Power Lines May - August 09

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THE WORLD HEALING CRUSADE (Registered Charity No. 232409)

476 Lytham Rd., Blackpool, FY4 1JF United Kingdom Tel: 01253 - 343701

Hours: 8.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday (Excluding public holidays). PLEASE WRITE IN FOR SPIRITUAL HELP AND HEALING

The Ministers of the Charity are: Brother Andrew Brother Roy Brother Conrad Healing Prayer Services are held each weekday 09:00 – 09:15 Divine Healing Services are held each Tuesday 14:00 – 15:00 EVERYONE IS WELCOME

Out of hours: Brother Andrew 01253 - 731897 Brother Roy 01253 - 354282 (International callers: +44 and exclude the 0 prefix) Brother Conrad 0034 60976 5329 COVER PICTURE: ‘Inspiration’ - courtesy of Photobucket.com Email: [email protected] Website: www.world-healing-crusade.org.uk 2

THE LAW OF MULTIPLYING GOOD Brother Mandus May I now come into the garden of your mind and look, with you, at the most beautiful flowers you have cultivated over the years you have dwelt there? In this sense, consciousness is like a garden, and our thoughts are like seeds which grow and multiply according to their kind. As in any cultivated ground, we find there a variety of beautiful creations—and also many weeds. But will you, the gardener, now show me your finest blooms and tell me of those which you grew most successfully? Imagine again that we are sitting together, two friends interested in each other and in our exchange of ideas, and the search for everything that is good, practical and beautiful. May I ask you about your greatest moments and share with you the happiness you found in creating them? In your life there have been many situations which brought you joy and fulfilment. Think about them for a few minutes. Your memory is stored with 3

these high moments and it is good, not only now but often, to spend quiet times re-living the delightful events which brought you happiness and creative achievement. When you do this, let your heart be filled with gratitude and not with regret at their passing. They are part of the garden of remembrance which you have created and are indelibly stamped on your personality. They are the roots which feed your mind and provide the power for even greater experiences now and in the eternal future. As you bring these memories to mind you will at once recognise that these great events were all expressing love in a multitude of exhilarating ways. Indeed, love is the "Pearl of Great Price" for it radiates its power in as many ways as does personality. You may remember the bliss of a loving mother caring for your needs, and the joy of your father sharing his life and experiences with you in your childhood. I hope so, for the greatest grief a child can ever know is when, for whatever reason, this love is denied or frustrated. Pictures of happy friendships, as you played together with your brothers, sisters and friends, will "flash upon that inward eye which is the bliss 4

of solitude." Picnics by the river, in the woods or by the sea. School days— your joy when you took your first drawing or writing home to mother. Do you remember the hobbies which captured your youthful interest—games, hiking, cycling, collecting flowers, stamps, loving dolls and making dresses for them, building towers with bricks, or creating trucks and bridges with a construction set? Christmas time—the gifts which thrilled you in the loving family circle? In school you excelled at those subjects in which you were most interested. Perhaps you roamed the world in imagination during geography lessons, or wove your dreams into little stories you wrote in English classes. If mathematics captured your interest, how exciting it was to build those patterns of figures and equations! Or perhaps your very soul was lost in domestic science and tasty cooking, in philosophy or engineering, or later perhaps, medicine. Wherever your interest was concentrated, your creative enjoyment was at its highest and your work correspondingly good. No doubt you can recall breath-catching memories of your first sweetheart in your teens. I am sure all Heaven seemed to flow to you. Life was good. The 5

first days at the work of your choice. The excitement of feeling grown-up; a man in a man's world, or a woman in hers. If you loved your work in the home, office, farm, factory or laboratory then you enjoyed its fellowship and creativeness. A way of life was unfolding with many experiences— some exquisite, and some quite devastating. Courtship days—marriage—children? If this was your experience then much of it held periods of contentment and joy, according to the degree in which love was fully expressed. Remember for the moment we are exploring all your peak periods of happiness and creative fulfilment. You will find that you have no difficulty at all in bringing those ecstasies and created works into focus now. Of course, I can only hope that your present position is likewise blessed with infinite and multiplying good. What I seek to illustrate is that every good, happy and creative experience was produced essentially through the action of love expressing through your relationships with others, and by your interest, dedication, persistence and concentration (which are aspects of love) on the work of your choice. 6

Love is the great law of life. It contains the secret of every aspect of the perfect personality, and the complete fulfilment of everything you ever seek to create in your home, at work and play, or plan for the future. It is the central and most important power in consciousness!

