April Bulletin Final

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h o S l o h t m e B B u e l l letin p m Spring April 2009 e T

Enjoy a K osher Go urmet Passover Feast by Maste r Chef Gu stav Mau ler Haroset

Gefilte Fis Matzo Ba h ll Sou Slowly Ro asted Bris p ket of Bee Lemon & f Herb Roa sted Chic ken Farfel Stu ffin g Old Wo Honey Gla rld Potato Pie zed Ve Chocolate getable Medley Passover Cake Afikomen prizes for children



Dear Friends, It is hard to believe but Pesach is once more upon us. It is again time to start our preparations to receive this beautiful Holy Day as we remember our obligation to see ourselves as if God had redeemed us and not only our ancestors from Slavery in Egypt. One of our most important traditions is to rid ourselves of all of the Hametz in our possession before Pesach. Enclosed please find a form which will enable you to sell the Hametz in your possession. Please fill out the form and return it to my office no later than Thursday, April 3, 2009. It is customary to make a donation“Maot Hitin” at the time of the selling of your Hametz to help the poor in our midst celebrate Passover. Remember that we are only allowed to keep and “sell” that Hametz that will cause great monetary loss if it was to be discarded. The legal fiction of selling ones Hametz does not apply to what our Rabbis determined to be Hametz sh’bayin which is the type of Hametz that is the most commonly found in our possession like flour, cereals, bread, etc. All Hametz sh’bayin should be discarded either by throwing it away or donating it to charity. In order to make it easy for you to discard your Hametz we will place collection bins at the entrance to our Temple. All Hametz collected will be taken to the food pantry of The Jewish Family Services. May this be a season of renewal, peace, joy and celebration of freedom not only for us but for the entire People Israel and for all humanity. Wishing you a Pesach V’Sameach Kasher.

Rabbi Felipe Goodman


SELLING THE HAMETZ IN YOUR POSSESSION Note: If possible, all hametz—food not acceptable during Pesach (Passover), or materials containing such unacceptable food—should be destroyed or given away before the holiday begins. Should this be impossible, the hametz may be stored in such a way that we are sure not to use it during the holiday, and its ownership is transferred to a non-Jew until the holiday ends.

Please complete the form below and return it to the Temple Office no later than April 3, 2009. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, the undersigned, do hereby make and appoint Rabbi Felipe Goodman my true and lawful representative to act in my place and stead, for me and in my name and on my behalf, to sell all hametz owned and possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly, as stated in the Torah and defined by the sages of Israel (e.g. hametz, hashash hametz—suspected hametz; and all kinds of ta’arovet hametz mixtures); also, hametz that tends to harden and to adhere to the surface of pans, pots or other cooking or eating utensils, of whatsoever nature, and to lease all places wherein the aforementioned hametz owned or possessed by me may be found, especially in the premises located at (your address here): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Rabbi Felipe Goodman has the full authority and power to sell said hametz and to lease said place or places wherein said hametz may be found, upon such terms and conditions as discretion dictates. Rabbi Felipe Goodman has the full power and authority to assign or appoint a substitute or substitutes to act on my behalf with all the same powers and authority that I have invested in the Rabbi, and I do hereby ratify and confirm all that Rabbi Felipe Goodman or a rabbinic substitute lawfully does or causes to be done by virtue of these presents. And I do hereby affix my signature on this _________ day of __________, in the year__________ Signature __________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone ________________________________________________________________________

Please mail to the Temple office 10700 Havenwood Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89135. For additional information call (702) 804-1333 Ext. 104. It is customary to make a donation to the needy in return for the service being performed on your behalf. If you would like to make a donation, please send it with this form to the above address.


Rabbi’s Message Rabbi Felipe Goodman

Cleaning our Cupboards... Cleaning our Hearts. Pesach is one of those holidays that I find myself enjoying only after it has begun. I find absolutely no joy in housecleaning. Ask my wife and she will tell you that getting me to clean is a feat of gargantuan proportions! I often caution people that preparing for Pesach does not mean spring cleaning. We are talking about ridding our homes of hametz, changing the “stuff” that we find in our kitchen cupboards for a week, not necessarily cleaning out every closet and drawer. But, of course, we do. We check drawers to make sure no one was munching a cookie while looking for a sock. We peer into closets to be certain none of the four legged beasts in our home dragged food to a hiding place for later enjoyment, which is a new fad that both of our dogs have busied themselves with lately. We pull down curtains for washing, remind ourselves of how to find the on switch on the vacuum cleaner, and we dread the day we have set aside to do the kitchen. If we’re lucky, there are cupboards on the same level as the kitchen, so the shlepping of dishes and pots isn’t an Olympic event. But for some of us, the Passover equipment is in the garage, or the basement, or the downstairs closet, and the cleaning and shelf-lining and scrubbing and shopping are compounded by enough stair climbing to make our membership in the health club unnecessary. Passover is a lot of work. When we begin to think about Passover, we think about two issues. We think about all that work, and we think about food. More than at any other time of our year, we think about food at Passover, because we worry not only about whom we are going to feed, or where we will be fed, but about the using up of our hametz and the cleaning out of our homes. As the days fly by, we worry about the box of pasta we’ll never get to, the half loaf of bread in the freezer, the cup of rice left in the box in the pantry. How will we use them up? What about that cake we bought because it looked good, but we froze it and never tt to it? Or the gourmet crackers we bought


