Accidental Marriage

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  • Words: 30,172
  • Pages: 48

Bani Dixit thought that she was finally moving on. Five years after the tragic plane crash which had shattered her bright world, she had gathered the remnants of her life to start living again. But it seemed that fate had very different plans. Jai Walia had had enough of his mockery of a marriage with Pia. He had put up with Pia's infidelities and blatant disregard for him and their three year old daughter Sonia for far too long. He was going to file for divorce and Sonia's custody. But the accident had changed Pia- she had become like the warm vivacious woman he had fallen madly in love with four years ago. But he was determined not to let her ruin his life again. So how do Jai and Bani's fates get crossed? To find out, read 'Accidental Marriage'!

Chapter 1 She couldn't move. Something was holding her back. It felt strangely like… tubes? But she was in a plane, boarding a flight to Chicago to visit her best friend Rano. So this

should be a seat belt. Then why the hell couldn't she move? She tried to scream but no sound came out, her throat was aching. She tried again but she could barely open her eyes. Wait a second, they were bandaged! What was going on? Before she could gather her thoughts, she heard a voice. It was gentle, soothing- a doctor's voice. "Mrs. Walia, how do you feel now?" The girl on the bed panicked. Mrs Walia? She was Bani Dixit. Ms. Dixit and definitely not anyone's wife! Her head started to spin now. She tried to speak again but no words would come out. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she agitatedly moved her hands. Good lord, they weren't moving either! The doctor sensed her desperation and hushed her. "Remember me- Dr. Mohan Khandelwal, your husband's best friend? Relax Mrs. Walia, you will be in perfect shape in no time. No internal injuries at all. You and Sonia made it in good time. Speaking of her, Jai left your side only a few minutes ago to be with her. Sonia was refusing to eat and you know how kids are. Only parents can handle them at these times, even we doctors fail at these times!" Bani knew he was trying to make her smile, but her cheek muscles ached too much. Her head was going to burst any moment and before she knew it, she had fallen into a disturbed but dreamless sleep. The next time she woke up, she could sense someone sitting next to her. This time, she was able to open her eyes, albeit with difficulty, as they were still partially bandaged. Her frantic gaze met the steady black gaze of ……who? The man at her side sensed her anxiety and clasped her small hands in his firm, rather large ones. Almost like in a trance, she raised her stricken gaze to his. His eyes had compassion but his smile did not reach his eyes. It was concerned, polite but not happy. Not unhappy either, but it did not reflect the relief or the joy of seeing someone close to you survive a brush with death. Bani closed her eyes in frustration. The doctor was wrong- her brain was affected by the crash. She was expecting a handsome-she couldn't see his face clearly, but she knew he was - stranger to hug her in overwhelming relief and to express his profound elation at seeing her alive. But then, why was he here if he didn't know her? "Relax Pia", he said in a calming voice, his deep baritone all too obvious despite the gentleness he was employing. "You and Sonia are going to be absolutely fine. The doctors are very optimistic about you- just one surgery and you'll look as beautiful as ever. Much more in fact!" Pia? Surgery? Before she could even attempt to try to speak, the pleasant doctor came striding in. Beaming at Bani, he said jovially, "Ahan, Mrs. Walia, you are finally awake. Jai has been waiting for you to wake up for the past five hours." Bani stared blankly at the two men in front of her, their words staying with her yet not making any sense. From what she gathered, it was obvious that they were in the wrong room. This Jai Walia was the husband of some Pia Walia, who probably got injured in the same plane crash as her. Who are these people? Why are they mistaking her for Pia? Who is Sonia? How can a man mistake his own wife?

Chapter 2 The days had passed in a daze. Scores of people came to visit Pia Walia everyday but Bani Dixit did not find this amusing in the least. This case of mistaken identity was terrifying her. The friendly blustering doctor Mohan Khandelwal checked on her several times a day, making jokes she would have normally laughed at but she was too petrified to do that. During his last visit, Dr. Mohan came with a team of highly competent stiff looking doctors. While Mohan was his usual robust self, the team hovered around Bani like bees, making notes, taking her blood pressure, heartbeat level, discussing her surgery in hushed voices. But Bani's reporter ears picked up their words and she thought that she was going to die of a very painful and quick heart attack at the age of 27- her plastic surgery was scheduled after three days! During all this time, her "husband" had been sitting next to her, holding her hand. With her bandages removed, she could finally see Jai Walia and was not disappointed with her hunch that he was handsome. He was, as Rano would say, a dish. Ebony black eyes with eyebrows to match, aquiline nose, a slightly jutted chin, and a gorgeous tan. Since he was always sitting when Bani woke up, she couldn't guess his height but knew he was tall and well built if his muscular arms were a fair indication of the rest of him. Bani had almost groaned in frustration- here she was at the verge of losing her identity and being given a stranger's face, and she was drooling at her so called husband. She had tried to speak many times , but Mohan had carefully told her that her vocal chords had been damaged. Of course, everything would be just as before after the surgery. Of course, he didn't know that this "as before" would rob Bani Dixit of her identity. Each time Bani looked at Jai, she saw pain warring with confusion in those compelling black depths. He never made any attempt to touch her except hold her hands in order to curtail her agitated movements. She had regained some movement of her hands but it was nowhere enough to overcome the strength of his, despite fact that he held her hands very gently. How was she supposed to ask for paper to write that she was not Pia? That in all probability, Pia had died in the crash and he was a widower? Whenever she tried to speak, her futile attempts frustrated her to make her give up in a few seconds and tears flowed freely. Each time, Jai would leave her hands to wipe away the tears and say in his deep soothing voice, "Hush Pia, everything is going to be alright. Your voice, your face will be back. The doctors are very optimistic. They'll fix the bones in your arms, your vocal chords too. There won't be a single scar left on your face." Never, even in the deepest moments of her distress, did he use an endearment to address her. I would have killed him if I had been this cold unfeeling man had been my husband, swore Bani viciously. However that would have to wait. Bani was desperate today. Her surgery was in a few hours and she had only a few minutes before she could tell Jai the truth. Jai was due in a few minutes and she had to make him understand somehow. She was not his Pia and she could not undergo any plastic surgery that would literally finish her existence. She practiced moving her hands gingerly. Today Jai will understand her.

Jai Walia stood outside his wife's room, taking a deep breath. The past two weeks had taken a great toll on his whole family, but no one could even begin to imagine the torment he went through daily. His heart had nearly stopped beating when he was surfing through the channels and saw the breaking news of the plane crash- the plane carrying his wife and daughter. Sonia was Jai's life, the reason for putting up with Pia for all those years. However much he had come to regret his impulsive marriage, he would always be grateful to Pia for giving him Sonia. He had been Sonia's mother, father, friend everything. Pia's excitement at becoming a mother completely fizzled out about three months after Sonia's birth. After that, it was a steady journey downhill. Affairs, public flirtations, regular alcohol and occasional drugs became a part of life but she was no longer a part of Jai's life. They had separate bedrooms and Jai had finally drawn divorce papers. But whatever ill he wished Pia, he never wanted her dead. And now he was indebted to her. Despite her indifferent and rather callous behavior towards Sonia, Pia had risked her life to save her. Sonia had managed to tell him that much when she was not having nightmares. He owed her something. The only decent thing to do would be was to stall the divorce till Pia fully recuperated. A sardonic smile touched his lips. Saving Sonia was probably a spur of the moment accidental maternal reaction. In the past, Pia derived almost sadistic pleasure from taunting Sonia, scolding her publicly for miniscule things like spilling juice till tears came out of her eyes. As a result, Sonia had withdrawn into a shell and was a timid, perpetually frightened girl who only opened up to her father, and that too was rare. But something had changed. Pia was unable to speak, to move but her eyes spoke volumes. They beseeched him through the gaps in the bandages, but for what he didn't know. They looked greener than before, more vulnerable, begging for answers only he could give. Each time she cried, he felt his heart wrench although he had trained it to not feel anything for her. Ironically, he had never seen Pia cry before the crash. Probably mourning for her beautiful face, thought Jai sarcastically. Her beauty was one thing which had improved with time and was the cause of his destruction. Every time she made those frantic gestures, her hands were directed towards her face, obviously worried about the upcoming surgery. Not once had she asked for Sonia. Well, what else did he expect- the crash to make her the woman he had once loved to distraction and now despised with equal passion? Jai stopped the train of his bitter thoughts. He had to remain civil till Pia had fully recovered. After that, he will divorce her. Nothing changes that. With that final thought, Jai entered the room. "Hello Pia", Jai greeted her politely. Bani groaned inwardly. What is this man made ofhis wife was was critically injured, going for a complicated surgery and this was the best he could manage? How did he become one of the most successful businessmen in the country with such limited sensitivity? With the bandages from her eyes completely removed and her orientation completely in place, she had immediately recognized Jai Walia of Walia Industries. A magnate with a Midas touch, he had diversified his father's

business and made it reach new heights. He was an almost undisputed choice for the position of the company's head C.E.O. Bani knew this since covering the inside story regarding the Walia Group's new C.E.O had been her next assignment. It was just what shee needed to be taken seriously as a reporter and carry Pushkar's legacy as an ace reporter. But preserving her identity was a more crucial issue at the moment. Bani flickered her eyelids madly, hoping Jai would get the message. He did, after staring at her for a few seconds blankly. He sat next to her, but at a careful distance. " I am sorry Sonia hasn't visited you yet, but …well…you know she's going through a tough time. She will be upset seeing you like this, I'll bring her to see you as soon as you gain consciousness. Mom, Dad, Ranveer, Roshni all came to wish you in the morning, but you were asleep." Bani couldn't care less about them at the moment. All she remembered about these people was some friendly but strained faces, wishing her and offering words of solace. She remembered neither their faces nor voices. Bani moved her hands, pointing towards her face and shaking her head wildly. Jai shot her a concerned look and tried to hold her hands but she wouldn't let him. She kept on shaking her head and pointing towards her face, and tried to make the gesture of paper but couldn't . Jai suddenly held her face in his palms, looking directly into her eyes. Bani's wild movements came to an abrupt halt aand she stared at him with brimming eyes. Against his better judgement, Jai 's hands softly stroked her cheeks while his thumbs brushed away tears. In a low voice, he said, "Despite whatever that has gone wrong with our marriage, I have never wanted any harm to fall upon you and still don't. You were my first love Pia and still are the mother of my daughter. You'll be perfectly fine Pia, just like before. See, I brought your latest photos. The doctors will use them to make you look just like you used to." Her tearful gaze shifted to the photo Jai was holding and her breathing became labored. Her head was spinning so wildly that it would be a mercy to simply faint. A lot of things were beginning to make sense now – why she was mistaken as Pia, being called Sonia's savior , her being under the Walia's care, Jai not recognizing her. Everything. The reason was very simple. She had been seated next to Pia and Sonia during her flight. To add icing to the cake, she and Pia resembled so much that both had thought they were looking at mirrors. The whole scene flashed before Bani's eyes like a film. She fainted before she was wheeled away and anaesthised. Chapter 3 Bani fumed inwards. It had been a hectic day at the office yet again, with the boss piling all the last minute articles on his "most reliable employee". Bani sighed, it was disloyal of her to think of her mentor that way. AD sir had been her constant support , emotionally and financially, since her husband Pushkar's untimely death. Solely on the basis of being his star reporter's young widow, he had promoted Bani to the post of senior news correspondent from a junior one. Bani had not disappointed him. Living

upto Pushkar's reputation as the best journalist at "Daily News" had become an obsession for Bani and proved theurapetic in dealing with her grief after being widowed after three months of a blissful marriage. Right now she was locating her seat in the plane, cursing under her breath. After making her slave for weeks and then finally giving her the Walia assignment she had been begging for, AD sir had finally given her a well deserved vacation. Bani couldn't wait to meet her best friend Rano- the last time being at Bani's wedding. "543 A….found it!!", Bani exclaimed triumphantly and then stopped short. Occupying the seats next to hers was a little girl of about three and a woman about her age. But what made Bani' s mouth open wide in shock was that the woman in front of her was almost her splitting image. More sophisticated definitely, but same eyes, bone structure, better but very similar features. The lady also looked at her very curiously before giving a haughty look and returning to her magazine. Bani felt conscious of her button nose as opposed to the other woman's delicate straight one. Bani then glared at her defiantly before taking her seat, shifting her attention to the little girl who had been staring goggle eyed at the silent exchange. "Hi sweetie", Bani said, touching the girl's soft cheek. Pushkar had wanted at least four children, smugly telling Bani she would have his cooperation all the way. They were going to wait for two years while their marital and professional lives would be somewhat established before going the family way. Fate had different plans, they were barely out of their honeymoon phase when calamity struck. Bani resumed talking to the little girl. Although she disliked her mother on sight, Bani couldn't help being surprised at her look alike's lack of concern as a total stranger conversed with her daughter. Although Bani had lost her parents within two years of each other when she was a teenager, she had loving memories of them. She remembered how religiously her mother used to instruct her on not talking to strangers. Her father too was very protective of his only child. Then Pushkar came into her life, to give immeasurable but brief happiness. Bani was getting angry at herself. Remembering all the loved ones she had lost was not a promising start to a well earned holiday. But she had been feeling restless since the morning, unable to explain why. The little girl tugged Bani's locket, breaking her reverie. Bani smiled as she asked, "Whose pictures are these?" Bani pretended to think before saying mischievously, "I can't tell you unless I know your name." The girl looked at her with her huge green eyes unblinkingly before saying solemnly, "Sonia." "That's a very pretty name sweetheart!" Bani exclaimed. She couldn't hide her grin as Sonia's cheeks bloomed pink and her pigtails crashed with each other as she tried to remove Bani's locket. Bani gently removed her hands and unclasped the locket herself. Sonia eagerly opened the pendant but was disappointed to see no pictures. "No pictures!" Sonia said in a small voice. Before Bani could reply, Sonia's mother looked up from her magazine irritated and snapped, "Sonia why don't you just shut up and stop fidgeting? I am trying to read something and your endless chatter is bugging me girl!" Without another glance, she

returned to her magazine and Bani had to clench the armrest so as to not give in to the impulse of scratching the horrid woman's face. Sonia's hands were trembling, lips quivering and tears had already made their way to her cheeks. Bani instinctively undid Sonia's seatbelt and pulled her on her lap, wiping her tears. "Hey, I am very hurt Sonia, " Bani said with mock hurt. "Why?" Sonia asked in a wobbly voice. "You haven't asked me my name yet!" "Oh!" Sonia giggled a little."What's your name Aunty?" Bani opened her mouth tom answer but no words ever came out. Suddenly there was a booming crash. Bani was still secured with a belt but hit her head hard. Sonia fell down her lap and hit the floor, rolling away to the corner. Head throbbing, Bani struggled to open her eyes. There was pandemonium everywhere, people were screaming, struggling to get of their seats. There was fire everywhere. Bani could not see Sonia's mother anywhere. She copuld hear Sonia's screams. Stumbling in their direction, Bani found herself engulfed by the fire. Something heavy fell on her neck, knocking her down. No scream came out of her throat. She could feel the blood pouring down her back. Her hands were numb, lifeless as she recalled something almost as heavy falling on them. Half crawling, half dragging herself, Bani followed Sonia's cries, her head too heavy and vision dimming by the second. Finally reaching Sonia, Bani lightly touched her huddled figure. Sonia launched herself into Bani's arms, howling. That knocked down the remaining strength in Bani's body. She fainted. The next time she woke up, it was in the hospital as Pia Walia. Bani Dixit was dead for the world.Pia Walia had been declared dead under Bani's name.

