Metal Bulletin No 18

  • April 2020
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Dark Medieval Fortress



Angelic Deficiency, Cathis Ord, Concrete Force, Human Cyborg Relations, Outlying, Sciamachy, Torment Tool reviews: Baubas, The Brainwash, Cretaceous, Damage, Dimansion, Dying Daylight, Ensoph, Euronymous, Everwhere, Foul, Hellsign, Lamb of God, Leprous, Male Misandria, Mistielegy, Nierty, Pack of Wolves, Persona Non Grata, Phrygian Gates, Spectral Manifest, Stalingrad, United Mind Club, Woe of Tyrants, Yours For Mine 1


Discipline Misanthropy

Get it done yourself and don’t wait for validation from some record company shmuck is the moral story of Discipline Misanthropy (Austria), which is why they decided to release their fireblasting black/death metal debut Zerogod. It has both a real black metal as well as death metal feeling, resulting in an impressive, well done full-length cd that sounds serious, professional and skillful. As you can read here, they keep the music going regardless of metal press attention or not, as they explain a bit about what life for a black/death metal in Austria. --What things have you done in support of your album “Zerogod”? We are only doing some gigs here in Salzburg, going on tour isn’t possible because of our jobs. But we try to get in contact with quite a lot of magazines and fanzines and we promote our cd at metal concerts. You have released the cd yourselves. Have you not found an appropriate label? Are Nuclear Blast or Century Media appropriate for you or not? We’ve worked on Zero God for a pretty long time, because there was a change in our line-up and we had a couple of other problems with our former band members. After recording the cd, we just thought not to waste any more time in order to look for an appropriate label and so we decided to release the cd by ourselves. Moreover it is difficult for Austrian bands to get a record deal. And especially large labels like Nuclear Blast use to sign only those bands, which they think they fit in the taste of the mainstream. Some people say bands have so many special effects on the vocals or drums that nobody really knows what is special effects, like making the drums sounds faster, etc. What is your case? At the one hand it definitely is a problem if everybody uses computers for his/her music, but we don’t think that this phenomenon is limited to the metal scene. Just look at the pop music scene: Hardly any of the singers does not use any effect to change the sound of his/her voice. But computers have positive effects on the music scene as well, for working with them is inexpensive. We recorded “Zerogod” with Cubase SX and we didn’t use any special technology to change the voice except of some echo effects. Once Thorn did his vocals through the distortion pedal and the rest of the vocals are overdubs. We didn’t use anything to make the drums sound faster, but we used a kickdrum trigger. That was because when you achieve a certain speed (over 200 bpm) the kickdrum sounds a little undifferentiated without a trigger. “Unmask the Hypocrite” provides an example of what you consider dishonesty. Is it hypocrites? in the music business? The lyrics of “Unmask the Hypocrite” are not about music business at all, but especially treat the hypocritical behaviour of the various religious groups. It’s about realising this hypocrisy and revealing the truth – by any means. Where did you get bomb explosion for the cover of the album? What about the snowy scenario for the center of the booklet? The cover consists of a couple of different pictures of nuclear tests. The scenario in the center of our booklet shows a defenceline from the 1st worldwar in France. We like the cold atmosphere with the barbed wire which split the land in two, the border of war.

bands – which undermines the character of Austrian society at least in our opinions. Do you think there is too strong a religious influence where you live? It depends on where you live. If you live in a city, the Roman-Catholic Church has lost most of its power and most of the people (except of the older ones) don’t really seem to care about religion any more. Maybe the different religions of the migrants have also helped to weaken the position of the Church. But in the rural areas of Austria there are still quite a lot of Christians. Your song “Threshold to Hysteria” sounds pretty black metal, while “Ashes to Fire” or “Preparing for the Fall” have some more death metal vocals, but also black metal guitar work. How easy is it to combine death metal and black metal? We don’t really care about different genres, we just play some kind of extreme metal. We want to try to combine different genres, for example we try to mix our sound with Bay Area thrash metal which isn’t typical for black and death metal at all. Moreover our music is influenced by quite a wide range of (metal, classical and industrial) styles. How have metal audiences in Austria reacted to your album?? There are not many metal magazines in Austria, most of the Austrian metal heads are reading German magazines or fanzines. The latest issues of the majority of the magazines we have sent our cd to review to have not yet been published. But a couple of online reviews have just been released and they rated our album fairly good. In the news there some reports of nationalists and fascists gaining strength in Austria, basically promoting racism. Do you think that there is a lot of racism in Austria against Muslims, Africans or immigrants in general? Of course there is racism in Austria just like in any other country of the world. And it is true as well that there is a right-wing party in Austria, that enjoys wide acceptance and also approval. But the political system in Austria differs completely from the one in America. Whereas there are just two political parties (Democrats and Republicans) in America, there are a couple of different parties in Austria and the right-wing party is just one of them. Plus: They are not the governing party – the Austrian government consists of the social democratic party and the people’s party. Your lyrics are metal lyrics about violence and killing. Would you say you hate your life? Are the lyrics an artistic representation separate from how you view your own life? In our opinion extreme metal goes along with extreme lyrics. We are not a metalcore band with butterfly tattoos that thinks being attractive is the most important thing in the world and that doesn’t really give a shit about its music. Every band sounds identical, even the lyrics are similar and the only thing that counts for them is making money. We piss in the mainstream! What does the future hold for Discipline M?! Will you be playing in those summer festivals they have in Europe? There seem to be a lot! Quite a lot of metal festivals take place in Europe – and especially in Germany. But we are not planning to play any festival shows. But of course news will be released on myspace (www. myspace. com/disciplinem). THE END. ---

Concrete Force You use the word misanthropy. What does mean to you? Misanthropy means hatred of the human race IN GENERAL, especially of those people, who don’t have an own opinion and of those who try to convince other people of there political or religious beliefs. But misanthropy definitely is NOT about being really sore with any certain (religious or ethic) group. What things about Austrian society do you hate? The Austrian society can be characterised in general as stubborn and narrow-minded. Plus: There are only a few serious Austrian metal

Concrete Force (Greece) has a very sharp, clear thrash guitar tone, creating the impression of riffs building on each other, propelled by forward motion. The classic thrash guitar tone of the Bay Area/California is appreciated by Concrete Force. Mental Enforcers is a full album financed by the band. Jim (guitar/bass/vocals), currently in the Greek army, explains his drive to keep making music in spite of the difficulties. The music on the cd is classic thrash style all the way, with shredding and hooks and energetic rhythms forming the backbone of their sound. ---

What things have you achieved since Mental Enforcers? Few things have happened during the last months. The fact that I 'm in the army since last May (and will be until this May) has been a serious drawback in our efforts to distribute our cd, search for labels etc. However, we've had some good critics so far and it seems that a lot of people like our music. This is really great and gives us the will to continue! I hope that Mental Enforcers will be available for all metalheads very soon! Right now, we are working on new material.

continue. There has been some interest from a few labels so far, but nothing great to mention.

How long did it take to record the album? How expensive was it? And how is the scene in Athens? The recordings started in 2007 and finished, after some breaks between, in early 2008 at my home studio. I guess that recording an album in Greece is as expensive as everywhere else. Actually there is quite a big metal scene and lots of followers in Athens and generally in Greece. I'm sure most of metal fans are familiar with acts like Rotting Christ, Nightfall and Septic Flesh. Also, every thrash fan should check bands like Suicidal Angels, Revenge, Released Anger, Convixion, Steamroller Assault, Verdict Denied and Skullface. And no, we haven't played any live shows yet.

While it is true that some former black metal bands keep getting weirder and weirder, turning into normal rock bands or space or techno rock, it is certainly encouraging to hear a band like Hautakumpu (Finland), which has recently recorded Uuden Ajan Aatto and it is a straight-up, barbed-wire, classic-styled black metal assault. The lyrics are all in Finnish, so here they explain the ideas for their stories. In addition, they were patient and answered some unexpected questions. Sasu "Lord Frosthor" Savolainen (guitars) answers questions here, except the last question, which is answered by Patrik "The Hell" Kuitunen (drums). The band’s new vocalist is Harri “Panzerterror” Kankaanpää and new guitarist Sami “Fericious” Ikonen. -Hello, how are things going with Uuden Ajan Aatto? Do you have other bands that you are involved in? Hello, Mauricio. Things have gone quite well, we have been surprised from the feedback that we’ve got from traders and distros. There has been a change in line-up, vocalist and bassist Count Nathas has left the band due to lack of intrest towards the band. We have new vocalist, Panzerterror. Uuden Ajan Aatto was the first Hautakumpu recording. Before Hautakumpu we have played in a couple of other small projects with different music styles. Patrik still plays drums in a thrash metal band Thrashded (http://www. myspace. com/thrashded). Frosthor is 21 and Patrik turns 17 this year.

