Alf Presentation English

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Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” It was us, the 27 young people that participated in the Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Exchange Programme “MedYouth Creating a Sustainable MedFuture” and gave a common Message through Art and Dialogue between Cultures for the Sustainable Future in the Mediterranean Region. The meeting was organised by Mediterranean SOS Network (Greece) from 20 to 31 July 2006 in Naxos Island and joined by 7 more partner organizations from the 2 shores of the Mediterranean Region, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT PROJECTS (Turkey), CESIE ONLUS (Italy), ARABIA Pl (Poland), FOEME (Jordan), ESIE (Egypt), IPYL (Palestine), VZW MEISJESHUISJEUGDHUIS KAARDERIJ (Belgium). The project was co-financed by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures and supported by the Municipality of Drymalia and its Cultural Organization.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Our objective was to approach through Art and Dialogue the term of sustainable development in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, to exchange good practices in a multicultural environment, to highlight the cultural diversity of the Mediterranean countries, to discover the natural and cultural beauty of Naxos and come closer with the local society. During the Exchange all of us, participants from Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Jordan and Palestine attempted to promote the intercultural dialogue among the countries of the EuroMediterranean Region.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

After having an exciting travel by boat, where we enjoyed the sun and the sea of the Aegean, we reached Naxos Island in the midday on the 21st of July. Full of energy we were transported to our hostel in Koronida, in the Municipality of Drymalia. From the beginning of our stay there, we noticed the friendliness and hospitality of the local people of the village.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

We began our workshops early in the next morning on the 22nd of July in the Cultural Centre of Koronida, after playing some useful ice breaking games. Shortly after that, we started with the presentation of the organisations that participated in the program, as well as the one of the Anna Lindh Foundation by its representative Ms. Manal Tabet, who attended the first days of our meeting.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” During the Exchange, using creative dialogue, we tried to approach the term of sustainable development through the following aspects: • Culture • Environment • Role of women in our societies. Through presentations that had been prepared by the participants from the 8 countries, we exchanged information and extended our personal knowledge in areas concerning the three main subjects mentioned above. Afterwards we were separated in mixed working groups that came up with some conclusions. More specifically:

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Culture We discovered the interrelation of our civilizations finding out similarities and differences in dressing, architecture, food habits and education in each country. We also discussed about the role of religion in our societies and we underlined the influence of the mass media and globalization in our cultural customs. We concluded that architecture is influenced by demographic trends and special political circumstances. Despite the increasing number of women attending University, the age limit for obligatory education varies substantially from country to country.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Food Customs Special attention during our workshop on Food Customs was paid to the traditional recipes and local products of our countries. We were led to the conclusion that food is an important element that links people from the Euro-Mediterranean Area. We were excited finding out that many recipes and dishes are common in our countries. The Greek team realised, that “imam bayldi” the name of a common dish in Turkey and Greece, means that “the imam tasted it and fell down unconscious” in Turkish. Turkish and Polish realised, that the “cherry” sounds the same in both languages. “Greek”, “Turkish” or “Arabic” coffee? Different words for the same taste. Baklavas and locums can be found in many countries. The Italian team showed us how the original Italian pasta has to be made. Many comparisons, recipes, references that finally … triggered our appetite.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Environment After presenting a general view of the environmental situation in our countries, we focused our discussions on the issues of water management, recycling, renewable sources of energy and sustainable development of coastal areas. Waste in water consumption, insufficient environmental education and absence of a suitable legal framework in environmental protection are common phenomena in most of the countries. In this framework, we proposed good practices that individuals can follow, non governmental organisations could promote and respective governments should adapt for the protection of our environment.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Women The role and participation of women in our societies was one of the subjects where we focused. We discussed about the professional and educational opportunities offered to the women of our countries and for the difficulties that they face as mothers, wives and working persons. The role of the religion and the social status were also analyzed as factors which formulate the fortune of these women. Moreover we discussed about the divorcing rates and the violence within the family. All together we proposed some ideas in order to enhance the role of women in our societies.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Besides our workshops, there was some time to relax and have fun through dance lessons and ice breaking games.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Artistic Activities In parallel with the workshops, we organized and realized our artistic activities. Our aim was, beside the Intercultural Dialogue, to use Art as a tool for the better understanding of our cultures. All together we proposed our artistic ideas and put them into action. Having concentrated all the necessary materials for our activities, the only thing left for us was to be inspired and start with our creative work that in a few days would be presented through a common Art Exhibition at local level.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Wooden Birds from Poland One hundred wooden birds were painted in a creative way. Some of them were placed in a branch of an olive tree aiming to symbolize peace, the importance of the protection of environment and biodiversity. They were also used to decorate other works and paintings.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Turkish Kaftans After drawing kaftans on cardboards, we painted them with vivid colours. Each of us used special techniques, and decorated them with magnificent garments, spangles and beads.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

