,"'.. ... .-. ¡,,,,
ourselves and
for t.hepurpose of providing an orderly development ADDITION ,for the further purpose of and our successors in t~t1e to any property
therei n ~ and for the furth~r purpo~e of preservi ng th~ character of dev-
elopment and constructjon therein and for the protection and safety af the general pUb1ic,.and to insure a pleasant neighborhoo~ appearance, we do hereby declare~ establish and impose certain restrictivecovenants upon ALLYSON ACRES-THE. ESTATES ADDITION; which are outlined herein.be1?w,
w h i c h res t r i c t i ve co v e n ant ss hall be adhered to by our successors 1 n t 1 t 1 e to properties in ALLYSON ACRES-THE ESTATES ADDITION, and shall be adhered to
reside of. make use of, any .
by any person, or persons, whosha11
property. therein, and any.pe'rson, persons,firm,or corporation, accepting title or conveyances to,
residing in,
having any interest, of any kind
or ty pew hat i 0 eve r l i n ALL Y SO N ,At RES - THE E S TAT E SAD D I T ION, s hall s t r i c t 1 y adhere to
or conany property in ALLYSON ACRES- , THE ESTATES ADDITION, shall be deemedtohaveassentecl and agreed to, and 'be bound by, such restrictive covenants a'nd shall be ertit1ed to all the covenants,
arid by accepting such title
veyance, either directly or remotely, to
shall assume'all theresponsibilJties thereof.
thereof, and
1. For the purpose of ors in title,
and for the
maintaining values for themselves and their successpurpose of public health and safety, and to
.enhance the property, and to insure character
a pleasant neighborhood
and 'for the purpose of
appearance .and
troll i ng the deve10pmeht of ALL YSON
ACRES-THE ESTATES ADDITION, the. undersigned owners, to-wit; STUDEBAKER
lAN'D COMPANY,: ANO KLAHOMA CORPORATION, or their designees ,\, shall retain '.
construction, or any installation therein. no reSidence, bUilding,wall,fence, drainage structure, drive
architectural contro.1of all Therefore,
be initiated, ,constructed, installed, mainany property therein, without first submitting the plans, plot-plan, and/or the specifications, details or other satiSfactory information to the undersigned, or their designees, for their examination, and written approval, and such construction and installation, etc~, shall not be initiated until such written approval has beenexecute'd and gr"anted. In passi.ng upon such plans, etc., the undersigned owners, or t~eir designees, may take into consideration, the suitability of construction and installation, and materials used to the general area, to thegeneral'property,v,alues', to the specific :building site, to the outlook and vi~w to and from the adjacent sites and the gen~ way,
parking are;a, etc., shall
tained, ;a1tered, placed or permitted on
eral a rèa, to, the genera 1 property valUes, to the suscepti bi 1 i ty of such construction to fire and/Or other p.ublìc health, blOCking of view
hazards, including but not limited to and traffic hazards, and may take into consideration the
and the flow of a.ir from and to other. properties in thé
. area. The undersigned owners m~y~~wh~n in their o~inion~ title to enough of the prope~ties has been transferred to others~or when, in their opin-
ion,enou9h construction has been completed, appoint, or cause to be
e1 ected, ß cammi ttee of at '1 east three of the then owners in ALLYSON ACRE S-THE ESTATES ADD IT rON to serve in the capacf ty of. the und ersi gn ed
owners i nsofaras thi s~ restrictivecov~nantconcerning architectural
co n tro1, is, .con c l=! rned" '" Sh()u1.d ,.su ch. plans ,_,s pee if i cat ton, ,etc,. , for. con-.._
undersigned owners, their'"
struction"and installation be submitted to the designees, of such committee, and no
written action is taken within 30 and installation shall be dee'med
'to\havebeen approved. ' days
'therefrom, then'such construction
'2:"" NO single residential dwelling containing less than:'82'O'stfl1êÍrè'fe'ét~. "offloor space,
shall be placed orpermittedto remain, on any lot and all building shall be exclusive of garages,
carports, porches, or
, placed on permanent and s011dtype foundations, footings, or piers of ,,'. con'c r e t e or mas 0 n r y . '
(0 &Úa-lil/)''t¿) / cg 9
~rictive Covenants~...Page 2.
