Brother Andrew's Sanctuary Messenger

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,921
  • Pages: 8
THE SANCTUARY MESSENGER WHC is a registered United Kingdom Charity No. 232409 Web site:- Webcam: Email: [email protected]

Dearest Crusader friend, How time is flying by; here in the U.K. we are in the summer season and it only seems like moments since we celebrated the spring! If nothing else it tells me that I should be appreciating every moment that I have! I am sure that as we grow older, time goes faster; perhaps I am more fully occupied? I would love to be able to say that the Crusade finances were more healing but they are not. This is the time when all Crusader friends need to unite behind us in any and every possible way. You donations are vital to the continued existence of this Charity. Your prayers for the Team are equally important. I feel certain that you will rise to the challenges that we face and we thank you unreservedly in anticipation of your help. We will keep you advised of our position and hopefully in the coming weeks we will have better financial news to share with you. This is your Crusade and we are here to help and assist you and your loved ones in a uniquely personal and caring manner. If you ask us for prayer support, you have it. If you need counselling, we are there for you. Do you need upliftment then you have it. God is blessing you through your friends at the Crusade and we will always be there for you in your times of need, God bless you! Yours sincerely,


A Nice Slice of Cake Brother Andrew

It was a wonderful summer day and the sun was shining brightly from a light blue sky. There was hardly a cloud to obscure the warming light as we sipped tea beneath a parasol. We each had a cake that seemed to ooze with cream and other marvellous fillings. It was just great to be with friends and to be able to relax with simple pleasures and allow the world to almost pass us by. Fond memories of a summer afternoon spent in harmonious conversation about topics of the day. Shared feelings and happiness were order of the day that were mutually enjoyed. How good it was to sit and watch as other people hurried passed us with determined expressions on their faces, people with purpose and a mission in life! I accept that we cannot enjoy tea and cakes at a café every day yet this simple pleasure is available to most of us. We continued to sip tea and talk, and the cakes were simply irresistible. I took the first mouthful and of course the contents squeezed out and were about to drop on my clean white shirt. I carefully caught the large blob of cream before it fell and popped it in my mouth. My friends followed in 'hot pursuit' yet they were not so lucky, as pieces of cake and contents started to drip from their hands and onto their clean shirts. What a mess! It seemed that the more they wiped, the more they were covered. We all laughed, and it didn't really seem to matter that much. Time passed so quickly that afternoon, yet I will remember it for many years to come. Time to stand back from the world and watch rather than participate. An opportunity to relax and enjoy conversation with loved ones. Creating the time for one another and sharing food and thoughts and just being together! Enjoying a special time without cares or worries. Being happy and peaceful in harmony with each other. I thank God for our friends and family and I pray that you will enjoy some more happy times with your loved ones so that you too will continue to enjoy wonderful memories to cherish forever. 2

PRAYER! PRAYER is the most important of all human activities. It is nothing less than communicating with the Father of all creation. The results of such communion are unlimited because, potentially, all the power of God can and will meet every need on every level—spiritually, mentally, physically and materially. Millions of people have had experience of answered prayer. Yet, despite the vast array of evidence proving its power, this vital aspect of life has not yet been accepted as the first and fundamental need of all mankind. With all our modern knowledge and experience of divine healing, confirming conclusively the teaching of Jesus Christ, it is strange indeed that we have not comprehensively brought prayer-principles into widespread operation throughout the entire range of experience. Even one healing of an incurable disease through communion with God should have stirred the imagination of Church and governments, scientists and doctors, businessmen and all people. The thousands of testified cases, plus our knowledge of the reality of infinite power in our midst, have provided a situation filled with such amazing possibilities, that we should long since have made the exploration and experience of the laws governing effective prayer a national and international priority. All over the world many people, in the Church and outside it, are pioneering this Christ way. In spite of the "mass inertia" and general low level of faith, their experiences in the healing of broken minds, bodies and distorted circumstances by prayer, and the practice of divine principles, are so startling that it is almost a state of insanity to ignore the significance of these events.

Excerpt taken from ‘The Grain of Mustard Seed. You can purchase it from the Crusade and it’s priced at £6 + p. & p.


