Carrmel News - Jan-mar 05

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Ttd CARMEL NEWS A Bi-monthly Publication of Philippine Carmel \

THEFIRSTCHAPTER OFTHE PHILIPPINE GEI{ERAL COftITIIISSARIAT fter the CanonicalErectionof the GeneralCommissariat of Philippine Carmel on |uly 16,2004,came the First Chapter of the General Commissariat held on February 15 to1.8,2005at the Titus BrandsmaCenter,QuezonCity with 25 Gremiales (Chapter delegatesfrom the Philippines and the GeneralCuria),2 guestsfrom the Dutch province and 21 observer-participantswith passivevoice. The first day was convened as the "Day with theLord". A talk was sharedby Fr.Domingo Moraleda, CMF, the director of the Institute of ConsecratedLife in Asia (ICLA) on "The of Consecrated Life in Asia Today."Later that day, a Chnllenges Liturgy of Silenceon Icons was collectively observedby Chapter members. The electedmembersof the Chapter SteeringCommittee were: Frs. Christian Buenafe, Artemio Jusayan, Sirenio Jaranilla and Bro. Carlito Ranoco. On the second day, the Prior General, Fr. Joseph Chalmers,O.Carm presided at the opening eucharistic celebrationwhile Fr. Anthony Scerri, O.Carm. preached on the "Parableof theSower." Fr.JosephChalmers,O.Carm formally opened,presided and addressed the Chapter through his messageentitled "Carmelite-A light in the Darkness".A report on the State of the Commissariat was presented by the outgOing Commissary General, Fr. Antonio dela Cruz, O.Carm. Afterwards, the Prior of the Chapter, Fr. Sirenio jaranilla, O.Carm welcomed everyone and presented the 3-day flow of schedule,someinstructionsand introduced the secretariat. Fr. Tjeu Timmermans, O.Carm, the Dutch Prior Provincial, gave his messageto the Chapter in behalf of the brothers and sistersin the Netherlands. The historic signing of the joint "Agreementbetweenthe Dutch Prouinceof Carmel and the Philippine GeneralCommissariatof the SameOrder," followed next. Fr. Tjeu Timmermans, O.Carm signed on behalf of the Dutch Province and Fr. Antonio dela Cruz, O.Carm for the Philippine General Commissariat. There were L2 major concerns of the General Commissariat that had been discussedwhich divided the 3day Chapter proper: 1) Vocation Anirnation and Initial Formatiory 2) Carmelite Parish Ministry1,3) SchoolMinistry,

Signingof the Joint AgreementbetweenDutchCarmel and PhilippineCarmel

4) Carmelite Youth Ministry, 5) Center for Spirituality Manila,6) Media and Communication, T) fustice, Peaceand Integrity of Creation, 8) Earth Spirituality through Land Development, 9) Mission in Asia, 10) Administration and Finance,11) On-going Formation and 12) Young Carmel Philippines Foundation (YCPF) On the first day of the Chapter proper/ the first major concern discussedand deliberated on was The Mission Statement of the Philippine General Commissariat. The second concern was the proposals on Vocation Animation and Initial Formation. After dinner, a cultural program was celebrated to conclude the first day. The Chapter participants were the performers in the program with a night of singing, dancing and sharing of brotherhood and sisterhood. The third day of the Chapter was a busy day as the participants discussedthe eight major concerns:Carmelite turn to n€xt page!s



FROIIITHETITUSBRANDSIIIA CENTER.}IEDIA PROG RAIT 2005wasa goodstartfor TitusBrandsma Center-Media January (TBCMP). Program. TheAushalian Embassy in Manila,theUniversity ofthe Philippines FilrnInstituteandtheTBCMP onJantary24-28 sponsored , 2005 TBCMP CineAushalia. tluoughitspelikula@titusbrandsma spearheaded the Cinema AushaliaFilmFestival, a weeklongcelebration of Austalia's best filrnsto honorits greatest filmmakers, TheAushalianfilmsscreened were thelnpnnese Story, HeDiedwithaFelat'el inHn Hand,The Intertirw,The Yenr My Voice BroktnndtheInstWaae.The opening ceremony wasparticipated by Australian government officials, film andTV directors andenthusiasts, academics andstudents andtheCarmelites. Fr.CfuistianB. Buenafe,O. Carm underlined theimportance of theprogramin hismessage.