We also made some jewels, bracelets, necklaces, key rings, chaplets combining beads from Turkey and our Mediterranean imagination.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Cycladic Statues We cut cardboards giving them the form of Cycladic Statues (small marble statues) and afterwards we painted and decorated them in a creative manner.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Women On big cardboards we drew some women figures. We gave them “life” by imprinting in them elements from our cultures and our everyday live.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Our Portraits in Nylon We painted our portraits and multi-cultural characteristics on a piece of nylon. Through its transparency, we impressed our movement, our figure, our presence in this Intercultural Exchange. We stood in front of the nylon and we painted each other in pairs. Also some face – to – face surprises weren’t missing from our artistic time…

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Puppets from Sicily Once again, we used cardboards to give birth to our ideas. We made some traditional puppets from Sicily and we painted them. The result was to create multicoloured, happy – almost animated – puppets.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Crowns We made crowns from flowers guided by our Polish friends.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Wiktor from Poland showed the others how traditional Polish paper embroidery (‘wycinanki’) is made. Then we cut coloured cardboards and we created beautiful abstract figures and birds.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Finally, we were also inspired by the environment, man and woman and we created a plethora of artistic works about them. Some of them were painted in embossed schemes made by salt.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

The Polish team formed their flag combining small pieces of pictures and photographs which contained information about their country. As the visitors were approaching the flag they could read all of this useful and valuable information given.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Preparation of the Exhibition When finished with our artistic workshops we directly set up our Artistic Exhibition on the 28th July. Apart from the artistic works that we created during our Exchange, we had also brought with us traditional objects from our home countries, like: •Photographs •Pictures •Popular art (ceramics, garments etc) •Music instruments •Books about the nature and the culture of the Mediterranean •Books with recipes of cooking •Decorative objects, cooking stuff, book markers made by papyrus etc.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Inauguration of the Art Exhibition 28 / 07 / 06 The opening ceremony of the Art Exhibition took place on the 28th July at 20.00, in the Eco-Museum of Koronos. The opening of the Exhibition was attended by the Mayor of Municipality of Drymalia, Mr Tzouannis, the President of the Cultural Organisation of Koronos, Mr Manolas and the President of Mediterranean SOS Network, Mr. Chrysoyelos. After welcoming our effort on the promotion of Intercultural dialogue and the support of Anna Lindh Foundation, they wished peace and prosperity for the entire Mediterranean Region.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” For some minutes the visitors could be “lost” in a multicultural environment having the impression of travelling among the Euro-Mediterranean countries. During the opening they were given the opportunity to taste some traditional food of our countries and hear music from the Mediterranean. The exhibition lasted for 2 more days (29-30 of July) and it was visited by the local people, Greek and foreign tourists. The public was excited by our artistic creations, the objects and the photographs of our exhibition. We were also very satisfied with the effort that we had made.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Cultural Visits Part of our cultural routes were the beaches of Apollo, Moutsouna and Lionas. We swam, played games and enjoyed the sun and the sea.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Damalas An interesting visit was that of the traditional olive press of Damala where we were informed about the olive oil production techniques and provided with some pure olive oil. We also discussed about similar techniques that are being used in the Mediterranean Region

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”»

