An Order From A Gentleman - Lady

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  • Words: 11,206
  • Pages: 16
Prologue Prachi Shah is a boy!!! Or rather she wanted to be a boy. Having grown up with only her father to look up to and a neighborhood full of boys, Prachi became one of them and considered her to be one of them, and that she is a boy. She hated anything and everything girlish. Prachi always considered herself to be a boy trapped in a girl's body, though her delusion was broken at the age of 14 when she hit her puberty she still refused to accept it. Neither did she accept it when her body started developing all the feminine traits; she just started wearing loose shirts with her normal jeans or pants and ignored everything else. With her shirt, jeans and hair cut short like the boys, Prachi believed she is a boy and if anyone ever made the mistake of thinking her to be a girl had her best friend to deal with, who just like Prachi strongly believed that Prachi was a boy trapped in a girl's body. And she lived with that delusion and false belief till she was 18 yrs old, and her best friend 21 yrs and then everything changed. Ironically the person who had been the main cause for her gender confusion was the one who made her realize that she is indeed a girl and it was her best friend- Milind Mishra. "Stop staring at her legs, Milind!" Shah ordered as he dribbled the ball. "She is hot, Shah!" Milind said as he winked at the sexy girl who smiled shyly at him. "Why can't you get a life and stop running behind these silly girls?" Shah growled. "It is fun, Shah! And you should give it a shot, try dating some girls." Milind said while Shah made puking faces at that time they heard a gasping sound they turned to see Saket who had been quietly walking with them till now "Is Prachi a lesbian?" Saket asked scandalized. The next moment Shah had thrown the ball on his face angrily and before he could recover from the shock he was yanked forward by Milind "Shah is not a girl and don't you ever forget that." Milind angrily said as he twisted Saket's collar in his fist. Saket immediately starts nodding his head "And never call Shah, Prachi! It is Shah! Did you get me?" "But isn't that her... I mean his name?" Saket asks confused. "Prachi is a girl's name! And Shah is not a girl." Milind explains irritably. "Oh okay." Saket quickly agrees. Milind leaves his collar and watches as Saket ran for his dear life and turns to his best friend and sees him frowning. "Come on, Shah leave it. He didn't know what he was talking about and we never hang out with him." Milind says as he pulls Shah towards him and they start walking towards the ground for their practice. They had joined summer basketball training though Shah preferred football he went with Milind to give him company but that was going to end as Milind had got through a university in U K for his MBA and he will be leaving in two days. "Milind Mishra, for the tournament you will be the captain." their coach informed them. "Sorry coach, I got through the uni and I need to leave day after." Milind informs him regretfully. "WHAT? How can you say that at the last minute?" Coach asks him angrily. "I did tell you before the team selection that I will have to leave as soon as my admission was finalized." Milind replies getting angry himself. Realizing he had riled up Milind Mishra coach decides to not push and says with a sigh "I'll have to now decide your replacement and make all the changes with the team." "Shah can step in for me." Milind says not because Shah was his best friend but Shah was one of the best players. "This is boys match." Coach snorts. "I am a boy." Prachi says pissed. "Just because you were jeans or you have your hair cut like a boy doesn't make you a boy and how many

times do I have to tell you that if you want to play you play with the girls' team and not with the boys. NOW GO TO THE GIRLS COURT!" Coach says angrily, he was already pissed with losing his best player three days before the match and to top it off he has to deal with the confused Prachi Shah! "You have no right talking to him like that." Milind angrily says pointing his finger at his coach. "Don't point your finger at me! And it is not him it is her!" Milind was about to retort back when Prachi holds his hand "Don't make a scene; I'll go to the other court." saying that Prachi walked to the other court. Watching Shah go like that Milind felt guilty, it was his fault as long as he was going to play for the team the coach had been sucking up to him and letting Shah practice with them and now that he is no longer playing coach was showing his true colors. Milind was distracted through out the game as he saw how Shah was looking out of place and confused playing among the girls who were giggling at him and also not letting play for the team by not passing the ball to him. The drive back home was quiet as Shah was lost in his thoughts while Milind kept giving her worried glances. "What are you thinking?" Milind asks not being able to take the silence any longer. "I've decided. I'm going to have a sex change operation." Shah declares determined. Milind knew Shah had been contemplating it for a while now. "I can't take it anymore. I'm sick and tired of all this. I want to get rid of this girl's body. I don't want to listen to another she is a girl. Or Ranvir's ladies and gentleman and of course Prachi Shah! I'm going to talk to dad today." Prachi continues as she roughly brushed away his tears. Milind holds hishand and gently says "I'll come with you." "It's okay, you have lot of work to do before you leave I'll manage this." Shah replies getting out of the car and then turning back to look at MIlind he says "I'll come tomorrow to help you pack." "Okay bye." Milind says and then drives into the house right next to Prachi's house. "Are you out of your mind, Prachi?" Inder angrily asks his daughter. "Don't call me Prachi!" Shah angrily says. "That is your name and now you are going to live like a girl." Inder orders, it was his fault. He should have put a stop to this madness long back. When he had moved into this neighborhood after his wife's death Prachi was just 3 yrs old. Having no girls of her age, Prachi tried to be friend the neighborhood boys who refused to play with girls. So to make friends she had started dressing up like boys and tried to convince them that she was a boy so she can play with them. Seeing that she had not given up even after being rejected throughout a week the gang leader Milind Mishra had who had been insisting that their gang never played with girls let her in their team. Soon Prachi started believing the charade that she is indeed a boy and started behaving like the boys. Whenever Inder tried to correct her she used to get upset, and he had let her be as he didn't want to hurt his motherless daughter and now he realize what that has caused him and his daughter. "I'm serious dad. I am a boy and I want to live like boy." Shah declares. "You are not a boy, you are a girl." "Why can't you understand me? No one understands me other than Milind." Prachi says getting emotional. Inder sits down on the couch and gently asks Prachi to sit next to him when she complies Inder starts talking in a reasonable tone "You just want to believe you are a boy but you are not, Prachi. From childhood you have been mostly surrounded by boys so you tend to behave like them and like being one of them. If there was some lady figure in your life then you would realize that you are not a boy but a girl." "Mama is there." Shah argues referring to Milind's mother. "Though she is a lady she doesn't

