Carrmel News - Jul-aug 04

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pubrication A Bi-monthry of philippinecarmet

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CanonicalErestionof thc GencralCommissariat of PhilippincCarmcl

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Reflcctionon thc Feastof CDur Ladyof ilount Carmel Jufy16,2004 By Fr. Bernard Roosendaal, O.Carm.

SpanishJesuit Fr. Joaquin Menacho says in his Th" I booklet "Can HeavenWait?":"Tell me the type of heavenyou hope fo4,and I will tell you what sort of World you are building".

With the official take over of St. Anthony of padua Parish of Tobosoin March 1958,the Order of Carmel started its Fitpino journey in the midst of the people; the "minores",the small people, thosewho work in the sugar fields from 5 am till 6 p^, the oppressed and exploited sugar factory workers, the small tenant farmers in the mountain areasof Tobosoand Escalante who are fighting to survive in the logged-over areas and the thousands of small fisher folks along the seashorealready fearful, observing signs on the horizon, thatthe abundantfuh, their livelihood, would be stolen from them by the big fishing boat-owners.

I would like to paraphrase this beautiful expression asfollows: "Tell me whattype of Carmel you hope for, and I will tell you what sort of Independent Philippine Carmelite General Commissariat,or Province,you are building." Anintriguing statementwhichmay involve us in a seriesof reflections to respond to it, but nevertheless challengesus today on the Feastday of Our Lady of Mount Carmel when the Philippine Carmelite Provincial Commissariat is officially elevated to a General Commissariat, a final step towards an independent Philippine Carmel Province.

Thanks to the providential vision of Bishop Surban who directed us to the North, to the most neglected and suffering people.The slavesof the big and wealthy landlords, t}lresacadas, the slavesof the sugar industry. Thanks indeed to the good bishop who offered us the privilege to be from the very beginning immersed among them; the small people.

It all started 47 yearsago when Fr. Richard Vissers, an old-timer in Carmel mission in the Diocese of Malang, Indonesia and Fr. Brocardus Meyer, Prior Provincial of the Dutch Carmelite Province, boarded the car in Dumaguete City and went North of Negros Island. Bishop Epifanio Surban of the Diocese of Dumaguete invited the Carmelites to his dioceseand during the early morning breakfast had the following messagefor the two Dutch Carmelites: "Look around. Youcan takeall parishesfrom heretill thefar north of the diocese exceptfor Baisand Tanjay."

From the very beginning of Carmel Philippines we were drawn in our pastoral concernsby the anxieties and hopes of those on the margins of society.Our constifutionssay "in our pastoral ministry uneare abooe all guiileil by attentioe listening to the Word, haoing regard also for its interpretation from the perspectioeof the poor," Hearing the good news that God is good and just, we placeourselveson the sideof the poor. We participate in their struggle, direct our resourcesto their liberation from oppressivestructures. As we integrateswith them, we take on this issueslike justwages, respectforwomen, child labor,and the right to education and food security for all.

Upon arriving in the end of the diocese,the Vicariate of Toboso with parishes in Old Escalante and Toboso,and a chaplaincy in the Danao Sugar Central, the two were convinced that if Carmel was to be of serviceto the dioceseof Dumaguete,it would be in this depressed,poor and oppressivepartof sugarlandiawlth thousands of exploited sugar workers. That was the challenge for Carmel and the decision was made by the two: "CarmelPhilippineswill start here". '
























In hindsight, we may say that we slowly became awarewhat St.Augustine so nicely s aid:" uthenthe deed is adileil to the zaord, the sacrament appears". St. Augustine really meant that the sacramentpoints to salvation, liberation, a just salary,human rights for all a
































































































etc. and does something to realize it, to perform salvation, to bti^g about liberation and redemption. Indeed we experienced a growing awarenessthat the church is called to evangelize much more in deed than in word.

horizon. No Carmel will be alive withoutbeing aware of what Carmel we are hoping for. What is significant is not only the fact of believing inCarmel,but alsohow to believe in it.

As a result of this growing awarenesswe became deeply involved in socio-eco activities, establishing credit cooperatives,organizing labor, organizing sitios and barrios (villages) or any other natural clusters of people into BasicChristian Communities, responding to the call of VaticanII, to work towards the " other zuay of being Church". The concerns of the Philippine indigenous peoples were embraced and some took responsibilitywithin the network of NGO's and political organizationsduring the period of the dictatorship.

Today, on the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, our patroness,we call to mind the words of the Constitutions: "in our aariousapostolatewe shall be inspiredbyMary". Whatever type of devotion to Mary we may express/the biblical Mury shows one important feature to all of us and that is her spontaneous attitude of service.Servicein line with the will of God for her, service in line with the needs of the people around her, her family and the disciples, service in the heroic support for |esus during his short ministry and torturous way to his and her Calvary.

Evangelizing much more in deed than in word. We too have encountered the rejection and the cross of the Founder.Bro. IsaganiValle was killed during an exposure- immersion program among his own roots as part of his pre-novitiate program. Fr. Hein van Vilsteren was killed while on his way to transportwounded people to the hospital. Fr. Simon Westendorp and Sister Nanette Berenbenwere drowned in the rough waters off the coast of Agusan del Norte on their way to a Justiceand Peace meeting in Cebu City in 1983.Many of us, together with our co-workers, while &ti^g more importance to the liberative activities than the performanceof cultacts were accused of being communists and had our various apostolic missions viewed as questionable. In all honesty, we painfully reabzed, that we ourselveswere wounded by our deep involvement in the peoples struggle, which had in one way or another, paralyzed the possibility to dream within us because of a falseidea of "realism". Overwhelmed by the many pressingproblemsof ourcountry and communities,we, and many among us, forgot to leave a place in our lives for dreams,for hopes, of a future Carmel. Several made the painful decision to leave the Order and we miss them. In this whole process of growing deeper into the midst of the people, aware of our woundedness and searchfor identity, we retumed in the 90's to our own sourcesand started the processof re-discovering our vitality, our creativity, our capacity to be happy and to enjoy life, beyond immediate needs and consumer satisfactionor being trapped in a false utopia. No one is really alive without walking towards a

