Carrmel News - Jan-feb 02

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  • Pages: 3
CARMEL NEWS A Bi-monthly Publicationof Carmel Philippines

HOPE FOR 2OO2 ope for good news... ope for beauty... ope for life... The year 2002brings goodness, beauty and life for Carmel Philippines.The previousyear2001 was a g o o d ye a r fo r th e Carmelites;our communities were recomposedand reconstituted ministries strengthened; commissionsand conferences w e r e o r g a n i z e d ;l e a d e r s h i p installed. formation work s y s t e m a t i z e du nd e r th e n e w Ratio,so on and so forth. The year 2002is full of hope; first with the fraternal visit of F r, Tj e u T i m m erma n s, P ri o r Provincial and Fr. Tony dela Cruz,CommissaryProvincialto the different communities in Januarycontributedmuch in the building and strengtheningof our communities;then the visit of Fr. Anthony Scerri (General Councilor for Asia, Africa and Oceania)whoalsorenewedties with the inspirationand updates from our CarmeliteBrothersand Sisterseverywherein the world. This year too, we hope for more young men who will join us in the Formationprograms. Thanks to the VocationAnimation efforts of all the communi-

ties and our full-time Vocation Director. We wish and hope this year for the completion of the new Chapel and friars' quarter in Cebu and Collegebuilding of Mount Carmel College of SanFrancisco. Hope also for a meaningful and fruitful RegionalConventions set on April for Manila, Visayasand Mindanaocenters. Hope too for a fruitful traini n g cour se for JPIC- O.Car m . Commission members and re p re sentativesof the four centersto be held in Manila on May 7-70,2002. Hope likewise for the upcoming ProvincialChapterof o u r Mother Pr ovince in the NetherlandscomeMav 2002. The secondseriesof Spirituality Forums on July is also set and the on-going studies of every community,ministriesand program are taking place re g u l ar ly. Sum m ing up of pastoral and BCC experiences and impact studies on Formation and ministries have also cometo the fore.

W e also hope for s om e confrereswho will finish their g r a d u a t ea n d p o s t - g r a d u a t e studiesthis year while the rest are also engagedin short-term coursesand training. Hope for 2002is so hopeful! Car m el Philippine si s ful l of hope.Carmelin the Philippines beautyand hopesfor goodness, fullnessof life for evervone. What's


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u"ry year, we realize the need for change and improvement f I-i especially if a new dawn is to set, a new year is about to start. We are faced with new challenges amidst all the obstaclesthat come our way in this very complex life. just around the corner waiting to be tapped, waiting to fill our'lives becauseit is all we can hold on to in these times of economic hardship and emotional an8sr. "Ferment in the field," that is Carmel News. Beginning to take a new face this year, Carmel News submitted to the challenge of .'verthrowing old stereotypes and surpassing the conventional. It is nerrer a failure to go against old norms and do away with the usual. It is rather an improvement, a cycle for change. Last January 24-25 marked the first phase of change for the Carrr,el News. Chroniclers of different communities convened for a Chroniciers Meeting, a lecture-workshop intended to enhance writing skills and capabilities and to learn innovative writing techniqr-res. This workshop was composed of nine participants from various communities: Frs. Toots Buenafe,John Gelio-ano, peter Kramer, Pete Manilag, Marlon Lacal, Eddie Albino, Sr. Nimfa Tangcuancc-r, Bro. AIain Baiasabas,Arnold, Normie Lacanilao and Jofti Villena. Blessedwith two outstanding speakers- Ms. NJ BuencaminoViehland and Mr. Ed Gerlock, the lecture-workshop was productive and knowledge-driven since both were very successfulin their

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Chroniclers Meeting Participants: (from Left to Right) Sr.Nimfa Tangcuangco,Frs, lohn Gelio-ano, Pete Manilng, Toots Buenafc, Peter Kramer. (Inset) Ms. Nl Buencamino-Vichland frotn LICAN craft. Ms. NJ focused more on Chr-rrchnews and reporting while Mr. Ed was more into insightful suggestionsfor the Carn.relNews since he is the publication's English editor. The two day event commenced with the dialogr-reon needs a s s e s s m e n ta n d c o n c l u d e d w i t h A r c h i v a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d Records Management. With the first issue set to be releasedthis month. Carmel News is now ready for the challenge.