Recently people have demonstrated against the government because of the police brutality that killed a young man. Do the demonstrations reflect a bigger dissatisfaction with the general state of the economy and society for workers, farmers and youth in Greece? Of course there is a disaffection with the general state of the economy and society. Things are getting worse day by day. And not just in my country, this is a global phenomenon. The murder of a 15-year old resulted in demonstrations and riots. The opinion that they were related to the general disaffection is what the media said from the very first day. This could be correct to an extent. However, there is also politics that lies behind what happened. And, unfortunately, there was a number of people who tried to benefit from the situation by stealing, looting, burning and destroying everything. The more the dissatisfaction grows the more incidents like this will take place in the future. In your cd booklet you mention almost only thrash metal bands. Do you not like death metal that came after 1990 and black metal, too? How did you discover all that 80s thrash?!! We mentioned only the bands that have actually influenced our music, that's why you see almost only thrash bands there! I'm not really into death and black metal, but there are a lot of great bands that I respect. How did I discover all that 80's thrash? I remember a long time ago hanging out with friends and listening to "Show no mercy", "Bonded by blood", "Endless pain" and other old school stuff. So it was more like "Hey, this is fucking awesome, let's find more like this!" Later, I realised that was the kind of music I wanted to write, and the rest is history! Do you play drums? Do you play piano on one song? No, I don't perform drums on the album. My drum skills are awful, so I had to use a drum machine. I play rhythm and bass guitars and handle all the vocals. There is also a part where I play keyboard as well. Do you write the songs alone or in collaboration with Nick? Nick is a great friend and an amazing guitarist. We met eight years ago through a common friend. I wouldn't say he is totally into thrash, but when he starts shredding he goes frenzy! Most of the songs in Mental Enforcers were written by me, without his collaboration, except for the instrumental ones and especially "A Journey into Infinity". What are your future plans for the long term? This is really hard to tell right now. I don't know how things will work out in the future. It depends on our mood and our spare time. What I can say is that there is still creativity and we are eager to


What else would you like to mention?! I want to thank everyone who has supported us so far. Visit our site on myspace to listen to our tracks and read our latest news. Support the music you love. Thrash till the death!! THE END. --


What are your goals for the future? Playing live? Getting signed to a label? What types of jobs do you have? Well the next thing on our minds is the second recording, with at least 7 songs. We haven’t really decided about playing live, I myself don’t really enjoy that much attention, I prefer to watch the show than playing on the stage. Yes, in time I think there is the possibility that we start looking for a label, but for now we concentrate on just rehearsing, making demos and writing material. I am a youth worker at a youth center in Vantaa, though I have education of an electrician. Patrik is a high school student. What type of equipment did you use to record your songs? Uuden Ajan Aatto is a 100% DIY recording and was recorded in two sessions that took about 1 day each. First was in December 2008 at our rehearshal place, where we arranged Nathases lyrics for the 5 songs I had made and recorded guitars, bass and vocals. Second session was in January 2009 when we went to Patrik's place and recorded drums for those 5 songs and sent the recording to Count Nathas who mixed the whole thing at his home. We used a Boss digital-8-track recorder and its own digital amp simulations with guitar and bass, so we didn’t need any real amps. Drums were recorded in a bit haste (session took about two hours), and you really can hear it from the recording. We used 4 microphones to record the drums. How is your music received in your town, city or region? Well we've got quite positive critic from the people who dig 'real' metal, but then there's the people who just can’t understand it. There aren't too many fans for this kind of old school -style black metal in our town, which is a shame I think. We have been trading demos with traders, distros and a couple of zines (including yours of course) worldwide though.

Can you please explain the lyrics. Is there an idea that connects them? All the lyrics were written by Count Nathas. Uuden Ajan Aatto translates to ‘Eve of a new age’ in English. It tells a fictional tale in a chronological order, starting from the time When The Mountains Were Still Young (Vuorten vielä ollessa nuoria) to the Eve Of A New Age and then there’s the First Storm Of The Eternal Winter (Ikitalven Ensimmäinen Myrsky) and after that the ending, The Ruins Of Thy Temples (Temppeleidenne Rauniot). The first track is just a Prologue that says “Mother earth bathes in Christian blood. The stench of slaughter is everywhere. Moaning and death echoes in the wind. The absolute might and power of Satan. ” The idea to sing in Finnish came also from Nathas, though I wanted to include English songs too on the recording. But we came to a decision that Uuden Ajan Aatto will be sung in Finnish because of the concept theme. There is the possibility of songs written in English in the future. What you would like to improve, as far the sound? On the title track one can hear the bass guitar pretty well! I am quite pleased how the overall sound came out, and the clarity of the bass is one of the reasons. I’m pleased with the drums sound also because we didn’t use that much time in searching the sound. I think the guitar track is a bit too thin and compressed to my taste, but I gave the full responsibility of mixing to Nathas so who am I to blame. On the next recording we won’t accept so many flaws as on Uuden Ajan Aatto and we will concentrate more on to the playing and try to keep guitars and bass in tempo with the drums. How many guitars are used in the recording? Is it just one guitar? What do you think about black metal bands that use drum machines? Do you have an opinion? To my understanding there's only one guitar used with two slightly different mixes on two tracks. I personally don’t have anything against drums machines, if I remember correctly we ourselves were considering it at some point but then Patrik agreed to play drums for us. There are many great bands that have used drum machines (for example Burzum and Bathory). Finnish is sometimes classified as part of the Finno-Ugric group of languages and they say that it is related to Estonian, but if you read or hear Estonian, for example, can you understand anything? What about the Sami languages in Finland? Are Finnish and Sami languages related, as far as you know? I had to make some research for this one. Hungary and Estonian are the two most spoken Finno-Ugric languages besides Finnish. Beyond the Finland-Russian border in Tver region there are about 100 000 people who speak Karelian language (Karjala in Finnish). Then there’s other very small groups beyond the eastern border who speak Finnishrelated languages. Languages like Lyydi, Vepsä and Inkeroinen have together about 12 000 speakers. There are 10 different types of Sami languages which most spoken is the northern Sami with about 18 000 - 35 000 speakers. And yes, Sami is part of Finnish-Ugric group, so they are related. There are many common words in Finnish and Estonian, so I can understand a bit what they are saying but it sounds like a fast spoken drunkard accent of Finnish in my opinion. You use Thor’s hammer. Were beliefs with Thor and Odin of the peoples who spoke ancient Finnish (or languages considered Finnish), as opposed to ancient Scandinavian languages? To be exact, that is the hammer of Ukko (http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Ukonvasara). Ukko was the god of thunder in the ancient Finnish mythology like Thor in Norse mythology. There weren’t one single religion/belief in the area of Finland. Beliefs varied depending on the region and point in time. Have you heard black metal from the U.S.? Also, what do you think about bands that use their music for fascist/racist ideas? I haven’t really heard many US black metal bands but I really like bands like Von, Absu, Black Funeral and Judas Iscariot. We do not


support any racist actions or ideas, though I listen a couple of black metal bands whose lyrics support facist ideologies. But I want to make clear that Hautakumpu is not a racistic nor a political band in any way. Is there is racism and intolerance towards immigrants in Finland? Yes, there is. But there is also the problem with the crime rates of immigrants. This is a quite current question in Finland and we will not comment on it any further, our apologies. Do you think some people in Finland feel threatened when Georgia was invaded Russia recently? Patrik: I myself am not concerned what is happening in Russian. The whole Anti-Russian movement these past decades have been really ridiculous from my point of view. It is not the people of the Russian federation who are responsible for all that happened between Russia and Georgia but the Russian government which has a dark history. Of Course as Russians neighbours some of Finns hate them and some love them. Finland has a very good political relationship with Russia so I feel that we are in no danger what so ever. The Economic situation in Russia is what it is, but as stated before this band is not taking any shots at politics or anything related. THE END.


Dark Medieval Fortress

Necromaniac and Eviscerator took some time out of their busy schedule of digging graves to answer some questions about digging graves and other adventures in the life of Dark Medieval Fortress (Greece) in order to explain their black metal art in the island of Crete. They apologize for their bad English, but they shouldn’t because I don’t care about good English, just good metal. Good English and the good Englischers can go to towngoat malicious bay now and stay there for no return kind. At any rate, this band’s style clearly goes for a real black metal sound, while the songs back up their attitude of the black metal art. Plus, you’ll be even more impressed once you find out who the members of Dark Medieval Fortress actually are and what motivates them. What is your black metal art and are black metal people liking it? Dark Medieval Fortress was formed at the year 2008. We started as a couple (Eviscerator is a girl)but then we realised that we have a lot of common in music and the same influences so we decided to make a band and create music that satisfies our feelings and express our anger that we have for many reasons. Fortunately finding a studio was not a problem for us because Necromaniac has one in his house. We are in contact with black metal people here in Greece. Most of them, like our music very much. At least that's what they tell us. Also people who prefer different kinds of metal have a very good opinion about our songs and support us very much! Unfortunately we haven't any suggestions for interviews or reviews in our country but we get mentioned in metal zines in other countries. We hope in the future to get mentioned in metal magazines here. Necromaniac does vocals. Does he play or program drums? What about bass? Is it dishonest to not say it’s a drum machine? Yes, indeed Necromaniac does the vocals the drum and bass progamming. He doesn't play drums or bass, but he knows good enough how to use the drum machine. If we hadn't got the drum machine we would be able to have a band because this is something that we really like so we would save money to buy drums. Actually it's dishonest when bands use a drum machine but do not mention that in the cd not only for the people that listen to them, but for themselfes too. After all it's not a shame if someone uses a drum machine. How many guitars does Eviscerator use on the cd? On the cd all songs have been played with one only guitar.