We are very thankfirl to the Dutch Carmelite Province whidr has opted to bring Carmel to the Philippines Nrdfor 47 yearshasbeengenerousinits fratemal,moral and material support and promised to continue to keep the new GeneralCommissariatcloseto its heart. We are thankful that in a providential way, so many people, especially the poor sugar workers, the tenant farmers, the indigenous peoples, the workers have constantly guided us in living out the basic liberative option as expressedby Jesusin his inaugural speechat the Synagogue in Nazareth: "to bring good news in parish apostolate,especiallyin theformation of basic Christian communities;in justice and peaceinaolaement, in educationalministry, in our initial and ongoing formation programs,in the researchwork and oarious actiuitiesof the mediaprogramand the growing inaolaement and interestin the Centerfor Spirituality's research ztsork on indigenousAsian spiritualities." It is a challengefor all of us, Carmelites.The older ones among us and the enthusiasticgrowing younger brood, the associateCarmelites, the Third Order Lay members,co-workers and friends to dream about. What type of Carmel are we hoping for at the start of the last definitive step towards becoming an independent Philippine Carmel Province? For sure it will be the privilege of the next generation to translate our hopes into the existing Carmel then. Thankful and great$ challenged,we may repeat the words the evangelistLuke placed in Mary's mouth while answering the call of Service: "my soul proclaimsthe greatuessof the Lord, My spirit rejoicesin Godmy Sauiour with faaoron his lowluserunnt."Amen. for hehnsloolced


ne hundred forty eight participants coming from different religious congregations,academicinstitutions and development organizations joined the Fourth Spirituality Forum last Aug 3-5,2004,in IFRS Audio Visual Room, TeresaBuilding, New Manila, Philippines. The participants, with the resourcespeakers and panel of reactorsinteractively reflect on this year's theme "Spirituality Faceto Facewith Global ization.,, The Center for Spirituality-Manila (CSM), a research-basedinstitute in the scientific study of spirituality, organized this Forum as a contribution to the on-going efforts to uncover and understand the interplay between the dynamics of spirituality and the phenomenon of globalization. The Forum was packed with six portraits: Prof. Dr. Kees Waaijman, O. Carm, the director of the Titus Brandsma Institute in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, sets the stagefor the dynamic encounter between spirituality and Globalizatiorl. [r his paper entitled, "spiitttalifu in the Context of Globalization," he points out his task of opening up the spacefor questioning, doubting, refusing, and denying guidedby diakrisis (knowledgewith discernment) that accompany us in our spiritual joumey (mystagogy) that begins with our primordial spirituality. Dr. JosHuls, O. Carm., Coordinator of the Spirituality International and Spirituality Network for Education (SPINE-SPIRIN)seesthe possibility of an interplay between "Spirifiralifu in the Worlil Technology" as captured nicely in the title of his paper. He presentsSPINE (Spirituality Network for Education), a project of Titus Brandsma Institute, that breaks the barriers of leaming lirhited only to classrooms,libraries,schools,etc.elevating the academicto a worldwide scenario: a network. Spirituality is contextualized within the framework of SPINE through an international digital learning community. Dr. Flor PaulineDuran, Carm.O.L., president of the SoutheastAsia Interdisciplinary Development hrstitute (SAIDD presents the tension in balancing spirituality and in managing an organization in a globalized world.


hr her paper "The Spiituality of Managemcnt in a GlobalizingWorld," she emphasized dre invitation of becoming "prophets in a profit-oriented world". On the dimension of "Spirifrulity irr the Media Agr,'Dr. Maria ConsolataMandin& PSP,directressof Paulines Communication Center, highlights the postmodern media cultue as the characterization of our age. A worldview that challerrge people to know the media's language and to evaluate and analyze it in the light of a Christian faitlu Drs. EsmeraldoReforeal"O.CamLa Carmelite friar based in Melbourne, Australi,a, preented a paper on the "Loob in a Global Villege-. He shared the insight that the Filipino "Ioob" (inEifiitv) nust refuse any fabrication and caricatureof anv preordained design. It is through this that he/shebecoures the new type of the empowered Filipino. A new awakening, a rersnred worldview, a new enlightenment- this is thevislnof Dr. Mina Ramirez, president of the Asian Social Instihrte (ASI), in her paper "Spirituality and Total Human Development." She sees the light that sparks in fte very core of the human being that is certainlv differsrt from the enlightenment in the modern age of materialistic science. A vision with a wider horizon that allon s us to be concemed with the whole, whidr bti.F trs closer to the Holy who avows to give meaning to our suffering humanity and healing to ourwounded environanent. Somemembers of the International Board (Prof. Dr. Kees Waaijman, O. Carm., Prof. Dr.-Eliseo Mercado, O.M.I., and Prof. Dr. FrancisVineeth,C.M.I) deepened the Forum discussion by grving their respective reactions after every presentation and a floor discussion ensued. It is in this fruitful and meaningful event that the Center for Spirituality-Manild, established by the Order of Carmelites in 1999, once again proves its commitment and dedication in contributing to the scientific and systematic study of Spirituality in the Philippines and in Asia.


