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My path has been rather different to the majority of remale scientists. ln same ways it has bcen casier. Firstly. I decidcd not to havc children. II wasn'l a sacrificc. (1 1.1) Secondly. at an early age (was not an aspiring scientist. I startcd atT studying clas'sics and malhs, and by Ihc lime I went into science I had bccome used to being seen as a maverick,

to being different.

It is unfortunate,

and very

telling. Ihat not having children and being slighlly differenl should stand you in go od stcad in science. (11.2) They do want childrcn and, gcnerally. Ihey arc less assertivc than men, and this makes it harder for them to succced. Today, womcn arc under-represented in ncarly all scientilie arcas. To addrcss this imbalance. a sludyon women in science in Britain was undcrlakcn. and ( was lo coordinate it. ( have bcen hclpcd in this by many people, and our rcsulls are published Ihis weck. Wc rOllnd inslitutionalised

sexism righl across the scicnlific

Assumplions are made about you and your compelencc soldy becausc you are a woman. There is bullying, tI\Ough it is hard lO say how widcsprcad it iso Same WO/llcn rcponcd being laughed at for whal they do. Plenly






people are rude lo your facc, more a fCeling that therc is CI

prejudice at a very basic level. Jf a wornanleaves lOhave a baby, il is very hard ror her to rclurn. I'm not suggesting that women should become more like men. But it's hardto knowwhethcrit wouldhavebeen differenl if ['d been a man. Many women /ind a life in science much harder. 1didn'I want children, and neilher did my husband. Rcsearch science is di ffcrenllo mosl olhcr carccrs in thal lhcrc is /lO elear strueture.

Zadanie 12. (3 p/a) Przeczytaj ponizszytekst. Uzupelnij luki (12.1.-12.6.), wybieraj.jc je'dn:! z (>o(l;lIIy('1I mozliwosci A, n, c lub O, tal< aby otrzymac logiczny, spójny i poprawny

gramalycznietekst. Za kazda poprawna odpowiedzotrzymasz0,5 punklu.


. I, 100, cxperienccd some ar thescdifticulties. (t 1.4) Jl-does seem to gel warse as you get older; when you are young you almost cxpecl to be palronised and ignored. II 's when you gel older and slarl challenging the men Ihat il gels harder. Sexisl alllludcs art: very dirriCldl lo police. because they me callscd lO some dcgrec by women not being as asscnive as mcn - holding back. and nOI having the sclr-conl1dcncc to do things. (11.5.) Il'S more aboul IVomen having con/idcnce In thcmselves. The l11alc-dominatcd culturc bears a lot of lhe blamc roI' Ihis. We arc not going lO ehange Ihe male psyche overnighl, sa we have lo try to change the eulturc and get people thinking.


Nearly half or Ihc US's tifiy-five IUl11e speciesare (12.1.)

and cars eOllld

be partly to blame. Turlles like lo roan:, but (12.2.)


reportcd being pigeon-holed confined lo jobs Iheir mak employers would be good at because Ihey were female.


C. D.



~'" 3 :; 3 OJ

A. II isn'l sa much Ihal

11. (5 pkt)

Przeczytaj ponizsz~' tekst. Usunic;to I. niego piec zdun. Wpisz \I' ka7.dez miejsc I I. 1.-11.5 litere A-F, która oznaczonc Jest bralmjllce zdanie. Dwa z podanych zdan nie, pusuj.j do (ekstu. Za kazda poprawna odpowiedz otrzymasz I pnnkt:

.:i'j~ . ,~ 'I.

, James Gibbs or thc State Universily ol' Ncw York

kil! counls are (12.3.)

at Syracuse modelled lurtle movements (12.4.)

volumes for eaeh slale.

.' '1 ,."" '. i\

lillle chaneeon a busy roml. As rOCHI road densilics and Iranie

He calculates that cars kil! live per cent ot' the turtle

population every year. with land lurtles and large pond turtles most (12.5.)