count as every time she tries to make you understand Milind steps in to defend you. If your mother was alive or if you had a female friend then you would have realized that you are a girl and they would have helped you to discover yourself but..." Shah cuts him off "What should I do to prove it to you that I'm a boy?" "Don't do anything to prove it to me. Prove it to yourself that you are not a girl." Inder tells her. "I know I'm a boy." Shah argues. "You have your answer there. All this while you have been trying to prove yourself that you are a boy now try proving to yourself that you are not a girl. Then you come to me we will see what we can do about it." Inder says with a gentle smile. Shah walked into his room wondering how the hell he was going to prove it to himself that he is not a girl and went off to sleep with that thought. Shah woke up with the perfect plan to prove it to himself that he is not a girl, and for that he headed to his best friend's house. Shah walked into Milind's room to see him sorting out his clothes. "Hey! How did it go with your Dad? And why didn't you pick my call yesterday?" Milind asks as he noticed Shah standing at the door. Shah walks into the room and locks the door as heusually does. "I didn't notice that you had called me last night. Dad told me to prove it to myself that I'm not a girl." "Huh? And how are you going to do that?" Milind asks confused. "I was thinking what these girls do all the time and I got the perfect plan to prove it to myself that I'm not a girl." "Really? Awesome! What is it?" Milind asks excited. "What do these girls do all the time?" Prachi asks him excited "What?" Milind thinks for a while "Shopping? Make up? Dress up?" "No! They always go gaga over you!" Shah explains. "So you are going to go gaga over me?" Milind asks confused. "No!" Shah says rolling his eyes. "I am going to kiss you." "WHAT?" Milind asks shocked. "Yeah Milind! It is the perfect plan. I'll kiss you and if I don't go all fluttery and blush-y like those silly girls you have been going around do then I'll know I'm not a girl and then I can tell dad that I proved it to myself." Prachi says excited. "Good plan, Shah but sorry I don't kiss guys." Milind says as he bends down to pick up his clothes. "You won't do it for me?" Shah asks angry. "No Shah!" Milind says as he got busy with his sorting. "Come on, Milind just a kiss!" Shah orders. "No yaar, Shah! You ask Neev!" Milind says as Shah looked at him dejected and with a frown. "Now help me pack." Shah decided to let it go as he went about to help Milind pack as he decided that he needed a new plan as he was not going to kiss Neev for sure, he was nice and all but definitely not the hottest guy around and he needed the hottest guy around. And he didn't understand that ewwwe factor that suddenly popped in his head with the thought of kissing Neev which had not come when he contemplated kissing Milind. Unfortunately for Shah there was no other plan that would help him prove it to himself that he is not a girl. The next day as he went to drop Milind in the airport he decided to try his luck again. Milind was about to get out of the car when he turned to Prachi and smiles "You better call me everyday. And when I call please pick up the phone. Try getting selected into the football team; you are the best so you be there when the selection is happening. Take care of my car and if that Ranvir ever troubles you, tell Neev he will help you I have talked to him about sorting out that Ranvir." Milind hugs Shah and seeing his dejected look Milind smiles "I know you don't like me going away, but cheer up I will be back before you know it." "You still won't kiss me?" Shah asks angrily. Milind was a little taken back with that question, "I'm not a gay, Shah." Milind says. "I don't care. This is an order you kiss me!" Shah orders. "No I won't. This is your first kiss and I'll feel bad if you both won't enjoy it because I sure won't enjoy it because

I'm not into guys." Milind explains concerned. Shah keeps staring at Milind. "I'll call you when I reach. Bye. I'll miss..." before he could finish his sentence or close his mouth Shah pulled him towards him and slammed his mouth to Milind's and started kissing. Milind was too shocked to react at first and then he was about to push Shah away when he swept his tongue to Milind's, and Milind was lost. With a low growl he took over the kiss and was kissing Shah with all the passion in him. The honking of a car brought them back to their senses and they broke off the kiss. Milind's eyes were clouded with passion "Oh my!" Milind whispers as he tried to catch his breath and slowly runs his thumb over her lips "Where did you learn to kiss like that?" he asks in wonder. "You, I guess." Prachi says equally breathless. Hearing her voice had brought Milind back to his sense taking his eyes off her lips he turned to look at the face that lips belonged to, and that is when it hit home for Milind that who he had just now kissed. Milind immediately moves away from her and that is when Prachi realize what had just happened and sits up straight shocked. "Oh my God! Oh my God!" they both kept chanting in horror and then Milind screamed "OH MY GOD! I AM A GAY!" at the same time Prachi screamed in horror "OH MY GOD! I AM A WOMAN!" Milind quickly gets out of the car and starts frantically collecting his luggage "I am going. And I guess I'll see you sometime in... in my next birth? Or the one after that?" and with that Milind rushed off while Prachi sat there a while longer coming to terms with the reality of herself. Part 2 The rest of the day, Prachi stayed in her room alone as she tried to think of what she will do next, Inder left her alone thinking that Prachi was missing Milind and was upset regarding that. Next day morning, Prachi knew what she had to do and at the breakfast table she told her father her decision. "But why suddenly?" Inder asks confused. "I want to stay with Amrita maasi for a while and I want to do interior designing there." Prachi explains. "Are you angry with me?" Inder asks worried. "No Dad! In fact when I come back you will have a big surprise." Prachi says cheerfully. "What surprise?" Inder asks. "That is suspense and I need to be away Dad and it is just one and a half yrs.... here people know me and the way things were going it will be a little weird. " Prachi explains. "If that is what you want, then fine." Inder says with a smile and soon made arrangements for Prachi to leave as Prachi was busy with her admissions. Though her classes were to start only after two months, Prachi insisted on going now itself in order to get settled and Inder had no other choice but to give in. A week later, Prachi landed in Mumbai airport and as she walked out she saw her mother's sister and hugged her and the first thing she told her maasi was "Teach me how to be a girl." Amrita looks at Prachi shocked "What did you say, Shah?" "Not Shah maasi, it is Prachi!" Prachi replies with a smile "and I want to be a girl." Amrita starts smiling and says "It's about time." Now that she has accepted that she is a girl, she was excited and a little scared too but she was determined to become herself, her true self. She knew that if she stayed at home it would be too difficult for her to make the transformation not only lack of a guide, also the people who knew her and her fixation with being a man will make it all the more difficult. She had been the butt of many jokes, she didn't want any more of those, and she just wants to enjoy learning to be a girl and without Milind being around to help her

