Dimensionsond Gifted Strotegies Knor'ledgeand Skills . Obsenation
Anallsis and Synthesis . Creative ProblemSoh irlg Relevance and Significance . Sinlulation
Instructionol Moteriols .
. . .
r'ariousseeds.sLrchas dtied bcans. pinecones.daodelions.sunllo\\'er. etc. i pieceof bro$]1constructionpaper 10 plastic gro.er-,-sacks\r ith the handles yam
nlasking tape holepunch lima bcans snmll fan (ifsrudents camoi go outside fot activit) ) tape lneasure I snrall button pel student
Preporotion Cut apan scntencestripsfronr AttachrDcnt2. Clue one strip on a piece ofconstruction papertor the Closureactirit\'.
BcckgroundInfornotion l\4ostplantsproduceseedsto co tjnue their.population. Seedsleave larger plantsbecaLlse the big plantsuseall the space.get all the light.and usEjll the *aret. Cineiallv. sccds . n da n i m r l . . t r a r e lh r r r i n d .t r r r e r a A. Mir severaltlpes ofseeds in a c o n l a i n e(r i.i \ e o n eh a n d f ul lu e r c hp a i r of students.lja\'e tllem so the seeds and c\plore thc diflerent sizesand shapes-Ask studentsto count eachtypc o ' \ e e J \ . k \ l u J c n l sr o b t : , i I s t o r m \li\ scedscan lcavethe patentplant. Write a list on the boardas studentsrespond. Readthe Baclground Information aloud. Circle vroids that talk abont location. suchas ora/-. der. near- ard.fan'.
a!Mccee-Kei!er Academic Enrichment Proerans