B. Createa sccd by uadding bro$r constructiollpaperinto a ball and coveringit with maskingtape. Wind the tape so thc stick) side is facing out. Stick the seedto a child. Explain that some seedsare stickv and can spreadby traveling in animals' firr. Without r.rsingthei hands.have studeotswalk aroundthe room and lealc the secdsome*tere. 'lhen have studelrtschooseanotller animal to Dick uDthe seedand take it to another location.Each timc the sccd is left" leadstudentsin a sinrplerllymc to tell \\herc thc secd is. For e\ample:I Iere.there.it's nearthe chair.
C. Ilave studentsform teanls oft$o or three.Renind them that scedscan bc scatteredbv the *ind. Give each group a plastic grocer) sackand a lima bean.Explain thar the) \\.ill constructa par$chutetc carr.; a seedin the $ind. Sfudentsmay use maskingtape.yam, ard other materi:tls.Studentslna) test their parachutesbv standingon a very steadl'chair (r,ith someonehelping) and dropping lhe seeds. D. i ake studentsoutside to leleasetheir seeds.Have eachtcam standbehind a sta ing line and releasea paraohute. 'Ihen ask studentsto help n'leasurcl\'here the seedslandedand comparethe distances.(Use a sDrallfan ifyou can't go outside.)
Closure Createa classbook called My Magical Seed.Give eachstudenta small buttor. a pieceof constructionpaper-and a senteDcestrip liom Aftachmcnt2. Ask studentsto pretendthe button is a magical seed.Help stlrdentsconlpletethe sentcnccstrip. Instructstudentsto illustratethcir sentencesby giuing their nragicrl seedsonto the constructionpapcr. Put all the pagestogetherto createa class book. Readtlre booli aloud at the el1dol the lesson.
OllcGee-Keiser Academic f, nrichInent Prograns