D' Ask studentsto look at the diagramthen write a sentencein their journals describinga way their bodies are the sameas machines.Then have them write another sentenceabout how their bodiesand machinesare different. Studentsmay illustrate their ,"rforrr.r. E' Give eachstudent2 copiesof Attachment 10 and construction paper.Ask studentsto cut out the figure and glue one body shapeto each side of the constructior,fup"r. on one side of the paper,have studentsadd detailsto the shapeto show the outsideof their bodies'Ask studentsto draw lines and label their bodj' parts,just as in the book. Encouragestudentsto color their pictures. F' Begin a discussionaboutthe brain. Re-readthe brain page in Me and My Amazing Body' Give eachstudenta small piece of gray construction paper.Ask studerrtsto draw a small brain and glue it to the blank body outiine and label theii picture. Have students add organsto the blank body outrineas they are discussed in class. G' Discuss ways the brain receivessignals. Ask students to put their hands in the feeling b9x try to figure of the object by using their senseof touch. 1nd Make a list on the board of ail the ways the brain receivessignars:slght, touch, smeil, taste,hearins
Closure Have studentssit in a circle holding hands. Fretend one person is the brain. Designate one personto begin sendinga signalto the brain by ,q.r""riog someone,shand.Have studentsmake a chain of responsesuntil the rnessag"."uJh", the brain. Time the responsesthen try to shortenthe time for the *".rig" to reach the brain. Record times on the board.
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Ask a studentto take an object in the room behind a barrier so no one can seeit. Ask the studentto make a sound using the item. (scissorsopening and closing, a chair moving forward and backward, etc.) Have studentsgiressthe object J using only their senseof hearing.
Assessment Review the joumal entry and picture labeling to evaluate phonetic awareness.Use discussionsduring the venn diagram brainstorrning to urr"., studentthinking. Record responsesusing Attachment 17.
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@McGee-KeiserAcademic Enrichment programs