Carrmel News - May-june 04

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CARMEL NEWS A Bi-monthly Publication of Carmel Philippines

PhilippineCarmclin the Asia-AustraliaRegionall|lecting andtheDutchPrior experience ascelebrated in our liturgical celebraf wo FilipinoCarmelites Fr.Tieullmmermans atlended the / Provincial, tions.Thenovices ledusin theEucharistic celebraCarmelite Asia-Aushalia Regional meeting heldin tionsandprayersin theJavanese (Java), Bataks Batu,EastJava, Indonesia fromMay16to21,2004, (Sumaha) andBalinese (Bali)settings andwaysof Fr.Anthony Scerri, theGeneral forAsia- worship. Councilor Fr.Cregarious Ucewho oncestudiedin Australia & Africaconvened whilethe themeetine Manilawith thenovices ledtheparticipants in li- Fr.CarloCiconneti ViceCeneral addressed the furgical celebrations. Thanks alsoio Frs,i'aulusand gathering. Theotherparticipants werefromAusDionysius of theNovitiate in Batu. Communify tralia,Indonesia, U.S.A., India,TrmorLorosae, and Frs,TjeuTimmermans (DutchPriorProvinthemissions in fwo(2)countries of Asia,rvhichfor cial),AntoniodelaCruz(Commissary Provincial) reason securify cannot beidentified. Reports from andChristian (Councilor Buenafe & Coordinator of rvereshared eachcountry by theProvincials, ComtheCenterfor Spirituality-Manila) attended the missaries andMissionSuperiors anda dayof exmeeting representing thePhilippine Carmel Comchanges on futurecollaboration andcooperation missariat. TheIndonesian Carmel graciously hosted withintheregionarnongtheprovinces andcorn- themeeting andintegration with our Indonesian missariats tookplace. Frs.TonydelaCruzandTjeu Carmelites. \Vevisited thecloistered nuns Carrnelite Timmermans presented thereport on rhesratus oi andthepanshand thenor,itiate communities in thePhilippine Carmel Commissariat whileFr.Chris- Batu,thehermitage of St.Joseph in Sadaang and tianBuenafe presented a reporton thepresent statheconvent ofPutriKarmel. Westaved forfwodavs tusanddevelopment of theInstitute ofSpirituality in theProvincialate in Malang andvisited thestuin theManila, Philippines. dentfriarsin theirfinalyears,St.Albert'sHigh n'eretakenandagreed School, Significant decisions thetheological seminary, retirement house uponto rvit:an ongoingform.rtion amongthe in Dieng,and a parishin Malang.Fr. Yulius Asian-Australian formalors to beheldin 2005and Sudharnoto rvhowasamissionary tothePhilippines regular meeting ofProlincials fromtheregion. Like- formorethan8 yearsserved asourguide. - Manila(CSM)is wise,theCenterior Spuihralrty WethankyouFr.NaPengBo(lndonesian Prior tasked to offera summer course onInter-Religious Provincial), (Councilor Fr.Edison Tinarnbunan and Dialogue vis-a-vis theCannelite Traditions in AuOrganizer of thegathering), Fr.AgungandBro. gust2005. Harrywhoserved assecretaries of themeeting. The It rvasa n'armgathering ofbrothers in Carmel Indonesian brotherhood, hospitality andcamaradeandwithintheIndonesian culturalfraditions and rieinspired usdeeplyto therealilythatwearenot

AustraliaRegional Meetingin Indonesia, May2004 onlybrothers inCarmel butalsoneighbors inSoutheastAsia.Frs.TonyandToots spent twodaysin Surabaya withSammy andNenaPaler ashosts. Thank youverymuch.

XUA^ti l"wr;/' tr Wolk for A Couse...... l8 tr On Medio ond €ommunicqtion.........t9 tr News from The


Centerfor Spiriruolity ' Monilo .r........o..o......22

tr SimplePrcfession...n.. 23 tr YCPFGorner.............n 23

Frs.Tjeu,Tonyand TooGwith the participants of the Asia-Australia O.Carm, Regional Meetingand the Indonesian Novices,Batu,EastJava,lndonesia