Bani lay listlessly in her bed. She had been anaesthised while she had fainted and her surgery had been conducted. She had Pia Walia's face now. There was absolutely nothing she could do to change that fact. Her face was covered with bandages but she knew what lay behind them. A stranger's face did. It may be shockingly similar to hers, but it wasn't hers. Tears of futile rage poured down her face. Oh not her face- Pia's face. The name filled her with hatred. A brief meeting with that woman was enough to convince Bani that she was a prize –oh did that matter? She would have been equally miserable if she had received Angelina Jolie's face. A gurgle of hysterical laughter bubbled in her throat. She should have died, Bani thought viciously. Pushkar had died in a plane crash too, when he had caught an early fight back from an assignment to surprise her. I t would have been a fitting end to her not so happy life. Bani was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear the door open. I t wasn't until the person was walking that Bani heard approaching footsteps and she stiffened. Her eyes may have been bandaged too, but she certainly knew it was very late in the night. The whole Walia family had visited her when she was unconscious after the surgery, the nurse told her. She was gripping the bedsheets anxiously. Had somebody discovered the mix up? What was going to happen with her now? 'What the hell Pia!" someone hissed in her ears. Bani froze. The voice was menacing,

the breath in her ears making shivers of terror run down her spine. She instinctively knew this person was not here to enquire about her health.She couldn't even tell if the voice was male or female. Her heart was hammering too loudly and her brain was too fuzzy with sedatives and tension to think clearly. But she heard the stranger's next words with alarming alacrity and heightened fear. "Don't you dare think of giving any death bed confessions woman. You entered Jai Walia's life with a purpose and don't you forget that. You have already created enough problems in my plan with your recklessness and stupidity. This crash couldn't have come at a worse time, Jai had finally drawn divorce papers. Never mind, that was beyond even my control. But nothing else is beyond me so get this straight-you have to make Jai divorce you, claim at least half of half of his wealth and Sonia. What you do with that brat is not my concern but you know the objective-make Jai Walia's life a living hell, so broken that he won't know where to go. That's when the final phase of my plan takes place, when Jai is at his most vulnerable state. This time, I will succeed and you Pia are going to make sure of that." With a last cackle which chilled Bani to the bones, the stranger left. Bani was trembling. Her sheets were getting damp with her perspiration. Not only had her identity been crushed, she had been given the face of a beautiful but dangerous woman. Now i she was an accomplice in some highly complex plan to destroy Jai Walia. Bani was shaking. What was the plan? Kill him? Lead him to bankruptcy? Some personal or professional vengeance? Damnit all! There was no way to get out of it. The mastermind who just confided in her was obviously a family member. Only the Walias had access to the special suite Bani had. If Bani claimed her real identity, the conspirator would know who she is but she won't. He or she would kill her. Petrified Bani tried to think of an alternative. She found none. Prone to hysterics in times of misery, Bani thought of a wild scheme. Why not go with the flow? She already had Pia's face and identity. Why not assume her life temporarily too? It's not as if she planned it. In fact, she would give anything to not be in this predicament. But with this, she could kill two birds with one stone. An intimate inside scoop on the Walia CEO mystery. As Jai's wife she would be privy to all details and provide a brilliant article, guaranteeing promotion. Ashamed at her materialistic thoughts, Bani thought of the other nobler reasons. She was herself in mortal danger and could not reveal her identity. This way, she could find out who was the mastermind and his or her plan and save Jai Walia and his family. There really was no other option. Unable to bear her thought anymore, Bani drifted off to sleep. She knew what she was doing was foolhardy and dangerous, but for the life of her, she would not be able to stop herself. Jai Walia better be prepared to welcome his wife with open arms. Chapter 4 "Aditya I think living with Jigyasa has taken a toll on you. You have lost your mind!" Jai

fumed at his brother-in-law and close friend Aditya Bali. He was married to his older sister Jigyasa and lived in the palatial Walia mansion on Jigyasa's insistence since their marriage. Aditya was his confidante and Jai trusted him implicitly but Jai could not agree with what Aditya had suggested this time. "Why not Jai? Aditya asked with arched eyebrows, no sign of his usual humour. "You have put up with Pia and her nonsense for years despite having the upper hand in the marriage. She has used you for the longest of time. It's your turn Jai, and believe me it's not as vindictive as it sounds. You won't be harming her in any way. Knowing Pia, she would only be delighted at the prospect of being Mrs. Walia for some more time, much more comfortable than being divorced with negligible chances of a hefty alimony. " Aditya couldn't help the last sardonic comment. He had disliked Pia on sight and knew it wouldn't be long before Jai regretted his choice. That was one time when Aditya would have been happy if he had been proven wrong. Jai replied caustically, his face hard with remembered anger, " I don't see any reason to prolong the divorce now Aditya. Pia has fully recovered, the doctors have allowed her to leave. Why the hell should I put up with her for a second more?" Aditya was ready with his reply, he seemed to have rehearsed it. "Because you have suffered enough at her hands Jai. You have given this company your sweat and blood. You are the undisputed right choice for the position of C.E.O. I wouldn't have asked you to tolerate Pia anymore if it hadn't been absolutely essential. Our board of directors unfortunately comprises of a bunch of hypocritical conservative stuffed shirts. If you divorce Pia, they are going to use that as an excuse to not give you the post on the basis of "your unstable personal life". Years of hard work down the drain." Aditya looked at Jai expectantly, hoping to see acquiesce. "Damnit Aditya!" Jai swore viciously. "What has my marriage got to do with my being C.E.O? I have proved my competence over and over again. What else am I supposed to do? Lick those pretentious bastards' feet?" "That won't be necessary Jai, if you use a little foresight and tolerance. Maintain the image of a devoted, very much in love couple, celebrate your wedding anniversary lavishly and just appear happy together till you are announced C.E.O. Don't give the board any reasons to deprive you of your right. Change the rules once you have the power. Until then, follow them. And you know the rule at the moment- the C.E.O has t o conduct his personal and professional life ideally. Remember-if you can't beat them, join them". The last line was added to lighten the atmosphere, but only succeeded in Aditya earning a fulminating glare from Jai. "You know Aditya, if you hadn't been my closest chum, I would have thought this was your ingenious plan to drive me insane," Jai said grudgingly with a reluctant smile. Aditya grinned broadly. "Rest assured, you do not have to worry from that quarter. You have enough on your plate with Pia, another enemy would be pushing you too far, So do I take your generous praise as your assent for my foolproof plan?" Jai closed his eyes for a moment. Physically, Pia has recovered much faster and better than anyone had dared to hope for. Her health was restored, but she was definitely

different. The doctors assured him it was a part of surviving a near death experience, but Jai wasn't convinced. Pia had become-he struggled for the right word- nice. She was polite to the doctors and nurses, did not complain while going through vigourous physical therapy even though her mounting frustration was evident. She even enquired about her room's cleaning lady's daughter's health who had malaria. Jai nearly staggered in shock when she did that. This was in total contrast with the Pia who made the doctors contemplate murder when she was admitted here for her caesarian at Sonia's birth. She always smiled at him when he came to visit her, which was as less as he could mange without looking unconcerned, and he never smiled back. That did not deter her. She would talk animatedly about her day, who visited her, the food, her progress. Her voice was soft and melodious, not shrill as before.It was soothing to listen to, though he'd never accept that. His lack of response or monosyllable replies did not discourage her. His mother Krishna, who was her strongest critic, was baffled too. Despite her efforts on the contrary, she found herself almost liking her daughter-in-law, she had confessed bewilderedly to her son. Jai did not blame her. Pia had antagonized Krishna right from the start with her brashness and disregard for everything the Walia family held dear. Krishna adored Sonia, and Pia's blatant disregard for her daughter had been the final nail in the coffin in the already non existent relationship between his wife and mother. Pia's new avatar may be a shock, but he was no fool. He had already been on that road once and had no intention of repeating the journey. "Alright", he said defeated to a beaming Aditya. "The marriage remains intact till I have that bloody position. After that, divorcing Pia is my life's aim." "Trust me Jai, you won't regret your decision." Aditya hurriedly left the room, to avoid the risk of Jai changing his mind. Jai wished he could share Aditya's optimism. Unfortunately, his track record with Pia did not support any positive feelings.

Bani was getting bored. She had been in the hospital for a month and physically speaking, had a hellish time. Being able to hold a coffee mug herself was a groundbreaking achievement initially. She had wept buckets of tears discreetly, often berating herself for her foolhardy plan. Assuming a dead beautiful and extremely disliked woman's identity was no piece of cake. Her many slips had gone totally unnoticed in the frenzy after the surgery and the doctor's eternal logic- Pia would suffer lapses of memory loss because of being hit on her hear during the crash. Bani gazed at the mirror again. Staring at the lovely reflection, she would almost not know that she had been given someone else's face. Her button nose was replaced by straight perfectly shaped one and she had higher, more prominent cheekbones now. Her skin was blemish free now, her small splatter of freckles gone, leaving her skin looking translucent and glowing now that she had a healthy diet. She thanked her stars that her ears were untouched. Pushkar often joked that he had fallen in love with her tiny earlobes before seeing the rest of her face. Earrings always looked fantastic on her

tiny earlobes. Pia's eyes had been just a little lighter than Bani's pixie green shade and this was thankfully another feature of hers which did not suffer the torturous surgery. The difference was very subtle, so thankfully nobody raised any doubts. In fact it was only the nose which was really different from her real face. But then again, it made her look like a different person altogether. Bani was twiddling her thumbs when she noticed the wedding band she wore. I t had been "returned" to her as part of the luggage recovered during the crash. It was glinting, obviously very expensive but a little gaudy for her taste. It felt dishonest to wear another woman's wedding band and steal her husband, even if it was in name only. She had no plans of loving Jai Walia in any way. Thinking of him, she recalled Sonia's visit to her the day most of her bandages had been removed…. Bani's heart had been hammering rapidly since the nurse told her Jai was bringing Sonia to visit her. She remembered the timid little doll who had looked at her with such trust as Bani saved her from being enveloped by the fire. Will she remember her? Sonia was just three years old, she wouldn't. Bani accepted that fact sadly. But she was damned if Sonia flinched at her sight as she did at Pia's. Bani smiled as Sonia entered the room, clutching Jai's hand as if her life depended it on it. Jai, although ruffling her hair, looked warily at Bani. God this Pia must have been a witch! Jai was also scared of her! An uncontrollable urge to giggle then hurt the dead woman rose in Bani so rapidly that she gasped. Sonia instantly moved towards her but withdrew, an expression of fear setting on her cherubic face. Bani felt a lump rise in her throat as Sonia sat on the far edge of Bani's bed, just staring at her. Jai was simply standing, smiling encouragingly at his daughter. Sonia hesitatingly placed a hand in her shirt's pocket and looked at Bani, unsure. Bani smiled brightly at her. "Come on sweetheart, don't you have something to give Mommy? Come here." Sonia looked on as Bani nodded at her. Jai was too baffled to say anything. He just nodded his head mechanically in Bani's direction. Sonia slowly walked towards Bani, each step increasing Bani's nervousness. When Sonia finally settled next to Bani, she handed her a piece of paper, her hands trembling. Bani gripped one tiny hand, and looked at her gift with teary eyes. It was a handmade card, with "Get well soon" written in almost illegible scrawl and in different colours. "It's lovely darling! Thank you! Did you make it youself?" Bani asked in a rush. Sonia nodded quickly, looking at Bani with glowing eyes. Bani said softly, "Mommy is not well. Won't you even hug her?" Sonia just hurled herself into Bani's arms, howling. Her tears wet Bani's shirt but she didn't mind as she soothed the scared girl. Sonia touched Bani's numerous bandages and more tears flowed. Bani assured her that she was going to be fine and come back to her very soon. All this time, Jai had been watching the exchange with his mouth open. Bani would have laughed if the situation hadn't been so emotional. As Jai took a reluctant Sonia away from Bani's embrace, she could swear she saw extreme anger in his eyes. His jaw was

set and his eyes were narrowed ominously. Without a word, he left with Sonia. Bani's reverie was broken as her "husband" entered the room. It was the day of her discharge. She fervently prayed to God to not end her successful impersonation of Pia anytime too soon. Too much was at stake. With bated breath, she watched Jai near her where she was standing at the window. Chapter 5 Bani took a deep breath and turned to greet Jai but her breath was hitched in her throat. He looked devastating. He had just taken a shower and his wet hair was carelessly slicked back. Her hands itched to mess up his controlled look. The forest green shirt he wore on black pants enhanced his dark colouring and Bani knew that his pictures in the magazines did no justice to the real man. "Hi," Bani said a little huskily. God, what was happening to her! Bani groaned inwards. She did not need a psychic to tell her that Pia was no favourite with the Walias but these people made her want to tear her hair apart with their "walking on eggshells" attitude. "Hello Pia. I hope you are feeling better. You are getting discharged today;" Jai said curtly. He had no desire to make small talk with his wife. "I suppose you don't have any packing to do, the airlines sent us whatever was retrieved. I'll just wait for you in the reception. " At that very moment, Bani sneezed loudly. She always had a tendency of falling down when she sneezed and today was no exception. The only difference was that Jai held her waist and steadied her as she was tripping. "Th-thank you," Bani stammered while looking desperately for a tissue. Jai quietly handed her his monogrammed handkerchief which she accepted without a second thought. All this time, Jai could not tear his gaze from her face. She had such a beautiful face but that had always been so. It was alluring now, much more expressive. A range of emotions- anger, despair, joy, frustration, excitement- could cross her face in a matter of seconds. And her waist was so tiny- both his hands just about spanned it. As he observed her elfish frame, he had to swallow hard. The dress she wore hung loosely on her petite figure and gave him a good glimpse of her cleavage. His heart began to race. It had been months since they had made love and they slept in separate bedrooms. Since he was what Mohan called a good fool, neither had he touched another woman. The long abstinence was showing its effects now. He was lusting after his own wife now. Bani looked in the direction of Jai's gaze and blushed a fiery red. Although Pia had been petite too, she was blessed with generous assets and was voluptuous whereas Bani always lamented that everything about her was too small, although 5'5 was a pretty good height- another thing she had in common with Pia. If Pia hadn't been such a witch, Bani would have considered the possibility of her being a long lost twin. Nooo- her parents were too nice to give birth to such a monster. Jai hurriedly let go of her, almost causing her to stumble and giving rise to her healthy temper which she had so far controlled. "I'll wait for you in the reception," Jai said stiffly and made to leave. Bani put her hand on his shoulder and snapped, "What is your problem Jai?"

Jai looked at her with eyes narrowed ominously. "My problem?" he repeated. "That is exactly what I said unless you are short of hearing as well as a coward!" Bani screamed. Jai yelled back, "What the hell do you mean by that?" Bani calmed down a little but retorted back sarcastically, "What I mean is that if you find me attractive, accept it. Don't avert your face like a little boy who made a mistake and can't bear it." Jai gave a hollow laugh, "My darling wife, the crash may have changed a lot of things but not your phenomenal conceit. If I wanted you in my bed, I would have had you there with your full cooperation months ago. Thanks for the offer but I am not interested." Bani snorted angrily, "Not interested or not offered? I can't imagine why!" The last phrase was delivered with a pitying look at his body. "That does it!" Jai snarled and snared her hair in his hands, gripping her chin in the other hand. Before Bani could even fully open her mouth to scream, his tongue swooped in. Bani immediately went limp in his arms, stunned. At first she was terrified but some instinct told her that Jai would never hurt her, at least physically, even in the midst of extreme anger. Unconsciously, her tongue dueled with his while she was filled with unknown sensations. She had never been kissed with so much passion before, even if it was fuelled by anger. Pushkar had been gentle, loving and incredibly patient with her. But not this man. He seemed to have been possessed by some demon, determined punish Bani for something. His jaw was hard, and wonderingly Bani's hand reached out to touch it, coaxing him to soften the tenor of the kiss. And it did. His lips softened, moving teasingly on hers instead of bruising, placing butterfly kisses at the corners of her mouth. He could feel her body sagging in his arms and that brought him back to reality. His eyes snapped open in disbelief as he realized who he was holding and how. Pia! Her eyes were wide open and luminous, as if it was their first kiss. Jai snorted in disgust, Pia and modesty just did not go together. Despite that angry thought, he could not ignore the hardening of his body as he heard her choppy breaths and saw her shining wet lips. With a smothered curse, he pushed her on the chair behind her and stomped out of the room. Bani slumped on the chair. Her heart was beating furiously. She felt shaken to the core. She had been shocked when Jai began kissing her, but did not want him to stop once he started. Oh God what was she thinking of! She had understood from Jai's behavior that he and Pia no longer shared marital intimacies so had considered herself safe on that account. But this? Bani grimaced at the irony of the situation. She had received the most passionate kiss of her life at the age of 27, from a man who mistakenly assumed she was the wife he detested, and he had kissed her in anger! Touching her throbbing lips gingerly, Bani remembered the feel of his lips on hers. It had felt heavenly but it was wrong. She had accepted Pushkar's death and hoped that one day she would feel the same love for another man and have the marriage she dreamt of. But Jai was not that man.Even if he hated Pia and wouldn't touch her, he hadn't touched Bani either. Bani groaned in frustration, she was going to reach the mental asylum faster than the Walia mansion if this Bani-Pia confusion didn't end very soon. She wanted to shout out that she was Bani everytime anyone called her by that dreaded witch's name, that too with such carefully controlled distaste. Bani thought hard and eureka! The solution was so simple that Bani let out a small chuckle at her slowness. Smiling victoriously, she gathered her handbag and left the room. Not only Jai Walia, the whole world would call her Bani!