through it, she knew she needed to be away. Milind, thinking of him brought in whole new feelings in her, feelings she didn't know she was capable of. His kiss had made her discover herself, he made her feel like a woman and every time she thought of him she felt more girlish. His kiss had triggered something in her that brought out all her feminine qualities bursting out making her conscious of her look, herself and made her blush. There was not a second that she didn't think of him or their kiss though forced at first. He made her all fluttery and blush-y, he made her heartbeat fast. Prachi knew that she belonged to Milind Mishra now. He is the only one for her. After he had left, he hadn't called her even once and she knew the reason to that. the kiss had bothered him way beyond he could comprehend, everytime she remembers his reaction to their kiss, the way he freaked out thinking he had become a gay because he enjoyed the kiss cracked her up. In a way, she was glad that he didn't call her as she didn't want any distraction in her path to self discovery. "Shah, come on we reached." Amrita says as she realized that Shah was still standing inside the elevator. Prachi quickly gets out and was about to ask her to call her Prachi when she heard a cheerful greeting "HELLO!" "Hello, Ayesha." Amrita greets. Prachi smiles at the beautiful girl standing in front of her. "Ayesha meet er.... er..." Amrita starts hesitating and Prachi starts smiling knowing why she was hesitating before whenever her aunt introduced her as her niece Prachi, she used to get offended and introduced herself as Shah, Amrita's nephew. Smiling how crazy she had been, Prachi introduces herself to Ayesha "I'm Prachi Shah her niece. You can call me Prachi." Prachi says. "OMG! You really want to be a girl?" Amrita asks shocked. "Haan maasi!" Prachi says with a smile. "That's great!" Ayesha says excitedly, "and it is the perfect time!" "Why is that?" Prachi asks confused. "Because I have vacation for two months and who better than to help you be a girl than a fashion student?" "You will help me?" "The question is will you let me help you." Ayesha says with a smile. "Of course!" Prachi says excitedly, she liked Ayesha she seemed sweet, she dressed nicely, she looked good and she was a fashion student! "Oh by the way, I'm your neighbor, Ayesha. And I have heard so much about you... actually about Shah!" Ayesha says smiling. "Both of you come inside." Amrita says as she unlocked the door. From that day on Prachi and Ayesha became great friends though not best friends as Prachi's best friend was Milind and no one could ever take his place in her life. Everything was going perfectly, and Ayesha was true to her word. She knew everything about fashion, what made Prachi look good, what was the current trend, everything. She taught her to use make up, walk in heels, how to dress up, how to shop and where to shop, and she even taught her how to bargain at sales. Prachi was letting her hair grow now and it now fell below her shoulders. Again Ayesha had been a great help in styling her hair. No one in college knew that Prachi lived the last 15 yrs of her life trying to be a man; Prachi was in every sense girly. But then some of her masculine qualities do come out once in a while, but then Prachi is a girl and happy with herself. Her father had no idea what she has been up to and has forbidden him to come to meet her till she was ready, and Inder having no option gave to her demands. Prachi was looking at her photo with Milind when her maasi walked into the room, quickly hiding the photo inside the latest edition of Cosmopolitan she had been reading lately, Prachi turned on the TV and was flipping through the channels and found a soccer match and couldn't fight the temptation and ended up watching. Noticing Ayesha coming towards her, Prachi quickly

changed the channel. Sitting next to Prachi, Ayesha takes the remote and changes the channel back to soccer "Who said girls doesn't watch soccer or any sports?" Ayesha asks. "It's not that, I'm just.... I feel a little embarrassed." Prachi says confused. "There is nothing wrong in girls playing sports. Your college had a girls' team right?" Ayesha asks. "Yeah! I don't know why I was feeling weird." Prachi says relaxing and asks excitedly "Do you like soccer?" "Naah! Only cricket." Ayesha says as she took the Cosmopolitan and started flipping through it. Prachi was so into the game that she completely forgot about the photo she had hidden inside the magazine. Prachi hears a whistle and turns to look at Ayesha who was looking at her photo with Milind "Sexy!" "Give me that photo." Prachi tries to snatch it from Ayesha. "Tell me who is it?" Ayesha asks grinning. "He is my best friend." Prachi explains. "Name?" "Milind Mishra! Now give me." Prachi snatches the photo from her. "So Milind Mishra is the one who made you to Prachi from Shah?" Ayesha teases. "What are you saying?" Prachi asks trying to hide her blush. "Oh come on Prachi! Tell me how it happened." Ayesha asks excited. Blushing Prachi says "We kissed." "He kissed you?" Ayesha asks shocked. "No... I kissed him at first then he kissed me." "Can you tell me from the beginning?" Ayesha asks turning off the TV and settling next to Prachi. After hearing everything, Ayesha teases "So Rakhi Sawant did enjoy the kiss in the end." "Rakhi Sawant?" Prachi asks confused. "Yeah forgot forcibly kissing issue. Like that, your Milind was forcibly kissed but he seemed to have loved it." Ayesha teases her. "Shut up." Prachi says blushing. "I wonder how your Rakhi Sawant is now." Milind Mishra was living in hell with the sword hanging over him with the question Am I a gay? Am I not? Gay? Or not? He was scared to go near the guys fearing he will be getting attracted to one of them, and as much as he tried going near the girls he would feel he was betraying Shah and stayed away from them. The only thing he could do was keep himself busy 24 * 7 and tried his best not to think of Shah. He didn't call him, he didn't want to think of him but couldn't help thinking of him. All that was bearable, what was unbearable was that in spite of being too tired and drained he couldn't stop himself from dreaming about Shah. All the time however innocent the dream started it always takes an erotic turn and the surprising and shocking part was that the confused soul that he has become he seems to know with vivid clarity what he wanted as he proceeds to kiss and make love to Shah in his dream. The strangest thing was nobody was forcing him to do all that to Shah and Shah seemed to have all the feminine attributes. Milind Mishra was really in hell! Prachi was feeling low lately, it was her birthday the next day and on her every birthday Milind was the first one to wish her, he used to always call her at sharp 12 and wishes her for her birthday. But this year she doubted whether it will happen as Milind hadn't called her or kept in touch with her for the last 5 months. As the time for her birthday grew closer she got more depressed. And only Ayesha knew why she was depressed, and Ayesha always tried to console her saying "Sawant will call you, Prachi!" but Prachi was not too sure. As Prachi tried to sleep the night before her birthday tossing and turning on her bed, her cell started ringing seeing the unknown number she quickly picked up excitedly "Milind?" "How did you know it was me?" Milind asks confused. "You are the only one who wishes me at midnight of my birthday." Prachi says with a smile. "Happy birthday, Shah." Prachi smiles hearing him call her Shah no one calls her that now. "Thank you. How are you?" Prachi asks. "I am good and you?" Milind asks.