Taken from Brother Mandus’ book entitled: ‘Power Thinking’ which is a dynamic and charismatic book that will effortlessly change negative thinking patterns to positive thought processes! It is available from the Sanctuary, priced at just £6 + p. & p.

Recommended Listening YDF 12 – ‘The Breath of God’ (on CD & Tape & priced at £5 + p. & p.) Brother Mandus talks about inspiration and upliftment that can be experienced through friendship and loving relationships with each other and with God. 7

Please Help Us To Help You! We are asking you now to support us in our hour of need. We need your prayer support now please! The World Healing Crusade is facing severe financial difficulties and we need your healing intercessions and loving support to rectify the situation. With God’s help and your ongoing generosity our prayers for a revitalised Crusade will come to be, thank You Father. Our immediate concern is that we will shortly run out of money and we are asking you for your help. We can assure you that we would not be appealing to you if we could find an alternative way of raising funds. We have approximately sixty thousand members around the world and if each friend gave a small contribution to the Father’s work at the Crusade then our problems would be solved! Brother Mandus, our loving founder stated that your Crusade stands for: “World brotherhood through love and faith in God as revealed by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.” We hold true to those principles and thank you for your friendship; thank you for your love, thank you for your generous support, thank You Father! – The Prayer Team – 8

Spiritual Regeneration Dr Timothy O’Higgins Hardship and anxiety are being experienced by millions of people all over the world in a global atmosphere of gloom and doom! Many are finding it difficult to keep their courage up, to stay faithful and to be of good cheer. In such conditions it is important to reflect on the sources of international economic disarray. The prevalence and abuse of people, places, and things is widespread. What about me? How can I be a source of regeneration and renewal within my community? Am I cursing the dark? Am I demanding that others change, so that my needs and wants and desires can be met? Am I looking outside of myself for solutions to the problems I am experiencing? Knowing there is a spiritual solution to every problem, how can I be a light in my community? There is an innate wisdom at the core of every being. This in-born in-telling provides each of us with an inner guidance system to lead us through the extraordinary challenges and experiences of 9

life. Each one of us is created with a capacity to master living and to succeed at life. However, for many reasons this guidance system is impeded, interrupted or not activated in the lives of many of us. Some of the impediments that inhibit the activation of this system include genetic defects, prenatal accidents, and parental substance abuse. In addition, physical or mental trauma experienced by parents, inhibit their capacity to provide the appropriate stimulation necessary to activate this inner guidance system within their children. Experiences in the womb, nutritional deficiencies, or toxic ingestion by the mother, the child’s birth experiences and the environment in which the child is socialized, may further cloud his or her attunement to the inner seat of wisdom. We are created with an interior predisposition to master our environment. If this predisposition is not exposed to appropriate environmental stimulation, (love, nurturing, appropriate spiritual modelling and instruction), during a critical time frame, the ability to thrive spiritually is not optimized. The first stage in the psycho-spiritual healing process is awareness, becoming aware of the psychological undercurrents of disease and 10

