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By : Name Student ID Entourage Group Assistant

: Mellya Rizki Pitriani : B1B017031 : VIII :3 : Silma Safira Ihya




A. Background Taxonomy is the science of biological classification which includes identification as well as description of species. The major objective of taxonomy is to inventory all creatures on earth. Taxonomy is the oldest biological discipline and for more than 250 new years a small portion of the species that are on Earth have been found. The threat of loss of biodiversity has made taxonomists continue to discover unknown species. With taxonomic information, ecologists will more easily monitor ecosystems and try to predict changes in biodiversity in the future (Coleman, 2015). Systematics comes from the Latin word systema which is commonly used as a way to classify a living thing (animal / plant). This word was used primarily by Linnaeus in 1773. The term systematics is similar to taxonomic terms. So that systematics is a scientific study of the types of diversity of living things and all or some of the relationships that occur between living creatures (animals / plants). Taxonomic and systematic terms cannot be separated because they are often used simultaneously in classifying living things (Evans, 1984). According to Effendi (2004), systematic history can be divided into several categories. This corresponds to the levels in the taxonomy and provides information, which includes alpha taxonomy which is the most basic taxonomic level, which contains details of search, description, and naming. The beta taxonomy is the second taxonomic level, which after identification, the next agenda is to classify it into taxa. The last taxonomic level, namely the gamma taxonomy consisting of intraspecific, speciation, and evolutionary population studies.

Its working base includes

morphogenetic variations. This aims to make it easier to name and classify a group of organisms (Hickman et al., 2015). Categories on taxon consist of several levels, starting from large groups and then divided into small groups. The small group is divided again so that smaller groups are formed which only have members of one type of living thing. The order of taxon is kingdom, phylum, class, ordo, family, genus, and species. The highest level in taxon is kingdom and the lowest is species, the higher the level of taxon, the more similar features will be shared. The lower the level of the taxon, the more similar features possessed by living things (Darmawan et al, 2017). B. Objectives The objective of this laboratory activity are : 1.

Students learn the definition and some examples of taxonomic characters in invertebrate.


Students learn morphological characters of several invertebrates.

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Taxonomic character is a characteristic that distinguishes one taxon from another. Taxon is a formal unit and names in taxonomic classifications such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Morphology is the study of the outer form of an organism. The outer form of this organism is one characteristic that is easily seen and remembered in studying organisms. As for the external form of this organism is the shape of the body, including the color of the body visible from the outside (Jasin, 1989). Taxonomic characters have examples of animal body symmetry. Symmetry of the animal's body is divided into two forms, namely radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry. Animals with radial symmetry have a dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower) body, but do not have anterior (front) and posterior (back). Animals that have radial symmetry are sea urchins. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral bodies as well as anterior and posterior. Animals that have bilateral symmetry are rabbits (Campbell, 2004). Invertebrate animals are animals that have no vertebrae, and have simple morphological and anatomical structures compared to vertebrate animal groups, also the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems are simpler than vertebrate animals. Invertebrates are divided into 9 phyla, namely protozoa, porifera, cnidaria , platyhelminthes, nematelminthes, annelida, molluscs, arthropods, and echinoderms (Romimohtarto, 2007). According to the condition of the body cavity, the invertebrate animals that do not have a body cavity called Aselomata. Animals that have artificial body cavities or body cavities are not yet equipped with a mesoderm called Pseudoselomata. Animals that already have perfect body cavities, which already have peritonium on the outside and in order to protect the digestive tract called the visceral Peritoneum or Selomata (Suhardi, 1983). Invertebrate animals include Porifera, Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Cnidaria. Mollusca or soft-bodied animal, has three main parts, namely the foot for movement. Molluscs or soft-bodied animals have three main parts, namely the legs, the inner body which contains organs, and the mantle that plays a role in the secretion and formation of the shell. Arthropods have a body, segmented into the head, thorax, and abdomen. Cnidaria has knidocytes or stinging cells found in the epidermis, has a large cavity in the middle of the body (Zoya, 2010). Porifera or spongy skeletons usually consist of collagen. Porifera structures are arranged in various forms to provide strength and flexibility (Aguilar-Camacho et al, 2018). The basic character in the grouping of invertebrates is seen from the symmetry of the body, namely radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry. The slices directed to each of the two opposite radii will divide the body of the radial symmetrical invertebrate into