because we had a craving for cheese, and we ate the cheese but kept forgetting about the crackers? How will we ever use up all the hametz? Of course, we don’t have to use it up. We can sell the foods that contain hametz, and we can give our bread and cereal and rice and pasta to the soup kitchen or food bank. It doesn’t have to go to waste. But it bothers us that we have to get rid of all this food, one way or another. We are sometimes able to learn Torah from the most unusual sources. Consider, for example, Irma Bombeck. I just came across one of the columns that she wrote long ago. It has both special meaning and tremendous insight because of the nature of the financial downturn we are facing. Her finest columns were not just a delight to read, but filled with wisdom as well. Let me share a part of it with you: “I came from a family of savers who were sired by poverty, raised in the Depression, and worshipped at the altar of self-denial. Throughout the years, I’ve seen a fair number of my family who have died leaving candles that have never been lit, appliances that never got out of the box, wines that were saved for “something special” and new sofas shrouded in chenille bedspreads...It gets to be a habit. After a while, you have dreams that you hide away for the days when you have time. You have nice compliments to say to people that you put aside until the “right moment.” You squirrel away plans to take a trip until all of you can “get away.” You have old grudges that you are going to settle when you “get around to it.” “I had a relative who, for years, entertained in her basement. I once described the decor as “Early Hot Water Heater.” We sat on glider swings and drank from plastic as we surveyed the room around us: a workbench, outdoor tables, mismatched lamps and stationary tubs. Upstairs was a perfectly beautiful living room that was misnamed. “I used to call her and say, “Let’s go to lunch today! We’ll eat something fattening and talk about everyone who (Rabbi’s Message continues on Page 12)

Assistant Rabbi’s Message Rabbi Adam Watstein

While I was watching the movie “Forrest Gump” last week, I pressed the info button on my remote control because I could not recall the names of all the actors in the film. When the info page appeared on the screen, my heart nearly dropped into my stomach, and this is why: I saw “Forrest Gump” in the movie theater, as I am sure many of you did. I can remember the experience vividly, including whom I was with at the time. Had I not seen the info page on my television, I would have assumed that my introduction to “Bubba Gump Shrimp” was seven years ago, nine at the most, but . . .

It was FIFTEEN YEARS ago!!! Is it possible that FIFTEEN years has elapsed since “Forrest Gump” won best picture? For some reason, I can comprehend the statement “Forrest Gump won Best Picture in 1994.” What I cannot comprehend is that 1994 was FIFTEEN YEARS ago. Can this be? At what point in life does such a large interval of time get reduced to a flash. “Fifteen years” should feel exactly like it sounds...like a LONG TIME, but in this context it does not. This worries me, and regardless of what Apple or Google produce next, time will remain impervious to technology. We will all still get older, and one day, too soon I am afraid, we will say, “FIFTY YEARS ago...’Forrest Gump’ won best picture. FIFTY YEARS ago! Where did the time go?!” And then, we will be gone... We all have a tendency to think like this once in a while, and when we do we often wonder, “Will I have left an imprint on the world? Will I be remembered?” My mentor while at Jewish Theological Seminary, Rabbi Martin Cohen, once asked me to name my eight greatgrandparents. He didn’t ask me details about their lives or where they came from, only their names. I came up with four names. Try it. It is a disheartening exercise, and even more disheartening is the corollary of the exercise. If we do not know the names of our great-grandparents, then it follows that most of our great-grandchildren will not know our names. It brings into question words like “legacy” and “significance.” It offers a bleak answer to the question, “Will I be remembered?” It is an unfortunate and depressing reality that our names may be forgotten in three generations, but I do not believe that this fact negates the significance of our lives or of our legacies. The details and particulars of my great-grandparents’ lives, including their names, are casualties of time, yet I somehow still feel intimately connected to them. My great-grandparents, and your great-grandparents, have been immortalized in the narrative of the Jewish People. Though their names have been forgotten, their story has taken its place as a chapter in a 5,000-year epic. It includes tales of the shtetl, the Yiddish language, pogroms, a journey West to a land with “roads paved with gold,” sweat shops, the Lower East Side, etc. And it also includes Shabbat candles, Kosher food, Passover Seders, Yom Kippur, etc. I may not know the particular details of my great-grandparents’ lives, but their narrative is an integral part of my identity. I am the continuation of their story. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks of Great Britain said it best: “I am a Jew because, being a child of my people, I have heard the call to add my chapter to its unfinished story. I am a stage on its journey, a connecting link between the generations. The dreams and hopes of my ancestors live on in me, and I am the guardian of their trust, now and for the future. “ In a few weeks, we will sit around the Passover table and retell the earliest chapter of the Jewish story, and in doing so will celebrate the legacy of our nameless ancestors. Their memories are preserved in our continuation of the Jewish story. And generations from now, when our names are long forgotten, our descendants, too, will sit at a Passover table. They may not know of us at all, but as they discuss the Exodus from Egypt , drink four cups of wine, and break the middle matzoh, they will have ensured that our legacy persists...that we have not forgotten.


Cantor’s Message Cantor Daniel Friedman

This is not a goodbye, but a message . . .