disability, when we realize that something in us is in need of change. Being aware, we can then decide to do what we need to change our circumstances and conditions. Are we willing to be healed? Some people will ‘die in their sins.’ They lack the motivation or the vision to challenge the deprivations in their lives. Fatalistically, they accept their lot in life. The second stage in the healing process is repentance, re-thinking. We reflect on what in our lives we are accepting, which is unacceptable to the Spirit within. What people, places, or things, what concepts or beliefs are we accepting, worshiping by allowing them dominion over our lives rather that providing us with the freedom to live life? An integral part of the repentance process is forgiveness, the letting go to the Spirit of Life within each of us, the causes, whether conscious or unconscious, genetic or personal, social or environmental, that contribute to our psychological distress. Volumes have been written about the causes of our current economic difficulties. Commentators and experts from all walks of life have ventilated articulately and ponderously, about the worldwide crisis. But there is a Light, there is a Way, there is a Source beyond the mind of man that knows all, and 11

brings peace to all who ask. There is a Truth, beyond our understanding, that provides the balance of the world. There is for each of us, a personal Loving Presence, a Personal Inner Counsellor. As aspects of the one Spiritual Body, let each of us tune in to the Light, rest in the Presence to enable a rebirth in our economic, social, and psychological attitudes in ourselves and in our world. Let the Healing Light ‘restore the days that the locusts have destroyed and rebuild the ruined places.’ Beyond that which we have come to realize as world citizens experiencing worldwide problems, there is an Inner Reality. The Real Presence knows how to move, how to balance and how to harmonize everyone, every place, everything. Let there be Light! Now meditate on the following Scriptures: Luke 12:32, Luke 15:31, Matt 6:8, Matt 6:33, James 3.

Recommended Listening MMW 2 ‘Co-operating With God’ / ‘God Loves You’

(on CD & Tape & priced at £5 + p. & p.) With Dr. Tim O’Higgins & Bros: Conrad and Kenneth 12

Be Who You Were Meant To Be! Be someone who listens, and you will be heard. Be someone who cares, and you will be loved. Be someone who gives, and you will be blessed. Be someone who comforts, and you will know peace. Be someone who genuinely seeks to understand, and you will be wise. Be someone kind, someone considerate, and you will be admired. Be someone who values truth, and you will be respected. Be someone who takes action, and you will move life forward. Be someone who lifts others higher, and your life will be rich. Be someone filled with gratitude, and there will be no end to the things for which you'll be thankful. Be someone who lives with joy, with purpose, as your own light brightly shines. Be, in every moment, the special someone you are truly meant to be! - Anon. 13

Will You Support Us Please? This is a draft wording of a simple will: “I GIVE AND BEQUEATH (state what……) to the Trustees for the time being of The World Healing Crusade, of 476 Lytham Road, Blackpool, in the County of Lancashire, United Kingdom, (being a Charity registered under the Charities Act, No. 232409) to be applied for the general purposes of the Crusade AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the Treasurer when this legacy is paid, or the then proper officer for the Crusade, shall be a complete discharge to my Trustee(s) for the legacy to the Crusade.” Your generosity will help us to help people that are less fortunate than we are, both now and in the future. We are grateful to you for your kindness and support of our divine mission. 14

Your Help Is Needed! When you donate to WHC or make a purchase by using a cheque or a postal order, please ensure that it is made payable to: ‘The World Healing Crusade.’ Our bankers will then honour your gift of love to us. Our friends in the United States should be aware that our bankers will only accept checks of $15 and above. Thank




generous support. –


The Prayer Team. 15


Chestnut Candles Mac of the Sanctuary The world is laughing in the sun And I will go today To where, rocked by gentle breeze, The chestnut candles sway. Their perfect beauty seems a dream Of all I yearn to be; But God can take His Spirit’s flame And light them all for me. This poem was taken from one of six lovely booklets entitled, ’Winged Worship and Other Poems’ written by Ina MacTaggart. Each booklet is priced at £1 + p. & p. & they are available from the Sanctuary. 16


Recommend A Friend! Name: …………………………………………….. Address: ………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. Postal Code:……………………………………… Please forward to: The World Healing Crusade 476, Lytham Road, BLACKPOOL FY4 1JF UNITED KINGDOM

