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NOy¡ THEREFORE,for the purpose or providing' an orderly development r ALLYSON ACRES WEST and for the' further purpose of protection of our~eives and our successors in title .to any property therein,' and for the rurther purpose of preserving the character of development andpublic, constructhe general ,~ion therein and
for the protection and safety of
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rnd to insure a pleasant neighborhood appearance, we do hereby declare, :establish, and impose certain.. restricti ve covenants upon ALLYSON ACRES
~~'EST, which are, ö,ut,',lin" ~d h"e, ,rei,n, b,' elow,', \'ihich r,estrictive covenants" s~aii foe adhered to by_g~-l___S,_\1~~essora___tn__t-i-t~e to properties in ALLYSON ACRES
l~'EST, and shall be adhere-ëi-'to 'by any person, or persons, who shall reside
br make" use of, any property therein, and any person, persons, firm, 'o-r korporation, accepting title or conveyances to, residing in, or having
kny interest, of'-~a:hy 'kind or type' whatsoever in, ALLYSON ACRES WEST, ,shall
strictly adhere to such restrictive "covenants, and by accepting such title in, or having r conveyance, either directly or remotely, or by residing
ny interest in, either directly or remotely, to any property in ALLYSON CRES \ilST, shall be deemed to have assented and agreed to, and be bound such restrictive covenants and shall be entit~ed to all the benefits by, thereof, and shall assume all the responsibilities the reof · For the pUrpose of maintaining valueS for themselves and their successors
'in tj, tIe, and for the purpose of public health and safety, and to enhance appearance and chari
'the prope rty, and to ,insure' a pleasant neighborhood
acter and for the purpose of controlling, the development of ALLYSON ACRES 1¡lEST,; the undersigne'd owners, to-wit 'ROBERT L. STUDEBAKER and JEAN STUDE,BAKER, or their designees,shaii retain architectural control 'of all con,struction, or any installation therein. 'Therefore, no residence, building, wall, fence, draina~e structure, driveway, parking area, etc., shall be initiated, constructed, installed, maintained, altered, plahed, or permitted, on any property therein without first submitting the plans, plot-
pian, and/or the specifications, details, or other satisfactory infori-'tê.tion to the' undersigned, or their designees: for their examination and "iri tten approval: and such construction and installation, atc., shall not be initi-
ated until such "Viritten approval has, been executed and granteå. In passing upon such pl~ns, etc., the undersigned owners, or their designees, may take into consideration, the suitability of ,construction and installation, and materials used, to the general area, to the general property values, to the specific building site, to the outlook and view to and from of such conthe harmony the adjacent sites and the general area, and to struction and installation with the adjacent properties and the general area, and to the susceptibility of such construction to fire and/or other hazards, including but not limited to; publiC health, and traffic hazard, and may take into consideration the blocking of, vie"iand the flow of air from and to other properties in the area. ,The undersigned owners may ~ the properties has been, trans¡.¡hGn in their opinion, title to,~pough of
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f'e rred to othc rs, or when, in th~;ir opin, ion, enough const ruction has been
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Grictive covenants. ...page 2 be elected, a committee of at least three ;ompieted" åppoint" or cause to
":,,f the~. then owners in ALLYSON ACRES WEST to serve in the capacity of the this restrictive covenant concerning archi,_ -: Jndersigned owners insofar as
~ectuÍ'al control is concerned. Should such plans, specifications, etc." :oI" construction and installation be submitted to theaction undersigned ot'lners, no written is taken within ~heir designees, of such committee, and
30 days there from, then such construction and installation shall be jeemed. to have been approved. ,2. No single residential dwelling containing carports, "1,E7s'~r11t'J:an"r'$20'1''ßqu(1'~ëreet'"r"" pórchesJ:oÌ"'pa.tl0s:~shall
property in Blocks i th~ough 3, on permanent and solid type foundations,
of floor space,exclusive of garages, ~e placed, or permitted to remain, on any , and all building shall be placed
footings, or piers of concrete or masonry.
is in salvage condition, or is in the ): 3. No vehicle, or machinery" that
process of being torn down or repaired, or is in a state of junk,; nor
. .. any other type salvage of junk material, is to be placed, or kept, or -permitted to remain, on any tract in such manner that it may be seen from any of the neighboring properties or from any road in or adjacent to the sub-division. Owners of any tract, örtracts, in ALLYSON ACRES any dead trees foliage or brush or L \-lEST shall not ,permit any pile or dead
but shall dispose of same in
shrubbery to remain on their property.
