Bulletin Jan 18

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916 N. LOCUST, PO BOX 214 PITTSBURG, KS 66762 PHONE: 620-231-2135 FAX: 620-231-4804 [email protected] WWW.OURLADYPITTSBURG.ORG


JANUARY 18, 2009


TODAY’S FOCUS – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time : When Jesus called the Apostles, he did not hold interviews or find the smartest and most distinguished people to help him with his mission. He picked everyday people, of whom he asked extraordinary things. We mirror the Apostles in that we are ordinary people being asked by God to do both ordinary and extraordinary things in Christ’s name. SCRIPTURE READINGS We need God’s Word each day. Mon (19) Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 2:18-22 Tue (20) Hebrews 6:10-20; Mark 2:23-28 Wed (21) Saint Agnes: Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; Mark 3:1-6 Thur (22) Hebrews 7:25—8:6; Mark 3:7-12 Fri (23) Hebrews 8:6-13; Mark 3:13-19 Sat (24) Saint Francis de Sales: Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14; Mark 3:20-21 Sun (25) Third Sunday in Ordinary Time : Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER Rev. David T. Marstall, Chaplain 301A E. Cleveland, Pittsburg, KS 66762

REV. THOMAS J. STROOT, PASTOR REV. RUBEN ORTIZ MONTELONGO, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. DAVID T. MARSTALL, ASSOCIATE PASTOR & CHAPLAIN, ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER WEEKDAY MASSES 6:30 a.m. — Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. — Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m. — Tuesday, Thursday & Friday SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 Noon Spanish Mass—2:00 p.m. En Español: La misa en español, cada domingo a las 2:00 pm, confe siones a las 1:30 pm antes de la Misa. Se puede llamar al Padre Ruben Ortiz (620) 231-2135 CONFESSIONS (OR BY APPOINTMENT) Before the 8:00 a.m. weekday Masses — 7:30-7:50 a.m. Saturday — 4:00-5:15 p.m. MARRIAGES-Contact a parish priest at least four months prior to desired wedding date. PSR—Parish School of Religion (School Year) Elementary (K-8) Wednesdays 6:15—7:30 p.m.

Missionary Catechists of the Poor Spanish Sisters 620-235-1732

PHONE (620) 235-1138

ST. MARY’S GOODWILL 117 E. 10th 235-0564


RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP 117 E. 10th 235-7448

(When PSU is in session.) Sunday: 11:00am & 6:00 pm; Monday: 8:30pm; Wednesday & Thursday -Noon

PRAYER LINE 9:00am – 5:00pm 5:00pm – 9:00pm

231-6824 231-8816

ST. MARY’S COLGAN SCHOOLS Mr. John Kraus, President of Schools/Director of Administration Email: [email protected] Mr. Thomas Gorman, 7-12 Principal E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Michael Martin, Preschool-6 Principal Email: [email protected] ELEMENTARY (PRE-SCHOOL - 6)


JR. HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL (7-12) (620)-231-4690 Elementary: [email protected] SMC: [email protected]

FIGHT FOCA Thank you to all parishioners who turned in pro-life postcards last weekend. Our parish sent more than 1,100 postcards to Washington, D.C. to be handdelivered to our congressional representatives. Your voice makes a difference. Please pray for all those from our diocese who are traveling to D.C. to participate in the March For Life. Please consider purchasing the display board that your child will need for the science fair from the SMC Biology club! The SMC Biology Club is now offering science fair display boards for sale. The boards are sturdy cardboard, standard size (36 X 48”), and come in many exciting colors. This is a fundraiser for our club; all proceeds will be used to give our high school students more experiences in science and to offset competition costs. SME students are bringing home order forms. The boards are $6.00 each. Please return the order form and the money or check to your child’s teacher by January 30. Contact the sponsor Mrs. Maus for additional information or for an order form. Thank you! No Cost Way To Help SMC SMC earns one penny each time you use the search engine www.goodsearch.com (this is a yahoo search engine). Enter “St. Mary’s Colgan Schools” as the charity you want to support (you need to enter this only once) and we earn funds each time it is used. If 1,000 supporters search the internet just 2 times per day, we will earn $7,300 in one year—this with no need to buy anything and no need for students to sell anything. Check out the site www.goodsearch.com. If you shop online, check out www.goodbuy.com—a portion of online sales comes back to the school.

ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER Providing Catholic Ministry to Pittsburg State University

620-235-1138 WWW.CATHOLICGORILLAS.ORG REV. DAVID MARSTALL, CHAPLAIN Office Hours: 1:00-3:00 M, W, Th, F and other random times [email protected] MRS. AMY LOMSHEK, SECRETARY Office Hours: 9:00-2:00 M-F [email protected]

MASS SCHEDULE SUN 11:00am, 6:00pm Mon 8:30pm Wed, Thu 12:00pm RECONCILIATION 30 min. before all Masses ADORATION Thursday 10:00-3:00 See website for full weekly schedule

UPCOMING EVENTS Topeka Rally for Life Thu. Jan. 22. $5 to cover gas. Sign up this week. Complete itinerary on website. Apologetics Mondays 9:00-10:00 begins Jan. 26. That Man Is You! Wednesdays 6:00-7:45 begins Jan. 28. Women’s Bible Study Thursdays 8:00-9:00 begins Jan. 29. Newman Club Meetings First Thus. Of every month 9:00-10:00. Liturgical Ministers Sign up at online for this semester. FYI Domus Fiat Mariae Catholic women’s household is now accepting applications for next year. Go to catholicgorillas.org for more information on all events.

St. Mary's Religious Gift Shop 235-7448 Thursday 10:00-3:00 Fridays 9:30-3:00 Saturdays 10:00-1:00 By appointment call: Denise 232-6955 or Elizabeth 232-6865

St. Mary’s Altar Society GOODWILL STORE HOURS Thursday—Friday—Saturday 9 a.m.—4 p.m. 235-0564 Please do not leave items when store is closed Please welcome those who have registered with our parish within the last couple of months. WELCOME TO ALL! New Members: Marie Miller; Brett Giefer, Chelsey Wintjen, Roberto Bucio-Cruz, Cody & Andrea Merrick with Ethan, Joan Wilbert, David & LaNora Spigarelli with Wesley & Alex; Anthony & Lacee Merando with James. Baptisms for November and December 2008: Please pray for those recently baptized in our parish: Camryn Jae Jacquinot, Ethan Edward Merrick, Felix Manuel Canales, Perla Jazmine Canales, Madilynn Gayle Maple, Matthew Layne Maple, Gillian Rose Wilbert, Elisa Arin Dalton, Parker Lee Bankson, Remington Cole Rhuems, William Ethan Ray Gabriel Schremmer, Nicholson, Jace Patrick McCready, Benjamin Nyle Cullen, AnnaMarie Elizabeth Miranda, Ifeyinwa Chinyere Catherine Ekwuru, Brenda Abigail Rojo.

The Health and Wellness committee appreciates your continued donation of personal care items--shampoo, soap, lotion, etc. Donations are sent yearround to local agencies such as Wesley House and Crisis Resource Center as well as to victims of flooding and tornadoes earlier in the summer. Thank you!

REFLECTIONS ON LIFE As we mark the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s legalization of abortion, this question still confronts our society: Which living members of the human species should be seen as having fundamental human rights, such as a right not to be killed? The answer that still evades so many is: no human being should be treated as lacking human rights, and we have no business dividing humanity into those who are valuable enough to warrant protection and those who are not.

