Lady Por Ti A

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7

Lady Portia


Goddess of Justice; Goddess of Opportunity; Hierarch of Aquarian Age. Member of Karmic Board.


Seventh Ray of Divine Alchemy, transmutation, sacred ritual, magic, justice, freedom, liberty, mercy, forgiveness

Twin Flame:

Ascended Master St Germain

Etheric Retreat: Temple of Sun, Manhattan, USA General Information: All Ascended Masters are Masters of the Light, and Masters in the Light. St Germain and his divine consort Lady Portia are particularly important for bringing in the the new consciousness as they are the spiritual leaders for the Aquarian Age. They have come to SET US FREE. Lady Portia is the feminine force for the new consciousness. Portia Power! She is the female archetype for the Aquarian Age. Since about 1998 she has been encouraging women, who are strong from within, to come to the fore in whatever field they belong. This is to bring more balance in all arenas of life, so we will see many more women taking on leadership roles (in a feminine way) in say, Government, corporations, commerce, health, finance and so on. Undoubtedly, she will have been pushing you to be more who you are, and to live your dream. Your dream is your Destiny! (Otherwise you could not or would not have it has a ‘dream’ to be fulfilled.) Lady Portia brings the energy and understanding of Justice and Liberty to our consciousness, and holds these for humanity until we fully become these qualities. We will see the issues of justice, social change, freedom, liberation, forgiveness (saying sorry globally) becoming even more prevelant in the world. On her journey to mastery, Lady Portia has had many lives as a human here on Earth. During one of her past lives in Atlantis, Portia built the Temple of the Sun, where Manhattan Island now is. With the sinking of the island of Atlantis the physical temple was destroyed, but the etheric counterpart ©Cobolt Connection P/L 2004


Lady Portia

remains on the etheric plane. This is Lady Portia’s etheric retreat, from where she continues to focus her energy out towards the world. The flame of Liberty and Justice are on the central altar of the etheric Temple of the Sun, surrounded by twelve shrines dedicated to the twelve hierarchies of the Sun, and the twelve constellations, which we call the Zodiac. Through Lady Portia’s vibration, astrology, (and more understanding of the actual stars), will again become a strong force in our consciousness. Over the next few hundred years we will see a greater understanding of its accuracy and its depth, and its application to many aspects of our lives, in particular to our health. We will not only see our medical history come up on the monitor when we visit the doctor, we will also see our horoscope (our birth chart) and other relevant charts come up! Portia is depicted as the female holding the scales in our Courts of Law (ie justice); and is also the Statue of Liberty, with the sun (symbolizing ascension) around her head and the God Flame in her hand beckoning all to come into a state of liberty, freedom. So as the Statue of Liberty Portia holds the sense of freedom for humanity, and lights the way; we will hear the word ‘freedom’ many times over the next few hundred years, as we endeavour to set ourselves and each other free (with the blessed help of Lady Portia and St. Germain). Lady Portia, especially as depicted as the Statue of Liberty, is the archetype of the free whole woman adorned in the Light – she is the new-age woman, inspiring all woman to a place of grace. This bodes well for women in the next 2000 years, taking their rightful place again. This millennium (2000’s) will see the upsurge of feminine force, not to overtake the masculine, but to become equal with it. These two forces need to SUPPORT each other, not be in competition, whether this is in relationships, governments, business, or socially. Obviously, this process began in the Western world with the emancipation of woman around a hundred years ago. This process is in its infancy, and rapid and sudden changes in this area are taking place. Ultimately, as humans, the only way we will survive as a species and keep evolving is through cooperation, working together, sharing

©Cobolt Connection P/L 2004


Lady Portia

ideas; these are not only Aquarian words, but are also feminine power words. As we move from a predominantly masculine culture, we will need to embrace the feminine values to make the ‘new’ work. The impact on the world would be shattering if it happened overnight, but we do have the next 2000 years to get it balanced! We will make very big shifts in this area over this century. We must all be prepared for this transformational shift, to support and celebrate it. Lady Portia is all about balance. She brings equilibrium to your soul, to your being; justice is balance. We will get very good at living a balanced life full of passion, fun and fulfilment. If there is injustice, Portia’s energy will reveal this – we can see this happening more and more in our world where in the past things were kept secret or ‘swept under the carpet’ they are now surfacing, this may relate to the defence of a country; or a dictator’s true behaviour; or the dishonesty of the church; or the machinations of big business; or it maybe something more personal – but if it is not true, not in integrity it will be revealed. Lady Portia also will unveil women – to set them free. And make no mistake we are all veiled wherever we come from – the Arabic women express this archetype for all of us. What Lady Portia’s energy does is give us opportunity, it gives us choice – if we choose from our soul levels to be veiled then all is well for we maintain our freedom. One thing more, before we leave Portia power - the power of the feminine, of Woman, lies in her ability to have tremendous inner strength and at the same time an amazing serenity, a stillness, that emanates from her. The stillness comes from being absolutely connected both to the higher spiritual forces and the earth’s forces through her physical body, both in complete balance. This brings in wisdom, a ‘knowing that I know’…which has nothing to do with ego. When a woman has truly reached this place, she is a mighty force, a power among the gods! This is Portia power – look out world! Serenity is a form of love, a stillness in which grace and love abide and have their being. Serenity is not being passionless, it is full of passion, it is very seductive, and magnetic. Men must also learn serenity.

