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NO\J THEREFORE, for the purpose of providing an .orderly development therein, and forthe rALLYSON ACRES SOUTH and for the further purpose of protection of our-
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elves and our successors in title to any property
urther purpo'se of preserving the character of development and' construcion therein and forthe protection and safety of the general public, ALLYSONdeclare, ACR.ES nd to insure a pleasant neighborhood appearance, 'Neupon do hereby
. i. ,', : ; . .' . ~
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certain restrictive covenants
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~stablishJ and impose
ï' ,i : ¡
;OUTH, which are outlined her~ininbelow, restrictlve covenants, shall title which to properties in ALLYSON ACRES )8 adhered to by our successors person, or persons, who shall reside to by any
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shall be. adhered )OUTH, and
having )r make use of, any property therein, and any person, persons, firm, or
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~orporation, accepting title or cönveyancesto, residing in, or r'd.; ~.
'n;' interest, of any kind or type ,'¡hatsoaver in, P.LLYSON ACRES SOUTH, shall
strictly adhere to such restrictive covenants, by andresidin~ by accepting such title in, or having
l . ¡ ;', ~ ! ¡: '¡r ii
either directly or remotely, or or conveyance,
l i: I
any interest in, either directly 0): remotely, to any property in ALLYSON ACRES SOUTH,; shall be deemed to have assented and agreed to,. and be bounà b~r, such restrictive covenants and shall 'be entitled to all the benefits thereof, and shall assume all the responsibilities thereof.
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1.. For the purpose of maintaining vaiueshealth for themselves and their successorsH" and safety, and to en."1ance !:¡ ¡¡ in title, and for the purpose of public
th e property, and to insure acontrolling pleasant neigh bòrh ood appearance a nd char - H;¡.,I the development of P.LLYSON ACRBS actel" and for the purpose of
SOUTH, .the undersigned owners, to~"it: STUDEBIiæR COHPP.NY,. an Okla-H¡.¡l,,l shall retainlAND architectural' control
therein. . Therefore, no residence, ¡.!' ¡
homa Corporation, or. their designees, of all construction, Or any installation
building,Vlaii, fence, drainage structure, drive.iay,' parking area, etc., ¡:: i
shall be initiated, constructed, installed, maintaineä, altered, placed, or li'..;
per;i¡i tted, on any property therein ¡ü thout first submitting the plans, plot- (~:
plan, "'''d/or the ';pecifications, details, or the other information H. it'esatisfactory xa mina t ion and ",ri t te n ..1: to the u"ders igned, or their designees, for
approval, ,and such constructio" and installation, etc., shall not be. initi- tu
has been executed and granted. In pas- ~::l
ated until such \'!ritten approval
sing upon such plans, et c ., the unders igned owners,.or the ir des igne e s, t:
the suitability6f construction and install- ~¡:ï
rnaytakeinto consideration
. ation, and materials used, to the general area, to the general property \!" values, to the specific building site, to the outlook al1d vie" to and fr'or. i':
the adjacent sites and the general a.rea, and to the harmony of SUCD con- tf struction and installation v¡ith the adjacent properties and the general ~~: of such construction to fire andlor other :. area, and to thè susceptibility
ha za'rd s , includ ing but not 11mi t ed to, pub lie health, and tra f fie hazard s , f; and may
take into consideration the blocking of vieH and the flm.¡ of air Jl: properties
from and to other
. !!; .
in the area. The undersigned m'mers l..ay, Ûr enough of the properties has been trans- I\;
',,,hen in their opinion, title to
ferred to otherS, or "hen, J.n their opinion, enough construction' has been ~( ,
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gestrictivecovenänts ... page 2
completed, appoint, or cause to be elected# a committe of at least three the capacity of the of the then m-mers in ALLYSON ACRES SOUTH to serve in covenant concerning archiunàersigned o\'mers insofar as this restrictive tectural control is concerned. Should suchpia.ns , specifications, etc., installation be submitted to the undersigned o\'mers, for construction and
their åesignees, of such committe, and no 'i¡ri ttenaction is taken toii thin
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)0 days there from, then such construction anel installation shall be deemed to have bee~ approved.
~ CI
2. No single residential dto¡elling containing less"'¡~t'~~rr2'0:gttti~¥~~:'d\!rEH~t.. ',.
t I!
patios, shall"
of floor spa'ce, exclusive of garages, carpOrts, porcheS" or
be placed, or permitted to remain, on any property in Blocks 1 through 3, and all building shall be placed, on permanent and solid type foundations, fbotingß, or piers of .concrete or masonry.
salvage condition, oris in the ¡ ?rocess of being torn down orrepairetl, or is in a state of junk" nor other type salvage of junk material, is to be place, or kept, or is in.
