Brother Andrew's 'sanctuary Messenger'

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 8
THE SANCTUARY MESSENGER WHC is a registered United Kingdom Charity No. 232409 Web site:- Webcam: Email: [email protected]

Dearest Crusader friend, It is wonderful to hear from you and thank you for supporting all your friends at the Sanctuary in your daily intercessions. You will be well aware that that we celebrate Divine Healing in the Sanctuary each week day morning and in our Service for Divine Healing on Tuesday afternoon and we expect miracles! We are one with you in a worldwide family with God at its head. It was He that sent His son to Earth to heal the sick and raise the dead. Jesus is alive today in the hearts and minds of His children. Know that you are His child and He cares for you! He is blessing your mind, body, soul and circumstance for your highest and eternal good! Throughout many years as a Minister with the Crusade I have come across plenty of instances of instantaneous healing, progressive healing and divine adjustments. I never tell God what to do; I ask, I share needs and He makes the decisions. I learned from an early age to ‘let go and let God,’ it never fails, so be of good cheer and trust Him to answer at the right time and in the right way. Please share your testimonies with us and with your permission we will share them with Crusaders around the world. God bless you and your loved ones. Yours sincerely,


Your Testimonies I cannot thank God enough! Wanted to let you know that I received my exam results and I have managed to pass some of my subjects and I can not thank God enough as it has been a very long and difficult road for me to get where I am.

Stay Blessed, J.N., South Africa - Email received 04/08/09 The prayers and healing are definitely working!

“Update on my Mother. I actually talked to her today, for a few minutes, they moved her out of intensive care today, it was so wonderful to hear her voice, even though she tired quickly. He said she's making slow but steady progress, with the odd hiccup, but she's definitely improving each day. Many thanks to The Healing Prayers Circle - the prayers and healing are definitely working! Diana.” – Email received 01/09/09 He got the job! “Thank you all so much for your prayers and good energy sent to my son Jamie. He got the job and starts on 16 September. As a bonus he also got a temporary job for the week before that which will help with his finances. I really appreciate all of your help for him and I know that this circle of love helps everyone in some way. Lots of love and blessings, Annette xxx” Email received 01/09/09



“If you can imagine it, you can possess it. If you can dream it, you can become it, if you can envision it, you can attain it. If you can picture it, you can achieve it.” - William Arthur Ward There are many special occasions that we should celebrate together. As part of our family we are only too happy to share your joy! We would like to remember your special occasions so why not write in and tell us about your wonderful day? Whether it’s a birthday, christening, wedding, an anniversary, a job success or something else; a lovely card will be sent to you or your loved one, signed by all the Staff at the Sanctuary. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


The Divine Word – Brother Mandus (part 4) From this moment let love be your constant companion, then I shall be with you, too. Love your people, love your work. Do all things as a loving service for Me. Every moment will then be filled with joy, and power and success, for I shall sustain you in everything you do. The other Law you need to know is the Law of Mind which insists, necessarily that an experience can only become real to you when you recognise it. What ever you accept in consciousness becomes real. You exercise your faith every time you do this. You have faith in the ground you walk upon, faith in the life within you, faith in the Sun and the rain, faith in the chairs and bed you use, faith in your ability to come here or go there. All such experiences you daily accept as Reality and thus they become concrete experience. It is this Law which naturally must operate when you think of Me. I too can only become a Reality when you consciously accept Me as Real. When you know I am the Almighty Love, Wisdom, intelligence and all good within you, you are free forever. From this moment I charge YOU to fill your life with love and to trust Me in all things. Ask and I am instantly the Perfect Answer. Give me your burdens, and I will disperse them. Forget the ills you hold so closely by remembering Me. Forgive yourself in loving Me, and serving all. I am your Lord, and when you keep your mind filled with the knowledge that health, joy, Prosperity and everything that is Perfect are now pouring into your life they become your own. GOD BLESS YOU!

The ‘Divine Word’ is available FREE if you write in and request it!