Damalas-Damarionas In the renewed pottery of Damalas, we were informed about the local tradition of pottery in the region. The more bold participants tried to use of the machines. After that we visited the Exhibition in Damarionas, where someone could admire for hours the handmade objects and ceramics.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Traditional Wedding in Koronida With great pleasure we witnessed a traditional wedding in Koronida. The groom was accompanied by musicians to the bride’s house where she greeted him. Happy faces, traditional music from Naxos, dancing and a lot of food followed in the wedding party. And of course all of us were there ready to take part in the celebrations and to enjoy their hospitality.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Halki In Halki we walked among the narrow streets with the neoclassical buildings and we visited some Byzantine churches, Venetian Towers and the traditional stillery of citrus, founded in 1876.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” Koronos, Apirathos, Apollonas Our next station was the emery mines of Naxos Island. We visited Sarantara area where the museum of Smyrida is to be installed. This museum is one of the venues of the future Industrial Park that will take place. We were also informed about the historic meaning of excavation and transportation of the emery. Also visits were made in the Geologic Museum, the textile association of Aperathos and the Statue of Kouros in Apollonas.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

As far as the food is concerned, it can only be described by the word “pleasure”. Veal, lamb and chicken for the Muslims, fresh vegetables for the vegetarians and original recipes from Naxos were ready to satisfy every taste. While we were waiting for our meals to be prepared we were continuing in a non – typical form the conversations of our workshops. Dancing was not missing from our dinners.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Cultural Nights Our cultural nights were full of entertainment, energy, dancing and fun. Like small cultural parties we enjoyed traditional weddings and customs from each country. It was the best way to finish our creative day. Everybody was looking forward to enjoying the surprises that each group had prepared especially for its cultural night.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Palestinian Cultural Night The Palestinian group presented to us a traditional wedding. The “intercultural paradox” was that Ali from Egypt married Sandra, who is from Colombia but she lives in Italy, following the Palestinian customs on a Greek island. We were so excited by the dimension of Palestinian marriage that for a while we forgot that it was fake. The marriage was followed by an unforgettable party with a lot of music and dance from Palestine

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Jordanian Cultural Night Some of us dressed with traditional uniforms from Jordan and danced together traditional Jordanian music, after we had tasted some local products

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Turkish Cultural Night We watched a shadow play of Karagiozis prepared by the Turkish participants and we compared it to its Greek version. Dressed with traditional clothes the Turkish team danced and shared with us images from Turkey and their everyday life. They also presented the preparations of their traditional marriage, where in the previous day of the ceremony they used to cover the bride’s face in order to draw part of her body with henna. We danced “zeibekiko” and belly dancing; we tried “nargileh” and traditional sweets and products from Turkey.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Italian Cultural Night We watched a glee from Sicily and we discovered how usual this custom was also in Greece. We sang in Italian “Bella Ciao”, we saw photographs from Sicily, we tasted the authentic tasty mozzarella cheese and we had a great time dancing tarantella, the traditional dance from Southern Italy.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Egyptian Cultural Night We tasted the authentic falafel that the Egyptian team had prepared for us. Wearing traditional uniforms we danced Egyptian dances. Our night became even more magic with the sounds of the folk drums.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Polish Cultural Night Once again we experienced a theatrical traditional wedding. We danced in pairs the wedding dance and heard Polish music. We also tried traditional products from Poland.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

Greek Cultural Night We began with a philosophical sketch of Platonas and Aristoteles and afterwards we set up a musical scene of rebetico. In this scene we sang with and without music, we played the tambourine and we danced a series of Greek dances such as syrtaki, chasaposerbiko, tsifteteli, ikariotiko, zeimpekiko, syrto and some traditional ones from Naxos. The repertoire was accompanied by some small theatrical dancing plays, while explaining to the audience the history and importance of these songs. Of course ouzo, tambourine and a lot of cheer were not absent from our table.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future”

The days were passing and we approached the end of our Intercultural Exchange. We were separated once again in mixed working groups and discussed for future plans, programs and similar ways of promoting the intercultural dialogue. We closed the Meeting with a final evaluation of the Program and the activities we realized during these days.

Intercultural Youth Exchange Programme “Med-Youth Creating a Sustainable Med-Future” As you can see we had a great time. The smiles remained on our faces even during the travel of return when we had to say goodbye to each other. Creative discussions, creative activities, new ideas and proposals, art exhibition, traditional dance courses, cultural visits, traditional food of Naxos, pleasant cultural nights, interaction with the local society. All of the Exchange was an Intercultural Celebration. Our common message was: “Art and Dialogue between Cultures for the Common Sustainable Future in the Mediterranean”. We accomplished all of them in 11 days. Why don’t we try that also in our home countries?

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Mediterranean SOS Network and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

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