CaruorurcAlEnEcrrorvOr THr GENEnnrCovrMrssARrAT or PHILTPpTNE Canvrrr PriorGeneral of the Joseph, Brothers oftheBlessed VirginMaryofMountCnrmel To Mathias, PriorProuincial of theproaince oftheNetherlands And Antonio, Commissnry Proaincial of theCommissariat of thePhilippines Greetings in theLordandBlessings to theHolySpirit provinceof the f n 1957the Prior Provincialof the INetherlands,Fr.BrocardMeyertraveledto thephilippines lookingfor opporturitiesto established the Order in these islands.Eventually, theprovinceaccepted an invitationfrom theBishopof Dumagueteto takeresponsibility for thenorthern part of the dioceseon NegrosIsland.FathersRichard Vissers, WirenfredViestersandTheodulphVrakkingfoturded theCarmleitepresence in thePhilippineson March16,I?Sg:

Not to be forgottenaretheLayAssociates who havemadea private commitment.Financialprovision for the future Commisariat is stableandsufficient. aking into accountall the informationreceived,the I historicaldevelopment of theCommisariat, theviewsof the membersof the Provinceof the Netherlandsand the Commissariat of thePhilippinesand articlen. 181,g 1 of the Constitutions it seemsto the Prior Generaland his Council thattheconditionslaid downin theaforesaid articlehavebeen met and thereforein sessionn. 130on May 28,2004,they deliberateda f

Dscnnn oF CANoNTcALERECTToN oF THE Gntrnar ConnnalseRlAT oF THEPHrLrpprNES

will comeinto existence on 16 Thu GeneralCommisariat I luly 2004and Antoniode la Cruz is herebynamedthe first GeneralCommissaryof the Commisariatof the philippinesandhe will hold officeuntil 14February2005,together with the CommissaryProvincialCouncilors,Christian Buenafe,ReynoldCaigoyand RobertoNoel Rosasand all otherCommissary officials.On 14February 2005all thosewith a right to attendand voteareherebysummonedto theFirst Ordermaderapidprogress in theseislands andby19b5 Chapterqf theGeneralCommisariaito beheld in Manila. Jhe I a seminaryhad beenestablished in Escalante and in the late1960sfriarswereworking alsoin thedioceseof Surigao, Th. Prior Generaland his Councilcommendall the ManilaandIligan. I membersof thenew Commisariatto AlrnightyGodand his Son]esusCfuist,throughthe intercession of tireBlessed lthoughthe 1970smarkeda difficultperiod in the VirginMaryof MountCarmelandof Blessed I TitusBrandsma .-Lhistory of the islands,the Carmelites continuedto be to whoseprotectionand patronagethe Commisariatis activenot only in parishministry,but rr schools, colleges and entrusted. tniversities,aswell asin socialactiongroupsand workers, programmes. The 1980switnesseda greatincreasein the Givenat theGeneralCuriaHousein Rome, numberof laypeopleassociated with the Order and provisionswasmadefor themin Manilawith theopeningof On 16lulv 2004 theTitusBrandsmaCentre.By the 1990sthemaingbaloflhe Commisariatwas to work towardsindependence from the homeprovinceanda seriesof strategies CA*.et*"^ O.C^r,^ wasput in placeto By,{r*+4 consolidate andsystematize existingstructures. ]osephChalmersO.Carm. (PriorGeneral) Provinceof theNetherlands formally applied for the Thu I erection of a General Commisariat at theendof 2003.The l/ ntr Commisariathas five canonicallyhouses,32 solemnly Andbv: 11,*; S. /J{,b* 0. Q,* professed brothers,14 simply professedand 2 novices. Kevin|. AlbanO.Carm Theprospectsfor the future arebright : thereare some5 (Secretary General) postulants,22 men studyingphilosophyand another32 aspirants whowishtojoin a Carmeliteformationprogramme. Prot753/2004


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(a rrrrpino word for sharingnews)

The fiesta celebrationonluly 16inhonor of Our L- dy of Mt. Carmel was meaningful and joyful including Novena masses/a Variety show on July 14 by the TalambanTheater Group and Cultural Ensemble,processiorykiddie dancecontest and the raffle draw. The highlight was the celebrationof the Holy Eucharistwith Fr. Paul Medina, O.Carm presiding. Fr. Medina also read the official document of our decreeon independenceafter communion. The Carmelitesand guests shared the fiesta meal and the program on the search for "Mutya ng Carmelo 2004" ended the day's program. The mid-term exuunsof our collegeseminarianshavejust finished with their performance satisfactory.Sr. ]ocelinda Agnes Cacas,Carm. O.L., the seminary Guidance Counselor has also started her conferencesand sessionswith our seminarians first. Every first Saturday of the month, our seminariansgo to Carmen town to till the land. Farming experienceis integrated into the seminary aspart of nurturing Earth Spirituality.

ENCOUNTER \TITHTHEINDIGENOUS PEOPLES OnJune 16-18,2004agathering of the representativesof the indigenous peoplesand the leadersof the diocesanservices committeesconnectedwith the apostolatefor the indigenous peopleswas held at Mount Carmel Parish Pastoral Centerof EscalanteCity. Fr.Wilson "Embong" Mendoza, the chairman for the Indigenous PeoplesApostolate of the Dioceseof SanCarlos facilitated the encounter.The facilitators from the National Office and Regional Indigenous PeoplesApostolate were acconunodatedat the Parish Convent. Bishop ]ose Advinctla,lr.,who is the EpiscopalChairman of Indigenous Peoplesof the CBCP,was grateful that an activity like this was held in the Dioceseof SanCarlos. OURLADYOF MOUNTCARMEL PARISH FIESTA The Novena Massesto Our Lady of Mount Carmel was taken cared of by Fr. Rey Caigoy and Fr. Rico Ponce,now on a summerbreakfrom his doctoralstudiesin the Netherlands, while FathersChristopher,Boy and Paul were attending the First National Congressof the clergy in Manila. The main celebrantfor the FiestaMass on Ju,ly16,2004is Bishop Jose Advincula Jr,DD. During the celebratioryit was announced that the Carmelite Commissariateof the Philippines is now independent from the Mother Province,Carmelite Province of the Netherlands,and is now officially installed asGeneral Commissariate. THEGATHERINGS To prepare themselvesfor the independenceof Carmel Philippines, EscalanteCarmel had the CB meeting of July 2l

