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Borobudur Temple Borobudur temple is a temple which became a pride of Indonesian people because it is ever been included into the 7 wonders of the world. It also becomes the largest Buddhist temple in the world. This temple is located in Borobudur Village, Magelang, Central of Java, Indonesia. It is approximately 100 km from Semarang, 86 km from Surakarta, and 40 km from Jogjakarta. It was found as a place of worship for the Mahayana Buddhist by Sailendra dynasty in 800 AD. It was first discovered by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles in 1814. At that time, it was found crushed and buried in the ground. Originally, it has 10 levels which have overall height about 42 meters. However, after the reparation, the height of Borobudur become approximately 34.5 meters with overall building area about 15,129 m2. The front side of Borobudur temple is facing eastwards, although each side of the temple has similar form. There are 3 main levels of the realm in Borobudur. The third level is Kamadhatu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (tangible realm), and Arupadhatu (formless realm). There are so many reliefs on Borobudur’s wall which total is about 1,460 panels. These reliefs tell about ancient stories written In Sanskrit language and read by Mapradakisana way. Mapradakisana is a way to read in accordance with the clockwise direction. The way to read the story is starting from the east side of the gate at every level of the temple. There are so many stories written on Borobudur’s wall. The first story on this relief is Karmawibhangga which written on the foot of this temple. It tells about karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect obtained by humans. This relief depicts human actions both reprehensible and commendable along with what will they have. The next relief is Laitawistara. These reliefs lined in the stairs on the south side of temple. The numbers of this relief are 120 figures which illustrate the story of the Buddha from birth to become a Buddhist. And then last are Jataka and Awadana relief. This relief tells the story about Buddha before he was born. Besides decorated with reliefs, Borobudur also has so many sculptures which become a symbol of the Buddha embodiment. The statues are sitting cross-legged in the lotus position and show a certain hand gesture. These are located at Rupadhatu level. There are 432 sculptures there which are lined sequentially in every niche of this level. In the first row, there are 104 niches, in the second row there are 104 niches, in third row 88 niches, in the fourth row 72 niches, and fifth rows 64 niches. Beside sculpture, Borobudur temple also has Stupa. There are 72 Stupas at the level of Aruphadatu. Those stupas are spread in the court at

this stage. In the first court, there are 32 stupas, in the second court 24 stupas, and 16 stupas on the third court. Since the discovery of Borobudur temple, there are so many Buddhist statues theft. Originally, the amount of Buddha statues is 504 statues. More than 300 statues have been damaged. Most of the statues of Buddha are headless because often being stolen to be used in a museum collection.

The Legend of Batu Menangis In a village, there lived a mother and her daughter. Her daughter was very beautiful, but she had very bad behavior. She was very lazy to help her mother work. Every day the girl was just spending her time by beautifying herself and admiring her beauty in the mirror, while her mother had to work hard to earn a living to support their life. Besides lazy, she was also very spoiled. She always asked to be given something and if she wasn’t, she would cry. Of course, that situation made her mother sad but somehow she still loved her daughter. One day, the girl asked her mother to buy new gown for her. At first, her mother rejected her request because she did not have enough money. Nevertheless, because her mother was forced to obey her request, she fulfilled her daughter request. Then her mother asked her daughter to accompany her to the market. “All right, but I do not want to walk beside you. You should walk behind me, I’m embarrassed if others see me “she said. Although her mother was sad, she continued to obey her request. So they went to the market to buy gown for her daughter. The girl was walking in front while her mother was walking behind her and carrying a basket on their way to the market. Although they were a mother and a daughter, they looked very different. As if they did not come from the same family. Even, they looked like a boss and a maid. How couldn’t be like that? Her daughter dressed up beautifully and wore a very nice gown. While her mother looked old and wore very simple dress. On the way to the market, a man greeted them. “Hey pretty girl, is that your mother?” asked the man. “Of course she is not. She is my servant, “said the girl. His mother was sad to hear her answer. But she was silent though her heart was crying. Along the street the beautiful girl kept being asked by people about his mother. But the girl always said that the old woman behind her was her assistant. Finally, the mother could not bear any longer to hear the answer that comes out of her daughter mouth. Then she prayed to god “Lord, punish this ungrateful child,” she said. Immediately the girl’s legs turned to be stone. The change came slowly from her feet up to her head. Seeing his legs turned to be a stone, the girl screamed “ohhhh no! What happened to my legs?” She shouted. Then she cried and realized that she had done something bad to her mother. “Mom,! Forgive me. Please forgive me! “She cried in panic. The girl kept crying and crying but it was too late. The whole body eventually became a stone. Her mother was sad to see what happened to her daughter but she could not do anything else. Although she had become the rock completely, people can still see her tears. That was why the stone named Batu Menangis.

