Breakable Bella (part 11)

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  • Words: 3,280
  • Pages: 7
Bella’s POV: I gaped at her. “Ugh Alice, don’t tell me you saw a vision” She rolled her eyes. “Nothing explicit, don’t worry. I just saw the place and you talking about it after-the-fact. A close-up on your faces.” “What place?” “Sorry, it’s a secret.” “You have a lot of secrets lately,” I grumbled. She sighed. “So anyway, a while after you hung up, Edward must have started making plans and I got the vision. I called him after you were asleep and asked if I could help with anything. He was slightly annoyed but thankful that my vision showed that you weren’t hurt. So he agreed to let me kidnap you since I already knew what was going on. I rushed on a plane and here I am!” “I’m a little surprised. When he said soon, I didn’t think it would be this soon,” I said. “Well that’s partly thanks to me. He was going to space out the preparations over a few days because he does not like leaving you alone for long periods of time. But since you’ll be spending the whole day with me, he’ll be able to do it all at once.” I nodded. “Aren’t you excited?” “Yeah. Kind of nervous now, though.” “Don’t be. It’ll be great. Sorry if I’m intruding, but this is a big deal and I had to involve myself somehow. You’re a sister to me and I want it to be perfect.” “It’s okay Alice, I don’t mind. It’s nice to have someone to talk to. And you’re my sister as well,” I smiled. She smiled back widely. We pulled up to the mall and Alice dragged me over to my own personal hell: Victoria’s Secret. “I think he might go for some corsets,” She noted. “Corsets! I won’t be able to breathe!” I already have trouble breathing around him. “Please? I think he’ll enjoy the blast from the past.” She winked. “Fine,” I whimpered. “Yay! Let’s try this blue and cream one.” I had to admit that I looked hot when I tried the corset on. But once Alice tightened it, I thought I was going to die. “Too tight!” I choked. “Fine,” she pouted. “How’s this?” “Alright, I suppose.” It still was far from comfortable. “Great. So do you want to wear this tonight?” I nodded so she grabbed a few different options for bottoms and moved on to the bras. A few hours later, I had enough lingerie to make Gisele herself jealous. And every piece had at least some blue in it. It was actually pretty funny, once I got past the mortifying part. Then we hit up every nice clothing place in the mall, to get me a new dress for tonight as well as some other clothes she insisted on. She had been dying to get

me a new wardrobe and was running with the chance. Finally, she sensed I was exhausted so after getting me something to eat, we left the mall. But my 10 hours were far from up. She drove me to “the best place to get nails done” and then “the only place to get your hair done.” While my hair dresser was taking a break, I talked to Alice. “So you already gave Charlie an excuse?” “Yeah. Honestly, we’ve fed him so much crap that I wouldn’t expect him to start poking around anytime soon. He’s smart enough to know that you can’t stop teenagers from having sex, no matter how hard you try.” I felt bad not telling Charlie the truth, but it was too mortifying, even if he was supposedly okay with it. My hair took forever. There were highlights, a new cut, deep conditioning, lots of hair product, and then it was styled into loose curls. When it was all done, I had to admit that I looked beautiful. We still had almost two hours before we had to leave, so she rented a hotel room where I could shave, semi-shower (without ruining my hair), change, and have her apply my makeup. She had already bought me a plethora of cosmetic products when she slipped out of the hair salon while they were washing my highlights out. She also ordered me room service. Finally she finished putting on my eye shadow and I was complete. She turned me so I faced the mirror. “You look gorgeous.” I smiled. “So you’re all set? Do you want any tips?” “Alice!” I turned red. She laughed and her eyes sparkled. “Sorry. I’m sure you’ll be fine. But now we have to go.” We drove in the direction of their house but she slowed down while we were still far from it, on a dirt road. The Volvo was parked on the side. I gave her a questioning look. “We didn’t think you would want the rest of the family to know about this. Carlisle and I promised not to say anything.” “Carlisle knows??” God, how embarrassing can this get. “Edward had to clear it with him to be assured that it was safe enough. Of course, he could of just asked me to look into your future. Maybe he was too embarrassed for me to see or thought a vision might be wrong. But Carlisle is the person he always goes to for advice out of respect. Calm down.” I sighed. “Fine.” At least he wasn’t my dad. Alice reached in her backseat full of bags and pulled one out. She added and removed a few items before handing it to me. “A change of clothes,” she explained. “Now shoo, he’s waiting,” she said before giving me a hug. “Thanks, Alice.” “Have fun,” she said as I opened my door. I rolled my eyes but grinned. Edward had already gotten out and was waiting outside his car. “You look so beautiful,” he said when I walked up. I smiled. “Thanks.” “I don’t want to mess up your pretty hair with a blindfold. Promise not to look to see where we’re going?”

