Carrmel News - Mar-apr 03

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CARMEL NEWS A Bi-monthly Publication of Carmel Philippines

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JOHANSTENEKERT 1928-2003 sametime prior of the house.In 19&4 he was elected provincial superior. It is only one of the many tasksto which he was assigned.During the General Chapterof 1989he was electedasvicegeneral. During his stay in Rome, he was at the same time prior of the Generalatecommunity.In this function he was known as an excellenthost. When his term was over in 1995he retumed to the Netherlands where he becamea memberof our HengelocomPleaseturn to next page @ Fr. Johan Steneker with Friarsduing the conventionn 1988, Scala,Bacolod City

T ast week the sad news reachedus l-:that our confrereJohan Steneker had passedaway last March 20 after a long and painful sicknessthat eventually paralyzed him. Many of us who were privileged to remember him in good health, remember him as an intelligent,friendly and very concemed person.When he visitedus twice in his function as provincial superior he stayed not only with us, his brothers and sistersin Carmel, but went also with us to the squatter-areas of Metro Manila. With us, he visited the sugarworkers in Negros, and the farmers in Agusan.His heartwent out to the poor and the people at the margin, and he wanted to back us up {n our option to be the church of the poor. The care of the poor was for him an essential expressionof Carmel. Johan was born in Heereveen, Frisia,Netherlands,on June 4,7928. During the war he studied at the minor seminaryof Zenderenand was given a responsibletask in reorganiz-

ing the facilities right after the war. Johan was multitalented. He was a good sportsman, and at the same time a good musician and had a good voice. People liked him as a solo singer. On the other hand he was also able to conduct a choir of over 40 people for polyphonc music. As a student friar he was a sharp and witty play-writer and a good actor. Bernard knows more about this since they worked together. On top of this he was also good at drawing. Since he was a good student he was given the task to study English after his ordination. His first assignment in 1950 was, however, not in the school but as secretary to the provincial. In 1963he was elected prior of our community in Nijmegen and a year later he was also given the task of chaplain to migrant people. He had this triple task until 1967 when he transferred to Hengelo and later to Almelo, where he functioned as religionteacher, trouble shooter in the school, leader of the pastoral team, and at the

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Reception/ Professionceremonies were held in Sta.Cruz, Laguna (March 8) and Pilar Village, Las Piflas City (March 22).Fr. TotoJaranilla,O.Carm, Nimfa C. Tangcuangco,TOCarm and Joe GenerosoTOCarm attended to witnessthe occasions.

CDtrCA The Third Order of Carmel was the topic discussedon the Divine Mercy Channellast March 15.Panelistswere composed of Fr. Toto, Bro. foe, Mila Exconde,TOCarm and Bay Aromin, TOCarm.

trtrDOtr The 3rd RegionalFormatorstaining Seminar(Luzon/NCR) was held at Titus BrandsmaCenterlast March 2930 with more than 70 TOC Formators in attendance.Sr.Ludy Dizon, CM was the resourceperson who gave due emphasisto the six (6) elementsof a TOC.

DOtrtrO The fratemalvisit to the Cuiguinto Community last April 5,2N3 brought about a fruitful result - the purging [of membersl, merging [of men and women] and split of the presentcommunity into three (3): Guiguinto, Malolos and Hagonoy.The move was meant to be strategicand beneficialfor the whole Order. With the impending split, more potential leaders and formators are expectedto be tapped and given the chanceto showcasetheir talents for the good of the community, resulting in more leadersbeing trained for future national positions. With the impending split, Sis. Nimfa has instructed Flor A'Jose, the Regional Coordinator to organize a Regional Council in the province to better improve coordination with the Nalional Council. Df,CDtr On EasterSunday,April 20,nine (9) Postulantsfrom the Mary of Carmel Starof the SeaTOC Community,Tanay, Rizal were receivedin the Novitiate at 9:00 in the morning in a Eucharistic celebration officiated by Fr. Toto Jaranilla,O Carm. Sis.Nimfa and Bro. Joewere presentto receivethe candidates.


WhatbNcw Utith pclikula@titusbra ndsma { [ f ell, a record-breakingnumber of attendeesper viewing scheduleand still V Y growing!!! Sinceit started rn 1997, the pelikula@titusbrandsmaincreasedthe number of its attendeestremendouslyand has already formed its own shareof following, h"ppy to say,a diversity of audience. Top caliberartists,directorsand academiciansusually gracethe "pelikula". Students,faculty of different schools,religious and simply film buffs (as what they call themselves)are very huppy to sharethe sumptuousrosterof films that "pelikula" offerseverymonth. From December2002 toApril 2003,"pelikula" has more than 50 viewerssometimesreachingto 87. For this year,the group is focusedto reachlargeraudiences,seriouslyimplementing dialogueafter every film and promoting quality short films. Today,the "pelikula" has already its own website ( brochureto promotefilm dialogue.Aside from that, "pelikula" hasa list of talentedwriters taking careof the pressreleasesin variousnewspapersand magazines.The group is also conducting outreach programs in schoolsand specialscreeningsin coordinationwith Center for Intemational Studiesat UP. The group is looking forward to future tie-ups. This is in order to reach the maximum but diverseaudience. Previewsof scheduledfilms are done by the "pelikula" planning committee to checkthe film material for defectsand most importantly to permit reflection and critique to eventually ready themselvesin facilitating the dialogues.Aside from this preparation,the committeeinvitesprofessionalsand expertsin the field to help in the discussion.Feministsand women's organizationrepresentatives were invited during the film dialogue last March with a themeon women. The "pelikula" also gives importanceto short films made in good tasteand quality.Everyviewing schedule,the group addeda "SpecialFeature"categoryin which it showcases short films. The filmmaker of the short film is alsorequiredto provide a short talk about his/her film. This is to encourageindependent filmmakersand promote the creationof quality short films/documentaries. Theme line-ups for regular viewing per month are as follows: original versions(January),DecalogueII (February),women's films (March),book to film (April), Canneswinners (May), gay and lesbian(fune),aspectsof cinema(July), films with historicalbackdrop (August), flops (September),one person "Terry Zwigoff" (October),horror/suspense(November)and films aboutmusic(December). For SpecialQuarterly Screenings, the theme line-upsare:Oscarfilms (first), coming of age (second),anime films (third) and films from obscurecountries (fourth). All line-upsare still subjectto change.pelikula@titusbrandsma is as'an open spacefor dialogue,interactionand reflectionthrough film' and currently facilitatedby the pelikula planning committee.

ThePlanningCommittee and the Patronizers

PeIikula@titusbrandsmain dialoque

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