Is it difficult to find jobs in your country? We haven't got jobs because we haven't finished school yet. This is our last year, but yes it is difficult to find a good job here in Greece because there are a lot of economical problems and of course a good job requires many skills. You have only two members. Is this problem for live? We haven't played live yet, of course it is a problem that we have only two members, but it is hard enough for us to find members in Chania. In the future, when we finish school and leave from here, we hope to find members. It won't be so difficult anymore. Is it better to stay independent to make the music you want? We are not ready to sign to a record company yet.As you said we want to make the music that we want, we are very excited about what we are doing so for now we want to be independent, without any limits. Someday when we are ready we will look for a record company but we really don't care about the money and success. Music is expression! It's a way of living! Music is so necessary as breathing. It's not a way of making money! How do you think your black metal vocals can improve? Do you like the different styles of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas or do you prefer the more basic, one-style of A Blaze in the Northern Sky? Well Necromaniac's vocals can improve in the future, first of all with less beers and many hours of practice! Every person who does vocals must have passion and good influences. ''De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas'' and ''A Blaze in the Nothern Sky'' are both great albums! Darkthrone and Mayhem are two of our favourite bands in the black metal scene! ''A Blaze in the Nothern Sky'' has the classic style of black metal, which we really admire and respect. ''De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas'' is strange, unique and evil. We really like the different styles that they use, not only on this album. Does religion play an important part for people where you live? Do you have problems with the authorities?Where did you take the photos? Religion is very important for a lot of people in greece. The church effects people sometimes when they take serious dicissions for their life,but also a big number of people are nonbelievers so we don't think that it's so big deal if someone doesn't believe in God and say that in public. For now we never had problems with the religious authorities although we don't believe in all that crap! Most of all we hate priests! they're trying to fil our minds with Godtales and shit! We just want their heads smashed. For the photos of our demo we went to Necromaniac's house. We found a really good spot with trees and stuff. We wanted the atmosphere of our photos to be dark and evil. We hope we succeded this. Were you born in Chania? What’s life like there for you? Do you travel to the mainland of Greece? There are a lot mountains in Crete, correct? Do you spend a lot of time in the mountains? Yes, we have borned in Chania. Life here for us sucks! There is nothing interesting to do and nothing interesting to see...No concerts take place in here except Rotting Christ, Anathema and Paradise Lost but we don't care about the last two bands. Of course we travel to Athens very often. Thinks there, are much better than here! First of all, almost every day a concert takes place, we have a great time there! Necromaniac's brother, Botis, live in Athens so every time we go we stay with him. Yes, you are right, there are a lot of mountains in Crete but we don't spend a lot of time there although we know how beautiful are in winter! We would prefer to spent our time in snowy forests that unfortunately do not exist in Crete.. What are you favorite metal bands from Greece from the early days? Is it true that bands like Iced Earth are popular? Are they on the radio? What about Rotting Christ?


We really like Rotting Christ! we believe that it's a very good band, plus we have a lot of memories because it is one of the first black metal bands that we've heard. Iced Earth are very popular in our country, we know that because in their concerts in Greece there is crowded of people and of course we've heard a lot of times their songs in the radio. The same as Rotting Christ. Last comments? Well we want to apologise for our English..they suck and we know that..xexe... THE END. --

Cathis Ord

Cathis Ord (U.K.) has a very impressive, ambitious sound that is skillful and easy to remember, despite the fact that the songs are some 10 minutes long. The sound is catchy, but somber. This is very well done and sounds very mature, showing that the person behind all this, James Russell, has a whole trajectory worked out. It’s big-idea metal. There is an honesty and creativity to this skillful catchy but somber metal with good, growled vocals. It’s very difficult to believe that something this good can be created by someone with not many expensive resources, as James explains here. -Hi! Your cd sounds like a lot of hard work and dedication! What’s happening with you? Hey Mauricio, firstly thanks for the interview, it’s really appreciated! Currently I’m quietly working away on ideas for a forthcoming EP, which should hopefully be out by the end of this year/ early 2010. The demo has got some decent exposure through forums/ websites etc, so I’ve forged ahead with sending out some CD’s to various review sites etc. I’ve also been upgrading a lot of my equipment, new amps, mics etc. The current demo was made using really basic stuff (with a really basic engineer - me, haha). It was frustrating at times recording it, as I had very little recording/mixing experience before embarking on it. I learnt a lot doing it though- it took me three times as long to record the first song compared to the second. Hopefully next time the learning curve will be easier to control. I’d like to focus on just getting the music down without having to worry about technical issues. Why is this a solo project? Necessity? Choice? You are from Devon, England? Are there no other people that you’d like to work with? Well, I have been in bands before, but nothing that ever really resembled Cathis Ord. The logistics of co-ordinating a band like CO make it pretty difficult to play live or involve other people. I mean, I’d need a minimum of 4-5 other guys to replicate what you hear on the CD. Devon isn’t exactly a melting pot of alternative metal, so finding musicians on the same wavelength is near-on impossible. I’d love to one day take it live, so maybe my answer is ‘watch this space’. The way I record is a bit random as well, its all built around ‘jamming’ with myself and just seeing what comes out. A lot of the solo’s for example are at least partly improvised. Where do you record? Is it a home studio? bedroom? How many instruments do you play and how many are not played by you? Yeah, my studio is also my bedroom! Its quite underwhelming if you saw it! Like I said, it was bare-bones stuff for the demo. I actually only used one microphone (vocals and acoustic guitar). I play all of the instruments myself, although the drums are samples/programmed within the computer. I’ve been playing guitar most of my life, so that side of things was covered for equipment already. I worked with Arjen from the band Amber Streams on …As Winter Lays its Seige, he programmed the strings/orchestral sections. You name rocky coastlines as musical inspiration. Do you live close to or have you ever been to the Great Red Cliff of Foreland Point? I have to admit I haven’t heard of either of those places! I’ve only been living in Devon for a few years. England and it’s landscape itself

doesn’t really impact the songs, not in a direct way anyway. Most of my inspiration comes second-hand from books, artists, other musicians. I’m a huge fan of fantasy fiction, and early 19th century Gothicism/ poetry so the epic landscape stems from there. When I say Gothicism, its more to do with the unknown and the unfamiliar rather than pentagrams and witchs etc. If you read something like Shelley’s Frankenstein for example, a lot of the sense of mystery and awe comes from the environment, the huge scale of it all. There’s a scene in it where the main protagonist imagines how easy it would be for the landscape to destroy man. Have you ever been to Woodbury Castle? I think I have, although probably on holiday here when I was younger. I love Castles (of course). Castles are integral to any good fantasy/ adventure. Strength, power, immortality, castle’s embody so much more than their sum materials. Part of my university course took me to Tintagel Castle in Cornwall, supposed home of King Arthur. Suffice to say, that was my favourite trip of the year! Especially as it sits out on this huge rocky promontory over the sea. The picture you can see on the Myspace page was taken there. Your songs are, like, ten minutes long. Can you please explain the song “…As Winter Lays its Siege”? By the way, are your winters snowy or rainy? Well, this is the point at which I try to avoid sounding really pretentious! I’m a huge Prog fan, I name a few bands on the webpage Opeth, Agalloch etc. I like having the song ebb and move, light and dark, quiet and loud. Agalloch are amazing at achieving this, their song ‘Our Fortress is Burning’ was a big influence when writing the demo. I recorded a few songs in the summer of 07 which established a little back story to the band’s ‘concept’ basically a lost civilisation that is finally visited by a solitary figure. The artwork kinda ties into that, as do the song titles. ‘…As Winter Lays its Seige’ is basically the beginning of the chronicles. What can I say, haha, I like writing stories as well as music (I majored in English Lit at University). What about “Lost Empire”? Does your interest in the past derive from knowing that you live in lands where Celtic peoples once lived? Lost Empire is just a continuation of the story really, it’s a lament. I guess I’d refer to my previous answer regarding England, in that it doesn’t play a huge role in the music, but saying that, the tales of King Arthur, the old gods, paganism etc is something that has undoubtedly filtered down to me, whether directly or indirectly. I love ancient history, I’m looking at studying for a Masters in Medieval Studies, but I wouldn’t go as far to say that it directly impacts the music in a way that it did for Quorthon/Bathory or even Agalloch. What do you do for a living? Are you student?? Well, I’ve now finished my degree in English and I’m currently working ‘in retail’…. Who knows what the future holds? Oregon may play a part. I’m certainly going to visit over the summer and maybe make it permanent. I’d like to be somewhere that’s conducive to furthering CO and setting up as a Studio Engineer. If I tell you that I live in Madison, Wisconsin, how do you imagine Wisconsin? I imagine Devon as being cloudy and rainy because that’ the stereotype of England. How wrong am I?! Well, Wisconsin….hmm, um. You know, I have no idea. Isn’t it central/north America? America both fascinates and scares me. The scale of the place is hard to comprehend. To me, even London is slightly daunting, let alone a country that has states bigger than England. I’ve only visited America once and it was the typical Disneyland/Universal Studios commercial junk holiday. If I went again I’d like to see the real America. I live close to Dartmoor so yes, its cloudy and rainy 75% of the time. It’s raining as I type this! By the time summer roles around though, England by the sea can be beautiful as all the rain has left everywhere really green and verdant. We may only get 2 months of sunshine, but its really worth it.