, or
that is not
offensive , nor in
a reasonable time, and in such a manner
such. a manner to cause a fire hazard to any property, and all o'tmers, renters, lessors, occupants, and parties ""lith interest in, properties in to their neighbors, and in order
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ALLYSON ACRES "lEST shall, out of respect
to maintain and enhance property values, shall keep their property in and shall mO\'J the property at regular reasonable inreasonable repair, tervals, and should grass be allowed to grow to a height greater than 18" the undersigned owners may enter upon for such property mowmowing same the cost ofand such and SUc.hl?wner or lessor shall be liable
of such
mowing shall
become a lien upon the property.
t',: ..
and the cost
~: ..
4 .""No"'hoüs'er'\'t'ílailé"!":r.;~'te'nt:, shack, garage : barn, Houtbuilding,or any temporaryor movab'1e structure: shall at any time be used for residential
.-.... '-,~. ' I~~::. '
of any dßscl...iption shall be moved
from :any other location into this sub-division. '
purposes on any tract, and no structure
have modern sanitaIJr 5. Each dwelling unit constructed on any tract shall
facilities, and septic systems shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the regulations and standards of the Oklahoma 'state on Departl.ent ,be permitted any lot; any time
of Health. No out,doör prìvie~ shall at nor shall
any noxious, offensive, unsightly, malodorous, or unhealthy be permitted to remain, upon any
activity or ,condition be carried on, or
lot, nor shall any horse, cow, 'swine ,sheep, or goat be kept or pc rmì tted ,to remain on an~T tract.
urictive Covenants. ~ .page 3
5. No building, nor any part thereof, shall, be placed nearer to any road building set-back lines ofl5 feet" and no structure, other iine than the easement area outlined on the above ~hanfencing, shall be placed on any olat nor nearè r than 5' to any prope rtyo..mership line, except that of this deemed to prohibit installation
~5trictive covenant shall not be
~tility lines" water wells, and their appurtenances on such easements. 7. The- exterior of any, dwelling, including installation of\'iindows and later than 12 months after doors, shall be completed and finished, not
initiation of the foundation, or initiation of any construction,therefor completed and finished within ~r thereon. Should the ex'terior not ,be
~aid 12 months, then the undersigned shall have the right to enter
of any building in-
complete and finish the exterior
the property and to
itiated, whereupon the grantee or the property shall imrned.iately 'pay to
% ' ' ' '
the undersigned the full costs of such completion and finishing,or shall
~~ automatically grant lien rights' for such.
8. No garbage or trash cans, trash burners, butane, or propane storage tanks, shall be placed on any tract in such a' manner so as to be seen from, public . They may be of the sunken . the adjoining lots or by the general decorative screening, and no :1 type or may be above ground if hidden by collapsible umbrella type, shall be 1 clothes lines poles other than one
¡installed, or permitted to remain on any tract.
,.1 .: :::'; 9. For the
Public Safety and to
provide for ease of traffic passage,
.,_. '~\;paI'klngin and along the road traffic-ways in excess of I-hour is pro-
.k"' '..o? i:ilcs per hour.
ON ACRES WEST shall not exceed 25
,?€ ,. hibi ted, and vehicular traffic in ALLYS
L~,d IN "fITNESS HHEREOF,o we the above disignated owners" do hereby set our hands
~: ';,.this IO day of May.. 1966.
RöbertL.Studebake r Jean Studebaker
i'íy commission expires: . December 28,' 1969 .
Belcher, Notary Public.
Virginia N .
FILED: f.1ay 13, 1966 at II: 25 A. M 0# recorded in Book 252, pages 77 to 80.