Confirmation class: February 8, 2009—Retreat (all day). ****************** Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation by Bishop Jackels is Sunday, February 22, 2009 (12:00 noon). St. Paul’s Society (Widows & Widowers) will meet this Sunday, January 18. Mass at 3:30 followed by a short meeting, dinner and bingo in the Activity Center. Hostesses for this meeting are: Helen McNally, Betty Masterson, Lottie Mocnik and Rosemary Morrison. We encourage all member to attend and welcome newcomers. COLD AND FLU SEASON This is always a difficult time of the year. There is no way to eliminate colds and the flu bug but we can take precautions to reduce the spread of them. Therefore, at mass we need to be conscious of the person next to us. If we have a cold we can bow and say peace be with you without shaking hands at the exchange of peace. The celebrant of the mass may choose not to offer the invitation for the greeting of peace. Please be careful and respectful of others during the next few months.

LOOKING AHEAD Sun (18) Health & Wellness Meeting Sun (18) St. Paul’s Society (Widows & Widowers) Wed (21) PSR Classes Wed (21) RCIA Classes Wed (28) PSR Classes Wed (28) RCIA Classes Sun. (Feb 8) Confirmation Retreat Sun (Feb 22) CONFIRMATION MASS Mon (26) Our Lady’s Prayer Group Sun. Mar 29—Thur April 2

10:00am, Activity Center 3:30 Mass, Dinner and Bingo 6:15—7:30 pm 6:30—7:45 pm 6:15—7:30 pm 6:30—7:45 pm 8:45am-3:30pm 12:00 Noon Mass 6:00pm, Chapel


RESOLUTION TIME! Make the resolution to join Our Lady of Lourdes Choir now! Due to Sister Patrice and Dr. Irene Ramirez moving away, we are especially looking for sopranos. (You need not be a nun or doctor to fill these positions!!) Seriously, we do need singers in all voices, and will welcome you with open arms. We will begin work on Lenten and Easter music soon, and if we have a good response, we would like to do a special mass/ cantata for the season. You do not need to read music. Please call 231-2063 or just come Monday night at 7:00 or Sunday 9:00 mass. Ages 10 to ? Courage is a spiritual support group for men and women with same-sex attraction who desire to live chaste lives in accord with authentic Church teaching. EnCourage is a spiritual support group for families and friends of persons who struggle with samesex attraction. For more information on either of these programs, please contact spiritual director Fr. John Brungardt, 316269-3900 and mention “Courage” or “EnCourage.” Confidentiality is assured. Let us trust in our Loving Lord for guidance.

SCHOOL LUNCHES Mon — NO SCHOOL Tues— Burrito, Chips/Cheese, Corn, Pineapple Chunks Wed— Chili Dog, Tater Tots, Banana, Cookie Thur— Chicken Patty, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Beans, Bread, Applesauce Friday— Mozzarella Maxx Stix w/Marinara, Salad, Peaches

St. Mary’s Elementary School has a part-time paraprofessional position available and we are looking for interested applicants. This position will work as a lunch room supervisor, work with students in small groups and classroom settings, and any other duties assigned by school administration. Persons interested in the position need to come by the elementary office to pick up an application or go online to http:// www.cdowk.org/offices/schools/ applications.htm and download the classified application. Individuals who currently have applications on file need to contact the office to express interest in this position. This position is open until filled.

SOUP & CHILI DINNER will be held next Sunday, January 25th, from 11:00am until sold out, at the Chicopee Community Center. Adult, $6.00; Children 4-12, $2.50; Children under 4, free. Carry-outs are available, Quarts—$6.00

Please remember to name Our Lady of Lourdes or St. Mary’s Colgan Schools in your will. May we leave a legacy of faith and education for the generations to come. Please consider informing Fr. Tom or the parish office of your legacy plans, [email protected]

STEWARDSHIP OFFERING Weekly Sunday Offering needed to sustain Parish Budget: $35,500.00 Sunday Offering Last Week

STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS In today’s first reading, we hear Samuel respond eagerly, “Here I am!” each time the Lord calls him. May we, too, be listening for the call of God in our lives and be ready to say like the Psalmist, “Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.”