What are the feelings that you want to create with your music? For example, when you create a guitar solo, what do you seek? For me the solo/ lead guitar is the song. I don’t find that chords alone can portray too much emotion. I mean, whenever I listen to a song the bit I enjoy most is that release the solo brings. I often come up with melody lines/ solo’s and chords simultaneously. Sometimes the solo’s come afterwards (Quite a few of my solo’s are improvised) but it’s always those guitar parts that are most important to me. I think I’ll leave people to find their own emotions when listening to the songs. I guess, in a rather clichéd way, I’d say ‘hope’ probably plays a large role in the songs. I think its in a genre/ area of music that sees ‘hope’ as its ultimate buzzword though, so maybe ignore that and just make up your own mind! Any news, events or comments?! Thanks again, I hope people find the interview at least mildly interesting! I’ll plug the CD and say that hard-copies with artwork are now ready but I’m just having some Paypal issues, so keep checking back. They will be priced very modestly just to cover costs. Expect a much more exciting and longer EP around next Christmas, better production values and songs that hopefully build upon this demo. Cheers Mauricio! JR. THE END. --


Outlying (Quebec, Canada) has a recording called Within the Jail of the Unfortunate and it’s good, headbanging metal that goes beyond categories. The vocals sound raspy, maybe black metalish, the riffing often is at shred-mode, while there is a well developed sense of songwriting, some melancholic, melodic or somber moments, as well as some vibes that recall some prog metal, maybe. You get the idea, it sounds pretty cool, is what I’m saying, and the songs stick around well after the cd stops playing. I have been a little bit of surprised how the songs are not easy to forget, actually, since I remember them days later. Fred (vocals/guitars) provides some interesting answers to some music and some uncomfortable questions! -What has happened since Within the Jail of the Unfortunate? Since the CD has been released only one month ago and we are a totally new name around here, nothing major has happened, but, thanks to the Internet, word gets spread and new people are getting interested by what we do. We got our EP reviewed by a pretty big metal webzine around here, because one of their reviewer heard our stuff on Myspace and found it interesting enough to write something about it. We did not get a perfect score or something, but I was pretty stoked by this, since the bands they review seem to be mostly bands that are either signed, or are much more experimented and have had a much bigger budget than us. It still feels weird to see my homeproduced, indie-released EP up there with the bigger bands hahaha!! So far, we are really satisfied by the feedback we got, and hopefully, the interest for our music will keep growing. “Starving for Reason” is about what? and “Blind Memories”? Most of the lyrics I write are about painful mental and emotional conditions such as anger, sadness, alienation or loneliness. Sometimes I write about things that I went through myself, or I try to visualise myself going through certain situations I never experienced before, just like in the lyrics for 'Starving For Reason'. In some countries led by religious fanatics, even though you know you are being manipulated, you cannot stand up and fight the system because you will get persecuted. That song talks about the way a person would feel by living in this situation. Our former bassist wrote most of the lyrics for 'Blind Memories', but I know this song was about living a comfortable lifestyle with a loved one, and unexpecting the imminent drastic end of the relationship. When you hear a well-performed classical song, you can hear the musician play with genuine emotion that translates through the music. We want to achieve something

similar with our music. We always try to have lyrics that fit the musical content of the songs, so that both complement each other. One of the biggest reason why I listen and play metal music, is because it's a genre that moves me in a certain way that other kinds of music don't. If the music I write can have the same effect on people that my favourite bands' music have on me, I achieved my goal. How do you decide to have lyrics in English or French? Our lyrics are all in English. It's definitely a lot harder for us to write in that language of course because it's not our mother tongue. But English is an international language and it's the way to go if you want to have your message understood by the most people as possible. We are proud of our roots, but we like the fact that some dude from the other side of the world will actually be able to know what we are talking about in our songs. I am pretty sure that most bands with English lyrics from non-English speaking countries like Sweden, Finland or Germany feel similar about this. Do you think you can make a living by playing metal? Do you worry that a record company will begin telling you how to dress, to change? You know, I studied music in college and I can play different kinds of music. If money was my goal, I would not be wasting my time playing metal hahaha!! Yes I want to push my band as far as possible and I would totally like to make a living out of playing this kind of music, and some people do, but for me, that's not the point of doing this. I like the fact that I can write and play whatever I feel and I would rather make no money doing this than having a record label asking me to cut my hair, write shorter songs, start playing metalcore breakdowns or whatever hahaha!! What is the metal scene for you in Bécancour, Quebec? Are there a lot young bands like yourself playing metal music that seems to combine thrash and black and death and kind of roll it into your own thing? There is no such thing as a metal scene in Bécancour hahaha!!! Well, there are only a couple of other metal bands around here and they play different stuff. We don't have a similar 'sound' like Gothenburg's death metal bands, Bay Area's thrash metal bands or something like that. I write most of the stuff in Outlying, and I can't see myself trying to stick into one particular sub-genre of metal. To be honest, I don't think about that when I write riffs and songs. I don't make a conscious effort to blend different elements together. I get influenced by a lot of different metal bands, and also by stuff other than metal. When I write music, I just put whatever elements I want to hear, and whatever fits the emotional content of the lyrics. In your opinion, do you think the Quebecois do not have equality in Canada compared to English-speaking Canadians? Do you think that the Quebecois should have your own country separate from Englishspeaking Canada? Do you personally feel “Canadian” or in reality you think of yourself as “Quebecois” and “Canadian” are the Anglophones? Oohh... This can be a dangerous topic. You know, since I write my lyrics in English, I cannot pretend to be a total die-hard, patriotic, Quebecois hahaha!!, but I think it would make sense if we had our own country, since we are clearly distinct from other parts of Canada. However, Canada is a nice country to live in, and I have absolutely no problem thinking about myself as a 'Canadian' as much as a 'Quebecois'. Some people here in Quebec have a very strong opinion about this topic, but it does not really matter to me, really. I am not very interested by this debate. As long as we can protect our language and culture, that is what matters to me. Canada is a great country and I don't think I should feel bad or anything about being part of it. Do you think that the Quebecois at the same time are racist against African, Caribbean, Asian and Latin American immigrants in Quebec? Do you think that the white Quebecois feel like a person cannot be Quebecois and be black or brown or Muslim, etc.? Holy shit! Do we have such a bad reputation out there!? hahaha!!


There are issues with some immigrants here, but it mostly has to do with language and religious accomodements. We have a fair ammount of local celebrities that are black, Asian or Latin American, and they are considered to be 'Quebecois' just as much as the other 'white/caucasian' people here. We are definitely not a racist population except for some redneck here and there, but that's the case for anywhere in the world. People here are used to live with immigrants, especially in the Montreal area. Any news, events or comments?! Thanks for your interest!! It was a pleasure for me to answer your questions! If you are interested in getting our EP, you can order and pay via PayPal on I hope to have a chance to play in you area one day! Take care!... -Fred. THE END. --

Human Cyborg Relations

This band is metal, thrashy, growled, with a guitar-centered approach that keeps metal shred/melody/guitar upfront. Don’t form an opinion just based on the name in this case! Ghosts of Smoke is the name of the cd and those that appreciate sensible guitar playing will be interested to hear this band because they have a certain quality that lets the guitar shine, in my opinion, while not being show-offs. The band was patient enough to put up with some stupid questions. Don’t let the silly answers fool you. There is some good guitar playing going on here, as well as some banging metal. -Eldred and Bangulo sound like a pretty talented duo of guitar players. Can you explain what they do to keep up their skills? And it is true that they play until their fingers bleed? Bangulo: Lol I was pretty obsessed with practicing when i was around 18. I don"t practice much but sweeping but i do play a lot at least once a day. if i practice something, it's because something that i hear and i don't understand how to get that sound out of the guitar. Someone is always coming up with some kinda neat technique. Eldred: Uh,my guitar is already red stained, so the blood just blends in. Your album has some very short songs and some longer, more regulartime songs. Are the short songs your earlier material? It seems to me that a song like “Die” or “Bonecrusher” have immature lyrics, you know, the typical “I wanna die” or “Kill, kill, kill” lyrics, while “Ghosts of Smoke” has more thought-out ideas ideas. Angel: Do you always ask immature questions? Haha. There are bands that have been around for years that have "immature" lyrics. Death metal and black metal are about killing, torturing and raping. I'm not saying we're death or black, but a little fantasy is fun. Bangulo: Depends on the type of metal. Death metal usually refers to Death. Each song is a different style of metal. Eldred has a binder full of lyrics with some dating back to high school. Some of those lyrics are in the binder. You can see an evaluation of that in the lyrics. Eldred: I did co-write "Bonecrusher" back in high school with Froggy; "Ghosts of Smoke" was written as a poem in 8th grade, so i don't know "well thought out" it was. I guess I'm just immature. You got two songs with the same lyrics: “Ghosts of Smoke” and “Till Dark”: what is the deal here? Genius or lazy?! Angel: Well when I was coming up w/ a vocal line for "Till Dark" there wasn't lyrics so Bangulo just told me to use "Ghosts of Smoke". Then, eventually he said we'll use the same lyrics because we've never heard of any other band that has done that haha. Genius or laziness? Can it be both? Bangulo: It was the idea that no one has done it, that i know of, anyways. Eldred: It's science.

