May prevent certain cancers; Discoveries have found that mangos contain a large amount of polyphenols, which play a role in fighting free radicals and protecting against cell damage, which could lead to cancer . Specifically, it's been found that many of its compounds have the ability to combat breast and colon cancer cells. Furthermore, mangos have high levels of flavonoids like beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which help protect against oral cavity and Lung cancers.
Help eye and skin health; Mangos have a high vitamin A content, which is good for helping to keep bones, skin and eyes healthy. Eating one cup of mangos provides the body with approximately 35 percent of the vitamin A needed for optimal functioning.
Help reduce blood pressure; Because this fruit has good potassium levels, yet is low in sodium,it's considered ideal for those looking to lower blood pressure.
Brain health; Improve mood and overall brain ability with mangos. They have large amounts of the vitamin B-6 as well as glutamine acid which helps to improve neurotransmitter function, so the brain remains healthy while also benefiting from improved memory and concentration.
Better heart health; According to the Institute of Medicine, women should have 25 g of fiber daily, at a minimum . One cup of mango as more than 2.5 g of dietary fiber, and eating it along with other fiber-rich foods contribute toward meeting that goal. As with all high fiber diets, heart disease risks are lessened.
: Sahla Rizqiyah
: XIII – B
Attendee’s Number
: 43