Music is the

principal medium for the expressive content of prayer in Judaism. It unlocks the gates of meaning in ancient texts. It conveys the most contemporary revelations of the Jewish spirit. It lends continuity, momentum, direction and focus to the unfolding experience of worship. It incorporates and safeguards echoes of past generations. It facilitates the intense engagement of individuals in the process of prayer, while enhancing our connection to a supportive community. It affords leaders of worship the opportunity to inspire, while building intimacy between us and the congregation. It soothes and enlivens, stirs and challenges, rendering into consciousness every dimension of our inner experience. Its highest calling is to cultivate the emotional freedom for each of us to be touched by the infinitely subtle sense of God’s presence. Accordingly, the musical experience of prayer should not be governed by the spiritual impulse of any single approach. Music of only one style will inevitably disenfranchise those whose hearts beat to different spiritual drummers, and its expressive impact will be diminished through repetition and intrinsic limitation. For example, the American and Israeli folk styles, which have proven so helpful in building community and conveying hemishkeit in worship, are not so successful at illuminating texts in comprehensive detail, in variegated shades of meaning, or with a sustained depth of understanding. This is especially true when prayer is conceptually complex or multidimensional in theme, like the liturgy of the High Holy Days. The ancient Levitical musicians surely practiced their art with the highest degree of skill, allied with persuasive intensity. So I strive to employ every means of musical artistry in service to a high standard of interpretive integrity. In order to express the liturgy with wholly-conscious kavanah, I approach the music of our worship to utilize the best elements available, including cantorial recitative, congregational tunes based on traditional modes, and well-crafted compositions utilizing a broad spectrum of melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and structural techniques, all in addition to folk inspired “community-sing” materials. I have attempted to accomplish this without creating a montage of disparate, disconnected elements. The cantor must be responsible and have the freedom to choose compatible components, assembling them into coherent sequence, and supplying the musical bridges to link them persuasively together. This has been and will remain my biggest challenge and greatest reward. This requires resourcefulness in developing improvisatory techniques to 6

connect the “set-pieces” of the service, as well as teamwork between rabbis and cantors to craft worship with aesthetic continuity as a high priority. In assembling musicians to support this music I have attempted to examine and introduce a wide array of choices. These choices have included all kinds of instruments (individually or in ensemble), keyboards of various types, guitars (in their customary usage and in an evolving diversity of technique), percussion consistent with the middle-Eastern strand of our heritage, and vocal ensembles in various combinations, all in addition to the indispensable element of congregational singing in unison and in harmony. I have strived to achieve this balance without turning worship into “entertainment,” by the virtue of absolute faithfulness to the expression of textual intent, and by avoiding choices which dissolve the boundary between sacred and secular. Finally, I believe we are in desperate need of new creative sparks and innovative materials to fulfill the aspirations outlined above. This means prioritizing music in all of its forms with our young people, supporting conceptually and financially the development of their abilities. Our best vocalists, instrumentalists, and composers must be encouraged to take Jewish music seriously, and to know that there is a future for their boldest creative aspirations. We must nurture the emergence of a new synthesis in compositional style, which will integrate and raise up the adapted resources of our host culture into a traditionally-informed Judaic music of the spirit. For me, the task is to balance the familiar with the innovative and the accessible with the provocative, leading us toward a compelling transgenerational style of prayer. With perseverance and forbearance, we will be able to address the needs of all who seek, while offering worship which aspires to be worthy of the Holy One, enthroned upon our praises. This is not a “goodbye,” but a message towards a clear understanding of the importance of the Cantor and all that he brings to a congregation. My hope and prayer is that you will welcome my successor with an open heart. My hope and prayer is that you will continue to explore all aspects of prayer as willing partners in establishing a great congregation of musically knowledgeable participants. With great humility, from the depths of my heart and soul I say thank you to all of you, my friends, for being such a source of strength, warmth and inspiration. I thank you for entrusting me with the most sacred responsibility of being your Cantor. Until we meet again, l’shalom.


Jon Mitzmacher Director of Education The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas hosted nearly 250 people at its third annual “Wine Tasting & Chinese Auction” fundraiser on February 21. This year’s theme was “White Russia” and all the proceeds went to the Sidney Chaplin Scholarship Fund. Its namesake, Sidney Chaplin, was a leader, humanitarian and philanthropist in the Las Vegas community for more than thirty years. This year’s event honored the memory of D’Vorre and Hal Ober and all proceeds went to the Sidney Chaplin Scholarship Fund. Hal was a founding member of our school’s board and D’vorre was a spirited volunteer. Their passion for education contributed greatly to our school’s successful founding.” The wine tasting was generously donated by Southern Wine and Sprits, and the food was catered by Gustav Mauler. Lara Stone, whose three children attend the school, served as event chair.

Purim is all about fun and, in that sense, this year’s Purim carnival was a huge success. While we had new games and prizes, we couldn’t have had the Carnival without our old favorites like the bounce house, Velcro wall and Bungee run. The delighted smiles on our children’s faces were priceless as they played the games and showed off their costumes, Yonina Schnee had their faces painted or Assistant Director ate the delicious food. It was of Religious School also a great fundraiser for the & Religious School and, as every year, we had the help of loyal Adult Education Women’s League members, Men’s Club members and others from TBS. We also had very generous sponsors who provided the prizes, food and rides for the Carnival. From packaging hamentashen, face painting, collecting gift baskets and other raffle prizes, and organizing the food service, wonderful people were helping out. There were more volunteers at the Carnival than I have room to mention here, but any great team of people needs a true leader, and this year our Purim Carnival leader was Kim Memar. Kim helped to bring together all of the details, come up with new ideas, and find ways to get around obstacles in order to stay organized and make sure it all came together on the day of the Carnival. We are compiling information from this year’s carnival to keep on file in the Religious School so that future carnivals will be just as successful, if not even better! Thank you to everyone for coming to enjoy our special day!