"Great." "Why didn't you tell me that you will be going to Mumbai?" Milind asks. "I decided after you left. How did you get my new number?" "Mama told me that you were in Mumbai and earlier I called up your dad and got the number." "Oh okay." Prachi muses. "You changed." Milind says after a pause. "What?" Prachi asks shocked how did he find out? "You talk differently. It's more like er... er... just different." Milind says not wanting to upset Shah by telling him that he talked like a girl now. "Okay. I'm in the football team in my college. Most probably I'll be the captain." Prachi tells him excited. "That's great." Milind replies equally excited. "I was the vice-captain, but last week the captain she got married and moved away, so most probably I'll be the captain." Prachi fills him in. "You are in the girls' team?" Milind asks shocked and a little sad for her. "Yes! I am the best in my team." "Are you in any team there?" Prachi asks excitedly. "Yes all the teams. I am an all rounder here. I will call you later." Milind says as he was starting to feel a little strange and also content talking to Shah, which was not a good sign. Not at all good. "Okay bye." Prachi says and hangs up, and goes to bed with a smile thinking of Milind while Milind went to bed half hoping that he didn't have anymore dreams of Shah and half hoping that he dreamt of her. He was a confused soul. Part 3

A week before Milind was to come back home, Prachi reached her home and became the latest sensation in her locality with all the guys drooling over her and also Ayesha who had accompanied her to see how everyone would react seeing the new Prachi. Inder was pleasantly surprised seeing his daughter look like a daughter in a beautiful skirt and top with long hair, ear rings and high heels looking nothing less than a model. The only person who had no difficulty recognizing her was Inder because she had run to him the moment she saw him at the airport screaming "Dad!" rest nobody recognized her. Prachi had met with Milind's parents and forbidden them to tell him about her change as she wanted to surprise him. Prachi was happy and finally back at home but then two things irritated her the most one Milind was taking forever to get back home and second the guys she grew up with has started calling on her all the time in one pretense or other, even Ranvir who had always made fun of her inspite of Milind bashing him up many times, suddenly seemed to be very interested in her. The only one who didn't show any romantic interest in her was Neev, because he was a goner ever since he laid his eyes on Ayesha. Finally thursday arrived and Prachi along with Ayesha went to pick up Milind. Ayesha had got Prachi ready with extra care making sure she looked her best. Prachi wore a black saree just so Milind will know how much of a girl she is now. After Milind left they had talked only four times, twice on her birthday and twice on his birthday, and now that she was finally going to meet him and her heart was slamming against her chest as she thought of Milind's reaction. "Why is it taking him so long?" Prachi asked Ayesha nervously. "He will be out in a bit. Relax." Ayesha says as she adjusted Prachi's long ear rings. "I'll go see that side." Prachi says and without waiting for a reply walked towards the other side.

Milind walked out wondering who would have come to pick him up; a part of him wanted Shah to pick him up while a part of him wanted to stay away from Shah as much as possible. What will his parents feel if they find out that their son is on the verge of becoming a gay? Milind starts looking around when he saw a girl waving at him excitedly, he turns back to see if she was waving at someone else but she seemed to be waving at him with a hesitant smile he walks towards her. "Hello Milind." "Hi." Milind says confused. "I'm Ayesha." Ayesha says as she put her hand forward for a shake hand. Milind shakes her hand and asks "How do you know me?" "I came to pick you up." Ayesha explains. "Me?" Milind asks shocked. "Yes I came with Pra... Shah." "With Shah?" Milind asks shocked and couldn't help feeling jealous as he wonder whether Ayesha was Shah's girlfriend. Shah had the nerve to kiss him, and start dating other girls. Ayesha notices the pain and anger Milind was trying to hide but she didn't understand why he was feeling like that, and he looked like he wanted to kill her but why? "Where is Shah? And are you Shah's friend or....?" "Or?" Ayesha asks confused. "Shah doesn't talk to girls much, so I was wondering are you his girlfriend." Milind bits out. Ayesha looks at him shocked and then starts laughing "How did you guess? Oh there comes my He-man!" Ayesha says pointing behind Milind. Milind turns back to look for Shah as he suddenly felt his eyes filling up and he didn't know why he was feeling so sad about Ayesha and his Shah. His? His Shah? "Hey! We are here!" Ayesha screamed out from behind Milind towards Prachi. As he scanned the airport swiftly he didn't see Shah anywhere around. "Where is he?" Milind asks as he tried to hide the hurt...caused of what? "Hello Milind!" Prachi greets him with a smile. Milind turns to the girl wondering why so many girls were coming up to talk to him today. Is she another girlfriend of Shah? Bloody Casanova! Wait a minute! He can never mistake that eyes, that smile and bloody hell not that voice! "Shah?" Milind croaks as he stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. With mischief in her eyes, Prachi corrects him as she flipped her hair back very elegantly "Prachi." "Bloody hell!" Milind says shocked. "You are a girl!" Milind accuses her. "Yes I am." Prachi smiles at him. "And not my boyfriend." Ayesha says grinning. "WHAT?" Prachi asks shocked while Milind turns to Ayesha in shock and then remembers what he had just asked her. Ayesha winks at Prachi "Sawant thought I was your girlfriend." What?" Prachi turns to Milind and remembers how Milind used to suggest that she date other girls and burst out laughing. "Sawant?" Milind asks Ayesha trying to hide his embarrassment. Hearing that Prachi starts blushing while Ayesha winks at him "Prachi will explain later. Let's go everyone will be waiting for you at home." Ayesha says as she turns to walk out. Having no other option and nothing else to do Milind and Prachi follows her with Milind giving Prachi curious, confused and shocked looks. They walked towards the car park, seeing the car park brought back memories of their kiss for Milind and couldn't help glancing at Shah who was blushing? "I had told Baba and Mama to take good care of your car, and they did." Prachi says as she offered the keys to him. Milind just looked at her as if she was an alien. "Here take the key." Prachi says. Nodding Milind takes the key and walks towards the car. The drive home was silent with Ayesha messaging Neev, Milind and Prachi glancing at each other every now and then. As he drove into his locality Milind was practically gone bonkers with the shock of Shah being a girl, then she looking gorgeous and her very feminine glances and smiles had drove him crazy. He himself didn't know what he was doing or what he should be feeling. As he entered his house his parents and Inder uncle were waiting for him, and after all the hugging and welcoming home, they all wanted to

