Barrish Note Taking Method... Otherwise
known as Two-Column Notes
TwoColumn notes
Are a way of organizing your notes.
So that…
you use 2 sides of your notebook page.
Remember the left side of your paper starts a (This is the left statement or side of sets up a your paper) sentence.
Remember ( This is the right the right side of your paper) side… answers the statement or the set-up.
Subjects and topics... are grouped by lines and spaces.
also help to isolate topics, subjects, or important points
Your notes will have a zigzag look
NOUNS What is a noun?
A noun is a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.
What is a common noun? A common noun is a general name for a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. What is a proper noun?
Do I ever use capital letters with nouns?
A proper noun names a particular person, place, thing or idea.
Proper nouns are always capitalized.
NOUNS What is a noun?
What is a common noun?
What is a proper noun?
Do I ever use capital letters with nouns?
A noun is a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.
This the middle A common noun is a generalof name for a person, a place, a your page. thing, or an idea. You may fold A proper noun names a page particular person,the place, thing to or idea. make a crease or just Proper nouns are alwaysa line draw capitalized. down the middle.
Studying... becomes simple and organized.
cover up the right side and ask yourself the question or lead-in.
see if you know the answer!
Then, like the game of “Jeopardy” Cover up the question and then try to ask “the question or lead-in.”
This system
Most notes... on the screen will have a left, right orientation.
Okay.. soon we will start our first unit.