Carrmel News - April-june 05

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The Official Newsletter of philippine Carmel


TURNOUER OF CARTTIELITE PARISHES IN AGUSAN f)atin-ay, Prosperidad,Agusan del Sur.On April 5,2005, I the Parish of St.Vincent Ferrer in patin-ay,prosperidad, Agusan del Sur was officially turned over to the Di,oceseof Butuan during the fiesta mass.The Most Rev.Juan de Dios Pueblos,D.D. presided the eucharisticcelebrationand turno_verceremony. After the homily, Fr. Artemio Jusayan, O.Carm.,the CommissaryGeneral,tumed over the symbolic "key of responsibility" to the priest-representativeof the Diocese,witnessed by five priests of the Diocese and a Pauline priest who co-presided in the celebration. The parishioners of Patin-ay and from the neighboring parishes of the Carmelites also witnessed the turn-over. the bishop expressedhis gratitude to the Carmeliteswho were very much involved in building the Church of the poor in thl Diocese.The BishopacknowledgedFr. Dick RussoEndriga, O.Carm., the last Carmelite Parish priest who served the parish for someyears.Fr. Endriga in a soft voice,expressed his gratefulnessto his parishionerswho joumeyed with him in good and in bad times. For the people of patin-ay, the Carmeliteswill neverbe forgotten.This big eventcoincided with the celebrationof the parochialfeast. Bahbah,Prosperidad,Agusan del Sur.Threedaysafter the turnover of St. Vincent Ferrer parish, it was the iurn of the Parish of St. Michael, the Archangel in Bahbah, Prosperidad,Agusandel Sur.It was on April 8, 2005that the parishwas tumed over to the Most Rev.Juande dios pueblos, DD, the Bishopof the Dioceseof Butuan.The sameturnover rite was enactedasin Patin-ay.The concelebratedmasswas joined by the clergy of the Dioceseand other missionaries (SVD and MSC). It was a joint occasionsince it was the

opening of the three-day BCC Congress. After the mass, Plaques of Recognition were awarded to the Carmelites for their dedication and exemplary service rendered for forty and twenty nine years in Patin-ay and in prosperidad respectively. Bro. Arie Kuil, O.Carm was also cited for his untiring assistance in the construction of the parish church of St. Michael theArchangel. Heartfelt thanks and goodbyes were expressed by the Parishioners and the Diocese. As the seeds were sown in that soil, may they blossom like the flowers on Mt. Carmel.


