Allyson Acres Hilltop Subdivision Ccr's

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  • Pages: 4
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V-A-ii (2)

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...., "7"Fi1èd:


June 15, 1972 at 1: 43 P. M., r~corded in Book 263 at Pages

141-145, inclusive.


an . orde'r1y .development

the ,purpose of providing

ON ACRES- HILLTOP ADDITION '., and for the ,fyrth~r purpose of protection of ourselves and our suc~essorsin title to any property , of ALLYS

therein, . and for the further purpose of

preserving the

character ,of dev-'

and safety of neighborhood appeara~ce, we do hereby declare, estabiish and impose certáin restrictive covenants ON ACRES~ HILLTOP ADDITIOi~, which, are outlined herein below, which restri,ctive covenants shall be adhered to' by our successors in title to properties in ALLYSON ACRES- HILLTOP ADDITIÒN , and, shaii be ad,construction

eloprnent and

therein and for the protection

the general public, and to insure a pleasant

upon ALLYS

hered to

by any person, or persons ,', who shall resiòe of make use of, any

property therein, and any persan, persons, firm, or corporation, accepting

, title. or conveyances to, residing ln, or having any interest, of. any kind or type \oihatsoever, in ALLYS

ON ACRES- HILL'l'OP ~.DDITION L shall strictly 'accepting such btit1e or con-

. adhere to such restrictive covenant~" and by

veyance, either directly or remotely, to any property in ALLYSON ACRES-

HILLTOP åDDITION , shall be deemed' to, have, assented and agreed to, and

be, entitled to all the benefits thereof, and shall assume all the responsibilities thereof.

be bound by, such restrictive covenants

I. For the purpose of

and shall.

maintaining values


themselves and their success

ors' ~n title, and for the purpose of public health and safety, and to ena pleasant neighborhood appearance and ': character and for the purpose of controlling the. development of ALLYSON ACRES- HILLTOP ADDITION' , the unders igned owners, to-wi t: STUDEBAKER hancethe property, and to insure

LAND Cm.1PAtJY, A~'- OKLAEO(.Li\ CORPORATION, or their designees, shall retain

architectural contròl of ali constr~ction, or any installation therein. Therefrire, no residence, building, wall ,f~nce, drainage structure, driveway, parking area, etc., shall be initiated, constructed, installed, maintained, altered, placed or permitted on any property therein, without first submitting the plans ,plot-plan, and/or the specifications,. details, or other satisfactory inforrnationto the undersigned, or their designees, for their examination, and written approval, and such construction and installation, etc~, shall riot be initiated until such written agproval has been executed and granted. In passing upon such plans, etc., the undersigned mV'ners, or their designees, may, take into consideration , the suitabilitiy of construction and installation, and materia:is used, to the general area , to the general property values , to the specific building site, to the outlook and vie\.¡to andfron the adjacent sites and the general area, to the general property values, to the susceptibility of suçh construction to fire and/or other hazards, including but not limited to, public health, and traffic hazards, and may take info consideration the blocking of view and the flow of air from and to other properties in the area. The undersigned Oi,mers may, ...hen. in their opinion, title to enough of the properties has been transferred to others, or \oihen, in their opinion, enough construction has been completed, appoint ,or caus~ to be elected, a committee of at least three of the then m.mers in ALLYSON

ACRES- HItLTOPADDITIO~l 'to serve in the capacity of thè undersigned

m.¡ners insofar as this res tricti vecovenant concerning architectural con1 r-





, /"'



Restrictive Covenants.. ~ .Page 2.

trol is concerned. Should such plans, specifications, etc., for construct the undersigned owners, their designees, of such committee, and no written action is taken wi thin 30 days therefroi:, then such construction and installation shall be deemed to have!

been approved.' ;

ion and installation be submi,tted to

2.: No 'single residential dwelling containing less thári.::dä~'O';;;;§q'Uafè'7:,cfè~'et

floor space, e~clusive, of garages, carports, porches, or patios, shall on any lot and all building shall be placed on permanent and solid type foundations, footings, or piers of


be placed or permitted to remain,

concrete or

masonry .