“Promise,” I assured him. He took my bag and opened the door for me. Then he put the bag in the back and was in his seat in less than a second. “Okay, close your eyes and turn your head toward me a little so I can see your pretty face. And so I can make sure you’re not cheating,” he grinned. I sighed and complied. Not long after, the car stopped and he scooped me out of the passenger seat. He started moving, carrying me in his arms. “Can’t I walk?” I complained soon after we left the car. Alice actually let me wear flats. “” “Why?” “Shh, we’ll be there soon.” “Why is it so windy?” He chuckled softly to himself. “Oh. You’re running, aren’t you?” I felt dumb. No answer. But he set me down a minute later. I felt him adjusting my curls back to how they were before. Then he turned my body a little. “Okay, you can look now.” I opened my eyes and smiled. I was hoping this was where he was running to. Before us was our beautiful meadow. By now it was dark and the only light was coming artificially from the trees. I turned to face my angel. “This is where I decided that I couldn’t be without you. And where I wanted you in a million impossible ways.” He smiled. “I suppose that I don’t believe in impossible anymore.” There were white twinkle lights over all of the surrounding trees, and paper lanterns were hanging from some of them. There was also a carpet on the ground, underneath a bed. It had a modest platform under it so it was still low to the ground. The sheets were red and it looked very eclectic. I kissed his cheek. “It’s beautiful.” There was a soft humming noise I couldn’t place. “What’s that noise?” I asked softly, curious. “Sorry, it’s probably the generators. Or the space heaters.” “I don’t mind. Wait did you just say space heaters?” I smiled. He nodded and pointed at them in the darkness. “It gets cold at night..and I’m pretty cold myself.” I laughed. “Thank you, that’s very thoughtful.” He grabbed my hand and started walking toward the bed. I stopped after a moment. “Edward?” “Yes?” “I was thinking today, about my..timeline.” “Oh I’m sorry, love. I meant to be clear about that. Tonight doesn’t come with any strings attached. I can change you whenever you want. No more games.” “I know, I just decided--” “Can you think about it more and tell me in a few days? I just don’t want it to come across as a trade when we remember tonight, even if it’s not.” I nodded. “Sure.” “Thank you.” He brushed my cheek with his fingers. We finished walking over and he sat on the bed. I followed.

“You sure?” he whispered. “Very,” I answered. “We’ve both been waiting for this for a long time.” He lightly ran his hand through my hair. “You have no idea.” “I love you, Edward Cullen.” “I love you, Bella Swan.” He leaned over and kissed me intently. It was gentle yet serious; it had a purpose. He lifted me up by the waist and moved me from the side of the bed so I was lying down in the center of it. My heart was going so fast, I thought it might explode. I hoped I wasn’t worrying him. “Try to relax,” he murmured. “I can’t,” I laughed, breathless. He looked concerned. “Are you sure you want to--” I didn’t give him a chance to finish. I sat up and pulled his face to mine by his hair. Passion, lust, fearlessness, longing, adoration..all of my feelings were translated by my lips. I gave him everything I had. So I was a little hurt when he pulled away first. But I was pleased to see that he was just relocating his lips to my neck. He trailed his cool kisses down to my shoulder. Then he slid off one of the straps on my dress and pressed his lips to the newly exposed skin. I shivered. We were still upright so he easily reached behind me to unzip my dress. Then he unbuttoned and removed his own shirt quickly. “Breathe, Bella.” I tried but the damn corset wasn’t helping much. Well it would be off soon.. He slipped my other strap off so my dress slid off and formed a pool in my lap. He looked at the corset and his eyes lit up with lust and awe. “Oh my god,” he murmured. I couldn’t even find it in me to blush. I wanted him so badly. He took in my appearance for a moment before pushing his lips back on mine. His hands reached for the hem of my dress and broke away long enough to pull it over my head. His mouth pressed on my collar bone while his fingers tugged on the strings of my corset. He had it unlaced in seconds and removed it. I could not help but feel self conscious as he gazed at my chest but he quickly brought his lips to my ear. “Beautiful,” he whispered. Then he pressed me down on the bed so I was on my back and he was hovering over me. I couldn’t move an inch, but I didn’t want to. I was finally his for the taking and it felt right. _________________ Edward’s POV: I trailed kisses from her collar bone, between her breasts, down to her belly button. I paused at her stomach, not knowing which part of her to touch first. I trailed my hand up the side of her torso and softly touched her left breast. I didn’t want to offend her; she was a goddess and deserved to be treated like one. So I just cupped it lightly and rand my thumb over the bare skin. She shivered and I removed my hand, only to have her grab my wrist and put it back. She wanted me to touch her as much as I did? I was overjoyed at the thought. I left my hand where it was but brought my lips to hers. My tongue massaged her mouth while my hand massaged her breast. She moaned into my mouth. Without breaking the kiss, I trailed my hand down to her blue ruffled panties. She gasped