focusedon the Spiritual preparation for that event and used the "Joyful Moment" from the working document asa guide to deepenthe reflection on this matter. The July 23 Recollection and the July 24 Community meeting in Dumaguete of the membersof EscalanteCarmel were additional gatherings to look into the deeperdimension of that said eventtaking into accountthe context of Carmel in Negros Island. The members of EscalanteCarmel, then, joined the celebration of the Carmelite Family Day in Dumaguete on July 25,2004. While the Friars were out from the parish of EscalanteCity, Fr. Esmeraldo Reforeal,in wrnter break from his doctoral studies in Australia, was taking care of the parish. TOCFORA{ATION The National Council Officers of the Third Order Carmelites (T.O.C.),Sis. NinJa Tangcuangcoand Bro. ]oe Generoso,came on ]uly 15,200{for an official visit to the Local Community of the TOC of Ls(alante.Bro. JoeMabasa, the Prior of the T.O.C. of Roxa-.Cih-, came with another member to attend the T.O.C. Formation. Fr. Paul Medina facilitated the formation on |ulr- 1l rshich reflected on the three levels of T.O. C. life and rr-itnesst,asedon the charism and tradition of the Order in the context of the present Philippine situation.

TheCarmeliteCommunihesof Teresaof Avila andSpring of Carmel gathered together at the Titus Brandsma Center and joyfully celebratedthe feastdar- of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The day became *oi" meaningful being the "*'"n official day of the canonical erecbonof the Philippine Carmel as a General Commissariat.Thus, a double big celebration was really called for. The day began with some sports actir-ities(basketball, table iennis, and dart) among student friars, novices, co-workers,and someof the friars.Fr. Tonv dela Cruz was the main celebrantduring the late aftemoon masswith Fr. Bernard Roosendaal,the homilist. The massbeganwith Fr. Toto Jaranilla, the prior of Teresaof Avila community, reading the official decreefrom the GeneralCuria in Rome on the canonical erectionof Philippine Carmel as a GeneralCommissariat. The ingenuity of Bro. EugeneHorca's art was onceagain showcasedwith his own masterpieceof (Mother and Child) the image of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Added to it was Bro. Amold Alindayu's complimentary talent in the art of preparing, designing, and decorating the venue for the celebration- Crispin Hall. A good number of friends, relatives, guests,co-workers and their family members,and religious from various congregations attended the celebration of the mass and the sumptuous dinner that was served.

IULY-AUGUST2004 Bro. Alaindelon Balasabasentertained everyone as the host of the eveningprogram with his standout comedy-style with all his instantaneouspunch lines bringing amusement to all. The presentatioru (songs,dances,etc.) from the nov_ ices,the student friars, the co-workers,and the guestsadded even more color to the already colorful celebration. The end of the evening program was the start of the instant mini concertby the Redemptorist and the Carmelite student friars where they rendered selectedpieces from country and folk songs, reggae,R&B, pinoy rock, rap, and makabayansongsamong others.Day was finished with each and every Carmelitemarking anothersignificant day in their lives as membersof the Philippine Carmel.

August was a busy month for the student friars. As membersof the Inter-CongregationalTheologicalCenter,the studentsjoined activities in celebratingthe Feastday of the Our Lady of the Angels Seminary.One of the activities was the Inter-FransciscanLeague where some of the student friars togetherwith other studentsfrom ICTCjoined the ICTC team and came out as champion in volleyball and table tennis respectively.The three week long ielebration was culminated with a Eucharistic celebration which was presided by Bishop Antonio Tobias. In the Spirituality Forum IV last Augu st3,4,5, 2004,the student friars took a lead role in the preparatior! during and after the forum making the atmosphereof the activity ricep_ tive to the delegatesinvolving themselvesin the secietariit, registration and in the documentation. They led the com_ munity for the culminating prayer of the forum. To deepenthe spiritual life of the student friars, the first recollection for the school year 2004-2005was held last August 13,2004.During this recollection,the studentswere helped in sharing their deepestemotions with the brothers. Fr. Rico Sabanal,O.Carm, solemnly facilitated the activity. The-secondday of the recollectiory the student friars proceededto Batis ng Makiling in Laguna last August 1,4,i004 as the continuation of the recollection activity to help the students in contextualizetheir spiritual experiencewith the scenicand refreshing ambianceof the resort. This was also intended to soothethem after many busy days.

THEEXODUS PROGRAAN This year's novices started their Exodus program last July 1,,2004belonging to Batch XVIL This means that EXODUShas been in existencefor already 1Z years.It is an inter-norritiate program of male and female cbngregations to provide formative modules for participating novicis. The word EXODUSstandsfor: ExchangeOf Dreamsin a Unified Struggle for relevant formation.