That's enough lO seriously deplcte turtle nllmbers. says Gibbs. They takc severul years (12.6.)


sa most Imtle spccics can't cope wilh losscs ar lI10rc (han

Iwo to Ihree per cenI a year. 12. t. A. diminishcd

B. in decline

C. in delicit

D, rcducing

12.2. A. await

B. face

C. sland

D. lakc

12.3. A. innumcrable

B. outnumbered

C. unexpected

D. unreliahle

12.4. A. along wilh

B. amongsl

C. aside

D. aside from

12.5. A. at risk

B. risked

C. risking

D. risky

12.6. A. being

B. reproducing

C. lo have




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n:lnaklejke z kodem




Arkusz III (dla poziomu rozszerzonego)



Zadanie 13. (3 fila) Uzupelnij ponizsz~' tekst, wpisuj "ic po jednym wyrazie w kazde wolne miejsce, tak aby otrzymac logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pdnu poprawnosc or(ograliczno' wpisywanych wyrazów, Z:t kazda poprawnol odpowiedz otrzymasz 0,5 punlitu.

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Pessimistlcloncrs havc the cdgc in !he compl.:tilion for tirst-tcnn uni\'\:rsi!)' grades. (13.1.) to a study conducted at thl.:Quecnsland UnivcrsilY or Tcchnology and rcp0l1edin TII.-SW/Ile)','v/ornillgHerald.The s!udy.involvll1galmost 200 firstyear students,was (13.2.) out by honours student Kirsten Vallmullr. Vallmuurround Ihat stlldcnlSwho workedalone, who did litllc socialiwlg and avoided (13.3.) camplls , social clubs achicved belter I!radcs than othcrs who enjoyedactivc sociallives. Furthermorc.Vallmuursaid. pessimislic stmlcnts were (13.4.) to be more objective and sceptical, qllalities essenlial :01'Ihl.: sludy or science. .Pessimismmay motivatestudents to work harderto achievc higher grades, , she added. The study also showsthat moderatetinancial difticultycansave as a mO!I\'ating (13.5.) . bul thal extrcmepoverty (13.6.) accessto books and other resources,

Instrukcja dl.. zdajacego I. Prosze sprawdzic, czy arkusz egzaminacyjny zawiera 6 sIron. Ewentualnybrak nalezy zglosicprzewodniczacemuzespolu nadzonljilcego egzamin. Obok katdego zadama podana jesl maksymalna liczba punktów, klóra motna uzyskac za jego poprawne rozwiazanie. l Ocena Z" poziom rozszerwny jest olrzymywana w wyniku

,.', :":''l''~'' '~.J;lrD.



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cz"mym. 6.


Oceniany jcst tylko czystopis pracy. Bledne zapisy nalety wyraznie przekreslic, Nic wolno ui.ywac korektom. Do ostalnieJ kanki arkusz" dohlczonu jesl karta oceny, klÓn\ w tym arkuszu W\'uelnia ~1!7.nminatQr,



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Za rozwiazanie


ZYCzYli/Y pOIVodZI!/lia!


wszystkich zadan motnu ulrzYlrmc h,cznic 23 punkty.

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pomnotenia p~z 2 sumy punktów uzyskanych z obu arkuszy lego poziomu. 4. Nalety pis"c ct)'telnie. tylko w kolorzeniebieskimlob



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Czas prac)' t 10 minut





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\J I t lL.n


Despite the doubters, it seems there is 6.1. which suggests it iso 6.2. _ .-'-_ years ago the Health and Satety Executivepublished a report trom Carditf Universitywhich, 6.3. other Ihings, compared stress levels in different6.4. .The study. The Scale af OccupatianalStress, toundthat 20% ot people reported high levels ot stress 6.5. work,Teachers lopped this particular league labie, with 41% reportinghigh6.6. ot stress. This survey was based on people's selt-evaluation ot stress. Some ot the more skeplical nonteachers mightsay it proves nothing 6.7. _ __ tl1atteachers complain more than others. Bulitteachers teel unhappy,this willhave an imp~t on the childrenthey teach, as well as on recruitmentand retention levels, not to 6.8. the cosl ot cover tor sick leave. So those who point to teachers' long holidays are 6.9. the point.This}s not a competitionforwho worksthe most days or the longesl hours, or even who is under Ihe.greatesl pressure lo deliver results, but 6.10 about the stareormindoremployees. Adapted