when I touched the soft material so I moved my lips to her neck so she could breathe. I grazed her underwear with my fingers and she whimpered whenever I brushed over a sensitive area. I continued kissing her neck and stroking for just a minute before she interrupted me. “Edward,” she breathed. It was a one-worded plea. I smiled internally; she was never one to be patient, as much as she accused me of that. I pulled away from her so I was sitting next to her hips, looking down at her. After giving the ruffles one last touch, I hooked my fingers on the sides of her underwear and started pulling it off. I threw the piece of fabric off the bed, a little farther than necessary in my excitement. I could have stared at her body forever but I did not want to make her self-conscious so I went back to hovering over her. I let her fumble with my pants’ zipper and snap while my lips caressed around her ear. But then I got off the bed and removed all my remaining clothes. I was above her again before she could miss me. She gasped and I was unsure if it was from the fast movement or the fact that I was now lightly pressed against her center. Her eyes were less wide though after a moment, and her gaze told me to continue. I took a deep breath and slowly pushed myself inside her. I tried to turn off the warm sensation I was feeling and just focus on her to see if she was okay. My heart broke when she bit her lip in pain. At least she wasn’t bleeding, and for that I was thankful. I could handle it, but I knew that it would stress her out more. I felt a little guilty for taking away some of her pureness, but I quickly sent the thought away. This was right. This is what we both wanted-- needed. It was one more way for us to belong to each other. And we were going to be together forever. Not the forever that mortals talk about. Our forever was much, much longer. So morally, we had nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, she was still pure. She was the most amazing person, human or not, that I knew. By now I was stilled and almost all the way in, waiting for her to say something. “I’m okay now,” she whispered. I let myself feel again. I was engulfed by her fire and I couldn’t get enough of it. It was like the warm touch of her hand, but a million times better, stronger. I rocked my hips gently and she gasped. I studied her face, worried that I hurt her again but she shook her head. “Doesn’t hurt,” she said shyly. Oh. A good gasp, then. I smiled. I wanted her to feel as good as I did. I pulled out a little and repeated the action. This time she raised her hips to meet mine in an act that seemed involuntary. We both moaned softly at the sensation. I wanted to grab her hips but I knew I couldn’t. “Wrap your legs around me,” I ordered, instead. She obeyed. I thrust in her again but this time it was much deeper and she whimpered. It felt like my arms were shaking, trying to hold my weight over her. But vampires don’t shake, do they? Apparently I do. I slid deep inside her, again and again, until she was practically gasping. She clutched my hair tightly as I tried to be gentle, but it was difficult. I had a lot more to give but Bella was too fragile for that right now. In any case, she did not seem to feel deprived. And I definitely didn’t.

I almost completely removed myself before pushing all the way back inside her one last time. She moaned loudly and clenched around me. I gripped the sheets to occupy my hands as I felt like I was going to explode from the pleasure. If that was possible, at least I would be going out on a high note. She touched my face as we both calmed down and tried to slow our breathing. Her eyes were smoldering as much as mine probably were. I pulled out and lay down next to her, finally able to touch her and bring her closer. I kissed her forehead, her nose, then her lips. She smiled after I pulled away. “See, that wasn’t too hard,” she teased. I laughed; that was easy for her to say. “It was very..right.” “Did you ever think that we would get here?” she whispered after a moment. “While you were human? I wouldn’t let myself think of it. I wanted it desperately but thought it wasn’t realistic.” I kissed her hair. “I’m very glad that I was wrong.” I paused. “Are you okay? How much did it hurt for..normal reasons?” I expected her to lie but I had to ask. “It actually wasn’t that bad; it only hurt for a moment. I expected it to be worse for a first time.” She seemed to be telling the truth so I let myself be happy. And the mention of me being her first made me extremely proud. “You decorated everything so will be a shame to take it down.” I hesitated. “Well actually, I’m planning on leaving at least the bed here. I have a cover.” “Oh really?” she laughed. I imagined that I looked bashful. “No, that’s a good idea.” She kissed me softly. “Do you want a nightgown? There’s probably one in the bag Alice sent with us.” I didn’t want to cover her beautiful body up so soon after being introduced, but I wanted her to sleep comfortably. “Sure.” I’ll admit that I was a little disappointed. But I retrieved the bag and was back on the bed in a flash. “So you liked the corset?” she asked casually as I slowly looked through the bag’s contents. “Loved it.” I thought of the royal blue color with vertical cream panels on the side. “I can see why you were having trouble breathing though, so I won’t make you wear it again,” I said regretfully. “I don’t mind. I don’t plan on wearing it for long anyway,” she said with a mischievous grin. I smiled and pulled out a nightgown that almost looked white but had a blue tint. Though with the low lighting, Bella would not be able to tell. “Here we go.” I helped her pull it on and noticed when it raised her breasts slightly. She was much too perfect. I brought her to my chest and we fell back onto the pillows. “I’m glad we waited until now,” she murmured after a minute. This surprised me. “You are?” She nodded. “I don’t think we as a couple were ready before. We had to work through a lot of things first.” Her voice was trailing off with fatigue. “Yeah, we did,” I agreed softly. I kissed the top of her head and watched her

drift to sleep. “Love you,” I whispered. “Love you more,” she mumbled. Oh, Bella. Not a chance.

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