$28,240.31 Surplus or $<7,259.69>

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SPIRIT MASS INTENTIONS 1) Fr. Tom Stroot 2) Fr. Ruben Ortiz 3) Fr. David Marstall SUNDAY (18) 7:00 (2) Intention of Celebrant 9:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 10:30 (1) People of the Parish 12:00 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society 2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Celebrant 3:30 (1) St. Paul’s Society MONDAY (19) 6:30 (2) Bud & Margaret Benelli+ TUESDAY (20) 6:30 (3) Cody Schroeder+ 8:00 (2) Raymond Hoff, Sr. + 11:30 (1) Lyons Family+ WEDNESDAY (21) 6:30 (2) Father Edward Steinberger+ 8:00 (1) John Spachek+ THURSDAY (22) 6:30 (1) Steve & Dorothy Mangan+ 11:30 (2) Dorothy Wachter+ FRIDAY (23) 6:30 (2) Ann Welch+ 8:00 (1) Rudy Moutz+ 11:30 (1) Yankoviz, Bavuso, Dalrymple+ SATURDAY (24) 8:00 (1) Angie Ciardullo+ 5:30 (2) Tracy & Bill Novero+ SUNDAY (25) 7:00 (1) Intention of Celebrant 9:00 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society 10:30 (1) People of the Parish 12:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Celebrant NEWMAN CENTER — Fr. David Marstall Sun (18) 11:00am Parish Purgatorial Society Sun (18) 6:00pm Int. of Faculty, Students & Staff Mon (19) 8:30pm Rose Plumlee+ Wed (21) Noon Donna Smith+ Thur (22) Noon Mary Turko+ Sun (25) 11:00am Parish Purgatorial Society Sun (25) 6:00pm Int. of Faculty, Students & Staff

VOCATION PRAYER Father, we pray that more young people will be generous in responding to your invitation to be priests, brothers and sisters. Teach them to follow in Jesus’ footprints by bringing the light of the Holy Spirit to all people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW CONTEST will be held this Sunday, January 18th at 3:00pm in the St. Mary’s Activity Center. The contest is for boys and girls, ages 10-14 (age as of January 1, 2009). Winners in each category will advance to the District contest which will be held in Girard on January 25th at 1:00pm. There is no charge for participating. CATHOLIC TREASURES OF ITALY PILGRIMAGE TOUR: You are invited to join parishioners from St. Francis Parish in St. Paul, KS on a pilgrimage tour to Italy in the Spring of 2010. We will visit Rome, St. Peter’s Basilica, Pompeii, Venice, Assisi, a rear viewing of the Shroud of Turin, plus much more. Please visit www.catholicheritagestours.com/sfc (1 -800-290-3876) or call Suzie Diskin, 620-449-2783 . Postcards are available in the back of the church with more information. SERVERS – JANUARY 24-25: 5:30pm - Zach VanBecelaere, Drew Martin, Riley Wood 7:00 – Austin Kratz, Ryan McNeely 9:00 – Madison & MacKenzie Lewis, Cori Koehn 10:30 – Jaden Patterson, Zachary Whetzell, Zachary Flood NOON – Victoria Yartz, Nick Spiers, Jonathan Adamson OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS – JANUARY 24-25: 5:30pm — Ron Shriver Family 7:00am – Bob & Jo Marie Golob 9:00am – Jim & Carolyn Buche 10:30am – Tim Flood Family NOON – Doug & Joyce Lee EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – JANUARY 24-25: 5:30pm– Talaat & Mary Yaghmour, Bill & Carolyn Perry 7:00 – Joe Hart, Ann Hudson, Ann Elrod 9:00 – Mary Askins, Johna Chubb, Kyle Fleming, Sharon White 10:30– Becky Duncan, Patty Horgan, D. Mazurek, Chris Bettega NOON– Bob & Donna Backes, Beth Gilbert, Debbie Butler LECTORS – JANUARY 24-25: 5:30pm - Gary McGrath & Nathan Woodward 7:00am – Jack Moodie 9:00am — Kirk Ford & Buddy Gorentz 10:30am – Nick Hansen & Mark Johnson NOON - Bev Pommier & Dana Thompson

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