1..§.1J a evidence b proot c hint d clue ,

C6.6.J a stages b levels c ranks d positions



a b c d


Few UlUe Atew Alittle

C 6:~J a among b betwee,n c within d haltway

1-?~lc) a jobs

b works c professions d vocations

C~i-D a in b on c olf d at



a apart baside c except d beside

L~~8J a mention b notice c suggest d acknowledge

rI._~~; ;Qj a b c d

disregarding missing mistaking ignoring

C6".1111 a instead b sooner c rather d somewhat



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3' 3

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Zadanie II. (5 pkt) Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst. Usuni\!to z niego piec zdan. Wpisz w kazde z miejsc 11.1.-11.5 litere A-F, która oznaczone jest brakujace zdanic. Dwa z podanych zdali nic, pasuj;! do tekstu. Za kazda poprawna odpowiedz otrzymasz 1 punkt:



My palh has been rather different to the majority of female scientists. In same ways it has becn casier. Firstly, I decided not to have children. It wasn't a sacri!icc. (11.1) Sccondly. at an early age I was not an aspiring scientist. I startcd atT studying clas'sics and maths. and by the time l went into science I had bccome uscd to being seen as a maverick. lO being different. It is unfortunate, and very tell ing. lhal not having children and being slightly different should stand you in good stcad in scicnce. (11.2) They do want childrcn and, gcnerally, they arc Icss assertivc than men, and this makes it harder for them to succeed. Today, women are under-represenlcd in ncarly all scienti!ic areas. To address this imbalance. a studyon women in science in Britain was undcrlaken. and 1 was to coordinatc it. [ have been helped in this by numy people, and our results arc published this \Vcek. Wc found inslilutionalised sexism righl aeross (he scicntific cstablishment. (11..1.) Assumptionsare madc aboUIyou and your eompclencesoldy becausc you are a woman. There is bullying, lhough it is hard lO say how widcspread it isoSome womcn reported being laughed at for whal lhey do. reported being pigeon-holed - conlined to jobs their male cmployers thoughl they would be good at because lhey werc fernale. . l. too. expericnced same ol' these diffieulties. (11.4) __ It does scem to gel worsc as you get older; when you are young you almost cxpCCllO be patronised and ignorcd. It"s when you get older and start challcnging the men that it gcts harder. Scxist a1litudcs are very difficult 10 police, bceallsc they are causcd lO some degree by womcn not being as asscnive as men - holding back, and nOl having the self-conlldcnceto do things.(11.5.) It's morc aoout womcnhaving eonlidcnec In thcmselves. The male-dominated eulture bcars a lot ol' the blamc lur lhis. We arc not going to change the male psyche overnight, so ~vehave to try to changc lhe culture and get people thinking.

A. II isn'l sa much [hal people are rudc to your face, more aleeling that Ihcre is CI prejudice at a very basic Icvc!' B. II' a woman leaves to have a baby, it is very hard for hel' to rcturn. C. I'm nol suggesting lhat women should become more likc men. D. But il's hard to know whether it would havc been different if {'d been a n)(ln. E. F.

Many womcn !ind a life in science much harcleI'. I didn'l want children, and neither did my husband.

