~, '
,., .,.
NOW, THEREFORE, dfor thepurposeofprovidiIlg an' orderly developmentor ALLYSON ACRES-:GRANDVIEWADDITION and for ,the further of protection of ourselve&and our succe~sors ~ntitle to any therein" and for
the further purpose of, preserving the character
development and construction therein and for the protection of
property of and safety
the ',general public" and to insure
we do hereby, declare, establish
appearance ,
and impose certain restrictive covenants upon ALLYSON ,ACRES-GRAND VIEW ADDITION,whichare outlined herein bel.o~, which
restrictive covenants, shaiibeadheredto be o'ur successors
title to properties adhered to be any any property therein, accepting title or conveyances to , est of 'any
kind ,or, type
shall strictly
in ALLYSONACRES~GRAND Vim'l ADDITION, and shall in be person ,or persôns ,who shall resideorrnake use of, and any person, persons , firm or corporation, residing in, or having any inter- " whatsoever , in, ALLYSON ACRES-GRANn VIEW ADDITION,
accepting such title or conveyance ,either directly or remotely, or byresidihg in~or having any in, either directly6r remótely, to any p~operty in ALLYSON ACRES-GRAND VIEiv ADDITION, sha.ll be deemed to have assented and agreed to, and be bound by, \such restrictive covenants and shall be . adhere ,to such restrictive ,covenants, ,and by
bilities thereof. ' enti tIed
to all 'che benefits thereof ,and shall
assume all :.he responsi-
~';d ~~~~rf~~;~i~~#1l~~iloCkS ~:~~~~i.~.,b . i'tÌ'ë' f 'and being not over three years' 0 ~i"'!~'gi~~~""~6'r~~i!~''ìl, 0'" except Lots 1 thru l7, incl., shall be permitted to have 2. Lots contained in Blocksl or
a minimum of 52S square feet. may be used for either mobile dwellings, subject to the respective 2
or permanent residential
requirements as above and hereinafter set' forth.
of maintaining values for themselves and their " the heal thand safety, and to enhanc"e the property ,and purpose: to insureofpubl.ic a pleasant neighborhood appearance and character and for purpose of undersigned controlling o\'mers, the development of ALLYSON ACRES-GRANDVIEWthe ADDITION ,the towit:' STUDEBAKER LAND COMPANY, AN OKLAHOMA CORPORATION, or their .designees 3. For the purpose
successors in title, and for
shall retain architectural controlofaii construction, or
any install-
ation therein. Therefore, noresidencej: building, -mobile
home ,be wall, fence, drainage, structure ,driveway,parking"area, etc., shall ir.i ti-
ated, constructed, install edJmaint~ined , altered, placed or permitted on any property therein,Withóut first submitting ~heplans, plot-plan, and/or the
specifications, details,
to the undersigned, or theirdeSigrtees, for their
or other satisf,::ctory "infcrmatic::
examinationshall and ltir:.~ten approval, and such construction, installátion,orpla~ement, not be ' initiated until suc:h , written approval. has
been ,executed and gran~ed. In passing upon such plans.,etc~, the undersigned owners, or their des-
ignees, may take into' considera tion, the, sui tabili ty of construction and thesite, general areaOt;t~ to the general property values, to the, specificbuildi~g to the adjacent sites and the with general and to the harmony of such constructionand. installation the' area adjacent installation, orpiace~ent, and ~aterialsused, to
look and
view to and from the
LJ£zU¿/,d£, /t?93 -~_...._._----.- "._- -..~ ...__._--_. ------ ...--. --.--
,.i ','
propertiesandthegeneralarea,andtbthe susceptibility of such' other hazards; including but not limited and/or
construction to fire
and the
of view
the blocking
and may takeintoconsideration
traffic hazards,
heal th, and
to, public
in the area. The,undersignedownersmay~ when
or cause
completed , appoint,
construction hàs been
opinion , enough
other properties
"in theiropinion,titl'e
been transferred to ,others, or, when, in,
the properties
to enough of
air from and to
to be elected ,acommi tteeofatleastthreeofthe then oWIersin
of ,the un-
concerning ,archi-
this' restrictivecovenant .
insofar as
dersigned owners
tecturalcontrol 'is concernèd. 'Shouldsirchplans, specifications, etc. ,"
the undersigned ownsuch dcommittee,I'and no written action is taken ers,; ,their, designees, of 'installation shall days therefrom, thendsuch"construction and within 30 be
for construction and installation
approved. ' i
be deemed to have been
homes , containing
single resiclential dweiiifigöthër1than mobile
4. No less
sUbmitted to
$20 square feeto.t:'floor,spacé,exclusiVe or garages, carports,
'porches, or patios, shall
permitted to remain,on any
placed on piers cf'concrete or
property in GRAND VIEW ADDITION,andail building shall be footings ,or
permanent and solid type foundations,
masonry. is in salvage condit.ion" or is in .the
5., No vehicle, or,machinery, ,that process of being torn dO\'ff or repaired, or is jUnk
any other type salvage or permitted to remain, on any tract in such
in a state of junl\,nor material, is'.to be placed, or kept ,or a manner that it maybe' seen
any road in or
of the, neighboringprÖpertiesor from
from any
to the subdivision. Ownerso! any träct,or tracts, in ALLYSON ACRES~ GRAND. VIEVI ADDITION shaii notpermitanypileöf déad foliage c:" brush to
or any dead trees or shrubbery dispose
their property but shaii.