EXODUSstarted in 1988with a few modules six founding congregations:Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation (OSA), FranciscanSistersof the Immaculate Conception (SFIC),Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of Remedies(OP), the Redemptorists(CSsR),Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) and the Carmelites (O.Carm.). During those years the number of novices ranged between as many as 70 novices to around 30 novices. The modules touch the very core of the life of novices. This year's module consist of: Orientatiory Theater Arts 2, Introduction to Prayer, Scripture and prayer, Enneagram, Human Sexuality 2, Vows in Context, and a ten-duy "*posure to different sectorsof society.This exposure program startswith an orientation and endswith group and individual processing.The months of November and Decemberare for congregationalactivities. In'fanuary and February the modules are: History of Religious Life and Spirituality and a presentation of tt. charism of the participating congregations;Missiology and Inculturation; and WomenIssues.The final activity is u it,r"e_ day evaluation and integration towards the end of February. The vision of Exodus reads: ,,The Exod.usVision is expressedin a kind of formation which believesthat all people can, as the Scripture says,,,Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God,,.(Mi.6:g) Therefore it aims for a holistic, integrated and contextualized formation that is rooted in |esus Christ, in the Gospel, in the tradition of the Church and her mission, in religious life, in the charism of the respectivecongrega_ tions, and in the signs of the times, towards a realization of the reign of God.' Theprogramof Exodusisbasedontheoperatingprinciples of co-education,contextualization,community Luilding, and a pooling of resources.Fr. Anton Hooghnl, {4ogu" O.Carm.servesasthe Coordinatorof ExodusBatchXVII.

Frs. Modesto Malandac, O.Carm., of Our Lady of RosaryParishand GabrielDolotina,O.Carm.,of SacredFieart of JesusParish in Agusan del Sur left for the Netherlands lastAugust 29,2004.Bothfriars will attend the International Pastors'Congressof Carmelite Parishesin Sassone,Italy set on SeptemberT-13,2004. Von voyageBrothers. The postulants had an insightful exchangewith Weng Ladaga on Lay Spirituality on July 1.4-15,2004.As part oI their program, they left on August 1 for a one-month immersion with the indigenous peoples (Banwaons and Manobos) of SanLuis, Agusan Sur. Bro. BenedictZaragozais enjoying his new assignment as in-charge in the development of the farm in pisaan, San Francisco.With Fr. Eddie Albino and the rest of the Carmelite community 's assistance,he's learning a lot in developing an Eco-Spirituality Center.




Studsntfriarsat the closing liturgy of the SF4

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fitus BrandsmaMedia ProgramStaff in a special film viewing of the controversial documentary "lmelda"



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*ifitr,, Board ofTiustees of CarmeliteSchools in the Philippines: (1.-R)Fr.Toots Buenafe(Chair), Mrs. Arlene Moreno, CPd Fr.Gabriel Dolotina, 5r. Flor PaulineDuran, Carm.O.Land Fr.Reynold Caigoy

Media and SpiritualityScminar with the faculty and staff of Sta. Monica Academy of CamarinesSur


In Luzon:Our Ladyof Mt. CarmelShrine,euezon City 25,2004, Sunday, marked another important T"ly event in the history of the Carmelite Family in the J Philippines being our L2thCarmelite Family Day again. This year was a memorable year becauseit fell on the sameday as that the first Carmelite Family day,which was celebratedin 1992at the Titus Brandsma Center. Early morning of the day, you could seepeople in brown but with different styles walking along the isle of the community centerof Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shrine Parish on Broadway, Quezon City registering themselvesfor the important event. The very theme of this year was "A Day of Prayer and Creation with the Lord and Family." The day started with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at the Parish Church with Fr. Joel Borreo, OCD the provincial of the Discalced Carmelites presiding over the eucharistic celebration,Father introduced the two branches, affiliate congregations and lay groups during the mass.Fr. Christian Buenafe, O.Carm. the preachersharedhis inspiring words with the Carmelite family. After the Eucharistic celebration, everyone was welcomedby the superior of the Monastery,Fr.Amold Boehme, OCD and an inspirational message by Sr. Racquel Sanchez,CMT set the mood before going on next activity which was sports. Carmelite sisters, youth and childrery missionary mothers of the Donum Dei played volleyball while the Carmelite friars and Carmel youths played basketball.At the sametime, the on-the-spot-postermaking contestwas held with seven youngr artistic and creativemembers of Carmel youth coming from the different communities and chapters. There were also souvenirs to purchase in the "tiyangehan" by the different groups,afterwhidr, there was a "salu-salu" (agape)pot-luck style. After lunch, the sharing of talents and abilities followed through a cultural program. Childreru youth, the sistersand thebrothersparticipated through dance, poem/ music and most of all the most awaited, parlor games. The awarding of prizes was also included in

the program with donated prizes at stake for the winners of the different categories. Bro. Gerald Guttierrez, O.Carm. and Sr.Nina, CSHT animated the entire celebration. Bro. Alaindelon Balasabas,O.Carm. one of the Carmelite Family Co-Chailpersons expressedhis words of thanks onbehalf of the Carmelite FamilyCore group to all who in one way or another,helped in the success of the celebration and looking forward to being gathered again for the 13th Carmelite Family Day. This gathering of the Carmelite Family was only for the Carmelite Family in Metro Manila and Luzon. This year Carmelite Family consiststhe following: O.Carm. and OCD friars, Carmelite Missionaries (CM),CarmeliteSistersof Our Lady (Carm.O.L.), Carmelite Missionary Sistersof St.Thereseof the Child Jesus(CMSSTCD,Carmelite Sistersof the Holy Trinity (CSHT),Orderof DiscalcedCarmelitesSecular(OCDS), Third Order Carmelites (TOC), Congregation of Our Lady of MountCarmel (O.Carm.),Institutode Nuestra Serioradel Carmelo (O.Carm.),CarmelitasMissioneras Teresianas(CMT), Donum, Dei Missionary Family,and the different Carmelite Youth communities. The Carmelite Core Group, which meets every month, is composedof representativesof the different communities.It is chairedby two Co-Chairpersonsrepresenting the two branches; Bro. Alaindelon R. Balasabas,O.Carm and Bro. Neil Maravilloso, OCD have been elected as chairpersons, while Bro. Allan Hagoriles, O.Carm. and Sr.Nenette Kialkial, Carm. OL as secretaries.The Carmelite Family issued its second issue of UGNAYANG KARMELITA, its official publication, where one can find news, updates, reflections, and literary piecesof the Carmelite Family. For the coming yea4,the elected chairpersonsare, Sr.Sally,T.O.Carm.and Sr.Maricor, OCDS.Bros.Allan Hagoriles, Junel Ryan Denolo and Alain Balasabas, O.Carm. are members of the Carmelite Family Core Group in Metro Manila.