Sometimes people say that the bass is not that necessary in metal. Basically, some people have no respect for the bass guitar. Angel: Yeah I hear that all the time. I'll make jokes about being a bassist. How many bassists does it take to change a light bulb? Who cares! But the bass is important. It compliments the guitar and drums. With out bass, songs can sound empty and plain. And since there is no respect for bassists we have to compensate by playing twice as hard as the guitarist. It's not just loading equipment and getting water bottles haha. Bangulo: Wheres my Beer? Eldred: I think the bass is very necessary in metal. It can be the driving force of the song. What are some things that you would like to improve on? Angel: I personally want to work on my playing and vocals. No matter how good you think you are, you can always get better. Bangulo: There's always room for improvement. In every aspect from structure, mixing, recording. it's when a band thinks they don't need to improve is when they fall apart. Eldred: Our nunchuck and bo-staff skills. Do you buy cds or do you download the music you like?One of you (Bangulo?) likes to wear an Ozzy t-shirt. How old are you guys? I would think that Ozzy would like old to you. Don’t you find Bark at the Moon weak? Does Bangulo like Randy Rhodes more than the music? Ozzy’s music is simply not that good, man!! Have I pissed you off, yet?! Angel: I buy what I like. Bangulo: i do both. Download and buy if i like it. Mostly in vinyl if i can find it. I am 25 but yeah Ozzy is great especially in sabbath. We listen to a lot of stuff. no matter the era if its good when it was made shouldn't matter. Bark at the moon is great why would it be weak? cus it don't got randy? I don't obsess over one guitarist or musician like that. i just happen to have an Ozzy shirt lol. No i am not pissed a lot of people don't like Ozzy haha. Eldred: Are you trying to piss us off? Yeah, I buy whats good. If I really like a certain band, I try to get the entire discography, like Gwar and Opeth. What will you do in 2009? What news do you have? Angel: Work on new material. Bangulo: work on the next cd. only time will tell. Eldred: Write music, play shows, rock the fuck outta anyone who will listen. THE END. --


Prognosis/Contagion is the name of the cd by Sciamachy (Australia) who don’t like to play by the rules: the music is downtuned, growled, not far away from death metal, while adding a certain twisted, dissonant quality that makes them stand out. It’s not ear-candy or easy-listening, but something that requires more attention. Obviously, they do have an intellectual streak in them that makes them be nothing like meat and potatoes metal, while very much remaining a heavy, heavy as heavy, I’m saying, proposition. Interestingly enough, in the live situation, I know this music sounds mosh-friendly because of the heavy riffs and growling. The zig-zag, here-there rhythms end up sounding both familiar and unfamiliar at once. Mitchell Alexander (vocals) answers. -Your song structures are certainly not run-of-the-mill. What are the things you pursue with your music? We like to play music that A) we’d like to hear, and B) that we haven’t heard before. It’s not deliberate, but we end up doing things differently to most bands because of that. We wouldn’t be satisfied otherwise. If someone else has already written it, then what’s the point in reproducing that sound? Our main song writer, James, doesn’t follow


trends in music, which influences the way our songs take shape. Beyond our musical favourites like Meshuggah and The Dillinger Escape Plan, we’re just as likely to get a vibe or emotion from a movie or book. James has said he’s really influenced by films; he can pick up an emotion from a movie or show and put that into the songs. We just let that vibe flow and I guess it ends up sounding different from normal metal. What is the history of the songs and how your songwriting works? The songs on Prognosis were written about a year and a half, two years ago. Contagion material was written a while before that, some of those songs are from when we started as a band. Being our first CD, we figured we may as well put on all of our songs, as a retrospective, and also to increase the length of the disc. The songs are easy enough to play now, but they did take some time to get used to. But the more you play the parts, they become second nature; you just stop thinking about it and just feel it. Our guitarists had a bit of a problem with some sections at first, but they’ve just worked up to it, conditioned their muscles for the riffs. While James starts the song writing process, we all chip in with ideas, whether it be new riffs, patterns, structural ideas, what have you. When a song’s complete and we’ve jammed it out a couple of times, I’ll solidify the lyrical ideas I’ve had for it. In fact, the lyrics are the only part that isn’t a whole band thing. But then they’ll all have input into how the vocals should be done. The band gets together now and again and has theme days as well, where we discuss things like concepts for CD packaging, creative promotion, concept album themes, anything thing creative outside of the music. We all try and do our best when it comes to the business side as well. We’re not represented, we’re completely self-managed, self-reliant, so we all do what we can when we can to keep everything running smoothly. What are the topics of your lyrics and are you into poetry? I mean, “Golden Conjugation” or “Lost in Preface” are not exactly normal song titles (whatever normal means, anyway)! I’m very much into poetry and literature; they’re my main passions beside music. I try to style the words to sound more poetic than simply sounds to fill a musical hole. The lyrics are outgrowths of thoughts I’m having at the time. I tried to write introspective lyrics in the past, but I’m only comfortable writing about bigger themes, one reason being I think it suits the music. It annoys me when people give no credence to the lyrics, like they’re less pertinent to the band. I’d like people to simply consider the world we live in, all aspects of it, the seen and unseen, and realise we know so little of it. Everyone needs to start exploring, internally and externally, or earth is going to end up a lifeless barren rock. Just cherish life, exploit it to its fullest, and know that it’s fragile and temporary. I’m influenced by anyone that’s had a greater purpose than their own career, or anyone with a massive creative flair that can’t be contained. I studied their work, so I feel I should let it influence my writing. Anyone with big ideas; Ken Wilbur, Keith Buckley, Bill Hicks, Bill Henson, Bill Bryson; doesn’t matter what field they work in. Inspired thought and creativity inspire me to write. What is life like where you live? Are youth frustrated with the economic situation? Life on the North Coast of NSW is a far sight better than other places I’ve seen. Tamworth, for instance, is 7 hours from the closest major city, meaning 7 hours to any international band. We’re only a 2 hour drive from Brisbane. We’ve got a bit of a youth problem; drinking, fighting, drugs and the rest. For example, girls as young as ten have been found drunk and on the town, and 70% of all the teens in our nearest town have Chlamydia. It’s those kinds of problems, though at least they’re having fun. Jobs aren’t to scarce if you’re prepared to do something soul crushingly menial, but no one seems too worried because they either study at uni, or don’t mind the work because they’re saving to leave. Or they’re stupid. Nothing is really open to anyone artistic in our town of Ballina, though Byron Bay is pretty

good for the alternative life style. That however, is slowly being weeded out by yuppies and council pricks. Teens and young adults around here are so apathetic, it’s ridiculous. And quite disheartening. Bryon Bay and Nimbin are the drug capitals of Australia, and both towns being in this area really gives people the option to trip out all day and live off welfare in dirty communes, being vegan and stinking. Only a small percentile of people around here give two shits about world affairs, it’s very sad. But like Buddha said, “Fuck ‘em.” What does Sciamachy mean? Sciamachy (Sigh-Am-A-Key) means “Fighting with shadows”, from an ancient Greek word. Every single person we’ve told our name to does a double-take and goes “Huh?” Hopefully having a retarded sounding and looking name will help people remember us. What kind of coverage have you gotten? Are you ready to tour? Have you contact with people in your region, like Japan or New Zealand? We’ve gotten some good grass roots coverage, some street presses have given us write ups without us even mentioning a thing to them, which is really nice, considering we don’t really know anyone. We’ve contacted a few people as well, and they seem keen to give us slightly more exposure than just a pocket panel on the back page. We’ve gotten on one metal station in Brisbane, but it’s hard to track down local little metal stations. We’ve got one national show, but they get far too much mail, so we’ve got to search for the underground ones. The best coverage we’ve got so far is fans taking it upon themselves to spread the word. Friends of ours in a band playing in Brisbane said they met a dude wearing a self made “Sciamachy” shirt to a show we weren’t even at! That’s awesome, and makes me feel good about being in a band. We’re looking to get overseas if possible, we’ve just got to find the right type of management for what we want to do. It’s going to be too hard to leverage it ourselves, and having a good manager also means having a new phone book full of contacts. Got to start making the calls. Fingers crossed we can come over to the States in 09. New Zealand would be good, and so would Japan, though that hasn’t really crossed our minds. For people who have not heard your music, what would you tell them that you have to offer to check out if they go to your myspace? If you’re looking for something slightly different and odd to what you expect metal to be, than have a look. We’re not an art-metal band (yet), we’re just doing things off-centre. And we’re going to have new songs up soon, which we all feel are light years ahead of what’s currently being presented, so that’s some incentive to keep checking up on us. Would you like to mention something else? Like I said, we’re really keen to be playing overseas, playing anywhere and everywhere, and getting our name out there, so if you want to help us out, get in contact with us one the myspace or our email. If your in a band and dig our sound, want to hook us up with some shows, we’ll love you forever. We’ll repay the favour as best we can and then some, we never forget those that help us out. We’ll then get drunk as fuck, eat all your food and steal all your women. 2009 is looking to really solidify metal globally, so we’re excited to be a part of that. See you all soon! THE END. --