G. Rcscarchscienceisdifferentto mostothcrcarccrsin that thcrc is



Zadanie 12. (3 pkt) Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst. Uzupelnij luki (12.1.-12.6.), wybieraj~lcjl'dlu! z p(ldall~'Ch mozliwosci A, n, c lub D, tal< aby otrzymac logiczny, spójny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst. Za kazda poprawna odpowiedz otrzymasz 0,5 pUIII\l\l. Nearly half ol' [he US's tilty-ftvc lUl11especies are (12.1.)


and cars could

be parlly lOblame. Turtlc$ likc

to roam,bul(12.2.)


littlcchanceona busyroad.As read

.. .i1~ . :,~

kil! counts are (12.3.) , James Gibbs ol'thc State UnivcrsilYol' New York at Syracusemodelledturtle movements (12.4.) road densilicsand tranie volumes for each stale. He ealculates lhat ears ki!l five per ccnl ol' the turlle population every year, with land turtles and large pond turtIcs mosl (12.5.) _ That's enough to seriously deplete turtle nUll1bers.says Gibbs. They takc scvcral

.' so most lUrllespecics can't cope wilh losscs ot'mOl'cthan years (12.6.) twa to three per cent a year. 12.1. A. diminishcd dedine

C. in delicit

D. rcducing

12.2. A. await

B. face

C. stand

D. lakc

12.3. A. innumcrable

B. outnumbcrcd

C. unexpected

D. unrcliablc

12.4. A. along wilh



D. asidc t'rom

12.5. A. at risk


C. risking

D. risky

12.6. A. beillg rcproduccd

B. reprodueing

C. to have reproduccd

D. to rcprodul:l:

I! ,I -'I


;,f ....J,, . ;.~


. '1






prml prac~)


na naklejke



Zadanie 13. (3 pla)


Uzupelnij ponizszy tekst, wpisuj lIc po jednym wyrazie w kazcie wolne miejsce. tak aby otrzymac

logiczny i gramatycznie

poprawnosc orlognlficzna otrzymasz fI.5 punkiII.

KOI) ZIM.'AO:C;O M.lA-IUA l 1'.1151


Obok kazdego


:!' .~~ ...:J' ~





Oceniany jesl tylko czystopis pracy. Bledne zapisy nalezy wyrilZme przekreslic. Nic wolno ui.ywac korektom. 00 ostaUliej kanki arkusza dolaczona jest karta oceny, klÓCil w lym arkuszu WYlleln!a cezaminator.

Za rozwiazanie wszystkich zadari 1110'-nll utrzymllc

lilcznie 23 punkty.









. ,-~._-,---

to be more objective and sceptical,qualities essential :or thc



pomnozema p~z 2 sumy punklów uzyskanych z obu arkuszy tego pozIomu. Nalczy pisac czytelnie, tylko w kolorze niebieskim lub czamym.


,) :.~ 'j :J

by honollrsstudent KirstenVallll1l1ur.

study of science. 'Pessimism may 1l10tivatestudents to work harder to achi..:v..: higher grades, ' she added. The study also shows Ihat moderale tinancial ditTicully can scrve as il mOII\'illing (13.5.) bUl that extrcme poverly (13.6.) ilccess to books and other resources.

punktów, klóra mozna uzyskac za jego poprawne rozwiazanie. Oceua la poziom rozszerzony jest olrzymywana w wyniku




.i§ "~ ,';' .


I I I clubs achicvedbetter grades than others who enjoyed activc sociallives, Furthermorc. Vall1l1ullrsaid. pessimistic stuucnts

zawiera 6 slron.

podana jest maksymalna


avoided (13.3.)

Instrukcja dla zdajacego czy arkusz egzaminacyjny

W)Ta1.ó\\'. Za Jmzcla popnlwJlI1 odpowiedz

tekst. Wymagana

Vallmuur founu Ihat students who worked alone. who did little soeializlng and

were (13.4.)

Prosze sprawdzic,

jest pelnll


THE POSITIVE SIDE OF PESSItv1TSl'vl Pessil11istlcloncrs havc the cdgcinthecompclilionforfirst-tcrmunin:rsil)"grades. year students. was(13.2.)

Czas prac)' 110 minut

Ewentualny brak nalezy zglosic przewodniczacemu nadzon.jacego egzamin.


i II

(13.1.) to a study eonducted at the QlIeensland Uni"crsity ot' Tcchnology and reported in Tli., Sl'd/1(!}'Iv!ornillg He/'(/fd. The stlldy. involvlng almosl 200 tirst. ARKUSZ III

Arkusz III (dla poziomu rozszerzonego)





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