The drive home was silent. Jai was coldly silent, refusing to acknowledge her presence whereas Bani made herself comfortable in the luxurious car. This sleek Ferrari was a far cry from her ancient Fiat, although she was planning to buy a new car. The car suited him to a T. Powerful, immaculate, in and out of control as you please- just like the owner. Bani sighed pensively. This drama was an emotional roller coaster. One moment it was exciting, fooling everyone. Then it would be touching when Sonia would sneak in to visit her despite Krishna's disapproval. Frustrating as everyone disliked her for someone else's deeds. And of course, maddening as her "husband" kept her at an arm's length like a contaminated object. Hearing her sigh again, Jai looked at irritated and snapped at her. "Stop making those stupid sounds!" "Those are sighs Mr. High and Mighty. And why should I?" Bani retorted with her nose high in the air. "Because it's my car!" Jai said smugly. "It's my mouth", Bani said in a simpering sweet voice. "I can think of much better things to do with it," Jai said without thinking. There was heavy silence in the car after that statement. Jai mentally kicked himself for his comment. That was so out of character for him- flirtatious arguments with Pia had been rare and a thing of the distant past. She was blushing like a school girl at the moment. Jai shook his head in disgust. He could not understand how she could conjure blushes at the drop of a hat. He had never seen her blush in four years of marriage. Bani's cheeks were flaming hot. She had never been good at flirting and it used to give Pushkar a high making her blush at his will. But Jai obviously had not expected her to blush. The impression she had of Pia was sufficient to tell her that the witch was devil reincarnated. Jai stopped the car in front of a gigantic mansion. Bani gasped. Her flat would easily fit here at least two hundred times. It was gorgeous, a classic combination of casual yet elegant. It was designed ranch style, a red brick structure with slanting roof of green terracotta tiles. There was an Olympic size swimming pool next to the garden, which was another world altogether. There was a splatter of roses, lilies, sunflowers, gladiolas, apple blossoms, blue bells etc. An ardent believer of the language of flowers, Bani observed the garden with barely concealed interest. Beech for prosperity, ash tree for grandeur definitely were great choices. She stifled a laugh as she saw barberry for ill temper."Did you plant the barberries Jai?" Bani asked with a smile. She had a beautiful smile, warm and genuine. Jai was too startled to be sarcastic and replied quietly, "Mom planted all the flowers." Bani frowned as she saw the carnations for disdain and felt her heartbeat stop as she saw bilberry for treachery. She was getting paranoid- now she expected flowers with negative meanings to attack Jai! She shook herself firmly. She needed her wits about to write her article and protect Jai. Concentrating on the gorgeous flowers, she decided what she would plant as she was an avid gardener herself. Carolina roses were her favourite- but they were for "love is dangerous"! Or crocus- but that was for "I am his", or blue violets for faithfulness. Ahan altheas! But those represented "dying for love"! Oh God, why was she thinking of love, that too with this man! Falling for Jai would be fighting a losing battle. He hated Pia-that reminded Bani of her task! Jai was moving towards the entrance when Bani took his name timidly, "Jai?" He looked at her warily, "Yes Pia?" Bani crossed her fingers behind her back as she lied through her teeth, "At the hospital, I thought a lot of my past behavior and I thought I needed some soul searching. I called an astrologer, Mr. A.D." Forgive me Sir for using your name, Bani thought fervently as she saw Jai's uninterested expression. "He suggested I

uh change my name so um… my horoscope changes for the better," Bani faltered seeing the sneer forming on Jai's face. Straight faced, he asked, "What name did your Mr. A.D suggest to accomplish this rather impossible feat?" Bani fingered with the collar of her dress. "Bani", she replied softly. Jai felt a sudden tightening in his chest as he heard the name. "Bani?" he said softly and Bani felt tingly all over as he said her name. Her name, not Pia's. His next statement knocked the breath out of her. "Isn't she the passenger seated next to you and Sonia who didn't survive?" "Y-yes", Bani stammered. Confirming her own death? Oh God, what else was expected of her? Jai resumed his stoical expression. "Do whatever you please PI-" "Bani !" she interrupted. Jai looked at her icily before continuing, "Whatever …Bani. Don't you think that it's a bit late for miracles. You are still the same person, and nothing changes the past. Our equation remains the same. Act the good wife for some more time till I become the C.E.O. After that we will get the divorce and I'll give you your lovely alimony. Stay out of my way till then." "Your honesty is so refreshing Jai. You certainly don't mince words," Bani said in a saccharine sweet tone that didn't deceive Jai for a moment. Jai rolled his eyes and had to bite back a laugh under the pretext of a laugh. Pia-no Bani- had never been much of a conversationalist. Before marriage, she agreed blindly with whatever he said and after marrying and Sonia, they barely talked. If they did, it escalated to a showdown. But with Bani, he didn't feel angry. Their exchanges in a single day left him feeling…… invigorated, actually looking forward to their arguments. She was saucy , infuriating and different! Reminding himself of all the reasons why he hated this woman, Jai firmly took hold of her elbow and propelled her towards the door. The faade of a happy marriage begins. Chapter 6 Bani was wondering why committing suicide was a sin. Seriously-if you push someone towards it, why should the poor person be blamed? And if there were more people like the Walias in the world, the suicide rate was going to soar. Ever since Bani and Jai entered the house, the atmosphere was highly charged. Each word was weighed carefully, spoken slowly and each time Bani resisted the urge to kill someone. Krishna talked to her in clipped tones and Uday Walia, her "father-in-law" hurriedly asked about her health before leaving for the office. Ranveer was visibly uncomfortable while talking to her and kept on darting looks at Roshni who was looking at Bani icily behind her back. He looked visibly relieved when dinner was announced. Bani didn't care about all these people but Sonia mattered. When Bani opened her arms to hug her, Sonia looked at her fearfully and rant into Krishna' arms, who smiled at Bani triumphantly while patting Sonia's back. Bani suddenly felt her eyes tearing and rubbed them quickly, not noticing Jai watching her circumspectly but not angrily. To her relief, she was more or less ignored at the dinner table as everyone discussed the upcoming announcement of the new C.E.O. "So Jai, when are we getting a party for your victory?" asked Roshni mischievously. Jai grimaced, "Don't bet on it Roshni, those stuffed shirts will do everything in their power to see the last of me." Krishna visibly blanched as he said that and snapped, "Think carefully before you talk Jai! How many times am I to tell you that now? You are thirty- two years old. You have a daughter but.."

Grinning at Jai, his father put a pacifying hand on her shoulder and said, "Relax dear, Jai did not mean it literally. You'll see our son will come laughing after the announcement is made." Straight faced Ranveer quipped, " Hysterical or happy laughter dad?" Seeing everyone barring Sonia glaring at him, he turned red and muttered "Sorry, bad joke" under his breath. Bani watched the exchange with fascination. The only child of doting parents, she never had siblings to banter with and not many relatives either. Her belief of wealthy families being distant and pretentious also seemed pretty half baked at the moment. This discussion would provide good insight for her article, Bani thought decisively. No need to get emotionally involved with anyone in this family. The Irish stew Bani was eating was scrumptious and she wanted to ask the recipe, but couldn't as it would probably cause Krishna a heart attack. Sonia reached for a fork and her elbow knocked down the glass of orange juice on her side, drenching Sonia's sunflower yellow frock and spilling on Bani's plate. There was a sudden hush on the table. Bani made an irritated sound and sought for napkins when she heard Jigyasa's daughter Anu snicker, "Now the brat's in for it!" Bani turned sharply to look at her. At sixteen, Anu showed the signs of promising beauty but her manners left a lot to be desired. The constant bored air and petulant pout she sported irritated Bani but she kept her cool. She could deal with her later. She shifted her attention to Sonia. Bani felt her stomach turn as she saw Sonia's tearful expression. Her lips were trembling and her hands were shaking. She shot a desperate look towards Krishna who immediately tried to get up but stopped at Uday's restaining hand. Jai's hands clenched as he controlled the urge not to get up and cradle Sonia. He always tried to avoid confrontations with his wife when Sonia was around, he did not want her to be a witness to warring parents. But if Pia- oh God Bani- said anything to hurt his baby, he wouldn't take it lying down. Waiting for things to improve had already hurt Sonia enough. As Sonia looked at Bani fearfully, Bani looked at Sonia's drenched frock with mock hurt. "Oh dear Sonia, this colour combination just doesn't gel sweetie. We'll have to change." Ranveer spilled his water in open mouthed shock while Jai's grip on his glass relaxed. Krishna looked like she was in need of air and Anu looked disappointed. Bani thanked her stars that Jigyasa and Aditya were out on a business dinner. She didn't want more audience and the little she had seen of her "sister-in-law", Bani knew she could do well without her. Jigyasa Bali was a tough nut to crack. "Can I wear my pink dress Mommy?" Sonia asked in a small voice. Bani patted her cheek lightly shaking her head. "It's time for wearing a night suit Sonia. What about your pink pajamas?" Bani crossed her fingers under the table. Please God, let her have pink pajamas, all girls do! Sonia nodded happily and let Bani carry her to her bedroom, leaving behind a stunned audience. Roshni was grinning in shock while wiping Ranveer's soggy shirt. "Well well, we just witnessed the closest thing to a miracle!" She looked expectantly at Jai who sat stony faced for a while before storming off. "Sonia!" Bani laughed as the little girl splashed soapy water on her. Bani had made a bubble bath for Sonia who was enjoying it to the fullest. She angled her head obediently as Bani began shampooing her hair, feeling very mushy. How she would love to have a child just like Sonia! Sonia' hair was not brown like Pia's, but jet black just like her father's. She was an adorable elf- green eyes, black hair, pink cheeks! Bani' s brown

hair was streaked with golden highlights due to many hours under the sun as a professional journalist and amateur photographer, but it seemed so was Pia's since nobody raised any questions. "Daddy!" Sonia squealed happily as Bani was washing her hair. Bani froze as she saw Jai getting closer but squaring her shoulders, she resumed the task. She wasn't scared of Jai! "What's my favourite girl doing?" Jai asked Sonia with a fond smile at Sonia. Bani looked at him resentfully. Will it kill his muscles to smile at her too? All he did was throw murderous scowls in her direction whenever their gazes locked. Sonia pointed excitedly at the bubbles. "Mommy gave me a bubble bath! Isn't she nice?" Jai could not ignore the appeal in Sonia's bi green eyes and agreed with obvious reluctance. "Yeah, that's ….very…nice of Mommy." God, thought Bani sarcastically. Any more of these pained expressions and Jai wouldn't need to make up one. She'll make sure it becomes a permanent part of his handsome features. "There Sonia, you are done", Bani announced and started looking for a towel. Before she could, Jai came up with a pink fluffy towel and after drying a giggling Sonia, he wrapped her in it and carried her out of the tub with what Bani thought was an extremely tender, goofy expression. Her eyes smarted as she felt teary again. It was so obvious that Jai totally loved his daughter. His family adored him too. So who was trying to destroy him? Who was she to try to play James Bond and manipulate Sonia's tender feelings? Soni was malleable as far sher mother was concerned.Wouldn't that make her as low as the plotter she wanted to reveal? Her reverie was broken at Jai's impatient, "Do you mind coming? Sonia wants you to choose her night suit." Bani smiled as a childish thought entered her hyperactive mind, "Are you jealous Jai?" Bani asked with mock sweetness. Jai looked at her angrily. He was about to retort when Sonia's plaintive cry reached them. "Mommy Daddy it's cold!" "I'll deal with you later", Jai promised through clenched teeth. "Ooh I am shivering in my shoes!" Bani said with her eyes rolled. Jai shot her one last disdainful look before storming out of the bathroom with Bani showing her tongue behind his back. Jai was tickling Sonia when Bani got out the room. Resolving firmly to not let Jai Walia get under her skin, Bani walked towards the chest of drawers next to Sonia's to take out the night suit. "Bani, Sonia's night suits are in the closet", Jai called out behind her. Shocked Bani stopped waqlking but regained her composure with alacrity . Flashing him an arrogant smile, Bani said, "I know that Jai. I was getting the blow dryer and Sonia's comb. She can't sleep with wet hair." Jai simply grunted in response and resumed rubbing Sonia's hair dry. Bani sighed with relief- her first real slip! Bani helped Sonia wear her pajamas while Jai tackled the shirt. It was no easy task dressing an active three year old who was determined to be of no help. But Bani didn't mind. Sonia's reactions to her mother were extreme- either fear or adoration, there was no balancing point. Bani knew this wasn't healthy, but she had to win Sonia's confidence before trying to stabilize her emotions. Bani closed her eyes in resignation. Separating her emotions from this job was not possible. A few hours here were enough to tall her that much. But she will not extend her emotions to anyone but Sonia. Definitely not Jai. Bani finished drying Sonia's hair while Jai turned off the light, but leaving the lamp on. Ignoring Bani's questioning look, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Sonia's forehead whispering, "Goodnight sweetheart. Sleep well. Remember, Daddy's in the next room- he won't let any harm come on you," Jai's voice was gruff as he said that.

Her voice shaking a bit, Bani simply whispered 'Goodnight" while smoothing Sonia' s hair on the pillow. To her complete surprise, Sonia threw her arms around Bani's neck and said softly, "I love you Mommy!" Too choked to reply, Bani just hugged her tightly and rocked her till she was asleep. As soon as Bani tucked her in, she was shocked out of her wits as Jai fiercely pulled her from the bed and dragged her till what she presumed was Pia's bedroom. "What the hell Jai!" Bani questioned angrily as she rubbed her sore arm. Jai was breathing heavily, controlling the urge to snap her neck. "Get this straight Bani"- he hated the fact that her new name came so easily on his tongue-" Whatever your master plan is, keep my daughter out of it. You've never given two hoots about her so spare us all this belated good mother act. Sonia' emotions may be a game for you, but not for me. " Bani stared at him defiantly, though there was a strange ache in her heart. "Has it occurred to you that she is my daughter too?" Jai gave a hollow laugh. "That's some years too late isn't it Bani? If you had touched or looked at her so lovingly before, we wouldn't be in this situation. The crash causes her awful nightmares, Sonia hasn't been herself lately so don't make it any worse!! "I was also in that crash Mr. Walia- and I suffered in more ways than you can imagine!" Bani screamed and made no effort to stop the flow of angry tears. Jai rubbed his neck wearily and averted his gaze. He couldn't- no wait- he didn't want to see her crying. "Look Bani I am sorry. You suffered too and I am grateful for you saving Sonia. But all aside, you know the score. Our situation is hopeless so lets just keep out of each other's way till the announcement and our divorce." Bani just glared at him angrily and slammed the door angrily as soon s he got out. All the while, they hadn't noticed a figure lurking in the shadows, looking thoughtful and not very pleased. Chapter 7 Bani stretched lazily on the luxurious bed. Ah, this felt like heaven after the not so comfortable hospital bed. She squinted her eyes open only to shut them as soon as the piercing sunlight touched them. Smiling sleepily, she reached for her cell phone but couldn't locate it. Grumbling, she opened her eyes and wished she hadn't. With a muffled groan and a loud curse, Bani buried her face in the fluffy pillow. The events of the past few turbulent weeks flashed in front of her eyes like a movie going too fast. Exhaling resignedly, Bani tried to plan her day. She could take Sonia to the park she saw on the way to the house yesterday. Sonia badly needed company of kids her own age- the morbid atmosphere at home was not at all conducive for a growing child. Then she would go shop for a completely new wardrobe. Any more of Pia's gravity defying cleavages and Bani would have a fit. If Rano saw the rather conservatively dressed Bani in Pia's pathetic excuse for clothes, she'd never stop laughing! Rano! Bani sat up on the bed with a start. Rano would have gone hysterical with grief by now. Both girls had been thicker than thieves throughout school and being neighbours added icing to the cake. Their paths changed when Bani got a full scholarship for her bachelors in journalism at Oxford, where she met and fell in love with Pushkar. Rano on the other hand went on to specialize in child psychology at Stanford after her bachelors and then bagged a lucrative job in Chicago. Fiery as a firecracker and soft as butter

when required, Rano fit the job to T. The last time they had met three years ago in Chicago with Bani still unable to come to terms with Pushkar's untimely demise. Rano had done her best to convince Bani to move on but it fell to deaf ears at that time. Right now though, Bani was contemplating between a phone call or a letter to contact Rano. Deciding that a call was too risky, she opted for a letter. Once Rano recovered from some terrible shock, Bani was sure she'd fly straight to this city to personally murder Bani this time. Once Bani convinced Rano not to kill her, she'd take an appointment for Sonia. The nightmares and submissive personality will have to leave my daughter, Bani thought fiercely and didn't ignore her feelings. She knew she had been more of a mother to the girl in two days than Pia had ever been. Composing herself, she wrote the letter and sealed it neatly in an envelope. Rereading it, Bani knew it was brief to the point of rude but she didn't want to scare Rano more than what she'll undoubtedly be after reading it. Hiding the letter under her bed, Bani went to take a cool shower. Bani got out of the bathroom after half an hour, muttering angrily. There were too many damn buttons in the tub and it took her ten minutes to finally locate the correct one. Squeezing the water out of her thoroughly wet hair, Bani cursed Pia loudly for her figure and outrageous clothes. As she fumbled with the extensive but useless wardrobe, Bani didn't hear the insistent knocks on the door. Jai tapped his foot impatiently. He needed to lay the ground rules with his soon to be ex wife. No need to act cosy with the family especially Sonia, just act the perfect wife in public. Jai spent an awful night having harrowing nightmares where Sonia was sobbing and simultaneously blaming him for her mother hating her. Jai was not going to let that woman entertain herself at the expense of his daughter's tender emotions. Jai had since long ceased to think of Pia as Sonia's mother but that was the only word that came to mind when he thought of Bani. Damn that woman for making him going through this roller coaster of emotions. He wasn't the obvious choice for C.E.O. for nothing. Bani can fool the world but not him with her act. With that resolve firm in his mind, Jai pushed open the door and then stopped short. Bani jumped out of her skin an d stumbled as the door burst open. Jai was looking at her as if in a trance, unable to look away. His Adam's apple was moving convulsively and she could see the rapid movement of chest. Wrapped in a lavender towel that did not reach her knees, Bani looked delectable. Her slender legs seemed endless and her shapely hands clutched towel with all her might. Wisps of damp hair clung to her face but she didn't dare move. Her eyes were unusually bright and seeing her bite her full lips uncertainly brought X-rated thoughts in his already drugged mind. That was enough to startle him out of his wayward thoughts. Disgusted with himself, he took a step back. Bani knew the exact moment he remembered who she was, rather who he though she was, by the expression darkening his face. Bani gave him a good glare and gripped the towel more firmly. Before Jai could open his mouth, Bani did. With as much haughtiness as she could muster, she said, 'Why the hell haven't you bought me any decent clothes Jai Walia?' Stunned, Jai forgot what he came here to say. In a bewildered tone, he said, 'Excuse me?' Bani glared at him malevolently. 'Don't act innocent with me. Are these clothes for a woman or a Barbie doll? They are so tight that I contemplate using an oxygen mask.