MONDAY It is the truth that sets you free. It is the secret of prayer, the secret of life, and the sacred way to heal all causes of every human ill. TUESDAY JESUS CHRIST eternally holds before us the joyful privilege and opportunity of discipleship. WEDNESDAY The harvests of mens’ souls are plenteous, but ever more labourers are needed to work steadfastly to reap them. THURSDAY This world can indeed become a Garden of Eden in the love of God, when we all know the truth that leads us into it. FRIDAY We are all called together to take our part in God's plan and purpose. SATURDAY These are wonderful days of infinite possibilities. In Him, through a united love and faith, the world can be filled with blessings. SUNDAY In Him let us see the Christ vision of a world set free from sin, warfare, disease and disaster — and give our all to Him to this end.


Healing Recordings for You BT 5 – The Power of Love/Abiding in God – Brother Mandus DHS 5 - Opening Doors To Go God Within – Brother Andrew GS 2– The Divine Plan – Brother Mandus E 8 – Being Alive – Brother Andrew GS 4 – Pray Without Ceasing / The Bread of Life – Brother Mandus TH 19 – God’s Kingdom – Brother Andrew HC 45 – Healing for Your Family/Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus E 16 – Healing Memories – Brother Andrew HC 8 – Meeting You in Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus All are recordings are priced at £6 + £1.00 p. & p. They are available on CD and audio tape. When you make your order please specify if you require tape or CD, thank you. WHC Healing DVDs GN1 - Good News – Brother Andrew HPS1 - Healing Prayer Service (Special price £5) DVD’s priced at £10 each + p. & p.


THE VISION - Brother Mandus HOWEVER much we fail or deviate from the eternal pathway to God, we must someday walk along that Christ-way before we can find our real home, where all is GOOD. We NEED God more than anything else in the whole of our experience; yet we resist HIM, consciously or unconsciously. He draws us like a magnet; yet we pull against His love with our doubts and worldliness. Let us see how we can let go and be lifted into the peace for which our souls yearn. Let us find this kingdom now, together. So many good friends who seek the Kingdom of God proclaim their failure to enter the wonderful peace which is so tantalisingly held before them by the Lord and the saints, mystics and countless others throughout recorded history. It is a paramount human need that we MUST seriously try to eliminate the difficulties and simplify the process by which ordinary Godseeking folk can FIND the Kingdom. Perhaps the only way to help anyone else is to try to reduce this Heavenly experience to words which relate personal adventures in this seeking and finding. I trust you will forgive me if I share with you my own secret thoughts, but I yearn for everyone to share these healing blessings of the great peace. I do so with deep humility, fully conscious of many shortcomings, and only because I KNOW mankind can only be saved through Christ. In the first place of course, I accept completely the truth of the indwelling Spirit of God. I remember now (and am always recalling it), the greatest experience in my life; that one vital moment when I was baptised by the Holy Spirit within. For one perfect second; unexpected, unheralded and while I was doing a trivial task, my personal mind and body was FUSED in LIGHT! A breathless, unbearable LIGHT- PERFECTION, as intense as the explosion of a flash of lightning within me. - Excerpt from Brother Mandus’ booklet, ‘Your Eternal Mission’ – Free to you when you write in and request it.


Bring In The Beauty! Brother Andrew

In times of sadness and loneliness when we feel that God and man are not responding to our needs, we need to take refuge and bring some beauty into our lives. It is rather like shining a torch into a dark cellar and seeing the darkness recede when faced with the beam. How do we achieve that? The world is full beauty and I suggest that you start by looking for it in your garden. The gardens at the Sanctuary are full of flowers and plants. Sweet smelling roses; wall flowers, bedding plants and trees. They give colour and shape to the borders and can be appreciated by all that experience them. Perhaps it is the same in your garden? It should be a place of tranquillity and repose where you can just ‘be.’ God’s beauty doesn’t need words to describe it, it is there for all to appreciate; just drink it in and enjoy it. Close your eyes and listen to the bird songs, smell the fresh mown grass and the scent of roses, peonies and lavender in the air. Ah, what delights that lift the soul and the mind. Our planet is like a vast garden which is tended by man and God. Let’s work with the Father rather than against Him! The world could be more beautiful if we took time to appreciate it and care for it. That would have beneficial effects for all living beings! If you don’t have a beautiful garden and your mind lacks the inspiration of beauty then change it and thus bring beauty into your life and the lives of others. You are generating memories today to refer to tomorrow. Pleasant memories that are associated with sounds and scents are more likely to be remembered than those which do not have the same association.


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