lanuary 25-27 the JPIC-O.Carm. Commission met in New Escalante. Important points of the agenda were: 1. The "ldeas and Proposals re: Issues of Justice and peace as proposed by the participants attending the Aylesford JPIC meeting" held from luly 21-August 10, 2001, were read and recommended to all communities for study, reflection and possible integration in the different ministries.Copies of the "ldeas and Proposals"were sent to all communities. 7. Reports of the Centers show that all centers are in the process of setting up a JPIC desk. San Francisco Center,s desk is already existing and parish core-groups are formed. A need for more JPIC education was expressed.Escalante has also set-up a JPIC - desk and fPIC orientation sessionsare ongoing in the College, BCC's, among the TOC members and Youth groups in Escalanteas well as Dumaguete. The Cojuanco "dangerous" influence on the farmers and the whole of Negros was clearly expressed by Saling as member of the Rural Missionaries in Negros Occidental. 3. No specific JPIC-desk is yet existing in Cebu-Center. Titin is, however, gathering data of the seafaring men and their issues which will cause in the future a widening of the JPIC work of the Carmelite family in the Cebu Center. The a

























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Carm. O.L. Sistersdo work or-rteducation and awareness building among the sistersof the congregation. 4. The Manila Center is in the process of searching for a relevant integration of JPIC in the different rninistries of formation, Media program and Spirituality. Fr. Tony was elected member of the AMRSP Board and tasked kr krok after the JPIC as its mission partner. 5. The main direction of the JPIC-O.Carm.for 2002-2003 is the integration of JPIC in all ministries of the Comrnissariat.Three main activities for this period were plannecl: a. On the Commissariat level, a training will be held f















Th" TitusBrandsmaAwardPhilI ippines Foundation was officially launchedon February2,2002 at the Titus Brandsma Center QuezonCity.The Board of Trustees is composedof: Dr. Florangel ig-',i&l Rosario Braid, Chairperson; Fr, ffia :Y1 Marlon Lacal O.Carm.,Secretary; Fr. Bernard RoosendaalO.Carm. Treasurer; Virgel Santos, Fr. R e y n o l d C a i g o y ,O . C a r m . , M s . Carolina Malay, Fr. Antonio dela Cruz, O.Carm.,members During the first organizational meeting of the Foundation on February 2, 2002,Ms. Carolina Malay proposedto focusthe search for candidatesfor this secondTitus BrandsmaAwardgiving to journalTheBoard of Trusteesof Titus BrandsmaAward-PhilippinesFoundatiotr ists from outside the Metropolis &to R) Ms. CarolinaMalay, Frs.Bernard,Tony,Rey,Marlon. especiallyMindanao. The Boardapprovedthe sameand formulated its or membersof the Carmelitefamily.Selfand individual decisionas follows: nomination is discouragedand nomineesneed not to "It is the challengeof bringing forth this year to be Catholics.Other nominationsoutsideMindanaoare nationalattentionyoung but courageousjournalistsof welcomeprovided that nomineesareMindanao-based the Southwho deservedmore than applause,more than journalistsor by nature from Mindanao . recognitionfrom the societyfor the quality servicethey The Board encouragesto nominate: r Those who courageouslyand consistently are rendering to the Filipino Peoplein their continuous struggle for TRUTH. Their unselfish desire to worked for the education of the public by uplift the plight of the Filipino citizenry from the bonds uncoveringthe TRUTH behind the "facts". . Thosewho consistently promote the spirit of of ignoranceand grief takesmore than a cashstipend to repay." dialogueand sharingto uplift the plight of the As themeof this secondTitus BrandsmaAward was majority of the Filipino people. . Those who make senseout of the barrage of chosen:"Journalistsof the South:A Challengein Crisis". information in thesedays of fast, instant and The Titus BrandsmaAward Philippines is the easyaccessto data and information. . Thosewho remainfirm in timesof compromise. country'sversion of the InternationalTitus Brandsma . Those who stand rooted to the Philippine Award given by the "lJnion CatholiqueInternationale (UCIP),the de la Presse" World Forum of professionals reality and strive to uplift the Filipino people in secular and religious media. The Award was through honest, principled and committed instituted in memory of the BlessedTitus Brandsma,a work. journalist, educator and a Carmelite Priest.This is a Jury memberswill mainly be chosenfrom media biennialprojectof the CarmeliteMedia Ministry of the basedin Mindanao organizations/stations/NGO's the in Philippines. Order of Carmelites the who have quality backgrounds in the Mindanao TheBoarddeclaredthe searchfor candidatesopen. situation, and can provide very good representation from either the Muslim or Christian community. At In putting forward a candidate,it is necessarythat they leastone Muslim will be on the jury. shouldbe supportedwith adequatedocumentationand It was also decided that the deadline for the may be submitted by any Mindanao-basednon-governmentalorganization,media organizations/ stations submissionof entriesis on May 27,2002.





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