andSprituality ttuoughFiln Dalogue. Around120participated in thewhole daycourse.WethankSr.AndreaCasuso, FMMtheSchoolDirecress and Mr.Francis Buac,theCollege Deanfor theinvitation. MetroManila Seminars 22,2N[ TBCMP OnJanuary wasalsoinvitedto givea seminar on Parentingin theMultimedia AgeatSt.Therese of theChildJesus andof the Holy FaceSchoolin VillamorAirbase, PasayCity.Around200parents attended whichinitiated thecourse byourCarmelite Missionary Sisters of St.Therese of theChildJesus. 29,20A5, On January TBCMPpresented a courseon Mediaand Spiritualiiyto200CreditCooperative members andyouthof Dasmarinas, Cavite,a missionareaof the theAugustinian Sistersof Our Ladyof Consolation. Formation of Religious Life TBCMPas a memberof thePhilippineChurchCommunicators Network(PCCNet), attended a planningmeetingfor theAssociation of (AMRSP) lvlajorReligious Superiors together withtheotherChurchworkers in media.Present in thediscussion were:Fr.James Reuters, S.J., Sr.Consolata (CBCPWomm's MandingFSP(Paulines),lvks.Zenaida Rotea DeskCinemn), Fr.FranzJosef-Eilers, SVDandMr,AnthonyRoman(FABC-Ot't'ice of Social (Philippine Cnmmunication), andIMs.DeliaHernandez Asslcintian ofMzdia Education). Thisplanningmeetingwas aseminar workshop thatcouldpotentially helpreligious superiors betterurderstand thenewcommunication culfure and stemmingfrom that understanding, the formationof a more communicative attitude. Rather thanreactagainst thenewculturethatthey Fr.ChristianBuenafeas he facilitateda film-dialogue mightseeitsrelevance for today, TBCMP wasoneof theinvitedguests for coursein a missionareaof the AugustinianSistersof the planning help session to in organizing the seminar. Our lady of Consolation. Theseminar-workshop is tentatively themed as"Religious Lifein a Spiiituality of Communication andInter-faith Dialogue NewCommunication Culture,"andwill beheldin August,2005. On February25,2005, TBCMPfacilitated Experiencing a courseon Mediaand Poetry Spirituality through FilmDialogue to200college (Christians students Bro.AmoldAlindayu,O. Carmattended and a nightof poetryreading Muslims)at theMindanaoStateUniversityin MarawiCity with our andmusicat theFudge Barin Espafla, Manila.Thepoehyreading session parhrers; theCollege of Social Sciences andHumanities, Blessed Virmgin wasorganized by FullhouseSchoolof Performance andCreative Arts MaryChaplaincy andMSUEnglishDepartment. event.TBCMP lastFebruary screened (Fullhouse-SPCA) 25.It wasaminorfundraisingactivityfor anIranianfitn Children ofHeaaen, andalltheparticipants viewson shared Fullhouse to helpin thebuildingof theMulti-MediaLibraryandLeaming theruriversal valueof love,careandperseverance. Thefacultymembers Center(MMLRC). positively. andstudents evaluated thecourse TBCMP is a member of theFullhouse Boardof Trustees. TheTitusBrandsma Center-Media Program with its localparhrerthe Blessed VirginlvlaryChaplaincy of Mindanao StateUniversityof lvlarawi City(MSU)organized ahalf-dayseminar composed ofbothaChristian and Musiimaudience whoareintointerfaithdialogue for thepasttlueedecades. A moduleontheImportance ofMedia nndCommunication in Interfaith Dinlope waspresented. Theforumwasheldon February 26,2W5at theOVCRE Roomandwasco-organized Conference bytheMSU-kstitute forPeace and Development in Mindanao andtheRanao MuslimCtuistianMovement for DalogueandPeace. Anopenforumfollowedafterthelechueandconcems wereraisedanddiscussed openlyonhowtomaximize mediaandhowtobe partrersin effective communica[on in thecollective effortsof dialogue. TBCMP inOroquieta City On February 24,2005, TBCPpresented two courses to theschool personnel andstudents ofStellaMarisCollege in Oroquieta City,Misamis The pelikula@titusbrandsmacore group and friends during the Thecourses were:Teaching Occidental. in a Multi-MediaAgeandMedia opening of CinemaAustralia