And the length of these dresses- why bother wearing them at all? They barely cover my bare essentials!' Jai's expression had regained its iciness. 'I remember saying the same thing when you came with this crappy wardrobe- more civilly, but the same gist. Now it doesn't matter, you've done your own thing for far too long to hurt me now.' Bani snapped angrily, ' Have you always been unbalanced or is it just me who brings out the worst in you? You manage to bark orders at me when we are on the verge of divorce and I am capable of ruining your dreams with the minimum of effort. Yet you didn't have the guts to control me when I was truly your wife. What kind of man are you?' Jai had looked at her menacingly throughout her outburst. Now he took slow steps towards her, his gaze fixed and unflinching on her pale face. Bani kept a brave front till he was too near. She nervously backed into the wall behind her till her back touched it. Jai stopped till their faces were only a breath away. Keeping his hands on her shoulders in a grip which was just short of being cruel, he began in a voice which was low yet reverberating with terrible anger: 'I am the kind of man who wooed you with flowers, chocolates and poetry despite being told by many well wishers that a blank cheque would be enough. I am the man who married you after knowing you for a few weeks, ignoring the wishes of those people I had known for years. I am the man who risked a ready made future and relations to be with you. I am the man who was always caught in the conflicts between you and all those who mattered to me. I am the man who helplessly watched you become a woman I didn't know and couldn't love. I am the man who begged you on my knees to tell me what was wrong, but you only laughed. I am the man who threatened to kill you if you aborted my child. I am the man who has ben both father and mother to our child since the day she was born. I am the man who still hoped for a future together until you infidelities became too many to ignore as rumours. I am the man who'll never fall in love again, least of all with you. You were not the only one to change ; I am no longer the lovesick fool who expected love to bring back the illusion he had loved.' Breathing harshly, he looked at her. Bani had listed to Jai mutely all this time, too transfixed to move. Unable to tear her gaze away from his compelling black depths, she kept on staring. Hearing him recount his mockery of a marriage made her heart ache and guilt suffuse, as if she was prolonging his misery. Her throat felt unbearably dry. She wanted to say something, to reach out to him but just couldn't. Seeing her pained expression, Jai abruptly left her shoulders and winced seeing the imprints of his hands, but made no comment. In a carefully controlled voice, Jai continued, 'As my wife, you are expected to accompany to company events and anywhere where the media is expected. We have to look like a couple in love- the news that our marriage is on the rocks has been circulating for months now and we need to quash it. Our anniversary is on Saturday and Adi has planned something he says will kill all rumours. Just cooperate Bani, as a last favour. I know this is hypocrisy of the highest order, but this is beyond my control. A lot of people have worked hard to make our company reach the pinnacle of success and our counting on me to continue this. " As Bani nooded wordlessly, Jai added, 'You don't need to extend this act to Sonia.' Seeing Bani ready to protest, he cut her sharply. 'For God's sake Bani! You haven't shown your own daughter a glimmer of compassion all her life and now you are suddenly filled with overwhelming love for her? Please. Sonia is young, she'll forget this

time eventually but it will be too difficult if you persist in making her dependant on you. We've learned to live without Pia easily; we can't afford to love Bani.' Trembling, Bani whispered, 'Why are you so convinced this is all an act Jai? What have I done to shatter your trust like this? Do you have any proof that I was unfaithful?' Jai wanted to answer that question but couldn't. All of Pia's acts, he had seen with his own eyes- her rudeness, lack of compassion, flirtations, disregard for everything that mattered to him. Yet he never had any concrete proof of an affair. He had considered hiring a private detective but couldn't stoop so low. His various acquaintances cited seeing Pia with different men in a number of posh restaurants. Eventually the coincidences and frequent absences from home were too blatant to ignore. In any case, their marital life had never been happy. It had been Pia's mission from day 1 to give him as much unhappiness as possible. She succeeded with flying colours. It wasn't a single incident that destroyed their marriage; it was a deteriorating journey from the start. And now, this woman in front of him bore no resemblance to the woman he despised. Even physically, she was different- slimmer, brighter eyes and he had never noticed her ears before today- so tiny that he had this uncontrollable urge to nuzzle her there. Emotionally, she was unrecognizable- witty, perky, loving, blunt. If he wasn't careful, he might fall in love with his wife all over again, much stronger more irrevocably than last time. He couldn't afford that. 'Forget the past Bani, ' he said curtly. 'Our concern is the party, where the whole board will be present, waiting for a single goof- up. I hope you'll not let me down.' Without looking back, he left the room. Bani locked the door and collapsed on the carpeted floor. Raising her gaze, she saw it- a message for her scrawled on the mirror with her own lipstick tube. Jai and she were too immersed in their heated conversation to notice it. Anyway, Jai had his back to the mirror and couldn't have noticed it. She did now. Heart in her throat, she read it. 'Great act Pia. But cut it out. Get the bloody divorce and humiliate Jai till he won't know where to hide his face. I'll carry out my plan from there.' Bani fell on the bed and burst out crying. In Chicago, Rano Kapoor was reading a letter and her expression was getting more horrified by the second. It read: 'Dear Rano, This is not a prank so don't you dare ignore it. I didn't die in that crash- the woman next to me i.e. Pia Walia, industrialist Jai Walia's wife did. She has been buried under my name and I have been given her face by plastic surgery. Our identities were mistaken, I was pretty much burnt and Sonia had been holding my locket. Oh and Pia resembled me a lot, except she's an arrogant bitch which you know I am not. Anyway, the point is, I need to see you. I have written the address and residence number at the bottom of the letter. Please come here at the earliest flight possible. You know this is my handwriting. I almost forgot, I am here as Jai's soon to be ex wife Pia but I managed to make everyone call me Bani. So you won't have to be worried about confusing my name! See you soon. Love Bani." Rano read the letter again. Then she fainted. Chapter 8

Bani played with her food. She normally loved pasta and the one she was eating was probably the most delicious she had ever tasted, but Bani was oblivious to that. There was a film of perspiration on her upper lip, and her hands were not quite steady as she reached for her glass. She had asked Rano to email her reply and Bani received it three days after she had sent the letter. Jai had looked at her strangely when she had asked for the internet's password and looked vaguely amused when she muttered wanting to check the reviews for "Bachna Ae Haseeno". "Ranbir Kapoor is very talented and good looking Jai," she said hotly. Quirking an eyebrow, he said, "Mighty brave too, handling three women. For us mere mortals, one is enough to handle. " Bani shot him a hateful look before storming out of the room, leaving Jai feeling oddly light hearted. Back to the present, Bani just could not feel light. Rano was not a person to cross with and Bani was terrified of her reaction. Her reply was terse and brief-"If this is a joke, I am going to make sure you concoct all your future stories in a mental asylum, whoever you are. If this is true, Bani Dixit, you are going to regret surviving the crash and putting me through hell. I have booked a flight to your said city for tonight and will meet you at the restaurant you stated i.e. Gunsmoke at two o'clock the next day." After five more minutes of torturous waiting, Bani saw the partition of the private dining area she had reserved open and Rano enter. Dressed in her favourire gypsy black and a flaring red blouse, Rano looked ready for battle . Upon seeing Bani, hope and disbelief clashed on her overly expressive face and Bano could not stop the tears from seeping out. Rano knew this was Bani- there was no mistaking those eyes Rano always wished she had. As Bani raised her hand to wave, Rano saw the unmistakable proofBani always wore her watch on her right hand, defying convention and ignoring teasing. Rano sprinted towards Bani and nearly knocked her down with the fierceness of her hug. Both girls were crying and talking simultaneously, and were not making any sense. Finally, Bani pushed Rano away lightly and forced her to sit. Rano jerkily sat down and launched a barrage of questions. "What is happening Bani? I had to identify your body damnit! Your chain was found next to it and given to me because of its sentimental value! People in tour office are still mourning and your A.D. sir? That man organizes your memorial service every two weeks! He loved you like a daughter Bani." Seeing Bani sob now, Rano paused for a while and gruffly patted Bani's hand, but she was in no way finished. "Why did you get this new face Bani? Another woman's face? I know you always complained about your nose but this is the giddy limit! You don't look much different either," Rano said harshly, too upset to think clearly. She was incensed to see Bani laughing through her tears whereas her heartbeat was yet to return to normal. Bani let out a loud burst of incredulous laughter but sobered up looking at an irate Rano. "I may be dramatic Rano, but even I have some limitations. Believe me, if I could turn back the clock, I would. She proceeded to tell Rano the whole story- saving Sonia, her injuries, inability to speak or move, futile attempts to do so anyway, the mysterious person, the Walia family. Rano's eyes were popping out by the time Bani finished recounting her experiences. " Bani this is crazy. You can't act as his bodyguard- go tell the police, they'll protect him. " Bani smiled sarcastically, "You don't think it occurred to me? What proof will I give? Someone told me of his or her plans to destroy Ji when I was heavily sedated? That I

don't even know if that person is male or female, let alone recognize the person? Noone will buy that." Rano looked ready to explode. "Is your husband… I mean Jai Walia senile? Can't he tell the difference between his wife and just any other woman?" Bani felt the blood rush to her face as Rano accidentally addressed Jai as her husband but ignoring that, rushed to Jai's defence. "How likely is it for a man to meet a woman who looks just like his deceased wide, and oh, he doesn't know she's dead? The difference in our figures is attributed to weight loss after the surgery. As for the complete personality change, all the Walias except Jai believe it's a post trauma reaction whereas Jai is convinced that this is "Pia's" plot to get into his good books now that he is the sure shot choice for C.E.O. It's too obvious that Jai and Pia had not been intimate for quite some time- we have separate rooms- so my "husband" hasn't had the opportunity to examine me in detail!" Bani looked convinced with her explanations but Rano was skeptical. "O.K. today he doesn't want to touch you but tomorrow? From how you have described your interactions, the chemistry is palpable. He is intrigued and don't forget, however much he hates Pia now, he did think he loved her at a point. You are rekindling the flames. Bani you lost Pushkar almost five years ago- you deserve to move on. He was a gem of a guy, and he loved you. I would be the happiest in the world whjen you fall in love again but this is not right." Bani looked at her uneasily before mumbling, "I never said I love Jai." Rano narrowed her eyes shrewdly. "But you are falling for him Bani. Hard. And it will be more difficult to recover from this fall. What do you think he'll do on discovering the truth? Believe that you did it for his and Sonia's sakes and welcome you with open arms? No my dear. He'll believe what anyone would- that you did this all for a sensational scoop and have you thrown in prison faster than you can say wait!'' Bani was looking more and more troubled by the second but she looked at Rano with firm resolution. "I've taken the plunge Rano. It's too late to turn back. The truth will unravel one day, but I'll know everything by then. Jai will know that whatever my original motives were, his safety was the only thing that mattered in the end." Seeing Rano's unhappy expression, Bani added with a mischievous grin, "In any case, I've thought of a back up story- I had amnesia and didn't remember anything till I was caught!" Rano couldn't bite back a snort of laughter at that and temporarily gave up so they could eat the very appetizing looking club sandwiched laid in front of them. A psychological therapy session at the clinic always left her feeling exhausted, but Bani's tale left her feeling ravenous as well. As she commented on this and ordered more sandwiches, Bani swallowed her bite quickly. "I almost forgot, I need to set up an appointment for Sonia. She has these recurring nightmares about the crash and her personality is too…. suppressed. Pia scared her and her grandmother mollycoddles her too much. She needs help Rano." Rano listened in detail and agreed to see Sonia the following week. As both friends got out of the restaurant laughing, Bani's heart did a dangerous somersault as she saw Jai and Ranveer walking towards them. They stopped just in front of the two females and there was an uneasily silence for a few seconds which was broken by Ranveer's hesitant, "Fancy seeing you here Bani! Won't you 8ntroduce us to your friend?" Bani smiled tremulously and said a little shyly, "This is Rano, my best friend who lives in Chicago. Rano this is my husband Jai, and brother-in-law Ranveer."

Jai had maintained a stoical silence but upon the introductions, felt something warm travel all over him. Bestowing a friendly smile on Rano, he said, "Did you attend our wedding- I am sorry, I think I've seen you but in some other capacity." Rano frowned uncertainly when Bani exclaimed, "Of course you have. Rano is a popular child psychologist and often comes on those boring T.V. shows no one watches!" Rano mock punched Bani in the stomach and Bani laughed and gasped as she was about to trip over the pavement, but a pair if strong hands steadied her. "Are you O.K? Jai asked in a concerned voice. Bani nodded quickly, not trusting her voice and dying to kill Rano and Ranveer for their knowing smirks. Jai let go off Bani as soon as she stood steady on her feet. Looking at Rano, he said, "You didn't come to our wedding, but I hope you'll come to our anniversary party. It's on Saturday at 7 .m. at my hotel." Rano looked uneasily at a delighted Bani, who mouthed a yes so Rano smiled and nodded her acceptance. All this time, Ranveer had been observing the whole exchange with interest but what worried her was that his gaze lingered longer on Rano's face than it was necessary. Bani knew Ranveer was a good man and totally besotted with his wife Roshni, who in turn guarded him from Bani. Bani recalled her confrontation with Ranveer the previous day. Bani had been sitting idly all day and was bored out of her mind. Seeing Ranveer walk by, Bani approached him with the idea of asking him to drive Sonia and her to the park. "Ranveer !" she called out and got up. Ranveer stiffened and looked at her warily, "Yes Bani?" Frowning at his tone, Bani was about to answer when Roshni stormed in, shooting Bani a malevolent glare. "So you're up to your tricks again Pia? Oh don't give me that wide eyed look or that I-am-Bani lecture! Why don't you leave my husband and concentrate on your own? I thought you had changed but no you are still the same money hungry man eater- but keep your hands off Ranveer!" Giving a bitter cry, she ran out of the room, leaving a defeated looking Ranveer who glared at Bani. "Got what you wanted? Satisfied ?" he snapped. Bani lost her cool. "What the hell is wrong with this family, treating me like a leper? What did I do in the past that everyone hates the sight of me? Jai can't stand the sight of me, Sonia needs her granny's approval before coming with me, Roshni treats me like a the lowest of the low and you jump whwnever I am in the vicinity, like I am about to pounce on you!" Ranveer looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Can you blame anyone for theie behavior Bani? You alienated everyone from yourself- you seemed to revel in making our lives miserable. You didn't give two hoots about your marriage, you did your best to destroy mine as well." Bani gasped audibly and Ranveer saw her whiten visibly. She swayed unsteadily on her feet and Ranveer instinctively grabbed her elbow. She looked at him with dawning horror. "Did I try to seduce you?" she asked in a barely audible whisper. Ranveer looked at her sharply and said with emphasis, "Unsuccessfully." Bani looked at him with hanted eyes, "Why did I do that? I have Jai and Sonia. Why would I risk my married lifein this way, with my own husband's brother? You must be mistaken Ranveer!" She looked at him appealingly but he remained grim. "A man can mistake gestures and signals, but it is pretty clear what a woman wants when she throws herself at a man. And your record is quite wide spread- I am not the only one you tried your charms on. You should be glad Jai does not know about the stunts you pulled on me, he would have kicked you out without a thought. He's only

aware of your not so subtle flirtations with any other man you laid eyes on. That caused him enough misery as it is. " Bani sank back on the sofa. Ranveer looked at her confused. As much as he had avoided Pia in the past, Bani seemed like another woman. Someone very easy to like in normal circumstances, but with her past record, it was impossible. He cleared his throat and looked at the agitated woman in front of him. She wasn't begging for forgiveness or claiming that he misunderstood her intentions. She was looking distraught… but also blank! Looking at her, it seemed as if she had no recollection of her past life! Carefully, keeping his tone neutral, he asked, "Did you hit your head during the crash?" Bani looked at him angrily and snapped "Yes". He continued as if he hadn't heard her. "You act like you have amnesia. It's hard to associate you with the woman you were Bani. I would be very happy if this change is real and permanent, and let bygones be bygones. IF you are genuinely sorry for the past, I wish you all the luck in redeeming yourself in everyone's eyes. I hope everything turns out for the best." With that he turned and left abruptly, unsures of how to deal with this stranger in front of him. Ranveer gave Bani a conscious smile and asked Rano where she was staying. On her reply, he said, "In that case, you have bagged a free ride. I am going to the same hotel for a meeting. I'll drop you." Rano looked at Jai and Bani uncertainly when Jai laughed lightly saying, "Don't worry Rano. He is a married man and his wife doesn't let him out of her sight. You are more than safe." Ranveer looked at Jai in mock embarrassment while Rano chuckled and hugged Bani goodbye. As they left, Bani was looking at the ground when Jai said, "We have to collect your sari from the boutique. It's ready with the altered measurements you gave." Bani nodded, relieved that the ordeal of wearing Pia's clothes was over. The journey to the boutique was in silence from both parties, but the radio playing at Bani's insistence. For some reason, both were unable to talk. It was the night of the party. Bani cursed the designer for the millionth time. There were way too many criss cross doris for her to handle. It was a stunning creation no doubt, but it was too complicated. Deep red, it was just the shade of the wedding dress she had worn when getting married to Pushkar. I t had black sequined work on the corners, adding a sparkle to the otherwise simple dress. The blouse was halter style and the whole outfit complimented her figure beautifully. She had fun doing her eye make up, creating a very dramatic smoky effect with dark kohl and blended eye shadows of mainly grey and silver and a very light red. Sighing she resumed her task. Hearing Jai's impatient knock, she just shouted "come in". Jai was dressed in a crisp black salwar kameez and a red stole around his neck. He wasn't fond of traditional wear but Aditya had insisted on the couple wearing red so Jai compromised. There was no way he'd wear a red suit or shirt. But Bani in red was a vision. It highlighted her ample curves and fair colouring. He had never seen her this beautiful before, even before marriage. Seeing her stiffen and shield her back from his vision, he understood her dilemma. Without saying a word, he turned her around and his nimble fingers dealt with the strings deftly. His touch made Bani tremble and she withdrew on the pretext of checking her final reflection. Jai released her and offered her his hand as they left the hotel room. Nervously, she accepted it.