Randi, Shirley, Adi, Lara

Kim Memar Photos by Ira Ellis Photography

D.J. Sinai 7



Temple News Women’s League by Brenda Katz How fortunate I feel to represent 208 diverse women, all members of Women’s League. After being given the opportunity to implement the TBS Gala on May 17, and accepting the challenge, we soon learned that our WL has many talented, creative and generous women who stepped up to the plate and said “Yes, I will”. These are women who redefine the word “busy” and yet we found that by working together, we can accomplish great and innovative things. Melanie Greenberg, WL Executive VP, has coordinated this effort. In February, we held our first “East meets West Mah Jongg Tournament”, deemed a success by everyone in attendance. Our Torah Fund Luncheon on February 15 was a stunning affair and attended by over 80 people. Both the honorees and the guests felt impressed by the detail to attention and the beautiful performance by Melanie Ron-Agatstein. Our Regional President, Marilyn Berkowitz, and our Regional Torah Fund VP, Marjie Frimkess, flew in from L.A. just for the event. Before we could take a breath we had a second discussion of the book, “The Blessing of a Skinned Knee”. Facilitated by Rabbi Goodman, it earned rave reviews. This book and other projects that WL will do this year will incorporate our Women2Women theme - a concept developed to help us reach out, women to women, across the generations, ensuring that we each have a place and a voice. The month ended with the unique opportunity of hearing Karnit Goldwasser speak to us, sharing her moving and touching story in trying to find her kidnapped husband, Israeli soldier, Ehud Goldwasser. She told us how, after two long years, his coffin was tragically returned to her and that she was grateful he could have the privilege of being buried in Israel. March was busy because every year WL helps our Religious School implement its Purim Carnival. This year we tried to make it better suited for older kids as well Pre-school. Thanks to all those generous people who sponsored rides, bought prizes and grilled hot dogs. On May 31 Gustav will once again cater our annual Donor Luncheon. We hope to have a special twist this year, so save the date and earn those Donor Points. Everyday I wake up and think how lucky I am to represent 208 diverse women. Let’s make it 225. I like round numbers. B’Shalom.

Spa Day - April 26! Women of all ages are invited to experience a journey to nourish your body and soul at Temple Beth Sholom’s annual Women’s League Spa Day. The theme for the day is “Treat Your Body as a Temple, Not an Amusement Park.” We will start the journey with our Yoga Guru, Goldie Amira, then relax and get in touch with our spirituality as Rabbi Goodman shares “How to find your spiritual self in Judaism”. This will be followed by a dip into a pool of experts discussing “If only I could get some sleep and understand what’s happening to my body and feel good about myself, my life would be perfect!” Then, take a break for a healthy brunch, learn the latest on nutrition and end your day with a team of experts who will demonstrate “How to look your best in the body you have today.” The cost of the event is $20 for WL members and $25 for non-members. There is also a special offer: Join WL on Spa Day and be paid up through June 30, 2010 ($36 for TBS members and $50 for non-members). New members will receive a free book that will be discussed at future programs; renewing members will receive the book at a 50% discount. Reservations are requested. For more information call the Temple office at (702) 804-1333 x100.

Nominating Committee Report By Ed Kainen, Chair The Nominating Committee has convened to select nominees for limited vacant positions on the Board of Trustees for next year. If any Temple member, in “good standing” as defined in our By-Laws is interested in being considered for nomination, please send your name, contact information including phone number and reason for wanting to serve on the Board to [email protected] by April 5. After the deadline has passed and all of the nominations are reviewed, the committee will meet, narrow the nominations, conduct interviews with some of the nominees, and then meet to make recommendations to the Temple Board and eventually the congregation.


Temple News March of the Living Scholarships Announced The Audrey Merkin Scholarship Fund is pleased to announce the selection of four Temple Beth Sholom member students for participation in the “March of the Living” program: Aaron Lapping, a student at the Adelson School Rebekah Mastel, a student at Palo Verde High School Ari Steinberg, a student at the Adelson School Stacey Tarter, a student at the Adelson School Aaron Lapping

Rebekah Mastel

On April 28, our four students will travel with teens from the Las Vegas B’nai Brith Youth Organization and join more than 8,000 Jewish students from around the world in a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The March of the Living takes teens on a journey into Jewish history. They will commemorate Yom Ha’Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, during a week in Poland and then fly to Israel to join the entire Jewish community in celebrating the 60th Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day. Their stay in Poland and Israel will be one of contrast. In Poland they will search for traces of a world that is no more. Joining with Jewish teens from around the world in a “March of the Living”, they will march the three kilometers from Auschwitz to Birkenau, the largest concentration camp built by the Nazis. In Israel they will visit a number of exciting locations and ancient sites such as Jerusalem, Masada, and Tel Aviv, celebrating Israel’s independence along with the entire country!

Ari Steinberg

Stacey Tarter

We eagerly look forward to their return and to hearing their stories about this life changing experience. Please join us at services on Friday, April 17, so we may bless them prior to their departure.

Congregants participate in World Wide Wrap 10

Temple News L’DOR V’DOR - Making a Difference for Seniors By Shel Kolner L’Dor V’Dor continues to make an impact on seniors in the Southern Nevada Valley. It is the premiere outreach program in Southern Nevada and it does make a difference. The last event was an early Purim party on February 24. There is nothing like having 200 seniors in the Sanctuary and Social Hall all enjoying our kids, as well as dancing and music presented by the Desert Spurs and a great lunch catered by Gustav Mauler. I cannot tell you how many people told me how much they enjoyed the day out and were looking forward to the next one. Even while waiting for their busses they were extolling the virtues of the day. We really do make a difference. Just for your information, doing a mitzvah has its perks – especially with Mother Nature. At the last two events the sun shined and the weather warmed up. Both the day before and the day after the Hanukah event it snowed. But the day before and after the Purim event it was cloudy and not so nice. Yet the days of the two events were beautiful. Another example - L’Dor V’Dor does make a difference. Volunteers are still the backbone of our organization. If you can spare a few hours every other month please call us: Lillian Radomsky at (702) 942-3251 or (757) 581-6544 (cell) if you can provide transportation for our guests: Karen Berke at (702) 341-5112 if you would like to volunteer in the Social Hall. You can always call our Coordinator, Shel Kolner, at (702) 228-4744 or (702) 334-8914 (cell) for more details. If you would like to enjoy our Passover event with us make your call now! The Board of L’Dor V’Dor meets between events to critique the previous event, plan the next one and set the dates for the rest of the year. Our next events are: April 14, 2009 – Passover June 2, 2009 – Post – Shavuot If you know of any senior who is homebound and could benefit from this opportunity to socialize with othes, please call L’Dor V’Dor coordinator, Shel Kolner at the numbers above or the Temple office (702) 804-1333 x100. We’ll make sure they receive invitations to the upcoming events.