Recommend A Friend! Name: …………………………………………….. Address: ………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. Postal Code:……………………………………… Please forward to: The World Healing Crusade 476, Lytham Road, BLACKPOOL FY4 1JF UNITED KINGDOM



What is Gift Aid? Gift Aid provides a great opportunity for U.K. donors to increase the value of their donations to the Crusade by up to 25%. We are entitled to reclaim tax made on gifts by U.K. tax payers under the Gift Aid scheme. For every £1 you give to us, we currently get an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs for every £1 you give to us. As you will appreciate the additional money we would receive through Gift Aid would be an enormous boost to the funding of our support services, helping us to continue to be there to support the thousands of people! If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can also reclaim additional tax relief on the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate of tax at 20% against the donations you have made. Please ensure that your cheque/postal order is payable to: ‘The World Healing Crusade.’ - Thank you very much! 20

HEALING IN HIS LIGHT by Brother Mandus To make a beautiful gift is to share our blessings from God and to thank Him for them. One wonderful Crusader friend made such a gift to us all and brought forth this book by Brother Mandus called, ‘HEALING IN HIS LIGHT.’ This is a marvellous life changing, life revealing work of love. Ask for your free copy. Thank You Lord. Books by Brother Conrad LISTENING TO THE LORD - Price £6 + p. & p. SHORT STORIES FOR PRAYER TIME - £6 + p. & p. THINK STORIES with CONRAD - £6+ p. & p

*RECOMMENDED LISTENING: C2 ‘One World, One God’ – A3 ‘Love God’- Bro. Conrad on CD & tape & priced at £5 each + p. & p. 21

Beautiful poetry books written with love and inspiration!

Rainbow Promise Rainbow Magic Rainbow of Love Rainbow of the Heart Rainbow of Life Each book can be purchased direct from the Crusade at a special price of just £6 + p. & p. Just let us know the title / titles that you want and they will be sent without delay. 22

Take A Bite of The Cherry Brother Roy People are getting fatter almost everywhere in the world. The World Health Organization predicts there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults in the world by 2015 and more than 700 million of them will be obese. Experts are worried that the increase in obesity will lead to more health problems as people who are overweight will have a higher risk of heart disease, developing Type II diabetes and other diseases including some cancers. I mentioned in one of my articles some time ago that I had been diagnosed with Type II diabetes and was shown to be overweight. Through exercise and a healthier diet I was successful in shedding the extra weight and bringing my bloods results down to a more acceptable level. Type II diabetes is a progressive condition, but it is becoming clear that the harder you work to control 23

your diabetes when it is diagnosed the more benefit you will get in the long term. Since I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes I have suffered with severe attacks of gout and joint pain. Gout develops more often in men than in women and is more common in adults. People with Type II diabetes, obesity, sickle cell anaemia, and kidney disease have an increased risk of developing gout which is an excruciatingly painful form of arthritis. A build-up of uric acid in the bloodstream gives rise to the deposit of microscopic, needle-like crystals of sodium urate in the tissues and joints. In response to these conditions, the body produces specific enzymes which, in turn cause the inflammation in tissues and joints commonly associated with arthritis and gout. The common treatment for this condition is to take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, which work by inhibiting these enzymes. Unfortunately, by taking these types of pain painkillers on a regular basis one may suffer side effects, including kidney damage and ulcers. Because blood tests had shown my kidneys were already affected, I knew this was not an option for me. I started to research on what alternative treatment may be available and came across an article by 24