know Milind's reaction to the new Prachi. And Ayesha quickly got into an animated explanation of every single thing that had happened at the airport making everyone laugh, Prachi blush and Milind just simply too shocked to react to anything. As she finished recounting Prachi's and Ayesha's local fans started coming into the house to meet Milind. Milind watched in shock as his so called friends were running around like love sick puppies around Prachi and Ayesha doing their every bidding. The only person who seemed to be there genuinely to see him was Neev. Milind didn't know why he wanted to smack off Protheek's grin when he saw Shah laughing to something Protheek had said. Before he did anything dangerous he wanted to be alone. "Guys! Thanks for coming over to welcome me. I think it is the jet lag I need to take a nap. Sorry guys will see you all later." Milind said loudly to all his friends. Soon everyone started leaving while Prachi wondered whether she should leave, before Milind would ask his friends to leave but he always wanted to her stay back with him whatever the reason was. But he didn't even talk to her much today but still asks him "Milind, do you want me to help you unpack?" "No Shah, I will manage. Thanx for asking." Milind says. Prachi was hurt and couldn't mask her hurt from showing on her face, he seemed so distant. Nodding her head she walked to her house with Ayesha while Milind wondered why he was feeling sad seeing her go away like that. Prachi couldn't help control her tears after Milind had behaved so distant with her. She had been waiting for him all these days and he didn't seem to like her like this. In between she saw him looking at her so angrily while Protheek was talking to her, did he not like the change in her? she had thought he was attracted to her though it had been two years ago she thought he would still feel something deep down for her or maybe he will develop some feelings for her or the least be happy to see her but he just looked confused. Confused! "Oh God!" Prachi mutters, that was the reason. He just needed time to accept her as her. He is just shocked, and once he comes out of his shock he will be her Milind and maybe... maybe he will return her feelings. But at this point, even if he didn't love her it was fine she just wanted her Milind back. Milind was lying on his bed as he fumed thinking about what had happened today. His Shah is a girl! That too a beautiful one at that how can that be? He was supposed to be his Shah! Not some beautiful girl. But why is he getting angry over that? He is such a confused person. He needs psychiatric help. He needed his Amarjeet Sir, his school teacher who was his guide, role mode and philosopher and suddenly Milind could hear Amarjeet Sir speaking inside his head "Bhaaai Milindey... What is this HULLABALLO? Stop this JUVENILE behavior and get into the DEPTH of the CONTAAXT and make a STRATERGY to PRIORITIZE your PRIORITIES! Otherwise UNTHINKABLE COMMOTION will happen! So instead of thinking of the UNTHINKABLE EXPLOITATION think about the STUPENDOUS and EVERGREEN TRANSFORMATION Shah has made!"OH MY GOD! Milind leans up balancing himself on his elbows. "What the hell is wrong with me? Shah is a girl! That means I'm not gay! Then why the hell am I cribbing? I am such an idiot what my body recognized that day it took my mind so long to realize that my Shah is a girl." Milind lays back on the bed and with a smile softly whispers as he closed his eyes "Prachi." Then quickly opening his eyes he looks at the ceiling "Bhagwan, please long haired saree wali Prachi should come in my dream and please make my dream as long and as nice as possible. No rushing please...huh?" closing his eyes Milind wondered whether he should be praying to Satan also for the same.

Part 4 Milind woke up with a big smile on his face looking at the ceiling he puts his thumb up "Thank you Bhagwan." Quickly getting up from his bed, he starts freshening up and once he was ready for the day, he goes out to the balcony and dials Prachi's number. "MILIND!" Prachi screamed at the other end excitedly. "Hey Prachi!" Milind greets her. "Hi!" Prachi says breathlessly. Milind starts chuckling hearing her going breathless, he guessed it was because he called her Prachi. "Come out to your balcony." Milind orders. "One sec." Prachi says and with in half a minute Milind saw her opening the balcony door and come out. Milind's eyes popped out and his heart stopped beating seeing her in a noodle strap satin night shirt that fell barely above her knees. He sucked in his breath and asks "what are you wearing?" Looking down at herself, Prachi gasps and starts blushing and runs inside and a moment later comes out wearing the robe over it. "Why did you call?" Prachi asks. "I wanted your help in unpacking." Milind finally manages. Hearing that Prachi couldn't control her smile, "I'll be over there in a bit." Prachi tells him. "Okay. Will wait for you." Milind says as he hung up and watched her walk back inside, and then he walked back into his room and fell on the bed with a huge smile. Half an hour later, Milind hears a knock at his door and goes towards the door to open it and smiles seeing Prachi. "When did you start knocking on my door?" Milind asks as he closed the door and with a naughty smile locks the door. Prachi turns to stare at the door and seeing Milind watching her she looks away and walks towards his suitcase. Her heart was slamming against her chest even though this is not the first time they have been in a locked room together. "Let's unpack." Prachi says. Milind walks towards her and opens his suitcase and seeing his boxers and underwear he quickly closes the suitcase. An embarrassed Milind looks at a profusely blushing Prachi and says "I will just put those away first." Prachi nods and moves away in the pretense of looking around the room to give him privacy. This has never happened before. Most the times she was the one who packed or unpacked for him, and that time she had never been embarrassed neither have he. She has become too much of a girl, then Prachi starts smiling, Milind seems to realize that if she was to go by his reaction. "Done!" Milind calls out to her Prachi quickly walks towards him and was about to kneel down next to him. "Heels?" Milind asks shocked. Prachi grins. "You have changed a lot." Milind says holding her hand as he stood up next to her. "In a good way I hope." Prachi says too curious to find out what he thought of the new her. "In a beautiful way." Milind replies as he gets up to stand next to her. Hearing that Prachi starts blushing and looks away. "But Prachi..." Milind says in a concerned tone, Prachi looks at him in worry. "After what happened just now, I'm just scared I didn't lose my Shah...did I?" Milind asks her worriedly. Prachi smiles hearing that and keeping her other hand on top of his she says "Your Shah didn't go anywhere Milind, your Shah is right here." "I can't lose my Shah for anything else in this world." Milind says as he hugs Prachi. "I'm still your Shah, still you best friend and you are still my best friend." Prachi replies as she hugged him. "I missed you." Milind tells her. "Even I missed you." Prachi says as they broke off the hug. Prachi sits down next to Milind infront of the suitcase when she realized that her skirt was hiking up a little, Prachi tries to pulls it down a couple of times but it was no use the