There was thundering applause as the descended down the stairs. Bani gripped Jai's hand tightly and he squeezed her fingers reassuringly, unconscious of the cameras flashing in their direction. Bani smiled gratefully and he blinked at the brilliance of it. They were receiving bouquets and congratulations on the stage when Aditya's voice boomed through the speakers. Jai looked mildly irritated- the atmosphere was too wedding like for him. Shooting the couple an apologetic look, he announced, "Friens, tonight we have gathered here to celebrate Jai and Bani's fourth wedding anniversary. This occasion is special for more than one reason. Bani survived a very traumatic crash a few months ago and is here with us today. For those who don't know, Pia changed her name after the crash due to astrological reasons, However, the poor girl still has the same husband." There were loud guffaws at this and he continued, "To mark this very special occasion, we have planned something unique which is a surprise even for the couple. They are going to renew their vows right now. Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to witness the wedding of Jai and Bani!" Chapter 9 Bani's amused smile froze, as did the rest of her body. The thunderous applause receded into a humdrum buzzing noise as she thought she was finally going to have a fatal heart attack. Wouldn't death be better than this- her "re-nuptials" with a man who was not her husband? Jai looked at Aditya with his face white with fury and knuckle so tightly clench that they might fall off. But Adi was immune to it all. Jai could not believe what was happening. Everyone knew Aditya was one of the best P.R. consultants in the business, but this was just not on! Redo his nuptials when he was planning to undo them soon? Jai looked angrily at Bani but seeing her deathly white pallor and haunted expression, his expression changed to a concerned one. He touched her hand and was shocked to feel how cold and clammy it was. Conscious of the fact that they were the cynosure of all curious eyes, Jai put his arm around Bani's waist and gently led her to the hotel room they had occupied to get ready. On his way out, he shot Aditya a killer look, its meaning unmistakable- you have a lot of explaining to do. Once inside, Jai led Bani to the sofa and helped her sit, frowning hard. He wanted to scream at her, shake her but couldn't. With their bitter past and their tantalizingly explosive present, he just couldn't think straight anymore. Earlier, it was easy to despise her, not a simple hatred but real loathe. Pia was selfish, cruel, manipulative and lacked warmth. She drained him of all emotions till he had none left. But ever since she became Bani, nothing was the same. She was saucy, witty, smart, captivating and being with her brought back long suppressed emotions. He did not want further complications but Aditya's stunt may not leave him with much choice. Thinking of him, Jai grit his teeth. Aditya was known for his innovative stunts but tonight he just about topped all his previous achievements. Jai suddenly bit back a rueful grin seeing Bani's state. In the past, he would have expected her to gloat while he raged. Jai then chuckled- after tonight, nobody could doubt the "love" and "stability" of their marriage! Shaken from her turmoil by Jai's laugh, Bani glared at him and snapped, "You think this is funny?" Jai looked at her straight in the face and replied, "Actually I do. I find it hilarious that the more we try to avoid something, the more we just can't." Bani looked at him angrily, "Fine time to be philosophical Jai! We might be getting married in a few

minutes!" The last line was delivered with a touch of hysteria. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hands were trembling. She was sobbing copiously now. Jai looked at her flabbergasted. Why in the world was she doing that? He was not looking forward to this remarriage but not going through it would make him look like a colossal fool. But seeing Bani like this made his heart ache for some reason he preferred not to acknowledge. He preferred her as the spitting wild cat, ready to pit against him at the slightest excuse. This sobbing, desperate woman looking beseechingly at him was not something he could handle. Despite his misgivings, he found himself making his way towards Bani and awkwardly patting her head. She gazed at him with frightened eyes and before he knew it, she hugged him tightly and was shaking. Taken aback, Jai smoothed her hair and talked to her in the soothing tone he used with Sonia after her recurring nightmares. "Hush Bani, we'll figure something out. Aditya does go over the top while practicing his P.R. skills. He got carried away by the pressure and atmosphere- you have to admit, it's very conducive to romance." Jai said that in an attempt to lighten her tension but Bani sobbed louder and held him closer. Jai tipped her chin up. "Hey, why so scared? This won't be the first time we marry each other you know. If my memory serves me right, I was the victim in our marriage, not the other way round." Although he meant the last line as a joke, it brought back bitter memories for him and he stopped smiling. Abruptly, he loosened his arm around her just as Aditya entered, his sharp eyes not missing the cosy scene. Jai walked towards Aditya with a deadpan expression and said tersely, "Explain." Aditya said simply, "Can you suggest anything more dramatic and emphatic enough to convince the world your marriage is rock steady? " Jai looked at him angrily and said with a definite bite in his voice, "Has it occurred to you that we plan to divorce as soon as possible? Don't you think I will look like a bigger idiot remarrying my wife on our anniversary and then go through a public divorce a few months later?" Aditya looked at Jai square in the eye. "Who'll remember this a few months from now? Public lives are always under media scrutiny and yours is no exception. For a few days all the papers will be filled with the news of your romantic remarriage. After that people will look for cracks and yours will be just another marriage which could not survive the strain. Then somebody else's marriage will be under speculation. There will be no legal hitches in your divorce proceedings. Your marriage took place three years ago, tonight is just an indulgence. There will be no waiting period for your divorce- tonight holds no value." Bani gave a choked cry at that and stood up shakily, glaring at the duo. She opened her mouth to speak, then shut it. She repeated the motion several times till Jai snapped, "What?" Bani did not have the strength to glare back. "May I talk to Rano please?" she barely whispered. Aditya looked confused while Jai looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Why, you want to draw a more profitable alimony now that you have me at your mercy?" he snarled. Aditya put a restraining hand on his shoulder but Bani merely looked at him uncomprehendingly. "Jai, Rano is a psychologist, not a lawyer. Oh that reminds me, I have booked an appointment for Sonia on Monday. We both need to be there." Jai looked at her with a combination of incredulity and gratitude. Before deciding how best to reply, a loud knock on the door disturbed them and in came a flustered looking Rano. Jai looked at the relief on Bani's expression and quietly left the room with an extremely curious Adi. "What are you going to do?" Rano asked calmly as the door closed. But inside she was anything but that. Her work as a psychologist had trained her not to show her panic in front of the people who trusted her to deal with their problems. Bani looked at her glumly

and suddenly perked up, "I can have an anxiety attack?" Rano smiled sarcastically and said, "The press will have a field day- Jai Walia's wife too scared to marry him!" Bani scrunched her forehead in concentration. She smiled brightly at Rano and said excitedly, "What if suddenly get my memory back and go downstairs and tell everyone?" Rano shook her head and looked at Bani seriously, "You can do that and make him the laughingstock of the year. Besides being literally jilted at the altar, he and the rest of the world will come to know that you are not his wife, but an accident victim or an imposter. Oh and why did he not recognize the difference?" Rano was fully charged now and continued in the same sarcastic vein. "Oh because the couple lived separately and their marriage was already broken! So besides tonight's humiliation will just be the start. There will be loads of mud slinging to follow- why the marriage broke, Pia's affairs, their mockery of a marriage, the futile attempt to sabotage their image. Everything." Bani collapsed on the bed and said in a hollow voice. "So you think my only option is to marry Jai?" Rano nodded positively. Bani regained her hysteria. "I am not his wife Rano! If I marry him, it's fraud. And this marriage will have a legal status. Please I can't go through this- marriage is not a joke. And you marry the man you love, not one who is barely tolerating your defiling presence!" "He hates Pia not you. And you are wrong about the love bit, " Rano added quietly. "You are already in love with him." Bani did not bother to deny this. She had not admitted this to herself but now that Rano said it aloud, she couldn't deny it either. She had been in love before, she knew the feeling. She was in love again, but much more dangerously and and completely than before. There was no going back. "If I marry him now, I lose all chance of ever making Jai fall in love with me- Bani Dixit, not a new and improved version of Pia," Bani said defeated. As she was losing her optimism, Rano was gaining hers. "But if he's already in love with you by then, he'll just have to get used to the idea!" she exclaimed. Bani gave a small smile and said drily, "You mean make the best of the circumstances?" Rano made an impatient noise. "Look, he is an intelligent man. Whatever else he may be angry at you for then, he will not be stupid enough to believe you plotted the whole thing from the start. The surgery was beyond your control and what followed suit…well circumstances. And you are doing all this to save him!" "And what reason do I have to save him? That I felt an inexplicable bond with Sonia the moment I looked at her? Thai I empathized with his pain? Or the mighty truth, I love him and can't let go?" Her voice broke as she saw Rano crying too. "Who can blame him for not believing me? It's too ridiculous to be true." "But it is true. Bani you are going downstairs and getting married to Jai. After that, trust your love and fate. It has guided you till now, it will continue in the future too." Rano looked at Bani with determination flaring in her grey orbs. "Pia is dead, you aren't stealing her husband, who by the way can't wait to divorce " her." Your marriage will be legal and as you said yourself, there is no danger of unwanted intimacy." Bani smiled weakly at that and stood up with difficulty. Her knees felt weak and her eyes were blurring with fresh tears. Wiping them away resolutely, she said with forced brightness, "It's not as if there is any alternative which does not embarrass Jai. I always knew that if I ever fall in love again, I'll fall hard and it will be a difficult path. But I had definitely not counted on this." Both girls smiled weakly at each other. Bani somehow managed to reach the bathroom without collapsing and washed her face vigourously. Redoing her make up was more tricky and Rano took over the job and came up with stunning results. As soon as they

heard the knock on the door, Rano squeezed her hand whispering, "Go knock him off his feet girl!" Jai was pacing in the corridor anxiously while waiting for Bani to open the door. He was just hoping everything goes smoothly. Aditya had put them in such an awkward position that he couldn't think straight. For all his classic act of calm and practical approach in front of Bani, he was as nervous as a man getting married the first time, not one marrying the same woman the second time! For Jai had stopped doubting the change in his "wife". He couldn't link the woman he was falling for with the woman he despised. Sometimes he even wondered if some spirit had possessed her body, or even if some other woman had got Pia's face but with her own beautiful soul! Jai smiled sardonicallythat had just as much chances of becoming true as pugs could fly. But for the life of him, he couldn't help feeling drawn to Bani, his wife. Jai immediately noticed Bani's red eyes, but refrained from commenting. To Bani's shock, he placed his arm around her waist, nearly encompassing it, as he led her downstairs to the mandap. She asked no questions and he offered no explanations for his action. The rituals passed in a haze. When she and Pushkar had got married, Bani had savoured each function, each step. She had wanted to capture each memory, each expression, each feeling in her memory forever then. Now it was as if an invisible force was pushing her forward, because she had neither the strength nor the courage. She only had hope. And the most ill timed love. And everything to lose. Jai held her hand throughout and she could swear he was rubbing it soothingly all the while. His expression was constantly shuttered except when he bent to tie the sacred chain around Bani's neck. It was new and not Pia's. She had rarely worn it and he had no idea where it was. As he tied it, he saw her biting her lips to stop their incessant trembling and her eyes were shining with a wet sheen of tears. His eyes blazed with an emotion she could not name. Then it was gone. Five minutes later, she was married. Bani Dixit had become the real Mrs. Walia. Bani Walia. There was no doubt about that. The media had a frenzy. Bani felt dizzy with the relentless camera flashes in their direction. Even in her experience as a journalist she had never seen such a frantic chase for photographs. Around them was an excited and dreamy atmosphere. It was probably the most romantic gesture of the year which would be talked about for years. Bnai just hoped her smile wasn't too strained, Jai's was his usual charismatic one. Sonia was the only one smiling genuinely. The ride back home was nerve wrecking to say the least. Jai was driving silently, looking unusually lost and deep in thought. Bani comforted herself by looking at Sonia, who was past asleep and sprawled on the back seat. She had looked adorable in a pink and blue lehnga and curls bouncing up and down as she had played. Bani suddenly frowned. Sonia was beginning to open up but there was still scope for a lot of improvement. She still looked ready to flee at the slightest sound of a raised voice. Bani and Jai were regular spectators of Sonia's nightmares. Each night they ran to her room as soon as her terrified screams became loud enough. Then Bani would cradle her in her arms and soothe her, while Jai would hold her small hand and assure her that he won't let any harm come on her. Each night, both silently cried in their separate rooms. Bani tried to carry Sonia till her room but staggered with her sleeping weight and her own dress. Jai easily and gently took Sonia from her arms, their fingers brushing. They both looked at each other and immediately turned away. Bani quietly undressed and readied Sonia for bed as Jai waited.

When she finally looked at him, he cleared his throat and said, "Bani, I am really sorry for all this mess. Trust me, it won't cause any problems in the court proceedings." Bani visibly flinched at the word divorce and Jai mentally cursed himself. Whatever their situation was, they were, ironically and for the moment, newly married! In the same grave tone he said, " I know you have scheduled an appointment with Rano on Monday and we'll be there. But I need to attend our new hotel's inauguration tomorrow. It's in another city, three hours away. The whole family will be coming. Including you," he added pointedly seeing her blank look. "We are booked in the hotel for the night and we leave in the morning, so please complete yours and..Sonia's packing. " "I'll be ready," Bani whispered, not trusting her voice. Jai nodded curtly and left. Bani sagged weakly on the floor. Then she burst out crying. Chapter 10 Bani lay on the bed exhausted. The trip to the hotel had been exhausting to say the least. To add to her discomfiture, she had been seated next to her mother-in-law, who maintained a stoical silence unless she was cooing to Sonia. Sonia, on the other hand, was an absolute pain during the journey. She had cried, screamed and demanded icecream after every fifteen minutes. Bani was at the end of losing her normally limitless patience with the child when her grandmother swiftly intervened and placated the kid with promises that made Bani roll her eyes. On top of that, her meeting with Roshni left her completely drained…… Bani was opening her suitcase when Roshni entered the room after two unanswered knocks. Bani clenched her suitcase in resigned anticipation of another heated confrontation. So obviously, she was dumbfounded upon encountering Roshni's hesitant, almost shy smile. Clearing her throat, Roshni said, "I wanted to apologise for my behavior since your return from the hospital- I've been like a wildcat, ready to attack with or without provocation. But… know our history Bani-" No I don't, Bani fumed silently to herself- "I've loved Ranveer since forever now, and was ecstatic when he proposed to me. Then you came in the picture and well, were always making a play for him. You really crossed the limit last time." Bani felt her cheeks burn with shame as she cursed Pia to perdition- was there any evil that woman had not committed? Roshni's voice picked momentum as she went on. "It's no secret that I have hated you since then and your antics really drove a wedge between Ranveer and me. I always knew Ranveer loved me and that he would never betray my trust, but my insecurity got the better of me. I mean, look at you. You are gorgeous. Jai, our regular Mr. Shy, proposed to you within a month of knowing you. You have always had men falling at your feet wherever you went so naturally I was afraid." Seeing Bani's curious look, Roshni said emphatically, "But you've changed. Anybody can see that. Initially I though it was a plan to hang on to Jai's millions and be the wife of the C.E.O., but it can't be. It's amazing- Sonia's blossoming, Jai is unwillingly thawing." Blushing mightily, Roshni added, "Ranveer is ultra impressed- he wants to repeat your anniversary stunt on our anniversary! I just wanted to say, let's forget the past and welcome to the family. I hope this change is here to stay." Without waiting for a reply, she wrapped Bani in an impulsive hug. Bani felt her throat clog over at Roshni's obvious happiness. Was there no end to Bani's deception? She kept getting entangled

