Bulletin Jan 4 09

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916 N. LOCUST, PO BOX 214 PITTSBURG, KS 66762 PHONE: 620-231-2135 FAX: 620-231-4804 [email protected] WWW.OURLADYPITTSBURG.ORG


JANUARY 4, 2009


TODAY’S FOCUS – EPIPHANY: The Magi, pilgrims like us, were guided on their journey to meet and pay homage to the infant Jesus by the light of a glistening star. We have been led to Jesus by a light no less sublime—that of faith. Let us do all we can to keep its embers burning brightly within us, so that many others may come to know the saving love and light of Christ.

SCRIPTURE READINGS We need God’s Word each day. Mon (5) Saint John Neumann: 1 John 3:22—54:6; Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 Tue (6) 1 John 4:7-10; Mark 6:34-44 Wed (7) 1 John 4:11-18; Mark 6:45-52 Thur (8) 1 John 4:19—5:4; Luke 4:14-22 Fri (9) 1 John 5:5-13; Luke 5:12-16 Sat (10) 1 John 5:14-21; John 3:22-30 Sun (11) Baptism of the Lord : Isaiah 55:1-11; 1 John 5:1-9; Mark 1:7-11 ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER Rev. David T. Marstall, Chaplain 301A E. Cleveland, Pittsburg, KS 66762

REV. THOMAS J. STROOT, PASTOR REV. RUBEN ORTIZ MONTELONGO, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. DAVID T. MARSTALL, ASSOCIATE PASTOR & CHAPLAIN, ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER WEEKDAY MASSES 6:30 a.m. — Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. — Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m. — Tuesday, Thursday & Friday SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 Noon Spanish Mass—2:00 p.m. En Español: La misa en español, cada domingo a las 2:00 pm, confe siones a las 1:30 pm antes de la Misa. Se puede llamar al Padre Ruben Ortiz (620) 231-2135 CONFESSIONS (OR BY APPOINTMENT) Before the 8:00 a.m. weekday Masses — 7:30-7:50 a.m. Saturday — 4:00-5:15 p.m. MARRIAGES-Contact a parish priest at least four months prior to desired wedding date. PSR—Parish School of Religion (School Year) Elementary (K-8) Wednesdays 6:15—7:30 p.m.

Missionary Catechists of the Poor Spanish Sisters 620-235-1732

PHONE (620) 235-1138

ST. MARY’S GOODWILL 117 E. 10th 235-0564


RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP 117 E. 10th 235-7448

(When PSU is in session.) Sunday: 11:00am & 6:00 pm; Monday: 8:30pm; Wednesday & Thursday -Noon

PRAYER LINE 9:00am – 5:00pm 5:00pm – 9:00pm

231-6824 231-8816

ST. MARY’S COLGAN SCHOOLS Mr. John Kraus, President of Schools/Director of Administration Email: [email protected] Mr. Thomas Gorman, 7-12 Principal E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Michael Martin, Preschool-6 Principal Email: [email protected] ELEMENTARY (PRE-SCHOOL - 6)


JR. HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL (7-12) (620)-231-4690 Elementary: [email protected] SMC: [email protected]

Sign Pro-Life Postcards! Next weekend our parish, along with thousands of other parishes across the nation, will sign postcards urging Congress to oppose the—Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) and retain existing laws against government funding and promotion of abortion. Sign a postcard to your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators, which will be hand delivered to their offices in Washington DC during the annual March for Life pilgrimage. Let your voice be heard! Thank you for standing up for life at this important time!

Happy New Year, Ladies of the Parish! The first Altar Society meeting of 2009 will be Sunday, January 11th at 4:00pm in the St. Michael's Room in the Activity Center. We will have a Business meeting to include the following: *Upcoming Altar Society gatherings for the first half of the year, *Funeral dinners and how to make things easier for our volunteers, *Tasty snacks and good company. We hope to see you there! Bring a friend and start the new year off right by getting involved with the Altar Society! All ladies of the parish are welcome! No Cost Way To Help SMC SMC earns one penny each time you use the search engine www.goodsearch.com (this is a yahoo search engine). Enter “St. Mary’s Colgan Schools” as the charity you want to support (you need to enter this only once) and we earn funds each time it is used. If 1,000 supporters search the internet just 2 times per day, we will earn $7,300 in one year—this with no need to buy anything and no need for students to sell anything. C h eck o u t th e s i te www.goodsearch.com. If you shop online, check out www.goodbuy.com—a portion of online sales comes back to the school.

ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER Providing Catholic Ministry to Pittsburg State University

620-235-1138 WWW.CATHOLICGORILLAS.ORG REV. DAVID MARSTALL, CHAPLAIN Office Hours: 1:00-3:00 M, W, Th, F and other random times [email protected] MRS. AMY LOMSHEK, SECRETARY Office Hours: 9:00-2:00 M-F [email protected]

MASS SCHEDULE SUN 11:00am, 6:00pm Mon 8:30pm Wed, Thu 12:00pm RECONCILIATION 30 min. before all Masses ADORATION Thursday 10:00-3:00 See website for full weekly schedule

UPCOMING EVENTS Topeka Rally for Life Thu. Jan. 22. $5 to cover gas. Sign up this week. Complete itinerary on website. Domus Fiat Mariae Catholic women’s household now accepting applications for next year. Newman Center closed during break We will reopen the Sunday before school starts. FYI Plans for renovating the chapel are displayed on our website. Go to catholicgorillas.org for more information on all events. Knights of Columbus First Degree and meeting; 7:00p.m. Monday, Jan. 5th at the K. of C. Hall 718 N. Bdwy. Any one interested in becoming a member please contact Joe Hart at 2312652 or e-mail: [email protected]

St. Mary's Religious Gift Shop 235-7448 Thursday 10:00-3:00 Fridays 9:00-3:00 Saturdays 10:00-1:00 By appointment call: Denise 232-6955 or Elizabeth 232-6865 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE GIFT SHOP WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 7TH.

St. Mary’s Altar Society GOODWILL STORE HOURS Thursday—Friday—Saturday 9 a.m.—4 p.m. 235-0564 Please do not leave items when store is closed THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Thank you — each one of you — who in whatever way contributed to our Christmas celebration. Thanks to the Carol Cook and the Choir; Pat Jones, Mike Elder and the Folk group; Joe Fanska & Dory Towner. Thanks to Dory Towner & Mimi Laswell for decorating the church, Dwight Boman, Mark Engle and the “fluffers” (the ladies who always help with setting up the trees and putting the lights on the trees — a big job). They always do it with a true spirit of Christmas and love for our parish people and an appreciation of our beautiful church. We are grateful to VanBecelaere’s Greenhouse for providing the poinsettias this year and for so many, many years in the past.

The Health and Wellness committee appreciates your continued donation of personal care items--shampoo, soap, lotion, etc. Donations are sent yearround to local agencies such as Wesley House and Crisis Resource Center as well as to victims of flooding and tornadoes earlier in the summer. Thank you!

REFLECTIONS ON LIFE The infant Jesus adored at Christmas was, like each of us, an unborn child who began and grew in His mother’s womb. God-made-man accepted each of every phase of our humanity to demonstrate the sacredness of human life at all stages. Confirmation classes are: January 11, 2009, in the elementary commons. February 8, 2009—Retreat (all day). Fr. Ruben will lead classes from 9:4511:50. Candidates are encouraged to attend Noon Mass together afterwards. ****************** Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation by Bishop Jackels is Sunday, February 22, 2009 (12:00 noon). SEMINARIANS Our parish seminarians are home for the Christmas holidays—Zack Compton, Josh Evans and Gabe Greer have completed another semester of studies. Along with sharing this time with their families they will be assisting with some of the masses. Continue to pray for them as they continue their studies and discern their vocation.

COLD AND FLU SEASON This is always a difficult time of the year. There is no way to eliminate colds and the flu bug but we can take precautions to reduce the spread of them. Therefore, at mass we need to be conscious of the person next to us. If we have a cold we can bow and say peace be with you without shaking hands at the exchange of peace. The celebrant of the mass may choose not to offer the invitation for the greeting of peace. Please be careful and respectful of others during the next few months.

LOOKING AHEAD Sun (5) Knights of Columbus First degree Ceremonial Wed (7) PSR classes Wed (7) RCIA Classes Sun (11) Altar Society Meeting Sun (18) Health & Wellness Meeting Sun. (Feb 8) Confirmation Retreat Sun (Feb 22) CONFIRMATION MASS Sun. Mar 29—April 2

7:00pm. K of C Hall 6:15—7:30 pm 6:30—7:45 pm 4:00pm, St. Michael’s Room 10:00am, Activity Center 12:00 Noon Mass


Courage is a spiritual support group for men and women with same-sex attraction who desire to live chaste lives in accord with authentic Church teaching. EnCourage is a spiritual support group for families and friends of persons who struggle with same-sex attraction. For more information on either of these programs, please contact spiritual director Fr. John Brungardt, 316-269-3900 and mention “Courage” or “EnCourage.” Confidentiality is assured. Let us trust in our Loving Lord for guidance.

ALUMINUM CANS: Birthright of Pittsburg is now located at St. Pius X Newman Center, 301B E. Cleveland (entry is on the east side) of the Center 231-7944. Many of you have been very good about saving aluminum cans for them. They are very appreciative because it does provide some income and also helps with recycling. We ask that you bring your aluminum cans to the elementary school dumpster area on the north side of the school. Put them inside the west iron gates on the ground. They will be picked up periodically. Thank you for your support.

NEED A RIDE? Did you know that our parish has a Transportation Committee? We have volunteers, who take turns driving parishioners to Mass. If you know of anyone who does not have transportation to Mass and would like to attend, please have them call the rectory 231-2135 or Jon/Karen McCormick 231-6751.

