D. Write Air, Land, and Wateron threecontainers.Ask studentsto place the cardsin the appropriatecontainers.Then divide studentsinto three groups.Ask eachgroup to take a containerand tape the picturesonto toothpicksto be usedin the diorama. Studentsmay want to color and cut out the dinosaurs.Have studentsplace the dinosaursin the scene. E. Lead studentsin a syllablechant.Saythe name of a dinosaurand clap the syllables. Ask studentsto repeatthe word and clapping.Continueby naming dinosaursand clappingthe syllables.You may marcharoundthe room so studentscan feel the syllables asthey stomptheir feet. F. Write the followins sentenceon the board:If I ran into a would . Ask studentsto write the sentencein their joumals. Studentsfill in the first blank with the nameof a dinosaur.Encouragestudentsto look at the dioramato spell words.In the secondblank, havestudentsexpresswhat they would do.
Closure Have studentsform a circle. Ask studentsto shareone thing they liked about the diorama project.Brainstormways to displaythe diorarnaso other studentscan seeit. Then ask siuderrtsto sharetheir iournal sentences.
Extensions A. Involve parentsin the project.Ask studentsto look aroundhome for diorama items. B. Ask studentsto researcha specificdinosaurat horne.Ask studentsto bring informationto schoolto sharewith the class.
Assessment Assessstudentknowledgeof initial soundsduring the alphabetgame. Use Attachment 3 to evaluatethe dioramaproject.
OMcGee-Keiser.{cademic f nrichment Programs