In Negros:st. Josephseminary, sibulan,Negrosoriental CarmeliteFamilyGathering in Negrosthis yearcanbe Fr.Exalawas"BubukasangKarmel,papasok Th. angAssociates... I comparedto a traditionalreunionof a Filipino Familv angsayasaya", whereineachmembers familyshares how big theygrew,what If afamilyhasoldieswith wisdorn,andanenergetic middle weretheirjoysandshadows, whatis keepingthembusynow, age/we alsohad the vibrantCarmelyouth of Escalante and andwhethertheyarestill interested tojoin in theregulargath_ Sibulan.CarmelYouthof Escalante tackledtheworkshopqueseringof thefamily. tioru by puttingtheminto question-and-answer portions-ofa In a creative formof sharingthroughstorytelling,dancing, pageant. Whenaskedwhy do you wantto join the Carmelite r.-gTg, drama,andpoetry,theytold of theirbeginnings and Family,"to bea Flowerof Carmel!"wastheanswer. that thecarmeliteConfraternity in Zamboangitistarteiback TheCarmelYouthof Sibulandid wondersfor theCarmel n1920with thepioneering members all goneto heavenwith_ FamilyGathering2004.Theydecorated the venuewith an outleavinga storybehindabouttheconfraternity. Thereis also atmosphere of Mt. Carmeldramatizedtheir sharingof their aConfratemityin LaLibertad,NegrosOrientalthit wasfourded beginningsand their status. Theyouthmadethe ftot gucha_ in 1986with theencouragement of Fr.JesusCorteswherethey rist lively andholy by their singingin thechoir, have"BungtodsaBirhensaCarmen,,, whichcouldbea sitefor Fr.Exalawelcomedthefamily,Fr.Caigoysynthesized the a CarmeliteTow of Negros.Thesetwo groupsarrivedin fully creativesharing,Sr.BaybethMarieAndaya,Caim.O.L.asthe loadedjeepneys andbuses. A fewcamefroma confraternitv in emceesustainedthe attentionand livelinessof the prograr; Sibularu whichis undertheguidance of thecloistered nunJ. Fr.Exalawasthemaincelebran!andthemessage of graitude TheTOCsof CathedralDumaguete, of Sibulan,and of wasfromBro.FransKl. Koerkamp, aO.Carm.. Escalante performedin their own creativeways.TheTOC Theenthusiasmto seethebrothers andsisters in aCarmelite CathedralDumaguetetold their storieswith smilesttuough Gathering could be seen by the early arrival of the larruly singing,huggingandkissingtheaudience andno onepaidaiy Escalantetpeople the night before.'Sr. Baybethtook careto attentionto their gray hair,eyebagsand skinfolds.Their accommodate thematStellaMarisReheatHousefor theirnight problemis: the difficulty of athactingyoungrecruitswhose rest.TheToCsCathedral ensuredthatthesistersandbroth-ers questionis "kapilamanmo mag-ampo sausaka adlaw,,and from Escalante would not misssupperandbreakfast. On the yet,theypray only 3 timesa day.TheTOCSibulanpresented day of the gathering, eachclustercameon time with their theirstorycomprehensively andapologized for notbeingwell "baon". The CarmeliteSisters,O.L.werethereearly for the preparedbecause of aninternalproblembeforethegathering, regishation. Theenergetic TOCEscalante told theirstoriesin a very orgi_ Thecoregroupin Dumaguete prepareda catered lunchfor nizedwaythrunanationof theirbeginnings, dancingthechaiha theEscalante brothersandsistersbutthelattermissedtheinteto tell their joys,dramatizingtheir sorrows,singingtheir grationwith otherbrothers andsisterswhoenjoyedtheirbaon dreams... aahsaludosila. eatingunderthehees.Fr.Exalawouldhavelikedto pickimore - O.CarmandO.L.sharedtheiriden_ "imbaos" TheCarmelite Sisters fromtheO.CarmSisters andto goaroundthegroups, tity in interprativedance,singingin beautifulvoicesblending baon;butttherewill alwaysbea nextgathering... ONENESS in andnarratingin well-pronounced Englishby theiryoungsisl everythingmuchthankshoweverfor thecareandconcern. ters.Theyusedthesamelanguage suchas:religiousiwomen of Therewere187Carmelite brothersandsistersin thegathcomptemplative prayer,community,devotionto Marv,sfaith eringfrom 12clusters.Wemissed thecloistered nunsduring andsimplicity,womenof prayerandof missioru contemplation thegatheringbecause theyarenotallowedto leavethemonasl amidstapostolic demands andpresence of people,accompany_ tery.TheChineseCarmeliteSisters,,sistersof thelittle flower,, ing othersinbuildingtheKingdomof God. workingin Holy CrossSchoolwerenot ableto ioin for reason Fr. ChristopherExalaled the Escalante communityof unknown. FriarsandAssociates in presenting thehistoryof thecarmllte A core$oup composed of representatives from thediffer_ Fathers comingto theDiocese of Dumaguete in 1957andwhose ent clusterswill preparethenextCarmeliteFamilyGathering. first missionareawasEscalante. Includedin thestorywasthe Thegatheringwasftrn,no onefell asleep,andttrefamilies dii_ involvementin schools, parishes, expansion of missionareas, persedjoyfullyandarelookingforwardto nextyear,sgatherformation,justiceandpeace,associateship, andFilipinization. ing.Whylookingforward?"Because wewanttobelongto each with Fr.ReynoldCaigoyastheguitaristled thegroup otherin spirit,dreamsand hopes!",,Because fr. lxafa it,sour destinyto in theintroductionto "Kungalammo langMary,tfrtatafl fa be Carmelites, we belongto theCarmeliteFamily!,,,,Beciuse NaNamingMinamahal". Forsignificantperiodthey,urrgi ,ong we want to becomeFlowers of Carmel!,,,,ToGatherloadsof associated with thatperiodandoneof thesongsinhoducedby CharmingFruits!""For]esusandMary!,,