condition or is in the process of being torn down or repaired, or is in a state of junk, nor any or kept, or pe:titeè to remain, on any tract in such manner that it may he seen from any o.f 3. No vehicle, or machinery, that is in salvage

other type salvage or junk material, is to be placed,

road, in or. adjacent to the sub-

. the neighboring properties or from any,

any tract, or tracts, in ALLYSON ACRES- HILLTOP

division. Owners of

any deac

foliage or brush or,

ADDITION , shall not permit any pile of dead

trees or shrubbery to, remain on the~rproperty but sha.lldispose of same a manner that is not offensive,o'r in to any property, :and all owners, rent erS, lessors~ occupants, and parties with interest in, properties in

in ,a reasonable time and in such

such a manner to cause a fire hazard

ALLYSON ACRES- HILLrrOp ADDITION shall out of respect to their neighbors and' in order to maintai and enhance property values, shall keeptheii property in reasonable repair, and shall r.ow the property atregular reasonable ititervals and should grass be allowed to grow to a height greater thania" the undersigned owners may enter upon such property and mm., same liable for the cost of such mowing and the property. and such owner

or lessor shall


, ,

the cost of such mO\olÌng shall become alien upon

Noh61lse :fFaílèr;tent, shack, garage, barn, outbuilding or any temporary or movable structure, shall at any time be used for residential purposes on any tract and no structure of any description shall be moved 4 .

-rromanyother location i~to thissub..division. 5~ Each dwelling unit constructed on any tract shall have modern sanitar: and installed in accregulations and standards of the Oklahoma State Departprivies ~hall at any time be permitted on any facilities, and septic systems shall be constructed

ordance '\li th the

ment of Health. No outdoor


lot, nor shall any noxious, offensive, unsightly, malodorous


, r

activì ty or condition be carried on ,or be permitted to remain, upon any shall any horse, cow, swine, sheep or goat be kept or permi ttèd lot, nor

to remain on any trac t .

thereof , shall he placed nearer to any road 6. No building, nor any part the building set back lines of 15feet and no structure other line than placed on any eas~~ment area outlined on the above fencing ,shalT be than plat nor nearer than 5' to any pro?erty o~'mership line, except that this restrictive covenant shall not be àeemed to orohibi t installation of util ity lines, water wells, and their appurtenan~es ort such easerqents. 2 l, \ i



. '\~

Restrictive Covenants. . . . .Pagi 3. , 7. The exterior or any dwelling, including installation of windm.¡s and doors, shall be completed and finished, not later than l2months after

foundation, or initìation of any construction, ,therefor be complet,ed and finished \oli thin saiC

initiation of the or thereon~ Should the exterior not

12 months, then the undersigned shall have the right any' to enter upon the building initiate, exterior of

property and toconplete and finish the

wherenpon the grantee of. the property shall immediately pay to the under~ 'signed the full costs of such completion and finishing or shall automat-

ically grant lien rights for such. "

';8. . Nogarbagè" or trash, canS ,trÅsh.,burners, butane or propane' storage tanks, shall be placed on any tract'in such a manner so as to be seen lots or, pythe general public. ,They may be of the sunken type or may be,above',.ground if hidden by decorative screening, and no clothesline pÒl,~s other .thanone collapsible umrella type, shaii from the adjoining

. .. ...'\' ~ .

or "permi tted to rernainon any tract.

be installed,

ease of traffic passage, along the road traffic-ways in excess of I-hour is proparking in and hibi ted and vehicular, traffic in ALLYSON ACRES- HILLTOP ADDITION shall not exceed 25 mìles per hour. 9. For the Public Safety and ,to provide, for

one building on a lot unless written consent fro own~r or developer, is obtained. 10. There shall be only

of nature will" be allowed on any l.ot unless written consent

11. ,NO sign

is, given by own~r, or developer.

12. No addition will be allowed on any horne unless written consent is given by owner or



A fee of $24.00 per year will be charged to all lot owners for

""ujS~~aÏt';~f... roads and beautification of àeveloprnent.

_.~ ........ ,(' ~'. .

.. . . ".. .. '.