SCHOOL LUNCHES Mon — Hot Dog, Tater Tots, Peaches, Cookie Tues— Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Fries, Pickle Spear, Mandarin Oranges Wed— Country Fried Beef Patty, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Beans, Bread, Pears Thur— Chicken Sandwich, Fires, Grapes Friday— Chili, Crackers, Applesauce, Cinnamon Roll

Please remember in your prayers, parishioners Missy Pichler and her daughter Averie. On November 30th they suffered the complete loss of their home and its contents, to a devastating fire. Family, friends and their faith are helping, but your prayers are truly needed! REMEMBER IN PRAYER Sick and Suffering— for healing and comfort Families — for the grace of parenthood Priests and Religious — for the grace, power and guidance of the Holy Spirit Vocations — to the priesthood and religious life Seminarians — for discerning and guidance in their vocation Men & Women in the Military — for their safety and protection Our Youth — for blessings and protection Our Deceased Loved Ones— especially the poor souls Travelers — for safety on their journey

Please remember to name Our Lady of Lourdes or St. Mary’s Colgan Schools in your will. May we leave a legacy of faith and education for the generations to come. Please consider informing Fr. Tom or the parish office of your legacy plans, [email protected]

STEWARDSHIP OFFERING Weekly Sunday Offering needed to sustain Parish Budget: $35,500.00 Sunday Offering Last Week


Surplus or

$ 7,566.93



Priests Retirement

$ 5,571.00


MASS INTENTIONS 1) Fr. Tom Stroot 2) Fr. Ruben Ortiz 3) Fr. David Marstall SUNDAY (4) EPIPHANY 7:00 (2) Intention of Celebrant 9:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 10:30 (1) Special Intention 12:00 (1) People of the Parish 2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Celebrant MONDAY (5) 6:30 (2) Tom Strasser+ TUESDAY (6) 6:30 (3) Joe & Robert Meyer+ 8:00 (2) Pauline Chapman + 11:30 (2) Marcus (Red) Jones+ WEDNESDAY (7) 6:30 (2) Sharrene Meyer+ 8:00 (2) Kari Spiers+ THURSDAY (8) 6:30 (2) Mary Ann Konek-Erickson 11:30 (2) Intention of Joanna Hughes FRIDAY (9) 6:30 (2) Leona Cashero+ 8:00 (2) Charles Miller+ 11:30 (3) Dee Iman+ SATURDAY (10) 8:00 (2) Onoto Slattery+ 5:30 (1) Michael Reineri+ SUNDAY (11) 7:00 (1) Intention of Celebrant 9:00 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society 10:30 (1) People of the Parish 12:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Celebrant NEWMAN CENTER —

Fr. David Marstall


STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS The three wise men who came from the East to pay homage to the infant Jesus brought Him rich gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh as part of their worship. What gifts have I brought to this celebration to offer to the newborn Savior?

VOCATION PRAYER Lord Jesus, we pray as a community for the grace to encourage all who choose a religious vocation. For those who have already chosen a vocation, we pray that they may have the grace to keep and nourish that commitment. Amen. Lifesaving AED in Church Thanks to a donation by Ashley, Alexandria, and AnaMarie Minton in memory of their grandfather, our parish now has an Automatic External Defibulator. The AED is kept in the priest’s sacristy and will always be available during mass or any service. We ask parishioners, especially those in the medical field, to be aware of this important lifesaving device in our church. There is an additional AED kept in the St. Mary’s Colgan Fieldhouse, next to the Trainer’s Room (northwest corner). SERVERS – JANUARY 10-11: 5:30pm - Chandler Bishop, Brandon Emerson, Dayton Engle 7:00 – Keegan & Patrick Yoakam 9:00 – Alexandra Minton, Blake Lallemand, Andrea Bolinger 10:30 – Zack Flood, Bailey Beykirch, Tanner Cronister NOON – Jared Brogan, Alyssa Canarte, Dylan Crozier OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS – JANUARY 10-11: 5:30pm — Elian & Magda Tawil 7:00am – Volunteers 9:00am – Mike & Judi Fast 10:30am – Tim Beck Family NOON – Maressa Neer Family EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – JANUARY 10-11: 5:30pm– Betty Masterson, Hazel Peak, Gary & Fran McGrath 7:00 – Pat Forbes, Bill Gill, Jack Moodie 9:00 – Michael Ehling, Jerry Lomshek, Jessica Lord, Beth Wishall 10:30– Ken & Brenda Robertson, Vince & Joyce Seiwert NOON– Bev Mitchelson, Lala Payne, Bev Pommier, E. Pesavento LECTORS – JANUARY 10-11: 5:30pm - Tom Gorman & Kathleen Flannery 7:00am – Pete Kemmeter 9:00am — Judi & Mike Fast 10:30am – Nancy Scott & Becky Casey NOON - Brad Hodson & Lizanne Franklin

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