The Rise by Corpus (Belgium) is a cd that’s more than 70 minutes of driving, uptempo, expertly played metal. It’s a professional, serious cd with good production, with some extra spices to liven up proceedings, like a nice, constant, background keyboards/classical sound. The vocals are clear, with a midrage tone, nothing too high or annoying. The vocals sound good and fit the music well. There are some bands out there that are not signed and many people may not know about them, but the quality is undeniable here. Corpus is one of those bands for sure. Plus, I like the fact that the cd is not short and that it is not


simple. Makes it more interesting to revisit and discover new things. By the way, their wonderful song “The Fatekeeper” is just one example of the quality of the music: it is a “hit” with me! The people answering are B = Benno (vocals/bass), S = Steve (drums), T = Tobias (guitars) and W = Wouter. -The Rise is more than 70 minutes! It must have been a lot of hard work to make it! Is everyone is the band without money now? T: We now live in Leuven railway station and eat rats… B: No, we still have a roof over our head but we will just have to sell CDs and play live a lot to earn the investment back. W: It was a lot of very hard work, and looking back it's almost incredible that we succeeded in actually recording, mixing and mastering a full length album in 7 days worth of studio time. S: Almost all the songs of the album were written years ago, from 2003 till 2005. We just made the decision of finally recording these songs and completing the album. “The Reason Why” talks about a lot jerks who lie and betray. Who do you have in mind with this song? The lyrics are very angry! S: Indeed, this song is the angriest concerning lyrics… But it’s actually all part of the background story of “The Rise”. This story hasn’t been put online yet, but when that happens (eventually) you’ll see that every song has a specific part in this tale. “The Reason Why” is the part of the story where the “I” person comes home after quarrelling with his ex girlfriend. The quarrel haunts his mind and the way he thinks generalizes everything and everyone. He’s so screwed up that he starts drinking and because of that his emotions are being strengthened. He becomes isolated in his own world, seeing and hearing things that don’t exist. Which is why some lines in the lyrics may seem a bit weird, but that’s all part of the concept :) W: Whenever I play this song I think about all the bad patches that happened to me over the years, and how somehow all that contributed to personal growth. You need all that is bad to appreciate all that is good. You need drama to understand happiness. Your lyrics, it seems to me, deal a lot with personal disappointment. Benno says that the album is a like diary for him. In what ways does Corpus serve as a catharsis for Benno? B: I definitely need something to vent my thoughts and anger. Not that I am angry all the time, but it's good to play once or twice a week. After rehearsals I'm feeling relaxed and it’s like I have been fitnessing for two hours. Adrenaline rushes are good!! W: We all use the band as an outlet for our anger and our day to day frustrations. I think we play best when something bothers us. What do you consider some important elements that your band does that it’s not that common in other bands? W: Benno's vocals! And the fact that we try to give each instrument an equal place in the spotlight. Also, I think there is an amount of honesty in our music that, I suspect, is seldom found in metal. B: I think that the music we bring can't be put in a certain frame. We don't play death or black metal; we tend to be a little progressive and gothic. I don't know, I guess we’ve put every metal genre on a pile and called it coRPus. S: We just want to be as fresh and original as possible. By using several styles of vocals and different voices, you can already create something much more diverse than most bands. What is the metal scene in the city or region where you live? B: Most people are into black and death metal over here. But our music is very well received. Is it better not to be signed to a record company because you don’t have any company bastards telling you to change your music? W: Now I wouldn't call those people bastards yet, we might have to deal with them someday after all. I think we just felt that the concept

of The Rise was so ripe and just perfect that we'd do it all ourselves. Freedom is a bonus, the fact that you really need to everything from recording to promotion yourself is quite a challenge. One we're willing to face. T: As a band, you need to be able to make music in the way you like. If a record company asks to adapt to their demands and these are too much out of line with the bands vision, this record company does not fit at all with the band. But after all, it’s understandable a record company tells you to adapt the music you play. It’s their money … Do Benno’s kids, Alexander and Anouschka, like Corpus’ music? B: Yes, they said they have the coolest dad ever. They like coRPus very much, especially Alexander. He's 12 now, but for years he has been listening to metal. Now he's a big Children of Bodom and Dimmu Borgir fan… Wonder where that will end. Anouschka likes to see her dad perform too, but she's 8 and allowed to listen to Britney. Can you explain the concept around “Heartless” which has four parts? Can you just give an explanation of the idea? S: The “Heartless” concept actually started off as a whole pile of lyrics. Benno and I had been writing for quite some time and I just decided to put everything together. In the beginning, the songs weren’t specifically meant to be in a concept, but after we added the lyrics, it became clear this could be something huge. “Autumn Rain” is the complete downfall of the character, while “Corridor of Wolves” is the most positive piece of lyrics we have so far. “Stop Haunting Me” and “My Gift” are respectively the time frames before our main character falls asleep and when he wakes up. The inspiration probably comes from the progressive rock/metal bands I listen to: Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation, Spock’s Beard, Genesis, … I merely wanted to make something just like those guys :) What are some U.S. television shows that are popular where you live? Do you think that U.S. television is stupid? Is television from your country just as stupid? Are there any good television shows you like? B: Only quiz shows are stupid. I think that American series like Heroes, all CSI's, Star Trek and even MacGyver are great shows. But yes, our TV is as stupid as in the US, only we don't have televengalists… S: I like the cartoons a lot: the Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, but also Friends is one of my favourite US programs. We have a few “legendary” shows over here, mostly comedy. W: Oh my, where do I start: Battlestar Galactica, the 4400, Navy NCIS, House MD, Heroes, anything based on American superhero comics! US television can get pretty stupid but al least the quality of most series has gone through the roof as of late. The stories are great! T: In general, I don’t watch television because I think there are not a lot of interesting shows on Belgian television. As for U.S. television shows, I don’t have any idea which ones are currently on Belgian television. What is your favorite type of literature? B: I like to read thrillers. My favourite authors include Preston & Child and Terry Pratchett. S: As you might have guessed by one of our songs: Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder. A real eye opener. Favourite authors are Kafka, Orwell, Steinbeck, … T: I don’t read a lot of books, but when I do, I prefer fantasy books. One of my favorite authors is Raymond E. Feist. His writing style is so vivid and it reads like a brilliant film plot. They should make some movies in the style of Lord of the rings of a few of his books. W: I like US comics, my faves are The Authority, anything X-men, Deadpool, The Boys, Tranquility, Wildcats, and anything by Alan Moore or Garth Ennis. I'll also read the arty Euro comics. As for more serious stuff: Umberto Eco, David Brin, Joe Haldemann, Dan Simmons, … or anything about history.


News? Plans for 2009? W: We'll tour, we'll give the best shows we can. Nothing fancy, just the truth. B: Well, I hope we get to play Madison, Wisconsin soon and tour Europe a bit. S: New songs are being created as we speak, we’re already discussing a new concept and as said, we’re starting our promotional tour throughout Belgium in February, very much looking forward to that! THE END --

Angelic Deficiency

The music of this band (U.S.) in the live environment probably sounds a lot like aggressive, heavy growl metal, but it is not just loud noise. Well, it is loud noise, of course, but there a bit of experimentation or style crossover, from death metal and hardcore, and thrash and some tech and dissonant components. As you will read, people are not sure what to call the band as far as a category, and the band kind of enjoy not caring. However, the music is not nearly as strange as these words may make them seem. Basically, it’s growl metal with some twists thrown in to spice up the moshing. Read the interview to find out a bit more and then go hear it for yourself. -Can you explain who writes your songs and why the funny song titles and explain a bit about the lyrical ideas of some songs? Songs are always written by Rick(guitar) and Wes (drums) and are usually completed before the rest of the band hears the song, because we often are working on more than one song we give them funny song titles Example: “Shotgun Pogo-Stick,” just sounded brutally unpleasant but sparks your interest. Song titles next to the lyrics sometimes fuel the meaning of the song..."Intravenous Battery Acid" is about the corruption of the medical industry. "consumers like tumors/spread like toxic rumors" at other times the song title is a metaphor for what the song is about "two priest walk into a bar..." is good way of saying the concept of religion is already a joke!... You have songs titled “Two Priests Walk into a Bar…” and “Shotgun Pogo-Stick,” etc. Do you view your band as a joke band? As far as a joke the band is taken rather seriously by all members Zac (vocals) for example received a 31(out of 33) on his "ACT's" and received scholarships to go to many schools but choose the band was more important to him. all of us currently work 40 hours a week at "shitty" jobs that allow us to take the time off we need to support the band as far as shows and recording. Also we are already writing the follow up album to "Casting.."(2008) entitled "Grenades and Ham" for a summer 2009 release (hopefully wide release) as well as currently recording a split album with another Colorado band. Musicians often hate this question, but that’s ok, so, here it goes: what do you label your music? We used to get pissed about what people would label us as... we've been telling people we're experi-METAL! I have heard we are thrashDeath, progressive, Deathcore and the list goes on.... but honestly we are always trying to grow as musicians. I personally feel that once you've given into labeling yourself within a Genre to a sub genre you are cutting out creativity. Also funny you say death metal because some how we are heavy enough for Death metal fans to dig it then we open for a band like Powerman 5000 thinking its not going to go over well and they go ape shit over it....I think we are lodged between scenes and are more like a Metal Buffet there is something for everyone and your sure to get your fix! What is your situation in your area for touring and playing live in the region? How is the scene? Ha our scene is a joke, some days we pull in 600 with 80 headlining then two weeks later we open for a well known touring band and you get maybe 300 people there... we drive all over the place in order to

cover all of Colorado we've done 56 in "Colorado alone" in a 2 year span. Denver is about five hours away and we make the trip about every two months but right now shows are slumming. Not a lot of booking going on, but we're fighting through it. We'll be on a West Coast tour this summer and hopefully just stick it out the road and tour the rest of the country....As far as fitting into our scene we play with Death Metal Bands, Thrash, Hardcore bands, Hard Rock Bands, and everything in between...We have even open for comedian Kyle Cease(Comedy Centrals "stand up show down winner, Slow clap guy in "Not another teen Movie") we always stand out like a sore thumb, but a sexy sore thumb that everyone relates to... On the cd you had two different people play drums? Can you explain the situation in this case? Line-up changes? Easy one... Rick and Wes sit in a room with rick on guitar and Wes on the drums and hammer out songs... actually that's how it always has been since he joined AD (before that rick wrote all the music) the only difference is when Wes joined the band, we didn't need a drummer we needed a bass player... Wes actually played bass on "Casting" it got edited out of the credits in the final proof and we didn't catch it....Sam needed Wes to teach him the parts to songs in order to play them, some songs have been greatly slowed down or "dumbed up" so Sam was able to play them. When Sam left the band during the recording of the album (personal reasons) it was actually a blessing since Wes could play them better anyways! Steve actually joined just before the release of the album. You had four guests appear on this cd. Can you say a little a bit about those people are? Friends from other bands? The four guest spots are Andy, Taylor, Aaron, and Drew... We recorded with radio personality the IMPALER aka Taylor Riley. Taylor plays drums for Death Metal outfit Exussum(Andy, Drew, Taylor and former member Aaron) Taylor lives an hour away and because we did this with very little money we or he were not always available. He was showing Exussum what we have done so far and they all picked there favorite song and did either a solo or asked to vocals on a song in some cases we had to cut things in order for there solo's to work since they did them before vocals were added. We actually didn't have much say in that all the guys are super cool and would have let them do it anyways. What are your current plans? Immediate plans are to begin recording our next album continue to play shows and send out press kits to see what happens... we also feel like we are two steps behind ourselves we were writing better/stronger songs while recording casting and we never feel like people get to hear what is really going on....we've never sent out press kits because we never felt like they were going to hear what we're like now! THE END. ---