YOUR DAY WITH THE FATHER MONDAY As you come closer to the Father, He is right there within you, guiding and expressing His perfection in you! Prayer and Christian love unites us. Thank You Father. TUESDAY Let’s ask the Father to step in when things go wrong. He offers His protection to all of us, when we share our need with Him. We are beloved of the Father, He created us and He it is that cares for us. WEDNESDAY You can only exist in this minute, for what has gone is unalterable, and the future is yet to come. THURSDAY The Truth is that when we are poised in unity with God, nothing has any power over us. FRIDAY God is the labourer and we are merely His humble servants. SATURDAY The real love power is expressed in a myriad of forms, large and small, visible and invisible and yet always yearning for new and wonderful creative opportunities to express itself. SUNDAY Now Lord, we commit ourselves to you as healing channels to bless all in Your realm forever and ever. 4

Healing Recordings for You BT 20 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled – Brother Mandus C 1 – The Comforter – Brother Conrad DHS 32 – Wholeness & Wellbeing – Brother Andrew GS 2 – The Plan Divine / Simplicity, Faith & Love – Brother Mandus E 13 – In God’s Presence – Brother Andrew HC 3 – Healing Help / Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus HM 8 – Meditate With Me – Brother Andrew HC 6 – Help in General Sickness / Prayer – Brother Mandus E 8 – Being Alive – Brother Andrew All are recordings are priced at £6 + £1.00 p. & p. They are available on CD and audio tape. When you make your order please specify if you require tape or CD, thank you.


Your Testimonies She has not had any fits for almost 3 weeks!

“Dear Andrew and friends, I am so excited to send you some good news, I saw my friend today who informed, me that her daughter was still in hospital, as they were doing more tests on her, but the wonderful news is she has not had any fit's for almost 3 wks she asked me to give you all a big THANK YOU, and to please still say prayers for her complete recovery. GOD Bless you all, A. B.” – Email received 22/05/09

It’s a miracle! “Dear Honoured and Loving Brother, I have attached two pictures of Hepsi who became sick recently. By the grace of God she is better now because of your prayers. It is miracle doctor told me that she in danger in previous but she is out of danger. All the children are sending you their kisses and hugs. Closing with lots of love and I await your loving and favourable reply with prayerfully and eagerly. Thanking you, Yours Obedient brother, Pastor M. Nagaraju - India – Email received 06/05/09


WHAT IS RELIGION ABOUT? Brother Wayne Teasdale I think in the long run it isn't about being right. It is about being. Being kind, being patient, being loving, not judging, drawing out the best in the other, seeing the presence of Christ or the divine in the other, not pigeonholing, being totally open. Something really struck me a few years ago when a reporter for TIME magazine asked the Dalai Lame, who was badgering him, to give him the secret of what he believed. His Holiness looked at him and smiled and started to laugh. He simply said, "My religion is kindness, my religion is kindness." "As a Christian I have to say my religion is love, my religion is compassion, my religion is kindness too. That is the essence. Kindness; love, compassion, patience, gentleness, non violence, inclusivity, including more, not being an elitist circle. This is the fruit of spirituality in action. So it doesn't matter what you believe. It is important but it doesn't matter in the long run. It matters what you are. And that is seen in how you treat people, how you can be to them, and how you can look beyond simply your own needs. I would like to hear the fundamentalists talk more about love and less about being right or who is right. Only God can judge who is right and who is wrong. He knows the heart, and goes by the heart, not by the appearances or the words. What they do in their actions! 'Whatever you do to the least of my brethren' - and that is universal in every tradition. In other words, in every tradition how you treat other people is indicative of the degree of spiritual enlightenment you have. It is the measure. A person can claim to have that consciousness of knowing the ultimate mysteries of the universe, knowing God directly, being united with God, but if that person is unloving or unkind in his or her behaviour, then I would be a little on the sceptical side. I don't think you get there unless you pay the price of transformation." 7

BE THE BEST OF WHATEVER YOU ARE Betty Lue We all dream of great deeds and high positions, away from the pettiness and humdrum of ordinary life. Yet success is not occupying a lofty place or doing conspicuous work; it is being the best that is in you. Rattling around in too big a job is worse than filling a small one to overflowing. Dream, aspire by all means; but do not ruin the life you must lead by dreaming pipe dreams of the one you would like to lead. Make the most of what you have and are. Perhaps your trivial, immediate task is your one sure way of proving your mettle. Do the thing near at hand, and great things will come to your hand to be done. 8

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