Anb29 Destiny

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  • June 2020
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ANB 29, Will you know your destiny? This could be the most important thing (besides the Bible) you've ever read, I pray you read on. Let me begin this by saying that this is a message satan does not want you to hear. There is nothing the devil wants more than to keep you from your destiny, from the divine plan God has given your life. Why? Because God's plans for every one of you include 1) you being covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, 2) you being an ambassador for Jesus Christ with all those you contact and 3) you blessing everyone around you. satan hates those three possibilities more than any, and he will do everything he can to stop them. But do you want to hear the sad truth, if you aren't actively seeking your destiny, you do the devil's work for him, and he gets to spend his efforts on one who is trying. Now look, I am going to tell you some hard truth. First, I tell you this so you WILL learn how The Word of God can help you avoid it. I know all of you out there, even if only in a small way, believe you have a special destiny. But before I can tell you how to begin walking it out, I must tell you these truths. You have no destiny apart from the one your God has set before you. You will never know your destiny or even begin to walk it out unless you give your life to God and begin doing what His Word says. I tell you the truth, I swear this to you, thousands die happy every day, saying "I lived a great life." Do you know what God says to them when He meets them, "What on earth were you doing." "You wasted all I gave to you." "Not only did you waste it, you traded My plan for your life for the sins and death of the world." We can only pray this person accepted Jesus to avoid what God likely says next. "But you who forsake the Lord, who forget and ignore My Holy Mount Zion, who prepare a table for gad (the babylonian god of fortune) and who furnish mixed drinks for meni (the god of destiny), I will destine you (says the Lord) for the sword, and you shall all bow down to the slaughter, because when I called, you did not answer; when I spoke, you did not listen or obey. But you did what was evil in My eyes, and you chose that in which I did not delight." Isaiah 65:11,12 Many people choose to serve other gods when they don't choose to serve The Lord Jesus Christ. Many serve their booze god or their sex god. They call themselves Christians and don't care what Jesus Christ taught them. The people in this passage tried to honor their destinies, they sought them and hoped for them. Yet they did so as fools, for they did not seek their destiny in the One True God. There is no destiny apart from the One True God. If you are not seeking Him, you are postponing and hindering your destiny. What will happen to those people, read the passage again. I have to strive to stay out of judgment here, for I know that I was lost for some time before I came back to the flock. You see, God never loses you or finds you, He knows

right where you are. When you are lost, you are lost to yourself. Essentially, you lost yourself. You are lost to the plan for your life. You are lost because you have left what God purposed for you. You get found when you get in the Word and find your way again through God. You find yourself, with God's help. There are many who say, 'oh, I'll just get around to God later in life.' I will say only these words. You deceive yourself and you know it. You lie to yourself and you know it. This is an evil saying, and you know it. God HATES this attitude, and you know it. If you continue this way, you'll regret it. Believe me, this comes from one who knows. I pray you turn to the light, and stop worshiping yourself and what you want to do. "I know your works. . . so then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:15,15). I know this letter sounds harsh, but sometimes we need it to give us a swift kick in the butt towards the right path. I pray you judge yourselves before God judges you. (I Corinthians 11:31). Let's move on to how you really can find your destiny, which was given you by God. How to find your destiny can be summed up in two verses: "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS; and all these things (everything else you need) will be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33) What does this verse say? Put God and God's interest and plans first in your life, along with His righteousness (His perfection, His judgments, being righteous before God), and He will give you all you need. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5,6). This means that when you begin to acknowledge God in an area of your life, He will direct that part of your path. How do you do that? All you have to say is "God, please show me Your will for (whatever you want) and I promise to do it." That is acknowledging God as a man should. If you only acknowledge Him in some areas, your life is incomplete and won't be totally guided by God. We must acknowledge Him in all our ways. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1). Now, for those of you who have not pursued God as you should have, take strength in God, for the calling of God and the gifts alloted to us are irrevocable (given even before we repented) (Romans 11:29). So you can begin stepping into them today no matter where you are. I pray you do, and you put off your best, abundant life, no longer.

Seek the Lord, go to church, read the Bible, pray. Get before God and ask Him what to do. A few weeks ago the Lord had me write "become a receiver." That was revelation praise the Lord. Read that again. We must become receivers if we are to know and walk out our destinies. One last thought that I must share with you. (I got this from one of my dad's revelation filled sermons). Read Genesis 12 and 13. Think on this. God told Abraham to separate himself from his old household. Abraham did not separate himself from lot (his nephew) for some time. God didn't show, with any great detail, what God had for Abraham to him until he was separated. So what is the moral. Until you separate your life unto God and away from this world you can't know what God has for you. God won't even show it to you. I pray you discover, receive and walk out all He has for you.

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