stopover: Parish of St. Francisof Assisi, Escalante, Negros Occidental. In 1959 the pioneers of the Dutch Carmelite Mission were installed in this old parish started by the Augustinian Recollectsin 1840. After the pilgrimage, the delegateswere divided into three groups to reflect on the Four Moments of Carmelite LIfe: Group I: Carmelite Friars and Associateson questionaire 1 and 2. Group 2: (IOC and Youth) and Gioup 3 (ParishPastoralCouncil and Parish Staff of EscalanteCity and the Lay Community of Cebu City) on questionaire 3 and 4. The second day of the Regional Convention was marked by a visit to the wake of Vice Mayor Adolfo Maguate, a former working student of Mt. Carmel College and former teacherof the same collegebefore being engaged in politics. who died of kidney failure. This is a sign of our mutual connectednessand a consideration of the power of memories such as our history in Negros Carmel Mission. The discussion on the second day was focused on the meaning of our involvement: e.g. Why choose Escalante and not Manila to start with? Why be involved in cooperatives, socio-economicprojects,people's organizations and building Basic Christian Communities? What would be the implications of Philippine independence as a General Commissariate?The discussion on our involvement was seen in the context of our response to the demands of the situation in the light of Carmelite Charism and Tiadition and delineated in our ministries of 1. Vocation Animation and Initial Formati ory 2. School Ministry, 3. Media and Communication,4. Carmel Youth Ministry, 5. JPIC,6. Parish Ministry and 7. Center for Spirituality. The solidari nrght

The YisayasRegionalConvention Delegates at Cable Beach,where the Carmelites have a cottage,was a good respite from the heavy discussions morning to afternoon of the secondday.The third day facilitated by Noel Valenciawas a clarification of the context of our offering as Carmelites to the people, the direction of our Order's mission and its expressionconsidering the different ministries in line with our't isiot, mission and goal as Carmelites of the Ancient Observance,known as one of the oldest orders of religious in Asia. Then, Dr. Abe and Ulysses presented Land Development possibilities after Noel had presented the meaning of Earth Spirituality. The Convention closed with a liturgy and an integrated evaluation which higlighted the great contribution of the Dutch Missionaries in establishing Carmel in the Visayas and the enriching moments of fratemity and sorrority during the convention that deepenedcommitment and rootedness into history and Carmel tradition and charism. Philippine Carmel is alive in the Visayas!We can hope for future Carmelite Missionaries into other Asian countries. MINDANAO The proposed three day convention for the first GeneralChapter of the Order of Carmelites in the Philippines - Mindanao Region, was from November 16 to 17, 2004.The Convention was inspired with a Lumad motif, since Mindanao is rich with different cultures.The massivenative decorations,liturgy and program tum to next page !s

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Medio EducotionSeries2OO4Ended........59 VgndorsDiologue.r.................................. 6O JPIGNews from Straighrftom Aguscn....,6I Visit of Fr.John Molley,O.€qrm.,.............62 And I Soid:"Lord, YouWill Be Done".,.....63

was PreParedand hosted by the PostuIants. The convention started with the concelebratedholy mass prgslded by Frs. Artemio Jusayan and Amel Glodobe. Fr. Sireniofaranilla ac_companied by Bnc.Noel Valencia - the Order's extemal consultant werethefacilitatorsof theConvention.After sharing the theme,introduction and the objective of the Order in preparation for the First General Commissariat Chapter, the facilitator presentedthe content of the convention to be reflected on by the participants which are the Four Moments of Carmelite life from the experiences of members of the community and various organizations / groupings as part of the SpiritualPreparation.Thesharingof ideas regarding the concem of different ministries of the Commissariat in terms of concepts and perspectivesfollowed. After gathering the thoughts and recommendations from the participants on the subject of t\ ttopes of the Order, Bro. Noel Valencia delineated the aim of the Convention: To sum up, "the Community, the Organizationand the lnstitution are the so$ce place and Processthrough and in which 'We'oegot to gloe a liftle, take a little; laugh a little, cry a little; win a little, lose-alittle.' That is the story of, that is the glory of love,andbeinginacommuni-tyandorganization." He alsosynthesizedthe convention' from- our sharing, indeed, we have manyqualityseedstosow.Werealizethat there are many places to sow the seedsof Carmelinrelationtoneedsof ourmission. For the seedsto grow mature and bear fruit, we need to have - trust in God, unity in direction, cohesionin the organization, oPennessof self and spirit, emphatic listening and understanding of each othe1, ctoss cultural sensitivity, active participation, genuine communication, desire and intent to right the wrong, modeling, _role and discemment. In the time for Prayer reaping or- harvesting we will taste the charming fruits of our mission: "Let us continue bearing the charming fruits for the kingdom of God by what we are and what we do." As part of the activity, the participants visited (floral offering and candle lighting) the_gravesite of Hein Vislteren - the Carmelite priest murdered a










inlgTS.Thisconventionwasattendedby around 60 participants including the CPCC,theAgusanfriarsandassociates,Carm OL sisters, postulants, TOC, PCC and workers, school personnel,Carmel Youttr, JPIC, YCPF and others from the lay communities, The two-day gathering wis concluded by a Holy Mass presided over by Frs.Eddie Albifro and RobertoNoel Rosas. As a member of the growing corununity of the Order of Carmelites, ihe Postulants give their very best during the formation in order to reap a fruitbountifully.