Chesed Committee – By Anita Lewy “The highest form of wisdom is kindness” (Talmud Brachot 17a) The purpose of the Chesed committee is to visit our members in the hospital or rehabilitation center. We also keep in touch with congregants for a week or two after they are released and return home. Finally, we telephone our members if we know they are ill at home. However, we cannot fulfill our commitment if you do not call and let us know you are ill or at the hospital. Please contact Carol Jeffries, assistant to our Rabbis and Cantor at (702) 804-1333 x104. It doesn’t matter how many people call Carol – the important thing is to make sure she knows who is ill. The Chesed committee and I have a good working relationship with her, and it is important that everyone keeps in touch.


Temple News SAVE THE DATE Temple Beth Sholom’s Gala May 17, 2009 HONORING District Judge Jackie Glass & Councilman Steve Wolfson Catered by Gustav’s Master Chef Catering (Rabbi’s Message continued on Page 2) isn’t there.” She always hesitated and said, “Let’s plan it. We’ll have all week to look forward to it.” Usually by the time it rolled around, one of us couldn’t go.” “I have learned that silverware tarnishes when it isn’t used. Perfume turns to alcohol and never smells as sweet as when it is used. Candles melt in the attic over the summer. Plastic left on lamp shades to keep off the dust makes them wrinkle, and ideas that are saved for a “dry week” often become dated. “I always had a dream that when I am asked to give an accounting of my life to a higher court, it will go thusly: “So, empty your pockets. What have you got left of your life? Any dreams that were unfulfilled? Any unused talent that we gave you when you were born that you still have left? Any unsaid compliments or bits of love that you haven’t spread around?” And, I will answer, “I’ve nothing to return. I spent everything you gave me. I’m as naked as the day I was born.” She’d have made a wonderful rabbi. As we search the corners of our homes for the last crumbs of hametz, let us search the corners of our hearts for the words of love and reconciliation we allowed to fall by the wayside. As we give to a soup kitchen the food we’d always planned to prepare for family and friends, or just for ourselves on some “special occasion,” let us search for dreams and plans and projects and goals set aside for a “better time.” It always feels so sad to assemble those bags of food we bought with such good intentions, and while someone will benefit from them, we won’t. And if assembling bags of unused food produces regret, how much more so to assemble bags of unused dreams, uncelebrated moments, unexplored friendships. On Pesach, Jewish children everywhere will chant Mah nishtanah halayhla hazeh – May this be a year that is truly different from all other years, a year when we learn to use up the blessings that are ours, to enjoy the hours and days and months of our lives, forge bonds with those we love, and begin to dust off our dreams creating new realities. 12

May 20, 2009 Temple Beth Sholom Congregational Meeting • Annual Report • Budget Information • Election of Board Members

Temple News

Princess Leia and Family



B’nei Mitzvah Mazal Tov Rachel Passer Wendy and Michael Passer are pleased to announce the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Rachel Erin on Saturday, April 4 at Temple Beth Sholom. Rachel is currently a 7th grade student at Fertitta Middle School where she is an honor student and active in the wind ensemble playing clarinet. In addition Rachel enjoys skiing, golf, and cheering for the Kansas City Chiefs. Friends and relatives are welcome to join us for the service beginning at 9:00 am and the Kiddush luncheon following.

Mazal Tov Arianna Bella Shapiro David, Ilana, Matthew and Talia Shapiro are proud to announce that Arianna Bella Shapiro will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 23. Arianna is a straight A honor student at Leavitt Middle School and enjoys tap, hip hop, and musical theatre. She is a lead dancer in Summerlin Dance Academy’s production of Suessical. In addition to dance and theatre, Arianna is also a kick tuchas drummer! Arianna loves to travel and last summer visited Ireland, France and Holland. In addition, she loves to spend her summers at Camp Alonim. Everyone is very proud of the hard work that Arianna has done in preparation for becoming a Bat Mitzvah.

Blood Drive Sunday, April 26 in the Multi-purpose Room


child who was born in 19 98, and you have not met wi th schedule a Bar/Bat Mitz Rabbi Goodman to vah date, please call Carol at x104. If you would like a phot o to appear in the Bulletin and bio of your child , you must send this information eight weeks in date or it may not be po advance of the actual ssible to publish this information in time. Please mail the bio with a high resolution .JPEG photo to:




Temple News TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM STUDENTS DELIVER 2,000 BOOKS TO VAIL PITTMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL About 30 Temple Beth Sholom students ranging from 5th through 7th grades distributed over 2,000 painstakingly collected books to students at Vail Pittman Elementary School. The event, which was scheduled to run from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, drew a crowd of approximately 250 parents, students, and teachers. The event, part of the Kids4Kids program designed by Rabbi Adam Watstein of Temple Beth Sholom, was recently accepted as part of the Clark County School District Focus School Project which partners communities with schools in order to bring additional resources and enrich the educational experiences of at-risk students. Last night’s event was the second in the program; last month, the two schools joined together for a math night at which Temple Beth Sholom students delivered math flash cards and math related games as well as their guidance to the younger Pittman students. According to Pittman Principal David Frydman, “Our goal has been to provide families and students strategies and tools that can be used at home to promote reading and literacy.” In addition to bringing the thousands of books, the Temple Beth Sholom students also brought with them their love of reading and their desire to share that passion with K through 5th grade Pittman students. After a brief presentation by Pittman’s Literacy Specialist, the Beth Sholom students took over occupying six activity rooms, each featuring a different, specially designed reading and literacy clinic. According to Rabbi Watstein, “this program was designed to allow kids to reach out to other kids, sharing their knowledge, their skills, and their passion for learning.” Established in 1966, Vail Pittman Elementary School currently has 675 students and is located at 6333 Fargo Avenue which is near the intersection of Torrey Pines and Washington.


Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony

7:00 PM Monday, April 20 Midbar Kodesh Temple 1940 Paseo Verde Parkway, Henderson, NV 89012 Mary Johnson with Facing History discusses the voyage of the S.S. St. Louis and its legacy in the 21st Century. Holocaust Art Exhibit by Robert Sutz - www.robertsutz.com This project is funded through a grant from The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. It is also sponsored by the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada, Nevada Governor’s Advisory Council on Education Regarding the Holocaust and the Holocaust Survivor’s Group of Southern Nevada 17


Justin Diamond Sally & Dick Eskenazi Eileen & Marvin Fishman In Honor of: Faye Steinberg’s Birthday Elaine & Irv Steinberg An Aliyah: Samuel Rosen Sam Showel Eleanor Wilchins Thank you: Adrienne & Victor Dabah Rabbi Goodman for your blessing on my birthday Miriam Sharp Rabbi Goodman for your visits & good wishes during my hospital stay Irving Steinberg Misheberach: Maxine Bendelac In Memory of: Barbara Kowlowitz Bobbee Finkel Anna Rosen Saruka Samuel Rosen Max Showel Charlotte & Sam Showel

RABBI’S TZEDAKAH FUND Deborah Berlinger Haifa Restaurant


In Honor of: Harold Goldwasser on your second Bar Mitzvah Estelle & Martin Weiss


Estelle Weiss’ Birthday Paula, Bob, Alyssa & Evan Krentzel Martin Weiss’ Birthday Paula, Bob, Alyssa & Evan Krentzel Estelle & Martin Weiss’ 62nd Wedding Anniversary Paula, Bob, Alyssa & Evan Krentzel Thank you: Guy Nanin Miriam Sharp Marc Frye Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer Rabbi Watstein for your kindness & caring Fran Levien Rabbi Watstein for your visits & good wishes during my hospital stay Irving Steinberg Misheberah: Miriam Sharp In Memory of: Alfred Winczer Anna Sommer Winczer Lillian Radomsky



In Memory of: Brooke Alexander Anita Lewy Eileen Baron Felice & Joshua Saxe Ilanit & Michael Saxe Lawrence Newman Marcy & Steve Saxe Josephine Rogers Joshua & Michael Saxe

In Honor of: Betsi & David Steinberg’s Anniversary Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg

SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL Daniel Miller In Memory of: Manuel Eizelman Dana & Joel Wallace

In Honor of: Sari & Tony Dennis on daughter Rachel becoming a Bat Mitzvah Lillian & Mike Radomsky Lillian Kronberg’s Birthday Judy & Ron Mack Cheryl & Carl Ross on daughter Lillian becoming a Bat Mitzvah Lillian & Mike Radomsky In Memory of: Joel Jones Esther Frankenstein

CHESED COMMITTEE In Honor of: Anita Lewy Irving Herman Thank you: Ellen Ploesch for your visit & telephone calls representing the Chesed Committee Anita Lewy


LAWRENCE A. SCULLY LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jablon on the birth of Aubrey Jablon Ethel Mittenthal

Tributes L’DOR V’DOR

Gloria Bransky Maxine Bendelac Ruth Broads Aaron Cantor June Colodny Fran Diamond Mildred Gerson Adele Kadans Harry Kogan Jacqueline & Shel Kolner Fay & Julius Kushner Racine & Gerry Murdock Doris Scheer Miriam Shientag Shirley Smoler Lois & Morton Utah In Honor of: Frank Horwitz’s 75th Birthday Sheila & Jay Gershman Ellis Landau on the 52nd anniversary of your Bar Mitzvah Ruth Goldfarb Ann Schwartz’ 90th Birthday Sheila & Jay Gershman In Memory of: Eric Mayer Ella & Ludwig Bauer Ruth Goldfarb Elaine, Howard & Holly Jacobs


In Honor of: Lil Glicken’s Birthday Kathy & Moe Menasche Lillian Kronberg’s Birthday Lil Glicken Kathy & Moe Menasche Speedy Recovery: Irving Steinberg, glad you are feeling better Lil Glicken In Memory of: Rebeccah Glicken Lil Glicken


Barbara & Matt Kelly David Lessnick Scott Shay Betsi & David Steinberg Thank you: Suzanne Steinberg & Sam Green for your love & support Irving Steinberg Betsi & David Steinberg for your love & support Irving Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg for your love & support Irving Steinberg In Memory of: Esther Eskenazi Sally & Dick Eskenazi Rae Glick Evelyn & Leon Goldstein Sol Mann Elaine & Irv Steinberg Shefigh Sofer Dee & Fred Berkley Ida Stern Ella & Ludwig Bauer Emma Rit Uskali Alexandria & James Pham

YAHRZEIT/ MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Bernard Bajardi Janice & Fred Victorson Frieda Barkan Mary & Barry Barkan Mary R. Barron Phyllis Barron Starr Fannie Berger Moe J. Berger Natalie & Artie Berger Ida Berger Samuel Berger Florence & Irving Berger Nathan Berkley Dee & Fred Berkley