On frledia,and Comnunication Seminary Formation for professors situation- globalvillage,everything and in life is Formators on Commmunication interconnected andinterdependent. As part of the nefworkingeffortsof the pluralismand A session on Media-iion, media ministry, the Titus BrandsmaMedia Globalism: Understanding theContemporary Programhasbecomea memberof the Asian Locusof Ministryendedthefirst daywitir Communication Network(ACN) web corlmuNadarajah, afreelance documentary filmmaker. nity. Theprogram'sfirst encounterwith ACN He mainly expressed for the was in a study programthru a seminarconsustainability of theparishwith threemajor ductedin partnership with Inter-Congregational factors surrounding ih media-tion (therolethat Theological Center(ICTC)lastMay 2Z-28on the mediaplaysin thelivesof theparishioners), relevance andapplicationof communication pluralism (mono-culture for of theparishleading to formationandministry. unsustainability) andglobalism (parishbeing The activityfocusedon the threemajor isolated andindependent). pointsof its rationale:makingsenseof contemThesecond dayfocused on theChurch,s poraryminishy,makingsenseof socialcommueffortsin communication thru its documents Fr.Tonyduringhistalk at St.Francis nicationand approaches to innovativeinstrucand structures.ProfessorChainarong de SalesTheologicalCenter iion.Fr.JerryMartinson, SJ,knownasUncleJeny Monthienvichienchai enumerated a longlist o1 legeseminarians of St.JohnMaryVianney :r Tairvan spokeabouthisministryaspriestani documents andencyclicals writtenby various CollegeSeminary, SanCarlosCiiy,Negros :edia practitioner andhis struggles in getting Popes aboutthedifferentaspects of communi- Occidental last 1V79, 2004. '.''here June :, heis norv. cationanditsrelevance to theChurchandtoits Module on Media and Spirituality Dr. Tosede l{esa discLrssed people.He alsoexplained a topicon ,,A thecommunication 'i::, thruFilmDialoguc The..lcgv of Communication,,. He prima- structures withintheChurchandthepeople TheMediaand Spiritualitythru Film ' -'------i'-:i : r - r l l es e r p e r i e n c e o f Caondd responsible in handlingthemediaoffices in the Dialogueis thenew modulethat theTitus _ , j. r : : : : i : _ * . l : : . ) . 1 . - :e r ; l : i r e J dioceses, Brandsma MediaProgram is currently offering --r r'rir.t :i \^\. r thl s rer)- seU,rtive on Mr. CharlesBertile,a Churchworkerfor toseminarians and students of differentschools - -: riuJ anl horr the Churchsimply particiover20years, shared alecfure ontheNewpeda- andseminaries., two-partcourse :ates("missiondei"),andthatwe participatein gogyin Teaching andLearning. Thisspecifically on MediaandSpiritualilyandIntroduction to God'scommunication ("communication gaveinsights dei,,) onthenewapproaches toteaching FilmDialogue. Thisis theformalized version of :rat leadsto thequalityof life(ZOE). andlearning, typesof intelligence thatneedto whattheprogrampclikula@tihrbrandsma has A llalaysian speaker,Mr. Augustine beknownin ordertohelpseminarians integrate beenpresenting foroverthreeyears. Loorthusamy, entertained aswell asinformedon these andbecome whattheylearn. Thefirst partof themodule,Mediaand thefirstafternoonsession with Communication, Seminars andWorkhopsgivenby TBClvlp Spiritualify, will explaintherelationship of the \lediaandValuesFormation. Thehighlightwas MediaandSpiritualitythroughtheFilm twodisciplines and concepts and how they are ..n Value-distortions in a Media-mediated SociDialogue moduleof themediaprogramwas interconnected. How media can open unconeh'ivhereinhecompared familyvaluesamongst presented tomorethan45students of theology, sciously andpropagate different spiritual values mediavalues. college seminarians of theArchdiocese of Lipa andhowspirituality can be manilested tlrough Mr.ConradSaldanha discussed the,,culture andOblates of St.Joseph, andtheBenedictine mediacontent. Introduction to FilmDialogue. of death"on how deathis packagednow asenSisters if theIncamate WordatSt.Francis deSales Thesecond-part, gives basic knowledge onhow tertainmenttluoughmedia.His expertise liesin Theological Seminary in LipaCity,Batangas last to conductfilm dialogue, how it differs from the MediaBusiness and Cultureof Life.He June18,2004. otherconcepts and what are its major characterfocusedon the Languageof the Alphabetand Based ontheevaluation of theparticipants, isticsandobjectives. It alsooffers theunderstandtheLanguage of Electricity, whichis thecurrent theactivitywasverysatisfying andlibeiating ing


of differenttypesof viewersthroughthe sinceit wastheirfirsttimeto watch concepts of Sensibilities andSensitivities. filmswithadifferent approach, criticallyandsymbolically. Thiscourse wasalsogivento 45seminarians of St.PaulSeminary Foundation in Silang,Cavite lastFebruary 22,2004. Fr.Reynold Caigoy, O.Carnr, currentlythePresident of Mount Carmel College in Escalante andalso a member of thepoolof lecturers of theTBCMedia Programshareda seminar onMedinAwareness to 48colThe"attentive"seminarianparticipants

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