two similar landmarks. Examples of animals from phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora. Animals with bilateral symmetry means being able to cut in half into two equal parts so that one part is a mirror image of the other. Example of classis Insecta from phylum Arthropoda (Willmer, 1990) Invertebrate animals consist of segments or metamer. These segments are similar from front to back (anteroposterior). Segments that line along the anteroposterior axis are called metamerism. Protostomata animals are metered or also called somites passed by the intestine. An example is a member of the phylum Annelida (Pratt, 1935). The process of joining several segments is called tagmatisasi. The group on metamer or tagma is structurally and functionally different from its tagmal. An example is the classis Insecta and Crustacea which have three tags, namely the head, thorax, and abdomen, each of which consists of three or more metamers (Pratt, 1935).


A. Materials The instruments used in this laboratory acitivity are specimen tray, forceps, magnifying glass, microscope, stereo microscope, camera, gloves, surgical mask, and stationary. The material used in this laboratory activity are invertebrate specimens, and 70% ethanol. B. Methods The method used in this laboratory activity are: 1. The characters on several invertebrate specimens is observed by each group. 2. Some invertebrate specimens is identified based on the morphological characters. Description based on the identification observation is maked by each student . 3. The table of invertebrate characters observation and identification is completed by students. 4. The interim reports is completed by students.


B. Discussion

IV. CONCLUSION Based on the result can be concluded that chemoreceptor function in shrimp (crustaceans), is as follows: As a sense of smell, plays a role in finding and finding food, to determine the position of the body, as a medium of communication between animals that captures the chemical stimulus in the form of pheromones from the opposite sex.

REFERENCES Aguilar-Camacho, J., Doonan, L, & McCormack, G., 2018. Evolution of the main skeleton-forming genes in sponges (phylum Porifera) with special focus on the marine Haplosclerida (class Demospongiae). Journal of Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 131, pp.245-253. Campbell, A. N., 2004. Biologi Edisi Kelima Jilid Kedua. Jakarta: Erlangga. Coleman, Charles Oliver., 2015. Taxonomy in Times of The Taxonomic ImpedimentExamples from The Community of Experts on Amphipod Crustaceans. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 35(6), pp.729-740. Darmawan, I.P.A., Piarsa, I.N., & Dharmaadi, I.P.A., 2017. Ekstrak Hirarki Data Dari Situs Web AZ Animals Menggunakan Web Scraping. Lontar Komputer: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi. pp.166-177. Effendi, I. 2004. Pengantar Akuakultur. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya. Evans, H. L., 1984. Pengantar Oceanografi. Jakarta: UI Press. Hickman Jr, C.P. Roberts, L. S. Keen, S. L. Larson, A. Iā€™Anson, H. & Eisenhour, D. J., 2015. Integrated Principles of Zoology. Fourteenth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Jasin, M., 1992. Sitematik Hewan Invertebrata dan Vertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar Wijaya. Jasin, M., 1989. Sitematik Hewan Invertebrata dan Vertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar Wijaya. Pratt, H. S., 1935. A Manual of The Common Invertebrates Animals. New York: McGraw Hill, Company Inc. Romimohtarto, K., 2007. Biologi Laut: Ilmu Pengetahuan tentang Biota Laut. Jakarta: Djambatan. Suhardi. 1983. Evolusi Avertebrata. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Willmer, P. G., 1990. Invertebrate Relationships: Patterns in Animal Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Zoya. 2010. Buku Pintar Biologi. Yogyakarta: ANDI.

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