
  • November 2019
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VISION To become a successful person in the field of business particularly become an owner of a reputable company. MISSION  To do my very best and attained excellent grades.  To finished my studies.  Attend seminars that will serve as my training.  After schooling, look for a job related in my chosen career. OBJECTIVES  To be fulfilled or to prove something that will make me proud, my family and my peers as well.  To pay back all the expenses of my parents to me since birth.  To inspired other people in different ways/ manner by being a good example/role model especially to the youth. KEY RESULT AREA Before my Father wished me to become a nurse, but I strongly disagree to take that course. Besides, I don’t feel like injecting, experimenting bodies of animals, seeing bloods and needles and all that freaky stuffs they do. So instead, I chose to take a business course even if it’s against the will of my Father. What I did is to make a lot of explanations like, saying that “ I don’t go the trend or just because nursing is in-demand abroad. I go for what I like and what I feel fits for me. If you think that my chosen career will leads me to nothing, I can prove to you that someday you can be proud of what I’ve become and that you’ll be happy for me. If you still insist me to take nursing course I cannot promise to finished it since it’s against my will”. So in the end, he just simply nodded and accepted my decision. Good thing for me, after such a long explanation.:) whew!



BSBA- BKG. & FIN. MS. MANCENIDO PROGRESS INDICATOR At 21- I see myself working in a bank as a teller. 22- Start saving money for my future needs and deposit it in a bank. 23- Help my family in their daily expenses/ pursue Master’s degree (Master in Business Administration) 24- Studying and working at the same time. 25- Hopefully had finished my Master’s degree. 26- Help other people in simple ways like donating money, goods, clothes etc. 27- If I found my match I’ll be getting married. (This is my ideal age of getting married) 28-30 Have my own child ( My ideal is three 3). 31-35 Be a good mother to my kids and a good wife to my husband. 36-40 Still manage to work (any profession). 41-45 If my husband wants me to become a full time housewife I will stop working. 46-50 Still happy with my family life.

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