shipbetweentheRecolectsandCarmelites so ihat they plan to invite the Recolectsto the CarmeiiteFamily Day as one of their projects this year. The co-workers felt joy by the mere fact of journeying with the Carmelites. They expressedfeeling at home, the chance to travei, meet with tie communities and interact with them as some of their joys. They sometimeshave difficulty-friars, ad;usting to the attitudes,moods of some thei were also unresolved issuesand fearsand absenceof systematicpersonnel development. Thus, there weie hopes of a **" affirming ambiance.It wai glorious for them wlien they are uppt".iit"d, ,""ognized for their contributibns and trusted. On the other side, the student-friars felt that they joy-the of being a Carmelite revolves around grotith and support given by the commrinities and the Oider. the feeiing of being accepted and a part of the jouirey deslite difficul6es, making decisions-of their own, opportunities to6ewithpeople,discoveringoneselfand consolation oi ioy and discoveries were also a part of theloys. Though they have difficuities adlusling acadeirically from the standard io thJmodular sysiem of ICTC. They found hope by opportunities to live life in relation to the poor, relation_ ship with God, continuing ipostolate and getti"g inspiration from tf,e people. Glory isgrea-twhentheygettoapplytheirlearning, belng in touih with thiii prayer life, deepenin-gof faith manifested in action u.,d the iispiration to continue with the chosenlife. Contributions were evident in their continuous journey of becoming a Carmelite, their presence within the community, giving full attention to studiesand harneising fotentials and skills to be shared. The friars experienced joys through appreciation and celebration bf co*m-unity life, when there were venues of openneis, quality sharing, expressions of the joumey of life, talenti and involvement of various apostolatesand the richnessof the Filipino Carmelite history. Manifestations of contributions were in the ministry of teaching, in the field of spirituality, development6f a strongprovince,missloninAsia,psycho.spiritiralendeavors, broadening' o? perspectives in

AtANltA What better way to start something fruitful than to connectwith the past.Thus, the Manila regional convention opened with a pilgrimage to SanSebastianChurch. It was a trip back in time as Fr. Emerito Bufrao, OAR, Prior of the community highlighted important historical facti about the coming of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel to the Philippines in early 1600.It alsoservedtorevealthegoodrelitionship developed by the Auguitinian Recoletos and the Carmelites. Fr.ArtemiolusayaryO.Carm,wasthe main event facilitator. The four moments of Carmel Life was the focus of the day,s discussion. Guide questions were given to focus the sharing and reflection among the participants. The participants *ere dinidid according to groups: friars, student friars and noviies, TOC and co-workers. On the second day, the reports and sharing by clusters were presented. The four moments of Carmel life were presentedbyusingthemysteriesof theHoly Rosary - foyful, Sorrowful, Luminous ani Glorious. The birth of the TOC and being a part of it served as their joyful momer,ts ls a Carmelite. Sufferings and sorrows such as comingclosetoquittingbecauseof family problems and difficulty in balancing time and agonizing moments becauseofother members challenged others to be a Third Order Carmelite. Allowing themselves to be a TOC compensates foreverything. Astheircontribution,TOCintncduced and deepened the value of tithing, a kind of financial stewardship for a sustainable economic base to assist the Order. They also gave importance to the deep relationa







































































































GARMEL ITEWS community life, joumeying with students, the option and integration with the people, inter-faith dialogue and contemplation. On the third day, ministries were the focus. The clusters identified during the fi rst day were also used during the discussion on the ministries. Miniskie discussed were: vocation-animation, IPIC, YCPR TBCMP, Carmel Youth, CSM, Mission in Asia, administration/finance and earth spirituality. Proposals and suggestions were grven

NOVEMBER.DECEMBER2OO4 by each duster and they vouched for their participation in their chosen ministries. All the clusters have identified the importance of the continuous formation and evaluation of the formator. The Carmel Youth ministry, on the other hand, should have a clear program and training of a fulltime youth organizer. For YCPF, marketing strategies, fund-raising activities and a massive membership drive should be establishedand developed. TBCMP and CSM should be more ap-

preciated for their efforts and must continue on module making. Itwas also mentioned that the Spirituality Forum is a positive venue for self-enhancement. The solidarity night was held the evening of the second day with fun numbers from the different Manila communities. The celebration was held at Crispin Hall of Titus Brandsma Center as well as the convention from November 26-28, 20M.