Samuel Best Shirley Kravitz Abraham Blum Sylvia Schwartzer Leon Brock Lucia Feit Frank Brown Rose Raphael Jocelyn Bursten Andrew Bursten John G. Celata Lilyan Celata Arlene Chaplin Ben Chaplin Shirley Chaplin Sidney Chaplin Shirley Chaplin Randi & Adi Matushevitz Alexander Coblentz, M.D. Thelma Coblentz Suzanne & Alan Feld Eva Colodny June Colodny Max Denker Sheila Stewart Marion Devore Edward & Estelle Lee Devore Grace Don Barbara Don Irene Dwosh Marcy & Jack Simon Eva Edison Merle Mitzmacher Sylvia Ehrlich Gladyce & Marty Ehrlich Carrie Ellis Racine & Gerry Murdock Ben Engel Philip & Jerry Engel Jack Entratter Michele Entratter Wolkoff Maude Feld Suzanne & Alan Feld 19

Tributes Henry Flank Brenda & Michael Flank Avis M. Fletcher-Lasky Marshall Lasky Evelyn Flynn Mary & Barry Barkan Andrea Franchi Barbara Molasky Clary & Rob Mendez Lauren & Kalani Wright Lilli Frank David Peikin Jack I. Friedman Leah Nevis Friedman Sally Venger Robert L. Frost Roni & Randy Tarr & Family Michael Fuhrman Melita Fuhrman Vickter Frank Galsky Yvette & Dale Galsky Lillian Garber Susan & Alan Garber Hyman Genzer Terri Wilensky-Genzer & Robert Genzer Sylvia Gersten Geraldine Fischer Sadie Glick Fred Glick Frances Goldstein Irving Herman Max Gordon Reba Gordon Saiger Beatrice Gostinsky Terri Wilensky-Genzer & Robert Genzer Hadassah Gottesman Dorrita & Uriel Gottesman Bess Gould Roy Gould Marilyn Bulmash Frances Greenfield June Colodny 20

James V. Grippo Roslyn Smolen Martin Hager Samuel Hager Shirley Chaplin Henry Harrison Dee & Fred Berkley Frances Harvey Marlene & Maury Jones Pauline Herman Rubin Herman Irving Herman Stephen Herzlich Harold Herzlich Benjamin Horowitz Nancy Horowitz Rose Hyzen Howard Hyzen Rose Indig David Peikin William Jaffa Elaine Klain Benjamin Jones Marlene & Maury Jones Hyman Kahn Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes George Katz Nathan Katz Mimi Katz & Family Charles Kaufman Rose Kaufman Irene & Herb Kaufman Ida Beatrice Kishner Irwin Kishner & Family Terry Chia Tobu Konowalow Kathy & Stephen Konowalow Albert Koulange Ethel Koulange Ann Kronberg Aron Kronberg Henry Kronberg Leib Krumkop Arieh Krumkop

Emanuel Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Moe Lederer Debbie Lederer Wilbur A. Lee Lois Lee Tillie Biener Leeder Adelle Gersten Yetta Leitner Murray Leitner Anne Warshaw Lewison Max Lewison Lorraine & Bob Lewison Benjamin Lipton Susan & Alan Garber Annie Bessie Loban Dave Loban Glenn Lockwood Sandra Lockwood Dennis Mack Judy & Ron Mack Audrey Merkin Eunice, Albert, Ellen & Joseph Merkin Ruth Miller Elaine & Irv Steinberg Louis Molasky Susan Molasky Harry Neistadt Ellen Ploesch & Family Max Phillips Lily Phillips Oliver Pocras Joyce & Ken Pocras Lila Popkin Karen & Matthew Popkin Max Post Pat & Don Gordon Leo Rabin Barbara & Bernard Fruchter Theodore Richard Cheryl Richard Larry Richard

Tributes Rabbi Jacob Richman Barbara & Phineas Richman Bernice Rosalimsky Diane, Stewart & Steven Rosalimsky Betty Rosencrantz Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz Sol Rosengarten Dr. Albert & Nancy Rosten Miriam Rosenthal Linda & Leonard Eckhaus Molly Rothman Lee Rothman Rose Rudolf Clarice Kirsch Lil Rush Adrienne & Stacy Rush Peter Sachs Anita Lewy Miriam Salem Jeffrey Starr Al Salton Adele Baratz Ruth Ann Schlom Naomi & Art Sloan Howard Schwartzer The Schwartzer Family Jennie Serether Geraldine Toscher

Esther Rachel Shaikin Lillian Shaikin Elliot Shaikin Jennie Shulman Debbie Lederer Martin Silkes Hyman Silkes Evelyn Silver Meyer Silver Sharon Rosenberg Fannie Silvert Rosalie & Orin Lazer & Family Evelyn Simon Marcy & Jack Simon William Sincoff Judith Sincoff Morrison Bradley, Rebecca & Elizabeth Snyder Sandy & Marvin Snyder Gertrude Springberg Sol Springberg Nancy & Jerry Springberg Ruth Steinberg Norma J. Wilensky Isadore Stern Joseph Stern Dr. Albert & Nancy Rosten Sam Stevens Laura Rinzler

Harriet Straus Jack Straus Adele Hazan Stuart Lovee Arum Meyer Tobian Joyce & Jeff Tobian Abe Toscher Gerry Toscher Pearl Venger Sally Venger Edward Victorson Janice & Fred Victorson Irving Waxman Rene Marino Shirley Weiss Marlene & Maury Jones Seymour Wittenberg Sydelle & Joel Markowitz Anna Tamaroff Witzel Betty Schwartz Max Wiviott Sharon & Robert Wiviott



Temple Beth Sholom Gala

Scroll of Honor Honoring

District Court Judge Jackie Glass & City Councilman Steve Wolfson May 17, 2009 at Temple Beth Sholom

“Liberty and Justice For All” SPONSORS * EVENT SPONSOR: † U.S. Supreme Court


† NV District Court (Includes 4 tickets)   † Justice Court (Includes 2 tickets)



† Municipal Court


$ 7,000

† City Hall

$ 500


Will be listed on the invitation and other print materials, includes table of 10

ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIPS: † U.S. Court of Appeals (Includes table of 10) † U.S. District Court (Includes table of 10)

* All SPONSOR levels include the option of a full color page ad honoring the Wolfsons projected throughout the evening on a large monitor.