in her own web. Squeezing Bani's hands, Roshni left the room just as Bani opened her mouth to say something. As soon as the door shut, Bani collapsed on the bed as weariness stole over her body. Ever since her marriage, she felt overwhelmed with sensations and feelings, blocking all rational thoughts and clouding her judgement vastly. She desperately wanted to tell Jai the truth, but was terrified of the prospect. She couldn't bear Jai hating her. Whom he hated was Pia. But if he finds out the truth, it will be Bani he would hate. Jai impatiently tapped the door once again and his annoyance was further piqued by the lack of response. He had met Tarun at the meeting prior to the hotel inauguration, and that was reason enough for a sour mood. Tarun Sablok was the upcoming star of Aditya's P.R. company. The man was a shrewd and brilliant strategist, but that just about Jai's good opinion of the man. Tarun was a man without any personal scruples, and flirting with the wives of his clients was not beyond him. He had seen Tarun hover around Pia numerous times, and her enjoying his blatant double meaning talk easily. But then, which male's attention did Pia not enjoy? But to her credit, all he had ever seen Pia do was smile amusedly in response while Tarun gazed at her with sheep eyes. Well, at least she controlled herself with someone, Jai thought nastily. Getting no response, Jai suddenly remembered that he had the hotel room's key too. He cautiously opened the door and stopped in his tracks at the sight before him. Bani lay at the centre of the bed, fast asleep and curled in a fetal position. Jai realized he had never seen Bani sleep; she was either spitting fire at him or keeping him going in circles, but never this relaxed vulnerable state. Unconsciously he moved towards her and saw that she was shivering. Quietly, he lifted her feet and was amazed at the softness he felt- they were as soft as a baby's. He felt her shift and hastily lifted the duvet from under her and covered her with it. She sighed contentedly and resumed her position. Jai straightened himself and turned to leave when he thought he heard her speak. He saw her lips moving and a faint sound issuing. Leaning closer, he felt her warm breath on his cheek. "Jai", she whispered. He looked at her intently and knew she wasn't feigning sleep. Deeply shaken, he cupped her cheek softly as she, still in deep slumber, sighed, "Jai I love you." Jai softly covered her lips with his own, pressing a gentle kiss, unsure if he heard her correctly. Distancing himself from her sleeping figure, he closed his eyes and put his head on the pillow next to hers. Sleep eluded him- he just stared at the figure lying in front of him, oblivious to the storm of feelings she had just evoked. Bani woke up after two hours, stretching herself luxuriously, feeling revitalized. Casting a cursory glance around the room, she gasped as she saw the pillow next to hers deeply depressed, as if slept on. On it was a note. Bani reached for it with trembling hands, sure it was from her stalker. She didn't know that it was possible to feel more shocked when she encountered unfamiliar angular male handwriting saying, "You have to be dressed formally for the inauguration. Wear the saree hanging outside the wardrobe- I bought it in the afternoon. I'll be waiting in the hotel lobby at seven in the evening. Jai." Bani sprinted to the wardrobe, feeling jittery with excitement. Jai had bought her a gifther first! He had been thinking of her when he got it, not Pia. Her hands were trembling so it took her three attempts before she could properly tear the package. Looking at it, Bani smiled with childlike enthusiasm and did a little victory jig. The saree was a sea

green in colour, and felt of the softest material Bani had ever felt. She hugged it tightly to herself and said to herself determinedly, "I'll make him love me for myself Pia, not as a new and improved version of you. He'll love his wife Bani." Bani was ready by quarter to seven. She observed her reflection and was satisfied with the results- not too simple and not overdressed.-just perfect for the event. Her makeup was light, but she had outdone herself with the dramatic eye make up, making her eyes shimmer. She had made her hair in a sophisticated chignon, letting a few tendrils escape to soften to look. She entered the adjacent room to check on Sonia and was infuriated to see Sonia in the midst of another tantrum and her grandmother cajoling her with little success. "I don't want dinner! I want to see Daddy now!" Sonia screamed, jumping on the floor. "Sweetheart, Daddy is busy. You will be so bored at that adults function. Have your dinner with dadi and then Daddy will come to kiss you goodnight later," Krishna said sounding a little desperate. Bani came in, feeling exasperated but trying not to show it. "Sonia, be a good girl. Daddy is really busy in a boring adults meeting. Daddy and Mama both will kiss you goodnight later. This spaghetti is yummy! " Bani lifted the fork to Sonia's mouth but to her horror, Sonia pushed it away rudely and kicked the trolley down in anger. Krishna gasped but Bani looked at Sonia coolly before pushing Sonia on her lap with her back towards Bani. Firmly she said, " That does it young lady. This is no way to behave with your mother." With that, she smacked Sonia's bottom with just enough force to shock her. There was pin drop silence for a moment and then Sonia looked at Bani with astonishment written all over her chubby face. With quivering lips, she whispered, "You hit me" before bursting out into great sobs. Krishna reached out to hold her but Bani beat her to it. Enveloping the child in a tight hug, she ruffled her hair as she said, "You were being very bad Sonia. You should be ashamed of yourself. What would Daddy say? He thinks you are such a brave girl!" Sonia's copious sobbing subsided to intermittent hiccups as Bani rubbed her back. Raising her face to Bani, Sonia let Bani rub her tears as she asked in a timid voice, "May I have some icecream please Mama?" Bani bit back a smile as she said sternly, "No you may not. You have behaved abominably and need to have some punishment. If you are a good girl, I'll buy you one tomorrow after lunch." Sonia visibly cheered up after that and let Bani feed her with the spaghetti that had survived before sending her off with her nanny to change for bed. Turning, she met her mother-in-law's withering gaze. "Jai will hear of this," she said looking extremely upset. Coldly Bani replied, "I intend that he does. But taking this opportunity, I'd like to say once and for all, I do not owe anyone any explanations regarding how I raise my child." Krishna retorted angrily, "You didn't care two hoots about her till sometime ago! Why this sudden overwhelming flow of affection now- trying to alienate her from the people who really love her!" Her chest puffed indignantly as she said that and Bani knew that this woman adored Sonia and had been a substitute mother to her, but this did not lessen her resolve. "I can't change the past. Sonia has been deeply neglected by her mother and has emotional scars due to that. But now I am here and will not let anything hurt my child. Particularly the past." With that Bani left, leaving an indignant but thoughtful woman behind her. Jai was pacing on the reception floor, impatience clearly etched on his face and his gait. They were running late and Bani was nowhere in sight. Just then, he felt a sudden sensation rush through him and he knew she had arrived. Looking at her, he sucked his

breath in to look remotely impassive and received little success. He groaned silently to himself- what had happened to her since the accident? She always managed to take his breath away whenever he saw her and tonight was no exception. He had been thinking of her eyes when he chose that saree. He kicked himself later for succumbing to such sentimental thoughts but at least he could applaud himself on his good taste. Bani looked ravishing- good enough to eat, an impish voice whispered in his head. Clearing his throat audibly, he extended his hand to Bani, who had been lost in an exploration of her own. Jai in a charcoal grey three piece suit looked like, in Rano's words, a dish. His hair had been gelled back as always, yet there was some unfathomable change in his demeanor she could not pinpoint. "Why are you so late? I have been waiting for the past fifteen minutes." he snapped. Calmly she replied, "Your daughter was being a terror. I smacked her bottom. She behaved very decently after that. I didn't hurt her Jai, it was only to shock her into listening to me." Jai arched an eyebrow, "Why was she misbehaving?" Bani rolled her eyes. "She is three years old, has been cooped in the car all day, is bored out of her wits and was missing her dad. Is that reason enough?" He looked steadily at her and Bani was sure he was going to burst at her was touching Sonia so she was duly chastised when he simply replied, "I suppose it is." He offered her his hand and she numbly slipped hers into it and meekly followed him to the car. Jai had been driving for the past fifteen minutes and the silence was suffocating Bani. Desperate to talk, she asked, "How far away is the hotel? This road is sort of isolated. What if there are bandits about? People won't come to your hotel then!" Jai let out a guffaw as he said, "Whoa woman- one at a time! The hotel is still another fifteen minutes away. Yes the road is isolated and more or less, so is the hotel. Cheaper, more land is available and thus greater profit. Understand?" "Oh!" Bani replied shamefaced. Suddenly curious, she asked, "Did you always want to be C.E.O or was it something simply expected of you as the older Walia son?" Jai's hand on the on the steering wheel tightened and relaxed as he visibly contemplated his answer while Bani held her breath. She prayed silently to herself- Oh God, please let him trust me enough to confide in me. "Neither", Jai replied quietly. "I never resented this choice. I have always been the leader in my academic life, be it studies, sports, debates or anything. You know, the student teachers love and students hate." Bani gave a soft laugh and Jai continued with a lopsided grin as he continued, "Since leadership and organization were such an integral part of my growing years, and I had the credentials and opportunity to do so, it was only natural that I follow the family tradition. But yes, when you are naturally groomed to do something all your life, it is difficult to imagine yourself in some other role. You lose the right to choose one." "Are you happy Jai?" Bani asked in a barely audible voice. Their future together depended on his answer. "Yes," he replied without a moment's hesitation. "It may not have been my first choice, but I can't imagine any job giving me more satisfaction than this. I like making important decisions, weighing the pros and cons of a deal, celebrating a profit and even mourning when we encounter failure and analyzing what went wrong. " Inspired, Bani ventured further, "So you believe that even if we vehemently oppose something at the start, it may be the best thing that ever happened to us?" Jai suddenly stopped the car. Both did not notice that they had entered the V.I.P. car park of the

hotel. He looked at her intensely, his black orbs boring into her green ones, unnerving her but she returned his gaze steadily. "Destiny plays strange games Bani. You kill yourself doing one thing and end up realizing what you wanted was entirely something else." There was charged silence between them for a full minute. Jai tried to verbalize his thoughts once more but was interrupted by a loud knock on the window at his side. A portly guard with a disapproving look scowled at them. "Now how many times do I have to explain to you good for nothing youngsters that this place is frequented by respectable people? Necking in your car with the shutters drawn in a public place! Preposterous! " His chest puffed with righteous indignation while Jai and Bani looked at him in open mouthed shock. Spluttering, Jai made an unsuccessful attempt at recovering his dignity. "Look Sir, this is some sort of mistake. We aren't doing anything inappropriate…" The guard snorted, "Indeed! Being caught red handed and saying we are innocent! Today's world has deteriorated beyond belief. Why in my day, we had to climb vines to meet our beloved and hide ourselves from the world. But today's generation? Bah, morals and shame have both gone down the drain!" By this time, Jai's face had gone from tan to pale to red and now puce. Bani on the other hand, had her face buried in her hands as she could no longer control her laughter. Mistaking her mirth for fear, the guard softened and said hastily, "Now now dear, there is no need to shed tears. Love makes one do strange things. Just park your car at the end of the driveway and no one will hear of this little incident. And next time, might I suggest , choose a more discreet place for your…activities." Jai looked ready to kill and made a last attempt at salvaging his extremely ruffled pride. "Sir, I have a reservation here to park my car under…" The guard gave Jai a pompous look which mellowed him considerably. "Now look sonny, be grateful that I have let you off the hook this time. There is absolutely no need to lie. This parking lot is reserved for the hotel board of directors, not for any Tom, Dick or Harry who chooses to try his luck. Our upcoming C.E.O Jai Walia will fire me if he sees the likes of you here. Now run off before I change my mind." Jai gave one last resigned look in the guard's direction and mumbling curses under his breath, he restarted the car and drove till the far end of the parking lot. Once there, he stopped there and said in a flat voice, "You can look up now Bani. There is no need to laugh anymore." Bani gave him her best wide eye look and said in a simpering sweet tone, "Why Jai Walia, how could you accuse me of such insensitivity? Laughing as my husband gets denied entry in his own hotel's parking lot? That too because he was making out with his wife in the confines of the car? Tsk tsk!" Jai gave her one long look. "Don't say I didn't warn you later Bani." She continued in the same infuriating tone, "What will you do Jai? Hit me? Let me call that nice responsible officer right now" "Like hell you will!" he growled before snatching her in his arms and pulling her on his lap before crashing his lips on hers. Bani was stunned into submission immediately but was too shocked to respond. She was scared and that did not skip Jai's attention. He immediately reduced the pressure of the kiss, nibbling at the corners of her mouth with the ease of an expert. He could feel her labored breathing but he wanted her passion, a sign that she was going through the same turmoil as him. Removing his lips from hers, he said huskily, "Kiss me back Bani." "I can't," she whispered, her voice breaking. "Yes you can. Like this." He groaned before demonstrating his point. He ground his lips on hers, making her gasp this time as his tongue successfully sought entry.

This time Bani could not contain her love and poured it out in that one kiss. She let her fingers rove in his thick midnight black strands pulling him closer but not close enough. Jai made an impatient sound as he left her lips to brand her skin with fiery hot kisses. His lips travelled down her neck to reach her collarbone where he carelessly flung away the pallu which obstructed his path. Bani moaned deep in her throat as he moved even lower but her moment of ecstasy was short lived as they heard the distant honking of cars. Frightened, she pushed Jai away. Even in the darkness of the night, the glassiness of his eyes was unmistakable. He looked at her unsteadily for a minute as the both calmed their ragged breathing. Bani consciously fixed her strewn hair, avoiding his penetrating gaze. Her hands were shaky as she unsuccessfully tried to fix her pallu. Jai pushed her hands away and gently covered her. She looked at him with wide eyes and quivering lips, and he couldn't help pressing a kiss on her forehead and hugging her close. "You look very respectable Bani Walia. Noone will know about our little rendezvous." Bani smiled back at him and fixed his tie. Softly she said, "We better leave; we are already running late." "I wonder why?" he said slyly to a mortified Bani who fairly jumped out of the car, leaving a laughing Jai behind. They were holding hands as they entered the reception. They were met by a hassled Aditya who was too stressed to notice the changes in the couple in front of him. "Jai! Where the hell were you man? You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago to be briefed about the interview after the inauguration. And why are you smiling like an idiot?" he asked looking mighty confused. Truly, Jai's smug smile and Bani's flushed face, as well as their slightly tousled appearance, were too obvious to miss. And Tarun Sablok did not miss them. He was glowering at the happy couple, particularly Bani, who was getting increasingly uncomfortable under his cold gaze. She moved closer to Jai, who looked at her in surprise while still talking to Aditya. He shot Bani a warm smile and these gestures did not go unnoticed by Tarun either. Sneeringly, he said to Bani, "Next time you have this urge to get scr**ed by your husband Mrs. Walia, kindly do it on your time, not ours." Bani turned paper white at that and her eyes stung while Aditya turned towards Tarun angrily. But neither was quick enough to stop Jai's hand which shot from nowhere and wrapped itself viciously around Tarun's neck and the other one backed him into the wall behind him. Enunciating each word clearly, Jai grated angrily, "Next time you have the urge to insult my wife, you will curb it before it leaves your mouth. Got it?" Tarun had turned a sickly green colour by now and his veins were protruding. "You'll kill him Jai!" Aditya screamed and tried to remove Jai's grip but to no avail. Bani was standing still, unable to move, transfixed by the rage emanating from Jai on her behalf. "Did you get it?" Jai repeated, tightening his hold. Tarun managed a weak nod with the very limited strength he had left. Jai released him with a look of contempt on his face. Tarun sagged on the floor and Aditya reluctantly helped him, for he felt Tarun got exactly what he deserved. Jai looked at Bani's ashen face and asked quietly, "Are you alright?" She nodded slowly and accepted the hand he offered her as they both left for the inauguration. Bani was oblivious to all the happenings after that. She knew only one thing- Jai loved her. He loved Bani.