his productive year of TBCMP has finally ended in November at the The second day was for the membersof the faculty. TBCMP also deI same time looking forward to another fruitful 2005.Here are some of sigSeda module for them, entitled "Teachingin theMultimediaAge"which the highlighb asthe Media EducationSeries2004of TBCMPcameto a close: would eventually be very useful for TBCMP in the succeedingseminars. 1. October25- 30:Aworkshopon LiteraryDalogue and BasicTheParenb were also invited on the last day for the course,"Parenting in atre was given to the students of Mount Carmel College of Agusan del Sur the Multimedia Age." both the high school and college and the Carmelite Postulants.The weekSimultaneouswith thesecourses,"Teatro't Panitikan:An lntroduction long workshop was facilitated by fofti A. Villena and Abbe S. May of to Literature and BasicTheahe" was given to the English Culture Arts Club Fullhouse Schoolof Performanceand Creative Arts. of the rhool, the official dramatic guild club.Facilitatedby lvls.fofti A. Vllena, It was a two-part workshop with the moming sessionfocused on litthe workshop ended with the audition of the membersof the guild for the erature and literary dialogue, a concept pattemed after the film dialogue major roles in the play "APortrait of AnArtist asa Filipino" by Nickfoaquin. conceptualizedby TBCMP. 4. November 2&26:CaragaRegion:SurigaoCity -Butuan City Youth The afternoon sessionwas slated for BasicTheatre Workshop where Congress. the participants testedtheir acting abilities and alertnessin given situations. The president of the Council of Deansfor TeachersEducation - Caraga They laughed and dancedtheir heart away with the exciting exercisesand Region"Fr. Gabriel Dolotina, O. Carm and the Commission on Higher Eduactivities given them. There was a culminating activity on the moming of cation- Caraga region invited TBCMP to present"Media in Education" for the 30th where the participants preparedtwo presentations,an ethnic dance the student- teachers'congressheld in the cities of Surigao and Butuan. The and a drama. Guestsof the participants were ovenuhelmed by their display themewas "Education Revolution: Mentoring the Mentors." this youth conof talent and creativitv. gresswith student-teachersasparticipants, lasted for tluee days, The over-all theme for the course given was entitled The first day was held at St. Paul's University-Surigao with the second panitikan@titusbrandsma: Literary Dialogue and Basic Theatre was and third day being held at BalanghaiHotel-Butuan.Fifty- two collegesand Mindanao: In the Eyes of its People.The activity emphasized the partici universities from Caraga region attended, reaching close to two thousand pants' representationsof Mndanao and themselvesas dwellers. participants. TBCMP gave an interactive sessionon "Teachingin the Multi2. NovemberT-13:CagayandeOrrolegof the Media EducationSeries. mediaAge." A. "TheStateofPhilippineMediaand theChallengeeof SocialComIndeed 2004 was a promising year. The official website of TBCMP munication towards Evangelization" course was conducted in Sta. Cruz ( was launched last December 11.,2004during the Parish,PN RoaSubdivisioryCalaanan,CagayandeOro City. It was attended pelikula@titusbrandsmaChristmas party. by parish workers and membersof the ministries of the parish. A courseon Film Dialogue was sharedwith first and secondyear vocational students of the Cagayan de Oro and Bugo School of Arts and Trade - COBSAT.On the third day, parish workers and lay ministers from a nearby parish attended the courseon Media and Evangelization also at COBSAT. B. The Xavier University- High fthool deparhnent in coordination with the Parents-Students-Teachers-Auxilliary Group (PSTAG)invited TBCMPto offer a courseon Inhoduction to Film Dalogue for the Parentsofthe studcntsfiom l(avlcr third and fourth year high school sh.rdents.They were able to actively Hlgthschool llstencd attentlvely engagein the film and the discussionsdespiteof time limitations. Psrtlclpantshwlng a fun tlme durlng duringFr loots talk on PsrcntlngIn "Parenting in the Multimedia Age" was presentedto the parents thc l4ulltmedlaAge. the Actlng Workshop&erclses of the )Gvier highschool studentsserving asthe culminating activity of TBCMP in Cagayande Oro. This was a module especiallydesignedfor parents today and the challengesposedby the multimedia age. The activities in Cagayande Oro were made possiblethrough our Carmelite associatesAmold and loma Van Vugt. Facilitators were Fr. Christian Buenafe,O.Carm., Bro. Amold Alindafu, O.Carm. lvls. Iofti Villma and Ms. Maria RowenaLadaga. 3. November 1&20: Davao Media Education Series SecondandThlrdyouth congresrwas It was a secondtime for TBCMPat Assumption Collegeof Davao. held at thc BalanghalHotel in Butuan. On the first day, elemmtary and high schoolstudentswere the particiFr.ChrlgtienBuenafe,O.Gnn (Fr pants for the seminar.They were given the "Inhoduction to Film DiaToots)ac he delh€rs points on Fllm Dlaloguewlth the hlgh school logue" course. teachlngIn the multlmedlaage. stud€nG of A$umptlon, Davao f

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