l1{itEftioRyoF DELACRUZ }IO. IIA. LETICIA GIRON,O.CARlfl. in herdeathbed St.Therese of Liseaux, remarked, "l amnotdying,I amentering into life."Fortheblessed, deathis onlya starting pointandnotanend,thuswecallit "birthday" intoeternity. Such,toowastheshiningwiftress of Mo.Ma.Leticiadela CruzGiron,Prioress of Carmelof theHoly Family,a cloistered of nuns.tn1999,hersickness wasdiagnosed community asbreast herheadandgentlyresponded, "Thywillbedone." cancer, shebowed lifeis nottakenaway,it isjust Shewasreadybecause shebelieved: changed. At therequest of thecommunity, sheunderwent several sessions andcobaltheatment. FromApril of thatyearher of chemotheraphy cancer spreadto thelunp, ribsandbones. On February 27,2005 at 2:37dawn,at theageof 54,shediedwith herwholecommunity gathered aroundhersingingandprayingin theinfirmaryof the monastery. Twopriestsfromtheadjacent Immaculate Conception frompage7 SPEECH... independant FilipinoCarmelwasthecrisissituationat theendof the last cenfury.It was a difficult periodon the financiallevel,on the levelof communitybuilding,on thelevelof the leadershipandon thepersonallevel.A lot of individualCarmelites werein a personal it wasa fruitful periodbecause crisii.Nevertheless, it strenghtened thewill to surviveandto gow into a PhilippineCarmel.It brought to theforeof theCommissariat theimportance of initialandongoing personaland Carmeliteformation.It becameclearthat prayerlife and comrnunitylife haveto be thebaseof our Carmelitevocation andthebeginningof our solidaritywork with andfor theChurchof thePoor.Thefinancialstabilitybecame animportantissue.TheCenter for Spirifualityhasstartedin Manilaas research institutefor Asia. FurtherstudiesandCarmelitespiritualityis givenattention. Thetimehascomenow to standon yourown,I amhappywith it andalsovery thankful.I like to remember in a momentof silence all thebrothersandsisterswho werepart of your historvandwho havegiventheir lives,theirtalents,their couiageand theirpainful momentsfor theFilipiniCarmelandfor thefutureof andlonesome theFilipinoPeople... TheDutchProvince will supportyour futureasanindependent PhilippinoCarmelbyhandingoveranindependence fund.Thisfund is broughttogetherby thehardwork of all themembers of theDutch It is asignof oursolidaritywith theindependent Province. Philippine Carmel.I hopeit givesyou a stablefinancialbaseandalsothetime andopportunityto find yourown financialresources. Wecansaybeautifulwordsand we canexpresslovelywishes with regardsto therelationship betweentheDutchCarmelandthe PhilippineCarmel.Forsure,beautifulwishesandwordsarenice.At the sametime,I am convincedthe FilipinoCarmeland the Dutch Carmelhaveto befreeto find theirownwaysinto thefuture.Youin

IANUARY-MARCH200s prayed Seminary broughthertheHolyViaticurn andwiththeCommunity theRecornmendationof theSoul.Finally,theygaveherthePapalblessing with plenaryindulgence in "articulomortis"(properof ourCarmelite Order). Mo.Ma.Leticia thecommunity formorethan served asInfirmarian 9 yearc, asSisterIn-charge ofVestments andastumkeeper. Shestarted in theyear1995. to holdofficeasPrioress Shewaselectedto thesame for anotherterm officethesecondtimein the2001andwasre-elected IastJune17,2004.1t's noteasyto takeon thedutyof administering a withherphysical community condition butit wastypicalof her,in the spiritof service, not to refuseanyofficeassigned to herby God.She hermission continued up to thelastdaysofherlife. Mo.Ma Leticia,with alwaysa smileon herface,wasa humble persory unassuming andkind-whetherasPrioress or asanordinary nwr.Thelastyearof hersickness madehersimplicity, magnanimity, fortitude, gentleness andmotherly caremorepronounced. Friends whoconfided andbenefactors to hertheirownproblems andsufferings drewlightandstrengthfromher composure andexamples. Whenfearof death.lurks in today'sgeneratiory Mo.Ma.Leticia's readiness to die wihresses to thatgreattrust,unwavering hopeand lovefortheresurrected everlasting Christin whomshelived,shemoved andhadherbeing. "l wanttoseethefaceofGod,,." shewouldtellus,thenandagain. withallhersoul,thussheabandoned Thiswaswhatshewanted herself beyondallmeasure. a PhilippineandAsiansetting,wein a Dutchand Europeancontext.For sure, I hope that the ties of brotherhood andsisterhood, theties of friendshipand solidaritywill remainstrong.As an expression of thesetiesof friendship, brotherhood and solidaritythe DutchProvince offerstheFilipinoCarmel,aslongas theDutchProvinceis ableto do so. the possibilityof everyonethe Fr.TjeuTimmermans' loving Councilwill sentto theNetherlands prcsenc€ to his brothersin for a MastersDegreeor a Doctorate the Philippines will always in Spirituality,a freescholarship at be appreciated, Instituteandthe theTitusBrandsma RadboudUniversityof Nijmegen. ThePatronof PhilippineGeneralCommissariat is Blessed Titus Brandsma. May he be reallya modelfor you concemingCarmelite charism,in the aspectof scientificwork, of a simplelifestyle,in the aspectregardinga prayerfulcommunity, in theaspectof solidarity with whoarein needandin theaspectof thecourage to speakagainst May heguideyou into a florishingfuture,into theland oppression. of Carmelwith its charmingfruits. Let us sign now officiallythe agreement betweenthe Dutch Provinceof CarmelandthePhilippineGeneralCommissariat of the sameOrder.Thankyou for yourattention.Godblessyou all. Tjeu Timmermans O.Carm. PriorProaincial oftheDutchProoince City Auezon Februaru 16,2005

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