Chapter 11 "Relax Jai. Rano is one of the best psychologists in the country," Bani said for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Jai nervously straightened his tie and said unconvincingly, "I am not nervous. What in the world gave you that impression?" Bani rolled her eyes heavenwards. "Never mind Jai. This is just going to be like confiding in a close trusted friend. There are going to be no injections, hypnosis, electrocution, anything. Rano is only going to listen to Sonia and then talk to us. Calm down." Jai gave her a reluctant smile. "You talk like you have first hand experience." "Of course I do," she replied smugly. "You meet loads of psychologists during your job as a jour.." Bani trailed off looking horrified. Jai looked at her puzzled. "But you have never.." Whatever he was planning to say was forgotten as the secretary came out to say crisply, "Sonia Walia." As soon as she left, Sonia wound her arms around Bani's neck, looking at her tearfully. "Please Mommy. I'll be a good girl- I won't cry at night and disturb you and Daddy. Promise! Please don't make me go to the doctor.'" Jai got up, ready to leave, but quelled under the fulminating look his wife gave him, causing him to sit down meekly. Turning to Sonia, Bani said soothingly, "Don't you remember Rano Aunty? The pretty tall lady with the funky eyeglasses who brought chocolates for you?" Sonia nodded tearfully but did not loosen her grip on Bani's neck. "Now darling, she isn't a doctor; she won't be conducting any tests on you. All she'll do is listen to you about your dreams so that Mommy and Daddy can help you." Sonia whined, "Why can't I tell you then? You are my Mommy, not her!" Jai looked proud at his daughter's logic but Bani wasn't amused. "Mommy and Daddy are just outside Sonia. After you, its their turn for an interview. Noone is leaving you. Promise." Sonia looked much calmer now and and gazed earnestly at her parents before giving them both a tight hug. Jai squeezed her hand reassuringly before a rather docile looking Sonia followed the nurse to Rano's room. Once Sonia left, there was an awkward silence between the two people in the room. Jai started fiddling with his Blackberry while Bani checked her purse for the millionth time. This had been their situation ever since that eventful night when she had felt he loved her too. She had waited for him in the hotel room till the wee hours of the morning, determined to tell him the truth. But he didn't come nor did he return her calls. She had fallen asleep on the floor in sheer exhaustion but had woken up on the bed, alone but settled comfortably among the pillows. She had no doubt as to how she reached the bed but even that provided her with no respite. Jai had come back, but not to her. He was avoiding her totally. Whenever their gazes locked, he would avert his eyes. He answered her in brief, terse replies whenever she dared to ask him something. Something between them had change. Gone was the warm, glowing feeling Bani had been growing accustomed to, replaced by a dread that Jai was going to ask her to leave any day. She wouldn't be able to bear that. Jai had been looking at Bani all the she had that forlorn expression on her face. God how he ached to take her in his arms and soothe away all her pain away but he firmly held himself in check. These few months with Bani had left him drained and invigorated at the same time, and he didn't know what he wanted anymore. Initially he wanted to

divorce her at all costs; then he was grudgingly grateful to her for saving Sonia. Then he had to be let her get under his skin with her sassiness, wit and compassion. But he had saved the ultimate mistake for the last- he went all the way to fall in love with his wife! That night he had been on the verge of confessing his feelings but had thankfully regained his senses before they reached the hotel. It was too late to forget four unhappy years for a few happy months. He couldn't reverse the clock even if Bani felt she could. They had too much history between them to start on a clean slate. Oh he wished he could but whatever else he could forgive, if she had been unfaithful, forgiving and forgetting it was beyond him. He didn't want to know the truth because either way, he had to make a decision he was not ready for. After about twenty minutes, Sonia came out timidly but rushed into Jai's lap as soon as she saw him. "I didn't cry Daddy. Rano Aunty said I am one of her bravest patients ever!" "That's my girl! See I told you it wouldn't be that bad?" Bani gasped indignantly at that and Jai gave her a sheepish look. Taking Sonia from Jai's arms, Bani said, "Very good sweetie. Tell us all about your talk when we get home. It's our turn now." Bani pretended to shudder so Sonia very maturely patted her hand saying, "It's alright Mommy. No need to be scared. Aunty will just ask a few questions and let you go." Rolling her eyes, Bani said, "Sonia, you are, without a doubt, your father's daughter." Bani and Jai shared an intimate smile at that but the moment was broken with Jai turning away before Bani could truly savour the moment of closeness. Handing Sonia to her nanny, they left the room. Rano smiled at them as they took their seats. Chirpily she asked, "So ready for it?" Jai smiled uneasily and looked surprised when Bani pressed his hand lightly. He didn't stop her. Rano looked at the reluctant couple in front of her and winked conspiringly at Bani, who shot her an angry look. The exchange was missed by an extremely preoccupied Jai. Calmly, Rano began, "Sonia is a very sweet child and any child, particularly of this tender age, is going to suffer nightmares after surviving a brush with death." Jai flinched at the choice of words, and Bani paled, but Rano went on, "However, what is important is the fact that Sonia's dreams comprise of something else too. This is not fatal, but something present in her subconscious mind ever since she has understood it, and has much more far reaching effects on her development." Rano paused, as if weighing her words but Bani almost snapped, "Out with it Rano. You are really scaring us." Unfazed, Rano replied, "She thinks her mother hates her and will eventually leave her." There was a few seconds of silence after that. Bani felt Jai slowly remove his hand from her grip. She suddenly felt bereft , the coldness in her heart seeping through her body. She was unable to blink away her tears in time and Rano felt her heart ache seeing her friend's agony. Gently she continued, "Sonia is at that age where still it is easily possible to completely change the situation to help her. She won't have memories of this age when she grows up. But right now, she does remember the many rebuffs by her mother in the past and they scare her. She is very confused. Each time she does something wrong, she fully expects you to reprimand her. When you don't, she gets extremely happy but fears the time when you will. Her father is someone of whose love she is sure, but a child needs both her parents." "I love her. She is my child! How can I convince her of that?' Bani cried out miserably. Jai's jaw was clenched and his knuckles were whitening by the second. Rano replied calmly, "By being there for her. It's a gradual process Bani and you have succeeded admirably. Sonia blooms while talking about how nice her mother has become, and how her parents are always smiling at each other .However young a child is, she can sense

the vibes between her parents. It is important for her to know that both her parents are together and there for her." Rano looked meaningfully at them after saying that but neither met her eyes. Composing himself, Jai asked, "How do we cure her nightmares?" "By letting her go through them alone," came the reply. Jai opened his mouth to protest but was shut effectively. " Like any parents, you wake her up while she screams. Now you won't. She has to go through the whole process once before she can deal with it. Before that, it will be ineffectual to try anything because her fears won't be resolved." The session lasted for a few more minutes after that. Jai quietly thanked Rano and left without looking at Bani once. Rano hugged broken Bani, who could not be consoled. "Jai hates me," she whispered brokenly, repeatedly. Bani was sitting in her room after diner, trying unsuccessfully to knit a baby blue sweater for Sonia. Her concentration was just not yup to the mark, and several times did she hurt her finger with the needle. Jai had avoided her completely after that session except when she had gone to tuck in Sonia after dinner. He had given her a look which chilled her to the bones when she left the room. Without touching her, he said, "Stay away from my daughter. You have done more than enough damage and nothing you do will change that. I have taken care of her alone for years and can continue doing that without your help." He looked at her as if daring her to defy him, but she said nothing. Frustrated, he slammed the door and left. Suddenly Bani froze as she heard the unmistakable sound of Sonia's whimpering from the adjacent room. Dropping her knitting, she ran to the room. Jai was already there, standing a few apart from Sonia's bed with a tortured expression. Bani looked at him in bewilderment and moved towards Sonia, who was shaking and sweating on the bed. Her arms were flaying wildly on the bed, as if warding off something. Jai halted her progress by pulling her in his arms and not letting her go. He did not resist when she hit him repeatedly and sobbed on his chest. Hoarsely he said, "No Bani. This might be the breakthrough we are looking for. Sonia has to suffer this much alone. Our part comes after that." Bani turned in Jai's arms and looked at Sonia with burning eyes. This was their nightmare, watching Sonia's suffering. After what seemed an eternity, Sonia propelled forward and screamed "Mommy help me!" Then her eyes snapped open and she sat upright on the bed. Both Jai and Bani rushed to her and Bani cradled her in her arms, kissing her all over her tear and sweat smudged face. Jai shakily rubbed Sonia's hair and she launched herself in his arms, saying, "Mommy saved me from the fire Daddy! She brought me back!" Gruffly he said, "She sure did sweetheart." At that moment, their gazes locked and neither averted. An unspoken promise echoed between them. Sonia suddenly chirped, "May I have some ice cream please?" Jai laughed "You certainly may!" He picked her up and the pair left for the kitchen. Bani stared lovingly at their retreating figures, the unrequited love in her an almost physical pain. She changed the wet bedclothes just in time for Sonia to arrive riding on Jai's shoulders, giggling happily. Jai dropped her gently on the bed and kissed her goodnight. Sonia tried to duck under the covers but was not fast enough for Bani. "Not so fast young lady- you have to brush your teeth." Sonia groaned but easily came in Bani's arms, who carried her deftly to the bathroom. When she returned, Jai was not in the room. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she settled Sonia on the bed, kissing her goodnight. "I love you Mommy!" she

said, looking shy. "I love you too sweetheart. Whatever happens, I always will," Bani whispered. Bani walked mindlessly into the rain outside, in the balcony of her room. She was oblivious to the cold torrent numbing her skin. She wasn't crying. Sonia had had the breakthrough they had all been waiting for. She sat down on the wet floor, despising herself. Sonia loved her. Would she continue to feel this way when the truth came out? Her innocent eyes had always looked at Bani with such hope and trust. And Jai? What was there to say? Whenever he came close to loving her, he would remember that he hated Pia . Where was Bani in the whole picture? She had lost her heart to her husband, but her identity was another issue. She needed it. She might soon have nothing left. She was too lost in her thoughts to hear the sliding door open. A furious Jai strode towards her and bellowed, "What the hell are you doing here? I have been looking for you all over the house! Do you want to kill yourself?" Bani just looked at him blankly and didn't respond. With an impatient grunt, Jai swung her up in his arms and carried her inside, muttering imprecations all the way. Dumping her on the bed, he yanked open the drawers to search for her towel. Seeing her shivering, his face lost some of its rigidity and he set about drying her briskly. Seeing that she was in no condition to help herself, Jai deftly started unbuttoning her soaked blouse. It was not an easy task with it clinging to her body like second skin. Suddenly regaining her senses after seeing Jai's expression, Bani pushed away his hands shrieking, "What are you doing?" Composing his feature into what he hoped was a nonchalant expression. He replied, "Nothing I've not done before. I've undressed you hundreds of times." Incensed and emotional, Bani snapped, "That was Pia ; I am Bani!" He looked at her sadly, "What difference does that make Bani?" " A hell of a lot!" she cried. "For starters, she didn't love you but I do." There was stunned silence between them. The only sounds were those of heavy breathing. Bani angrily rubbed away her tears and turned to leave but was halted and pushed back on the bed, Jai leaning over her. Defiantly, she turned her head to the other side and was unable to prevent the seeping of angry tears. To her shock, Jai turned her to face him with infinite gentleness. His expression was so intense she felt she was drowning. A muscle was ticking at the side of his jaw. Unconsciously, her hand reached out to touch it. He did not stop her. Almost conversationally, Jai said, "You know, you have never said you love me before." Her heart beating fast, she asked, "Did you?" He smiled ruefully, "No. I assumed my actions would speak for themselves." In a trembling voice, she asked, "Are you going to say it now?" His smile disappeared. "It depends on your answer to two questions that have always haunted me. " "What are they?" she asked softly, suddenly not scared. "Why did you change? Is this avatar of yours for real?" Looking at him straight in the eye, she replied, "I don't know what happened in the past to make you hate…me so much. I can't change it either. But I give you my word, this is me. The real me- not a pretence. Please trust me Jai." His expression fierce, he asked, "Were you unfaithful Bani?" Her heart in her eyes, Bani replied honestly, "No Jai. I was never unfaithful to you. I never will be. To hurt you would be like killing myself. I can't do it."

His lips lowered and covered hers rapaciously. He was like a thirsty man finally quenching his thirst. His hands wrapped herself in her lustrous hair and pulled her into his lap. He kept on kissing her till she was dizzy with the pleasure coursing through her veins, burning her. With the last remnants of her sanity in danger of fizzling, she wrenched her lips apart from his. Holding her face in her tiny hands, she was momentarily enthralled by the contrast of her pale hand with his tanned expression. But the glassiness of his eyes brought her back to the reality which was fast slipping out of her hands. "I am not Pia Jai!" she said tremulously, waiting for him to reject her. "No you are not Pai!" he said vehemently. Bani closed her eyes, unable to see the hatred in her eyes she was sure there would be. To her astonishment, Jai said hoarsely against her lips, "You are Bani. My Bani." His lips covered hers again and that was the end of any logical thinking. She did not know when the clothes left their bodies. She became aware of Jai's burning gaze devouring her body. His brilliant gaze trailed a smoldering path all over her body and she desperately tried to cover herself but to no avail. His hand firmly manacled her wrists high above her head while his other hand familiarized itself with his wife. He touched her almost reverently. "You are so fragile," he whispered touching her waist. "I feel like I am looking at you for the first time." Bani felt herself choke at that but whatever she wanted to say died in her throat as Jai's lips followed the path his hands had been tracing earlier. In the aftermath, Jai lay with his face buried in Bani's throat, her hand lovingly stroking his slick back. Nuzzling her, he murmured, "I love you Bani." Her heart beat wildly at that and Jai laughed huskily as he raised his face to see her expression. What he saw made his own eyes shine and he hugged her fiercely to himself, before making her lose herself in another feast of their senses. It was late in the morning when Bani woke up. Her muscles ached a bit and she tried to stretch herself but was unable to because of the heavy weight pinning her to the bed. A rosy blush stained her whole body as she recalled the events of the previous night. She had truly become Jai's wife. He said he loved her. Now she could tell him the truth. He'd understand. She gazed at him longingly. He was so handsome. Sleep softened the harsh edges of his face to give him a vulnerable look. She had an undeniable urge to giggle as she saw his long lashes- sooty black ones which would make any girl envious. Softly, she pressed a kiss to his lips and extricated herself from his arms. In the bathroom, Bani observed her reflection at leisure. Her body looked…no felt different. There were love bites around her neck, her body was a blooming pink and muscles she never knew existed felt cramped. It was a relief to get under the cool shower and feel it cascading down her body. She had her back turned to the door and was lost in her own world when she felt herself being thoroughly kissed on her back. Shocked she turned around to see Jai's grinning face. "Jai! What are you doing here?" she asked breathlessly. Arching an eyebrow, he replied, " I was missing you, so thought we might as well help each other." Bani looked at him fearfully. In the darkness of the night, he had missed it. But right now? Jai frowned in his concern, "Sweetheart what's wrong? You are pale." Indeed she was, and her breathing was getting erratic. "Bani?" Jai asked worriedly and

held her shoulders. Suddenly his glance fell upon the appendix mark on her waist. His expression darkened and there was disbelief written all over his face. His hands dropped from her shoulders. Bani closed her eyes in despair. Obviously, Pia had not had an appendix operation. His voice seemed to come from very far away. Who the hell are you?" he bit out. Chapter 12 Bani seemed to have lost her ability to speak. The anger and shock emitting from Jai's eyes paralyzed her. His body was poised rigidly and his jaw was set. He stared unwaveringly at Bani for a lengthy moment, as if waiting for her to deny the question. His expression alternated between pleading and fury, hoping for one word from her that would alleviate the pain that seemed to have numbed his entire being. But she didn't. Jai closed his eyes to give him strength. Another love, another betrayal. "Get out of the shower. We need to talk," he said viciously, turning off the taps. He got out of the tub as if he couldn't bear to look at her any longer. Bani stood rooted to the spot, her legs refusing to support her. The shock and the cold were slowly registering to her deadened body. They were back to square one. No, this was worse- now Jai officially hated Bani. She no longer had Pia's armour to hide behind. Jai returned with a bathrobe and thrust it in her hands snarling, "Wear it." Bani stared at his rigid back clad in a navy blue bathrobe, and slowly wore her own robe. Her actions were mechanical and she was unaware of following Jai to the bedroom. Numbly she sat on the chair opposite Jai, who was pacing the room angrily. She couldn't stand; her legs lacked the strength. After what seemed eons, Jai grasped her shoulders in a vicious grip and asked, stressing on each syllable, "Who are you?" Dully she replied, "Bani." Jai pressed her fingers in her shoulders , hissing, "The truth damn you! Not some cock and bull story about your astrologer!" Looking at him straight in the eye, she said, " I am the Bani who was seated next to Pia and Sonia in the flight. I saved Sonia. When I next woke up, I was in the hospital as your wife." Jai's hands dropped from her shoulders ad he sank back in the chair opposite Bani. He looked extremely pale and his lips were white with shock. But there was no trace of disbelief o his face. He knew she was speaking the truth. Finally. "Why didn't you tell me that you were not Pia?' he asked quietly. Then fuelled by his own frustration, he said scornfully, "Why should you? You had it all served in a platterwealth, fame, luxury, an escape from your drab life as a journalist and a widow. Right, Bani Dixit?" Bani got up, so angry that her whole body was shaking. "When you wake up in a hospital bed after surviving a crash, you don't start plotting Jai. You are terrified, and unknown people insisting you are someone else doesn't help. I was so scared that I kept on wishing I had died in the crash. I was comforted by being told about my upcoming surgery, to make me look just as I used to. But that past face wasn't mine right? It was Pia's and there was not a thing I could do to alter that. I could barely move my hands and my vocal chords were damaged. All I could do was cry I the vain hope that someone- no you- will understand. But how could you You naturally misinterpreted my tears as those of fear and pain, not the stark terror I was feeling. I kept on gesturing for a paper and pen, but you didn't understand. All you wanted to do was fulfil your moral duty to your wife and Sonia's savior. You couldn't wait to escape."

She paused for a second and said firmly, "My name is Bani Walia. Don't you ever forget that." Jai looked at her angrily and said scathingly, "Well of course it is. I am legally married to you aren't I? And there is no prenuptial agreement. You are entitled to half of my wealth. God, if the situation was a little different, I'd applaud your guts and ingenuity! I can't even sue you can I? You are my wife after all! If I cry foul play, I'll become an international laughingstock. Won't it be great headlines for your paper- Jai Walia remarries wife of four years only to discover she was the wrong woman!" Bani looked at him disbelievingly and got up shakily, looking so weak that Jai instinctively made to steady her, but she brushed him off. Grabbing his collar, she said with tears in her eyes, "For God's sake Jai, think whatever ill you want to of me, but not this. I swear to you, I didn't do this because of money. Please believe me!" Jai looked at her with haunted eyes, his grief mirroring her own. Holding the hand which clutched his collar, he slowly removed it. He looked defeated. Without any accusation in his voice now, he asked, "So if neither money nor fame was your motivation, why did you pull of this charade? Why did you not tell me you weren't Pia after the surgery? A DNA test could have proved your identity." Bani looked at him with her heart in her eyes. This was the moment she had dreaded the most. If Jai did not believe her now, she wouldn't know where to go. Visibly composing herself she narrated, "The night after my surgery, someone came into my room. I was to numbed by the anaesthetics to even tell if the voice was male or female, and I could see nothing in the darkness. That person thought I was Pia and wanted me to culminate their plan of divorcing you and making your life miserable." Bani repeated the unknown enemy's warning verbatim, for it was etched in her mind. When she looked up to se Jai, he was looking at her derisively. "I was beginning to believe you- I wanted to. Whatever you said was plausible enough till you spoiled it with this cock and bull story. Someone is after my life and confided in you while you were supposedly unconscious? Give me a break Bani! Don't you think you owe me some honestly at least now?" Bani screamed miserably, "This is the truth! What would I gain by lying now? Everything is out in the open now! Why won't you believe me?" Jai laughed bitterly. "That is rich coming from you Bani! I finally felt like my marriage was coming on track and presto- guess what I discover? My wife is not my wife. Oh wait- she is, isn't she? Just the wrong wife." "Don't say that Jai please," Bani pleaded. Jai looked at her wearily, "Why shouldn't I? Isn't this the truth? I never had a choice in the matter. Like Pia, you too had your own agenda and I played the besotted fool for the second time in my life." "Why don't you simply say you want Pia Jai? Stop pretending to be heartbroken when you never cared about me. I was only a new and improved version of your first love. You never cared about me," she sobbed hysterically now. Jai grasped her shoulders in a punishing grip. His eyes, which had been a cold black, were now burning fiercely. To her shock, Bani saw they were shining with a wet sheen of tears. "Not cared for you?" he hissed. "Damnit woman, caring about you is all that I have done since you entered my life. The more I tried to hate you, the lesser reasons I could find. I became so helpless in my love for you that I was ready to forget the past, just so you wouldn't leave me again. But that was just an illusion wasn't it? How long were you planning to keep up this charade? I would have discovered one day, like I did today." He laughed harshly, but his eyes belied his pain.

