Extensions A. Ask studentsto do experinentsat homc \4ith parentssimulating hou.seedstrar.elin {'ater. Ask studentsto give a reporton their experimentto the class.
B. Take the classoutsideto gatherseedsfol a classcollcction. Ha\.e studentsLrsc enc)cloledias or other ref'erencen]aterialsto labei the seedsand leam hoq' ther are snread.In\ ilc srudcnlqIo bl ing s(eJ. trontplalrc at home.
Assesstn€it Use the rubric on Aftachment3 to evaluateclassbook pages_I-ook fbr signs of thinhing outsidethe t'ox. Ask studentsto describeho\\'scedstravel. Assesstheir kno*ledge based on the lesson.
a(,llIcGee-KeiserAcadenic EnricIment Prosrams