Torment Tool

Torment Tool (Germany) is a thrash quartet whose 3-song cd Fuel of Hate is about shredding and some cool solos. The songs are just fun, thrashing with catchy chorus lines about the silence of death, everybody has to die, nuclear winters and other such typical themes concentrating on true predictions (like that everybody has to die; true that). The vocals are traditional mean/street vocals. The band’s strength on here is that their songs are fun, but not melodic. They rely on shredding and a good rhythm section, not sugary melodies. This is what they have to say for themselves when I argued with them! --How are you? What have been doing since Fuel of Hate? Very fine but we’re not drunk yet. We kick many asses in towns like Munich, Bietigheim Bissingen and many more. We got a little bit tighter and tried to write better songs.


What are your lyrics about? What is “Nuclear Winter”? I know that you know that Sodom has a song with that name! It’s a mixture of “beer drinking” songs and songs against the senseless war, social problems and the senseless “senslessnesses”. Intolerance of stupid people is the most used content in our lyrics next to drunkness of us. Nuclear Winter is about the power of nation and how the head of states abuse these power. The song want to show the consequences of the acting of these people. “Silent Death” is inspired by what? What about “Fuel of Hate”? What do you hate?!! Silent Death is inspired by lyrics of Sodom. I was Just 18 and wanted to write a war song about chemical warfare (francis). Fuel of Hate is about civil war like in China. At the beginning it’s called Full of Hate cause the citizen are full of hate. But then we renamed the song , because the prices of oil rised very high. What we hate: Francis (guitar): Empty tankards, when women talk to much Ulli (guitar/vocals): Posers Ringl(bass): Nothing. When you hate something you must engaged with something what you don’t like, and that is stolen time. Felix (drums): to much school, when women talks to much, the last mouthful beer in the bottle What is this about women? Do you believe in sexism or something? no i was too much hurt from women and so i think so. i don't believe in something. the only thing that i believe is the reality!!! so please dont think that i'm sexiest pig or sth How did you choose to have traditional thrash vocals, as opposed to more growled vocals. We choose these vocals cause we want that people understand our lyrics and can think about it. And we think that early Kreator and Slayer vocals sounds very aggressive, so we choose this vocals. Another point is that every other bands in our town make Death metal or Metalcore and so we want to make something different. Traditional Power Metal vocals sounds too “gay” for us. [What?! Singing is “gay” and barking like a dog is “hetero”? — editor] Did Ringl hear cds with especially good bass playing in 2008? He heard only the new Metallica album, but the later Death albums have good bass parts. Here in the United States some people who are convinced the United States government helps other countries in the world. This is part of how U.S. nationalism that justifies imperialism and war. Do you think that some Germans are convinced the German government helps other people? Of course we think that the german government helps other people and other countries. But in many different ways e.g. medical support, food or troops. Not everybody has to like these different kinds of help. But also we think Imperialism and especially WAR ain’t be justified by anything. [The U.S. and German governments are both imperialists! They help themselves by exploitation, domination and thieving. -editor]

Have you tried to play music with only bass guitars and drums? Felix: I wouldn’t play the bass drum Ringl: We can only pay one bass player Francis: What kind of music should that be? A vacuum cleaner? Ulli: It would be too progressive and sounds very shitty What do you think o bands who have fascist ideas like Absurd? We aren’t political. We’ve a lot of friends from other countries and we think that people can have their own opinion as long as they don’t use violence to spread their opinion. We are sad of the intolerance of many people in our region. Absurd sucks! Because they killed somebody and





Are there young or new German thrash bands with majority women or some women members? We don’t know many things about women in the metal scene. Here in our city are only one girl in a metal band, and that’s enough. In the thrash scene generally aren’t many women. What is it with you? You believe that crap about how ”metal is only for men” What’s your problem with women?! What the hell?! ah ok. really, we dont engaged us with the topic, cause the only band we hear where a woman play is arch enemy. the band is good, and we think than women should be established in the scene, but its very hard, cause in the mainstream scene girls exist to look good, and thats a pitty. especially in the thrash scene arent many women, in bands as well as the fans. so we like it when women play in bands, but they werent take seriously. so i hope the appereance of antagonism against women is vanished. especially i (francis) have a band with a woman. she plays the guitar as well as i'm doing..... When you die, the worms will eat your body. Do you hope that your flesh is delicious to the worms? Francis: I think they will be very drunken after the meal. Felix: I hope my ashes will send to Richard Christy Ulli: I don’t care, I’m dead Ringl: I will bury in a casket made of steel, so the worms can’t eat my rotten corpse. So I don’t give a shit. When Felix was learning to play drums, did he play at home and did his parents like that? I didn’t have the opportunity to play at home, my band always forced me to travel to the “practice room” to play. Since one year I play volunteer. Would you be angry if your children tell you they hate metal? Do you have country music in Germany?! Our children could listen to what they want. If we have them. But we never thought about adopting children as a band. We think there is a small pit of country music in germany, we only guess. Anything else?! When you want that we come to play, we will be happy about it and sure that anytime in the future it will be possible. And thank you for the interview. We have a lot of fun. THE END. --


Baubas: Mitalas IV Live This cd is a live recording from Lithiuania from the Mitalas IV concert. The first two songs, at least on here, sound like energetic thrash with black/death vocals, though the music is straight thrash. The next two songs keep that energetic vibe, with a more midpaced groove. Things get a bit more adventurous with track 6, “Chaosas,” which is not clear what the deal is with the punky, clear vocals. Now the band sounds maybe more punk with growled vocals and some punky shouting. The last song “Drop by Drop” continues the punky growl metal thrash groove. The songs sound alright for now. I think they have some room to develop their sound, like where to take their thrashy riffing in a more concrete direction. The Brainwash: Psychophony This band (Italy) plays their thrash/punk in the we-are-old-schooland-like-to-play-it-dirty/garage style. The sound quality is that of a demo, nothing fancy, giving the band a real rough-around-the-edges


feel, with aggressive(thrashy)/melodic(punky) riffing and plus soloing. Clarification: if you like bands with huge-studio productions and fancy computerized sounds only, then this is not for you. The Brainwash here sound like a bunch of thrashing punks, the vocals are sort of yelled out. As the cd progresses the band uses a bit more melody and lets out some of that street/punk attitude. There are some pretty good songs here, but I think their strength is when they are thrashing more aggressively and playing faster, like when some of the wilder soloing and drumming take place. Cretaceous This band (U.S.) was created for the purpose of delivering what the metal masses have been clamoring for: furious thrash dealing with dinosaurs! The vocals can sound like black metal high-pitched raspy voice, but there’s lots of low, guttural growling, just the ancient dinosaurs liked in their metal music. This band likes to thrash and shred and the guitars often have a hook or some kind of ditty going, while keeping the thrashing at rates that would make the dinosaurs stand up and growl. The recording is pretty rough, rusty and dirty, as the band themselves admit. It’s a pretty good idea where they are going, though. Damage: Time to Attack On the cover of their cd this band (Austria) is attacking emo kids wearing Caliban shirts, short hair and Hot Topic-like rock belts, while the band themselves wear Sodom, Satan and Testament sleeveless old shirts, very long hair, knives and real bullet belts. Damage has songs called “Forces of Metal” and “Metal Attack.” The vocals are borderline growl/scream death/thrash and the musis is all thrash in the mean, fast and street style. It’s fast, though not blasting, it’s not melodic, but it does have hooks, so it’s not just speed here. They are good at what they do and it’s certainly fun to hear. More, please! Dimansion: Room One (Emotion Art Enterntainment) The operatic vocals combined with melodic, midpaced hard rock, as well as some metal influences, with their emphasis on keyboard, melodic passages, plus some guitar-based hooks gives this band from Greece a certain symphonic, gothic rock mix. The synth and soprano vocals are a huge part of the equation, as are the guitar solos. The title track is pretty rocking. There are some good solos and riffs on it, and the main guitar riff is driving. “Alive” has some good soloing. The one thing that the band will be seeking to change is the production, since it is not as strong and big as it is expected for this type of Dying Daylight: Luminous Dreams This cd is very catchy melodic rock with good songs. This band from Finland has melodic singing. Another key ingredient is the combination of guitar and keyboard melodies, creating something like current adult contemporary rock, not too different from the radio rock of a band like Journey or music like that. The band will probably be promoted as power metal or goth metal or something like that. I don’t care to argue about that, but the fact is that this is not metal.