Mcdia: the Salt and light of the World The 40th year of Inter-Mirifica renewed the inspiration of media practitioners in the service of the Church through a seminar-workshop themed, "Media: the Salt and Light of the World, A New Approach in Communication." This whole-day activity was set JuIy 31.,2004 at St. Paul University, Quezon Cify. The Philippine Church Communicators' Network (PCCNET), organizer of the activity, felt the need to concretely draw the line between aestheticsand moral law as stated in Inter-Mirifica. The primary goal was to instill media awareness and make moral law, ethics and aestheticsapplicable to everyday livi.g. The keynote addresswas given by Fr. Eli Cruz, SDB whose priestly ministry is dedicated to understanding, and educating the youth through media literacy. He stressed bringing back the respect for principle and law and cultivating critical thinking for proper discernment of media content. The panel of discussantswho contributed to the discussion of ethics and moral law were: Atty. Delia Tantuico,Prof. Luis V. Teodoroand Mr. Jose Torres, jr. Current ethical issues on Philippine Media, press and online journalism were the focus of the discussants.In the interaction with students,the discussantsemphasizedthe need for grounded ethical values in today's media industry no matter how the condition of media practitionersworsens.Critical thinkingwas alsopointed out as a needed skill since most suffered from information overload. Workshops in the afternoon were an introduction to alternative ways concepts for disceming media content:writing articles,feafuresfor Union Catholic Asian News (UCAN), interacting with


radio through RadioVeritasAsia and learning film dialogue in the processof watching films through Titus Brandsma Media Program. Output from the workshop was shared and presented in the concluding Holy Mass by Rev. Fr. Carlos Lariosa, SVD. MindanaoJoumey The increasing efforts of Titus Brandsma Media Program in giving seminars on media awarenessare constantly payingoff. A successful trip to Mindanao started the full swing of the media program. Media and Evangelization seminars were given to three Carmelite parishes in Mindanao - St. Vincent Parish in Patin-ay, Our Lady of RosaryParishin Rosarioand SacredHeart of ]esusin SanFrancisco.Aone-day BasicJournalism Seminar was also given to the editorial staff of Mount Carmel College school paper. Assumption College of Davao and the Ateneo de Davao University were the beneficiariesof the "Media and Spiritualify thru Film Dialogue" seminar-workshop. Both seminar serieswere attended by students, faculfy and non-teachingpersonnel. TBCMPgoes Southern Tagalog Sr. Natalyn Agustin, OSA, principal of Sta. Monica Academy (SMA) in Baao,Camarines Sur invited TBCMP to give the seminar-workshop on Campus journalism Course: Focus on Media Analysis and Critique and Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue. The ]ournalism Coursewas given to the school paper staff of Monican Jr.,the elementarypublication and Monican Herald, the high school paper both of SMA. Some students of La Consolacion College of Iriga City also attended the seminar.It was held last Augus t 12-13,2004.Studentsand the



moderatorsof bothpublications were satisfiedand happy with the'seminar. Joy, the associateeditor of Monican Herald, said "the best seminar in CampusJournalism" ever.

tinian sisters invited TBCMP again for another round of Seminarsin Septemberfor SMA and La ConsolacionCollege in Iriga City.

Fr. Christian Buenafe,O.Carm,Ms. Jofti Villena and Ms. Maria Rowena Ladaga facilitated the courseon Mediaand Spirituality thru FiIm Dialogue to faculty and non-teachingpersonnelof SMA last August 14,2004.

Next stretch are to the cities of Cebu and Dumaguete fromAugust 25-September4. Partner schools and groups were St. Teresa'sCollege, Rogationist Seminary, San Alberto Carmelite Formation Center,Carmelite MissionariesSecular andYouth, Dioceseof Dumaguete Commission on Mass Media and Social Communication.

Highly satisfied with the results, the Augus-

Carmclitcsattcnd the FirstNational Congrcssof thc Clergy rs. Tony dela Cruz, Christian Buenafe,pedro Manilag,ChristopherExala,EduardoAlbino, PerfectoAdeva, Dionisio Ramos,Rico Sabanal and Paul Medina attended the First National Congressof the Clergy held on luly S-9,2004at the World Trade Center,Manila. Around 4,150 bishops,priestsand deaconsgatheredfor thefirst time in Philippine ChurchHistory for the retreat and congress.Theparticipantsreflectedtogether onjohn 19:37: "Andthry shalllookathimuthom thq haoe pierced." The congressbound themselvesto becomeA RENEWED CLERGY A RENEWED CHURCH, A RENEWED COUNTRY. The Speakersdeepenedthe fellowship of the clergy and reinvigorated the priestly life shared by all in the Lord Jesus Christ. There were talks, reflections, workshops, cultural programs, reunions and get-togethers of the different seminary batches,meetings of commissions and inter-diocesan coordinating bodies, liturgies and eucharistic celebrations. It was a time of joy and bonding among the Filipino clergy and foreign missionaries serving the Philippine Church. The topics were:

Priesthood: Gift and Mystery,PaschalMysteryand thePriesthood, Prayerand Priesthood, Poor prieits for the Poor, Victimhoodand Sauifice,Priestly Communion,The Spiritualityand Lifestyleof the Filipino Clergy,The EarthenVessels Spirituality: Reflectionfor Healing and Growth in priestly Ministry and Life,PastoralCarefor theClergy,The Filipino Clergy in the Stateof Mission,among others.The congresswas capped with the Renewal of Commitment to the Filipino People led by His EminenceRicardo Cardinal Vidal of Cebu.

Scminaron SpiritualDircstion T ast June 24 and 25, a workshop on | ,Spiritual Direction was held at Spring of Carmel.It was facilitatedby Sr.Iluminada '(Lumen) Calolot, ACI. who-is involved in retreat and spiritual-direction. It was intended for the Carmelites who are involved in this kind of work. Eight O.Carm. friars coming from the communities in Metro Manila and San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, participated including three sisterswho attended.

Congratulations!!! Solemn Professionof Donum Dei Sisters: 5R"ESTRETTAAGUIRRE SR.VIRGIN|ABAYLOSF August22,2004 St. PeterParish Quirino Extensiort Paco,Manila Officiatedby: Fr. SireneoJaranilla,O.Carm.

Please dineandexperience FrenchCuisineat Sr. Lumen used a pradtical approach, consisting of praxis and theory. It was a workshop in which she gave the basic principles of Spiritual Direction, the differencebefweenpastoral counselingand spiritual direction, and some do's and don'ts. The participants were huppy with the way she conducted the workshop. She covered a lot of ground in just two days.

LiEauUiuc Restaurant . . . A place to discoverand experience.A perfect venue formeetings, seminarsand family celebrations. Try and savor the exquisite French delicacies in the ambianceof peace and serenity. UEau Vive (the Living Water) is being run by the Missionary Workers of the Immaculate of "Donum-Dei", locatedat 7499Paz Mendoza Guazon fua, (formerly Otis) Paco,Manila since1981. The Missonaries operate the restaurant as one means of their apostolate and to generatefunds to finance their various religious and social works. When you come to L'Eau Vive you don't just eat but HELP the leastof our brothers,giving them love, hope and joy. UEau Vive can offer you a place for meetings and seminarsfor a group of 10-80participants with amenities: sound system,white board, screen,projectoq,etc. For wedding and baptism receptions,the patio with its 2 dining rooms can accorrrnodate a maximum of 250 guests. Spaciousparking is also available.

Fr.Toto Jaranillals welcomedby thc Teresastaff after his 3-month ASSISTProgram

For Reseraation call: . 563-85-59 Tel.No.:563-85-58

YCPFRaffleDraw The Young Carmel Philippine Foundation will hold the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Raffle on Septemb g,2004. er We wish to thank our suPporters and benefactors for this activity. Thank you and -o." pooi"r. Names of winners in the raffle draw will be published in the neit Carm"iN"*s issue.

yCPFSEPTEMBER BirthdayCelebrants 2004

ruzoN 2 4

6 8 9 12 13 15

Danilo Uy Lilia Eustaquio Fe Gayla Zenaida Enalbes Virginia Guingon TOC SocorroPedrosa MarkAnthony Reyes CarmenDomingo David Consejo Shirley Pantilag Lolita Buot RosalieA. Castro Elbert Umila fr.

1.6 Julieta Gaspar,TOC 20 22 24 27 29 30

Helen Marquez, TOC Belen Tlan Arthur Pascua TeopistaDipaling Kristiana RafaeleAldara RebeccaGrande MercedesSantillan Carol Moraleda Roberto Tipones fason Rea Lourdes Sevalla Lucita Thbaranga

vtSAyAs 11 12 18 21 28

5 7 11 17

Victoria Polayapoy Daisy Tejares RebeccaMagdadaro Ricardo Mayormita Rolando Aquino ChecheLynda Bongo MINDA}IAO Teodolfo Sereno Panfilo Basco Rodelo Cadelina RemediosApao Estelita Espino

YCPFOCTOBER BirthdayCelebrants 2004 tuzoN 1 2 J

5 8 9 10 11 12 13 L4

Angelita Gonzales Gloria Apostol, TOC Anita Tecson,TOC Carl JosephPalad Lou Paglinawan Evelyn Dela Cruz RosarioAdriano William Agustin Mina Mendiola RosarioCandido Noli Patrick Rogando Rolina Capitan Isabel CaleoryTOC Sr. Chato Bueno, TOC Elizabeth Manga

15 1.6 17 19 20

IsabelleElarureAladana Florentina Mangila Jet Bueno Heman Ilagan Paz Macam, TOC Dra. Noreen Thngcuangco Bro. JoeGeneroso,TOC 21. Elizabeth Balbin, TOC 22 Sally Ulanday Dolores Miranda Carmelo Joaquin Cancio 23 Lilibeth Bonagua 27 Juliana Encarnacion YISAYAS Cancio Cordova


TeresitaMata Paul Ducay Razel suazo JOEPACS Wilfredo Galagala Virgie Reyes Nina Amodia Samue Anan OsitAbsioma CharlynAmodia

1 5 20

MINDA}{AO Francisco Comandante Josefina resimo Fe-ThnCebrian

6 8 11 12 1.4 1.6 23



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