moment she leaves the hold on the skirt it hikes up. Milind noticing her struggle with her skirt says "Why don't you sit on the bed, I'll give my clothes you neatly keep it on my cupboard." "Okay." Prachi says quickly standing up, and Milind couldn't help but stare at her legs, and as he looks up her leg he sees her blushing and realizing he was gaping and to hide the fact that he was ogling her legs he asks "Waxed?" Prachi looks at him in shock he was thinking of that? "Yes." Having nothing else to ask, he asks dumbly "Hurts?" "Till you start doing your eye brows, then waxing is just heaven." She replies while Milind just simply stares. "Pass your clothes." Prachi says and nodding his head he starts passing his clothes to her as Prachi neatly arranged the clothes on his cupboard. After emptying his suitcase and keeping aside his dirty clothes for laundry they were done. "Are you done? What's that bag there?" Prachi asks as she walked to a blue bag which she on closer look realized to be a sports bag. "That is for you." Milind says with a smile. "For me?" Prachi asks excitedly as she walked towards it and opens it to find football gears. "This is so great, Milind!" Prachi says excitedly. "You didn't look at it properly, Prachi" Milind says with a big smile. Prachi looks at him confused then goes on to inspect the bag when she notices a black signature on the bag, she scrutinizes it for a while and then gasps "It can't be!" she says while Milind grins. "Where did you meet David Beckham?" Prachi screams. "Airport!" Milind replies. "And you just talked to him like that? Didn't he have any securities?" Prachi asks shocked as she ran her hand over the autograph. "Had a lot of begging and pleading to do and seeing you so happy it was worth it." Milind says with a smile. "You are the best, Milind!" Prachi says as she excitedly hugged him. In her excitement Prachi had put too much force on Milind that he fell on his bed with Prachi on top of him. They were lost in each other's eyes and Milind slowly rubs his finger over her lips as he remembered their passionate kiss, seeing her looking at him so passionately he knew she was also crazy about him as he was of her. He leans down to kiss her when Ayesha knocks on the door. Milind and Prachi quickly open the door, and sees Ayesha standing with a man. "SAKET!" Milind and Prachi shouts in shock. "He came to meet you." Ayesha tells to Prachi. "OHMIGOD! When Protheek told me that you have become a girl I didn't believe, I had to see you. And wow! You look so good!" Saket says admiringly while Milind made a fist angrily. "Thank you, Saket." "Remember how you threw a ball on my face because I dared to call you a girl." Saket asks laughing. Prachi gives an embarrassed smile while Ayesha laughs hearing that. Milind just kept glaring at Saket for the way he was looking at Prachi. "Sorry, dude!" Prachi says with a smile. "You almost broke my nose." Saket says with a dramatic sigh. "Really?" Prachi asks shocked and was about to touch his nose to see when he was yanked by Milind just before Prachi could touch his nose. Saket looks at Milind in shock while Milind scrutinized his nose "It is not broken." Milind says and then in a dangerous whisper adds "yet." Hearing that Saket starts sweating understanding Milind Mishra is still a crazy man. "I have to go." Saket stammers. "But you just came." Prachi says confused. "Have some work at Protheek's. Bye." Saket says as he ran for his life while Milind watched with a satisfied smile. "What were you two doing in the locked room?" Ayesha asks with a cheeky smile. Milind and Prachi looks at each other, and remembering their moment blushes a little. "Was helping him unpack. What time do you have to leave to airport?" Prachi asks. "Now. I am all set." Ayesha replies. "Okay, then let's go." Prachi says. "Wait, even

I'm coming." Milind says as he quickly went to change his shirt. While Milind was getting ready Prachi went to talk to Neev as he had called her over to his house. "Where is Prachi?" Milind asked as he walked out of his room seeing Ayesha sitting alone. "She went to meet Neev." Ayesha explains. "Why?" Milind asks pissed God he couldn't believe he was sounding possessive. "He wanted to talk to her about something." Ayesha explains and seeing Milind looking ready to kill, she starts smiling "Ever since she had her make over the guys is not leaving her alone." Milind gets even angrier. "But at the cost of sounding pompous, Neev has the hots for me." Ayesha says with a slight blush. "What?" Milind asks shocked. "He likes me." Ayesha says. Seeing her blush Milind grins "It does looks like mutual attraction." Ayesha smiles at him. "And even if Neev has the hots for Prachi, it won't matter because she is head over heels in love with her Rakhi Sawant!" Ayesha teases. "RAKHI SAWANT?" Milind asks shocked, he was starting to believe that she was a girl and it is okay in fact great for him to be attracted to her but now what is this new twist on lesbianism? Can't he ever be happy with her? "I said her Rakhi Sawant." Ayesha explains seeing his hurt expression. "Her Rakhi Sawant?" "Mika forcibly kissed Rakhi Sawant, now you do the math." Ayesha says with a wink. Milind looks at her confused, Mika forcibly kissed Rakhi Sawant and Prachi loves her Rakhi Sawant and what is the math in that? Is she saying that Prachi is now going to forcibly kiss Rakhi Sawa... wait a minute she kissed me! And forcibly! That makes her Mika and me..." I AM RAKHI SAWANT!" Milind screams. "What?" Baba asks who had just come into the room. Milind looks at his baba and adds "fan...Rakhi Sawant's fan." Baba starts frowning hearing that and asks "You have no plans to take part in that Swayamvara do you?" "" Milind quickly replies and pulling on Ayesha's hand leaves from there. "She loves me?" Milind asks confused though couldn't control his smile. "D'oh!" Ayesha says rolling her eyes. Milind starts grinning hearing that. "By the way, did you truly believe that she was a boy trapped in a girl's body because you were the only one who seemed to believe it along with Prachi." Ayesha asks. "Prachi was my best friend, and I had no reason not to believe her, and who else will know her better than she herself?" Milind asks with a shrug. Ayesha nods her head at that. "Ayesha!" Prachi called out to her as she walked in with Neev. "Neev said he will drop you at the airport." Prachi says while Neev smiles at her. "What about you?" Ayesha asks her. "When he is coming, what is the need for us? And I need to go to Mishra Industries. Baba wanted me to redo a cabin so Milind can use that when he joins the company." Prachi explains. "Let's go?" Neev asks her, Ayesha nods a slight blushing creeping on her cheeks and hugging Prachi she said her good byes and also to Milind and she left with Neev. "He is going to propose to her?" Milind asks as he watched them leave. "Yup!" Prachi replies. "And she guessed it already." Milind guesses. "Yup!" Prachi agrees again. "And she is going to say yes?" Milind asks. "Yup!" Prachi replies yet again. Milind turns to look at Prachi and then smiles at her remembering what Ayesha told him. "Come let's go." Prachi says excitedly. "Where?" Milind asks. "To office." Prachi says. "Oh you were serious about that?" Milind asks. "Of course." Prachi replies. Milind starts smiling he liked the idea of Prachi redesigning his office, it will have a touch of hers, and after that he will ask her to do his bedroom too. "Come!" Prachi says pulling his hand.