©Cobolt Connection P/L 2004


Lady Portia

As Lady Portia is also the Goddess of Opportunity, the greatest of opportunities will be available to us from now on – opportunities that we couldn’t even imagine a hundred years ago, or even ten years ago. Have you noticed that you have had more opportunities coming to you in your life recently? and if you consciously connect and allow the energy of Lady Portia close to you then you will be given even more opportunities. Of course, that’s what they are – opportunities, the ‘gods’ aren’t going to do it for us, it’s up to us to seize the opportunity. These opportunities given will be to lift you out of the old ways, the old ways of thinking, living, our old concepts that no longer work. How to connect/experience/work with Lady Portia: Once you start to connect with Lady Portia’s energy you feel more balanced, more harmonious, and a greater sense of inner stability, which of course, will reflect in your outer life. The more you call her in, just by asking her to come close to you, the more you will reach your centre, your core. A person who lives from his or her centre is completely present; both the earthly and divine aspects of our being are connected at the centre of our being – this makes for a very powerful and dynamic person. Nothing knocks them of centre for long, they recover their equilibrium very quickly, by reorienting themselves. A person who is connected to and working with Lady Portia will also give off a very balanced, serene, peaceful, yet alive presence – they have within their aura the ability to calm others just by their being. The paradox is, however, that though Portia’s vibration brings us a greater sense of balance, and calmness, she radiates an energy that is very dynamic, fast and electrical – as if, sparks fly off her! On a personal level, if you want to work more strongly with Portia, or you feel that you are working with her energy and you would like to ‘bring it in’ more strongly, then there are things you can do to help with this. The colour which carries her vibration, is cobalt blue; it will become a very trendy colour soon as Lady Portia’s energy has more impact on our consciousness. Having this colour around you in your environment, or wearing it, will bring her vibration closer to you through your energy field.

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Lady Portia

Portia works through all the seven main chakras. You can bring her energy closer to you by working on one or other of these areas; put your attention into one of the chakras (or all of them), put your consciousness there, and ‘breathe’ into that area, asking her to come to you as you do this. The gemstones which resonate with the energy of Lady Portia are green stones, like Malachite; rose quartz; lapis lazuli and blue sapphires: put these in your aura, for instance, under your pillow, or wear them on your body. Her symbol is the Statue of Liberty – so having this around you in your environment, or meditating upon this image, or having a picture of the statue as a focus for your meditation, can help open the way for Lady Portia’s beautiful energy to come to you. The Tarot card which is associated with Lady Portia is Justice. If you are working with Lady Portia’s energy – and you may have been working with her for many incarnations, or may just have started to become part of her potent loving force – you will feel as though you are in a hurry, and that, particularly, as a woman, you have got something to give to the world, or say to the world. As I said, Portia pushes women to the forefront of their chosen career, or chosen path, she makes it happen. As with all the Ascended Masters, Lady Portia does this very lovingly, although you may not always be prepared for the speed in which it happens!

Violet Flame The Violet Flame is the gift of the Aquarian Age; without it we would be lost on a spiritual level. It is of the finest vibration and will help lift the vibration of all living things, and expand our consciousness. The Violet Flame is a part of the spiritual light that is hitting our galaxy in waves – become more aware of it, call it in during your meditations and quiet moments, feel its energy, power and force; let it imbue you and prepare you for the new. The Violet Flame is an aspect of God, a spiritual flame which has purifying power. When you feel ready, it would be good if you immerse yourself in the violet flame through meditations or visualization. This process clears your karma, which means that going into the ©Cobolt Connection P/L 2004


Lady Portia

Violet Flame may bring your karma into consciousness; that is, it may draw it into your life so that you may balance it and clear it quickly. St Germain and Lady Portia are part of the Violet Flame. It issues forth from solar logos (Helios) and is transduced (stepped down) through St Germain and Lady Portia so that it is available to us for our transformation. Chakra: Colour: Gemstone: Symbol: Tarot:

All Cobalt blue Green stones; Rose Quartz; Lapis Lazuli; Blue Sapphire The Statue of Liberty Justice

To discover this Ascended Master on a deeper level I recommend listening to the Master Meditation CD first, and then if desired try the appropriate Master Oil for an even more profound effect.

©Cobolt Connection P/L 2004


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