/~~;IN~.:i4iir.J$1;';',~.mEREOF, we'"the above dèsignated, owner~, do hereby set our ----Fi-\:.haii~s May; "':19,ii-:' ' : :b : '0. ~. =l:tií'€(~9th,-dayõf .... ::

. -: -.. -. ~. 9 :

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-----:;~..~SEicJ;:: ') ...,.. v . ' '''. ,.----,.,,-.--- ,

"1," _ ......


for said county and state on

t' t!.\ E ~fore Il.e, a notary public in


:.:~,-:9'p:T~.ì.å~~øf Hay, 1972, personally appeared Robert L. Studebaker, Preside ¡ :'0£'. 'stiià;~ba:ker Land Company, to, me knm.¡n' to be the identical person who f t~":f.~Cllt7~ 't~~e wi thin and fc:regoing instrument and acknm.¡ledged to me thai '" ~ :i~'~'.ëXeG.ùteC1 :the -sarr;e as his free and voluntary act and deed for the use~ ,.;.....-:~d.ji'--R.p.ôses therein set f,orth. the day anq

.."~'.".~:~'.~~.¡'tR' my hand and seal

..__. :"~l.fy'r eorlssion expires: , 'November 22,197 2 (SEAL) 3 ,~



year las-taG'lv~ wr:;ten.

~~~- 'b . 'Z ~~y 7i:"C ~

"':í '''




BY THESE PRESENTS: That ,STUDEBAKER LAND COHPANY, A.~ OKLHOHA CORPORATION, is the owner in fee simple to the above described caused the same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted into subdivisiónwi th lots, blocks, and roads, which subdivision we hereby designate, and adopt under the name of ALLYSON


tract of land; AND has staked and

ACRES.., HILLTOP ADDITION , a subdivision of a part of the N~.;~ NE!¡

of Section 14, Township '23 North, Range 22 'E~st, Delaware Count. Oklaoutlined on ,the plat attachedher~to' above, which plat we do

. homa, as hereby


certify as being

true and official. plat of record of said

.ALYSON ACRES.. HILLTOP, ADDITION ..:" and we 'do hereby dedicate r,oad

. rights of ",iay along all roads, as sho\-ln on sald plat, to the pu.blic,

for public use forever, for the purpose of providing permanent ingress and egreès. to all the lots.and blocks shown on said plat, and we do

guar'antee clear title' to ailland sodedica ted. And we further retain public areas

- '- - '-": and reserve a utility easement over and across all lots and

. for the purpose of constructing "operating, maintaining and repairing and ,appurtenances thereto, which may inow exist,

, any apd..all utili ties

___ ,_ __,. or",wniCh:rnay be installed in the future, for the purpose of serving

, ~LY.SON":?.cR:ES~ HILLTOP ADDITION , or any o,ther areas. ' " ;-:.' ...,~· i'Lr""J.C,..c -,_.~;"....

ff~~trr~ti attached ~",. . -I ,.lv~~~venants ..-"

.By!' ho~or~ ~ ", " , " '.: " ~~~11~ . -" .~//~/tg ... . . .


;H~tetct~and :m:i~e- a part thereof.' ,

./ (~,";'" ~T.'XEST:' ,,\'5EAL) , ~~ 'r ¡ , ')"-/ -': :¡--j' i ,'k~C? g' " '

...,..:..-_....... ~:t '" .~.. -~ í..: '. ",' /~

_.2_____ ;f.A :~l,_:..!:.-~~~...,'\¿'~~"A./\./ ,/Ay ,,:.. 1-",-:- 'i../..J

l'1.arth.:,!~i~p.n:" Studebaker

Robert L. Studebaker, Presiàent

,STAT~ pF QF OKLAHOMA, . .,d~ COIN1.yi. DELAWARE.... ss

/l:~.~..\O T.a~t~r~rne, a, Notary Public in .and for said County and State, on ! ./t:jt,i,S-:'-29J~,h:',.ay of May, 1972, persoi;ally.appeared Robert L. Studebaker, who executed the ~ ":L~?¡~~~~.e~t:,r ~o me ~nm1i: to be theidentical person

\(. \ "i~tl~;iJ' -:ai:d foregoin~ instruinent,and acknm.,ledged to rnetha t he exe-and voluntary act and deed for the uses ...~7~.c;'tt:~ff'~,~e": same ,as his free and

\,; Ib\ir.p.ase"s,:, 'Cherein "set forth. , "

, ~'..",:í-. A~\l:~t.ness my hand and seal the day,and ear last above written. "., .. . "Il:~::"~~ ,.


'Hy cotnission expires:

November 22, 1972 (SEAL)

this IS- day Of~. 1972. .'




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