Professor Muraleedharan Nair, of the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University, who had identified the presence of powerful bioflavonoids in Montmorency cherries that function in the same manner as anti-inflammatory drugs and can inhibit the same enzymes. The research also suggested that antioxidants found in cherries may also protect against, and help prevent, unwanted side effects. A further study at the University of California, led by Professor R. A. Jacob, has shown that antioxidants – compounds that fight free radicals - found in Montmorency cherries may well help break down and eliminate uric acid from the body. Research at the University of Texas carried out by Dr. Russel J. Reiter, has demonstrated that tart cherries, such as the Montmorency variety, contain exceptionally high levels of melatonin, which is believed to be the most powerful antioxidant discovered for eliminating free radicals from the cells. Cellular damage, caused by naturally occurring compounds called free radicals, is a cause of much degenerative disease. I found all this research data to be very encouraging and the bonus was that I had also found the answer to my irregular sleep problem. Deep level sleep is so 25

crucial for many body functions, such as tissue repair, antibody production, and perhaps even the regulation of various neurotransmitters, hormones and immune system chemicals. Sleep disorders that frequently occur in Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients are thought to be a major contributing factor to the symptoms of these conditions. Scientists at Oregon Health Sciences University tested melatonin on a group of people suffering from sleep disorders. The researchers found that nearly all of the subjects developed normal sleep patterns after taking melatonin. Many sufferers are finding that foods, naturally high in melatonin, like Montmorency cherries, may help their conditions. Armed with all this information I decided to try these cherries for myself and obtained a supply of concentrated Montmorency Cherry juice from a company founded by a long-term gout sufferer, who had gained positive benefits from drinking the juice himself. I started taking the juice just 2 months before Christmas as my next blood test was due in the first week in January. I stopped taking all the medication and supplements that I had been prescribed and just ate unhealthily. I was 26

determined to give the juice a tough trial. The final results of my blood test showed that there had not been any further deterioration in my results apart from the fact that I had only gained an extra pound in weight after all my excess. (Apparently the juice has been shown to help regulate one’s weight in tests carried out). The noticeable gains have been in the quality of sleep that I am now experiencing and most important of all, I have not suffered any further attacks of gout or painful joints. My doctor has agreed for me to continue taking the Cherry juice for the next 3 months on the condition that I resume a healthier lifestyle and then return for further blood tests to see if there has been any improvement. I am very optimistic about the future results and I believe I the Lord has guided me. Just as the Lord did not take away Paul's thorn, sometimes God may not solve the problems we face even after we have offered many fervent prayers. In these times, we should not lose heart but remember the purpose of our "thorns"--to make us even more humble and reliant on God. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. 27

Count Your Blessings! Brother Andrew There is light at the end of the dark tunnel, you know that and so do I. So why is it that whilst we experience temporary difficulties we complain so much? The weather forecast is for rain, we moan but forget to realise that large parts of the world are now arid deserts! We are told that the economic climate is looking bleak, but eight months ago everything was rosy. How can that be? We read the newspapers and learn that the jobless total in the UK has topped two million. The media tells us that this company and that bank have made record losses yet last year their balances were healthy. It just doesn’t add up until you realise the real problem that lies behind the headlines; lack of confidence! Ah, so that is why circumstances seem similar to those of the 1930’s. Could the situation really be that bad? Generally I think not; yes there are countries with serious problems, governments with massive debts but there is a trend towards co-operation that was lacking 70 + years ago. 28

How can we as individual citizens of the world make a real difference? Well, I think we should start by looking at everything that we have and being thankful, even for small mercies. What have you got to be thankful for? Let’s start with our lives and our health, love from our families and our friends. Some money, albeit a small amount and a roof over our heads. Perhaps some of us have a car even if it is on finance. What about the food on our tables and a job to earn money to keep paying for the essentials. We also have relatively clean air to breathe, a reasonable quality of water to drink, cook in, do the washing and bathe in as well. How about the sunshine and the beauty and practicality of nature to appreciate? We should even consider the infrastructure of the country that we live in; the education and health services; our emergencies services etc. The list is endless and I am sure that you can think of other benefits that I haven’t mentioned. You know, the words, ‘Thank you’ wouldn’t go amiss for everything that we have and often take for granted. The basic things of life that make our existence tolerable. Gratitude is vital in this world where everyone seems to know the price but not the value. The basics of life are often overlooked 29

until they are lost, it is only then that we miss what we had and didn’t seem to appreciate! As the song says, ‘Count your many blessings’ and more will be shared with you, pass it on! “So, amid the conflict whether great or small, Do not be disheartened, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.” - Words by Johnson Oatman (Jr.) and music by Edwin O. Excell.