"I never had any plan Jai, " Bani replied quietly, crushed. "There seemed no easy way out of anything. I couldn't get my face back, nor could I risk my life or yours. I know you hate me"- Jai visibly flinched-" but please believe me on this Jai. I love you Jai. And after last night, I have reason to believe that you do too." Jai looked at her sadly, "Till now, I believed in a lot of things Bani." With a last glance at her, he left the room. Bani collapsed on the floor, too drained even to cry. Chapter 13 Jai stared forlornly at his reflection in the mirror. The change since the previous night was so drastic that he could have laughed at the irony if he had the strength. The previous night seemed to have occurred eons ago, when he had foolishly believed he had found the peace he had been yearning for. Sonia was coming around and he had Bani. Bani. The name made him laugh with bitter acrimony. No wonder he had felt he was falling in love for the first time, because it was the first time! He had long ago realized that what he felt for Pia did not even merit the word infatuation. It was some crazed moment where he had believed that he could bridge the innumerable differences between them and he had paid for his misconception dearly. It wasn't just a clash of egos but there was no desire from her side to make things work. The moment she had got his ring on her finger, she had set out to systematically destroy everything about him. But Bani.. "Damnit!" Jai screamed and hit the wooden table in front of him. He had been drawn to her the moment she opened those luminous green eyes to him in the hospital room. He had sensed something different but this different? God Almighty, she was another woman! Jai had tried to avoid her at every opportunity but fate always threw them together till he was willing to submit to his heart's desire. He knew he loved her, but forgiving her deceit was something that required more than love. It demanded trust. Could he trust her after all this? Bani was sitting quietly on the bed. The past few weeks has been such a rush of activity of that her present numbness was almost a welcome reprieve. She had spent such a long time worrying about the minutest of details that might expose her that the way she finally got caught was laughable. She gave an inelegant snort and immediately covered her face with her hands. She wanted to cry but the ache seemed to have settled in her heart and just wouldn't go. She didn't know how long she stayed in that position but she suddenly became aware of her surroundings when the door opened and Jai entered. Her eyes thirstily drank his figure. He looked as handsome as ever, but there was such a profound sadness about him that shook her to the core. His jaw was set, yet she could sense his wariness. She got up and stumbled as her foot got caught under the rug. Jai's hands shot out to help her but she managed to gain her footing on her own. His hands bunched into fists on his sides as he resisted the urge to take her in his arms. He stood stiffly looking at her, his throat dry. "Jai?" Bani questioned timidly. Tonelessly he said, "I am going down for the interview. I would appreciate if you join me soon. " "So we are back to all these formalities Jai?" Bani said bitterly. Looking sharply at her, he replied,

"A lot has changed between us Bani. This should be the least of your concerns" He looked at her quietly before asking, "I know this is late, but are you on the pill?" Bani flushed brightly and then paled. Jai laughed harshly, "I see. Great . Another thing to make my day." Bani said hoarsely, "You can't believe I had this in mind last night! You were looking for me- I stayed out of your way." Jai had the decency to look ashamed but said flatly, "We'll decide what to do when the time comes. I'll see you soon." "Please don't go Jai. I know that person will do something today!" Bani begged, her throat clogged with tears of fear. Jai looked at her, ready to scoff. But the look of pure fear on her face arrested him. She did believe what she was saying. Silently he contemplated her expression, begging him to believe her. With a sad sigh, he said quietly, "Everyone is waiting for me downstairs Bani. Even if I believed you, I couldn't cancel it. Please believe me." Not wanting to melt under her compelling gaze, he left the room. Bani stared vacantly at the T.V. screen in her room. She could see the interview being conducted there, since members of the hotel administration had the facilityof watching the recording take place in their rooms. He was so handsome, she thought achingly. She was gazing at him adoringly, when the door was stealthily opened and closed. "Well well what do we have here? " came a drawl which made the hair stand on Bani's body. "The fake Mrs. Walia is mourning for her husband. Isn't that touching, Bani Dixit?" Bani slowly turned around, her heart hammering so loud that it blocked every other sound. She knew this voice. She had heard it before too. Taunting her, threatening her. She finally saw the person who had been causing her nightmares. Roshni was lounging on the sofa in front of her, and her expression was dangerously malicious. "It was you," Bani gasped softly. It was not a question. Roshni smiled viciously, "Surprising isn't it? Why would I want to destroy Jai's happiness when I was leading such an ideal life myself? I am married to a man who worships the ground I walk on, have all the material comforts a person could crave for and am a successful designer. Then why all this plotting Bani?" Bani looked at her incredulously. Her power of speech seemed to have deserted her. "Did you know Jai and I were classmates Bani, since high school?" Roshni asked so softly that it was like a caress. "No!" Bani whispered, suddenly realizing everything. "Yes sweetheart, " Roshni said, all traces of sadistic humour gone. "Do you know what it is like to love someone for years yet not having your feelings returned? It isn't a pleasant feeling Bani. It kills you, every single moment to know that you will always be just a good friend. You know how I ended up getting married to that fool Ranveer? He was besotted with me, and I led him along, thinking that Jai would become jealous and realize he loved me. But my plan backfired. After university, Ranveer proposed to me, with Jai's help! God that was the ultimate insult! Jai disposing me off to his younger brother! There was no point of saying no then, at least this way I would have been close enough to see Jai everyday, and eventually he would become mine." Roshni looked pleased at Bani's startled expression. "What Ms. Goody Two Shoes? You expected me to happily settle down with Ranveer and forget about Jai? Like hell. He was mine." Bani glared at her disbelievingly. "You still lost him Roshni. He married Pia." Roshni looked at her scornfully. "And who do you think sent her in his life you fool?" "You?"

Bani breathed slowly, unable to digest this. "Of course me," Roshni drawled. "Pia was a wannabe actress whom I met by coincidence many times. I had it all figured out before I married Ranveer. I offered her a rather long acting contract. Sweep Jai off his feet, marry him, destroy him and divorce him. I wanted her to leave him so shattered that when I attack, he would fall at my feet. She was also supposed to seduce Ranveer so Jai and I could mend our broken hearts together. Of course, Sonia was a little complication I hadn't expected. God, I don't know who as more furious when we found out about her pregnancy, me or her." "'You are sick!" Bani screamed. "Is marriage some sort of joke for you- marrying one brother and lusting after the other? What about Ranveerr? He loves you!" Roshni eyed her coldly, "Did I ask him to? Do you know what it feels like to feign love for everyday of almost five years, especially when your true love lives in the same house? It is torture Bani. And speaking of deception, what have you been doing ever since your accident?" She is mentally sick, Bani quietly concluded. No person in her right mind can think like this. She needed to buy time. Bani had seen the pistol's handle protruding from Roshni's bag and it wasn't too difficult to understand why she had it. "How do you know I am not Pia?" she asked calmly. Roshni smirked, "Your sugary sweetness was a dead give away. I initially thought it was a reaction to so much medication but the fact that you never attempted to talk to me regarding the future course of our plan worried me. The name Bani kept ringing a bell and then I saw the casualties list. I did quite a bit of research on you Ms. Dixit. It soon became pretty obvious that you and Pia were a case of mistaken identities." "My name is not Bani Dixit, Roshni. It's Bani Walia," Bani said angrily. Roshni's smug look turned murderous as she grabbed a fistful of Bani's hair, eliciting a scream of pain from her. What the both didn't realize was that this made Bani press the alarm behind her and soon there were loud screeches all around them. "That was something you shouldn't have done Bani. That was my right, to become Jai's wife. Now I guess you'll have to pay." She pushed Bani hard. And Bani hit her head hard on the table's edge. Her vision became dim as excruciating pain shot through her head. With brimming eyes, she saw Roshni pull the trigger at the same time the door opened. There was a gunshot and the world faded away for Bani. She groggily opened her eyes. It seemed like a marathon task- they just wouldn't budge. Finally she opened them. She saw Jai. He was caressing her cheek softly. Sensing her awake, he asked, "How's the pain?" "Still there, " she whispered through a dry throat. "Did I get shot?" she asked as an afterthought. Jai visibly flinched. "The bullet just grazed your elbow,"he replied hoarsely. "Jai, Roshni.." Bani agitatedly got up but Jai firmly pushed her down. "Hush, I know everything. The wires got crossed during the interview recording, seconds before you pushed the alarm. We heard everything Roshni said. We got delayed because there was work being done on every floor and all the lifts were occupied. I am so sorry I didn't believe you Bani. When I heard Roshni speaking, I was so shocked, I couldn't move. God damnit, she was among my closest friends- I introduced her to Ranveer! When the alarm rang, I got back to my senses and ran like the devil."

"You saved me, " Bani said misty eyed. "No, you saved me, " Jai said gruffly. "Ranveer?" Bani said uncertainly, her heart aching for the pain she knew would be tearing him apart. Jai's expression hardened, "He'll pull through, my brother is a fighter. He's broken right now- he loved that woman. But that didn't stop him from testifying against her regarding what he heard. Mom and Dad are with him. None of them wanted to leave your side, but I made them. I have to tell you something." Bani's heart sank. Now he was going to thank her politely for all her help and then divorce her. She gulped, holding back tears. Jai stroked her cheeks tenderly, "I talked to Rano and your A.D. Sir." He laughed as he remembered Bani's ploy to change her name. "While he was ecstatic to learn you are alive, he is also delighted at the prospect of having an exclusive documentary on the Walia C.E.O competition. It will be your dream project." Bani clasped Jai's collar desperately. "I don't want any story, damn you! I didn't do all this or fame!" She was sobbing angrily now and refused to look at Jai but he made her. Wiping away her tears with the pad of his thumb, he kissed her face wherever the tears had touched her. Cupping her face, he said, "I believe you did all this because of that one reason you gave me." "What was that?" Bani breathed, hope warring with confusion in her heart. Against her lips, he murmured, "Because you love me." After kissing her satisfactorily for several minutes, he placed a flustered Bani back on her pillow. "Oh and by the way, you just recovered your memory now," he said casually. Bemused, Bani asked, "I did?" "Yes. The media is already having a field day after discovering about Roshni's arrest. We are already legally married so there are not going to be any legal issues regarding our relationship's legitimacy. But I don't want anyone pointing fingers at you or your motives. So the whole family is going to stick to this fairytale like story, and that includes you my firecracker." The look of pure adoration on his face made her catch her breath but a tiny part of her heart was still scared. Pressing his hand, she asked almost hesitantly, "You'll never leave me Jai?" Giving her a wolfish grin, he growled in her ear, "Try and make me wifey." Then he lowered his head and there was blissful silence for a long while. Epilogue "Hello ladies," Jai Walia said as he entered his house. "Hi yourself," scowled his wife Bani, staring intently at the documentary playing in front of her. Jai dropped a kiss on Sonia's head as she was curled up next to Bani on the sofa, engrossed in her puzzle. On completing it, she let out a victorious shout and ran to her room to get her next puzzle. "Why are there war lines all over your forehead sweetheart?" Jai asked curiously. If possible, the scowl became fiercer. "You'd have them too, if you see what these incompetent fools are showing in the name of journalism! God even the editing is bad! My documentary was such a hit! Why didn't AD sir give me one more month before kicking me out?" she whined. She looked at Jai plaintively, who was doing his best to maintain a straight face."Hmm Bani, he didn't exactly kick you out; he forced you to take your long overdue maternity leave before you gave birth in the office." He looked pointedly at her enlarged belly and she snapped. "But I was willing to work!"

Jai gave her a long suffering sigh before saying with a lewd grin, "Well pregnancy does require caution and the baby you are carrying is quite a special chap." Bani blushed profusely as Jai teased her mercilessly about the fact that their baby was most probably conceived the night they consummated their marriage. Bani threw a cushion at him which he caught effortlessly along with her in his arms. "Nuzzling her earlobe where he knew she was ticklish, he said, "Now aren't you glad that Ranveer took his sweet time recovering from Roshni's betrayal? If he hadn't, how would you have fit in any decent clothes in time for the wedding?" Bani looked at him triumphantly , "I'll ignore your insensitive reference to my size for the moment Jai Walia. My matchmaking efforts won't go to waste in the end. Rano is too good a catch and your brother was wasting precious time sitting morosely. I saw the sparks flying between them even before Roshni's truth came out. Their marriage was already dead thanks to that woman, but Ranveer is too decent to have given up on it or look at Rano in anything but a platonic way, despite his feelings. I know that he always tried to put up a faade of a happy marriage in front of us, so did Roshni. But her reason was to look as the injured party when the marriage would end, and get your sympathy, as well as give you hers. Bah!" Bani finished angrily, jealous even at the idea that Jai would have fallen for Roshni's plan. Jai rubbed her shoulders soothingly, a habit he had developed as her pregnancy advanced. "Well, she didn't get me. You did," he said softly and Bani beamed at him. "Anyway, coming back to the topic under discussion, Rano also likes him- a lot. But she is afraid that he is on the rebound, the way he is suddenly pursuing her. It surprised me too, since he started almost immediately after he was granted a divorce, " Bani started look a little worried. Jai said seriously, "He deserves this chance at a happy marriage Bani. He had been falling for Rano since a long time and he only acted on it when the marriage ended despite no fault of his." Bani gave him a half hearted smile so Jai said with a conspiring wink, "Did I tell you I saw a certain brother of mine place a rather expensive solitaire on your stubborn friend's ring finger, despite her not so convincing protests. He then more or less carried her to his car and drove away. I can guarantee to you that we will receive news of an engagement by the evening. Ranveer just texted me a few minutes ago that he was making remarkable progress in persuading his reluctant fianc that he genuinely loves her and is not on any rebound." Bani screamed, "Wow! Oh my God! Rano promised me she won't get married till I deliver and can fit in human sized clothes- she better not forget that!" "She won't forget don't worry," Jai smiled. Bani was grinning happily when she suddenly stopped, looking at Jai through misty eyes. He was used to her mood swings by now, but they always unnerved him. "What happened Bani?" he askd softly. "Is it so easy to forget your first love Jai?" she asked with er heart in her eyes. He tenderly kissed her forehead, "Everyone has a right to move on in their lives, particularly after a bad experience. What Ranveer had was one sided love, which was not enough to sustain a marriage. Now that he has a chance at true love, he is grabbing it with both hands. You loved Pushkar and he loved you. You had a brief but happy marriage that will always be a part of your memories Bani, because it left an impact on your life. But that did not stop you from loving me did it Bani? We aren't in a compromise- we are genuinely and unapologetically in love with each other, and ecstatic about it."

In a small voice, she asked, "You don't resent the fact that I had loved and was married earlier?" Jai grinned, "You want me to be jealous?" Seeing her eager nod, Jai laughed loudly, "You are priceless Bani! Sometimes when I think of the fact that I wasn't the first man in your life, I feel insanely jealous. Pushkar was a good man, so I don't even have the privilege of hating him like you can hate Pia. But then I remember that he was a part of your past, your husband, not just a random man. He was your first love and no one can really forget their first love. But what makes me thank my good fortune and dispel all these thought is the fact that you are part of my life now, and I will never let you go." Bani looked at him with troubled eyes. " I love you Jai. When I look at you, I don't think of anyone else, not even Pushkar. He is a sweet memory now, but I don't cling to it anymore ever since you entered my life or rather, I entered yours." Jai smiled at the correction but then smoothed her eyebrows. "Why the frown then?" She raised her eyes to his. Tremblingly, she held his face. "When you look at my face Jai, whom do you see?" Jai removed her hand from his face and placed his on her shoulders. He knew that her new face still haunted her at times, as well as battling with Pia's memories. Peppering light kisses on her face, he whispered, "I see the woman who saved Sonia from emotional depravation." Kissing her neck now, he said, "I see the woman who stood by me like my rock of Gibraltar, protecting me even when I resented her." Bringing his face to hers now, he saw the sheen of tears in her ever expressive eyes. Kissing her thoroughly, he rested her forehead against hers. Quietly he said,"But most of all, I see the only woman I have truly ever loved. I see only Bani."

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