No vehicle, Qr machinery,thatis in salvage condition o~ is in the repaired, or is in a state of Junk, nor any ~~her type salvage or junk material, isto b~ p1aced~ or kept, or permitted
", ;;ess otbeing torn down or
from any of '
to remain, onany tract in such manner that ~t may b~ seen
from any road.in or adJacent to the subdi vi si oh. Owners Of any tract, or tracts ,1 n ALLYSON ACRES-THE ESTATES ADDITION, shall not permit any pile of dead foliage or bru~h or any dead trees or shrubbery to remai n on their property ~utshall d1 spose of ~ame in a reasonable time and in such a manner that is not offens1ve, or in such a manner to. cause a fire hazard toanj property, and all owners, rentproperties or
the neighboring
ers, lessors ,occupants ~ and parties with i nt~rest in, properti ~s in.
ALLYSON ACRES-THE ESTATES ADDITION,sha11 out of respect to their neighborsand in order to maintain and enhanceprope~ty values, shall keep their propertyi n reasonable repai ri and shall mow the property atregul ar rea-
sonable i.nterva1s and should grass be allowed to grow to ,a he1ght greater
than 18" and
enter upon such property and mow s~me lessor shall be liable for the cost of such mowing and
the undersigned owners may such 'owner or
the cost of such mowing shall become alien upon the property. ' 4. No house trailer, tent, shack,
barn, outbuilding .or any tern-
poraryor movable structure, shall at any time be used for residential' purposes on any tract and no structure of any description shall be moved into this sub-division.
from any other location
S . Each d w e 11 i n gun i t constructed on any tract s hall have modern san ita ry facilities, and
septic systems shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the regulations and standards of the Oklahoma State Depart- ' ment of Health. No outdoor privies shall at any time be pe~mitted on any lot, nor shal1'any noxious, offensive, unsightly, ma1adorous or unhealthy activity or condition be carried on, or be permitted to r~main, upon any lot, no~ shall anj hor~e, cow, swine, sheep or goat be kept or permitted to remain on any tract.
6. No building, nor any part thereof, shall be placed nearer to any road line than t~e building set back lines of 15 feet and no structure other
placed on any easement area out1 i ned on the above
than fencing, shall be
plat nor nearer than 5' to any property ownership line, except that this restri~tive covenant shall not be deemed to prohibit installation of utility lines, water wells, and their app~rtenances on such easements.
. .
7.. The exterior Qr any dwelling, including
installation of windows and
doors, shall be completed and finished, not later than
12 mOriths after
initiation of the foundation, or initiation of any
construction, therefor not be completed and finished within said 12 months, then the undersigned .shall have the ,right to enter upon the
or thereon. Should the exterior
property and to w~ereupon the
grantee of the property shall immediately pay to theinitiated undercomplete and finish the exterior of any building
~ 1 9 n e d the f u 1 ~ co st s .0 f ' sue h completion and finishing 0 rs hall aut 0 mat ~
i cally grant 1i en r i gh t s for such.
8. No garbage or trash cans, trash burners, butane or propane storage tanks, shall be placed on any tract in such a matter so as to be seen
from the adjoi ni ng lots or by thegenera1pUb1 i c. They may be of the sunken type Dr m~Ybeabove ground
by decorative Scteening, and,no clothes 1ineP?les other th~n one 'Collapsib1e umbrella type, shall if hidden
be instal1ed, or perm1tted toremainon any tract. 9. For the Public Safe.ty and to provide
for ease of traffic passage, road traffic-ways iri excess of 1-hour is prohibitedand vehiCUlar-traffic in ALLYSON ACRES-THE ESTATES ADDITION shall not exceed 25 miles per hour. parking in and along
.\ --1 ,#
Rêstri~tive Covenants... .Page 3.. 10. No sign of nature will be allowed on any lot unless written consent is given by owner or developer.
addition will be a110we~ on any home unless written consent is
11. No
given by owner or developer. 12. A fee of $24.00
charged to all lot owners for of development.
per year will be
upkeep of roads and beautification
IN WITN.ESS .WHEREOF,we,.the. ab,ovejfeSi9.na, ted owners, do hereby set our hands this
day of ~t1Á~ ". '.", , 19~
An~~~~ ~ . ..... '".
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Robert \\
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\-'~"."STNrt~.tj F;':',Q;KLAHOMA, , I, . """, 0 j \',~'
CO'U'NlTl¥Y.'O'F DELAWARE.... ss
. /. Before me, a notary pUb1icin-,,ndfor said county and state on th~s
./0,. ii day 0 f '/Í"Î .4 e. 0 /o , 1 9 ") J , per son all yap pea red Rob e r t l.
StUdebaker, President of Studebake-and Company, to me known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged, to me that he .executed the same as his free and voluntary
deed' for the uses and purposes thereiri. set fot:th.
act and
, . ~.. t i " "r,i t -: . .
~\;~\.~;~.t:~~,,~. my h an.d a nd sea 1 the day a nd yea r1 as ta bove wr it ten.
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