3. No vehicie, or' machinery, that
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, any
; permitted to reamin~ on any tract in such manner that it may be seep
'~i'ro:nany of the neighboring properties or from any road in or adja.cent
tracts, in ALLYSON ACRES ;~ SOljTH shall not permit any pile of dead foliage or brush or-any dead trees. to remain on their property but shall dispose of same in ; O~ shrubbery : a reasonable time, and in such a manner that is not offensive, nor in :~ to _ the sub-division. O\'mers of any tract, or
~. such a manner to cerise a fire bazardtoany property, and all ownerS, ..; ¡,enters, le::sors, occupants, and parties with interest in, properties in
,', A1LYSON ACRES SOUTH shall, out of respect' to their neighbors, and in oråer Ë to maintain and enhance' property. values, shall keep their property in' ~~:'easonablerèpair, and shall mow
the property at regular reasonable in-
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~ tervals, and should grass be allowed to gro0 to ~ height greater than
¡ !
f; 18" the undersigned o\'1èrsmay 'enter upon such property and mm" same
~ ænd such owner or lessor shall be liable for the cost of such mcwing
~ and the cost: of such mowing shall become a lien Upon the property ~
I ¡
i ¡: i !:
it: t. Nohåiisêtrå:Liet. ,lent, , shack, garage, barn" outbuilding, or any temused for residential
!i':: ;urposes on any tract, and no structure of any description shall be moved
H .,.1
'i~' . ¥~ )orary or movable structure, shall at any time be
~ ~om any other location into this sub-~ivision.
tract shall have modern sanitary be constructed and. installed in accor-
~~.: 5. ~ach d\'ielling uri constructed em any *:di~acili ties, and septic systems shall
lj~,¡~ance ìd th the regulations and standa.rds of the Oklahoma state Depårtment ~j.;)f Health. No outdoor
privies shaii at any time
be permitted on any lot,
n' :..,or shall any noxious, offensive, unsightly, malodorous, or unhealthy ~::'~ctiving or condition be carried on, or be permitted to remain, upon any shall any horse, COV1, s\'iine" sheep, or goat be kept or permitted *:' :o,rer.ain on any tract. '. $:.:ot, nor
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.estrictive Covenants... page" 3
I ¡
'6. No building, nor 'anY' part thereof, shall be place nearer to any road
than the building set-back lines of 15 feet, and no structure, other ,than fencing, shall be piaced on ány easement area outlined on the above plat nor nearer than 5' to any property ~nership line, except ~at this rastrictive covenant shall not be deemed to prohibit installation of : utiUty lines, .iater wells, and their appurtenances on such easements.
after ,.,. The exterior of any d.ielling, including installation 12 of months windo¡-rs and any 'construction, therefor of . doors, shall be compieted and finished, not later than 'initiation of the !'out'dation, or initiation
'or thereòn. Should the exterior nt be completed and finished "rithin 'said 12 monthS, then the undersigned shall the right tobuilding enter upon and finish thehave exterior of any in. the property and to complete
the grantee of the, property shall immediatelY pay to
,itiated, "hereupon
,tlie undersigned the full costs' of such completion and finishing, or shàii
: automaticallY grant lien rights for such; , ,
'8. No garbage or trash cans, trash burners, butane or propane storage . tanks, shall be place on any tract in such a manner so as to be seen rro," , the adjoining lots or by the general public. They may be of the sunken
. type or may be above ground if hidden by decorative screening, and no clothes lines poies other than one collapsible umbreiia type, shall be installed~ or permitted to remain on any tract.
9. For tbe Public Sa fety and to provid e for ea s e of tra fric pas sage, exceed
parking in and along the road traffic-,~ays in excess of l-hour is pr'ohibited, and vehicular traffic in P.LLYSON P.CRES SOUTH shall not
25 miles per hous. .
10. Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 35,,' Block 2, and Lots 11, 12, 13 & 14, Block 4, AllysonAcres South shall be restricted
to !(¡obiJe liomes with 500 square feet or niore living area, excluding breeze ways, po~ches, ind carports.
23 &; 24, Block 2 ,. shall
with 15Q sq. ft. or more living area, ex-
n. Lots 6, 7, 8, 19,& 10, Block 4, and Lots be restricted to l10bil Homes
cludingbreeze i¡iays, proches, and carpoi..ts. 12. Lots 4, 5, 6, t, 8, 9, Block 7, will be re s tricted to Hob! 1 Ho:nes ft. or more living area, excluding breeze, ways, porches, and -,'lth !l00 sq.
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