Recommended Listening E 5 - Take Control – Brother Andrew “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments.” - John 14:13 (KJV) Health and wealth, happiness and joy are not just the preserve of the rich and the famous; they are for everyone. Learn how you can take control of your life in the Father’s strength! On CD & Tape & priced at £5 + p. & p. 30

HEALING NOW - The Presence in a Present Brother Conrad You have a great friend who needs your help, your love and strength. Do you give your friend half or only a quarter of your help? Certainly not, you give all you can. Oh, how much he or she needs you at this time! God please help me to do my best. It is obvious that the best you can give is from the Creator of us all, from the Spirit of God, the Life of everyone of us. To help God help you share total goodness means that you receive total good in His Spirit in every way, through everyone else and every participant in His Creation. If one soul is left out you will not have total good to share with the friend in your heart in his or her hour of need. If we leave many people out of our hearts because of silly thinking, dissatisfactions or frustrations, guilty conscience or unworthy comparisons or selfishness, or for any reason at 31

all then we don’t have much of a gift to help our friend at all. God is also Law. In His Spirit we cannot justify thoughts which deny His Spirit in others. If we hold on to such thoughts we become increasingly ineffective even to the point of being an outright danger to everyone else, and of course, to every atom of our own bodies. This gift to your friend from Our Father and yourself must be perfect in every detail and in its presentation. It is with respect to this Law of the Holy Spirit that the Bible reminds us that ‘even the hairs of your head are all numbered,’ (Luke 12 v7). In other words, our Creator knows if we are restricting the good He gives us. How dare we set up patterns of conflict within our family in the Spirit of our Creator. Imagine the damage! Just look at the trauma being imposed upon innocents. Look into the news and be part of God’s compassion and divine adjustments and care. Be counted as a valiant Crusader in Christ’s standards! 32

I heard that two nuclear submarines, one French and one British collided recently. Their purpose and creation in the first place hardly symbolizes our giving perfect gifts from the one Spirit to each other. We know when we receive that perfect gift. Let’s just make sure we give those gifts of the same quality with every present we share. As we do this we help everyone with their thinking, and we are certainly helping mankind to stop outrageous conflicts. Let’s begin the great beginnings of the Divine Age for us all right now. My goodness, I almost forgot to mention one of the greatest truths of all. We must make sure to give ourselves the gifts which are perfect to help our bodies as well as our minds. How marvellous that divine self care enables us to be aware of the Body of God. I have carried my Healing Prayer Card from the Sanctuary Altar for seven years now. It is blessed every morning in the Sanctuary. Jesus Christ shared this truth with us all. His Body was and is the Body of God. He asked His disciples to watch with Him. We are called right 33

now to do this by taking love inspired care of ourselves and of one another. All Glory is to God. Even as the hairs of our heads are numbered by Him, He also knows our every thought. Each of these registers in His Mind. Counting every blessing, every gift from God, and savouring each one, is creating with our Father every new and perfect present to share. All Glory is to God whose Holy Spirit brings forth everything we do. Thank You Lord for asking me to be with You and in the Truth – ‘I and My Father are ONE.’ Amen

Recommended Listening C1–The Comforter – Brother Conrad C2–One World – One God – Brother Conrad DHS27–With Christ & You – Brother Conrad DHS31–The Good Shepherd – Brother Andrew DHS32–Wholeness & Wellbeing – Brother Andrew (on CD & Tape & priced at £5 + p. & p.) 34

Classic Books by Brother Mandus • • • • • • • •

For Women Only This Wondrous Way of Life Call Unto Me The Divine Awakening All About You Highways To Health and Happiness Power Thinking The Grain of Mustard Seed



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