After they had gone through the details of the office, Milind and Prachi hung around like old days and tried catching up with their life. Prachi filled in him on about her stay with her maasi, her first day at the beauty saloon and her ears piercing experience, then she told him about how Ranvir had shamelessly asked her out after making fun of her so much before, but then she had rejected him. Milind wanted to kill Ranvir for even thinking of Prachi but then before he could contemplate on how to kill him, Prachi told him about her plans of joining the local girls' football team, and then their talk turned to her plans about her career and her football team. The rest of the day went in the blink of an eye as they continued to talk and make up for the lost time. Later they decided to go for a movie, and after having their dinner, they went for the late night show. The movie was a romantic comedy with some explicit love making scene which suddenly created a sexual tension between them wiping out all the friendly banters of the day. They drove home in silence as they tried to control their feelings for each other. As Prachi got down from the car when they reached her house, Milind also gets down with her not yet ready to go away from her. "What happened?" Prachi asks him. "Er... I want water." Milind says. "Okay." Prachi says and opens the door with her key not asking him whether he couldn't wait to go to his house which is next door to drink water. Milind quietly follows Prachi to the kitchen. Prachi was about to grab a glass from the counter when suddenly Milind hold her from behind and turn her to face him. Startle Prachi turns to look at him, and seeing his face full of passion she starts blushing and breathing heavily. Noticing the slight blush creeping on her cheeks Milind effortlessly lifts her up by holding her waist and makes her sit on the counter so that she was in level with him and then he leaning close to her and takes her lips in his. As he softly nibbled on her lips, Prachi losing her control with a moan opens her mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. Milind swept his tongue into hers and let their tongue mate with each other. Oh God! This was heaven, much much better than all the dreams he had the last two years put together. When they became breathless, they slowly broke off the kiss and kept staring at each other as they tried to catch their breath. "Why did it take me so long to find you?" Milind asks her as he caressed her cheeks. Prachi sighs as she savored his touch with her eyes closed. "The thoughts of you and your kiss drove me crazy the last two years. I couldn't get that kiss out of my head and couldn't control what I was feeling for you." Milind says and then starts chuckling "I had started believing that I had become a gay because I was getting attracted to you, I tried to fight it, I tried to be with other girls but I couldn't even bring myself to touch them because every time I got a little close to someone I used to feel that I was betraying you and I couldn't stay near any girl. You were always in my thoughts in spite of that I missed you every second. Every time I played, I wished you were with me, every time I won I wished you were with me celebrating my victory, every time I was bored I wished you were with me so I could talk to you, every time I was tired I wished you were with me so you would cheer me up, every time I was busy I wished you were with me helping me with my work, every time I was in a problem I wished you were with me with all your out of the world ideas to save our asses, every time I took an exam I wish you were with me so I would know that I was not the only one who is going to fail" hearing that Prachi chuckles "It is strange that we both topped our class this time around." "I guess that was the only perks of being away from each other, but if you were with me I would have happily failed in all my papers, I really missed you Prachi, even though I dreamt of you every single night I missed you." "You dreamt of me?" Prachi

asks shocked. Milind grins wickedly "Every night. It has become a part of me." "What did you dream?" Prachi asks, Milind leans down and nibbles her lips "That I was making hot passionate love to you." "WHAT?" "Yes. You were in your old look though not ordering me to do anything; I was willingly doing every single thing. You were in your old boyish look, but as I undress you, you seem to have all the female.... apparatus." Milind says naughtily. And seeing Prachi looking at him with wide eyed shock, he realized that she was too innocent to hear all this and says "I guess what I have been trying to tell you is that I love you." Prachi starts blushing "I love you too, Milind. You made me realize that I'm a woman, you made me feel like me, you made me realize who I am. I will always love you and only you." Milind once again takes her lips in his.

Epilogue 7 years later "Aren't you done yet, Prachi?" Milind asked his wife irritated as he kept shifting behind her trying to see the mirror. "One sec." Prachi replies as she applied her make up. "You have been saying that for the past half hour." Milind reminds her pissed. "I am almost done, Milind." Prachi replies. "I'm going to be late." Milind says angrily as he again shifted here and there trying to catch a glimpse of himself at the mirror but his wife's hand was all over the place blocking his view. "We all have to leave together." Prachi reminded him. Finally after two minutes Prachi moves aside and walks out of the room, Milind who was busy knotting his tie didn't see how Prachi looked after she was ready. He walks towards the mirror to get ready when suddenly a head popped up out of nowhere. "Ma-yu-ri ! What are you doing?" Milind asks his daughter irritated. "I'm getting ready, Papa."Mayuri replies as she balanced herself on the stool and looking at herself in the mirror blocking her father's view effectively. "Why can't you do it in your room?" Milind asks irritated. "In that mirror I can't see my beautiful toes, and if I stand on the chair then I won't be able to see my beautiful face." Mayuri explains. "But baby doll, Papa is getting late." Milind tries to reason with her. "We all are going together na, Papa?" "But still I've to get ready right?" Milind asks back. "Even baby doll has to get ready right?" Mayuri asks back. "After me!" Milind says like a stubborn child. "Please Papa." Mayuri starts making cute puppy faces and Milind was a sucker for that. "Okay, do it fast." Milind says defeated. "Thank you, Papa." Mayuri says happily and gets down to business, brushing her hair some one million times, twisting here and there to see herself in the mirror while Milind started counting in his head. When he was at 239 his cell started ringing with a smile he answers his call "Hello sweetheart! Missing me?" he hears a bout of giggle from the other end and then finally he hears his assistant ask him "Milind, where are you? Mr. Malhothra is waiting for you here." "What? Sia ,I told you that I have a marriage to attend today so I won't be coming to office today and to cancel all my meetings." Milind admonishes her. "You did?" Sia asks him dumbly. "Of course I did." "I don't remember." Sia replies as she tried to think when he had told her that. "If you take your eyes off those Mills n Boons then you will remember something!" Milind says angrily. "erm... erm" "Fix another appointment with Mr. Malhothra and if I find you reading any more MnB at work I swear to God I'll... er.. I'll... ah I'll let Mayuri and Sara loose on you." Milind threatens his assistant and then hangs up. Sara is Mayuri's best friend, Prachi and he had secretly nicknamed her huggy, as Sara was always on a hugging spree. "How do I look Papa?" Mayuri asked her father as she posed for him,