National Monument The National Monument or usually called as Monas is located in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. This obelisk was built in 1961 with the purpose to commemorate the struggle and fight of the people in Indonesia to achieve their independence. It was opened to the public in 1975. The National Monument is a rectangular tower with the height of 132 meters. The typical part of the building that became a special characteristic of it is the flame shape covered with gold foil located on the top of the tower. There is a museum at the base part of the tower with the size of 80 x 80 meters. Everyone can visit the museum to learn the history of Indonesia. There is also an amphitheater in this building called Ruang Kemerdekaan, it is located in the "cup" part of Monas and it can be reached by using spiral stairs at the north and south doors. If you go to the southern side of the building, you will find an elevator that can be use to access the top platform where we will find the observation deck and also the flame of independence.

The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu Mountain Once, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. Lived a happy family. They were a father in form of dog,his name is Tumang, a mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and a child which was called Sangkuriang. One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then he thought to shot his own dog. Then he took the dog liver and carried home. Soon Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer lever but Tumang’s, his own dog. So, She was very angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar then cast away from their home. Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, The woman looked at the wound in Sangkuriang’s head. It matched to her son’s wound who had left severall years earlier. Soon she realized that she felt in love with her own son. She couldn’t marry him but how to say it. Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat for celebrating their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them in one night. He built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and the boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock crowed for a new day. Sangkuriang failed to marry her. She was very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.


Bajra Sandhi Monument is a major landmark in Denpasar, set right in the centre of the Renon Square (otherwise locally referred to simply as, ‘Puputan Renon’). The site is adjacent the Bali Governor’s office, and is hard to miss with its grand structure that resembles a Balinese Hindu priest’s praying bell, or ‘bajra’. Inside the base is a museum that displays various historical dioramas of the people’s past struggle for Independence. There are three floors inside. The ground level lets you admire the typical Balinese architectural features applied to the overall structure, while the second floor is where most of the diagrams and dioramas that depict the Balinese people’s pre-history and history are shown. The last upper level provides you with soaring views over the green square and Denpasar’s cityscape afield. Most recently in August 2016, the ground space was turned into the IAM Bali Interactive 3D trick art museum space, full of fun murals that are great for fun pics. The monument itself sits on a 4,900sqm plot within the vast 14.4Ha grounds of flat green lawns, gardens and palms of the square. Denpasar residents visit the square in droves over the weekends, particularly during the ‘car-free’ Sundays that enables joggers and cyclists to best enjoy the surrounds of the public space. Constructed in 1981 and opened in 2003, the Bajra Sandhi Monument is a popular itinerary that is almost always featured on Denpasar city tours.

The Legend of Rawa Pening Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy. Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a lesung;, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this lesung; as a boat;. The lesung; was happy and thanked the old woman.The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. Can I try?; asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded. Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the lesung; as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

Monumen Pahlawan Surabaya This monument is located at Jalan Pahlawan, Surabaya, with shape like nail standing upside down. The height is 45 yard that represents year 1945, it has 10 curves and 11 gelindingen on the upper part represent date of 10th and November respectively. There is a ladder that winds the monument until the top. The monument was initiated in November 10th 1950 to commemorate the brave Surabaya freedom fighter to regain Independence in November 1945. The monument area is 2.5 hectares land that was once stand high court in Dutch colonial era, Raad Van Justitie. During Japan Occupation, the building was functioned as Kempetai base, Japanese secret police. Japanese brought prisoners to the building and tortured them, thats why during Japanese occupation, this building was just like house of horror. There are stories that tell how inhuman Japanese torment the Indonesian prisoners, one of those is how they tortured Cak Durasim, Surabaya artiste that was tortured by pumping much water to his stomach and then trampled. Cak Durasim was popular for his jula juli that was considered to be against Japan “Begupon omahe doro, melu Nipon tambah sengsoro”, means Japanese Occupation make worse misery, while before Indonesia considered Japan as an older brother. In the early of Indonesia revolution, the Kempetai basis was seized by Arek Soroboyo, since then the building was utilized as Arek Suroboyo base. In October to November when the battle broke out, the building was destroyed by the Allies bomb. During the 10 November battle, 6.000 casualties from Indoneisa side died and 600 from the Allies side. Those heroes that died during the battle are known as heroes and November 10th is commemorated as Heroes Day. In this monument area also built 10 November Museum where visitors can see diorama about 10th November Battle, also mini theater that plays this fierce battle. Old belongings of freedom fighters like Bung Tomo are also displayed here, and even the fiery patriotic speech of Bung Tomo can be listened here. A statue of Indonesia’s first president and vice are standing at the yard with the broken pillars of the Raad van Justitie or Kempetai. The broken pillars are the manifestation of the collapse of colonialism in Indonesia.

Taj Mahal Taj Mahal is enormous building which was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife at Agra. Because of its great architecture, Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. Taj Mahal is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of Queen Mumtaz Mahal. The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque, a guest house, and several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it. The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses the principles of geometry and symmetry of architectural elements. Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender minarets are 162.5 feet each. The central domed chamber and four adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of Islamic decoration. Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.