Ensoph: Rex Mundi X-ile (Cruz del Sur) This band from Italy (it seems) is five robot-futuristic Marilyn Manson-looking like, gas-mask, leather and spandex-wearing bunch of freaks. The music is that sort of very computer-y, techy stuff, with robot voices and funny noises. Do you like weird tech-robot-rock? Euronymous: Death Metal These two songs by this band (Malaysia) have several things that are good. The guitar solos and the guitar work in general is distinctive. The solos have a flowing, vibrant quality to them, while the riffs are discernable, not disguised by excessive downtuning. The vocals are growled and go well with the atmosphere of death metal done right. The overall rhythm is pretty easy to enjoy because is driving, thrashing death metal. The feel is death metal, but since they like the classic sounds is hard not to have a bit of thrash feeling in there, too. It’s all good. More, please!! Everwhere: Life and Death This band from Sweden plays what is basically radio midpaced Metallica-style music. Heavier than traditional heavy/power metal, but not too aggressive and not fast. The vocals have the midrange, not really singing, kind of talking/shouting. I think the band does know what they are doing, in their Metalllica/Megadeth/Testament/Anthrax-influenced style. Personally, I would like more energy and speed. They gotta get angry, gotta get mean! Foul: Goredom This is really fast, drummachined, unintelligible goreblast stuff. If you think that when you gargle water you are making wonderful music, then this will be genius to you. Jesper, the man behind this cacophony will himself tell you that this is nothing but immature, moronic snotgoreblast from Sweden, with love. Hellsign: From Madness to Suicide Hellsign (Barcelona, Spain) is guttural, brutal, blasting death metal. Let’s do a check list: incomprehensible growling? Check. Blasting? Check. Low tuned buzzing guitar sound? Check. Fast guitar solos? Check. What I think the band could benefit from would be to come up with more memorable guitar work, where the riffs can stand out more. The growling could be more varied, so it’s not that monotonous growling all the way through, though it’s now fine and good, just lacking variety. Lamb of God: Wrath It’s ok music at a midpaced rate, with mosh parts and semigrowled vocals. Nothing horrible. If you want to hear bands that use the Pantera template of music, you will like. Next! Leprous: Tall Poppy Syndrome (Sensory) People who are intellectuals or who think that they are smarter than you will probably say this band is pure genius because the music goes from angry-depressed-screamo college rock alienation to space rock then on to growling rock and back again to confused boy rock or maybe angry vegetarian rock. They can sound pretty heavy and they do sound often pretty weird on purpose, as if to show their


intelligence. Their lyrics also have that we-read-hard-books feel or something like that. I don’t know. They are probably very good musicians. Bands on Sensory tend to have a lot talent. I think their style could benefit from better transitions between songs. Maybe I don’t get their genius. The band would probably say that I am not qualified to judge them. Maybe. I just think they seem to be trying too hard. Plus, I wish they would rock out and get the metal going quicker and more than they currently do. Male Misandria: Volizione This band, who seem to think that they fit the category of “other,” play something like the territory between black metal and grind. Being the sharp observer you are, you then ask, “What’s between black metal and grind?” Answer: A racket. They make a ridiculous amount of over-the-top noise in ten minutes of black/thrash/punk riffing with blasting/fast/noisy drumming and lots of raspy yelling. They have short songs and some longer songs. It’s all pretty noisy and pretty fast, but they do it in a good way and get the job done quickly and leave. Leaving you to ask, “What just happened here?!” Gotta play it again and this time you gotta pay attention because it’s a whirlwind. Look out! Sucker punch! Mistielegy: Dyed White It’s easy to tell that this band (Japan) has the potential to appeal to the public into operatic vocals and symphonic/goth metal. Of the four songs, three are on the faster/speedy side of things and one is more ballad-y. The drummer likes to keep it fast and double-bass paced and the guitarist plays fast riffs, while also melodic and solos, hooks and licks. This is supposed to be something like fast power metal with elegance, like power metal for ladies and gentlemen. Right now the thing that does not allow the band to exhibit their music in the way that I’m sure they want is the production which is not the huge, symphonic one that they would probably like. However, this cd does provide plenty of evidence that the band may be on to something that could get wide appeal. Is elegant metal a genre? Maybe this band will show the way. Alex Murgia: In the Shade of Myself (part 1) This is instrumental and experimental music. Sounds mostly like acoustic guitar spacey music. Is this music for relaxing or meditation? Well, anyway, it’s not metal. Nierty: Dominion A clusterfest of ridiculously fast drummachined speed and even more yelling and screaming, from the United Kingdom. It’s like fast, angry robots rocking out with some chainsaws. How are the songs? I have no clue because it’s all very blurry, nebulous and confusing. Imagine computerized black/death/industrial/meteors and inhuman sounds and screaming. Go here: Pack of Wolves: Betrayer (Arclight Records) This Texas, U.S. group has the sound of experience and knowledge, they know what they are doing with the huge, driving riffs and a big

rhythm to their sound of not-melodic-but-pretty-easy-to-remember growled, big-riff metal. It sounds pretty well thought out, with a certain expertise that can be heard throughout their music. The band has a particular type of riffs that on purpose avoid sounding like ear candy, avoiding the sounds of that thing called melodic growl metal. All their songs have a certain anti-earcandy hooks that make each song stand on its own. I don’t the get the feeling that all the songs follow a strict formula, though the band does have their sound. Here and there the band does have a melodic moment, but it’s not overdone. The riffs/hooks seem to collide against each other, giving the impression of dissonant, riffs-against-themselves feel. After a few listens all of this starts to make sense and gets more memorable, like “Walking Dead,’ with its hooks. In addition, the band does have their tripped out moments like “To Claw Out Eyes” which is unmelody and discordance at exhibition. Persona Non Grata: Shade in the Light (Sensory) This band (Greece) is traditional prog metal that is very professional and with a good production. I think the band is more in the category of “for prog metal freaks” because their songs do tend to stay in the proggy field. However, I think that if the listener is willing to give it a real chance and not worry about too much about categories, the band certainly have a seriousness and a quality about them that cannot be dismissed lightly. The vocals are traditional and good singing, while the talent of the musicians is obvious from the first moment. The songwriting has much to offer to the listener in terms of singing, with a very full voice that projects well, with required high-yelling moments, and crispy guitar solo work, sharp notes and good riffing. The solos are often very expressive, when they are slower. They also make use of keyboards a lot, but it’s background stuff, not symphonic stuff. While the band sticks to the straight, old-school, traditional prog metal field, they have solid, quality songs. Personally, I wish they would rock out a bit more, bust out with some headbanging tunes. Right now they are keeping it pretty intellectual and mental, like metal music for wine and art movie enthusiasts. Phrygian Gates: Black Lines This band (Norway/Spain) plays mature prog rock that can rock out at times, as well as mellow/space moments, guitar solo wizardry and jams. “Separate Lives” and “Massacre Designs” are obviously metaljam-inspired guitar riffs and quick finger work, with some double-bass drumming, while “Contrast” is made for a quiet trip to the stars. The vocals of Samuel Axelsson are not the typical high-voice singing, but more like a mellow hippie dude singing some tunes to add to the music, but not overdo it. Juan A. Jiménez’s drumming is clearly skillful. He does the metal stuff, the improvisational stuff, the jamming stuff. From the bio, it seems these guys are music instructors or music theory buffs, so they do love their prog rock, as well as some metal. Spectral Manifest The idea of raw, fast metal is certainly to be appreciated. It’s possible that in the future this band (Texas, U.S.) will sound better, but on here I have found it difficult to hear the instruments, mostly drums and some black/death vocals. There is some low rumbling that could be guitars. As a result, it’s not easy to judge the songs based on this recording.


Stalingrad: Stalingrad This cd (Canada) has several positive elements. They play guttural, heavy and downtuned metal, they have the tendency to change the speed, use appropriate solos and different rhythms. The lyrics are of a social nature, tackling war, racism and prejudice, from youth being used as cannon fodder to ignorance attitudes in general. This is not blasting metal, but still very much uptempo, with some mosh/groove parts, with thrash and death riffing. They sound enthused and the guitar solos show dedication to the art of soloing. They keep it brutal, but also socially relevant. United Mind Club: The Last Performance Wouldn’t you know it, these 3 songs by this band (Russia) sound like the next of kin to the hard rock that U.S. magazines like Revolver cover. The guitar work relies on general, play-on hard rock/mosh/jump energy, while the vocals are somewhere between talked and shouted, sometimes sounding like telephone-voices, megaphone-voices, midrange vocals and the drumming is that one-two, one-two, tat-tat heavy-beat, rhythm-driven style. United Mind Club meets up somewhere where mainstream, radio hard rock and mosh rock cross paths, creating something that is groove-oriented rock. In addition, the band obviously does like a whole bunch of different styles of rock, and maybe some metal, too, because there are brief moments when the lead guitar goes for the soloing and tapping, etc. The band likes to dress up in fancy suits and ties to round out their image. Woe of Tyrants: Kingdom of Might (Metal Blade) They have a fancy studio sound production and have studied their melodic growl core stuff. They claim to promote a “positive” message, but in reality it is the religious ideas of Christianity that they aggressively promote. Would you like Christianity to go along with your trendy mall growl? Yours For Mine: Dear Children (Blood and Ink Records) This Christian rock band play the sort of radio rock that is popular with mall kids, it seems to me. The instrumentation and singing sounds pop punky and the band sounds pretty good at what they do. Seeing that this is black/death/thrash zine, I don’t know much about this form of music. Would you like Christianity to go along with your rock music?

April 10, 2009 [contact: [email protected]]

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