seeing her Milind starts smiling "Beautiful." "Do I look as beautiful as Mama?" "Even more beautiful." Milind praises her. "No one can look more beautiful than my Mama." "Of course, my baby doll can." Milind says and was about to take her in his arms when Mayuri stops him "No, Papa my beautiful dress will get crumbled." Milind moves back with a frown I had told Prachi that we will raise her like a boy but when has she ever listened to me? Jumping down from the stool Mayuri runs to the table where Milind's and Shah's old photo was kept, she kisses the photo and waves bye to Shah saying "Bye Shah Uncle, we are going for Neev Uncle's and Ayesha Aunt's wedding. Ta ta." and she runs out of the room while Milind smiles at his daughter's retreating back. Mayuri had refused to believe that her mother was anything other than ladylike in her life, and refused to believe that Shah is her mother but her mother's brother. Chuckling he turns to look at the mirror to get ready when he heard his wife ask "Milind, you are not yet ready? We are going to be late! How much time you take to get ready?" Milind turns to frown at his wife but then seeing her he starts ogling at his beautiful wife "Oh my!" he says dramatically and then walks towards her while Prachi gives Milind you-are-hopeless look. Milind starts tugging her saree, "Stop messing my saree Milind!" Prachi orders as she tried to push his hand away. "We are not that close to Ayesha and Neev right? We could miss their wedding." Milind suggests as he leans down and starts kissing and nibbling on her ears as Prachi gently tried to push him away grinning "No we r not close to them, and it was definitely not us who kept going to Mumbai every other week to convince Ayesha's parents for their wedding, and we never browbeat Neev's parents into letting him marrying a muslim girl." Disappointed Milind asks "We really have to go?" "Yes." Prachi replies. "Can't we send Mayuri you know to represent us along with huggy and Sia?" Milind asks her shifting his attention and lips towards her neck. "And who is going to watch them?" Prachi asks back. "Sia who else?" "And how exactly are you going to make Sia watch the girls instead of reading MnB?" Prachi asks him as she started kissing his jaw. "Maybe we can send Baba and Mama to keep an eye on Sia that way we will get the whole house to ourselves and it will be like that time when we were alone here for a week and we were you know *playing* all around the house." Milind says as he again started tugging her saree. Finally pushing him away Prachi says "We are going for the wedding, so get ready." Milind pouts and then walks towards the mirror to get ready when Prachi orders him from behind "Stop sulking!" Milind makes a face and then starts getting ready for Neev's and Ayesha's wedding. Unlike Milind and Prachi whose parents were more eager to get them married than they themselves, Neev and Ayesha had to fight for their love for nearly five years as they were from different religion and to top it all of Ayesha was working in the fashion industry which was a big minus in Neev's parents mind. But with Prachi's and Milind's help and guidance they were able to finally convince their parents. Neev and Ayesha already had their nikkah in Mumbai and today they were getting married in Guajarati traditions. Milind and Prachi had attended their nikkah last week. "Papa, are you ready? Dadu and Dadi already left with Nanu. Everyone there would be missing baby doll!"Mayuri told him impatiently. "Done, baby doll." Milind replies. It was a beautiful ceremony, after wishing Neev and Ayesha yet again for a happy life Milind and Prachi along with Mayuri were on their way back home suddenly Milind stops the car. "What happened?" Prachi asks confused. "Our school." Milind says as he pointed towards their old school. "We pass in front of it every single day, Milind." "Yeah. It's been how long since we went inside? Come let's go inside and see. It'll be fun."

Milind says excitedly, hearing his idea Prachi starts smiling "let's go." Milind turns his car towards their school and enters the compound after the guard recognized him as an exstudent. It was summer holidays and the campus was empty and they could leisurely drive around. "Why are we here?" Mayuri asks confused "We are not going home?" "We are sweety, this is Mama and Papa's school, and next year Mayuri will also go to this school." Milind explains to his daughter. "Milind, stop!" Prachi suddenly orders him. "What happened?" Milind asks confused turning his attention to his wife. "Look there, a ball is lying there." Prachi says excitedly pointing towards a corner of the goal post. Milind looks at her confused "You don't mean we...?" "How long has it been since we played, Milind?" "What about your saree?""I will just tuck it in like Kajol in KKHH, what say husband?" "I say that like always I'll beat you this time too Shah!" "In your dreams, husband!" Prachi snorts. "Come Mayuri, you sit there and watch us play." Milind says as he unbuckled his seat belt. "No, my long beautiful skirt will get spoilt." Mayuri says looking horrified. "Seriously Prachi, what were you eating when you had her?" Milind asks exasperated. Mayuri pokes her tongue at him and then lying on the back seat she orders her father "Don't off the A/C, Mayuri is going to sleep." While Milind did what he was ordered to do Prachi starts smiling seeing how her daughter had her father tied around her finger dancing to her every tune. Milind and Prachi got out of the car and quickly started playing, they were nicely playing when Milind scored a goal and then Prachi turned nasty, and soon they were playing rough. With the rain crashing down on them they were one sight as they pulled and pushed each other, kicked and shoved and Prachi even ripped off Milind's shirt in the spirit of the game. As they kept scoring they started kicking each other more than the ball. As Prachi was about to kick the winning goal Milind pushed her to ground and as he tried to tackle the ball he lost his footing and fell on top of Prachi and soon they were rolling on the muddy ground as they tried to stop the other from getting up and getting hold of the ball. When Prachi realized that Milind was getting the upper hand in a fit to distract him she pushed him to the ground with all her might and slammed her lips on his. Even before Milind could fight her off her tongue was a playing wicked game with his making even Prachi forget why she instigated the kiss in the first place. It took both of them a while to regain their senses and realize where they were "Do you think we can find an empty unlocked classroom here?" Prachi asks desperately. "Mayuri is in the car." Milind reminds her. "Oh God! Let's go home then." Prachi says. Nodding Milind gets up and then helps her up. As they walked to the car Prachi asks him "It was like old times na?" with a teasing smile Milind asks her "Old times? Oh you mean the time when we both were THE men?"

~~~The End~~~

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