and CommunityDevelopmentin Palawan TBCMP TBCMP seesthe need for media education to training of community development workers Tn"* in their work in organizing and "rtit, mobilizing the community' Thus,TBCMPdevelopgd the amodulein, "TheStateof PhilippineMediaand Workers" Oevelopment -social ihullerrg"s for Community ConscientizatTorl." and and "Fiim Dialogue Thesemodules *iU uia community development workersonhow mediainfluencesandhow it canbe used to its maximum potential for their causesand advocacies' Attendeesof the coursewere rePresentatives The from different NGOs in Palawan:' EnvironmentalLegalAssistanceCenter'Inc' (ELAC)' PalawanConservationCorps,NagkakaisangTiibu ng Palawan (NATRIPAL), Bangsa PalawannfiiUppit us, Inc. (BPPI) and Haribon Foundation Palailan. There were local governmentunit and Fr.Tootsashe|ecturestocommunitydeve|opmentworkers vouth leaderswho attendedastheyarelocalpartngls in Palawan 5iitn" ruia NGOs.The seminarwasheld lastApril i,ZOOSatBulwagangPrinsesa,PuertoPrinsesaCity' of The facilitator was Ms' Minda Casaganand a set Palawan. CCPstudentvolunteers' Theseminar-workshopdiscussedthehistory and Other Seminars importanceof print media,televisionand radio and religion' Facilitatorswere conductedthemodular the teler,onelaias a new r Lastlune1,2005,TBCMP Ms' Leah and known media practitioners in the field: Age" Multimedia the in "Teaching on courses C' Manto-Beltran-IXaBAYAN),Prof' JosefinaM' "Media and Spirituulity thto"gh Film Dialogue" tojean Manipolof Sutaot (UPbroadcastpmfessor),Ms' ,t. .t"*ut tary facuity and non- teaching staff Larrzona(Line Produclr, GMAD and Dr' Clodualdo Colegiodel Buen Consejoin PasigCity' The school of del Mundo, Ir- (Writer/Chairman of Dept' is ad"ministeredby the Augustinian Sistersof Our Communication, I-a SalleUniversity)' Lady of Consolation(OSA)' Ou.i.,g the last day of the seminar' TBCMP . At the Parishof the Our Lady of the Abandoned *"t u,'igttud to write the synthesis/ City' a number of representa-tives eOia) in Hulo, Mandaluyong and presentit to theparticipantsof various parishcatechistswere thebeneficiariesof the course stitement aresomeof the ti"".ni"g in the Multimedia Age" lastJune1-9'2005' *""t"ps coiductedby CCP'Here of excerpts: fhe pa.lsi is administeredby the Mission Society the PhiliPPines. Pinoy mediais rootedin the "Transforming ofine tie andsorryconditionof acceptince 'Musta na ang PinoYMedia?' andwhichcannot theindustrythatissystemic or twoeffortsbutcollaboratiae bedoneby-one Bros.Arnulfo Alindayu and ]unel RyanDenolo' effortsoi th, ou)nersand major decisionof O. Carm with ]ofti Villena, program coordinator iakers and,of course,theaudience' igC\rlp attended a seminar-workshop on -Basic and ...Alt toge'tierlet us helpeach.other Media Appreciation entitled,'Musta na ang Pinoy transforilPinoymedinto stop-itfrombeinga Media?'iast April 26-30,2005at the CCP Dream a tool of tootof opprr*ion of thepeople-but Arts Theatre.This was organized by the Media transformation'" ands;ocinl empowerment Division of the Culturil Center of the Philippines.

APRIL-IUNE200s Carmelite Media Ministry in the philippines, together with the entire memberi of the ordeiof carrierites in the Philippines join the world in condemning this shameful act of killing of media practitioners; joumalists and publishers. We remind eachone to respectand protect hulnan life. In one voice, STOPTHE KILLINGS oF FILIPINO IOURNALISTS! We urge our government authorities to act immediately to stop the killings. The complete statement .uri b" found at TBA-philippines on its third Award Season TheDelegatesof the lecture,seminar fhe Staic of philippini Mediaandthe Challengcto CommunityDd€lopment Workers

TBCMPjoins World press Freedom Day celebration!

Next year 2006 will be the Titus Brandsma Award-Philippines third season. For this year, the award will focus on Community Communication. The award will be given to two model communities which.bestexempli$/ the spirit of tinity, participation, vigilar,ce, s.ritainability and tlie effective use of communicationinresponding to loca,l issues. A special award will be given to a community media who take effective initttives to connect with the communities they service via partnerships and linkages. This focus in this Award season was approved tn" Titus Brandsma Awards- philippines !y Foundation Board of Trustees:Dr. Florangei'Braid (Chair),Carmelite FathersArtemio Jusayan,Bernard Roosendaal, Christian Buenafe and Ms. Carolina Malay. The launching of the Award season and the start for the submission of nominees will be on November 15,2005.

Last May g, 2005, TBCMP together with other media organizations; the Nalional Union of Journalists in the philippines (NUlp), philippine Center for Photojo.r.rrulist, (pcp), Defense press Corps, Metro Manila Radio ReportersOrganization (MMRRO), pressFund for Filipino lournaiists (FFFD, Center for Community ]ournaiism and Develoir"u;; (CCJD), Antonio Zumel Center for press Freldom, College Editors Guildof the philippines (CEGp) anj University of the philippines^ tollege of Mass Communication students ielebrated thefoorld press Freedom Day thru a prayer raily. It was intended to be a celebration of freedom but with eyes wide open, the situation of the journalists in the philippines is becoming worse as journalists are killed one after another, niaking this country the second most dangerous placi for journalists, next to-Ira_q.This day was a day of condemnation for the killings of journalists. The group showed solidarity by builaing a human chain for press freedom and iighfing if torches. An was prepared ior all the martyrs ::T:-:"t l*gy ot press freedom and each representative gave t(eir statement with convic tion. Fr. Christian Buenafe was the presider of the liturgy whiie the Carmelite student friars and other church people served as choir. In support of this conde-rrution, TBCMp has prepared a statement on the killings. Flere are some of the excerpts: TBCMPjoins the World press FreedomDay together The Titus Brandsma Center_Media program, with others the media organizations last lvtay3r ZOO5