of same in a reäsohabletime and in such
a mànner that is any
to ca.usea fire hazard to
offensive, nor in such a manner
not property
and all owners, Tenters,. lessors, occupants, and parties with ihterest
in, properties in ALLYSON ACRES-GRAND VIEW ADDITION shall out of
valuesl shall keep their property the
enhance property reasonable repair, and shall mow intervals and should grass be allowed
in order to' maintain and
pect tö their neighbors and
regular reasonable greater
to grow to a. height
than 1$" ,the undersignedoi.mers may enter and
:upon such property and mow' same
such mowing shall become a lien upon
the property.
6. No tent, shack, garage, barn, or outbuilding shall at any time be used for residential purposes on any tract. 7.
Each dwelling unit constructed,or mobile home placed on any 'tract
shall have modern
systems shall, be con-
sanitary , facilities, and septic
with the regulations and standards of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.' No outdoor privies shall at structed and
installed in accordance
any time be permitted on anyiot,norsh.gllany noxious, , offensive, unsightly, malodorous,orunheal thyacti vi ty or condition or
be permitted to remain, iipon any lo.t ,
be carried on, shall any horse, cow,
'T7~-----'''_. " "
" J
., .-
, ,
RETRICTIVE, COVENANTS. . . page swine, sheep or goat
be kept orpermittëd to :remain on 'any
8. No building or mobile,homeo,'rtorany part
placed and area
thereof , shall be
nearer to
any road line
back liriesof 15" feet.
structure other thanfencing,shall be placed
outlined on the
above plat nór. nearer
ownership except that this restricti vecövenant, shall notproperty be deem~d to pro-' than
hibit installation of utility
water wells,and, their
of anYdwelli~g,ir'fcludingihstallationof windows
The, exterior
9 .
on such
and doOrs, shall be completed and
finished , not later '12 after, initia tionof thefoundationtOr,inita tionof ,'" any:than'construction, months
th~reforor thereon., Shouldtheexte,rìor not be cornpletédandfinished , months ,then th'eundersignedshallhavethe right to
within said 12
enter upon the
property and tq;complete and
exterior of any shall immedcompletion and for such.
finish 'the
building initiated, whereupon the,grantee'of the
iately pay to
the undersignedthe full costs
finishin.g or shall automatically, grant iien rights
of 'such
10. No garbage or trashcans,tfashburtrèrs ,butane or propane
tanks,shall be placed
such a manrieI'SO as to be seen or bythegeneralpt.blic . They may screening, be of the above grÓundlfhidden by decorative on
from the adjoining lots
may be
sUnken type or
any tract
other than one, collapsibl e umbrella type,
and no clothes line poles shall
be installed, or permitted to
11. 'For the
,remain on any tract. ' "
Public Safety and t'oprovlde for ease
,of traffic passage,
parking in arid along the road traffic-waýs 'in, excess
hibited and vehicular traffic in ALLYSONACRES-GRAND Vimr ADDITIONpro-' of I-houris shall not exceed
25 miles
12. There shall be only
unless written consent
dwelling on ,a lot
owner or develop'er is obtained. '
13. No
sent is
given by owner or develo'per.
of any naturewill',hë'aliowed on
any lot unless written èon-
14. "No addition will be allowed on any home and no attachment or addon structures to mobile homes will be aI-lowed unless written cO.nsent is giVen by owner or developer. 15. ,'Afee of $24~OO peT yèarWilibe charged
and beautificationO.fdev~eloPment. ' to
iipkeep of roads
'all lot
'" , ",' ",' " , " " ',', " " ,'..' ,', """ì ", .',' " c. \ IJ u ~ v I"'. ¡ , WITNESS
above ,designated! "owners~ ha~~s';t~f)s.,.,6th dayofSeptember/1973. .', the
....' J' II....... "". ~'_ .~
~ 'ATTESTeo ,.... ....... ';',
.".i ,..-., 0" ",. ...\ ....j. ...~ . ~, i ~iL.; 't ') "':/ ~i .~l i-J.'~/"" , . /' /' '
, .:Ui;th;2:l~a~;itii~b~~r -/,':
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" ~
owners for
me, a notary-public in and for said county and state, on Robert L. Studebaker President of Studebaker Land Company, to'me known to be the identical person who executed the within and forege,ing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same aa his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes . Before
this 6th day of September, 197J,persoi1ally appeared
therein set
'Witnessmy hand and seal
the day and ¡ear last above written.
'My cornissionexpires: ~'l----= .',. \ ,~.;-:..___ November' 22,1970 (SEAL) No~ary ,Publ;ic " . .",,-~
:.1 '-
~... - I