All Sponsors and Supporters will be listed in the Scroll of Honor. (Individual tickets: $250)


________________________________________________ Name as you want it to appear on the listing ________________________________________________ Contact


Temple Beth Sholom 10700 Havenwood Lane Las Vegas, NV 89135 Ph: 702-804-1333 ext. 103 F: 702-804-1370 Email: [email protected] TBS is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization Tax ID #88-0073186 * Ad specifications for Sponsors Please supply camera-ready art. NOTE: Please supply art in high resolution JPEG or PDF. ARTWORK MAY BE IN COLOR

_________________________________________________ Address Zip _________________________________________________ Phone Email _________________________________________________ Credit Card # (MasterCard & VISA only) _________________________________________________ Expiration Date Amount to be charged $___________ Check included for $___________ _________________________________________________ Print name (as it appears on credit card) ______________________________________ Signature 23

“Neither Temple Beth Sholom nor its Rabbi certifies the Kashrut of any food related advertiser.” 24

framing studio inc sara rosenstein

beautiful, surprising, imaginative, custom framing

702-227-0966 2550 s. rainbow blvd. suite e6., across the street from dagermans

Located inside the Framing Studio 702-221-2134



Farewell Honoring Cantor Daniel Friedman May 1, 2009 - 5:45 pm Catered by Master Chef Gustav Mauler Call office to reserve your spot with a credit card no later than 10 days before the dinner date.

Number of Dinners: Member: Adult Meals ______ x $25 = _________ Non-Member: Adult Meals ______ x $36 = ______ Member: Child Meals ______ x $ 7 = ________ All Children 4 & Under Free

Non-Member: Child Meals ______ x $ 12 = ______

______ Total Enclosed: $ ________________

Please charge my Credit Card:



Account Number: ____________________________ Expiration Date: _________ Security Code: ________ Signature: _____________________________________ Print Name: ____________________________ Address: __________________________ City: _______________________ State: _______ Zip: ________ Phone: ___________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________ Make checks payable to: Temple Beth Sholom, 10700 Havenwood Lane • Las Vegas, NV 89135 • (702) 804-1333 26

April 2009 Sunday

Nisan / Iyar 5769


Tuesday Wednesday





7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat with Ruach Ensemble

Saturday 3

9:00 AM Bat Mitzvah Rachel Passer


6:45 pm

7 Nisan




12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

8 Nisan


9 Nisan

9 9:00 AM Passover Services

6:30 PM Community Seder

9:00 AM Passover Services


Friday Nite Kids 6:15-7:00 PM

Office Closed

10 Nisan

7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Office Closed

11 9:00 AM Shabbat Services

6:51 pm

11 Nisan

12 Nisan


13 Nisan

13 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

14 Nisan

14 11:00 AM L’Dor V’Dor

15 Nisan


16 Nisan


17 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

9:00 AM Passover Services

9:00 AM Passover Services

Office Closed

Office Closed


19 Nisan 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

20 Nisan


21 Nisan



22 Nisan


Yom HaShoah

26 Nisan

9:00 AM 1:00 PM Blood Drive


9:00 AM Women’s League Spa Day

2 Iyar



6:30 PM Bat Mitzvah Jenny Rozental

24 Nisan 9:00 AM Bat Mitzvah Alexandra Springberg


7:30 Kabbalat Shabbat

7:00 PM Yom HaShoah @ Midbar Kodesh

25 Nisan

23 Nisan 5:30 PM Shabbat in the Hood Training

9:00 AM Bar Mitzvah Zachary Singer 9:30 AM 10:30 AM Family Service

6:57 pm

18 Nisan

17 Nisan

7:03 pm

27 Nisan


28 Nisan



29 Nisan

30 Nisan

1 Iyar


12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

3 Iyar

4 Iyar

5 Iyar

6 Iyar 27

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

Clergy & Staff

PAID Permit No. 171 Las Vegas, NV

Rabbi Felipe Goodman - x104 [email protected] Asst. Rabbi Adam Watstein - x104 [email protected]


Cantor Daniel Eli Friedman - x104 [email protected] Asst. to Rabbi and Cantor Carol Jeffries - x104 [email protected] Executive Director Bruce Kesselman - x133 [email protected] Director of Education Jon Mitzmacher - x115 [email protected] Asst. Director of Religious School & Adult Education Yonina Schnee - x122 [email protected] Director of Early Childhood Education Jennifer Zukowski - x113 [email protected] Controller Phyllis Margolis - x101 [email protected] Director of Security Daniel “D.J.” Sinai - x108 [email protected] Facilities Manager Beth Lourcey - x110 [email protected] Marketing Specialist Karen Boyarsky - x129 [email protected] Receptionist Myrna Hills - x100 [email protected]

Office: (702) 804-1333

The Board of Directors 2008-2009 Officers President First Vice President Second Vice President Treasurer Secretary Immediate Past President President Emerita

Dr. David Steinberg Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes Sara Mason Ellis Landau Ed Kainen Edward Seltzer Sandra Mallin

Directors Jeremy Bach Joel Mann Abbie Friedman Blanche Meisel Ivy Gage Dan Miller Harvey Gitel Dr. Steve Saxe Dr. Adam Schwartz Honorary Board Member Women’s League Men’s Club

Sharon Sigesmund Pierce Brenda Katz Jerry Springberg

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