RESPECT AND PROTECT HUTTIAI{ LIFE! STOPTHEKILLINGS OFFILIPINO IOURNATISTS! ur country today doesnot only suffer from material poverty. The most alarming of all as the world advancesis that poverty from information continues to engulf our world and country in particular. The main causeof this should not only be blamed on our inaccessibility from the advancedtechnologiesin communicationsand the knowledge to facilitate it. The primary reasonfrom this phenomenon lies behind the imperil situation of those people who work to deliver truth in in-formation. Recently,the Philippines was ranked second,next to Iraq as the most dangerous place for the journalists because of the increasing number of killings of journalists (print and broadcast)and publishers. We can have a litany of journalists who were victims of known and who areat large.Despitethe unified condemnations unknown assassins and calls for immediate solutions on the mounting cases,both here and abroad, the government still fails to solve the continuing harassmentand killings of joumalists. It is disturbing to hear from our authorities who seethe killing of journalists asjust ordinary and natural; and treatedas the consequence of irresponsible and abusive reporting. This thinking is an act of indifference towards solving the crimes and createspublic distrust to our media people.Perpekatorsare turning out to be the hero while the continuing and relentlesskillings of our joumalists remain unsolved. The late Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter on The Rapid Development of the Holy FatherJohn Paul II To ThoseResponsiblefor Communications mentioned that the great challengeof our time is to maintain truthful and free communication which will help consolidate integral progressin this world. It requires a managementsystem that will safeguard the centrality and dignity of the person, (he be an enforcer of the law, those who deliver the information as well as the recipients to it.) All of us are co-responsibleto participate in this managementsystem. The killing of journalists who works for the truth and a subdued measureto solve this problem is a manner of hjndering the truth while threateningourcauseto alleviatedifferentforms of poverty in ourcountry. The Titus BrandsmaCenter-Media Program,the CarmeliteMedia Ministry in the Philippines, together with the entire members of the Order of Carmelites in the Philippines join the world in condemning this shameful act of killing media practitioners; journalists and publishers. We remind eachqne to respectand protect human life. Lr one voice, STOPTHE KIILINGS OF lltlPlNO fOURt{AtlSTS!We urge our goveffunent authorities to act immediately to stop the killings. Titus BrandsmaCenter- Media Program Order of Carmelites,Philippines May 20,2005

Meet Sarah! Miss Sarah C. Bisufla is the new Secretary of Young Carmel Philippines Foundation (YCPF) secretariat.She started to work in YCPF office last June 11. She was born in Manila but grew up in Rizal province. She is the secondamong a brood of four and finished her Bachelor Sciencein Commercemajor in Management degree from Far Eastern University. Prior to YCPR she worked in two differentcompanies with almost the same job specificationbefore shejoined the YCPF ministry. When asked why she decided to transfer,she said: "I choose to work here at the foundation for I believe in their mission and the values they are inculcating in the community." Welcometo the familv!

Mission Appeal 2005 The YCPF Director, Fr. Aristarco Escobal,O.Carm.left the country last June 13 for a Mission Appeal in the United States and Canada. He will be visiting the different Carmelite communities and parishesin PCM and St. Elias provinces. Fr. Escobalwill join the other missionariesfrom Lrdonesia and Indian. His main areasare Buffalo and Mane in New York which will keep him busy until August 31.After this, he will visit Canada to establishedmore YCPF networks.

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