Maling Kundang Once upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatra lived a poor woman and his son. The boy was called Malin Kundang. They didn’t earn much as fishing was their only source of income. Malin Kundang grew up as a skillful young boy. He always helps his mother to earn some money. However, as they were only fisherman’s helper, they still lived in poverty. “Mother, what if I sail overseas?” asked Malin Kundang one day to his mother. Her mother didn’t agree but Malin Kundang had made up his mind. “Mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a successful person,” urged Malin kundang. His mother wiped her tears, “If you really want to go, I can’t stop you. I could only pray to God for you to gain success in life,” said his mother wisely. “But, promise me, you’ll come home.” In the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. Three days ago, he met one of the successful ship’s crew. Malin was offered to join him. “Take a good care of yourself, son,” said Malin Kundang’s mother as she gave him some food supplies. “Yes, Mother,” Malin Kundang said. “You too have to take a good care of yourself. I’ll keep in touch with you,” he continued before kissing his mother’s hand. Before Malin stepped onto the ship, Malin’s mother hugged him tight as if she didn’t want to let him go. It had been three months since Malin Kundang left his mother. As his mother had predicted before, he hadn’t contacted her yet. Every morning, she stood on the pier. She wished to see the ship that brought Malin kundang home. Every day and night, she prayed to the God for her son’s safety. There was so much prayer that had been said due to her deep love for Malin Kundang. Even though it’s been a year she had not heard any news from Malin Kundang, she kept waiting and praying for him. After several years waiting without any news, Malin Kundang’s mother was suddenly surprised by the arrival of a big ship in the pier where she usually stood to wait for her son. When the ship finally pulled over, Malin Kundang’s mother saw a man who looked wealthy stepping down a ladder along with a beautiful woman. She could not be wrong. Her blurry eyes still easily recognized him. The man was Malin Kundang, her son. Malin Kundang’s mother quickly went to see her beloved son. “Malin, you’re back, son!” said Malin Kundang’s mother and without hesitation, she came running to hug Malin Kundang, “I miss you so much.” But, Malin Kundang didn’t show any respond. He was ashamed to admit his own mother in front of his beautiful wife. “You’re not my Mother. I don’t know you. My mother would never wear such ragged and ugly clothes,” said Malin Kundang as he release his mother embrace.

Malin Kundang’s mother take a step back, “Malin…You don’t recognize me? I’m your mother!” she said sadly. Malin Kundang’s face was as cold as ice. “Guard, take this old women out of here,” Malin Kundang ordered his bodyguard. “Give her some money so she won’t disturb me again!” Malin Kundang’s mother cried as she was dragged by the bodyguard, ”Malin… my son. Why do you treat your own mother like this?” Malin Kundang ignored his mother and ordered the ship crews to set sail. Malin Kundang’s mother sat alone in the pier. Her heart was so hurt, she cried and cried. “Dear God, if he isn’t my son, please let him have a save journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone,” she prayed to the God. In the quiet sea, suddenly the wind blew so hard and a thunderstorm came. Malin Kundang’s huge ship was wrecked. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, and fell on a small island. Suddenly, his whole body turned into stone. He was punished for not admitting his own mother.

Jaka Tarub A long time ago, there lived a widow in a village. She had a son whose name was Jaka Tarub. Everyday, Jaka Tarub went to a forest to collect some woods and hunting for animals. One day, when Jaka tarub went to the forest, he heard a noise from a river near the forest. So, he came closer to the river and searched for them. He saw seven girls were taking bath in the river. After the girls were finished, they took their shawl and flew to the sky through a rainbow. Amazingly, they were not human but they were fairies. On the next day, Jaka Tarub went back to the river. He had an idea. When the fairies were taking bath in the river. He stole one of their shawl. So, after the fairies were finished, one of them whose name was Nawang Wulan could not find her shawl. Her friends had to go back to the heaven. So, they left her in the river. Nawang Wulan cried. And then Jaka Tarub approached her and invited her to stay at his house. Not long after that, they got married and had a baby girl. As a fairy, Nawang Wulan had a spiritual power. Everytime she cooked a rice, she just needed a small portion of rice and when it had done, the pot will be full of rice. But, the pot musn’t be opened before it had done. One day, Jaka Tarub was really curious. He opened the pot before it had done. Consequently, Nawang Wulan’s spiritual power disappeared. She had to cook as an ordinary human being. She needed more rice than usual. The stock of rice in the silo diminished rapidly. Then one day, when she took rice in the silo, she found her shawl. It hidden by Jaka Tarub. Finally, as a fairy, she had to come back to the heaven. Nawang Wulan asked Jaka Tarub to take care her daughter and build a tower. Every full moon, she will came to the tower to meet her daughter. Then, Nawang Wulan went back to the heaven and Jaka Tarub was very sad.

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